Forums > General Industry > When are the tattoos going to end?


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

It seems the real question for all the tready fucks is "when is all the exposed raw skin going to end"

I laugh when everyone tries so hard to be unique.... and thus they all look the same!!!!

May 10 06 11:48 am Link



Posts: 7840


Jerry Bennett wrote:

Your soul, mind, and personality make you your own unique person, not some pieces of metal poking through your flesh and some one else's drawings on your skin. Reading your post.... is just sad. Is that really what you think you have to do to be unique?

damn right!


May 12 06 03:12 am Link



Posts: 41

Aldershot, England, United Kingdom

They laugh at me because I am different.

I laugh at them because they are all the same!

May 12 06 05:13 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Well, I had a model ask me to remove the tattoos on 40 photographs - smack in the middle of her chest - and was upset when I quoted her a price.

My question when you walk into the agency's or client's office won't they see the damn tattoo?
What are you trying to hide?

May 12 06 12:47 pm Link



Posts: 597

Wichita, Kansas, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:

I'm hoping never.  I love 'em.  smile

Amen to that. Unfortunately, my boyfriend is more on with the person who started this thread. Ah, life sad

Seriously though. Tattoos aren't going anywhere, you'll just have to get used to them. Brush up on your photoshop skills, maybe eventually it won't add much time to the shoot.

May 12 06 12:52 pm Link


Envy Kitten

Posts: 233

Fresno, California, US

when are people going to stop complaing you like them are you dont!! no point in putting people down who do or who dont have them, i mean saying when are they going to end is crazy cause that will never happen, thats like saying when are girls going to stop dying there hair blonde! either way a person is beautifull tats or not:: i just think saying when are they going to end is silly that all!! nott trying to make no one made just putting my two cents in smile smile please dont hate me wink

May 12 06 12:53 pm Link


Mary Jo

Posts: 14

Oxnard, California, US

Some tattoos are for fun and some are symbolic to people! Sometimes it enhances ones beauty and sometimes it doesn't. I just got my first tattoo a few months ago! I love it, and I love the feel, they can become addicting! I got a tattoo my sons name, and means a lot to me!

May 12 06 04:00 pm Link



Posts: 120

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Anjel Britt wrote:

damn right!


Quite simply, if you believe that you are either A)dense or B) naieve.

I dont know who you people are talking to to believe that SOMEONE ELSES art is tattooed on a person. I know for a FACT noone elses "drawings" are on my skin. MY art is tattooed on my skin. MINE and mine alone. If you are talking to someone who has someone elses drawings on them for life either A) shoot that person or B) they arent responsible enough to have a tattoo in the first place.

Damn right. Geeze. Move the hell on.

May 12 06 08:17 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Steven Bigler wrote:
It seems the real question for all the tready fucks is "when is all the exposed raw skin going to end"

I laugh when everyone tries so hard to be unique.... and thus they all look the same!!!!

I laugh when I see middle of the road commercial photographers complaining that people won't maintain the status-quo so they can stay on autopilot creatively.

May 12 06 09:15 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

tattoos will end when the human race stops wearing skin. Since the beginning of humanity, physical markings, piercings, and scarifications have been part of different cultures. Like all things, they go through periods of waxing and waning popularity. However, while the percentage of people in the U.S. that have tattoos is arguably higher than it has ever been, it is still much lower than in many cultures where everybody has had some form of scarification or other.

When is circumcision going to end?

May 12 06 09:25 pm Link


William Bell

Posts: 121

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Well I see my thread is still going. I didn't know it would become so political.  The funny part to me is that many saw this as an ink or no ink arguement, and that was the farthest thing from my mind.

I had just ruined a nice afternoon by sitting inside de-inking some shots in Photoshop when I would have rather been doing almost anything else.  I spend far to much time inside and/or sitting on my ass already at the computer, in the studio or in the darkroom. 

The tatoos I was getting rid of were, with one exception generic and not particularly well done.  There is the tribal or the floral just above the butt, the barbwire on the arm, the Asian characters on the neck, and my least favorite, the cartoon character on the shoulder.  I'm sorry, but spending time erasing copies of trademarked images of Mickey, Betty Boop, Tweety Bird and others from shots is not my idea of a fun way to spend an afternoon.  This is not making yourself Unique; it is a new kind of conformity.  Depending on how you light and what kind of film you are using, cover-up is only partially effective.

To all those who say, "Well just don't work with inked folks." I'll point out that the whole point of my original post is that it is getting harder all the time to do just that, especially here in the Balto/DC area.  Also, I've lost count of the times that folks showed up and the first I hear of the ink is when they walk in front of the camera.

I am NOT anti-tattoo. I certainly don't expect tatoos to go away.  I DO wish that folks who plan to model would think twice about what they are getting inked on their bodies, where they are getting it placed and who is doing the work.  I'll have to scan some of the figure studies I did of inked folks 10-15 years ago - I liked the images then and they were well received when exhibited. 

It just seems like this is all so played out.  It is like when any trend or fad reaches a point where you see all of Middle America has embraced it, you know in the fashion capitals that it is no longer trendy at all. Recently I counted three ads in edition one of a magazine where they used a shot (all very similar) of a female torso with a belly piercing to suggest "hipness" or uniqueness. One was for Bacardi, one was for a Financial Services Company and I've forgotten the what third was for, but the idea just seemed so stale by this point.  How unique can a belly pierce be, if every girl with a flat stomach has one?

May 12 06 10:27 pm Link


Dominick D

Posts: 164

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

I love models with tattoos & I love models without... I love models with some metal too... & then again I love some without.

It depends on the individual. The art does not look good on everyone & it may not be everyone's cup of tea... But it is a personal choice made by an indivduals mind to have them done & should be respected for being so. I mean, Yes yu will always get those who have them becuase it's 'cool' 'edgey' or whutever & that they only have them to go along with the current trend.... & those are the people who spoil themselves with bad ink then later regret having it all done!
But it's not your problem, if yu don't like it simply don't work with them & shut up about it! Yu have no right to tell people it's wrong & that they should not do it.

Their skin, their choice!

As for me I am getting some stars branded on me soon... I prefer to go subtle tongue & to be a bit more hardcore ha ha.


May 13 06 05:20 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

William Bell wrote:
Well I see my thread is still going. I didn't know it would become so political.  The funny part to me is that many saw this as an ink or no ink arguement, and that was the farthest thing from my mind.

I had just ruined a nice afternoon by sitting inside de-inking some shots in Photoshop when I would have rather been doing almost anything else.  I spend far to much time inside and/or sitting on my ass already at the computer, in the studio or in the darkroom. 

The tatoos I was getting rid of were, with one exception generic and not particularly well done.  There is the tribal or the floral just above the butt, the barbwire on the arm, the Asian characters on the neck, and my least favorite, the cartoon character on the shoulder.  I'm sorry, but spending time erasing copies of trademarked images of Mickey, Betty Boop, Tweety Bird and others from shots is not my idea of a fun way to spend an afternoon.  This is not making yourself Unique; it is a new kind of conformity.  Depending on how you light and what kind of film you are using, cover-up is only partially effective.

To all those who say, "Well just don't work with inked folks." I'll point out that the whole point of my original post is that it is getting harder all the time to do just that, especially here in the Balto/DC area.  Also, I've lost count of the times that folks showed up and the first I hear of the ink is when they walk in front of the camera.

I am NOT anti-tattoo. I certainly don't expect tatoos to go away.  I DO wish that folks who plan to model would think twice about what they are getting inked on their bodies, where they are getting it placed and who is doing the work.  I'll have to scan some of the figure studies I did of inked folks 10-15 years ago - I liked the images then and they were well received when exhibited. 

It just seems like this is all so played out.  It is like when any trend or fad reaches a point where you see all of Middle America has embraced it, you know in the fashion capitals that it is no longer trendy at all. Recently I counted three ads in edition one of a magazine where they used a shot (all very similar) of a female torso with a belly piercing to suggest "hipness" or uniqueness. One was for Bacardi, one was for a Financial Services Company and I've forgotten the what third was for, but the idea just seemed so stale by this point.  How unique can a belly pierce be, if every girl with a flat stomach has one?

I'm sorry, but if you can't find enough models to work with that fit your criteria, you're just not looking hard enough.  I have no problems finding people to work with [with and without ink] and i'm in Pensyl-tuky.

You claim to be open-minded, but it still sounds like you're ranting from the middle of the road to me.

May 13 06 06:24 am Link


Paul Callaby UK

Posts: 231

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

Steven Bigler wrote:
It seems the real question for all the tready fucks is "when is all the exposed raw skin going to end"

I laugh when everyone tries so hard to be unique.... and thus they all look the same!!!!

If I were putting up a post dissing people with tattoos as trendy fucks then I'd make sure I spelt it right, unless of course you meant that tattooed people tread on you.

I also laugh at people who are ignorant...........for those who know why I'm tattooed no explanation is neccessary, for those who don't no explanation is possible

Also please note TATTOO is spelt with two T's and two O's, if you want to comment on something then at least spell it correctly

May 13 06 01:04 pm Link


Ava Lee

Posts: 1

Macon, Georgia, US

This kind of breaks my heart because tattoos are someone's own personal choice.  If you don't want a model with tattoos don't do the shoot with them.

-A. Lee

May 13 06 01:06 pm Link


The Polaroid Guy

Posts: 5606

Grand Prairie, Texas, US

Ava Lee wrote:
This kind of breaks my heart because tattoos are someone's own personal choice.  If you don't want a model with tattoos don't do the shoot with them.

-A. Lee

I love women with tattoos. On men I find it less sexy,but being tatted myself I understand the desire to fulfill another aspect or self expression. There are certainly bad tattoos, on men and women, but I certainly dont want them to go away.

I love them.

May 13 06 01:13 pm Link


The Polaroid Guy

Posts: 5606

Grand Prairie, Texas, US

Ava Lee wrote:
This kind of breaks my heart because tattoos are someone's own personal choice.  If you don't want a model with tattoos don't do the shoot with them.

-A. Lee

I love women with tattoos. On men I find it less sexy, but being tatted myself I understand the desire to fulfill another aspect of self expression. There are certainly bad tattoos, on men and women, but I certainly dont want them to go away.

I love them.

May 13 06 01:14 pm Link



Posts: 91

Zebulon, North Carolina, US

I was looking at used sports cars some time ago. One of them was a nice car but had a decal on it that I didn't care for. Yes I could have bought the car and had it removed but since I liked them both it was easier to select the other.

But if the decal was something that I really liked I would have bought the first one.

It is just a matter of preference for the beholder

May 13 06 07:11 pm Link



Posts: 7840


''Your soul, mind, and personality make you your own unique person''
you aren't able to agree with that?
you are thick or niaeve if you do???

Im having more fun every thread!

Personally I like tatoos and dont say they shouldnt show or anything
Guess I'm just sad to think little gals feel they need to prooooove some kind of individuality in this way....Then again, I'm a Brit.

May 14 06 02:05 am Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Anjel Britt wrote:
''Your soul, mind, and personality make you your own unique person''
you aren't able to agree with that?
you are thick or niaeve if you do???

Im having more fun every thread!

Personally I like tatoos and dont say they shouldnt show or anything
Guess I'm just sad to think little gals feel they need to prooooove some kind of individuality in this way....Then again, I'm a Brit.

I am far from a little girl at my age and I am planning to have another tattoo soon.
My own soul mind and personality make me .well me and THEY are why I choose to get tattooed and they also dictate the choice in tattoo I get.

May 14 06 05:16 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
''Your soul, mind, and personality make you your own unique person''
you aren't able to agree with that?
you are thick or niaeve if you do???

Im having more fun every thread!

Personally I like tatoos and dont say they shouldnt show or anything
Guess I'm just sad to think little gals feel they need to prooooove some kind of individuality in this way....Then again, I'm a Brit.

What does being a Brit have to do with being so dismissive and disparaging of people you don't even know?  When I was in school learning photography I encountered a lot of people who said similar things to me.  I'm glad I never listened to them, or I'd have never gotten this far.

For now, I'll keep repeating:

"She just can't hear herself...she just can't hear herself..."

May 14 06 06:18 am Link


Paul Callaby UK

Posts: 231

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

Anjel Britt wrote:
''Your soul, mind, and personality make you your own unique person''
you aren't able to agree with that?
you are thick or niaeve if you do???

Im having more fun every thread!

Personally I like tatoos and dont say they shouldnt show or anything
Guess I'm just sad to think little gals feel they need to prooooove some kind of individuality in this way....Then again, I'm a Brit.

So am I and what you have just said is undermining the wholw bodyart world in the Uk as well, with that sort of mentality you should go work for the labour government

May 14 06 07:32 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

photopauluk wrote:

So am I and what you have just said is undermining the wholw bodyart world in the Uk as well, with that sort of mentality you should go work for the labour government

...She just can't hear herself...She just can't hear herself....She just can't hear herself...

May 14 06 08:25 am Link


Paul Callaby UK

Posts: 231

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

...She just can't hear herself...She just can't hear herself....She just can't hear herself...

LOL, so true...........

May 14 06 08:29 am Link