Forums > General Industry > Model Emergency - Update - Need MM Community Help


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

ChristianBehr wrote:
For now, it seems that she's okay.  She's really deeply touched that so many people that have never met or talked to her, would reach out and save the day.

I can't help but admit that a couple times reading that people reached out - I got a little teary. 

I'm just happy that she's safe.

And how are you doing ...I would imagine it tough dealing w the guilt of seeing that girl off w only $10 in her pocket ( and then of course what happened)?

Dec 22 06 02:18 am Link


Cobra Photography

Posts: 420

Gillette, Wyoming, US

I saw the locked thread yesterday and was like wtf?  Move it to casting?  Glad you got it going again.

What if Hillary Swank didn't take her $75 and go to Hollywood?

My first reaction was feeling sad I couldn't help, being snowed in myself.  Never could I imagine my 1st reaction being screw her, she'll live.  What kind of people can do that?

Sounds like MM has made a difficult time a little easier for one of our peers and for this I am happy. 

I do wonder one thing as mentioned earlier.  What if it was me or any photographer, a mua or anyone other than a pretty young girl?  What would the outreach, the feelings be like then?  For me, exactly the same.  For those who didn't care... exactly the same.

I just ate my last chicken breast, hope I can make it to the store tomorrow.  (feel the outreach?)

Dec 22 06 02:22 am Link


Larry Placido

Posts: 155

San Francisco, California, US

Was Britt able to get out of DEN today? I heard that with all the weather, it's gonna take a while to sort out the flights again...

Dec 22 06 10:19 pm Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Partial quote from Trevor Snyder:  "...may you spend it with people you love and enjoy."

I wish.

Dec 22 06 10:27 pm Link



Posts: 538

Brooklyn, New York, US

Rembember Darfur!

Dec 23 06 12:26 am Link


Brittney Harrington

Posts: 368

Los Angeles, California, US

Miguel A wrote:
I want to help to.
My credit cards are ready.
What do I do?

Britt, you are awesome and sweet.

Thank you but really I don't deserve any credit or acknowledgment with regards to this unfortunate situation (which thanks to everyone ended up turning into a very positive situation,  but in reality, it is Christian and everyone else who really deserves the gold crown on this one! But thank you so much anyway! I appreciate it a lot! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

I must agree with Christian.....6or the first time I feel proud to be a part of an online community! And as someone else said, I love people who love people and making others happy is what makes me happy! And it is so nice and comforting to know that she had a comfy bed and a safe place to sleep for the next couple nights!

Most everyone on this thread deserves much more than a pat on the back and especially Christian! I feel truly honored to have had the opportunity to work with him! Speaking firsthand, he is more than an exceptional man with a heart of gold and I feel so honored to call him a good friend!


All the best,
Britty Britt

Dec 23 06 08:49 pm Link


Brittney Harrington

Posts: 368

Los Angeles, California, US

Cobra Photography wrote:
I saw the locked thread yesterday and was like wtf?  Move it to casting?  Glad you got it going again.

What if Hillary Swank didn't take her $75 and go to Hollywood?

My first reaction was feeling sad I couldn't help, being snowed in myself.  Never could I imagine my 1st reaction being screw her, she'll live.  What kind of people can do that?

*pleads the fifth amendment*

Sounds like MM has made a difficult time a little easier for one of our peers and for this I am happy. 


I do wonder one thing as mentioned earlier.  What if it was me or any photographer, a mua or anyone other than a pretty young girl?  What would the outreach, the feelings be like then? 

I feel confident in saying that the reactions (I hope....pray) would be the same-and if not all, I know some people's reactions would remain the same and in the end, if people are only going to help a pretty girl, there are others on here who would help anyone regardless of race, gender, physical attractiveness, etc. whose hearts are in the right place and would help whomever!

For me, exactly the same.  For those who didn't care... exactly the same.

Dec 23 06 08:57 pm Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

New update:

Brittni tried to get on a plane today, like she was scheduled to - and was not able.  After waiting in line for 6 hours, she was told by two rude Frontier employees that they couldn't help her, she gave up.  Finally, her boyfriend in Salt Lake, jumped in a car and is on his way to pick her up.  She spent the whole day at a mall on the outside of Denver... called Park Meadow.  Her boyfriend is about an hour away from her.

I wish I could do more for her, but her limited ability to receive funds kept a lot of us from being able to help more.  She's still extremely grateful to this community - as MM kept her safe in what could only be called a travel catastrophe. 

I thank everyone for their kind words... but I think the real heros here are the people who had never met the model - and gave willingly anyway.  That's far more impressive.  Thanks again.

Dec 23 06 10:09 pm Link


Brittney Harrington

Posts: 368

Los Angeles, California, US

Kevin Connery wrote:

Brittney Harrington Jr. wrote:
Hey idiot

Hamza wrote:
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me...LMAO
I hope you feel like a big girl now that you have called me a name directly!

Nice of you to violate Rule #1

But who cares, I sure as fuck don't...

Apparently not.

Fyii-he twisted my words-i never said 'hey idiot' (that was someone's response in my defense and he addressed Hamz as 'hey idiot', if you read the page or two carefully smile

Happy Holidays!

All the best,

Dec 23 06 10:23 pm Link


Phil Edelstein

Posts: 663

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Sorry I'm late on this one. If you need anything else, Brittney...just let me know.

All my best,


Dec 23 06 10:31 pm Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Phil... it's a different Brittni.  She won't be online until she gets home.


ps.  The other Brittney rocks too smile

Dec 23 06 10:56 pm Link


Images by Yancy

Posts: 1703

Roseville, California, US

Wow - just read this.

It seems everything is worked out?

If not, I'm ready to help.

Dec 24 06 12:36 am Link



Posts: 87

Bossier City, Louisiana, US

Oh my! I just ran across this thread.  If help is still needed someone please send me a note and I'll help.

Dec 24 06 12:46 am Link


Davis Images

Posts: 93

Tampa, Florida, US

Free Tibet!

Dec 24 06 12:48 am Link


Brittney Harrington

Posts: 368

Los Angeles, California, US

ChristianBehr wrote:
Phil... it's a different Brittni.  She won't be online until she gets home.


ps.  The other Brittney rocks too smile

I think many think its me....YIKES! Oh well and thanak you Christian-you ROCK TOO! MUAH! MUAH !MUUAH! MUAH!

All the best,

Answer your phone buuuddddddddyyyyyyyyyy!

Dec 24 06 01:58 am Link


Jaxxun Tha Th3rd

Posts: 89

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I'll say a prayer before I head to bed in a few... a nice 'ol drive to Philly at 6am!

Dec 24 06 02:05 am Link



Posts: 2978

New York, New York, US

ChristianBehr wrote:
Me and my girlfriend sent money... and cc info to hold the room.

I have no stake in this other than trying to help a scared kid.

Scared? Jesus you make it sound like she's in gangland or stuck on Mt Hood- grab a newspaper, curl up on the floor somewhere and tough it out, plus its a great adventure to be around so many stuck people

Dec 24 06 02:22 am Link



Posts: 2978

New York, New York, US

Hamza wrote:

Rena wrote:

Oliver Cole wrote:
I am stunned that anyone would get on a cross country flight with only $10 cash and no credit card much less an 18 year old.

WTF were you and ALL parties dealing with this young adult thinking?

Oliver Cole

Not really the time to be judgemental.

Then when should we be judgemental?  When she winds up on the side of a milk carton because of a stupid decision?

Come on people!  Whatever happened to common sense?

Daniela V wrote:

Leo Howard wrote:
Im just curious why some people think the airline should reimburse her or cover her hotel costs, its not their fault the airport is shut down, more than likely it was a recommendation by the FAA to the airport itself, and had nothing to do with the airline.

because they can afford it and in some airline clauses they state that if any airport closes they will reimburse those that were supposed to leave a certain amount of money.

Who cares if the airlines can afford it, it's NOT their responsibility.  The model should have taken this into consideration! 

There are shitloads of people just camping out at the airport and it's not costing them a dime!  Why leave the airport?  You have a place to sleep, a place to shit, and a place to eat.  You have $10.00 to your name and you are at an airport, stay there! 

You were unprepared and you want a comfortable bed because you made a bad decision?  Yeah OK!  Take some responsibility for your actions and stop 'expecting' people to bail you out everytime you are in trouble.  If you get bailed out of every bad situation you get into, how are you going to learn to deal with life?

What does she need a hotel for?  A pillow?  A TV? 

Welcome to the real world...

Colonel Rock, YES SIR

Dec 24 06 02:28 am Link


Brittney Harrington

Posts: 368

Los Angeles, California, US

Mark wrote:

Scared? Jesus you make it sound like she's in gangland or stuck on Mt Hood- grab a newspaper, curl up on the floor somewhere and tough it out, plus its a great adventure to be around so many stuck people

People get scared for many different reasons! And I talked to her, she is scared shitless! Obviously you wouldn't be scared in that particular situation, but not everyone is like you! Please do not take any offense to my words above as it is simply the way I feel and your opinion is just as valid as mine, as they are nothing more than opinions.

Because Christian and so many others are so incredibly nice and willing to help out, she doesn't have to 'tough' it out! I think that's awesome! I think its great we made this unfortunate situation that much easier for her! smile

Dec 24 06 02:41 am Link



Posts: 2978

New York, New York, US

Help, cough cough. stuck in Denver Casino running low on $$

Dec 24 06 03:09 am Link



Posts: 3043

Swoyersville, Pennsylvania, US

Daniela V wrote:
because they can afford it and in some airline clauses they state that if any airport closes they will reimburse those that were supposed to leave a certain amount of money.

Having worked with airlines...they CAN't afford it.  Think of the math:
200 people/plane * 100 dollars each =20,000 PER NIGHT in basic hotel costs alone
how many flights cancelled by weather? a dozen per airline per day?
that's 300,000 dollars PLUS the lost payroll (people get paid whether the planes fly or not - except flight crews), equipment expense and other fees (rental to the airport, etc)

Now, having gotten vouchers myself from airlines (being in tv, nobody wants to piss me off) I undersand the sentiment and it's worth asking...but I personally only ask when the fault is with the airline.

Dec 24 06 05:57 am Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

She made it home today.  I'm guessing she'll be online after she wakes up and has spent some time with the family.

Once more, thanks to all the members on MM.


Dec 24 06 06:14 pm Link



Posts: 392

Mill Valley, California, US

ChristianBehr wrote:
She made it home today.  I'm guessing she'll be online after she wakes up and has spent some time with the family.

Once more, thanks to all the members on MM.


So, I'm a little slow. You'll have to forgive me.

This thread is about an aspiring model that you invited to Miami. For whatever reasons, she left MIA with only $10. Then she got stuck in Denver on a weather delay. Then you asked for MM members for $$$ instead of giving your own cc number. Basically you are asking for MM to support your business expenses.

Have you looked up dick in wikipedia?

Just checking.

Dec 24 06 07:49 pm Link


Brittney Harrington

Posts: 368

Los Angeles, California, US

dfstudios wrote:

So, I'm a little slow. You'll have to forgive me.

This thread is about an aspiring model that you invited to Miami. For whatever reasons, she left MIA with only $10. Then she got stuck in Denver on a weather delay. Then you asked for MM members for $$$ instead of giving your own cc number. Basically you are asking for MM to support your business expenses.

Have you looked up dick in wikipedia?

Just checking.

Again please don't take offense but before jumping to conclusions I can only suggest reading the whole thread before questioning the actions that Christian made! And to be quite honest, although it is an invitation, any true aspiring model (no matter how little money they have, wouldn't pass up the chance to work with Christian! And I think she was brave and courageous in doing so and Christian did all that he could on his own. Nobody had to help but the nice part is that people wanted to! smile

Merry christmas!

All the best,

Dec 25 06 03:46 am Link


bRiTtNi LyN

Posts: 2

Nibley, Utah, US

Skydancer wrote:

Hmmm... so at no time in your life, especially when you were younger and almost always broke, did you get to the end of a trip with very little cash... yet you know you have a ticket to get home and family or friends waiting for you when you arrive back. Sometimes things happen, and we learn to dance with it. Or we get can angry or judgmental and berate ourselves or others over spilt milk. ;-)

Dec 25 06 03:00 pm Link


bRiTtNi LyN

Posts: 2

Nibley, Utah, US

Thank you Skydancer... Oliver, this was my last leap of faith to get down to Miami and work with Christian and also meet some agencies.  And it worked out very well until I flew into Denver for my connecting flight.  I really appreciate you all and cannot express my feelings in words... it is amazing how many of you really cared! Thanks so much! Finally home and with the family and my little girl after my boyfriend had to drive 10 hours to pick me up. I've done all I can with the airlines so far, you really can't even get through to speak with anyone because of how busy it is... this was definately an event in my life I will remember FOREVER!  Thanks again,

Dec 25 06 03:04 pm Link



Posts: 169

Des Moines, Iowa, US

thats crazy, i wish i would of seen this post alot sooner,  you could  of stayed with us. That motel is like 5 blocks from me. Weird. Im glad to hear that you are ok and made it home.

Jan 05 07 08:03 pm Link



Posts: 989

Dallas, Texas, US

It's fraking amazing to me how much of an ass people can be about helping some one out . what if that was your kid or woman and she was stuck , you would damn well want some one to be nice for a change and help . every one who has supported this model , you are an asset to us all . those who bitched about it , do us all a favor and choke your selves .

Jan 05 07 08:11 pm Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

well i am late to this as well, glad you are home safe and sound britt. 
nicely done all those who helped, and helped getting her the help. 
it does the heart good to hear about kindness and concern for strangers.

it's good to be reminded that models are people too ;-)

and that photographers are not the perverts, and axe murderers,
that hollywood, and modeling agencies make them out to be ;-)

at least not all of them

(shame on you scolders, help her, then scold her)

happy new year everyone


Jan 05 07 08:21 pm Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

lmao hehe

Mark wrote:
Help, cough cough. stuck in Denver Casino running low on $$

Jan 05 07 08:23 pm Link


RGK Photography

Posts: 4695

Wilton, Connecticut, US

Brittney Harrington wrote:

Again please don't take offense but before jumping to conclusions I can only suggest reading the whole thread before questioning the actions that Christian made! And to be quite honest, although it is an invitation, any true aspiring model (no matter how little money they have, wouldn't pass up the chance to work with Christian! And I think she was brave and courageous in doing so and Christian did all that he could on his own. Nobody had to help but the nice part is that people wanted to! smile

Merry christmas!

All the best,

Sorry but I have to agree, the fact that it was his shoot and he is the great photographer, I would assume that he could front a couple of hundred dollars.

He did not do all he could he basically passed her on to the site.

She is a beauty and I wish her all the luck in the future.

Jan 05 07 10:03 pm Link



Posts: 10811

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Interesting read.  Glad everything worked out.

I'm just waiting for Hamza to man-up and apologize to Brittney for calling her a racist when he simply misunderstood what she was saying.

So.. what about it man.. care to show what you're really made of?

Jan 05 07 10:56 pm Link



Posts: 617

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Oliver Cole wrote:
I am stunned that anyone would get on a cross country flight with only $10 cash and no credit card much less an 18 year old.

WTF were you and ALL parties dealing with this young adult thinking?

Oliver Cole

Whatever Jackass - you were never a kid trying your ass to something and took risks? You should be saying "I would love to help anyone who is willing to throw it out there and give it 100% and deal with the consequences later"

Jan 05 07 10:58 pm Link



Posts: 10811

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

bump... still waiting for Hamza

Jan 06 07 05:03 pm Link