
Solstice Retouch

Posts: 2779

New York, New York, US

With the amount of great information on the web - are you self taught at your craft? Or have you had any formal training via classes or other mediums?

May 23 09 11:03 am Link



Posts: 6051

San Diego, California, US


Photoshop and software = Self Taught

Photography = Self Taught

I did go to motion picture film school though...

May 23 09 11:04 am Link


Solstice Retouch

Posts: 2779

New York, New York, US

Jason Todd Ipson wrote:

Photoshop and software = Self Taught

Photography = Self Taught

I did go to motion picture film school though...

During a production of a movie - how long are you usually on set for? It must be hard being away from family for a few months at a time, yes?

May 23 09 11:07 am Link



Posts: 15162

Portland, Oregon, US

Yea, I'm self taught.

I've read books on landscape photography. I learned a lot. Probably should pick something up on portrait shooting techniques. I think it's a good idea to learn the basics, whether by trial and error or by some other way.

And I now read magazines on PS techniques.

But nothing formal, no classes or online tutorials.

May 23 09 11:07 am Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

I learned how to open the bottles all on my own.

May 23 09 11:09 am Link


Solstice Retouch

Posts: 2779

New York, New York, US

MinisterC  wrote:
Yea, I'm self taught.

I've read books on landscape photography. I learned a lot. Probably should pick something up on portrait shooting techniques. I think it's a good idea to learn the basics, whether by trial and error or by some other way.

And I now read magazines on PS techniques.

But nothing formal, no classes or online tutorials.

Definitely, love the magazines as well. What do you usually pick up?

Trail by error is has taught so much. And another wonderful resource now, is this forum. I am glad they finally made it!

May 23 09 11:14 am Link



Posts: 15867

New York, New York, US

I'm a self taught Photoshop and Lightroom ACE (Adobe Certified Expert)

never took a similar test for photography, I tend to give  a lot of advice though

May 23 09 11:20 am Link


Sweet Dreams Retouch

Posts: 76

Orlando, Florida, US

I am self taught.. I did go to school, but at the time they did not offer graphic design where I went so I did website design.. photoshop was touched on a little, but I already knew everything they went over.. :-( I'd LOVE to have an advanced class in photoshop though.. but teaching myself the program first, and then learning other stuff was easier, than just going to a class not knowing anything about the program.. I've learned alot by trial and error.. and countless hours playing with it..

May 23 09 11:32 am Link



Posts: 3307

Fullerton, California, US

Solstice Retouch wrote:
With the amount of great information on the web - are you self taught at your craft? Or have you had any formal training via classes or other mediums?

Primarily self-taught, as there weren't classes or books available when I started using digital imaging, didn't exist, and the web wasn't yet 'live'. I have taken some classes, though they were after I'd been using Photoshop for around 10 years.

May 23 09 12:09 pm Link



Posts: 2166

San Francisco, California, US

I am mainly self-taught.  I read a lot of books on the subject and pratctice, practice, practice, practice, read some more & pratctice, practice, practice, practice!

May 23 09 12:10 pm Link


Jessica Loewen Retouch

Posts: 719

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

100% self taught, no formal training.  Just a lot of experimenting, studying others work, and tutorials, books, etc.

May 23 09 12:11 pm Link


StudioCMC II

Posts: 487

Bountiful, Utah, US

Photoshop I have went to several classes, and Photoshop world events.

Photography.. Self taut, But Its high time I learn better lighting.. :\

May 23 09 12:12 pm Link


OMA Photography

Posts: 196

Reno, Nevada, US

Fully self taught. Took various art classes during grade school, middle school and high school though never anything that had anything to do with what I do now.

May 23 09 12:12 pm Link


David Shinobi

Posts: 5746

Daytona Beach, Florida, US

Not one lesson......

Learned so much from here though.

May 23 09 12:12 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Sal W Hanna Designs

Posts: 581

Huntington Beach, California, US

Self taught. It began with photography, then web design and a need for graphics for content. Soon I expanded to offering retouching services and graphic designs.

May 23 09 12:13 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

I won't ever say "self-taught" because without someone else making the information available, I would not have as much knowledge as I do. I would be struggling with a lot of things that I feel I at least have a grasp of now.

However, I have no formal training in either photography or image editing software. No classes. No tutorials (other than the Adobe online tutorials that are free). However, I have received a lot of good tips and information here on MM and on

I still have a loooooooong way to go yet. I may never get there, but I'm all about the journey and not the destination.

May 23 09 12:14 pm Link



Posts: 6051

San Diego, California, US

Solstice Retouch wrote:

During a production of a movie - how long are you usually on set for? It must be hard being away from family for a few months at a time, yes?

During a film, I'm usually up by 5:00 a.m. and to bed around 11:00 p.m.  I don't see my family.

Production lasts anywhere from 5 to 12 weeks.  After that things return to normalcy.  I started only doing films that are 5 day weeks though.  6 day weeks are a wreck.

As far as location shoots - the last film I was going to direct would have taken me to Germany for 9 months.  I love that though...

May 23 09 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 320

Salisbury, England, United Kingdom

Pretty much self taught, done a lot of online training videos via lynda though.

May 23 09 12:47 pm Link


Chelsea Lauren Photo

Posts: 209

West Hollywood, California, US

Self taught here. - photography and ps.

The world's premier retoucher once asked me if I took classes... I told him I learned through trial and error.  He told me that trial and error is the best school there is smile

May 23 09 12:54 pm Link


Michael Brittain

Posts: 2214

Wahiawa, Hawaii, US

Self taught here... smile

May 23 09 01:07 pm Link


GD - Beauty Retoucher

Posts: 320

Los Angeles, California, US

self taught.

May 23 09 01:13 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Solstice Retouch wrote:
With the amount of great information on the web - are you self taught at your craft? Or have you had any formal training via classes or other mediums?

Some of us were self taught before the web days.  Doesn't mean I haven't learned anything from web resources, but the web certainly doesn't get credit for me being self taught.

May 23 09 01:13 pm Link


Leroy Dickson

Posts: 8239

Flint, Michigan, US

A little of both... I've run across so good mentors over the years though.

May 23 09 01:14 pm Link



Posts: 10000

Detroit, Michigan, US

100% autodidactic!

May 23 09 01:21 pm Link


Nikki the pixel NiNja

Posts: 1656

Montpelier, Ohio, US

self taught but my best pics are a format most uploaders cant read because theyre only jpg and jpeg
and my camera is not perfect.
anybody got a hi res camera to sell cheap?

May 23 09 01:24 pm Link



Posts: 627

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Completely self taught.

May 23 09 01:26 pm Link


Michael McGowan

Posts: 3829

Tucson, Arizona, US

I've learned from some superb photographers over the years. I've mentored some who far surpassed me. And I've learned a lot of stuff on my own.

The trick is that Ross Scroggs, my physics photography professor, helped us learn how image-making worked. Back in the 60s, he was talking about digital photography, about what were the minimum necessary bits to create an image, and why did the eye do what it does when seeing a non-analog image. He worked with us to see photographs as representations of ideas and feelings as much as of things. (Strange in physics, yes?)

And the night before the final exam, he held a party for all his students, with all the exams he'd ever given stacked on a table. We were able to huddle in groups and figure out all the answers, if we so desired. He would huddle with us and help us figure out the answers, without ever telling us what they were.

Now, I keep teaching myself. But I also keep learning stuff from others.

Self-taught? I don't have a degree in this stuff, but I certainly can't claim that I figured it all out on my own. But thanks to Ross, I have a chance at absorbing things that we never dreamed about back in 1967 (but maybe he did).

May 23 09 01:32 pm Link



Posts: 15162

Portland, Oregon, US

Solstice Retouch wrote:
Definitely, love the magazines as well. What do you usually pick up?

Trail by error is has taught so much. And another wonderful resource now, is this forum. I am glad they finally made it!

The magazines I read vary, as there is a lot of really bad advice out there.
I thumb through mags until I find an effect I don't know that has a good tutorial.

"No craft is so well mastered as one learned through trial and error."
But sometimes I find more error then anything.

Forums? Truthfully, there is a lot more bad advice then good advice. As anyone can give their .02 cents. There are some people I listen to, and others who's advice I ignore.

May 23 09 01:58 pm Link


Photos by Jack Heniford

Posts: 406

York, South Carolina, US

Self-taught, mostly. Probably shows.

May 23 09 02:01 pm Link


Solstice Photo

Posts: 119

Houston, Texas, US

Chelsea Lauren Photo wrote:
Self taught here. - photography and ps.

The world's premier retoucher once asked me if I took classes... I told him I learned through trial and error.  He told me that trial and error is the best school there is smile

Woohoo! big_smile

Did you meet Pascal Dangin?

May 23 09 02:44 pm Link

Digital Artist

Epic Digital Artists

Posts: 1592

Orlando, Florida, US

Self taught on photoshop

and self taught on photography along with some great advice and help along the way with questions from some fellow photographers.

May 23 09 02:46 pm Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I wish I could find a decent class locally for retouching. The ones I tried were lousy.

May 23 09 02:47 pm Link


Vamp Boudoir

Posts: 11446

Florence, South Carolina, US

Photoshop and ALL software = Self Taught

Photography = Self Taught

Drawing and Painting  = Born Gifted

Guitar, Harmonica and AutoHarp = Self Taught

May 23 09 02:48 pm Link



Posts: 296

Chicago, Illinois, US

I've always been into art ever since I can remember, But I taught myself photoshop over the course of many years. I have taken acouple classes at the college near my house, but they really didnt offer much accept easier ways to do things maybe.  Im working on the getting the ace test knocked out most recently.

May 23 09 03:45 pm Link


Michael Scorr

Posts: 309

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Self Thought


1) N.C.V.A in Art & Design
2) H.N.D.C IN Classical Animation

May 23 09 03:57 pm Link


Pedro P Polakoff III

Posts: 280

Fairfax, Virginia, US

Other than a photography class in high-school, self taught

May 23 09 04:08 pm Link


Zoli Retouch

Posts: 188

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Im 100% self taught.
Online tuts, plus trial and error have got me to where I am today.

However with that being said, when I studied Fine Arts, I did do a Digital Photography class, but I ended up showing my teacher a thing or two, instead of learning something new from him. lol

May 23 09 05:49 pm Link



Posts: 1961

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

100% self taught. Although I did teach photography at Texas State University for 3 years.

May 23 09 05:52 pm Link


Glamour Retouch

Posts: 900

Columbia, South Carolina, US

self taught also.

May 23 09 06:03 pm Link


Brian Rolfe Photography

Posts: 495

Benfleet, England, United Kingdom

Self taught in graphic design & 3D, my day job for 11 years, and also photography, not too long before I'm freelance in both but if I had my time over I may have trained formally more... trouble is I didn't know when I was 16!!!!!! Bottom line is the results, training helps but portfolio is what you're judged on.

May 23 09 06:09 pm Link