Forums > General Industry > Model Emergency - Update - Need MM Community Help



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

TooCoolQueeniee wrote:
So you've never lacked common sense before ever in your life?? Not even when you were younger?? Wow, I wish I could be so cool.

It has nothing to do with being cool, it's about being adult and dealing with life.  Shit happens, you deal with it.  This model would have been perfectly fine had she stayed at the airport and sucked it up.  Then when she got home she would have a hell of a story to tell and people would feel Proud of her instead of Sorry for her.

Big difference!

Dec 21 06 04:42 pm Link


Paul Thomas 3

Posts: 1301

Denver, Colorado, US

Weather Update in Denver:

Snow has just NOW stopped falling, after 29 (!) hours of storming which resulted in a minimum of two feet of snow throughout the metro area, some places reporting 3-4 feet.

The 18 hour storm also had high winds, causing drifts up to 10 feet high. One of them on my driveway... sad

Translation for those of you who have never lived near snow:

Nobody is going anywhere. No FedEx deliveries. No mail. No pizza guys. If you're pregnant or otherwise need to get the hospital, you are advised to call a central hotline where they will dispatch the National Guard to come rescue you.

Cars are littered on the highways and side streets, where they came to a stop due to deep snow and were abandoned.

Denver does not get snow like this very often. People think Colorado gets a great deal of snow and must be used to it. That' s true up in the mountains, not down here in Denver. They only have like 60 plows for the whole city.

So, the digging out begins now. The last I heard, they were going to TRY to open the airport at noon tomorrow.

Right now, people are using their own snowblowers on my street to try and clear it themselves, knowing it will be ages before a plow comes.

Anyway, it sounds like the model is safe and sound in the hotel, and has enough cash to eat. Once I can leave my house in my SUV, I'll call her to see if there is anything she needs that I can bring over. But, frankly, it sounds like she's a lot better off than the thousands of people stuck at the airport!

Kudos to Christian for rallying people!

Dec 21 06 04:44 pm Link



Posts: 4062

Charleston, South Carolina, US

Trevor Snyder wrote:

Oh come on. Don't try and bring the parents into this. If they were properly involved then why are we being pitched for donations?

I'm not saying this individual doesn't need or deserve our help. I really don't know. If she called me and I believed her story I'd be inclined to help. On the other hand the info we've been given thus far is kinda sketchy IMO.

If you're that distrustful of people, lock yourself in your house. They probably really ARE after you.

Dec 21 06 04:44 pm Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

Hamza wrote:
So in retrospect, did she need a hotel?

Not in my book...

True that.

Dec 21 06 04:45 pm Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

Beach wrote:

If you're that distrustful of people, lock yourself in your house. They probably really ARE after you.

Actually, I don't have to lock my house where I live. I also don't walk around with a sign taped to my ass that says, "Please, ask me for money."

Dec 21 06 04:46 pm Link


Golden Light

Posts: 951

Miami, Florida, US

MM at its best. I love this f#cking site. You people are the best.

Dec 21 06 04:48 pm Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

Did you get her signed ?
How did the shots turn out ?

Dec 21 06 04:48 pm Link



Posts: 4062

Charleston, South Carolina, US

Trevor Snyder wrote:

Actually, I don't have to lock my house where I live. I also don't walk around with a sign taped to my ass that says, "Please, ask me for money."

Funny how people see the same situation so differently. She never asked for anything here. Christian became aware of her situation and asked if anyone could help. Altruism still exists in the world, and I'm happy for that.

Dec 21 06 04:50 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Jay Bowman wrote:

Daniela V wrote:
hello- she's a model. what does she need food for?

Now this is just stupid. 

I mean, what the hell is a model gonna throw up if she doesn't eat?


Dec 21 06 04:52 pm Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

People suck, they really do (which is why I'm more apt to donate to a little kid that I already know, versus the bell-ringing santas).  A little hardship never hurt anyone... not like she was going to DIE of the circumstances... actually probably was more trouble to leave the airport and get to the hotel than to stay put. I've been financially responsible for myself ever since I was 16, and have always made it a point to have enough to cover my costs and incidentals.  I've seen a ton of girls just rely on other people's money - that's when you get 18 yr old spoiled brats living in million dollar homes and causing drama for their boyfriends/husbands/sugar daddies who are paying the bill.  Not to say this girl is a spoiled brat, but really... all this effort is uneccessary.  When considering LIFE or DEATH, the american system has its ways of taking care of people.

Dec 21 06 04:52 pm Link


Brittney Harrington

Posts: 368

Los Angeles, California, US

Hamza wrote:

It has nothing to do with being cool, it's about being adult and dealing with life.  Shit happens, you deal with it.  This model would have been perfectly fine had she stayed at the airport and sucked it up.  Then when she got home she would have a hell of a story to tell and people would feel Proud of her instead of Sorry for her.

Big difference!

I am still proud of her, and I don't even know her......maybe it is something in the name.......

BUT the person I feel sorry for is you!

Dec 21 06 04:54 pm Link



Posts: 4062

Charleston, South Carolina, US

Maya Lei wrote:
People suck, they really do (which is why I'm more apt to donate to a little kid that I already know, versus the bell-ringing santas).  A little hardship never hurt anyone... not like she was going to DIE of the circumstances... actually probably was more trouble to leave the airport and get to the hotel than to stay put. I've been financially responsible for myself ever since I was 16, and have always made it a point to have enough to cover my costs and incidentals.  I've seen a ton of girls just rely on other people's money - that's when you get 18 yr old spoiled brats living in million dollar homes and causing drama for their boyfriends/husbands/sugar daddies who are paying the bill.  Not to say this girl is a spoiled brat, but really... all this effort is uneccessary.  When considering LIFE or DEATH, the american system has its ways of taking care of people.

I wonder how different your position would be if just one person had helped you out when you were down on your luck. Sure, you survived, but how nice would it have been to have your situation eased if only for a little while through the kindness of others?

Dec 21 06 04:55 pm Link


Gabrielle Helms

Posts: 613

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Thomas B wrote:
Her manager or family should call the airlines and demand that she get a voucher for a hotel (keep demanding). I am dealing with the same thing right now with my wife who is stuck in Chicago because of the Denver closing. that really sucks....I like Brittni

I'm sorry... my mother's stuck in a hotel out there too!! I wish her the best of luck!! I wish I could help!!

Dec 21 06 04:56 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Maya Lei wrote:
People suck, they really do (which is why I'm more apt to donate to a little kid that I already know, versus the bell-ringing santas).  A little hardship never hurt anyone... not like she was going to DIE of the circumstances... actually probably was more trouble to leave the airport and get to the hotel than to stay put. I've been financially responsible for myself ever since I was 16, and have always made it a point to have enough to cover my costs and incidentals.  I've seen a ton of girls just rely on other people's money - that's when you get 18 yr old spoiled brats living in million dollar homes and causing drama for their boyfriends/husbands/sugar daddies who are paying the bill.  Not to say this girl is a spoiled brat, but really... all this effort is uneccessary.  When considering LIFE or DEATH, the american system has its ways of taking care of people.


I think I love you...

Dec 21 06 04:56 pm Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

I'm sure there are also entire families with small children and babies who speak no English that are stuck at the airport... who is helping them?

Dec 21 06 04:56 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Hamza wrote:
I am and have NEVER been in a situation where I needed help from others.  I have always been prepared for the unexpected because I have common sense.

Need is a very subjective word...

Had the model stayed at the airport, Denver is in a state of EMERGENCY, she would have recieved food from the Red Cross and other STATE AGENCIES.  The airport is warm, has power, has emergency 'back-up' power, has restrooms, has vending machines, food places, roof to keep out snow, etc...the airport is good enough for thousands of other people, what makes her so special?

So in retrospect, did she need a hotel?

Well good for you. I don't believe you, but good for you never NEEDING help from others. Ever. I doubt it.

The point is, she didn't stay in the airport. I'm sure she had her reasons, or who cares, maybe she didn't, but if you're going to be rude about it, then just don't donate anything, or send her a PM and tell her how stupid she is. She's a kid, she's scared, she made a mistake...I would absolutely hate to have you as a parent.

Not in my book...

Dec 21 06 04:57 pm Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

Beach wrote:

Funny how people see the same situation so differently. She never asked for anything here. Christian became aware of her situation and asked if anyone could help. Altruism still exists in the world, and I'm happy for that.

If I had actually worked with either of them, I'd be inclined to help. I'm not cold-hearted but I'm not sure she really needs my help either.

That's all. I don't think anyone is facing anything other than a miserable night on an airport floor at worst. I've been through worse. Hope everything gets better for her.

Dec 21 06 04:57 pm Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

Beach wrote:
I wonder how different your position would be if just one person had helped you out when you were down on your luck. Sure, you survived, but how nice would it have been to have your situation eased if only for a little while through the kindness of others?

I've never been down on my luck - I made damn sure I was prepared for all of my next adventures smile  preparation... maybe I shoulda been a boyscout...

Dec 21 06 04:57 pm Link



Posts: 4062

Charleston, South Carolina, US

Maya Lei wrote:
I'm sure there are also entire families with small children and babies who speak no English that are stuck at the airport... who is helping them?

So if EVERYONE can't be helped, then NO ONE should be?

Dec 21 06 04:58 pm Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

Maya Lei wrote:
I'm sure there are also entire families with small children and babies who speak no English that are stuck at the airport... who is helping them?

Hopefully there are some Samaritans in the airport. I'd try to be one if I was there. It all starts with the person next to you. smile

Dec 21 06 04:59 pm Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

Trevor Snyder wrote:
If I had actually worked with either of them, I'd be inclined to help. I'm not cold-hearted but I'm not sure she really needs my help either.

That's all. I don't think anyone is facing anything other than a miserable night on an airport floor at worst. I've been through worse. Hope everything gets better for her.

I agree.  If she were my friend or colleague, I would have no problem with it.  There are too many degrees of separation that make it possible for SOMETHING to go awry.  Anyways, sounds like she is getting all the help she needs.

Dec 21 06 04:59 pm Link



Posts: 4062

Charleston, South Carolina, US

I also just want to say how great I think it is that such a selfless effort was initiated by someone named Christian smile Merry Christmas.

Dec 21 06 04:59 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Brittney Harrington Jr. wrote:

Hamza wrote:
It has nothing to do with being cool, it's about being adult and dealing with life.  Shit happens, you deal with it.  This model would have been perfectly fine had she stayed at the airport and sucked it up.  Then when she got home she would have a hell of a story to tell and people would feel Proud of her instead of Sorry for her.

Big difference!

I am still proud of her, and I don't even know her......maybe it is something in the name.......

BUT the person I feel sorry for is you!


You crack me the fuck up!  You should feel sorry for yourself rather than for me.  With that highlighted statement that you made, it tells more about you than anything! 

Spoken like a true uneducated, ignorant, pathetic racist...

Dec 21 06 05:00 pm Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

Beach wrote:

So if EVERYONE can't be helped, then NO ONE should be?

Just trying to keep things in perspective smile Things could be a lot worse for this little chica.

Dec 21 06 05:00 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Maya Lei wrote:
I'm sure there are also entire families with small children and babies who speak no English that are stuck at the airport... who is helping them?

If they speak no English and they are "citizens" they deserve no help.

But that's a different thread...even though maybe it's the reason you feel the way you do.

Dec 21 06 05:00 pm Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

Daniela V wrote:
If they speak no English and they are "citizens" they deserve no help.

But that's a different thread...even though maybe it's the reason you feel the way you do.

Born and raised in the USA, babe.  Stop taking the cheap shots.

BTW... sometimes INTERNATIONAL TRAVELERS pass through the airports... crazy, I know...

Dec 21 06 05:01 pm Link



Posts: 4062

Charleston, South Carolina, US

Hamza wrote:

Brittney Harrington Jr. wrote:

Hamza wrote:
It has nothing to do with being cool, it's about being adult and dealing with life.  Shit happens, you deal with it.  This llama would have been perfectly fine had she stayed at the airport and sucked it up.  Then when she got home she would have a hell of a story to tell and people would feel Proud of her instead of Sorry for her.

Big difference!

I am still proud of her, and I don't even know her......maybe it is something in the name.......

BUT the person I feel sorry for is you!


You crack me the fuck up!  You should feel sorry for yourself rather than for me.  With that highlighted statement that you made, it tells more about you than anything! 

Spoken like a true uneducated, ignorant, pathetic racist...

Hey idiot, I'm pretty sure she meant since her and the person being helped share the same name. Settle down.

Dec 21 06 05:01 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Hamza wrote:
Spoken like a true uneducated, ignorant, pathetic racist...

I guess if that model was black you'd throw her some money...

Dec 21 06 05:02 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Daniela V wrote:
I would absolutely hate to have you as a parent.

If you had me as a parent you would NEVER have been in this situation in the first place...

Dec 21 06 05:02 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Hamza wrote:

If you had me as a parent you would NEVER have been in this situation in the first place...

I feel really bad for your kids if you have any

Dec 21 06 05:03 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Hamza wrote:

Brittney Harrington Jr. wrote:

Hamza wrote:
It has nothing to do with being cool, it's about being adult and dealing with life.  Shit happens, you deal with it.  This model would have been perfectly fine had she stayed at the airport and sucked it up.  Then when she got home she would have a hell of a story to tell and people would feel Proud of her instead of Sorry for her.

Big difference!

I am still proud of her, and I don't even know her......maybe it is something in the name.......

BUT the person I feel sorry for is you!


You crack me the fuck up!  You should feel sorry for yourself rather than for me.  With that highlighted statement that you made, it tells more about you than anything! 

Spoken like a true uneducated, ignorant, pathetic racist...

>>> My Comment

Dec 21 06 05:04 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I would say I'm surprised that a thread on helping a fellow MM member out has turned into a pissing match, but I would be lying.

Dec 21 06 05:04 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Maya Lei wrote:

Born and raised in the USA, babe.  Stop taking the cheap shots.
BTW... sometimes INTERNATIONAL TRAVELERS pass through the airports... crazy, I know...

Please- you're the one coming on here being rude and "woe is me" and "I am a survivor" BLAH BLAH BLAH.

You don't want to help, then don't. There's always some that will have it worse off than you, so to sit there and compare is stupid.

And that's why I said "if" they were "citizens"....learn to read.

Dec 21 06 05:04 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Daniela V wrote:
I guess if that model was black you'd throw her some money...

Wow another racist comment!  What makes you think I am black?  If you read the posts with a little bit more comprehension you'd realize the person I quoted sounded like a racist referring to my feelings because of my name...

Wake up McFly...

Dec 21 06 05:05 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Hamza wrote:

Wow another racist comment!  What makes you think I am black?  If you read the posts with a little bit more comprehension you'd realize the person I quoted sounded like a racist referring to my feelings because of my name...

Wake up McFly...

She was talking about HER name.

And I have the reading comprehension problem?

You know what- I'm done- I'm glad this girl got some help. You can sit there and be pissed off all you want, but Christian was nice enough to post this and others were kind enough to help.

I feel sorry for your friends and family. Peace out.

Dec 21 06 05:06 pm Link



Posts: 4062

Charleston, South Carolina, US

Hamza wrote:

Wow another racist comment!  What makes you think I am black?  If you read the posts with a little bit more comprehension you'd realize the person I quoted sounded like a racist referring to my feelings because of my name...

Wake up McFly...

The person you quoted has the same name as the person being helped. THAT'S what she was referring to. Dial the racial sensitivity down from 11.

Dec 21 06 05:07 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

I've done worse with less money...
Some of Ya'll need to take a moment to look in the fucking mirror and see if you like what you see...

Dec 21 06 05:07 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Oddly, I find myself wondering how much people would be willing to donate to a faceless photographer with bad photos...

Or a make-up artist who didn't have stellar pics...

Or perhaps even another model who was particularly attractive...

Not saying that people shouldn't be helping out in the present situation (what you decide to do with your money is your business), just some food for thought.

Dec 21 06 05:07 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Jeff Marsh wrote:
I've done worse with less money...
Some of Ya'll need to take a moment to look in the fucking mirror and see if you like what you see...


Dec 21 06 05:07 pm Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

Envy wrote:
I would say I'm surprised that a thread on helping a fellow MM member out has turned into a pissing match, but I would be lying.

People have to pass the time somehow. smile

Dec 21 06 05:07 pm Link