Forums > General Industry > Playboy model will "have to answer"



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

area291 wrote:

I think she looks awesome, comfortable and confident in the video.  Congrats to her.

I would love to hear from the St. Peter Gate how much her parents are paying for doing this to her.

Apr 01 06 05:36 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

FabioTovar wrote:
If you had a daughter (don't know if you do)  would you be proud she was getting into the porn industry?

and please don't start with the playboy isnt porn crap. It is what it is. Just considered high profile porn.

If I had a daughter.... I think I would cry too.  I think MOST parents would want their children to aspire for something BETTER than posing nude....?????  But that's just me what the F do I know.

Not much . . .

If you cant see the difference between a Playboy and a 10 guy gangbang anal movie- you have got issues, buddy.

Yes- I would not want my daughter to be in porn.  No- I would have no issue with my daughter being featured in Playboy.

Apr 01 06 05:37 pm Link


ADG Photography

Posts: 544

Calhoun, Georgia, US

Daria Walsh wrote:
What troubles me the most in all this is that I think her parents did more harm to her then anyone!  Forget religion or personal beliefs, as a parent if I were in the same position with similar beliefs there is no way in hell my daughter's choice to pose nude in Playboy would end up as the local news story!  Any parent who would be quoted in a newspaper saying that they are disgusted by her actions instead of protecting her should be ashamed of themselves.  They threw her to the wolves clearly to make themselves look better instead of caring about their child.  Purely selfish intent. In small towns everyone is always on a witchhunt.  The fact that they participated is so sad. If it were my daughter and she decided to pose for Playboy I would be concerned about her underlying intentions. If she were doing it because she believes a womans body is beautiful and should be problem.  If it were because she was looking for negative attention...I'd be concerned. Their daughter should have come first not what their neighbors thought!  Yes, I'm ranting and I'm done:)

Well said.

I am from Georgia and we are right next door to Alabama.  I might be wrong here, but I seem to remember reading in one of the local photograper/model forums a few posts FROM Holly's mother. I am not certain, mind you.  But I know I saw posts supposedly from her family on there. On the forum, she seemed to be proud of her daughter.  She did mention that they were religious, but the things that were put across in the forum seem almost 180 degrees from the newspaper story. Curious.

Apr 01 06 05:38 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Daria Walsh wrote:
What troubles me the most in all this is that I think her parents did more harm to her then anyone!  Forget religion or personal beliefs, as a parent if I were in the same position with similar beliefs there is no way in hell my daughter's choice to pose nude in Playboy would end up as the local news story!  Any parent who would be quoted in a newspaper saying that they are disgusted by her actions instead of protecting her should be ashamed of themselves.  They threw her to the wolves clearly to make themselves look better instead of caring about their child.  Purely selfish intent. In small towns everyone is always on a witchhunt.  The fact that they participated is so sad. If it were my daughter and she decided to pose for Playboy I would be concerned about her underlying intentions. If she were doing it because she believes a womans body is beautiful and should be problem.  If it were because she was looking for negative attention...I'd be concerned. Their daughter should have come first not what their neighbors thought!  Yes, I'm ranting and I'm done:)

Exacly.  It's not about them being dissapointed.  They have that right.  But this is still their daughter.  Again she's not molesting babies here but showing her "naughty bits" in an American institution.

If nobody else should show her support now it's her parents.  Joining in the public outcry for her "UNGODLY" display is ridiculous and will do more harm than good in the long run.

Again, if my daughter wanted to be a sleazy defense lawyer that got murderers and criminal off scott free I'd take issue with it.  I'd tell her in private my concerns and if there was no swaying her, I'd support her career as a parent and pray for her wisdom in private.

Apr 01 06 05:39 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Thuy Anh wrote:
how about you try being in your parents shoes but not any kind of parent... a hardcore religious parent thinking, "my baby is showing off her naked self to the world! in a PORN magazine of all things! Good lord she isn't covering herself!!! She's showing off her genitalia to the world! Like a Piece of MEAT!"  That's what they are thinking.
Oh yes yes, when most people think of Play Boy and Pent House they do think of the big "P" word!!! PORNOGRAPHY!!!!! O_O omg, why is it so hard for people to understand others??? Just because there is a community that is close minded does not mean you have to resent them.  If you hate it so much you wouldn't be living there now would you? O.o  All I'm saying is, understand them before hating them.  They may not do the same but you can.

The law recognizes the reasonable person standard, not the reasonable religious whacko.  I think that is a good guide.  If the issue were a closed minded community on race or homosexuality- does that make it right?  No- people can be idiots- even in groups or towns.

Apr 01 06 05:39 pm Link



Posts: 126

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Get nakkid! Deny it. Vehemently. Then you'll be labeled as crazy and you'll have the last laugh, because you'll be crazy rich!

Am I posing nude? No. Would I for a certain amount of money? Maybe. Do I know my Dad's gonna cry if I do? yea.

This is what you call a Femme Fatale.

Who wants to put me in latex?

Apr 01 06 05:42 pm Link


Philip Barker

Posts: 220

Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas

I have said it many times before - You are born naked, wet and hungry and then in certain countries things only get worse...

Apr 01 06 05:51 pm Link


MurphyMurphy Studios

Posts: 2315

Denver, Colorado, US

ADG Photography wrote:

Well said.

I am from Georgia and we are right next door to Alabama.  I might be wrong here, but I seem to remember reading in one of the local photograper/model forums a few posts FROM Holly's mother. I am not certain, mind you.  But I know I saw posts supposedly from her family on there. On the forum, she seemed to be proud of her daughter.  She did mention that they were religious, but the things that were put across in the forum seem almost 180 degrees from the newspaper story. Curious.

Yup, she posted on Southern Model Shoots and even provided updates about Holley's trips....

Apr 01 06 06:00 pm Link



Posts: 574

Grand Prairie, Texas, US

Mary wrote:

I agree with you Fabio, I would be devestated if it were my daughter.  I think people need to understand that people have different standards and values, we do not all share the same values and the ones you are brought up with are the ones your parents expect you to have doesnt happen that way but we all raise our kids in our own value system.

Like an extreme environmentalist raising a a kid that grows up a logger....or an extreme left wing radical raising a kid that grows up to be a right wing Rush Limbaugh fan....its a dissapointment to have your offspring stray so far away from your point of view and way of life but it happens.  People that think posing for Playboy is a good thing just need to be more open minded and understand that not everyone believes just as you do.  People have the right to be upset about what their children do, you invest your life raising them with your values.

Well said Mary!
I was temporrily disowned by my mother when I lost my virginity before marriege and still married another man which was not my first. It wasn't until a year later that my mother started talking to me again.
Now she is all mad at me because I have returned to modeling, geez its not like I'm doing nudes or anything like that.
She just has strong up bringings and shes very religious so therefor she expects me to think the same. I agree with Fabio as well. Thats the reason why I choose not to do any nudes. smile

Apr 01 06 06:10 pm Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This is just so sick. Pathetic.

If I had a daughter, and she made Playboy, I would be so proud.

I would be honoured to have her model for me. Yes, nude. Though I would probably leave the glamour/sexy nudes to others.

There is one reason, and one reason only, why I would not want to be Pamela Sue Anderson's father. I want to f*ck her.

Apr 01 06 06:15 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

the attitude toward [...] in this fucking country is so juvenile that it borders on insanity

I'm not going to get into it here... but...

I could enter SO MANY THINGS into that sentence and it would totally make sense.

Here's hoping 2008 brings about some change.

Apr 02 06 05:48 am Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

What people need to be understanding is exactly the point that people DO have different ideas and values and fucking get over it already. Doing nudes or doing porn isn't the end of the world. It doesn't change the core person.

I know plenty of mainstream "Real" models who are some of the biggest coke heads and worse shittiest people I have ever met. While the pornstars I've met and had the pleasure of working with in front of and behind the camera have been some of the most wonderful people I have had the pleasure of knowing.

But the fact is that parents get over it. And they need to first and foremost recognize that their children are NOT robots and are not necessarily hold the same ideas they do.

They should simply be happy that their children aren't out selling coke, killing people, or doing some really foul shit like that and get over it.

People are so busy letting their egos get in the way of everything they do.

Children become their own people with their own thoughts and ideas and so be it. A parent can only do what they can to hopefully teach the child REAL valuable lessons. Don't steal, don't lie, dont do anything that physically hurts others. Everything else is irrelevant.

Apr 02 06 06:04 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Mary wrote:

I agree with you Fabio, I would be devestated if it were my daughter.  I think people need to understand that people have different standards and values, we do not all share the same values and the ones you are brought up with are the ones your parents expect you to have doesnt happen that way but we all raise our kids in our own value system.

Like an extreme environmentalist raising a a kid that grows up a logger....or an extreme left wing radical raising a kid that grows up to be a right wing Rush Limbaugh fan....its a dissapointment to have your offspring stray so far away from your point of view and way of life but it happens.  People that think posing for Playboy is a good thing just need to be more open minded and understand that not everyone believes just as you do.  People have the right to be upset about what their children do, you invest your life raising them with your values.

I think that you're being "devastated" says more about how much you need your children to be a mirror image of yourself than anything out in the real world.  No big surprise there.

Apr 02 06 06:23 am Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
I think that you're being "devastated" says more about how much you need your children to be a mirror image of yourself than anything out in the real world.

VERY well said... Much better than I said it.

Apr 02 06 06:26 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Not having kids myself, I find it difficult to imagine how I would react if I were in Hollie's parents' shoes but I would like to think that because of my own experiences, I would be supportive and understanding. Having said that, I also believe that had I not even started modeling, I would have been devastated. People fear and condemn what they don't understand and I think (if the situation was different) my not knowing anything about the industry would have caused me to react the same way. Sadly. Poor Hollie, she has my sympathy.

Apr 02 06 09:17 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

Jose- JoseOnline wrote:
The law recognizes the reasonable person standard, not the reasonable religious whacko.  I think that is a good guide.  If the issue were a closed minded community on race or homosexuality- does that make it right?  No- people can be idiots- even in groups or towns.

The fact is, you can't escape it and it's also not concentrated in the USA.  It's there in parts of Europe, even in France! OH MY!!! Asia, yeah it's there too, I know of several families who would have reacted in this way.  Even in South America too where like to show a bit of skin here and there.  Russia, yeah it's there too.  That's why I said, "understand them before hating them".  Australia, don't even get me started. I have family and friends in all of these areas, so it's not like I'm making anything up.  What I had posted before was not from a wacko, that is actually a very  normal reaction, believe it or not. 

Most people are idiots, yes, as for homosexuality or racism against people, it's the same thing when it all comes down to it.  It's because people hardly try to understand another person and uphold their ideals before anything else thinking that it is great.  It's human nature.  If people understood eachother a little better and know where they are coming from and have an idea of what that person is thinking because of their background then people could brush this sort of thing off better.  Is it so hard to understand someone who is dramatically different from yourself?  Or so hard to understand another person who doesn't like or does everything you like?  It is a mindset for most and most are set in there ways.  If a person does not know someone try to understand them or simply leave it be.  Your opinion in their approval may boost their ego or make them feel better emotionally just a short time but it doesn't effect them in the long run because you are not close to them.  They can either let people put them down and be non-supportive, or simply go on and be strong despite it.  Heck, my parents don't even know I do photography, since it's not related to my studies it's a shame and a complete waste of time to them.

Apr 02 06 09:37 am Link



Posts: 923

Hudson, Florida, US

The 10 Commandments................

1. I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
3. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them.
4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5. Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long.
6. Thou shalt not kill.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8. Thou shalt not steal.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's.

Don't see anything in here about posing for Playboy or getting naked, for that matter.  And the only one that refers to anything sexual is don't mess with a married person.


Apr 02 06 10:09 am Link


V Jeero

Posts: 146

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

luv2bfitt wrote:
I believe that some people of the christian faith need to remember that god has already forgiven them for their "sins"
   So personally, I think God's answer will be, "No Problem..."

That's pretty nieve

Apr 02 06 10:20 am Link


V Jeero

Posts: 146

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
You get the post of the day award!  Would anyone in her home town or her parents mind if she were in a film where she was killling people?  Yet its not
okay to be nude.  Intresting that we are willing to pay money to see other
people without anything on but when women do it are put down.  I wonder what
would happen if Americian in general relaxed about the whole nude or porn industry
would it still be a millions of dollars a month industry.

Or I wonder what would happen if we as a country stamped it out...  Would things get better or worse?

Apr 02 06 10:22 am Link



Posts: 1179

Freedom, New Hampshire, US

"Devastated"?? Hmm...

I would be devastated if my daughter told me she was HIV+....

I would be devastated if my daughter told me she was addicted to crack, heroin or a myriad of other drugs...

I would be devestated if she told me she had inoperable cancer.

But "devastated" is a powerful word. Disappointed, concerned, upset, angry... yeah, I've been all those things with my children. One thing to keep in mind is that our children are not "ours" and they most certainly are not extensions of us. They are not always going to do what we tell them to do, want them to do, expect them to do.

Speaking for myself, only, my love for my children is not based on their actions or lack of actions.

Apr 02 06 10:42 am Link



Posts: 1179

Freedom, New Hampshire, US

oops... double post..

Apr 02 06 10:43 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

luv2bfitt wrote:
I believe that some people of the christian faith need to remember that god has already forgiven them for their "sins"
   So personally, I think God's answer will be, "No Problem..."

Well... if God wouldn't want us to be naked... we would be born with clothes or fur... tongue

Apr 02 06 10:59 am Link



Posts: 146

Clearwater, Florida, US

It's interesting how when models turn to playboy their careers are in shambles or they are hoping to break into acting.    For all you men out there, would you really want your 19 yr old daughter portrayed like this?   Let's face what the magazine is all about.

In my opinion, you are jumping off a cliff when you have to resort to posing like that.

Apr 02 06 11:04 am Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

Ched wrote:
What does God want with a stroke mag?

I haven't "stroked" to a Playboy since I was in high school. I don't even skip to the pictorials first anymore. With all the free, much more explicit images readily available online, I don't find Playboy to be that arousing. I still admire the lighting skill of the shooters, and I even enjoy some the jokes.

FWIW, I think porn is relative. Remember, not that long ago a thong was considered obscene - and probably still is in some communities. A few decades ago, something showing women in their underwear was considered porn. Now Victoria has a secret.

Apr 02 06 11:05 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

iceblueeyedgirl wrote:
For all you men out there, would you really want your 19 yr old daughter portrayed like this?   Let's face what the magazine is all about.

I would have absolutely no issue with my 19 year old daughter being in Playboy.  Playboy is not degrading in any way.

Rather- it is good glamour photographer and a celebration of her beauty and appeal.  Now- of course my daughter is 5 and to think of her as a sexual being is silly- but when she is an adult- I will value and respect my daughter as a woman and a lady and support her- not patronize her.

The following is how I feel about this type of photography from an upcoming article featuring me in Nuance's online May mag:

"Glamour photography is more about desire and appreciating beauty. It's actually idealizing and glorifying women. Look back at the pinups of the 1940s. Those beauties inspired young men to fight in World War 2. They would paint them on their planes, tanks, everything. To me, glamour highlights sexiness, sensuality, and beauty in women. Go even further back in history when knights fought for a fair maiden, or how "Helen" launched a thousand ships. Men are inspired by beautiful women. Modern glamour photography is the continuation of that. I believe it's classic and beautiful in that sense."

Jose Luis

Apr 02 06 11:10 am Link



Posts: 796

the only person she answers is to herself... if she's truly okay with it... then so be it...

Apr 02 06 11:13 am Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

Savannah Skye wrote:
the only person she answers is to herself... if she's truly okay with it... then so be it...


Apr 02 06 11:14 am Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Corena wrote:
Her parents are from a differnet time frame. Times are changing but when they were growing up nudity for the most part was probably not acceptable. I'd imagine that it would be hard for people who grew up with the notion that nudity wasn't acceptable to switch their thinking.

While nudity is not a direction I choose to pursue, if I did my parents would be shocked and most likely not happy with my desicion but would ultimatly support my choice.

I think you hit the real issue on the nail head...My parents were from the 20's, 30's and nudity was just not a thing that was excepted at that time. Doesn't matter if God will except her or not, it's the time frame that most parents grew up.

With the southern states holding on to moral, it makes sense that people in that area would be upset.

Apr 02 06 11:15 am Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

Doug Harvey wrote:
With the southern states holding on to moral, it makes sense that people in that area would be upset.

Yes, I think location has a bit to do with this as well. I know here in NC a lot of older people still hold onto morals and are a bit narrowminded in their thinking. It's just what they grew up with.

Apr 02 06 11:19 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

iceblueeyedgirl wrote:
It's interesting how when models turn to playboy their careers are in shambles or they are hoping to break into acting.    For all you men out there, would you really want your 19 yr old daughter portrayed like this?   Let's face what the magazine is all about.

In my opinion, you are jumping off a cliff when you have to resort to posing like that.

Are you sure you're in the right profession yourself?  Oh, that's right -- fashion/glamour has nothing to do with sexuality.  Sorry, I forgot again.

Apr 02 06 11:20 am Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

her mother saying, "...she'll have to answer to the Lord for what she's done...".  Her mother is absolutely correct, this is between Holley and "the Lord". Her mother is also completely wrong, if it is between Holley and "the Lord", her mother should shut her yammering yap about it. Christian is as Christian does, stupid is as stupid does. What if "the Lord" turns out to be the Blue Guy with All the Arms? From what we see of the sculpture and art of ancient India, the Blue Guy loves Naked Chicks!!. I think she's awesomely beautiful and feel blessed that she shared that beauty with the world. I do have to wonder if her mother is a petite blonde with perfect skin and perky tits tho.

Have fun, take pictures!!

Apr 02 06 12:21 pm Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

her mother saying, "...she'll have to answer to the Lord for what she's done...".  Her mother is absolutely correct, this is between Holley and "the Lord". Her mother is also completely wrong, if it is between Holley and "the Lord", her mother should shut her yammering yap about it. Christian is as Christian does, stupid is as stupid does. What if "the Lord" turns out to be the Blue Guy with All the Arms? From what we see of the sculpture and art of ancient India, the Blue Guy loves Naked Chicks!!. I think she's awesomely beautiful and feel blessed that she shared that beauty with the world. I do have to wonder if her mother is a petite blonde with perfect skin and perky tits tho.

Have fun, take pictures!!

Apr 02 06 12:21 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Daria Walsh wrote:
What troubles me the most in all this is that I think her parents did more harm to her then anyone!  Forget religion or personal beliefs, as a parent if I were in the same position with similar beliefs there is no way in hell my daughter's choice to pose nude in Playboy would end up as the local news story!  Any parent who would be quoted in a newspaper saying that they are disgusted by her actions instead of protecting her should be ashamed of themselves.  They threw her to the wolves clearly to make themselves look better instead of caring about their child.  Purely selfish intent. In small towns everyone is always on a witchhunt.  The fact that they participated is so sad. If it were my daughter and she decided to pose for Playboy I would be concerned about her underlying intentions. If she were doing it because she believes a womans body is beautiful and should be problem.  If it were because she was looking for negative attention...I'd be concerned. Their daughter should have come first not what their neighbors thought!  Yes, I'm ranting and I'm done:)

Best post so far.

Apr 02 06 12:32 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Ben Allen wrote:

Or I wonder what would happen if we as a country stamped it out...  Would things get better or worse?

Well we've seen what happens to societies that bann people from being human.
Anybody remember prohibition?  However, Daria W. said it best here when she said
how could her parents attack her through the media.  If one of my children did
something you couldn't get me to say anything bad about them and I would
still support and love them.  In private they would get a butt kicking.  Her parents have a right to their view no matter what we think but they should always love
and support their chidren.  Aren't those people who claim a love of god and the
bible suspose to be forgiving?

Apr 02 06 12:47 pm Link


Jane Burgess

Posts: 433

Tempe, Arizona, US

Dave Krueger wrote:
Holley Dorrough, a small town Alabama girl (MM 8932), is featured as the April centerfold in Playboy.  There may be one or two models on here who would characterize that as no small accomplishment.  Maybe even something to write home about.

But, according to a story in the Birmingham News, Holley's Southern Baptist parents cried for two months when Holley told them about it, her mother saying, "...she'll have to answer to the Lord for what she's done...".  Her father reportedly took it the hardest.

In letters to the local news paper, one high school librarian wrote that her students were disgusted and one of Holley's high school teachers wrote  asking Holley not to ever mention where she went to high school for fear of the shame it will bring to the school.  It goes on and on.

Here is the story

Sorry folks, but the attitude toward sex and nudity in this fucking country is so juvenile that it borders on insanity.  Add to that, a healthy dose of guilt dipped in fanatical religious hypocrisy (the South's most important export) and you have a shining example the kind of hate filled mind control so typical of all of "God's chosen people" everywhere on the planet.

I find it disturbing, in the extreme, that a girl should attain an enviable measure of celebrity and success only to be persecuted by the community where she grew up.  It makes me ashamed to be a part of this backward, zealot-dominated state.

*end of rant*


I think that her parents would prefer she become a celebrity another way then taking her clothes off for Playboy. Some perents are fine when their daughters are in Playboy and some parents do not approve. They have a right to not like the fact their daughter is nude in a magazine.

Apr 02 06 01:42 pm Link



Posts: 146

Clearwater, Florida, US

Jose- JoseOnline wrote:

I would have absolutely no issue with my 19 year old daughter being in Playboy.  Playboy is not degrading in any way.

Rather- it is good glamour photographer and a celebration of her beauty and appeal.  Now- of course my daughter is 5 and to think of her as a sexual being is silly- but when she is an adult- I will value and respect my daughter as a woman and a lady and support her- not patronize her.

The following is how I feel about this type of photography from an upcoming article featuring me in Nuance's online May mag:

"Glamour photography is more about desire and appreciating beauty. It's actually idealizing and glorifying women. Look back at the pinups of the 1940s. Those beauties inspired young men to fight in World War 2. They would paint them on their planes, tanks, everything. To me, glamour highlights sexiness, sensuality, and beauty in women. Go even further back in history when knights fought for a fair maiden, or how "Helen" launched a thousand ships. Men are inspired by beautiful women. Modern glamour photography is the continuation of that. I believe it's classic and beautiful in that sense."

Jose Luis

Um, but you aren't a woman, how can you say it isn't degrading?   I find it ironic that the women who tried to make a career from their spin in Playboy (pam anderson, anna nicole smith)  have to further degrade themselves by tabloid stunts and excessive plastic surgery.

Apr 02 06 01:47 pm Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Corena wrote:

Yes, I think location has a bit to do with this as well. I know here in NC a lot of older people still hold onto morals and are a bit narrowminded in their thinking. It's just what they grew up with.

Very true. While I might be old fashioned to some extent, I'm a 50's child, not a 20's child.

Apr 02 06 05:40 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I am not surprised at her parents reaction. Religion plays a big part in people's life. If and when I ever tell my parents I am a model I'll probably be disowned

Apr 02 06 06:48 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

AJ Bella wrote:
I am not surprised at her parents reaction. Religion plays a big part in people's life. If and when I ever tell my parents I am a model I'll probably be disowned

Isn't that pathetically sad that people allow hypocritical outdated rules and such run their lives?

I've not understood for a long time why people choose to live thier lives for anyone other than themselves. *Children excluded from that statement. But even then. I live in an adult world.*

Apr 02 06 07:24 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Jane Burgess wrote:
They have a right to not like the fact their daughter is nude in a magazine.

And I'm just exercising my right to dislike their persecution of her for doing it.  By the way, I'm not just talking about her parents.  I'm talking about a lot of people in the Bible Belt.

Apr 02 06 07:44 pm Link