Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Suicide and Violence Help Thread


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Faith EnFire wrote:
I guess it was a good Monday for everyone smile

Some of my Monday tongue

Jan 24 12 09:26 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Squeekerz wrote:
I was nearly triggered there for a moment when I started reading the comments on people with BPD.   I actually am diagnosed Borderline, so I irrationally take things personally when BPD sufferers as a whole are targeted in a generalized statement.  I was very happy and relieved to see that none of that happened. :]

BPD sucks... I hate it...

As for this thread, I am so happy it is here.

I feel the same way at times on the subject of depression. One of the reasons we keep this thread going is to increase awareness to the truths of such conditions and dispel myths and misconceptions.

Jan 24 12 09:29 am Link



Posts: 14859

Fayetteville, Arkansas, US

Bad day for me. sad

Jan 24 12 12:20 pm Link



Posts: 36

Columbus, Ohio, US

Star Child wrote:
I feel the same way at times on the subject of depression. One of the reasons we keep this thread going is to increase awareness to the truths of such conditions and dispel myths and misconceptions.

That's great. smile  Now I'm here for anyone to talk to as well. big_smile  I suffer from clinical depression and have been on and off many combinations of medications as well.  Unfortunately, when you throw BPD into the mix, it makes it even harder to manage depression, because one of the worst symptoms is the feeling of being empty.  It also is very hard to feel like you have any worth when you feel that you lack a personality of your own, and you are always waiting for the next moment someone is going to hurt you.

I feel for everyone here, I really do.  And those that have suffered along with someone with BPD, I assure you that I will never completely defend the hurtful things that they have put you through.   I have made my mistakes and hurt some people, but never to the extent that I have read.  I suppose it is because I have had an awareness that something was wrong, even though I couldn't fix it myself...

Jan 24 12 03:02 pm Link



Posts: 36

Columbus, Ohio, US

Barbara DivaEroticus wrote:
Bad day for me. sad

Would you like to talk about it?

Jan 24 12 03:03 pm Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Squeekerz wrote:

That's great. smile  Now I'm here for anyone to talk to as well. big_smile  I suffer from clinical depression and have been on and off many combinations of medications as well.  Unfortunately, when you throw BPD into the mix, it makes it even harder to manage depression, because one of the worst symptoms is the feeling of being empty.  It also is very hard to feel like you have any worth when you feel that you lack a personality of your own, and you are always waiting for the next moment someone is going to hurt you.

I feel for everyone here, I really do.  And those that have suffered along with someone with BPD, I assure you that I will never completely defend the hurtful things that they have put you through.   I have made my mistakes and hurt some people, but never to the extent that I have read.  I suppose it is because I have had an awareness that something was wrong, even though I couldn't fix it myself...

Squeekerz, I want to apologize to you and everyone else in our little home here if any of my comments about BPD caused you any anxiety at all. My experience is based on my life with one person who while diagnosed refused to believe it and didn't care about the emotional damage she was causing to all who love her. I'm so happy that you are here to help us all make it day to day with the collection of obstacles that stand in our way. I believe that when we join together for knowledge and support we all grow stronger. My severe depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are from a terrible event in my childhood. If I can ever be of any assistance to you please do not hesitate to post here or PM me.

Jan 24 12 03:40 pm Link



Posts: 36

Columbus, Ohio, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
Squeekerz, I want to apologize to you and everyone else in our little home here if any of my comments about BPD caused you any anxiety at all. My experience is based on my life with one person who while diagnosed refused to believe it and didn't care about the emotional damage she was causing to all who love her. I'm so happy that you are here to help us all make it day to day with the collection of obstacles that stand in our way. I believe that when we join together for knowledge and support we all grow stronger. My severe depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are from a terrible event in my childhood. If I can ever be of any assistance to you please do not hesitate to post here or PM me.

No need to apologize.  It is quite alright for you to express your feelings, and very good that you do so!  I was only anxious for a moment when I thought things were going to go in an extremely negative direction.  There is an entire forum area on a site I go to dedicated to BPD, but there is not nearly as much support for people suffering from it as there are posts about how awful people with BPD are.  I understand the hurt that people have experienced on account of an undiagnosed partner, and that it is hard to separate a single person from the entire group with the disorder, but there were a lot of hurtful things on that supposed support group.

You have said nothing wrong, so please don't ever try and filter yourself when speaking of your experiences.   It actually is good for me, and others with BPD, to take a look at our own actions anyway.  :]

Jan 24 12 04:59 pm Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Part of the reason that I try to make sure this is on the front page is that we all need a safe place to express ourselves and it's nice to do it where people understand
Group therapy like smile

Jan 25 12 04:04 am Link



Posts: 14859

Fayetteville, Arkansas, US

Squeekerz wrote:

Would you like to talk about it?

I can't here.

Jan 25 12 07:20 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

One of my biggest speed bumps in recovery is the fact that I spend so much time alone.  So last night I was contemplating this situation regarding loneliness when I was going to say, "I sleep alone," but then I looked over my shoulder..

Jan 25 12 09:55 am Link


Enfire Photography

Posts: 1488

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Star Child wrote:
One of my biggest speed bumps in recovery is the fact that I spend so much time alone.  So last night I was contemplating this situation regarding loneliness when I was going to say, "I sleep alone," but then I looked over my shoulder..

Snuggle dog now waits till i'm asleep and stop moving around to climb into bed with me.

someone always loves you when you have a pet

Jan 25 12 10:01 am Link



Posts: 2092

Chicago, Illinois, US

squeekerz whats that website?

Jan 25 12 11:10 pm Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

morning all
happy thursday smile
so the plan is to get my haircut and my eyebrows done tonight. and then hang out with some friends later smile

tomorrow I turn 30. It feels weird. I don't feel adult enough to be 30
at first i was depressed about it, then excited, I'm some place inbetween

Jan 26 12 04:07 am Link



Posts: 100

Durban, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

Anyone know WHERE I can ship my ignorant, abusive, shit stirring family too? big_smile

Jan 26 12 05:21 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Raaawr wrote:
Anyone know WHERE I can ship my ignorant, abusive, shit stirring family too? big_smile

families can be very trying sometimes

I'm thankful that my relationship with mine has changed dramatically for the better-mostly when I changed how I interacted with them smile

oooh, you're a poi dancer!!! Me too, me too smile

Jan 26 12 05:41 am Link



Posts: 14859

Fayetteville, Arkansas, US

Thought a laugh might be in order...

Jan 26 12 07:26 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Faith EnFire wrote:
morning all
happy thursday smile
so the plan is to get my haircut and my eyebrows done tonight. and then hang out with some friends later smile

tomorrow I turn 30. It feels weird. I don't feel adult enough to be 30
at first i was depressed about it, then excited, I'm some place inbetween

Wish I could join you for the celebration

Jan 26 12 09:29 am Link



Posts: 2092

Chicago, Illinois, US

Nowayy my birthdays Friday(:

Jan 26 12 09:45 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Presley ONeil wrote:
Nowayy my birthdays Friday(:

Happy birthday a little early!

Jan 26 12 09:58 am Link


Enfire Photography

Posts: 1488

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Presley ONeil wrote:
Nowayy my birthdays Friday(:


Jan 26 12 09:58 am Link


Enfire Photography

Posts: 1488

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Star Child wrote:

Wish I could join you for the celebration

i have no real celebration. just doing stuff i want to do and screw everyone else smile

Jan 26 12 09:58 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Hi everyone. I'm hurting today. A LOT!! Physically both of my legs have areas of intense pain. I don't want to go into the gory details but its related to the burns. Emotionally I just as bad. The physical pain doesn't help my anxiety and my financial situation has me deeply depressed.

Kind thoughts and prayers will be appreciated. A $100K loan will be greatly appreciated!!!!!!

Jan 26 12 10:02 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
Hi everyone. I'm hurting today. A LOT!! Physically both of my legs have areas of intense pain. I don't want to go into the gory details but its related to the burns. Emotionally I just as bad. The physical pain doesn't help my anxiety and my financial situation has me deeply depressed.

Kind thoughts and prayers will be appreciated. A $100K loan will be greatly appreciated!!!!!!

I'm so sorry.

I wish I had a 100Gs to give you.
I don't have any answers, but I have this flower:

Jan 26 12 10:25 am Link


Enfire Photography

Posts: 1488

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
Hi everyone. I'm hurting today. A LOT!! Physically both of my legs have areas of intense pain. I don't want to go into the gory details but its related to the burns. Emotionally I just as bad. The physical pain doesn't help my anxiety and my financial situation has me deeply depressed.

Kind thoughts and prayers will be appreciated. A $100K loan will be greatly appreciated!!!!!!

sorry you hurt, Tim
Just find your safe place smile

out of curiousity, have you seen if there are any art grants thru programs like ADA?

edit: laughter is good for the soul. i stole this off the I loled thread

Jan 26 12 10:34 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
Hi everyone. I'm hurting today. A LOT!! Physically both of my legs have areas of intense pain. I don't want to go into the gory details but its related to the burns. Emotionally I just as bad. The physical pain doesn't help my anxiety and my financial situation has me deeply depressed.

Kind thoughts and prayers will be appreciated. A $100K loan will be greatly appreciated!!!!!!

*sits quietly on rock next to friend*
Hold on my friend. I know many of those feelings, too and we will overcome. We are overcoming them.

Kayelless wrote:
Watching the pace of victory. We sometimes don't manifest at a rate satisfying to our impatient hearts, but the victories are had all the same. Don't lose faith.

Jan 26 12 10:50 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Enfire Photography wrote:
edit: laughter is good for the soul. i stole this off the I loled thread

Okay, I had to laugh. lol

Jan 26 12 10:51 am Link


Enfire Photography

Posts: 1488

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Star Child wrote:

Okay, I had to laugh. lol

I use the thread frequently when I'm feeling depressed, hopeless, and all those other dirty feelings that plague us

Jan 26 12 10:53 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Jules NYC wrote:

I'm so sorry.

I wish I had a 100Gs to give you.
I don't have any answers, but I have this flower:

You are a beautiful flower Jules. You are a rare rose of singular beauty.

Jan 26 12 11:22 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Thank you everyone! I adore you all!

Jan 26 12 11:25 am Link



Posts: 2092

Chicago, Illinois, US

Thank you for the birthday wishes(:

Jan 26 12 03:10 pm Link


Natalia Lynn

Posts: 934

Safford, Arizona, US

Moudy Fayed wrote:
Just wondering, what happens to be people who have been either raped or abused and don't go to talk to someone about it? Or get help for that matter?


i can tell you from personal experience i withdrew myself away from the world. i cared for my kids but trusted no one. it was hard.still fighting with low self esteem but i just moved from wisconsin to vegas. fresh start. not everyone can pull thru it. since ive been thru both i try and help others as well pull thru it...

Jan 26 12 03:17 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:

You are a beautiful flower Jules. You are a rare rose of singular beauty.

For you to say kind words like that when you're down, really says something about your character.

You have such a big heart Tim.
Thank you so very much.

Jan 26 12 03:17 pm Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I'm thirty.
Woke up excited and happy to be alive. I've made it this far. wonder what the rest of life will bring. it's been an interesting 30 years.

and it appears that I get snow for my birthday too. yay

Jan 27 12 05:16 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Happy Birthday Faith!!!

Jan 27 12 05:54 am Link



Posts: 14859

Fayetteville, Arkansas, US

Faith EnFire wrote:
I'm thirty.
Woke up excited and happy to be alive. I've made it this far. wonder what the rest of life will bring. it's been an interesting 30 years.
[img]cute picture[/img]

and it appears that I get snow for my birthday too. yay

Happy Birthday!

Jan 27 12 08:11 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

thanks guys smile

Jan 27 12 08:12 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Hi everyone! Gonna do something I never though I would ever do on Wednesday. I'm gonna get a one hour reading from a clairvoyant. For over 20 years I worked in Radio programming so I know lots of people in the industry. This clairvoyant and energy healer does lots of radio and hosted a show that one of my stations carried a long time ago. She has written several books and seems to be well regarded. A friend of mine at an L.A. station turns out to be a friend of hers. One day I happened to call my friend while they were together. My friend said something like, sorry I had to take the call, my friend Tim is sick. Reportedly Mary Ellen, the reader said, "He was injured badly as a child and is still trapped in it. K.C. (my friend) have him contact me for a free reading."

What do y'all think of these kind of psychic things? I think most are a scam based on a cold reading. But how would she know I was blown up when I was young? It should be interesting. It's Wednesday at my Noon. I'll let y'all know what happens.

Love and kisses

Jan 29 12 01:58 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
Hi everyone! Gonna do something I never though I would ever do on Wednesday. I'm gonna get a one hour reading from a clairvoyant. For over 20 years I worked in Radio programming so I know lots of people in the industry. This clairvoyant and energy healer does lots of radio and hosted a show that one of my stations carried a long time ago. She has written several books and seems to be well regarded. A friend of mine at an L.A. station turns out to be a friend of hers. One day I happened to call my friend while they were together. My friend said something like, sorry I had to take the call, my friend Tim is sick. Reportedly Mary Ellen, the reader said, "He was injured badly as a child and is still trapped in it. K.C. (my friend) have him contact me for a free reading."

What do y'all think of these kind of psychic things? I think most are a scam based on a cold reading. But how would she know I was blown up when I was young? It should be interesting. It's Wednesday at my Noon. I'll let y'all know what happens.

Love and kisses

Don't talk or say anything.
Let them talk.


Jan 29 12 05:36 pm Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Jules NYC wrote:

Don't talk or say anything.
Let them talk.


That's my plan Jules. I don't believe in this stuff but I have to admit having a curiosity about such things. I know how cold reading work. "I see a J initial, is there a John or Joe..." That crap is meaningless. I am just going to say that I am at a crossroads and needs guidance and how my past affects my future. That's it. No specifics. I expect her to know I was blown up or at least injured. I expect her to know about the physical pain I deal with everyday. I expect her to blow me away or its worthless. I'm going to record the audio. It's Wednesday night. I'll post afterwards!

Jan 30 12 07:15 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:

That's my plan Jules. I don't believe in this stuff but I have to admit having a curiosity about such things. I know how cold reading work. "I see a J initial, is there a John or Joe..." That crap is meaningless. I am just going to say that I am at a crossroads and needs guidance and how my past affects my future. That's it. No specifics. I expect her to know I was blown up or at least injured. I expect her to know about the physical pain I deal with everyday. I expect her to blow me away or its worthless. I'm going to record the audio. It's Wednesday night. I'll post afterwards!

How interesting:)
Take as it is. 

As curious as I am about the audio, ask yourself if it's a good idea to post that kind of thing to the www.

A private energy reading bounced around to the world?
It's your deal, just thought I'd mention it.

Jan 30 12 08:03 pm Link