Forums > General Industry > When are the tattoos going to end?



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

When are people going to quit bringing up this generic ass topic.
It's almost as irritating as any thread devoted to boob jobs.

You hate my tattoos? Peachy, go photograph someone without them.
You're certainly not hurting my feelings. When one door closes for me two others open.

Tattoos are not going anywhere so we can put to rest the debate over them being "trendy". They have been around for thousands of years, I doubt your rant online is going to put an end to it.

May 01 06 06:38 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US


May 01 06 06:40 pm Link



Posts: 14

Portland, Arkansas, US

It is a shame to see a beautiful face and then see ink all over an otherwise attractive female (or male) form.  If they do not have ink all over their body, then you are looking at all sorts of metal objects where they were never intended to be.  The human form can be VERY attractive and beautiful -- without any artificial enhancement --  tats or piercings!

May 01 06 06:46 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

jwnice wrote:
It is a shame to see a beautiful face and then see ink all over an otherwise attractive female (or male) form.  If they do not have ink all over their body, then you are looking at all sorts of metal objects where they were never intended to be.  The human form can be VERY attractive and beautiful -- without any artificial enhancement --  tats or piercings!

well should simply love my scarification.....nothing foreign or unnatural about it...there is no ink or metal--it is all my own body, creating something beautiful out of itself..........

May 01 06 07:27 pm Link


Jerry Bennett

Posts: 2223

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

ChrisCorbettPhotography wrote:
A tattooless female body is a beautiful thing. A vanishing species. It's my goal to photograph as many of them as possible before they go extinct.

A noble goal if ever there was one!

May 01 06 07:41 pm Link


ash smith

Posts: 327

London, England, United Kingdom

a persons body is their job when they are in this field... something works for everyone... there are plenty of people without ink that are probably very anxiousto shoot...
but like i said, in this field your body is your job, and that goes for tone, peircings,tats, etc etc... there is a market for EVERYONE!!

May 01 06 07:48 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

Envy wrote:
Tattoos are not going anywhere so we can put to rest the debate over them being "trendy". They have been around for thousands of years, I doubt your rant online is going to put an end to it.

and ya....i wish people would acknowledge that fact.....

May 01 06 07:48 pm Link


ash smith

Posts: 327

London, England, United Kingdom

a persons body is their job when they are in this field... something works for everyone... there are plenty of people without ink that are probably very anxiousto shoot...
but like i said, in this field your body is your job, and that goes for tone, peircings,tats, etc etc... there is a market for EVERYONE!!

May 01 06 07:49 pm Link


ash smith

Posts: 327

London, England, United Kingdom

May 01 06 07:50 pm Link



Posts: 3

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

RoninGarou wrote:
after the tattoo, we go with piercings, then scarifications, and after that, bodymodifications...
(implants, tongue splitting, and so on).

so... wink

one day we will have cyborg big_smile

Tattoos, piercings and scarification ARE body modifications.

May 01 06 07:56 pm Link



Posts: 1273

Kalamazoo, Michigan, US

Just my two cents..since I saw that no one had brought this up yet.

Tattoos have existed for a LONG LONG LONG time...before photography, before "mainstream", before this generation.  Its been a practiced art form in Asia and Africa and Australia long before it hit Europe..and long before it hit the sailors and carnivals and WAY longer than its been for the masses.

I'm sure for some its a fad, like hairstyles and jewlery.  For some it means a lot more....and for some its just an annoyance. 

Personally I like GOOD ink, no crappy tramp stamps, no barbwire arm bands, and no roses, dolphins or butterflies.  (All of which have become popular in the last 15-20 years...and those images will fade and something else will take the place of them....when some big celebrity gets a tattoo that everyone the XXX on VinDiesal in that stupid movie, or like Pamela Anderson...or like the tribal in Blade...)

I'm sure you'll see the rise and fall over the years, where it will be "in" and then it will be "out" but where you'll see that is in the large scores of teeny bopper rebellious kids who want to get a tattoo because they're best friend did.  But will it ever disappear? Meh, maybe in a LONG LONG LONG time...(perhaps when its no longer practiced by tribes in the outermost regions of obscure countries...)

Don't want to photoshop? Simply have the model do a cover up with some stage make-up...and then photoshop that...

My own personal thoughts? I love tattoos, but I don't like crappy ink.  Got a good solid large piece? Awesome! Got a tiny little tattoo with no real meaning? Meh, most likely you'll get it lasered off in years to come.

May 01 06 08:00 pm Link


Vicious Vamp

Posts: 75

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Lens N Light wrote:

Or simply hire someone else, which is my solution.

Exactly, just hire someone else who doesn't have tattoos.

May 01 06 08:01 pm Link



Posts: 254

Houston, Alaska, US

Good Lord...I will be shopping for my first tattoo if I'm done with modelling.
Craving for one but..geez it's no no at this time.
Models with tattoo are not considered anything in the Fashion community.

One Booker at Ford New York once told me they don't care if a model gets one but as long as it's not on a conspicous place.

Good Luck! still looking for a creative one though!

I do not have one but I love seeing the butterfly around ladies bikini area..goshh its a beautiful thing.

May 01 06 08:04 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Envy wrote:
When are people going to quit bringing up this generic ass topic.
It's almost as irritating as any thread devoted to boob jobs.

You hate my tattoos? Peachy, go photograph someone without them.
You're certainly not hurting my feelings. When one door closes for me two others open.

Tattoos are not going anywhere so we can put to rest the debate over them being "trendy". They have been around for thousands of years, I doubt your rant online is going to put an end to it.

A lot of good responses to this rant and to top it off, if your client doesn’t want tattoos on the model, look for unmarked models and leave the inked goddesses to us that can and will shoot them.

May 01 06 08:08 pm Link


jon mmmayhem

Posts: 8233

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

threads like this remind me how many cranky old codgers post on this board.

May 01 06 11:06 pm Link


Kayla Donia

Posts: 185

Vancouver, Washington, US

I have a tattoo.

It's a Comedy/Tragedy sign that's on my hip, it shows my love for theatre and the arts. I love my tattoo, I wouldn't trade it for the world, I've had it for a year, designed it when I was 12 years old.

I say the same thing about my Tattoo as I do about my scars (of which there are a lot). Don't like it, don't work with me.

I didn't do mine as a contribution to the 'fad' I think tattoos are just as 'in' now as they ever have been, with the exception of now having TV shows dedicated to them.

May 02 06 02:07 am Link


Kayla Donia

Posts: 185

Vancouver, Washington, US

And on another note,

If I get my tits boosted up another cup, you'll love me.

If I make my lips a little fuller with collagen you'll call me perfect.

But dare I have a little 3x3 inch black mark on my body and suddenly I'm deforming myself?

Fuck that.

May 02 06 02:10 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Jerry Bennett wrote:

Your soul, mind, and personality make you your own unique person, not some pieces of metal poking through your flesh and some one else's drawings on your skin. Reading your post.... is just sad. Is that really what you think you have to do to be unique?

I agree.

I'm among the last of the naked interweb chicks without tattoos. After I stop modeling, if there's something I really wanted perennially on my body, I'll get one. But I'm sure as hell not running out and picking some generic pseudo-tribal looking thing out of a book to slap on my ass.

May 02 06 02:32 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Hey man, ink got me an exhibit! Bring me more.

May 02 06 02:40 am Link


Max V

Posts: 196

Las Vegas, Nevada, US


Everybody is right.

Max V.

May 02 06 02:40 am Link


Xavier Ford

Posts: 13

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Oh shut up. There are millions of would-be photographers and millions of would-be models. You do the math!

May 02 06 02:44 am Link


Jeff Cohn

Posts: 3850

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Subject: When are the tattoos going to end?

"Man its cold, when's it gonna stop snowing?" - Stegasaurus

May 02 06 02:45 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Xavier Ford wrote:
Oh shut up. There are millions of would-be photographers and millions of would-be models. You do the math!

Have to be catty in every thread you get into huh smile

May 02 06 02:48 am Link


Adria W.

Posts: 776

Sacramento, California, US

I love my tattoos. I have a large one on my lower back, and two matching ankles wings (brilliant rainbow colors) on the outsides of my ankles. I love them, and wouldn't get rid of them for the world.

Besides, makeup and a bit of photoshop can get rid of them for a photo...But no, I don't think tattoos, scarification, or body mods (the metal kind/stretching/etc,.) are ever going away. Deal with it, or shoot someone more vanilla.

Also, just so people know that I'm not one of the models out there with a 'psuedo tribal thing' slapped on my body from a book...The art on me is original, drawn by a friend, then reworked by myself, and then my trusted tattoo artist, who's done all three of my tattoos. He's a genius, and so is my friend.
I'd never pick something out of a book, because, unlike some people, my tattoos mean something to me, rather than just looking 'cool'.

May 02 06 05:22 am Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Jerry Bennett wrote:

Your soul, mind, and personality make you your own unique person, not some pieces of metal poking through your flesh and some one else's drawings on your skin. Reading your post.... is just sad. Is that really what you think you have to do to be unique?

My tattoos are symbolic for me.
They mean things to me personally and represent certain points in my life .
I am 35 now and I plan on a full spine tattoo..I have thought long and hard about it and after 18 months I still wish to have it done as it to me will mean something will stand for many many things in my life in the same way I suppose that tribal types still have tattoos done to symbolise becoming a man and so on.
So I shall think for another year..get a design made and go for it.

My tattoos are for me,If they stop me from getting a model job then so be it it is their choice not to shoot me as much as it is for me to get the ink done in the first place.

May 02 06 05:36 am Link



Posts: 41

Aldershot, England, United Kingdom

I had tattoos before I got into modeling and was worried they would hamper any chance I had, but on the contrary, I've had plenty of work and the tatoos usually go down very well (but then they're good ones not crappy ones, lol), the occasional photographer would have preferred me without them but have still enjoyed working with me and booked me again.  I guess the top and bottom of the matter is, if you really particularly want a certain model, and he/she is inked then you're gonna have to position/dress them so they don't show, or airbrush them out later, otherwise simply hire someone with no tattoos.  People are far more used to seeing tattoos and piercings these days than a few years ago so the shock value and the raised eyebrows are fewer anyway.

May 02 06 05:44 am Link


Paul Callaby UK

Posts: 231

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

As the leading bodyart photographer in the UK I photograph people/girls/models with tattoos virtually every week and over the past ten years bodyart as a whole has become as mainstream as nearly any other business. At the last count 1 in 3 people in the UK have at least one tattoo. Tattoos can be wonderful pieces of art or crap depending on the image and skill with which it is executed on the person. Good art enhances the body and as far as models with tattoos go if anybody doesn't like it then work with models without any artwork.

May 03 06 10:27 am Link


Vera van Munster

Posts: 4095

Belmont, North Carolina, US

Tattoos are huge right now. Why do you think they have so many reality shows on tattoo shops? They'll always be around, and they'll always be in. Either deal with it, or dont book models with tattoos.

May 03 06 12:22 pm Link


Paul Callaby UK

Posts: 231

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

DeathbyNew-Wave wrote:
Tattoos are huge right now. Why do you think they have so many reality shows on tattoo shops? They'll always be around, and they'll always be in. Either deal with it, or dont book models with tattoos.

Yep, and I personally don't think that they will ever go away nor would I want them to.

May 03 06 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

desertartist wrote:
And I wonder what these tattoos will look like when the ladies get older.

If I'm showing off my tattoo when I'm 65 or 70 and things are starting to sag, THAT's the problem.  NOT the fact that I have a tattoo.

Tattoos don't bother me a bit, I have one, mom has two, dad and brother are both close to 10 or 15.  My sister doesn't have any, but she's pierced in more places than I can imagine (or care to for that matter).  All of the tattoos were chosen for personal likes/memories and quite a few (on mom, dad and Jake) were drawn by my little brother, Jake.  It's a means of expressing oneself, and I don't feel as if it's my place to judge ANYONE for their choices.  Closemindedness is a disease.

May 03 06 01:57 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

Suzan Aktug wrote:
And on another note,

If I get my tits boosted up another cup, you'll love me.

If I make my lips a little fuller with collagen you'll call me perfect.

But dare I have a little 3x3 inch black mark on my body and suddenly I'm deforming myself?

Fuck that.

I think I love you for this!

May 03 06 02:02 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

SayCheeZ! wrote:
Like any other fad, I think the tatoo craze is (thankfully) on the downslope.
Just like bellbottoms and long hair were ''so 70's'', and Big Hair was ''so 80's'', in a few years the 'hip' crowd will see tatoos and say that it was ''so 00's''.

Buy stock in companies that make Lazer tatoo removal equipment!  It'll be hotter than GM!

People have been getting tattoos for centuries.  What a long "fad."  And it's coming to an end soon .. why?

May 03 06 02:06 pm Link


Paul Callaby UK

Posts: 231

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

I suppose the thing that bugs me the most is, Do we the tattooed community give those without tattoos a hard time about it, NO, then why should they give us a hard time, we respect the fact that some people want to leave their canvas blank, so give us the same  respect.

May 03 06 02:44 pm Link


Virtue Photography

Posts: 29

Torrance, California, US

almost every company or editor that i have worked with states very clearly they DONT want models with tattoos.  i always tell models and prospective models to avoid tattoos, unless of course you want to model for biker magazines

May 03 06 02:51 pm Link


Paul Callaby UK

Posts: 231

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

Virtue Photography wrote:
almost every company or editor that i have worked with states very clearly they DONT want models with tattoos.  i always tell models and prospective models to avoid tattoos, unless of course you want to model for biker magazines

Then why do just about every company nowadays use tattoo and piercing imagery in their advertising, it's a part of our culture and it's here to stay so get used to it.

May 03 06 02:55 pm Link



Posts: 2861

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

ChrisCorbettPhotography wrote:
A tattooless female body is a beautiful thing. A vanishing species. It's my goal to photograph as many of them as possible before they go extinct.


May 03 06 02:57 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

Virtue Photography wrote:
almost every company or editor that i have worked with states very clearly they DONT want models with tattoos.  i always tell models and prospective models to avoid tattoos, unless of course you want to model for biker magazines

Yes because if you have a tattoo the only modeling job you can get is for a biker magazine. Are you kidding me? I have 2 tattoos and I model fine art nude. Use photoshop-thats what its for. Geez.

May 03 06 03:02 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

photopauluk wrote:
I suppose the thing that bugs me the most is, Do we the tattooed community give those without tattoos a hard time about it, NO, then why should they give us a hard time, we respect the fact that some people want to leave their canvas blank, so give us the same  respect.

okay......this is completely off topic--just a personal rant--so ignore this post if ya want......

this is not true. when i walk into a bodmod shop where i don't know the employees, fully clothed, i get treated like shit. seriously. i even get dirty looks. why? because i look like some cute little blond thing with no work. and then--magically--they love me when they see my dermal punches and my scarification and my split tongue......
for a group of people who spend their entire lives bitching about being judged by their appearance............................they are some of the worst hypocrites i have ever met.

May 03 06 03:04 pm Link


Paul Callaby UK

Posts: 231

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

Phoenix E wrote:

okay......this is completely off topic--just a personal rant--so ignore this post if ya want......

this is not true. when i walk into a bodmod shop where i don't know the employees, fully clothed, i get treated like shit. seriously. i even get dirty looks. why? because i look like some cute little blond thing with no work. and then--magically--they love me when they see my dermal punches and my scarification and my split tongue......
for a group of people who spend their entire lives bitching about being judged by their appearance............................they are some of the worst hypocrites i have ever met.

I'll agree with you on that to a certain extent, but as with anything else there are a**holes in all walks of life. I've been working in the industry here in the UK for 14 years and some of the friendliest people I know work in the industry but there are those who for want of a better word are snobs of the scene. A lot of these tend to be people who have come into the limelight over the last 6 to 8 years and never new the old days

May 03 06 03:27 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Roselle Park, New Jersey, US

SayCheeZ! wrote:
Like any other fad, I think the tatoo craze is (thankfully) on the downslope.
Just like bellbottoms and long hair were ''so 70's'', and Big Hair was ''so 80's'', in a few years the 'hip' crowd will see tatoos and say that it was ''so 00's''.

Buy stock in companies that make Lazer tatoo removal equipment!  It'll be hotter than GM!

''so 00's''.... i like that ! lol

I tend to shy away from models with tatoos. When with it stop !! I'm still waiting for Rap music to end , LOL

May 03 06 06:22 pm Link