
Kyle Basile

Posts: 1073

BOISE, Idaho, US

Self Taught, about 100 books and 1 Balcar studio set.
I think I do well, and will keep pushing for better ways to work and photograph until the day I die.

May 26 09 04:26 pm Link



Posts: 4

Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Solstice Retouch wrote:
With the amount of great information on the web - are you self taught at your craft? Or have you had any formal training via classes or other mediums?

Self taught...

May 26 09 04:28 pm Link



Posts: 4897

Madison, Wisconsin, US

Solstice Retouch wrote:
With the amount of great information on the web - are you self taught at your craft? Or have you had any formal training via classes or other mediums?

I guess self taught if you mean did I go to school for it. It's not like I figured everything out on my own though... There are tons of places to get info here on the web... many books and magazines and time, trial and error.

May 26 09 04:31 pm Link


Expert Retouching

Posts: 12

Northrop, Minnesota, US

I started doing photo manipulation in good ol Microsoft Paint. Did that for quite a while, made some dang good stuff too. Then I kept hearing about this Photoshop program. Eventually got my hands on PS Elements, but it looked so overwhelmingly complicated that I shut it right off. Took a whole year to come back to it and start tinkering around. Thank goodness I did, now I'm a self-taught tinkerer.

May 27 09 07:13 am Link


Dallas J. Logan

Posts: 2185

Los Angeles, California, US

Self taught with a hell of a lot of trial and error...  About 1,000 books/bibles/CDs/DVDs/Websites/Tricks and Tips, etc.  and each day STILL learning more...

May 27 09 09:48 am Link


Paul Bryson Photography

Posts: 48041

Hollywood, Florida, US

Solstice Retouch wrote:
With the amount of great information on the web - are you self taught at your craft? Or have you had any formal training via classes or other mediums?

Self taught, via forums, message boards, online video tutorials, and hours of trial & error. Shitloads of error, to be exact.

May 27 09 12:27 pm Link



Posts: 95

Spokane, Washington, US

I went to the prestigious "TnE" (Trial and Error) School of Screw-Ups n Do-Ups...but never Give-Ups smile

May 27 09 12:49 pm Link


James Minshall

Posts: 218

Bedford, Indiana, US

I fooled around for years.  Started working with photoshop/illustrator/quark in 2000.  Then learned how to pop zits and get rid of dust specs on some unix-based silicon graphics machine in a Burrell Color Lab outsource shop.  I didn't really dive into Photoshop heavily until taught the basics by Kev Mo - 712355 in 2006.. and now I do a bit more retouching than senior portraits require. LOL!

May 27 09 01:53 pm Link


Brendon Dwight

Posts: 397

Port of Spain, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Still teaching myself retouching, graphic design and photography. Took a certificate course once but learned nothing new where Ps was concerned.

May 29 09 03:21 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

syd47421 wrote:
I fooled around for years.  Started working with photoshop/illustrator/quark in 2000.  Then learned how to pop zits and get rid of dust specs on some unix-based silicon graphics machine in a Burrell Color Lab outsource shop.  I didn't really dive into Photoshop heavily until taught the basics by Kev Mo - 712355 in 2006.. and now I do a bit more retouching than senior portraits require. LOL!

Was it Barco Creator software you were working on?

May 29 09 04:44 pm Link


JDP Artistry

Posts: 23

Farmington, Delaware, US

Self taught. I'd love to have a sort of hands on mentor but i'm the only person for miles that is ever close to my kind of artistry. Practice when i can and i mostly go by instincts and emotions. If the image feels exactly the way i was trying to portray it, than i accomplished my goal.


May 29 09 04:50 pm Link


Quoc Cong QC

Posts: 322

Santa Ana, California, US

Self taught. Could never stay in school even if I wanted. Honestly, if I knew of Model Mayhem 8 years ago, I would have really gotten to where I am a lot faster.

The worst thing about self taught is being confused. You hear this, you hear that but I was smart enough(I think) to be able to tune everyone out who had too much to say. I learn to pick up only what I need and let the rest go. Until this day, I still believe that was what saved me. Everyone had an opinion but I listened to my instinct. It's served me well.

I read a lot and just go out and shoot consistently. I got one of those discount card at Barnes and Nobles and got lots of book.

Ultimately, it's all about being consistent and persistent. Not all of us have that kind of disciplines and not of all have the kind of discipline to be in school.

May 29 09 05:01 pm Link


Tahiti Huetter Designs

Posts: 50


BR_Photographic wrote:
Self taught in graphic design & 3D, my day job for 11 years, and also photography, not too long before I'm freelance in both but if I had my time over I may have trained formally more... trouble is I didn't know when I was 16!!!!!! Bottom line is the results, training helps but portfolio is what you're judged on.

i have to agree with this. self taught in graphic design and photography, although I want to learn lots more about both.

May 31 09 02:04 am Link



Posts: 41

New York, New York, US

self-taught all the way!

.. with LOTS of inspiration.

Jun 06 09 08:34 pm Link


Jessica Loewen Retouch

Posts: 719

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

aaronology101 wrote:
self-taught all the way!

.. with LOTS of inspiration.

Agreed, we couldn't do it without inspiration! I spend just as much time admiring some of the "great" retouchers/editors as I do retouching

Jun 06 09 08:36 pm Link


Dobias Fine Art Photo

Posts: 1697

Haddon Heights, New Jersey, US

Is this a trick question?  In ALL fields, you will eventually have to learn by yourself.  That is supposed to be the point of education in the first place, namely to learn how to learn.

Jun 06 09 08:40 pm Link


The Anthony Hall

Posts: 170

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Rebel Photo wrote:
Photoshop and ALL software = Self Taught

Photography = Self Taught

Drawing and Painting  = Born Gifted

Guitar, Harmonica and AutoHarp = Self Taught

Tooting Ones Own Horn = Self Taught

Jun 06 09 08:46 pm Link



Posts: 123

Pembroke Pines, Florida, US

Self Taught-


But currently go to MIU for Web Design and Interactive Media

Jun 06 09 09:37 pm Link



Posts: 2747

San Francisco, California, US

Being self-taught is cool, but coming from hardcore academia, I want someone to teach me the basis so that I have a foundational step to rely on.

The only books I've read and recommend are from Eismann and Margulis. Don't expect to be an overnight sensation...the principles gleaned should be practically applied or experimented.

Jun 07 09 04:43 am Link