This thread was locked on 2006-12-23 08:57:31
Forums > General Industry > Here's to you Mr. troll-Meister here’s to you!



Posts: 997

New York, New York, US

Kevin Connery wrote:

GRHorn wrote:
If you get a MOD to respond to you, I like you, don't really care for your threads that much.  Good luck.

You didn't care for what he's said, but you like him?

You have interesting "standards", george.

Connery, learn to read, please why do you act the fool all the time. 

The first sentence tells why I like him, "get a MOD to respond".

The second sentence, " 2 MODS commenting, and now you."

Gee I guess reading comprehension was a class you failed in.  Please before you post, think about what it is you are really trying to say.  I will tell you this, I don't like you, and I care less what you think of me.  Do your self a favor and ingnore the posts I make, enough said.

Dec 21 06 11:08 am Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US


Dec 21 06 11:16 am Link



Posts: 9122

XtremeArtists wrote:
We accept your apology.

RStephenT wrote:
Who are you again? Oh yes you're the troll... lol, you're a hoot.

You're the one who went to the brig for name-calling.

On behalf of my minions and myself, we reject your apology.

Dec 21 06 11:28 am Link



Posts: 9122

XtremeArtists wrote:
How did you like the Brig?

You tried to start a thread on "The Other Place," but you didn't bother to post a link.

This is how links work:

RStephenT wrote:
I enjoyed my stay in da brig... particulary after you left.  Got a chance to post in your and hadyn's silly obsessed thread about me... so it was time well spent.

Nobody read your posts. HA HA.

RStephenT wrote:
You know I did join your web site when it first got started, until I read the first 14 threads and realized what a bitch fest it was going to be... you folks over there... you're models and photographer's right?... only reason I'm asking is that it's not obvious.  Sadly I can no longer visit because you banned me.

Nope. No one has been banned from the site. Lies are the mark of a true troll.

You joined the site a couple of days ago to post a link to this thread. You are not banned, just obsessed.

Anyone is free to join the site.

We have "The Penthouse" section for stylists, models, and photographers to talk about everything from applying pigments to black & white photography.

We have "The Lobby" section where new members introduce themselves.

Finally, we have "The Pit where off-topic discussions take place.

You are free to stop lurking, and actually join the site. Unless you prefer to post links to it as you have done.

Dec 21 06 11:31 am Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Visions Of Excess Studi wrote:
Oh, wow, posting while drunk. This may land me in time out land. Like your work sir. When you think about it, that's what this place should be about. Have never quite understood though why you're the biggest apologist for the folks who run this this place (who I generally like come to think about it) with no shame and pretty much looking like an MM (i WANNA BE A MODERATOR) troll? Have you ever given a thought about how you and your superior intellect and upstanding morals might be perceived here?

Just a quiz. I know already what you think about me.

Well to be honest I didn't have any opinion about you, until you made that very sarcastic remark.  I am not apologetic for the folks who run this place... all of them are big boys and girls and they can speak for themselves.  I base how I feel about this site like you do... on my experience.

This is just an internet web site... way too many take it seriously.

But I like some of the policies as compared to others I've been on.  I don't particularily like the talking smack part because it allows trolls to play their games.  I like the fact that when I need help or ask a question, someone gets back to me.  I think the mods have good intentions.  Are they perfect? No.  Are you?

In the year and a half that I have been a member of this site I have stood up 3 times and defended a mod's position.  The result's are predictable... sooner or later I get several nasty posts or emails accusing me of brown-nosing or auditioning for a moderator job.  Each time I tell him/her that I have no interest.  I SAY AGAIN: I wouldn't accept a mod position even if it were a paying position.  I'm not going to go into all the reasons why... it's just a fact.

I am going to speak my mind honestly and directly, and I will try in most cases to be respectful.  But if you want to taunt or insult me then in some cases the gloves come off.  If you perceive my words as elitiest in any way, talk to those who have actually met or worked with me before you form an opinion.  If you don't take the time to do that... then tell me again why I should care?

Dec 21 06 04:00 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Tape Her Up wrote:
love it when folks who have never been bothered by me feel it necessary to go on the attack against me.  Then when I fight back, they inevitably go "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!  Tape Her Up was mean to me!"  Just like you're going to do, RStephenT, unless you stick your nose right back out of my business.  You act like Mr. Big Shot on this board, but the second someone says something about you, you go crying like a baby to the Mods.  Go sit in a corner, little boy.  The Adults are talking.

Oh, and like Huynh, you could probably learn to stand a few English lessons.  "Finding a some more substantial..."?  The hell is that?

Let me refresh your memory: 

Tape Her Up wrote:
After the most recent bout of ass-kicking dealt by me, he's gonna go underground again for a month or two, but he'll be back with yet another useless Bondage Is Immoral thread by the spring.

So this is an example of an adult talking?

Dec 21 06 04:04 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

XtremeArtists wrote:

You're the one who went to the brig for name-calling.

On behalf of my minions and myself, we reject your apology.

Thank You.

But to get me thrown into the brig you had to go to 3 mods to get it done... the first two didn't agree.  I spoke the truth... if that gets me a stay in the brig I'll accept it.  Unlike you who made many posts including the one where you challanged anyone to take you on.  Pray tell... how were we supposed to do that with you locked safely away?

Dec 21 06 04:06 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

XtremeArtists wrote:
Nobody read your posts. HA HA.

Nope. No one has been banned from the site. Lies are the mark of a true troll.

You joined the site a couple of days ago to post a link to this thread. You are not banned, just obsessed.

Anyone is free to join the site.

We have "The Penthouse" section for stylists, models, and photographers to talk about everything from applying pigments to black & white photography.

We have "The Lobby" section where new members introduce themselves.

Finally, we have "The Pit where off-topic discussions take place.

You are free to stop lurking, and actually join the site. Unless you prefer to post links to it as you have done.

Well when I logged in using RStephenT and my password your system didn't accept it. 

Oh we know about the other sections... but that's not where the real action is taking place.  Care to discuss ratios... say how many posts are directly focused on attacking MM and it's site members versus those that are not?   Care to discuss the nature of those posts and the tone?

I encourage anyone to go look for yourself.  Form your own opinions. I don't plan on visiting it again... but, but I might just for grin and giggles.

Dec 21 06 04:10 pm Link



Posts: 9122

You never signed up as RStevenT.

Here is a link to the member list. Even banned members would still have a member number:

You did not sign up at the start of it, and you were not banned.

It's funny you would call me a troll. I'm not the one who has been doing that in this thread...

Dec 21 06 05:38 pm Link



Posts: 9122

RStephenT wrote:
Thank You.

But to get me thrown into the brig you had to go to 3 mods to get it done... the first two didn't agree.

I didn't go to any mods.

Please stop lying.

Dec 21 06 05:39 pm Link



Posts: 9122

RStephenT wrote:
you who made many posts including the one where you challanged anyone to take you on.  Pray tell... how were we supposed to do that with you locked safely away?

I didn't challenge anyone. Again, this is false.

I posted a thread in response to one started by Ty Simone. His thread was about attacking someone in the brig who couldn't respond. I responded from The Brig.

I am much more clever than you realize. That is why I don't have to resort to lies and falsehoods to make my point.

Dec 21 06 05:43 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

RStephenT wrote:
So this is an example of an adult talking?

My, my, my.  You certainly are desperate for my attention, RStephenT.  Seems to me that you're a bit of a troll here, trying to mix it up with XA, myself, and a couple of others.  I said it before, I'll say it again:  you may wish to rethink your position because I can and will make you go crying to the mods.

Dec 21 06 06:38 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Tape Her Up wrote:

My, my, my.  You certainly are desperate for my attention, RStephenT.  Seems to me that you're a bit of a troll here, trying to mix it up with XA, myself, and a couple of others.  I said it before, I'll say it again:  you may wish to rethink your position because I can and will make you go crying to the mods.

You miss the point.  I don't give two hoots about your work, or your technique... both of which suck.  I just happening to be dancing with XA when I saw your post and it was silly... and it still is.

I wouldn't waste any mods time with a complaint about you... you are not worth it.  They have better things to do.

This isn't a moral issue for me at all, although, I once asked you question about your bondage work, but you we're too busy trying to score points on style to notice.  If bondage is about choice and lifestyle, why is it that the vast majority (to be honest I haven't seen any, but I'm sure it must exist somewhere) men hanging from the chandelier's or taped up?  Gay sites don't count. Why is it always guys taping and tying up young girls? Maybe I'll get an answer this time.  I mean this is an artform right?  You're pastionate about this right?

Hey if you want to stick your chest out and crow like a rooster... that's cool(I was just giving you a heads up)... just don't think you're convincing everybody... and don't compare yourself to XA... he's a professional troll... you need to sit at his feet and take notes little fella.

Dec 21 06 08:54 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

XtremeArtists wrote:

I didn't go to any mods.

Please stop lying.

When I was addressing you (you said you we're speaking for you and your minions), it included your little group.

Dec 21 06 08:56 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

there are people who have some skills and some creativity. some people just lacks both.

Dec 21 06 09:01 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

XtremeArtists wrote:
I didn't challenge anyone. Again, this is false.

Oh really?... sounded that way to me...

XtremeArtists wrote:
I am much more clever than you realize.

To the contrary, I think you are very clever.  To be a troll of your magnitude is a rare gift. See there...we can agree.

XtremeArtists wrote:
That is why I don't have to resort to lies and falsehoods to make my point.

Yah right... and you don't attack folks either... and you don't taunt them... you're so misunderstood.

Dec 21 06 09:02 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

paying someone to be taped up and take pictures of them so they can get off is not professional. at least learn how light the subjects and expose it properly so you can bs with people. from what i see fro your portfolio, it looks like you paid models to be taped up so it fulfill your fetish.

Dec 21 06 09:07 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Huynh Photography wrote:
there are people who have some skills and some creativity. some people just lacks both.

Are you addressing me or the tape fella?  Sounds like tape... carry on.

G'nite folks, got things to do... tis the joyful holiday season... another yah right... lol.

Dec 21 06 09:07 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

nothing more than to piss off the so-called "photographers" with no talents who likes to tape women up. gimmick photographers.

Dec 21 06 09:09 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Huynh Photography wrote:
nothing more than to piss off the so-called "photographers" with no talents who likes to tape women up. gimmick photographers.

Go get him Huynh... wish I could hang around and see this.

Dec 21 06 09:11 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

RStephenT wrote:

Go get him Huynh... wish I could hang around and see this.

I wish I am here to see it too.

I would love to teach him how to be a real photographer instead of seeing him wasting his money on hiring " models " that would let him tape them up.

We should teach those who lacks skills so that they can catch up.

Dec 21 06 09:16 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

RStephenT wrote:

You miss the point.  I don't give two hoots about your work, or your technique... both of which suck.  I just happening to be dancing with XA when I saw your post and it was silly... and it still is.

I wouldn't waste any mods time with a complaint about you... you are not worth it.  They have better things to do.

This isn't a moral issue for me at all, although, I once asked you question about your bondage work, but you we're too busy trying to score points on style to notice.  If bondage is about choice and lifestyle, why is it that the vast majority (to be honest I haven't seen any, but I'm sure it must exist somewhere) men hanging from the chandelier's or taped up?  Gay sites don't count. Why is it always guys taping and tying up young girls? Maybe I'll get an answer this time.  I mean this is an artform right?  You're pastionate about this right?

Hey if you want to stick your chest out and crow like a rooster... that's cool(I was just giving you a heads up)... just don't think you're convincing everybody... and don't compare yourself to XA... he's a professional troll... you need to sit at his feet and take notes little fella.

Obsess much, RStephenT?  You say you don't give two hoots about me, but you're the one who fired the first shot.  After all, my post concerned Garry K and his obsessions with my work.  He does, after all, seem to post quite a bit of bondage is immoral threads, which I inevitably answer and which he invetiably runs away from finally.  None of that concerned you nor did it require a response from you.

As for bondage, your ignorance of the genre is astounding.  There's far more types of bondage than the gay bondage or the guys tying up young girls.  I myself have shot with a variety of models, some as young as 19 some as old as 45.  It's also not always guys tying girls--there are plenty of women who make their living doing the same.  I point you in the direction of Simone Devon and Lorelei (formerly Kritine Imboch) of Harmony to name but two.

But, just like with Garry K, I don't think I need to justify who I am or what I do to anyone--most especially you.  It's Tyler's site, and if he didn't want me as a member, he would have denied me membership, now wouldn't he?

In terms of being a troll, I don't think XA is a troll--certainly not in this instance.  You are, but not he and not me.  This wasn't a thread about you, nor was it about me or XA.  It was about a "photographer" who runs around the boards opening a number of threads concerning porking your models.  You chose to hijack the thread and make personal attacks on people who weren't bothering you.  Now, go for unlawful carnal knowledge yourself and leave me the hell alone.

Dec 21 06 09:18 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

A member here graciously emailed me the subjects the Huynh has started.  I went through them and although they were not photography related nor held much substance, they seemed harmless just the same.

People here seem to feel that Huynh is insulting and since I have not personally felt that I offer myself up to the verbal abuse of Huynh to see if in fact he is as abrasive as he is portrayed to be.

Fire away Huynh.

Dec 21 06 09:27 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

Some of the stuff I asked I have to admit they are uncomfortable for some. These scenarios happen in real life.

Dec 21 06 09:31 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Huynh Photography wrote:
I wish I am here to see it too.

I would love to teach him how to be a real photographer instead of seeing him wasting his money on hiring " models " that would let him tape them up.

We should teach those who lacks skills so that they can catch up.

I personally would love to teach you how to have respect for women.  It's a great irony that I as a bondage photographer show far more respect for women than you do with your "have sex with models" threads.

There again, I'd also like to teach you English.  Reading your posts gives me a headache.

Dec 21 06 09:35 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Huynh Photography wrote:
paying someone to be taped up and take pictures of them so they can get off is not professional. at least learn how light the subjects and expose it properly so you can bs with people. from what i see fro your portfolio, it looks like you paid models to be taped up so it fulfill your fetish.

Actually I pay my models and tie them up to sell the images on a website that I run.  They are fully aware of this, too, and have no problems with it.  In fact, I had a rather fun shoot today with a lovely young model named Jasmine. She had fun, I had fun, and I am going to edit up one of the sets tomorrow.

As for what is and is not professional, Mr. Pot, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Kettle.

Dec 21 06 09:38 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


GRHorn wrote:

Connery, learn to read, please why do you act the fool all the time. 

The first sentence tells why I like him, "get a MOD to respond".

The second sentence, " 2 MODS commenting, and now you."

Gee I guess reading comprehension was a class you failed in.  Please before you post, think about what it is you are really trying to say.  I will tell you this, I don't like you, and I care less what you think of me.  Do your self a favor and ingnore the posts I make, enough said.

Kevin is someone I've never worked with, never spoken with...and don't know.

His posts are accurate and dead on.

Perhaps those of you with the NYC attitude should pay attention....

Dec 21 06 09:38 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Huynh Photography wrote:
there are people who have some skills and some creativity. some people just lacks both.

There are people who have good English skills and respect for women.  Then there are people who lack both.

Dec 21 06 09:39 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

Tape Her Up wrote:

I personally would love to teach you how to have respect for women.  It's a great irony that I as a bondage photographer show far more respect for women than you do with your "have sex with models" threads.

you call that bondage you're doing ? i have a lot of respect for women. that's why i photograph them with proper lighting and great camera techniques. also unlike you, i am making money from models. that's something i cannot say about you.

Dec 21 06 09:39 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


To Dan (op): do you take full responsibility for the flaming and the wars that are going to go on in this thread since you started it?

Dec 21 06 09:39 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

Tape Her Up wrote:

Actually I pay my models and tie them up to sell the images on a website that I run.  They are fully aware of this, too, and have no problems with it.  In fact, I had a rather fun shoot today with a lovely young model named Jasmine. She had fun, I had fun, and I am going to edit up one of the sets tomorrow.

As for what is and is not professional, Mr. Pot, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Kettle.

and this is respecting women ?

Dec 21 06 09:43 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Huynh Photography wrote:

you call that bondage you're doing ? i have a lot of respect for women. that's why i photograph them with proper lighting and great camera techniques. also unlike you, i am making money from models. that's something i cannot say about you.

Actually, I do make money from models.  I just don't take it from them.  You see, that's why I have a paysite.  I pay the models (hence they make money from me).  Then I edit up their sets and put them on my website.  Customers go to my website and pay a fee to download the sets.  That's how I make money.

True, it's a roll of the dice as to whether or not I'll make all my money back.  Some models have done outrageously well while others have flopped.  But that's what makes the game so interesting.  Can never tell who (or what set) is gonna set people on fire.

Dec 21 06 09:43 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

markcomp wrote:
People here seem to feel that Huynh is insulting

Honestly, I had no problem with the dude until I just now saw the crack he made to Tape Her Up about his "models" (with the quotation marks).  Can't you just do your little fighting without bringing other people into it?  Not only are you insulting
Tape Her Up, but you just insulted the several women (me being one of them) that he's worked with.  Not cool, dude.

Dec 21 06 09:44 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

i can't tell you what you do with your life, but he has got to be the biggest mistake in your so call modelling career. that's not modelling my dear.

Dec 21 06 09:47 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Huynh Photography wrote:

and this is respecting women ?

Yes, and I'll tell you why.  Because I treat them nice when we shoot.  I show concern for them and make sure the ties aren't too tight or they aren't in pain.  I move quickly so they're not in any one position for too long.  I offer them breaks after particularly difficult postions.  But most of all, I treat them like ladies.  I don't say, "you aren't turning me on, go home" like you do (by your own admittance).  I don't come on here and obsess about having sex with models.  I don't come on to them, or try to touch them inappropriately, or anything like that.  I try to make the experience as fun and relaxing for them as possible.

And that's a helluva lot better than saying to them "your job is to turn me on.  I'm not turned on, so go home and I'm not paying you".  By your own admission, you've said such things.

Dec 21 06 09:47 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Huynh Photography wrote:
i can't tell you what you do with your life, but he has got to be the biggest mistake in your so call modelling career. that's not modelling my dear.

that dog is scary.

Dec 21 06 09:48 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Daniela V wrote:

that dog is scary.


Good one, Daniela!

Dec 21 06 09:49 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

put women in degrading position is respect ? is that what mama taught you how to treat women ?

Dec 21 06 09:49 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

i don't have time to sit here and chat. i got a real shoot with "real" models. hopefully she will be able to turn me on and i might get lucky afterward.

Dec 21 06 09:51 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

Daniela V wrote:

that dog is scary.

it's not as scary as some of his pictures.

Dec 21 06 09:52 pm Link