Forums > General Industry > Model Emergency - Update - Need MM Community Help


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Shyly wrote:

That's just been my experience, is all.  I thought it was common practice by the airlines.  It appears I thunk wrong!

I could see if it was something that they have control over, but they cant control the weather, I dont know, myabe they should have to pay for it.

Dec 21 06 03:10 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US


Dec 21 06 03:10 pm Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

If Isabel or the MM staff could set up a paypal account - it would be cool as hell.  I got the same fax thing myself.  Nobody is trying to profit from this - just get her home safely.

Dec 21 06 03:10 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

ChristianBehr wrote:
If Isabel or the MM staff could set up a paypal account - it would be cool as hell.  I got the same fax thing myself.  Nobody is trying to profit from this - just get her home safely.

Yeah, but I would think that by the time the PayPal account was setup and verified, she would most likely be home already.

Dec 21 06 03:11 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

okay, so does she still need $$ for food or whatever?
And, can it be sent to the hotel, via CC like with paying for the room?

Dec 21 06 03:14 pm Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Leo Howard wrote:

Yeah, but I would think that by the time the PayPal account was setup and verified, she would most likely be home already.

You're probably right... I'm just trying to think of alternatives.

Dec 21 06 03:14 pm Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Feel free to contact her.  303-831-7700 room 104.  See if she needs anything.

Dec 21 06 03:17 pm Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

Daniela V wrote:

because they can afford it and in some airline clauses they state that if any airport closes they will reimburse those that were supposed to leave a certain amount of money.

They are not responsible, and they couldn't afford it, sure for 1 or 2 people maybe, but who decides who gets it? If they had to for every passenger, they would really be bankrupt, not this pretend stuff they keep doing. The "clause" you vaguely refer to is about closing the airport do to bomb threats, terrorist activities, security incidents, crashes(seriously), stuff along those lines that closes an airport not "acts of god"

On a side not, I have lived in the Denver airport for 3 days after being snowed in there(and I worked security there, so it really sucked). I also lived in the Akron-Canton Airport for 4 days after a snow-in(that was as a pasenger). I spend 2 days in the Portland airport(as a passenger) after there was a storm in San Francisco where waves were coming onto the runway(more common then you would like to know). I slept in the lobby of the hotel in the Houston-Bush Airport for 3-4 days after Hurricaine Rita, I went down to help out as the governemnt asked of any employee that had any experience.

So if this girl needs anything, drop me a line I'll do what I can.

Dec 21 06 03:17 pm Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

Leo Howard wrote:
Yeah, but I would think that by the time the PayPal account was setup and verified, she would most likely be home already.

I have an old paypal account(I don't use it anymore) verified and set-up for all forms of payment acceptance from a non profit I ran to help out people from Hurricaine Katrina and Rita, don't know if it will help, but I can offer.

Dec 21 06 03:20 pm Link


Skydancer Photos

Posts: 22196

Santa Cruz, California, US

ChristianBehr wrote:
If Isabel or the MM staff could set up a paypal account - it would be cool as hell.  I got the same fax thing myself.  Nobody is trying to profit from this - just get her home safely.

Dear Christian,
Still not clear on what she needs. If, as the hotel told me, her room is paid for through Sat (not sure about incidentals), what does she need?
Money for food? I imagine the the hotel's credit card authorization could be used for that. I can call them again.
Money for a shuttle ride back to the airport when it opens? Need details of who and how to pay for that.
What else? And how exactly can we help.

Blessings & Namaste,

Dec 21 06 03:23 pm Link



Posts: 4532

Breckenridge, Colorado, US

Well, I just called and left her my phone number/email if she needs something. Is she still there? I could try overnighting some goodies to her...but then again, if Denver is shut down, FedEx there is shut down.

Well, let me know if she checks in and needs something. I can call her back if she doesn't have a phone or can't pay for LD.

Dec 21 06 03:25 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

This warms my heart that so many of you are willing to help a fellow MMer.

Dec 21 06 03:26 pm Link



Posts: 4532

Breckenridge, Colorado, US

It's nothing. I make far too much money. Helping someone else is seriously the best gift you can give to yourself.

See? I'm really not altruistic. Total self-centered yuppie brat.

Dec 21 06 03:30 pm Link


Artistic Vision

Posts: 2207

Billings, Montana, US

yea mail isn't going out there today at all, my moms christmas package is on hold in KY, and it was suppose to go to La Junta,CO today.

I would love to help if I could. I hope she makes it home ok.

Dec 21 06 03:32 pm Link



Posts: 413

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

maybe im wrong but, there isnt anytype or care provided by the airport  (in my expierience the hotel was paid for when I was stuck overnight) So theyll let her wither and die in the airport if shes there more than a few days?

She doesnt know 1 person that can help....hard to believe. If the people on here are so concerned send her youre credit card info. People just want to sound nice.....

Sorry but my trust in people has been destroyed long ago...

Dec 21 06 03:33 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I tried calling her room to see what I could give her financially. I got an answering service from the hotel. sad
I hope she's doing ok.

Dec 21 06 03:35 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

jasontheartist wrote:
maybe im wrong but, there isnt anytype or care provided by the airport  (in my expierience the hotel was paid for when I was stuck overnight) So theyll let her wither and die in the airport if shes there more than a few days?

She doesnt know 1 person that can help....hard to believe. If the people on here are so concerned send her youre credit card info. People just want to sound nice.....

Sorry but my trust in people has been destroyed long ago...'s a wonderful thing. I guess you missed the part of the site that states it's a "community." I could forward the definition but, well, my tolerance for people who insult those who do express their interest in providing assistance, has been destroyed.

Dec 21 06 03:39 pm Link



Posts: 4062

Charleston, South Carolina, US

jasontheartist wrote:
maybe im wrong but, there isnt anytype or care provided by the airport  (in my expierience the hotel was paid for when I was stuck overnight) So theyll let her wither and die in the airport if shes there more than a few days?

She doesnt know 1 person that can help....hard to believe. If the people on here are so concerned send her youre credit card info. People just want to sound nice.....

Sorry but my trust in people has been destroyed long ago...

Yeah this is all an elaborate scheme. I feel sorry for you, bro.

Dec 21 06 03:41 pm Link


Artistic Vision

Posts: 2207

Billings, Montana, US

jasontheartist wrote:
maybe im wrong but, there isnt anytype or care provided by the airport  (in my expierience the hotel was paid for when I was stuck overnight) So theyll let her wither and die in the airport if shes there more than a few days?

She doesnt know 1 person that can help....hard to believe. If the people on here are so concerned send her youre credit card info. People just want to sound nice.....

Sorry but my trust in people has been destroyed long ago...

roughly 3000ish people are stranded there is no way they could cover all that. He has helped but one person can not take on everything.
Colorado is in a state of Emergency right now

Dec 21 06 03:42 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Lazyi Photography wrote:
They are not responsible, and they couldn't afford it, sure for 1 or 2 people maybe, but who decides who gets it? If they had to for every passenger, they would really be bankrupt, not this pretend stuff they keep doing. The "clause" you vaguely refer to is about closing the airport do to bomb threats, terrorist activities, security incidents, crashes(seriously), stuff along those lines that closes an airport not "acts of god"

1.  yes they can afford it. don't be so naive.

2. no, that's not the clause I'm referring to. Different airlines, different rules. Some give vouchers- even if it's just for $50. Been there. Experienced it.

Dec 21 06 03:43 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

jasontheartist wrote:
maybe im wrong but, there isnt anytype or care provided by the airport  (in my expierience the hotel was paid for when I was stuck overnight) So theyll let her wither and die in the airport if shes there more than a few days?

She doesnt know 1 person that can help....hard to believe. If the people on here are so concerned send her youre credit card info. People just want to sound nice.....

Sorry but my trust in people has been destroyed long ago...

According to the news last night there were 4,700 people stranded at the Denver airport alone. If the airport was paying for their hotel , I'm sure they would be in a hotel room and not sleeping on the floor next to strangers in an airport.

Dec 21 06 03:46 pm Link


Skydancer Photos

Posts: 22196

Santa Cruz, California, US

I left her a voice message as well. I am guessing she might need a credit card authorization to pay for meals these next few days (she can use room service or the hotel restaurant) and perhaps help to pay for the shuttle back to the airport... unless the hotel provides that, which I suspect they might, but did not ask.

Christian, I have her room number and first name. Can you message me her last name so I can fax the hotel back the cc authorization form (I am authorizing $60 for meals or other incidentals).

Blessings & Namaste,

Dec 21 06 03:47 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Envy wrote:
According to the news last night there were 4,700 people stranded at the Denver airport alone. If the airport was paying for their hotel , I'm sure they would be in a hotel room and not sleeping on the floor next to strangers in an airport.

Plenty of airports have hotels WITHIN the airport...why Denver hasn't decided it might be a good idea to do same confuses me.

Dec 21 06 04:02 pm Link


Skydancer Photos

Posts: 22196

Santa Cruz, California, US

Another follow. The hotel told me they now have several cc authorizations for her room account. I am guessing she is in pretty good shape to eat, make phone calls, etc. Nice work everyone. :-)


Dec 21 06 04:03 pm Link


Marc Rosebeck

Posts: 2281

Albany, New York, US

Jason, i'm sorry you have lost trust in people. You must have had a traumatic experience to feel this way. In this situation we are dealing with a model member of this "Community" site, just barely an adult, a kid. You got kids? Have any idea
how her parents may feel at this moment. Find a bridge bro, and bail!!!

Dec 21 06 04:04 pm Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

All I can say is, if I'm stranded somewhere, I want Christian on my side. Hell of a nice thing that you're doing here. Um, I've got a birthday coming up if you want to adopt me. :-)

Dec 21 06 04:07 pm Link


Leah Michelle

Posts: 2056

Venice, Florida, US

If anyone hears of anything else she needs message me and let me know. I don't have a ton of money but I would be willing to do what I could smile

Dec 21 06 04:10 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Rena wrote:

Oliver Cole wrote:
I am stunned that anyone would get on a cross country flight with only $10 cash and no credit card much less an 18 year old.

WTF were you and ALL parties dealing with this young adult thinking?

Oliver Cole

Not really the time to be judgemental.

Then when should we be judgemental?  When she winds up on the side of a milk carton because of a stupid decision?

Come on people!  Whatever happened to common sense?

Daniela V wrote:

Leo Howard wrote:
Im just curious why some people think the airline should reimburse her or cover her hotel costs, its not their fault the airport is shut down, more than likely it was a recommendation by the FAA to the airport itself, and had nothing to do with the airline.

because they can afford it and in some airline clauses they state that if any airport closes they will reimburse those that were supposed to leave a certain amount of money.

Who cares if the airlines can afford it, it's NOT their responsibility.  The model should have taken this into consideration! 

There are shitloads of people just camping out at the airport and it's not costing them a dime!  Why leave the airport?  You have a place to sleep, a place to shit, and a place to eat.  You have $10.00 to your name and you are at an airport, stay there! 

You were unprepared and you want a comfortable bed because you made a bad decision?  Yeah OK!  Take some responsibility for your actions and stop 'expecting' people to bail you out everytime you are in trouble.  If you get bailed out of every bad situation you get into, how are you going to learn to deal with life?

What does she need a hotel for?  A pillow?  A TV? 

Welcome to the real world...

Dec 21 06 04:12 pm Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

I've never felt so proud of being a member of an online community.  Never.

This is the coolest group of people... really.

I'm trying to reach her cell phone.  She might be talking to the people at the front desk.  I don't know.

Thanks again people....

Dec 21 06 04:13 pm Link



Posts: 1353

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Sounds to me like the Denver Airport should be re-opened by late tomorrow night (this is the last report I heard from my parents... they are flying out of Denver to Vegas on Saturday night).

I'm going to call her once I get off of work to see if I can't help her out a little bit, I know how much it sucks to be snowed in, especially in Denver. It sounds like she's in a good place now though and if she's at the Ramada that I'm thinking of she should be very well taken care of.

Dec 21 06 04:14 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

ChristianBehr wrote:
I've never felt so proud of being a member of an online community.  Never.

This is the coolest group of people... really.

I'm trying to reach her cell phone.  She might be talking to the people at the front desk.  I don't know.

Thanks again people....

I just got off the phone with her. Unfortunately I can't send any money because I don't have access to a fax machine and I'm at work right now.

If a paypal account is setup can you send me a message via MM? I'll be happy to contribute. smile

Dec 21 06 04:20 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Hamza wrote:

Daniela V wrote:
because they can afford it and in some airline clauses they state that if any airport closes they will reimburse those that were supposed to leave a certain amount of money.

Who cares if the airlines can afford it, it's NOT their responsibility.  The model should have taken this into consideration! 

There are shitloads of people just camping out at the airport and it's not costing them a dime!  Why leave the airport?  You have a place to sleep, a place to shit, and a place to eat.  You have $10.00 to your name and you are at an airport, stay there! 

You were unprepared and you want a comfortable bed because you made a bad decision?  Yeah OK!  Take some responsibility for your actions and stop 'expecting' people to bail you out everytime you are in trouble.  If you get bailed out of every bad situation you get into, how are you going to learn to deal with life?

What does she need a hotel for?  A pillow?  A TV? 

Welcome to the real world...

****End of your bitchfest*****

I did not say they were responsible. I said that some offer it.

She's not on here bitching. Christian was nice enough to come on here and ask for help. I'm sure she's learned from this enough, or are you not happy until she's out in the snow starving?

I pray that you are never in a situation where you need help from others.

Dec 21 06 04:24 pm Link


Artistic Vision

Posts: 2207

Billings, Montana, US

Hamza wrote:

Rena wrote:

Oliver Cole wrote:
I am stunned that anyone would get on a cross country flight with only $10 cash and no credit card much less an 18 year old.

WTF were you and ALL parties dealing with this young adult thinking?

Oliver Cole

Not really the time to be judgemental.

Then when should we be judgemental?  When she winds up on the side of a milk carton because of a stupid decision?

Come on people!  Whatever happened to common sense?

Daniela V wrote:

Leo Howard wrote:
Im just curious why some people think the airline should reimburse her or cover her hotel costs, its not their fault the airport is shut down, more than likely it was a recommendation by the FAA to the airport itself, and had nothing to do with the airline.

because they can afford it and in some airline clauses they state that if any airport closes they will reimburse those that were supposed to leave a certain amount of money.

Who cares if the airlines can afford it, it's NOT their responsibility.  The model should have taken this into consideration! 

There are shitloads of people just camping out at the airport and it's not costing them a dime!  Why leave the airport?  You have a place to sleep, a place to shit, and a place to eat.  You have $10.00 to your name and you are at an airport, stay there! 

You were unprepared and you want a comfortable bed because you made a bad decision?  Yeah OK!  Take some responsibility for your actions and stop 'expecting' people to bail you out everytime you are in trouble.  If you get bailed out of every bad situation you get into, how are you going to learn to deal with life?

What does she need a hotel for?  A pillow?  A TV? 

Welcome to the real world...

*******MY REPLY*********
So you've never lacked common sense before ever in your life?? Not even when you were younger?? Wow, I wish I could be so cool.

Dec 21 06 04:30 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Daniela V wrote:
hello- she's a model. what does she need food for?

Leo Howard wrote:
DOH, thats right, I forgot, models dont eat, what was I thinking

Now this is just stupid. 

I mean, what the hell is a model gonna throw up if she doesn't eat?

At any rate, with all the bitching and complaining that's gone on around here lately, I must say that it's pleasantly surprising to see members here genuinely trying to help.

Which is to say nothing of how I actually feel about the situation in general, but I digress...

Dec 21 06 04:33 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

TooCoolQueeniee wrote:

Hamza wrote:

Rena wrote:

Oliver Cole wrote:
I am stunned that anyone would get on a cross country flight with only $10 cash and no credit card much less an 18 year old.

WTF were you and ALL parties dealing with this young adult thinking?

Oliver Cole

Not really the time to be judgemental.

Then when should we be judgemental?  When she winds up on the side of a milk carton because of a stupid decision?

Come on people!  Whatever happened to common sense?

Daniela V wrote:

Leo Howard wrote:
Im just curious why some people think the airline should reimburse her or cover her hotel costs, its not their fault the airport is shut down, more than likely it was a recommendation by the FAA to the airport itself, and had nothing to do with the airline.

because they can afford it and in some airline clauses they state that if any airport closes they will reimburse those that were supposed to leave a certain amount of money.

Who cares if the airlines can afford it, it's NOT their responsibility.  The model should have taken this into consideration! 

There are shitloads of people just camping out at the airport and it's not costing them a dime!  Why leave the airport?  You have a place to sleep, a place to shit, and a place to eat.  You have $10.00 to your name and you are at an airport, stay there! 

You were unprepared and you want a comfortable bed because you made a bad decision?  Yeah OK!  Take some responsibility for your actions and stop 'expecting' people to bail you out everytime you are in trouble.  If you get bailed out of every bad situation you get into, how are you going to learn to deal with life?

What does she need a hotel for?  A pillow?  A TV? 

Welcome to the real world...

*******MY REPLY*********
So you've never lacked common sense before ever in your life?? Not even when you were younger?? Wow, I wish I could be so cool.

Oh absolutley I've done things not thinking about the consequences, but all I said was I dont think its the airlines responsibility, that should be left up to her family and friends to bail her out if they are so inclined, and it does look as though a friend of hers came through for her.

Kudos to Mr Behr

Dec 21 06 04:35 pm Link


Brittney Harrington

Posts: 368

Los Angeles, California, US

Rena wrote:
This warms my heart that so many of you are willing to help a fellow MMer.

Ditto! This is the cutest thing ever! .....left name/number as well....

All the best,

Dec 21 06 04:36 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Daniela V wrote:
I pray that you are never in a situation where you need help from others.

I am and have NEVER been in a situation where I needed help from others.  I have always been prepared for the unexpected because I have common sense.

Need is a very subjective word...

Had the model stayed at the airport, Denver is in a state of EMERGENCY, she would have recieved food from the Red Cross and other STATE AGENCIES.  The airport is warm, has power, has emergency 'back-up' power, has restrooms, has vending machines, food places, roof to keep out snow, etc...the airport is good enough for thousands of other people, what makes her so special?

So in retrospect, did she need a hotel?

Not in my book...

Dec 21 06 04:37 pm Link


Artistic Vision

Posts: 2207

Billings, Montana, US

that last one wasn't to you lol it was jumbled in all the other quotes

Dec 21 06 04:37 pm Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Message From Brittni:  I'm doing my best to keep up with what she's saying.

" Oh my fuckin God, I can't even believe how cool you all are.  I'm like... like so overwhelmed.  I've gotten a bunch of calls and... ( crying )... I just can't believe it.  I really can't explain my appreciation in words.  It's amazing how many people out there actually care.  I'm so glad and I wish everyone a happy holidays.  Hopefully I'll be able to get on the internet soon."

She's going to meet with the hotel manager either by phone or if he can get there to see how this thing can be handled.

So far there's $160.00 in authorizations and more calls have come in.

Again... you guys fucking ROCK!


Dec 21 06 04:41 pm Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

Marc Rosebeck wrote:
Jason, i'm sorry you have lost trust in people. You must have had a traumatic experience to feel this way. In this situation we are dealing with a model member of this "Community" site, just barely an adult, a kid. You got kids? Have any idea
how her parents may feel at this moment. Find a bridge bro, and bail!!!

Oh come on. Don't try and bring the parents into this. If they were properly involved then why are we being pitched for donations?

I'm not saying this individual doesn't need or deserve our help. I really don't know. If she called me and I believed her story I'd be inclined to help. On the other hand the info we've been given thus far is kinda sketchy IMO.

Dec 21 06 04:41 pm Link