Forums > General Industry > When the model strips nude in front of you


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Louis Braga wrote:

You sound more like GWC than a pro ...

I'm a guy with a camera.  You didn't mean "GWC" in any derogatory way.

Mar 14 06 08:17 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

why dont just get a lap dance and avoid the drama?

Mar 14 06 08:21 pm Link



Posts: 534

Martinsburg, West Virginia, US

I usually will change in front of the photographer as long as they don't object.  I'm just so comfortable doing it and I figure it gives the photographer a thrill as well.  lol

Mar 14 06 08:24 pm Link


Laura Deus

Posts: 12

Media, Pennsylvania, US

i've never had a photographer insist that i change in front of him, but i have read many posts from photographers that they hate it when models insist on changeing elsewhere, usually because it takes so much more time to go to another room and change. personally i dont really think its that big of a time gap, but id prefer to not get on any photographer's bad side so i usually change right in front of them, but im usually turned away. especially if at any point we will be doing nudes...theres no point to change elsewhere if they are going to see you nude anyway. also i agree with it shows more confidence and comfort. im kind of surprised a photographer posted they were so caught off guard by it....

Mar 14 06 08:27 pm Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

So my post is on page 5 or 6.  who will read it anyway?

So,  let me see,  I shoot models,  they get nekked,  I keep shoooooting,  they stay nekked,  I just shoot and hope something looks good.  If they change and get in a different outfit,  I just keep shooting.

So there was something there that I wasnt supposed to see???? 

could you ask the question again,  I'm having trouble. 

What were we trying to get at.  ????

O yeah,  I think I remember, .....
you are an artist, ........
shooting art,  ................
and you are uncomfortable with the artistry of the naked body. 

Remind me why you are reading this forum?


Mar 14 06 08:35 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Isys Entertainment wrote:
All the photogs I have worked with have been very professional and don't go flaky and perv out, so what the problem with a little titties and ass? As long as we are not coming on to you and making you break wedding vows than what is the problem?

Time is saved and in a shoot I think time management is very important.

Just my opinion but I think this should not be an issue because all the top industry professionals look at you crazy if you ask where the change room is.


Thanks for your contribution, Alisun!  I'm glad that you've only come across professionals.  There is no problem or issue for me.  I used the forum to express a reaction and ask others about their reactions.  Some shared mine, some didn't.  None of us went flaky or perved out, you'll be glad to know.  :-)

Mar 14 06 08:36 pm Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

ShadowCrafter wrote:
So my post is on page 5 or 6.  who will read it anyway?

So,  let me see,  I shoot models,  they get nekked,  I keep shoooooting,  they stay nekked,  I just shoot and hope something looks good.  If they change and get in a different outfit,  I just keep shooting.

So there was something there that I wasnt supposed to see???? 

could you ask the question again,  I'm having trouble. 

What were we trying to get at.  ????

O yeah,  I think I remember, .....
you are an artist, ........
shooting art,  ................
and you are uncomfortable with the artistry of the naked body. 

Remind me why you are reading this forum?


NAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa      Never Mind

Mar 14 06 08:37 pm Link


ip studio

Posts: 68

New York, New York, US

It's fun to see how people impose their values on others without even being conscious of it.

Some think it's indecent to change in public, even as to call it an insult to the photographer.
Others get excited looking at a girl changing in front of them and think that's what it's all about.

Here's how a professional (since this is my only job) approaches it-

I am very grateful when the girl changes in the room with me instead of the bathroom or behind a screen.
It usually saves at least a minute of time, and more often about 5.
The stylist can be next to her, which is often impossible in a small closed off area.

1)I tell my models they can change wherever they want- bathroom or in studio
2) I don't look at her change and will turn away and just review polaroids or digital shots in the camera. I'll just be in my corner doing my thing.

2) I don't make comments of any sort.

And finally, since i'm doing a job, it's really not as exciting as people that do it for fun find it.

As Udo says,  you have to pay me extra for sex, i'm here to shoot!

Mar 14 06 08:37 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
why dont just get a lap dance and avoid the drama?

No thanks.

Mar 14 06 08:39 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

retphoto wrote:
obvisously some of you have NEVER been to a fashion soon as those girls get off the runway the clothes get dropped and they're grabing their next outfit. when you have 2 or 3 minutes to change, there's no time for modesty...

true there's NO photographers back stage taking photos, but there's MUA's and the clothes ranglers, and maybe a few others who are just waiting to it all to be over.

Actually, you are wrong!

Not only am I a runway photographer who shoots backstage interviews with the designers, some models and stylists with the media team I am backstage, e.g. Olympus fashionweek, I am also on the production team of the Couture fashionweek, and the upcoming bridal week in April and involved in many, many other shows.

At most real fashionshows, worthy to do complete coverage, there is press backstage, but we are usually invited and have extra backstage access.

Now, the unwritten rule is that you never point the camera or video towards a nekkid  model, EVER!

If you do so, unless the model says it's okay (happened), you may get evicted and your press credentials taken away. We had at the couture fashionweek last September a guy taking photos of models when changing... we threw him out and made sure that his memory card was formatted before he could leave.

BTW, when the show is ON... then the media who was shooting backstage is usually not backstage anymore, but in the photographers pit to cover the actuall show, to deliver the complete package.
All the best


Mar 14 06 08:52 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

While some of us have poked some good natured fun at something common in the industry and some common reactions to it, the distress, for lack of a better word, is due to the fact that we do differentiate between business and personal.

Modeling nude is an act of business or art.  Dressing or undressing, if not part of the actual image ideas, is a personal act.  It can catch us off guard.

Mar 14 06 09:08 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

SKPhoto wrote:
While some of us have poked some good natured fun at something common in the industry and some common reactions to it, the distress, for lack of a better word, is due to the fact that we do differentiate between business and personal.

Modeling nude is an act of business or art.  Dressing or undressing, if not part of the actual image ideas, is a personal act.  It can catch us off guard.

Subtle, thoughtful post, SK!

Mar 14 06 09:20 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

AlexNorden wrote:
As Udo says,  you have to pay me extra for sex, i'm here to shoot!

Hahahahaa... you still remember my line Alex... big_smile

Just used it at last nights shoot again... the first expression on the model is always something for Mastercard... "priceless"... wink

Mar 14 06 09:23 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Laura Deus wrote:
i've never had a photographer insist that i change in front of him, but i have read many posts from photographers that they hate it when models insist on changeing elsewhere, usually because it takes so much more time to go to another room and change. personally i dont really think its that big of a time gap, but id prefer to not get on any photographer's bad side so i usually change right in front of them, but im usually turned away. especially if at any point we will be doing nudes...theres no point to change elsewhere if they are going to see you nude anyway. also i agree with it shows more confidence and comfort. im kind of surprised a photographer posted they were so caught off guard by it....

Why are you so surprised? If it's part of what you do, nudity and is expected then it's the norm. But for many of the photographers that have addressed the surprise issue haven't or didn't do any nudity at the time.

My first time was a surprise only because we didn't know each other and the restroom was just down the hall. But all in all it doesn't bother me. It aint like I haven't seen it before. I just think that you have to be wise on who you are around when they do it. If they want you to their ass and titties, whatever. I'm not leaving.

Mar 15 06 02:18 am Link



Posts: 551

Los Angeles, California, US

if a model does that, she obviously wants you, William. 
thats your cue to POUNCE

Mar 15 06 02:27 am Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

MadamePsychosis wrote:
if a model does that, she obviously wants you, William. 
thats your cue to POUNCE

I'm so dense!  I should have realized that!  Another lost opportunity!

Mar 15 06 07:57 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:
Oh yeah, like most men look women in the eyes when the women are DRESSED

A few years ago, Kirtie Allie was on SNL and played an alien woman from a race where their eyes had migrated to their nipples over the course of millenia of men talking to their tits.


William Coleman wrote:

At the end of the sketch, they said "Next week: Women with mattresses for backs!"

Mar 15 06 05:20 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
why dont just get a lap dance and avoid the drama?

strippers won't trade lapdances for photos  big_smile

Mar 15 06 05:23 pm Link


SunSplash Photography

Posts: 479

Orlando, Florida, US

David A wrote:
It's happened to me too.  I didn't really think much about it because I actually paid the model her nude rate instead and could have photographed her nude anytime I wanted.

She looked so great in her wardrobe I never really wanted to get her out of it.  lol.  Some of you may think I'm nuts.  I'm one of those that thinks leaving even a little for the imagination makes a better photograph.


Me too.  But it is good when the "payoff" comes at the end.  Usually.  There are some people who shouldn't be seen nude in public.

But that's just me.  :-)

Mar 15 06 05:31 pm Link


James Rapp

Posts: 92

Carlsbad, California, US

prb wrote:
If a model is openly prepared to change in front of a photographer it normally means that she is very comfortable with herself, the surroundings and him - otherwise she would change in private. Go behind the scenes of any big major fashion show and you wiould be amazed. The models don't have time to 'go hide' - they change from one outfit to another on the spot, and from a certain point of view it could all be considered the greatest strip show on earth - but that is only by circumstance.

I was working on a fashion video in the lobby of an old theatre years back.  I had hired my son to be a grip/utility.  We were on the mezannine walk way above the lobby.  Down below was a draped off section for the models to change.  Of course there was no top on it.  As my son walked along picking up lights and cable, he looked down to see the warddrobe stylist help a topless panty clad model into her next dress, he remarked "I want that job".

Mar 15 06 10:17 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

James Rapp wrote:

I was working on a fashion video in the lobby of an old theatre years back.  I had hired my son to be a grip/utility.  We were on the mezannine walk way above the lobby.  Down below was a draped off section for the models to change.  Of course there was no top on it.  As my son walked along picking up lights and cable, he looked down to see the warddrobe stylist help a topless panty clad model into her next dress, he remarked "I want that job".

Sounds normal to me.  BTW, is that job still open?  :-)

Mar 15 06 11:34 pm Link