Forums > General Industry > 100 signs you're a GWC

Makeup Artist

Anha Nguyen

Posts: 352

Orange, California, US

56- making the model drive you to the location shoot, and while shes driving, asking her to stop at a one hour photo to dropp off some film of the last model he took!!

still pissed about that

Apr 07 06 03:09 am Link



Posts: 14

Minneapolis, Kansas, US

~Krista~ wrote:
58# You think there is nothing wrong with videotaping (without knowledge) underage models in the changing rooms.

Yikes, I'd say that extends beyond the realm of GWC!

Apr 07 06 03:10 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Hoohaw wrote:

Yikes, I'd say that extends beyond the realm of GWC!

Even scarier because it is true.....

Apr 07 06 03:11 am Link


Far West Imaging

Posts: 436

Laguna Hills, California, US

So far, being a GWC sounds like a whole lot more fun and is a lot easier than "real" photography.

Apr 07 06 03:47 am Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

55.  Making posts here asking about bathroom habits, poop, pee, where do you go, which hand to you use.  You have all seen these here. I know I have. bs

Apr 07 06 07:10 am Link


Writers Eye

Posts: 152

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Yikes! I've just discovered I'm a GWC. I qualify under multiple prerequisites!

Apr 07 06 07:35 am Link



Posts: 172

Doylestown, Pennsylvania, US

54. Got into photography because you realized its cheaper to buy a camera then to keep dropping all that cash at your local strip club.

53. Lose focus at shoots because you are worried about the model noticing you're turned on.

Apr 07 06 08:51 am Link



Posts: 36

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Jose- JoseOnline wrote:
#62  You do headshots in bikinis

I would *never* wear a bikini.

Apr 07 06 08:59 am Link


Cassandra Panek

Posts: 1569

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Hoohaw wrote:
11. Shows up at a shoot wearing nothing but moose antlers and bowling shoes, claiming it's a religious holiday.

"i know we agreed not to do lingerie, but this is more like 'bedroom swimwear' really"

let's be friends.

Apr 07 06 08:59 am Link


AU fotografia

Posts: 1723

Houston, Texas, US

as of right know i think i'm kind of a GWC.. specially cause of the light..everything else.. i'm good.. but i think i can pull it off with my walmart chicken warming lights.. can't i?

Apr 07 06 09:01 am Link



Posts: 36

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Photos2amaze wrote:
74.  " I used to shoot fashion and super bowls back in the 1980's with my 6x6"

I don't get this one.... I *did* shoot fashion, art and insurance/accidents, and the occasional pro-sports event in the 80's with my 645.  Models during the day, mayhem at night.

But then, I guess I was a guy with a camera, and pretty much we all are.  After all, the *REAL* GWC's forget to bring their camera's, or to put film in them.  At least the digitals complain.

Apr 07 06 09:03 am Link



Posts: 36

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Koray wrote:
97- you shoot yes...but you miss the model

*this* was funny.  Very.  Should be #1

Apr 07 06 09:04 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

52: you dont own or use a film camera.
51: you have a light meter..but you dont know why you have it or how to use it..
50: you offer to help new models build a portfolio, but you dont know or understand what commercial looks are..

Apr 07 06 09:04 am Link


AU fotografia

Posts: 1723

Houston, Texas, US

Abdiel Urcull wrote:
as of right know i think i'm kind of a GWC.. specially cause of the light..everything else.. i'm good.. but i think i can pull it off with my walmart chicken warming lights.. can't i?

i'm 20 years old, in college.. own 2 cameras 20D and Elan 7N..i'm looking into buying some lighting but untili can afford it i can do decent work with my warming lights (i keep spending money ina  darkroom, and shit i want a medium format all manual camera from the 70s)..i think, if i am not, please kick my butt to let me know, i don't mind critizism,,

Apr 07 06 09:07 am Link



Posts: 36

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Anha Nguyen wrote:
56- making the model drive you to the location shoot, and while shes driving, asking her to stop at a one hour photo to dropp off some film of the last model he took!!

still pissed about that


While I can understand some of this, the driving part would piss you off, maybe.  But, I learned early on, for shooting, (this was 10 years ago, 15 maybe) that 1-hour labs often had *better* developing and fresher chemicals than "pro" labs, especially for print film.   *AND*, since negatives scanned just as nicely into PCD's, which was the "state of the art" back then, *and* models wanted pics to bring home, a 1-hour lab with double prints was a *great* deal.  And if you had a relationship with the lab even better.

Shooting slides was great for publications, but if your goal was the web, slides were actually a pain.  Slide scanners were slow and expensive.  Print scanners were very good, and the GIF format was only 256 colors anyway. JPG was just starting out, and most people weren't running 32m color monitors.

I've been shooting for web-release for a long, long time, but only switched to digital cameras in the last few months, and I'm having real issues with them.  They are *not* as good as film cameras in 99% of what I want them to do, other than they are *cheap* by comparison, and IMHO so are the results.

So, before knocking some of this, think about the history, and how 1-hour labs, if any survive outside of walmart, used to be part and parcel of the photographer's bag of tools.  Especially if you were testing something out, you could shoot a roll, get it developed while you were grabbing a snack, and see if the whole idea worked before you invested hundreds of dollars in film and processing in the idea.

Not everything is about digital. 

Aren't there any "old guys" around who remember the way it was, before instant gratification, and having to wait for your batteries to recycle before you could take another picture?   It used to be only your flash you had problems with, now with e- batteries they're ready all the time, but it's waiting for your CAMERA to *ALLOW* you to take another photo.

Apr 07 06 09:12 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


49. Commercial and Editorial are the same to you.
48. You email models telling them they need to work with better photographers, and then state your rates and how you'd be "willing to help them".
47. All of the cliche shots are cliche, just not when you do them.
46. Five minutes into the lingerie shoot you had set up, you are already asking the model if she would mind doing nude as well and that you'll pay her...
45. You know what the model's limitations are, yet you continuously ask her to push past them with nifty phrases like "can you show me a little pink?"
44. You'll supply the lingerie wardrobe, including the thongs, with the tags already on them..but the model won't get to keep any of it because you're going to use them for the next shoot. Ew.
43. You go to workshops with an instamatic.
42. You go to workshops and only shoot the girls that are willing to take off all of their matter how much they should be keeping it on.

Apr 07 06 09:17 am Link


Ira Meyer

Posts: 428

Oxnard, California, US

Daria Walsh wrote:
54. Got into photography because you realized its cheaper to buy a camera then to keep dropping all that cash at your local strip club.


Apr 07 06 09:18 am Link



Posts: 509

Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom

N8R Photography wrote:
#????   You've never heard of the inverse square law and draw a total blank when asked about guide numbers or bellows compensation????


Apr 07 06 09:26 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

41.  You've been thrown off every "model/photographer" website, but still monitor all the forums and send nasty e-mails to anybody that mentions your name.

Go ahead and call me again Calvin!

Apr 07 06 09:27 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

There is really only ONE sign for a GWC... and that is objective!

The GWC acronym describes a person that owns a camera, but the main objective is not to create photos, which would warrant the term "photographer".

The GWC's ("Guy With Camera") objective is to get laid, or at least to get dates, by using his camera.

Please make a note of that difference!

The distinction between most professional photographers and many amateur photographers is not the quality of their work, but the source of income... both should be expected to conduct their photoshoots in a "professional" manner.


Apr 07 06 09:30 am Link



Posts: 483

Toledo, Ohio, US

You're a male photographer, but you won't shoot male models.  ONLY female.

All the photos in your online ports are of different models up against the same brick wall.

You tell your models to "just put one hand in your panties, a little bit, yeah like that..."

You email models asking if they'd like to work with you and then never respond once the model poses a few questions in your direction.

All of your "play money" is spent on getting models to pose nude for you.

Apr 07 06 09:34 am Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

Trying to "adjust" the models panties/bathing suit bottoms near her butt...and also trying to "adjust" her top while slightly trying to cup her breast...lmao......

Apr 07 06 09:38 am Link


1972 Productions

Posts: 1376

Cebu, Central Visayas, Philippines

Thank you all soo much!

It was a rough start to my friday morning here in NY till I read this thread.

Once I stop laughing my ass off I may get some work done.

Have a good weekend all!

Apr 07 06 09:49 am Link


George Rice Photography

Posts: 41

North Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

A GWC will giggle and laugh at you saying "The zone system" only applies to sports, mostly basketball.

Apr 07 06 09:51 am Link


1972 Productions

Posts: 1376

Cebu, Central Visayas, Philippines

UdoR wrote:
There is really only ONE sign for a GWC... and that is objective!

The GWC acronym describes a person that owns a camera, but the main objective is not to create photos, which would warrant the term "photographer".

The GWC's ("Guy With Camera") objective is to get laid, or at least to get dates, by using his camera.

Please make a note of that difference!

The distinction between most professional photographers and many amateur photographers is not the quality of their work, but the source of income... both should be expected to conduct their photoshoots in a "professional" manner.


The dictionary definition between an Amature and a Professional is that a Professional gets paid for their service.

Nothing to do with quality or skill of work whatsoever.

Apr 07 06 09:54 am Link


Scott Einuis

Posts: 337

New York, New York, US

#59  Asks every model if their real name happens to be "Megan" (just in case)

#58 Buys and develops film at WalMart

#57 Thinks ambient light is a reflection from a ambulance

#56 Thinks an F-Stop is where you get the subway

#55  Brings a condom to a shoot....just in case

#54  Notches his camera strap each time he sees a new breast

#53  Thinks Fill Flash is a Superhero's relative

#52 Adds /BJ to TFP/CD

#51 Thinks the "A" mode on his camera is for shooting the model from behind and is confused why there is no "T" mode.  Let's not touch "P" mode.

Apr 07 06 09:58 am Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

* You're Model Mayhem member #12835

Apr 07 06 10:16 am Link


Writers Eye

Posts: 152

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

UdoR wrote:
There is really only ONE sign for a GWC... and that is objective!

The GWC acronym describes a person that owns a camera, but the main objective is not to create photos, which would warrant the term "photographer".

The GWC's ("Guy With Camera") objective is to get laid, or at least to get dates, by using his camera.

Please make a note of that difference!

The distinction between most professional photographers and many amateur photographers is not the quality of their work, but the source of income... both should be expected to conduct their photoshoots in a "professional" manner.


Bang on!

Apr 07 06 10:25 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Darren Green wrote:

The dictionary definition between an Amature and a Professional is that a Professional gets paid for their service.

Nothing to do with quality or skill of work whatsoever.

Maybe you want to read my last paragraph again... it's just what I said!

Apr 07 06 10:30 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

N8R Photography wrote:
#????   You've never heard of the inverse square law and draw a total blank when asked about guide numbers or bellows compensation????

I HATE BELLOWS COMPENSATION! I always forget about reciprocity too if I am in the middle of a shoot.

Apr 07 06 10:33 am Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Scott Einuis wrote:
#52 Adds /BJ to TFP/CD

I have to clean up the coffee that just spewed out of my nose.

Apr 07 06 10:38 am Link


Eva Stefania In LA

Posts: 59

Burbank, California, US

Oh oh--I got a good one!!! When you literally randomly point at shoot at a model and knock off 300 or 500 pictures in a row and give him/her absolutely NO direction and so of the hundreds of images there may only be one slightly less crappy one than the rest! I've been lucky--I've only worked with a couple of GWCs.  This subject makes me feel so fortunate to have worked with some of the truly talented photographers on here who actually know what they're doing and give direction!

Apr 07 06 10:38 am Link


any artist

Posts: 107

Chicago, Illinois, US

#1 you start a gwc thread to find out what 'not' to do,
so the industry regulars don't call you out on a regular basis.

Apr 07 06 10:45 am Link


House of DL

Posts: 523

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

UdoR wrote:
There is really only ONE sign for a GWC... and that is objective!

The GWC acronym describes a person that owns a camera, but the main objective is not to create photos, which would warrant the term "photographer".

The GWC's ("Guy With Camera") objective is to get laid, or at least to get dates, by using his camera.

Please make a note of that difference!

The distinction between most professional photographers and many amateur photographers is not the quality of their work, but the source of income... both should be expected to conduct their photoshoots in a "professional" manner.


Points well presented and true, but I think and hope this thread was for a good old fashion laugh!!!!

Apr 07 06 10:58 am Link



Posts: 725

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

Just happened to me: Photog says "So far I've only done landscapes, you'd be the first model I've worked with. Here some of my examples: (Ansel Adams Prints) Are you available this afternoon...?

Apr 07 06 10:59 am Link


any artist

Posts: 107

Chicago, Illinois, US

when is someone going to create an acronym for a model who uses pictures from gwc's for their ports? like:

mwgwc - model with guy with camera


pfgwc - portfolio from guys with cameras


Apr 07 06 11:03 am Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

You keep the light meter around your neck and test the light in 5 different places before each shot. By model's nose, hair, boobs, the wall, model's ass, floor. *sigh*

Apr 07 06 11:51 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

adrienne of Zswana wrote:
You keep the light meter around your neck and test the light in 5 different places before each shot. By model's nose, hair, boobs, the wall, model's ass, floor. *sigh*

LMAO- ok Adrienne- that's it- your holding the meter and your gonna read the numbers back to me.

Apr 07 06 11:58 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

#40  Your sole reason for upgrading to higher megapixel camera is so you can see the boobies bigger after the shoot

#39  Two words "group photoshoot" (nude)

Apr 07 06 12:06 pm Link



Posts: 546

Winter Springs, Florida, US

#57  He spouts all sorts of totally irrelevant photographic terminology while taking pictures to impress the model with his vast knowledge and ability.

Apr 07 06 01:05 pm Link