Forums > General Industry > When the model strips nude in front of you


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

CristinaLex wrote:
still doesnt make sense...all i said that people or women sometimes need to have the decency to be a lady and change else where....thats not funny...and i was just saying i didnt know a lot of females do that....some of you all are photographers who make pervertic comments...thats why this seem "funny" to you all

No, you said:

CristinaLex wrote:
you gonna wait forever sweety because it aint happening smile

that is what we are talking about!!!!!!

Mar 13 06 04:04 pm Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

Not sure what the big deal is as long as it isn't breaking public nudity laws.  As long as the model is changing out of view of people on public property, then it should not be a concern.  Most models know how to make quick changes without flashing people in public anyway. I am sure that many models have learned that time is more critical than modesty - especially on location when good light can be a fleeting moment.

I had my line in a fashion show last fall and there was just one back room for all the models to do quick changes.  - No time for each of 20 male and female models to wait for the bathroom to be modest. That's pretty typical for runway models too from what I hear.

It's professional to accept that practice as standard and not to make an issue about it otherwise, the model may loose confidence in you as a professional photographer.

Aren't you guys supposed to be like doctors anyway? smile

Mar 13 06 04:08 pm Link


House of DL

Posts: 523

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

DeBoer Photography wrote:

A photographer can be a pervert...but can a pervert be a photographer?

Of course you can, but you will have to change the spelling, maybe pervetographer!

Mar 13 06 04:08 pm Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

William Coleman wrote:
Instead of changing outfits in the bathroom, she just strips off one outfit, panties and all, and dons the next outfit.  While I'm standing there.  It first happened for me in a photoshoot in 2003.  I've been around the block a few times, but that shocked me.  Don't stare.  Look, look away, look, look away.  Fleeting glances at the model's goodies, but that's it.  A silent "Yikes!"

I'm less shocked, now, but it's still a heart-pounder, each time.  Anyone else have that reaction, or am I just not a cool enough cucumber?  ::phallic reference slipped in there::

Is that a big deal.. to see a girl naked? =\

Mar 13 06 04:23 pm Link


Infinite Eye

Posts: 300

New York, New York, US

This should be a non-issue.  Any discomfort at where and how a model changes should come from the model, not the photographer.

Mar 13 06 04:25 pm Link


Genell Canty

Posts: 159

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I'm a woman...and I know we're all girls but it shocks me too...

My first time reaction went something like this...  "Girl! Whatchu doin'??!!"


Mar 13 06 04:27 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

I did a shoot with a great photographer friend of mine when we were both starting out and wanted to try some artistic nudes (cool lighting, poses, etc.) and he needed some help getting lights set up just right.  So I'm hauling equipment into the studio and holding lights and moving furniture with him - all in the buff!  It didn't occur to me that I needed to put clothing on.  I've changed in public too many times to count, and who knows how many people have seen me nekkid!?  Why should I be worried about a photographer seeing me naked for just a second?

Mar 13 06 04:28 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Unless the model I am working with has plans to do nudes for me at the shoot she changes elsewhere behind closed doors because I make sure to tell them that whatever    happens at the shoot is fair game. Once the shoot begins, I click the shutter release at anything I want. This includes behind the scenes changing type shots if changing within  line of sight.

Mar 13 06 04:29 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

KatieK wrote:
So I'm hauling equipment into the studio and holding lights and moving furniture with him - all in the buff!

You will change this once you get your first hot light burn while nude. Especially if it is in a sensitive area.Believe me.Nothin like a hot metal "barn door" section burn. You will shriek like a wild monkey and he will giggle,lol.

Mar 13 06 04:31 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Models are astounding in their resourcefulness in this area. I did a swimsuit shoot on the roof of my studio with a model once. She changed her suit three times under a lab coat I gave her to wear on the way up. It was extremely impressive.

I shot another model once covered nude in a shower. She was in that shower for fifteen minutes, I shot her from every angle, and I did not once see a damn thing. That girl is a Jedi Master, I swear to Bog. I'd *blink,* and she'd be in a new pose, hands in place.

But as far as models shucking, any model who does fashion shows is going to have to learn to do it, and anybody who wants to work at a fashion show is going to have to learn to deal with it. Last time I shot a show, it was in a hotel/nightclub, and the staging room was right off the corridor to the bathrooms. There were eight women who were dressing and undressing (well, down to thongs, I never saw the full Monty, although I wasn't going out of my way to keep score) in there for two hours while the clients paired outfits. Aside from one of the clients' creepy friends, nobody seemed to even notice.

Having nothing else to do until the show started, I appointed myself bouncer (the hotel dropped the ball and didn't have any security on the hall.) The drunken buffoons who wandered in from time to time did notice, but I stood there and was as wide as I could be (which is pretty wide) and shoo'd them out without much fuss.

I shot a model for a MUA Saturday and she wanted a sort of tropical look - long flowing skirt, strip-top tied around the breasts. For the last few shots, the MUA asked the model to do a covered topless shot. She reached around, untied the scarf, threw it on the couch, and slid her hands around on her breasts until the pose was right. Nobody cared. (Well, far, far back in the recesses of my mind, a voice was saying, "Hmmm... nice!" But I didn't even really notice. That sort of depresses me.)


Mar 13 06 04:33 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

William Coleman wrote:
Instead of changing outfits in the bathroom, she just strips off one outfit, panties and all, and dons the next outfit.  While I'm standing there.  It first happened for me in a photoshoot in 2003.  I've been around the block a few times, but that shocked me.  Don't stare.  Look, look away, look, look away.  Fleeting glances at the model's goodies, but that's it.  A silent "Yikes!"

I'm less shocked, now, but it's still a heart-pounder, each time.  Anyone else have that reaction, or am I just not a cool enough cucumber?  ::phallic reference slipped in there::

I think it's good as it saves time during the shoot. One studio I use in Seattle, the changing room is at the other end of the building and up a flight of stairs. It takes a model about 7 minutes to make the trip. Yes that time is also used to change backdrops, adjust lights, replace low batteries or move props, so it's up to the model. Less time in the studio = less images.


Mar 13 06 04:33 pm Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

Jay Dezelic wrote:
Aren't you guys supposed to be like doctors anyway? smile

yes, but you'll probably never hear me ask you to "turn your head and cough".  Unless, the light is just right at that moment... and Barry White is playing on the stereo.

Mar 13 06 04:34 pm Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

JenniferMaria wrote:

That was hilarious. Were you hopping around on one foot?

I think I may have been tippy-toeing around by the hanger rack to get that darn dress off! LMAO!

Mar 13 06 04:34 pm Link


AVP Images

Posts: 19

Los Angeles, California, US

I'm right there with you.  It's somewhat tortureous.

Mar 13 06 04:37 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

William Coleman wrote:
Instead of changing outfits in the bathroom, she just strips off one outfit, panties and all, and dons the next outfit.  While I'm standing there.  It first happened for me in a photoshoot in 2003.  I've been around the block a few times, but that shocked me.  Don't stare.  Look, look away, look, look away.  Fleeting glances at the model's goodies, but that's it.  A silent "Yikes!"

I'm less shocked, now, but it's still a heart-pounder, each time.  Anyone else have that reaction, or am I just not a cool enough cucumber?  ::phallic reference slipped in there::

The very fact that this notion would occupy space in your mind means that ... well, I'd be a bit concerned  -  lol

Mar 13 06 04:38 pm Link



Posts: 152

Miami, Florida, US

When models undress in front of me, I drop everything and immediately run up to them to compare bra sizes. Sometimes we squeal like little girls for added effect.

Mar 13 06 04:42 pm Link


Ceehawk Multimedia

Posts: 319

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

William Coleman wrote:
Instead of changing outfits in the bathroom, she just strips off one outfit, panties and all, and dons the next outfit.  While I'm standing there.  It first happened for me in a photoshoot in 2003.  I've been around the block a few times, but that shocked me.  Don't stare.  Look, look away, look, look away.  Fleeting glances at the model's goodies, but that's it.  A silent "Yikes!"

I'm less shocked, now, but it's still a heart-pounder, each time.  Anyone else have that reaction, or am I just not a cool enough cucumber?  ::phallic reference slipped in there::

It means she's comfortable with you.  Don't try to figure it out, go with the flow.  Her comfort zone means there will be that much more of a comfort zone while you're shooting.  I always provide
a place for the model to change in private when i am shooting but, if she feels comfortable enough to change in front of me, I uhh...adapt.

Mar 13 06 04:43 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Dax wrote:

Is that a big deal.. to see a girl naked? =\

Yep.  :-)

BTW, I think it mattered more because we were not shooting nudes.  So, there is this sudden 3 seconds of nature's goodness, and then she's all clothed again.  If we had been shooting nudes, it would have been less surprising.  Make sense?

Mar 13 06 04:43 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

00siris wrote:

The very fact that this notion would occupy space in your mind means that ... well, I'd be a bit concerned  -  lol

Understood.  But I've done over a hundred shoots, with almost 50 models, without incident.  I can feel my gut reaction without acting on it.

Mar 13 06 04:46 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

tyat wrote:
When models undress in front of me, I drop everything and immediately run up to them to compare bra sizes. Sometimes we squeal like little girls for added effect.

And this is where many male photographers reading this thread curse double standards smile

Mar 13 06 04:50 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

William Coleman wrote:
Instead of changing outfits in the bathroom, she just strips off one outfit, panties and all, and dons the next outfit.  While I'm standing there.  It first happened for me in a photoshoot in 2003.  I've been around the block a few times, but that shocked me.  Don't stare.  Look, look away, look, look away.  Fleeting glances at the model's goodies, but that's it.  A silent "Yikes!"

I'm less shocked, now, but it's still a heart-pounder, each time.  Anyone else have that reaction, or am I just not a cool enough cucumber?  ::phallic reference slipped in there::

When a model strips in front of me, there's usually no outfit to speak of, so it's just business as usual for me.  Most of the time, i'm too busy setting up lights and loading my toycameras to notice.

Mar 13 06 04:53 pm Link


J Welborn

Posts: 2552

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Happens here all the time nude and non nude shoots. Some girls are just that way ,it's nice that they feel secure in doing so .

Mar 13 06 04:55 pm Link



Posts: 1779

Denver, Colorado, US

It has happened to me more times than I can count. I just turn the other way and wait til they are ready to continue shooting.

Mar 13 06 04:56 pm Link



Posts: 1353

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I change in front of everybody... I have nothing to hide... if you've seen my photos you've seen what I've got to offer (for the most part). Maybe I'm not a "lady" but I see no reason to run and hide....

Mar 13 06 04:58 pm Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

Stroke me stroke me

Stroke Stroke Stroke

Mar 13 06 04:58 pm Link



Posts: 60

Dallas, Georgia, US

William Coleman wrote:
Instead of changing outfits in the bathroom, she just strips off one outfit, panties and all, and dons the next outfit.  While I'm standing there.  It first happened for me in a photoshoot in 2003.  I've been around the block a few times, but that shocked me.  Don't stare.  Look, look away, look, look away.  Fleeting glances at the model's goodies, but that's it.  A silent "Yikes!"

I'm less shocked, now, but it's still a heart-pounder, each time.  Anyone else have that reaction, or am I just not a cool enough cucumber?  ::phallic reference slipped in there::

happens all the time to me, but i must admit the first few times was rather interesting. hell, i'm only 26 now (22 then) so i stilll got the "HELLO" reaction. haha

Mar 13 06 04:59 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

When a model strips in front of me, there's usually no outfit to speak of, so it's just business as usual for me.  Most of the time, i'm too busy setting up lights and loading my toycameras to notice.


Mar 13 06 04:59 pm Link



Posts: 93

Muncie, Indiana, US

William Coleman wrote:
Instead of changing outfits in the bathroom, she just strips off one outfit, panties and all, and dons the next outfit.  While I'm standing there.  It first happened for me in a photoshoot in 2003.  I've been around the block a few times, but that shocked me.  Don't stare.  Look, look away, look, look away.  Fleeting glances at the model's goodies, but that's it.  A silent "Yikes!"

I'm less shocked, now, but it's still a heart-pounder, each time.  Anyone else have that reaction, or am I just not a cool enough cucumber?  ::phallic reference slipped in there::



Mar 13 06 05:01 pm Link



Posts: 31

My first thougth was: "Is this an American thing?" (You know, puritans and all.) When I go to the beach in summer, I strip off all my clothes, put on my trunks (I don't swim or sunbathe nude) and then jump in the water or play frisbee or whatever. I do this quickly but unashamedly, right in the middle of all the folks, beside the grandma with her grandchild. Many people do this (although most use a towel), and very few react to this in any way. It is not what everyone does, but people do it, and it bothers no-one. Or: When I lived in a flat with a few other students, we sometimes used the bathroom at the same time - one person under the shower, someone else brushing his or her teeth -, because we were too lazy to get up two hours earlier to go to the bathroom one after another and still be at the university on time. So we just stripped off quietly, got in the shower and, of course, looked quickly and enjoyed.

My second thought is: Well, of course it is nice and exciting to see a nice and pretty woman undress, but I have seen so many naked people in my life, that at the same time it feels normal. Sometimes, after a shooting, my models sit around naked and drink coffee and talk to me, and we all (me, her, her chaperone, my wife) forget that she is naked, or not really forget, but take it as it is and enjoy it without feeling much different than before. The situation sure is strange, but the person is a stranger, and I am more nervous about her not liking my photos of her than of her being naked.

Hmm, am I fooling myself? This, after all, is one of the reasons why I chose this job! I like naked women. :-)

Mar 13 06 05:10 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

00siris wrote:

The very fact that this notion would occupy space in your mind means that ... well, I'd be a bit concerned  -  lol

Aren't you the person who needed to have bondage explained to you not long ago?

Mar 13 06 05:10 pm Link


Walsh Street Journal

Posts: 352

Lewes, Delaware, US

All you have to do is to remember ONE thing:

"A Lady Is A Woman, Who Makes It Easy For A Man To Be A Gentleman."

Mar 13 06 05:18 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Manfred Kooistra wrote:
My first thougth was: "Is this an American thing?" (You know, puritans and all.)

Yes, it's an American thing.  We're a prudish lot.  :-)

Mar 13 06 05:25 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I don't shoot nude, however,

if I go change in the bathroom, it is because I think the photographer may not be comfortable, not me. If we are shooting lingerie, or something, what the heck is the point of going in another room to change? I'm like get over it, so I can change right here, where it is easier. smile

I've been stripped down by stylists, and made to stand there while they figured out what to try on me.

as long as noone gets my nudity on camera, I don't care.

Mar 13 06 05:33 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Manfred Kooistra wrote:
When I go to the beach in summer, I strip off all my clothes, put on my trunks (I don't swim or sunbathe nude) and then jump in the water or play frisbee or whatever. I do this quickly but unashamedly, right in the middle of all the folks, beside the grandma with her grandchild.

If you do this in America and you are not on a nude beach, you can get arrested and (with the recent "Child Protection" Laws)...go to jail and be labelled a sex offender.  This "title" will then stay with you for life and because it happened in front of minors, you are considered a "Child Sexual Predator."

Pretty sad, isn't it?

Mar 13 06 05:38 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

It's no big deal. I appreciate it from a time efficiency standpoint.

Whatever the model is comfortable with, that's what I respect.

Mar 13 06 05:41 pm Link



Posts: 344

I want a model 2 strip in front of meeee!

Mar 13 06 05:43 pm Link


Jordan Hamilton May

Posts: 276

Lake Forest, California, US

I shoot nudes alot its not a big deal. If you are in this business long enough chances are you are going to see a naked woman. Sometimes the model doesnt want to scurry into a bathroom or behind closed doors, its easier to just change around the photographer. Thats part of why the photographer/model bond is so important. This is also the wet dream of all the GWC's reading this. I wish they would all just F OFF already.

Mar 13 06 05:43 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Angel Tara wrote:
as long as noone gets my nudity on camera, I don't care.

Hey Angel,

Would you like to shoot with me?  There is no nudity...but lots of changes in outfits...


Mar 13 06 05:43 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

DeBoer Photography wrote:

Hey Angel,

Would you like to shoot with me?  There is no nudity...but lots of changes in outfits...


LMAO! cute, real cute!


Mar 13 06 05:53 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

I really don't see the issue.
If you're talking with her, just continue talking with her.
If you're doing something else, continue doing something else.

What do you do in a locker room? (rhetorical) smile


Mar 13 06 06:05 pm Link