Forums > General Industry > Are you F'n kidding me here?....


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

I just looked at a port that had a model with an average body and the face ONLY a mother could love. I have seen some of my fellow photographers with ports that have pics that look as if they handed the camera to a 5 year old to get the shot........and when I read the tags on their MM page they have nothing but PRAISES!!?! What gives?

Now I know what you're thinking..... some of you are probably thinking that 'art' is a very subjective thing and beauty comes in many forms, but seriously folks.. a lot of these people ask for critiques and we blow smoke right up there butts!!

Now I am not a mean person by nature and when I come across someones work (or face) that I find seriously damaging to my psyche I just don't say anything. I certainly don't hop on the 'ol tag line and start singing a bunch of bullsh*t praises!

Do you think this sort of thing goes on a little much here? I am interested to get my fellow MM'rs views on this one....
bring on the hate mail!!!

May 25 06 12:01 pm Link



Posts: 213

Arlington, Georgia, US

Ive often had the same thoughts.....
I try to acknowledge everyone that compliments me on my port...and if i dont care for their work i just thank them for the kind words and wish them the best.
And i notice that i receive the same....

IF someone asked me to give them feedback i would just send into their mailbox rather than on the 'Tag' section....

May 25 06 12:08 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Yup, it goes on a lot. If it seems like white noise, I move on. It's not worth your emotional energy.

May 25 06 12:08 pm Link


Active Lifestyle Photo

Posts: 756

Laguna Niguel, California, US

I'm with ya. There is certainly a massive amount of delusion here. Luckily it's tempered by some truly stellar talents as well on both sides of the lense. It's like life in general.... you'll find whatever it is you seek if you put in the effort. You just have to tune out the surrounding noise :-)

May 25 06 12:09 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

Michael Kirst wrote:
I just looked at a port that had a model with an average body and the face ONLY a mother could love. I have seen some of my fellow photographers with ports that have pics that look as if they handed the camera to a 5 year old to get the shot........and when I read the tags on their MM page they have nothing but PRAISES!!?! What gives?

Now I know what you're thinking..... some of you are probably thinking that 'art' is a very subjective thing and beauty comes in many forms, but seriously folks.. a lot of these people ask for critiques and we blow smoke right up there butts!!

Now I am not a mean person by nature and when I come across someones work (or face) that I find seriously damaging to my psyche I just don't say anything. I certainly don't hop on the 'ol tag line and start singing a bunch of bullsh*t praises!

Do you think this sort of thing goes on a little much here? I am interested to get my fellow MM'rs views on this one....
bring on the hate mail!!!

You must be new.

May 25 06 12:09 pm Link



Posts: 578

San Francisco, California, US

You've been looking at my portfolio haven't you *sob*

I'm going to go cry....

May 25 06 12:10 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Nerlande wrote:

You must be new.

To MM the industry

May 25 06 12:11 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Sucking is not against the rules. Let the economic Darwinism deal with it.

May 25 06 12:11 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Michael Kirst wrote:
Do you think this sort of thing goes on a little much here?

No.  Unless I'm in the critique forum, I only leave positive feedback.  I think it's tacky to leave unsolicited critiques on someone's tags or image comments.

May 25 06 12:12 pm Link



Posts: 1041

Matawan, New Jersey, US

It's the site with the "Myspace Feel".

The work of those who tag like that may not be as high quailty as the tagee (new word)

Maybe it is because they think they can get laid.....

Reasons?  Can think of plenty more


May 25 06 12:13 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

you must have missed my BUTTER FACE thread

it doesn't answer your question about praise of the butter face but .. it sheds some things to light.

All Hail the Butter Face!

May 25 06 12:15 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:

No.  Unless I'm in the critique forum, I only leave positive feedback.  I think it's tacky to leave unsolicited critiques on someone's tags or image comments.

I agree.  Real, brutal critiques are best left in either the critique forum (they asked for it!) or personal mail.  It's just rude to leave them on a comment or as a tag.  If someone who is far less than stellar leaves a comment or something for me, I just say "thanks" in return and move on.

May 25 06 12:17 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

When I see a newbie with camera phone pics and comments such as:
"great look!"
"cant wait to see more of you"
"youve got what it takes"
I usually want to hurl. How can someone tell any of those things based on blurry pictures of someone holding the camera phone and taking their own shot?

May 25 06 12:17 pm Link



Posts: 177

Lawrenceville, Georgia, US

May 25 06 12:18 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

KatieK wrote:

I agree.  Real, brutal critiques are best left in either the critique forum (they asked for it!) or personal mail.  It's just rude to leave them on a comment or as a tag.  If someone who is far less than stellar leaves a comment or something for me, I just say "thanks" in return and move on.

I agree with you on this one...and by the have a hot port!

May 25 06 12:19 pm Link


Jerry Bennett

Posts: 2223

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Michael Kirst wrote:
I just looked at a port that had a model with an average body and the face ONLY a mother could love. I have seen some of my fellow photographers with ports that have pics that look as if they handed the camera to a 5 year old to get the shot........and when I read the tags on their MM page they have nothing but PRAISES!!?! What gives?

Now I know what you're thinking..... some of you are probably thinking that 'art' is a very subjective thing and beauty comes in many forms, but seriously folks.. a lot of these people ask for critiques and we blow smoke right up there butts!!

Now I am not a mean person by nature and when I come across someones work (or face) that I find seriously damaging to my psyche I just don't say anything. I certainly don't hop on the 'ol tag line and start singing a bunch of bullsh*t praises!

Do you think this sort of thing goes on a little much here? I am interested to get my fellow MM'rs views on this one....
bring on the hate mail!!!

You ain't just whistling Dixie!

May 25 06 12:20 pm Link



Posts: 15

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

i think everyone thinks they can be a model these days....

May 25 06 12:21 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

I often see the same thing and anguish over saying anything. I guess I keep my mouth shut because I don't want to hurt any feelings and a lot of the time I'm looking for on camera talent that isn't cookie cutter pretty. Sometimes a "model" that doesn't stand a chance in hell of getting any mainstream work might just be the next great thing for a fine art project or an alt style magazine editorial piece.

May 25 06 12:22 pm Link



Posts: 15

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

i think everyone thinks they can be a model these days....

May 25 06 12:22 pm Link



Posts: 177

Lawrenceville, Georgia, US

Michael Kirst wrote:
I just looked at a port that had a model with an average body and the face ONLY a mother could love. I have seen some of my fellow photographers with ports that have pics that look as if they handed the camera to a 5 year old to get the shot........and when I read the tags on their MM page they have nothing but PRAISES!!?! What gives?

Now I know what you're thinking..... some of you are probably thinking that 'art' is a very subjective thing and beauty comes in many forms, but seriously folks.. a lot of these people ask for critiques and we blow smoke right up there butts!!

Now I am not a mean person by nature and when I come across someones work (or face) that I find seriously damaging to my psyche I just don't say anything. I certainly don't hop on the 'ol tag line and start singing a bunch of bullsh*t praises!

Do you think this sort of thing goes on a little much here? I am interested to get my fellow MM'rs views on this one....
bring on the hate mail!!!

What I'm thinking is that you're questioning the honesty and genuineness of people who are complimentary in situations where you, "... just don't say anything."  And I wonder if you question the sincerity of people who compliment your work.

May 25 06 12:23 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

vanWingo wrote:
What I'm thinking is that you're questioning the honesty and genuineness of people who are complimentary in situations where you, "... just don't say anything."  And I wonder if you question the sincerity of people who compliment your work.

Yeah!!! The first hatemail that has a touch of sarcasm!! Yipppeeeee!!!
Let's see who the sender is shall we? BRB..

Ok I'm back and all I have to say is....heh

May 25 06 12:26 pm Link



Posts: 254

Houston, Alaska, US


You Comment me..I do the same
You Praise me..I do the same
You say I'm edge..I say you're edgy

You become people's enemy if you leave a harsh tag or comment.
Just sent it to their mailbox. Is that not how to be peaceful with people?

Well...except those that just don't wanna see you.

May 25 06 12:26 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
When I see a newbie with camera phone pics and comments such as:
"great look!"
"cant wait to see more of you"
"youve got what it takes"
I usually want to hurl. How can someone tell any of those things based on blurry pictures of someone holding the camera phone and taking their own shot?

Simple rule: If you, as the model, are holding the camera, the picture does not belong here.

May 25 06 12:28 pm Link


Mark Heaps

Posts: 786

Austin, Texas, US

What kills me is the lack of experience people have in writing or dealing with critiques.  So most people just right niceties and nonsense to be kind.  Or they use the code words, "that's very interesting" or "you have a very different approach"...those kill me. Some are genuine and some are just safe ways out of saying something isn't very good.  I'm not mean by nature, but I teach Design for a living and work as a production artist/post processing guy and it's obvoius to me that most people on here have never learned to critique at a professional level or how to receive a critique.  If you  critique a models shot, they take it personally, like you are judging their beauty.  But beauty is truly, on the inside, and when we judge a shot it's the surface of it all, the lighting, the effect, the composition, etc, etc, etc...But some people are also to harsh "you look to thick, or too plain" when that very well could've been what some guy with a camera was trying to get, or inadvertently caused to happen.

I have received many friends because of honest, constructive, and deconstructive critiques.  And I hate when people tell me what they would do.  I don't worry about what people would do if it was their shoot, I want to know if the shot needs something in context, not needs to meet your personal style.

There is a fine art to CC, and most people on here don't have it. The ego stroking is nice, but it's not helping many people out.  What's worse though, is when people are obviously really talented, don't like typing, so they are blunt, short and snippy with models.  That's terribly damaging to a newbie who wants to just enjoy this first before worrying about her career in fashion.

May 25 06 12:38 pm Link


Tom Tesarik Photography

Posts: 147

Ormond Beach, Florida, US

Michael Kirst wrote:
I just looked at a port that had a model with an average body and the face ONLY a mother could love. I have seen some of my fellow photographers with ports that have pics that look as if they handed the camera to a 5 year old to get the shot...

your luck you are across the country or I would have to kick your a$$, that is a picture that my 6yo son took of my wife smile

May 25 06 12:39 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Tom Tesarik Photography wrote:
your luck you are across the country or I would have to kick your a$$, that is a picture that my 6yo son took of my wife smile

LMAO....Ok there is one exceptionally talented kid!! smile

May 25 06 12:40 pm Link


Art Wraith Images

Posts: 1411

Antioch, California, US

Michael Kirst wrote:

Yeah!!! The first hatemail that has a touch of sarcasm!! Yipppeeeee!!!
Let's see who the sender is shall we? BRB..

Ok I'm back and all I have to say is....heh

That's all you have to say?

So what you're telling us is that you posted this simply to stir the pot and get hatemail? Oh yeah, I'm impressed now. (did you get that sarcasm?)

Why not simply answer the question posed to you?  Or does your vanity and elitism exclude interaction with your inferiors?

May 25 06 12:43 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Simple rule: If you, as the model, are holding the camera, the picture does not belong here.

Agreed.  We have let some people through though, thinking that s/he would get better photos.  Sometimes it happens, and sometimes it doesn't.  Depends on whether or not the "model" actually wants to shoot, or if s/he just wants the ego boost/validation of photographers ASKING.

Personally, I'd love to institute some sort of thing where, if you have webcam/cellphone photos and don't swap them out with REAL photos within a month-- BALETED.

But then again, I'm feeling somewhat bitchy this morning. :p

We do our best to keep the overall quality of the site from going to total shit (with the bio length limits/content requirements, photo # requirements, the fact that photographers should have photos of MODELS and not CATS/LANDSCAPES/THEMSELVES etc), but it's like rolling a boulder up hill... and one that keeps rolling back down the second you slack off.

But besides that, it's really hard to make value judgements on people's work, because --yeahyeah-- everyone's gotta start somewhere.

May 25 06 12:44 pm Link


Brooke Brite

Posts: 71

Manhattan, Kansas, US

I couldn't agree more! I find myself thinking the same thing. How does this model/photographer get so many great comments when their work is, at best, sub-par? Now, I am no expert by any means, but you can tell a decent picture/good looking model when you see one. After reading all these wonderful comments on other's page I have to wonder if mine are genuine or just someone "blowing smoke". I often ask for honest feedback but I am not sure I am getting it. If a picture sucks I want to know!! In a nice way of course. It seems constructive criticism is a lost art on this site! smile

May 25 06 12:46 pm Link


Art Wraith Images

Posts: 1411

Antioch, California, US

Josie Nutter wrote:

But then again, I'm feeling somewhat bitchy this morning. :p


May 25 06 12:46 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Art_Wraith wrote:
That's all you have to say?

So what you're telling us is that you posted this simply to stir the pot and get hatemail? Oh yeah, I'm impressed now. (did you get that sarcasm?)

Why not simply answer the question posed to you?  Or does your vanity and elitism exclude interaction with your inferiors?

Exactamundo!!! You hit the nail on the head....sorta...
To endulge the likes of a dipstick such as yourself I will in fact answer..and the answer is an astounding NO, I am not worried that ppl are being dishonest with me...after all, my 'vanity and elitesm' wouldn't allow it!

Cheers! heh (did you get all that sarcasm?)

May 25 06 12:47 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US





May 25 06 12:47 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

theda wrote:
Let the economic Darwinism deal with it.

Prai$e Dog wink

May 25 06 12:51 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

You want critiquing, I'll give you some real critiquing. We do this shit at school all the time. It's very important to be honest if that photographer is going to be good at what they do. If they can't take it, then they are in the wrong business. I hate false ass compliments.

I had made a comment on a model's work which she requested. Nice and fine ass model, but on her image she was doing semi nude with a male model, the image was cool, but what turned me off was she was covering her breast, which gave the image more a I don't want people to see my breast in the image impression than a sexual and sensual.

I had suggested that she should have her chest covered on the man's chest with a side view like she was doing in the image or a back pose. Long story short, some one came on there and didn't like what was said, not the model. I'm like who asked you, I gave what was asked, my honesty. Bottomline, the last thing that I need is people like that who can't keep it real on real issues in this business that can make you or break you, and seeing that other comment from that paticular person, he wouldn't make it far in this business being so sensitive.

May 25 06 12:52 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

The way I see it, most undeserved tags come from people who are trying to ingratiate themselves with the recipient in some way, be it either business-related or sexual in nature.


Photographer X can't get anyone to shoot with him because his work sucks.  Using the browse search feature, he finds an inexperienced, unattractive model in his area.  He leaves her a positive tag, gushing about her beauty.  She agrees to do some TFP with him.

Dude X can't get women to pay attention to him.  Using the browse search feature, he finds an inexperienced, unattractive model in his area.  He leaves her a positive tag, gushing about her beauty.  They start a steamy online correspondence.

Inexperienced Model X is not even sure what a "good" photo looks like yet.  Using the browse search feature, she finds a photographer in her area whose text doesn't say "exceptional models only".  Too shy to risk direct rejection by asking to shoot via email, she instead leaves him a positive tag, gushing about the quality of his work.  He asks her to shoot with him.

Etc etc etc...

Me?  I don't leave tags I don't mean.  If I don't like something, I walk away from it quietly.

May 25 06 12:56 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Michael Kirst wrote:
I just looked at a port that had a model with an average body and the face ONLY a mother could love. I have seen some of my fellow photographers with ports that have pics that look as if they handed the camera to a 5 year old to get the shot........and when I read the tags on their MM page they have nothing but PRAISES!!?! What gives?

Now I know what you're thinking..... some of you are probably thinking that 'art' is a very subjective thing and beauty comes in many forms, but seriously folks.. a lot of these people ask for critiques and we blow smoke right up there butts!!

Now I am not a mean person by nature and when I come across someones work (or face) that I find seriously damaging to my psyche I just don't say anything. I certainly don't hop on the 'ol tag line and start singing a bunch of bullsh*t praises!

Do you think this sort of thing goes on a little much here? I am interested to get my fellow MM'rs views on this one....
bring on the hate mail!!!


A lot of different kinds of models and photogs around here..  Many of whom aren't pros.. Some of whom have no interest in becoming..

Not surprising that there would be a large variation in people's tastes..

I, personally, wouldn't have much to say if asked to comment about the OP's port.  Nothing wrong with it, and obviously you can tell he's been doing this a while and has his business going.. Just not my taste..  Then again, I shoot pictures of F'in teddy bears.. So what would I know..

Every comment here comes with a free grain of salt, and generally they're worth about the price of a cup of coffee, minus the cost of the cup, the water, and the coffee...

My general rule is if someone asks for a general comment, I'll give it.  If they're asking, "Do I have IT?" or "Would this get me into an agency?" or "Could I make money off these photos?" I leave it alone..  How would I know? 

I always hope the ones who ask the above questions get the harshest responses from those who are in the business, because obviously they're the ones who need to see how thick of a skin it takes to make it in the business.. 

But MM is a pool of pros, semi-pros, semi-deluded, amatures with potential, hopeless amatures, and simple hobbyists..  (amature/amatuer? Brain broke.)

It's kind of important to keep that in mind..

May 25 06 12:57 pm Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

I only give it where it's due.

May 25 06 12:58 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Every comment here comes with a free grain of salt, and generally they're worth about the price of a cup of coffee, minus the cost of the cup, the water, and the coffee...

That's exactly right and is usually the premise behind most posts which is just to get the juices flowing....after all we are all here on MM creative ppl right?

May 25 06 01:03 pm Link


Art Wraith Images

Posts: 1411

Antioch, California, US

Well congratulations Michael, you definately got me going and I have to honestly thank you for igniting the desire in me to step up my effort much, much more.

May 25 06 01:07 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Art_Wraith wrote:
Well congratulations Michael, you definately got me going and I have to honestly thank you for igniting the desire in me to step up my effort much, much more.

Don't mention it...glad I could help!

May 25 06 01:09 pm Link