Forums > General Industry > 100 signs you're a GWC


Francisco Nunez Alfaro

Posts: 49

Santa Barbara, California, US

N8R Photography wrote:
#????   You've never heard of the inverse square law and draw a total blank when asked about guide numbers or bellows compensation????

They wouldn't own large format camera anyway, so they dont need to know about bellows compensation. right?

May 29 06 01:37 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

You have an OMP tatoo on your penis.

May 29 06 01:46 pm Link


Fons Studio

Posts: 148

Montreal, Wisconsin, US

N8R Photography wrote:

Hehe, yeah reciprocity's a bitch...Especially if you forgot your chart

Time exposures for boobie shots ?? You are sooo NOT a GWC !!

May 29 06 02:38 pm Link


Chris H

Posts: 629

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Im a GWC!!!!! proud of it, why cant the photographer date their models? I dont have any stuffed snakes, or chessy props, but I do like beautiful girls..

My 2 cents


May 29 06 02:43 pm Link


Fons Studio

Posts: 148

Montreal, Wisconsin, US

gsvb wrote:
Ironic that some of the sites greatest GWC'S are so prominent in this thread !

touché !

May 29 06 02:45 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

You wouldn't know bokeh from sushi, and think the parked cars behind your model should be in razor-sharp focus.

May 29 06 09:25 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Lustbel wrote:

They wouldn't own large format camera anyway, so they dont need to know about bellows compensation. right?

Large format = 35mm-sized sensor?

Medium format = APS-sized sensor?

May 29 06 09:46 pm Link



Posts: 6703

Tampa, Florida, US

***Your business card comes in one-inch strips of torn paper and you greet models with the line "do you prefer man on woman, or woman on woman." When the model then gives you a blank stare, you rudely blurt out "what, you don't do that sort of thing... well fine!" in a disguisted manner, then rip your 'business card' out of her hand and move on to the next woman who catches your eye!***

Laugh, but this actually happened to me. I nearly fell over in laughter at HER exasperation! lol.

Another favorite....

**** you bring your cell phone to events where models will be present. Upon seeing a model who catches your eye, you slowly and inconspicuously lower your cell phone until you are on your hands and knees on the floor, in an attempt to get a glimpse of the merchandise under her skirt. When busted, you claim you dropped a contact. Only problem is, you don't wear any!****

Yeah, that one happened too! *rolls eyes*

May 29 06 09:54 pm Link



Posts: 131

Sterling Heights, Michigan, US

Shawn Ray wrote:
A good eye cant be learned.  The rest can.

My sentiments EXACTLY! I know people who have the LATEST high-tech, SLR cameras money can buy and STILL come up with crappy shoots. At the same time, I know people who can only afford a Holga camera (what?!?!?! you don't know what those are? hmmm... maybe you're a GWC wink ) and take AMAZING photos.

May 30 06 02:05 pm Link



Posts: 131

Sterling Heights, Michigan, US

#1 You don't know what, let alone the difference between f stops and shutter speeds.

May 30 06 02:38 pm Link


Reitz Photography

Posts: 11

Hebron, Texas, US

your portfolio includes a picture of a girl in hot pants, combat boots and a tarp as the background (seen it, and i couldn't help but cringe)

Sep 23 06 03:05 pm Link


mad city fine arts

Posts: 137

Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, US

Reitz Photography wrote:
your portfolio includes a picture of a girl in hot pants, combat boots and a tarp as the background (seen it, and i couldn't help but cringe)

wow!  really went back in the archives here. smile

a long time ago, after college, I took a job as a manager in a busy one hour photo lab ( i know I know... not my proudest moment)   This guy walks in one night, looks like he just stepped out of the 70s.  Bald on top, long beard, hip hugging bell-bottoms, and a flowered polyester shirt, unbuttoned about 1/3 of the way down, showing off his chest rug and gold chain.  WoW!  he walks up to my counter, and hands me 3 disposable cameras.  I figured he just got back from sea world or some crap... I'm developing his film, and my god!  He had somehow conned some beautiful girl to model for him.  Granted, she didn't get more naked than topless, but the set-up was horrendous!  All three cameras were filled with her either in lingerie or panties only against a white wall that ended so you could see right into the guys living room.  No lighting... probably an overhead fan/light, and some indirect light thrown in from the fireplace in the background.  She is against the 2 and a half feet of wall, trying to look seductive, sexy, innocent, etc...

Models:  Can you imagine working with such a guy, and what would he have to say to get you to get topless while he pulled the foil wrapper off of his next Disposable?

My Lord!

Sep 23 06 06:32 pm Link


Digital Focus

Posts: 3756

Glendale, Arizona, US

Bob Hubbard wrote:
Aw man...and I just bought that rubber snake too.   grumble.

Wait!  *checks list again*  Cool!

Didn't say anything about the stuffed parrot, eye patch and halloween cardboard pirate hat.  *when* I'm safe.


I use rubber chickens, they're cheaper.

Sep 23 06 07:26 pm Link


Jeff Searust

Posts: 920

Austin, Texas, US

Jose Luis wrote:
#62  You do headshots in bikinis

I gotta stop wearing the bikini to shoot the hot chicks

Sep 23 06 08:28 pm Link


Jeff Searust

Posts: 920

Austin, Texas, US

Scott Einuis wrote:
#51 Thinks the "A" mode on his camera is for shooting the model from behind and is confused why there is no "T" mode.  Let's not touch "P" mode.

I have a Mamiya lens that I cant use with a flash as it is stuck in "M" rather than "X" ---anyone have a box of flash bulbs I can use?

Sep 23 06 08:37 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

99, your last model shoot was of your mum.

Sep 23 06 08:40 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

10. You shoot out of your basement

Sep 23 06 08:55 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

Vegas Alien wrote:
10. You shoot out of your basement

i shot out of my basement once, there was a 6ft snake down there, never moved so fast.

Sep 23 06 08:59 pm Link


Rick Hughes Photography

Posts: 530

Atlanta, Georgia, US

#57 -  You specialize in "Hotel Glamour" and your studio is a Motel 6, and your shots still have outlets, lamps and hotel phones in it

Sep 24 06 07:43 am Link


Hacked Account

Posts: 492

Houston, Alaska, US

Bob Hubbard wrote:
98 - You get your pose ideas from the latest mens magazines.

97 - You use your new camera phone

96 - You lament the end of the Polaroid

95 - Your lighting rig is one of those $10 3 bulb corner lap things from Walmart

94 - Your best backdrop is your bed spread

93 - ...and it's been a while since it's been washed...and it shows.

92 - Your wind machine is a leaf blower.

91 - You pictures have more blown spots than the opening match on prime time wrestling.

90 - Your portfolio consists of webcam and upskirt shots.

hey now with hair as long as mine you need a leaf

Sep 24 06 07:57 am Link


Thomas Scott Photo

Posts: 5

Richmond, Virginia, US

17. You don't have a "camera."  You have a "rig."
27. You try consistently to humilate your friends who still use film.

Sep 24 06 08:00 am Link


Tracy L Province

Posts: 57

Omaha, Arkansas, US

wait wait wait
okay i noticed on some of the posts
that I actually do some of those things among them:

my studio is in my home (no it's not the basement) it's the ballroom of my fourth story apartment

i don't always use the "best that money can buy" lighting only because I might want a certain look or feel to it

i say "that's perfect" or just "beautiful" once and awhile during a shoot

I don't have the most expensive equipment...I use the best my money can buy

and yes, I sometimes run a filter (with adjustments mind you) over parts of a photo...(but not your typical photoshop filters either)

mmm...please tell me this doesn't make me a GWC (girl with camera)

Sep 28 06 12:51 pm Link


Mark J. Sebastian

Posts: 1530

San Jose, California, US

isn't the term "GWC" solely related to the person's intent rather than experience, resources or skill level?

Sep 28 06 07:44 pm Link


timothy dolph creative

Posts: 409

Encinitas, California, US

What's wrong with the tool belt?

Oct 08 06 11:54 am Link


timothy dolph creative

Posts: 409

Encinitas, California, US

Oct 08 06 11:59 am Link


Teila K Day Photography

Posts: 2040

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

Steven Bigler wrote:
I have a 2 mp... what's your point?....


I also think its funny when people use "megapixel" as some sort of indicator on whether or not a photog is a professional, using a professional camera.

Meaning, you could be using your old 2.6mp Nikon D1H DSLR ($4500 in 2001), and you'll have a model who know little about photography, making assumptions and generalizations based on the "megapix" of the camera.

Worse.. listen to the sales guys at Best Buy and Circuit City explain how more "megapixels" means a better and or higher quality camera..

(((shaking head)))

Oct 08 06 12:24 pm Link


Stephen Bodi

Posts: 848

East Northport, New York, US

# 31 or whatever the hell # we are up to:

You exclusively use myspace to get models because you have been banned from every model/photographer site that exists. You claim to be 31 years old on your mysapce when in fact your in your mid to late forties. You have created a large number of fake profiles of "models" on myspace who leave many positive comments on your myspace profile, and you also have restraining orders out on you from at least 3 models. You sent a friend request from one of your fake myspace model profiles to someone who is actual friends with the girl in the pictures in the fake profile (who you happen to have had some stalking issues with) The person you sent the requst to calls the girl, who then calls the police. The police come knocking at your door and politely tell you to take down the fake profile or they will arrest you...

Not naming names...

Adrienne Aurora wrote:
He only shoots in his basement using tacky backdrops, claiming he hasn't mastered location lighting.

Bill Tracy takes some really nice photos in his basement.

Patrick Shipstad wrote:
You bring over the halogen torch lamp for a fill light to your home depot key light.

go for it! :-P

Those home depot lights are great for shooting still life and product photography. Also when properly diffused and with the right gels they are great video lights

this was done with "Home Depot" lighting . I lit this for interview video and used the same lighting for a still shot
Home Depot Lighting , two lights, diffusion and a blue gel.

N8R Photography wrote:
#????   You've never heard of the inverse square law and draw a total blank when asked about guide numbers or bellows compensation????

LOL, I dont think they even teach inverse square law in photo classes anymore

Adrienne Aurora wrote:
You keep the light meter around your neck and test the light in 5 different places before each shot. By model's nose, hair, boobs, the wall, model's ass, floor. *sigh*

I let the model take the meter readings herself . I give her (or him) the meter and instruct them what to do. (assuming its one of those rare occasions where I shoot with film)

GWC things I have done:

I have used guns and swords as props

3 or 4 of my nicest pictures on my profile were taken with a canon powershot 620

Oct 08 06 12:43 pm Link


Stephen Bodi

Posts: 848

East Northport, New York, US


Oct 08 06 12:48 pm Link


TA Craft Photography

Posts: 2883

Bristol, England, United Kingdom

Rock on Reciprocity failure

Oct 08 06 01:05 pm Link


Travis Feisthamel Photo

Posts: 671

Watertown, New York, US

Some of these have been good, although I'll admit I am guilty of a few of them myself. smile

I had to share this one, it was too funny. I work at at local camera store/pro lab and we had this GI come into our store that wanted to gets prints of him and a girl that he had taken pictures of. He said Walmart would not print them and wanted to know if we would. I told him that we do do nudes as long as there is no sexual acts in the pictures. He said ok. Just then one of my female coworkers walked by and walked back into the lab. He asked if she was the one printing those pictures, I said yes she is. He wanted me to ask her to come out and look at the pictures and to see which ones she liked. He wanted a "female" perspective. She rightly declined. Once she started printing them, it was him and girl in a public bathroom somewhere. I guess he was trying to impress her.  Now that is a perfect GWC.

Oct 08 06 02:59 pm Link


Mike Scott Castillo

Posts: 10

Lake Forest, California, US

You have a nude self portrait in your online port and more body hair than bigfoot.

In your nude self portrait there is a can of Budweiser off to the side of the shot in total focus.

Your models all have the "am I about to be axed?" look in all of their images on your port.  Which by the way, are all nude of course.

Your camera is 6 megs but your CF cards are 4GB and you go through 4 or 5 of them per jpeg mode....

You consider a thong a prop.

Lifestyle images mean homosexual to you....

Commercial work means naked chicks.

Editorial work means naked chicks.

Portraits mean naked chicks.

High Key means placing a white sheet 1 ft behind your model.

Oct 10 06 01:23 pm Link


FYH Photo

Posts: 462

Santa Clara, California, US

Tracy L Province wrote:
wait wait wait
okay i noticed on some of the posts
that I actually do some of those things among them:

my studio is in my home (no it's not the basement) it's the ballroom of my fourth story apartment

i don't always use the "best that money can buy" lighting only because I might want a certain look or feel to it

i say "that's perfect" or just "beautiful" once and awhile during a shoot

I don't have the most expensive equipment...I use the best my money can buy

and yes, I sometimes run a filter (with adjustments mind you) over parts of a photo...(but not your typical photoshop filters either)

mmm...please tell me this doesn't make me a GWC (girl with camera)

I'm with YOU! smile  I too am guilty.  I use my house as a studio A LOT.  I  built all of my own lighting gear.  I don't have the latest or greatest Camera gear.  I have said "That's perfect" or "Just beautiful" during shoots, etc. etc.  I guess I'm a GWC too wink 

On a side note, I first heard the term "Guy with Camera" YEARS ago at a GlamourCon in L.A.  The professional and established models all used the term to describe guys passing out business cards to all the models, trying to recruit them.  Q: "Is he a photographer?"  A:"Nah, he's a Guy with Camera."

Oct 10 06 03:12 pm Link


Dave Thompson - LA

Posts: 138

Lyndeborough, New Hampshire, US

RudeFood wrote:
Aren't there any "old guys" around who remember the way it was, before instant gratification, and having to wait for your batteries to recycle before you could take another picture?   It used to be only your flash you had problems with, now with e- batteries they're ready all the time, but it's waiting for your CAMERA to *ALLOW* you to take another photo.

Right here...  Pre-auto-focus, fully manual non zoom film cameras, of which I still own one.

Oct 10 06 04:48 pm Link


Primox Studios

Posts: 342

Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Patrick Shipstad wrote:
You pose your models with a Roman pillar and an old bed sheet hung up with tape.
Your props choices are swords, a fake rose, a hard hat and tool belt, a ladder, caution tape, and a rubber snake.

go for it! :-P

I just upload some CAUTION tape series thinking they were the blast....

I think all the posts have been hilarious, and I LMAO... but I also think ALL the photog. here are guilty of at least one of the "Signs" of a GWC.

I set my studio at my house too sometimes, and I do like the cauton tape, but never tried the rubber snake. smile

Oct 10 06 05:42 pm Link


Michael Alan

Posts: 1499

Bayshore Gardens, Florida, US

Anha Nguyen wrote:
67- yells, "oh your so beautiful, hot stuff, sexy , work it work it yes yes yes yes yes"

Dance for me!!!

The product photographer that I use to work for always wanted to shot a couple of the women in my book. We hired a couple of them to use for some throw aways for our client and I almost fell over when his favorit LINE to the Model was, DANCE FOR ME...

By the way, this photographer is a great product photographer who makes close to $700,000 a year...

God Bless him!

Michael Alan

Oct 10 06 08:12 pm Link


Michael Alan

Posts: 1499

Bayshore Gardens, Florida, US

Tracy L Province wrote:
wait wait wait
okay i noticed on some of the posts
that I actually do some of those things among them:

my studio is in my home (no it's not the basement) it's the ballroom of my fourth story apartment

Oct 10 06 08:21 pm Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

Takes shit photos with no hope of improvement.

But then again, that was never the point.

Oct 10 06 08:27 pm Link



Posts: 176

Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

someone told me this joke:

"which are the 3 lies of the photographers?
1-This is the last roll
2-Don't worry, i can't see anything
3-I'll send you a copy"

I would add "their models look like anything but the ones in the magazines"

Oct 12 06 09:28 pm Link



Posts: 6129

you think internet models are the future of the industry

Oct 12 06 09:43 pm Link



Posts: 432

Carson City, Nevada, US

I think being critical of everyone elses work is something you forgot to put on your list. GWC is guy with a camera and most photogs are gwc but a pro is not critical of others work. As one photog said to me it's all in the eye of the beholder.

Oct 12 06 09:50 pm Link