Forums > General Industry > When the model strips nude in front of you


Damani HYSTER Higgins

Posts: 7

New York, New York, US

SKPhoto wrote:

Some of us are just having a little good natured fun.

By the way...somebody shoot me when I'm so old I no longer have any "childish wonder" about anything in the world.

Childish is innocent. Perverssion is not professional.
If you want to be "childish" you can always go play with your friends in the kiddy park.

lol. :@)

Mar 13 06 09:07 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Justin wrote:
"doesn't phase me."

Thank you.

In the Shatner voice and tone.

Spock,   ........................I......................... See............................... a .......................









sooo..........................very........................... excited......

But I . ..............will.

not ....................notice.

Mar 13 06 09:10 pm Link


Damani HYSTER Higgins

Posts: 7

New York, New York, US

William Coleman wrote:

Dad, can I borrow the car on Friday?  What a supercilious jerk you are!

Whateva man.
No! you can't borrow the car!

coming from you a "superlicious jerk" means very very little to me. Name calling.....?
Wow. I thought this was a sight for professional adults?

These are my thoughts, and I stand behind them.

Mar 13 06 09:10 pm Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Sascha wrote:

I think I may have been tippy-toeing around by the hanger rack to get that darn dress off! LMAO!

What a proud & graceful moment. teehee At least you didn't fall.

Mar 13 06 09:11 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

Justin wrote:
Just a nonjudgmental FYI:

It's "doesn't faze me" ..... not "doesn't phase me."

Thank you.

You're Welcome.

smile  (the worst part is I actually typed, "faze" looked at it, tilted my head and went - "nah, can't be"  and changed it!)

Mar 13 06 09:11 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Mostly models get right down to it and strip naked while jumping up and down on the bed yelling, "Yo!  Nelson...look a me...I'm hot, right?   Wan somma this hootchie hootchie?"  I don't know exactly what that means, but I've presumed the models are trying to tell me that they aren't shy and that they trust me.  They all use exactly the same words.

Then we get down to the cold business of art photography. 


Mar 13 06 09:11 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Damani HYSTER Higgins wrote:

Childish is innocent. Perverssion is not professional.
If you want to be "childish" you can always go play with your friends in the kiddy park.

lol. :@)

Loosen the cork, that much pressure will kill you.

Got to be careful of the ones that are wrapped up so's only a matter of time before they're a headline on FARK for trying to sell raccoon porn to midgets.

Mar 13 06 09:15 pm Link


Photography by Nature

Posts: 51

If the photographers mindset is professional", and he/she is not just trying to get cheap thrills, this should not be such a big deal. It can actually save time. I shoot to get a good picture, usually of a beautiful woman, so that's the intention. If the woman is beautiful, and naked...I think that is the most awesome image that you can capture on film. I'm far from gay, but the next one would probably be a man who's got the proper build, skin complexion, etc. It's nature. And it's is enticing, because it simply is. Again, it's natural. If a woman does not enjoy being looked at, why is she modeling? Also, if a photographer can't separate work from pleasure, he/she needs to learn how to or go into a genre of photography that is welcoming to a lustful eye. AND even there you need to be able to get the job done without making the subject uncomfortable. Simple as that.

Mar 13 06 09:18 pm Link


Maria T

Posts: 514

Lambertville, New Jersey, US

I've done it,no biggy

Mar 13 06 09:24 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Two corks then.

I can't think of a single time stark professionalism put someone at ease, except maybe in surgery.

When the mood is tense the model is tense.  Being able to pick up a grain of rice with your ass cheeks doesn't make one a professional.

Just a casual shot.  But you gotta have rapport unless you like having models run away crying. … a80416b08d

Mar 13 06 09:25 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

Why doesn't this ever happen to me?! hahaha

Mar 13 06 09:27 pm Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

William Coleman wrote:
Instead of changing outfits in the bathroom, she just strips off one outfit, panties and all, and dons the next outfit.  While I'm standing there.  It first happened for me in a photoshoot in 2003.  I've been around the block a few times, but that shocked me.  Don't stare.  Look, look away, look, look away.  Fleeting glances at the model's goodies, but that's it.  A silent "Yikes!"

I'm less shocked, now, but it's still a heart-pounder, each time.  Anyone else have that reaction, or am I just not a cool enough cucumber?  ::phallic reference slipped in there::

Much to do about nothing.  Get over it.  Not a big deal. bs

Mar 13 06 09:28 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

William Coleman wrote:
Understood.  But I've done over a hundred shoots, with almost 50 models, without incident.  I can feel my gut reaction without acting on it.

indeed - every once so seldom, there's an occasional 'man moment' when something is unexpected.

That's where total professionalism happens.

But nothing to write about - pardon the cliche

Mar 13 06 09:31 pm Link


Erwyn L

Posts: 325

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I got lucky today... 5 hrs ago

Mar 13 06 09:35 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

StMarc wrote:
Models are astounding in their resourcefulness in this area. I did a swimsuit shoot on the roof of my studio with a model once. She changed her suit three times under a lab coat I gave her to wear on the way up. It was extremely impressive.


Now that's something that makes me say GODDAAAMMM!

I was shooting a client on a beach. She went to change in the bathroom and we were about half a mile from it when I noticed that she had a one piece bathing suit and pantyhose underneath (because her legs were pale). I told her to take those things off. She was wearing a short beach robe thing and she took them off right there in about 10 seconds without taking the bathing suit off. I was like YAWZA!! I still don't know how that's possible.

Mar 13 06 10:33 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

And this is where many male photographers reading this thread curse double standards smile

I bet you never even tried. I'm sure they'll let you compare.

Mar 13 06 10:38 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

deviki wrote:
i do it all the time!it is just a body, right?what is the big deal?celebrate comfort and acceptance and beauty and the fact that the human body is gorgeous.take it as an affirmation to your coolness, photogs...

You do?

I thought you were too grumpy for that!  J/K

Mar 13 06 10:44 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Damani HYSTER Higgins wrote:

Whateva man.
No! you can't borrow the car!

coming from you a "superlicious jerk" means very very little to me. Name calling.....?
Wow. I thought this was a sight for professional adults?

These are my thoughts, and I stand behind them.

I apologize for calling you a jerk.  The combination of arrogance and stupidity sometimes sets me off.  I should have said you were jerkish.

Mar 13 06 10:45 pm Link



Posts: 14

Chicago, Illinois, US

Yeah get over it.  Go to a strip club or something.  You sound like a 12 year old or a very dirty old man.

Mar 13 06 10:49 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

William Coleman wrote:
....Don't stare.  Look, look away, look, look away.  Fleeting glances at the model's goodies, but that's it.  A silent "Yikes!"

I'm less shocked, now, but it's still a heart-pounder, each time.  Anyone else have that reaction, or am I just not a cool enough cucumber?  ::phallic reference slipped in there::

Wow... what a classless kook you prove to be by merely having to bring this up.

Have a bit of respect for those things that are THE NORM in the biz of which you are pretending to belong.

I'm just shocked you did not continue your dramalog with refrences to cold showers and dreams.

Seriously.... do you have to think twice about not looking at the guy in the public stall next to you at the airport bathroom?

Mar 13 06 10:50 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

mike3521 wrote:
Yeah get over it.  Go to a strip club or something.  You sound like a 12 year old or a very dirty old man.

Neither, actually.

Over 175 posts so far, in a few hours, for a subject that many say is "no big deal."  Some of us may be in a teensy bit of denial.

Mar 13 06 10:52 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

William Coleman wrote:
Some of us may be in a teensy bit of denial.

No... actually ONE seems to be showing paedophile tendencies.

Mar 13 06 10:55 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Manfred Kooistra wrote:
My first thougth was: "Is this an American thing?" (You know, puritans and all.) When I go to the beach in summer, I strip off all my clothes, put on my trunks (I don't swim or sunbathe nude) and then jump in the water or play frisbee or whatever. I do this quickly but unashamedly, right in the middle of all the folks, beside the grandma with her grandchild. Many people do this (although most use a towel), and very few react to this in any way. It is not what everyone does, but people do it, and it bothers no-one. Or: When I lived in a flat with a few other students, we sometimes used the bathroom at the same time - one person under the shower, someone else brushing his or her teeth -, because we were too lazy to get up two hours earlier to go to the bathroom one after another and still be at the university on time. So we just stripped off quietly, got in the shower and, of course, looked quickly and enjoyed.

My second thought is: Well, of course it is nice and exciting to see a nice and pretty woman undress, but I have seen so many naked people in my life, that at the same time it feels normal. Sometimes, after a shooting, my models sit around naked and drink coffee and talk to me, and we all (me, her, her chaperone, my wife) forget that she is naked, or not really forget, but take it as it is and enjoy it without feeling much different than before. The situation sure is strange, but the person is a stranger, and I am more nervous about her not liking my photos of her than of her being naked.

Hmm, am I fooling myself? This, after all, is one of the reasons why I chose this job! I like naked women. :-)

I must be an American thing because I don't get it either. I go to my little provincial town and see women topless, little kids running around the beach naked, whole families changing into the bathing suits right on the beach. The attitude is if you don't like it - don't look. My ex was a painter and she painted and drew naked men. Not until recently when my (American) girlfriend said she had a problem with me taking pictures of women occurred to me that some men would have been jealous of their wives painting naked men.

I take pictures of women because sexuality is a subject that is relevant to most peoples lives. Do you think they have such lively discussions on the bird photography forum? I used to do other types of photography landscapes, photojournalism, still life. I used to get up early, drive for hours to get somewhere when the light is just right. I used to get sprayed with teargas during demonstrations. I used to walk around and collect twigs, rocks, old pots for my still lifes. Nothing draws attention as strongly as an image of a human being, dressed or undressed. So if you pick your subject correctly you are ahead of the game. And you get to meet cool people too.

Mar 13 06 10:59 pm Link


Michael McGowan

Posts: 3829

Tucson, Arizona, US

The reason you're being told over and over that this is no big deal ... is because your original question showed it's a big deal to you.

I've had models on non-nude, commercial shoots strip down to get into a new outfit, without being concerned about the photographer, stylist, MUA, whoever, in the vicinity. The only people supposed to be there are professionals.

This is one of the main reasons professional models don't like to have gawkers (aka escorts) cluttering up the landscape. They'll be free and easy around other models, but not around another model's male "assistant."

I always try to have a dressing area available, but I'm finding nearly nobody worries about the privacy issues.

Fact is more than a few models ask for help getting into outfits, especially those latex things.

BTW, this lack of modesty isn't just in modeling. You'll see it in lots of location filming, back stage at plays and, as lots of people said, at fashion shows.

Mar 13 06 11:02 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Well that does it... I think I'll become a cork salesman.  Real big ones guaranteed to make the prim and proper feel really secure.

I keep waiting for "the church lady" to make a post.

Mar 13 06 11:02 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

edit button=good thing

Mar 13 06 11:02 pm Link



Posts: 574

Grand Prairie, Texas, US

mike3521 wrote:
Yeah get over it.  Go to a strip club or something.  You sound like a 12 year old or a very dirty old man.


Mar 13 06 11:03 pm Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

Jack Checkowy wrote:
True, there are preverts in any industry, not just photography, but not all photographers  are preverts!

Speak for yourself! I'm a provert!  tongue

Mar 13 06 11:05 pm Link



Posts: 876

Sunbury, Pennsylvania, US

obvisously some of you have NEVER been to a fashion soon as those girls get off the runway the clothes get dropped and they're grabing their next outfit. when you have 2 or 3 minutes to change, there's no time for modesty...

true there's NO photographers back stage taking photos, but there's MUA's and the clothes ranglers, and maybe a few others who are just waiting to it all to be over.

Mar 13 06 11:08 pm Link


Kilmer Photography

Posts: 147

Boothwyn, Pennsylvania, US

Back on to the original subject...Happens every day for me. I'm not phased by it a bit. Nothing I haven't seen before. To me its part of the job and any time I'm looking its because i'm looking at details to make the photo better. That's about it. when I'm working I'm a photographer first.  I'm more about getting the right image.


Mar 13 06 11:10 pm Link


walter t

Posts: 131

New York, New York, US

no big deal.

south park reference: move along, nothing to see hear.

Mar 13 06 11:15 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Steven Bigler wrote:

No... actually ONE seems to be showing paedophile tendencies.

Who would that be?  And what shows that person's paedophile tendencies?

Mar 13 06 11:19 pm Link



Posts: 590

West Jordan, Utah, US

Yeah I love it when they do that.

Mar 13 06 11:20 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

SKPhoto wrote:
Well that does it... I think I'll become a cork salesman.  Real big ones guaranteed to make the prim and proper feel really secure.

I keep waiting for "the church lady" to make a post.

LOL. Church ladies are opposed to sexual feelings, but are at least aware of them.  Well, maybe not.

Mar 13 06 11:26 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

Kilmer Photography wrote:
I'm not phased by it a bit.


Hey buddy..  Over here...

Ixnay on the asedphay thing.  You might want to go back and edit your post quickly.

Justin's a real stickler on that...

Mar 13 06 11:27 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

We talk a lot about perverted photographers but what about model perverts? It did happen to me a couple of times and I was offended. A couple of them used me in their I'm-so-sexy-in-front-of-the-camera fantasy and some were just dying to have some attention while naked.

Mar 13 06 11:27 pm Link



Posts: 331

Los Angeles, California, US

I know when im doing fashion shows im always naked in the back stage, so when I change for a shoot I could  careless who sees me naked as long as its not the creepy next door neighbor but I just figure the photographer, people have seen a pair of BOOBS before..WHOOOOOPIE DOOOOO

Mar 13 06 11:28 pm Link


Inside The GrayZone

Posts: 4

Baltimore, Maryland, US the world of modeling I thought that was common....if I was the model I be more concern about you and what lies in your mind , I've photograph over a 100+ nude models and if they do that , than like someone suggested maybe you should be taking the time to do your job and make sure your set up and ready to shoot than going "oh my God she's naked" and if nude shots weren't part of the deal well damm that may be the time to suggest it !!! lol .......maybe you should tell the model before hand I'm weird about that and my mind wonders .....cause from what your saying it seem to have wondered and to call her body parts "Goodies" well that's another topic ......never been to the Caribbean i guess where in Aruba the "Dutch" more than most just strip and go swimming.....
That'a a weird thread ........back stage at real fashion shows time doesn't allow changing rooms. But if you have this problem maybe you should talk to someone and everybody who made comments about it like it was weird !!! well welcome to the world of modeling ...really I feel this conversation sheads light on your personality more than the model !!! And those high and mighty model for real !!!! To me personality it's a professional compliment to have a model have that comfort level with me.

Mar 13 06 11:29 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Just happened again on Sunday.  What's the big deal?

And seriously I found the early "decency" comment quite offensive.  What is indecent about nudity?  If one thinks that these "professionals" are indecent, well, I think you don't belong.  Quit.

Mar 13 06 11:30 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

retphoto wrote:
......true there's NO photographers back stage taking photos........

WHAT?!!!!!  Have you actually been backstage during the shows?!  There are many of (us) photographers shooting... however we have the insight and class to know what to shoot and what to NOT shoot.

A photographer friend of mine, Rohn Meijer, just had an entire book published on JUST his backstage images.  Lots of cute dressing pics (models were notified and aware of Rohn shooting), as well as the frenzy captured that are the collections.  (NY-Paris-Milan)

Mar 13 06 11:33 pm Link