Forums > General Industry > Playboy model will "have to answer"


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

SLE Photography wrote:

99% of people who claim to be Christians are actually Paulists who follow a pastische of the Old testament and the crazed "Gospels" written after the crucifixion.  Most of them know nothing of the Bible & don't recognize Christ's words when I quote them.
The faith structure known as Christianity is fundamentally flawed, ugly, and intolerant.
Would you criticize people who're intolerant og the KKK?
Christianity is about hate in much the same fashion, hate for anything "other" or different.
It's PERFECTLY ok to be intolerant OF intolerance.

Great, but it's ignorant to lump all christians together based on experiencces with one's you've met. It would be like a cop in watts saying all Black people are bad, just because that is what he sees all day. Or, calling all Muslims terrorists because the non-terrorists are people that keep to themselves. I'm interested in how that dichotomy escapes you. If the latter 2 examples are wrong to do, then so is the first. Unless hypocrisy is also long as it is your own hypocrisy, of course, and not someone elses.

Apr 04 06 09:43 am Link



Posts: 146

Clearwater, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:

SLE Photography wrote:
And yet another post (as seems to always come up in these threads) from someone describing the "smut" im Playboy who's clearly never looked at one to see what's in it.
You're describing Hustler & Penthouse, not Playboy.

Nice diatribe, but I didn't say it was OK, I simply pointed out that the person I was replying to that he was characterizing the magazine incorrectly & perhaps he should know what he was saying before he spoke about it.
As for the "wise choice to avoid nudity" and "degrading women" comments, it sounds like you're one of those people who're so immersed in gender feminism that anhy portrayl of a women's sexuality probably comes across as exploitative to you.
That is your opinion, as you said, and you're entitiled to it.  By all means, share it with others but don't try to forcibly impose it on them  smile

You tell me I can share it with others, but don't force it upon them, isn't that what all you guys DO on here???  All of this religious, what's right, what's wrong, what is porn, what isn't porn,  WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE, YOU ARE THE ONES WHO ARE FORCING YOUR OPINION ON PEOPLE.   It's when people with have a moral opposition, you have immature arguments like "well I wack off to things less airbrushed" and tell them THEY are wrong for their MORAL views of being against pornography?  What's up with that???   

If anyone would like to start a Professional, mature, non "off the topic" modeling/photography forum, let me know!!!  Lately, there have been many complaints about this and other adult industry run sites, so let's turn over a new leaf.

Apr 04 06 10:50 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

iceblueeyedgirl wrote:
It's when people with have a moral opposition, you have immature arguments like "well I wack off to things less airbrushed" and tell them THEY are wrong for their MORAL views of being against pornography?  What's up with that???

Maybe I'm mistaken, but it seems to me you raised the horrible specter of wacking off in a previous post.  It's not immature when you say it?

The big problem with morals is that they are commonly imposed by force of law on people who don't share them.  So when people start shouting about morality, you're going to see a lot of other people get real nervous.

Apr 04 06 11:12 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:
99% of people who claim to be Christians are actually Paulists who follow a pastische of the Old testament and the crazed "Gospels" written after the crucifixion.  Most of them know nothing of the Bible & don't recognize Christ's words when I quote them.
The faith structure known as Christianity is fundamentally flawed, ugly, and intolerant.
Would you criticize people who're intolerant og the KKK?
Christianity is about hate in much the same fashion, hate for anything "other" or different.
It's PERFECTLY ok to be intolerant OF intolerance.

David Moyle wrote:
Great, but it's ignorant to lump all christians together based on experiencces with one's you've met. It would be like a cop in watts saying all Black people are bad, just because that is what he sees all day. Or, calling all Muslims terrorists because the non-terrorists are people that keep to themselves. I'm interested in how that dichotomy escapes you. If the latter 2 examples are wrong to do, then so is the first. Unless hypocrisy is also long as it is your own hypocrisy, of course, and not someone elses.

I''m not lumping the people who practice Christianity together, I am saying as a blanket statement that their faith is ugly & wrong & breeds ignorance & intolerance.  The fact that not all people who are involved in that faith are bad people is a credit to them, not to the faith.
The only lumping I did was to say that 99% of people who call themselves Christians would be more accurately called Paulists.  That's simply a statement of theological fact.  As for the comment about me knowing the Bible better than them and most of them not knowing the words of Jesus, that's not based on a few isolated incidents, but on many many contacts including a few relatives who're ministers that didn't know the Bible as well as me  big_smile

Apr 04 06 06:22 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:
Nice diatribe, but I didn't say it was OK, I simply pointed out that the person I was replying to that he was characterizing the magazine incorrectly & perhaps he should know what he was saying before he spoke about it.
As for the "wise choice to avoid nudity" and "degrading women" comments, it sounds like you're one of those people who're so immersed in gender feminism that anhy portrayl of a women's sexuality probably comes across as exploitative to you.
That is your opinion, as you said, and you're entitiled to it.  By all means, share it with others but don't try to forcibly impose it on them  smile

iceblueeyedgirl wrote:
You tell me I can share it with others, but don't force it upon them, isn't that what all you guys DO on here???  All of this religious, what's right, what's wrong, what is porn, what isn't porn,  WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE, YOU ARE THE ONES WHO ARE FORCING YOUR OPINION ON PEOPLE.   It's when people with have a moral opposition, you have immature arguments like "well I wack off to things less airbrushed" and tell them THEY are wrong for their MORAL views of being against pornography?  What's up with that???   

If anyone would like to start a Professional, mature, non "off the topic" modeling/photography forum, let me know!!!  Lately, there have been many complaints about this and

I'm not making you read my post or telling you you can't have an opinion.  I'm simply disagreeing with yours.  What I meant by "force" is that people who hold your opinion generally try to enforce itlegally on others by banning things you don't like.
I'd never pass a law that says YOU have to look at porn, but I'm willing to bet you'd happily pass one saying *I* can't.

Apr 04 06 06:25 pm Link



Posts: 15

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

I tend not to tell my parents when i take nude photos, and if they were to happen to stumble across it...say PLayboy or something...then theyre just as guilty as i am

Apr 04 06 06:37 pm Link


Jerry Bennett

Posts: 2223

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Daria Walsh wrote:

So true Jerry!

Here's the thing about self righteousness...I spent a good part of my life on a "spiritual quest." I was determined to find the truth about life. I grew up catholic and in the past years studied everything from Budhism to Mormanism, from Priests to Ripoches.  This is what I've found-they are all right...and they are all wrong. And most believe their way is the ONLY way. Which brings me to this...who in this world can be self-righteous in their stance on anything in the moral/religious realm when nobody really has ALL the answers. And therefore, how can any of us pass judgement on anyone else when this is true? Here's what I find as the underlying truth behind all religions and back to each other and love yourself. I'm guessing she didn't hurt anyone intentionally by posing nude. But we don't know that so who can say. Her parents may have unintentially been hurt, but that was by their choice. Nobody can make you feel any way unless you give them the power to do so.  Second, if we were to even consider if she violated "loving herself" in any way we could never make that judgement for someone else.   She and God are the only ones who know if she has emotionally or physically hurt herself by her actions. But then again...I could be wrong because NOBODY has ALL the!

Good point. I was going to mention Jesus' saying "Love others as you love yourself, upon this first law all of God's other laws are based" and how far many Christians have fallen from that simple statement, but I was in a hurry. I too studied more than a couple religions trying to find out what it's all about, and came to much the same conclusion as you. Most of them start out good, but get corrupted to the point of being rather evil once they get "organized".

Apr 04 06 06:39 pm Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

Some of you come up with lame ass topics!

Apr 04 06 06:45 pm Link


BLL Photography

Posts: 344

CANOGA PARK, California, US

I just spoke to the Big Guy himself and he said " Damn I did good!" LOL

It seems the puritans never left this place, and the sexual revolution was for nothing!!!

Apr 04 06 06:52 pm Link


Jerry Bennett

Posts: 2223

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

BLipman wrote:
I just spoke to the Big Guy himself and he said " Damn I did good!" LOL

It seems the puritans never left this place, and the sexual revolution was for nothing!!!

Not just that revolution, but the political one in 1776 too...... such a shame.

Apr 04 06 06:55 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
I think that you're being "devastated" says more about how much you need your children to be a mirror image of yourself than anything out in the real world.  No big surprise there.

I would also be devestad if my offspring were like you smile

as I said, standards are different with differnt people, you have to respect them.  To be honest I dont think the parents care what anyone at Model Mayham thinks.

you will have to take a swipe at me on another thred Melvin, I'm off this one for good, you know what they say about conversing with idiots...

Apr 04 06 08:01 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
I think that you're being "devastated" says more about how much you need your children to be a mirror image of yourself than anything out in the real world.  No big surprise there.

Mary wrote:
I would also be devestad if my offspring were like you smile

as I said, standards are different with differnt people, you have to respect them.  To be honest I dont think the parents care what anyone at Model Mayham thinks.

you will have to take a swipe at me on another thred Melvin, I'm off this one for good, you know what they say about conversing with idiots...

What, that when you speak truth to them they can't handle it so they cut & run since they can't achieve reasoned debate?  big_smile

Apr 04 06 09:57 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Mary wrote: I said, standards are different with differnt people, you have to respect them will have to take a swipe at me on another thred Melvin, I'm off this one for good, you know what they say about conversing with idiots...

[emphasis added]

LMAO!  I guess you're not teaching by example, huh?

Apr 05 06 09:04 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Mary wrote:
you know what they say about conversing with idiots...

Well, no I didn't...until now.

Apr 05 06 09:08 am Link


s. jenx

Posts: 721

Morton, Pennsylvania, US

I is sad state of affairs when people stop realizing that their own clothes come off too.  Skin isn't something to be ashamed of.

Although, when someone poses for playboy, penthouse or hustler, people arent exactly reading it for the articles.  So, with that ideal in  mind, it is understandable for a father to be upset.  Hell that means he can't pick up that issue.  smile

Apr 05 06 02:47 pm Link


Graham Walker

Posts: 116

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

FabioTovar wrote:
Not to be a buzzkill or anything but put yourself in the PARENTS shoes.
Forget "god" and religion.. all that aside....

If you had a daughter (don't know if you do)  would you be proud she was getting into the porn industry?

and please don't start with the playboy isnt porn crap. It is what it is. Just considered high profile porn.

If I had a daughter.... I think I would cry too.  I think MOST parents would want their children to aspire for something BETTER than posing nude....?????  But that's just me what the F do I know.

I'm they do want their daughter to aspire to something greater but they should also realize that she would maybe be sidetracked or maybe take opportunities as they come along?

Apr 05 06 10:02 pm Link