Forums > General Industry > Biblical teachings vs. Erotic/Glamour Nudes--What?



Posts: 2142

Charleston, West Virginia, US

Milli wrote:

My husband doesn't have any porn.

And I'm not even married! smile

yeah in all honesty, i really don't find anything sexy in porn anyways... nothing i haven't already seen- its all just the same stuff over and over and over again.

Dec 19 06 12:57 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Milli wrote:

My husband doesn't have any porn.

And I'm not even married! smile

Just because you're not married to him dosen't mean he hasn't got any porn. wink

Dec 19 06 12:58 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Milli wrote:
You stopped at The Old Testament?
Ooooh girrrl, if you ever get a chance, read the New Testament!
Thats where its at smile
But anyway, I'm sorry you had such a difficult time understanding it.  I felt the same way when I first tried.  Thats why I'm glad there are so many translations that are soooo much easier to understand, with out all that "thou shalt" and "thee" "hither".  Yeah.  I like the New King James Version.  It is PLAIN ENGLISH. hooray!  They even have special ones that are easier for the younger generation (adolescents) and for children as well.

Not trying to push anything on you.  Just thought I'd share smile

Lol...I don't mean I couldn't understand it as in I didn't understand the language...I mean I don't understand how God could be as great as everyone says he is when basically, he let's the devil tease him into totally dicking over his most loyal follower just so he could say "I told you so" like some 5 year old. It just seems illogical to me...not to mention the inconsistencies with science. I just don't get it.

Dec 19 06 12:58 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

elisabeth eagle wrote:
yeah if we could all run around naked, the perverts would just love that.... and i bet so would the child molestors sad

Running around naked has nothing to do with perversion, sex, or whatever else you think. And why do you think this way? Why do you equate nudity to something wrong and "sinful?" Is your god a pornographer? He must be, as he has seemed to have created pornography (at least as religion would see it).

  I get so tired of people thinking nudity is the same thing as sex. I also get tired of people that can't deal with their own emotions. Feeling lust is guess what? NATURAL! We're supposed to! What do you expect? We're physical beings with physical needs. We feel all sorts of things: love, happiness, sadness, anger, hate, and yeah... we even feel lust. It's how we are made and it's how we are. To think it's a "sin" because you feel a certain way emotionally is ridiculous because you have no bloody choice in how you feel; we're hardwired that way.

  What is important is how we handle it and what we do with it. Ever walk by a bank and feel envious of all the money they flaunt in it? Signs proudly proclaiming billions of dollars in assets? Sure you do, but that feeling isn't a sin. It's a natural function of being human. If you decided to rob the bank that would be different.

  People need to stop thinking everything is a sin and learn to embrace their humanity and understand that we are highly sexual beings. This is a beautiful thing, and it's how we are. Like it or not. If god has decreed that these hardwired emotions are sins then he's a real bastard because you can't not feel them.

  Anyway, be free and naked. Make love and not war. And be happy.

Dec 19 06 01:00 am Link



Posts: 2142

Charleston, West Virginia, US

Vivus Denuo wrote:

Um, the Protestants have their sex scandals, too.

im not protestant either.
i don't hail mary- mary isn't queen of heaven (yes i know its catholic)
there are always bad ppl in every single religion- and the so called live it on sunday ppl then live no better then the ppl in jail on the other 6 days of the week.

Dec 19 06 01:00 am Link


Satan Bug

Posts: 127

Hell, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway

its all just the same stuff over and over and over again.

it seems you keep checking, just in case...

Dec 19 06 01:01 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

Lol...I don't mean I couldn't understand it as in I didn't understand the language...I mean I don't understand how God could be as great as everyone says he is when basically, he let's the devil tease him into totally dicking over his most loyal follower just so he could say "I told you so" like some 5 year old. It just seems illogical to me...not to mention the inconsistencies with science. I just don't get it.

Not to mention that if this god is indeed omniscient and omnipotent he would know beforehand what Job would choose. The fact that he knew this and jerked him around anyway is the very mark of a supreme sadist. Or, he really isn't omniscient and omnipotent. In any event, he does need to learn some basic manners.

Dec 19 06 01:01 am Link



Posts: 9339

Austin, Indiana, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

Lol...I don't mean I couldn't understand it as in I didn't understand the language...I mean I don't understand how God could be as great as everyone says he is when basically, he let's the devil tease him into totally dicking over his most loyal follower just so he could say "I told you so" like some 5 year old. It just seems illogical to me...not to mention the inconsistencies with science. I just don't get it.

Science shmience. lol.
I just think to start out reading the Bible with the Old Testament (aside from the creation of course), especially for a non-believer, is not as beneficial as starting with the New Testament.  IMO.

Dec 19 06 01:02 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
Not to mention that if this god is indeed omniscient and omnipotent he would know beforehand what Job would choose. The fact that he knew this and jerked him around anyway is the very mark of a supreme sadist. Or, he really isn't omniscient and omnipotent. In any event, he does need to learn some basic manners.

Pretty much. And seriously...appendixes? Wtf? Either we weren't created through intelligent design, or the designer wasn't that intelligent. "Hey, I think I'll put in an organ that serves no purpose and sometimes explodes!" Riiiight.

Dec 19 06 01:03 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Satan Bug wrote:
its all just the same stuff over and over and over again.
it seems you keep checking, just in case...

point. set. match.

Dec 19 06 01:03 am Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

elisabeth eagle wrote:

im not protestant either.
i don't hail mary- mary isn't queen of heaven (yes i know its catholic)
there are always bad ppl in every single religion- and the so called live it on sunday ppl then live no better then the ppl in jail on the other 6 days of the week.

Well, we agree on that.  smile  Personally, I've never been able to see any overall difference in how moral people are based on whether they're religious or not.  There are good and bad believers, in my book, and good and bad unbelievers.  Religion doesn't seem to have anything to do with it.

The OP should do what makes him comfortable and stay with that.

Dec 19 06 01:04 am Link



Posts: 9339

Austin, Indiana, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

Just because you're not married to him dosen't mean he hasn't got any porn. wink

He used to.  I saw it with mine own eyes!
But he changed though.  It was shocking.  Now he doesnt have any.
I think what was most shocking was that he changed out of his own free will, and not because someone told him to or because his mother said so, or something like that.

Dec 19 06 01:05 am Link



Posts: 2142

Charleston, West Virginia, US

Pat Thielen wrote:

Running around naked has nothing to do with perversion, sex, or whatever else you think. And why do you think this way? Why do you equate nudity to something wrong and "sinful?" Is your god a pornographer? He must be, as he has seemed to have created pornography (at least as religion would see it).

  I get so tired of people thinking nudity is the same thing as sex. I also get tired of people that can't deal with their own emotions. Feeling lust is guess what? NATURAL! We're supposed to! What do you expect? We're physical beings with physical needs. We feel all sorts of things: love, happiness, sadness, anger, hate, and yeah... we even feel lust. It's how we are made and it's how we are. To think it's a "sin" because you feel a certain way emotionally is ridiculous because you have no bloody choice in how you feel; we're hardwired that way.

  What is important is how we handle it and what we do with it. Ever walk by a bank and feel envious of all the money they flaunt in it? Signs proudly proclaiming billions of dollars in assets? Sure you do, but that feeling isn't a sin. It's a natural function of being human. If you decided to rob the bank that would be different.

  People need to stop thinking everything is a sin and learn to embrace their humanity and understand that we are highly sexual beings. This is a beautiful thing, and it's how we are. Like it or not. If god has decreed that these hardwired emotions are sins then he's a real bastard because you can't not feel them.

  Anyway, be free and naked. Make love and not war. And be happy.

WTF are you even talking about? i never once said anything trashing sex or nudity- never. The op asked for what the Bible said- i told him- plain and simple. don't start stuff with me about stuff i never said. First off, thousands of people look at porn, look at nude pictures and think lustful stuff- human nature yes but there are concequences for actions. If you go and have sex with everyone under the blue sky you get a much higher risk of stds, aids, pregnancy, and who knows what else. Nudity embarks a persons lust- nudity leads in most peoples minds to sex or sexual thoughts. thats why i said that child molestors and so forth and so on would love that. Just because u like nudity and sex doesn't mean we all do.... i didn't trash  your way of thinking and u wouldn't like it if i said
"I hate when all you people get on here talking about how we should have sex with whoever and we should not be afraid of nudity" i stated my opinion and so did you- and thats all they are opinions

Dec 19 06 01:05 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Milli wrote:

Science shmience. lol.
I just think to start out reading the Bible with the Old Testament (aside from the creation of course), especially for a non-believer, is not as beneficial as starting with the New Testament.  IMO.

I was raised Catholic. I was actually just joking about stopping at the book of Job. I've made it through confession, communion, and confirmation. I'm a full fledged member of the Catholic church (against my own will). I just find the entire deal completely illogical. I think Jesus was a cool guy...and I really like most of what he taught...but I don't think he was the son of God...I don't think God hates fags...and I don't think the world was created in 7 days.

Dec 19 06 01:06 am Link


Colin Talcroft

Posts: 1078

Santa Rosa, California, US

Kaitlin said "Either we weren't created through intelligent design, or the designer wasn't that intelligent. 'Hey, I think I'll put in an organ that serves no purpose and sometimes explodes!' Riiiight."

Thanks for the laugh--and so on the money.

Dec 19 06 01:07 am Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

The bible contains great descriptions of sex acts and perverse behavior.  It is a good source of erotica and the inspiration for some of the old masters paintings.  Whether you believe in any of the religions that use it to keep their sheeple in the flock or treat it as a book of mythology, do what your heart tells you is right! 

I for one, know that there is nothing lovlier than a nude woman and nothing more perverse than killing a human because god told you to do it.  Fundamental zealots hide the woman and glorify the killing.

Dec 19 06 01:07 am Link



Posts: 2142

Charleston, West Virginia, US

Vivus Denuo wrote:

Well, we agree on that.  smile  Personally, I've never been able to see any overall difference in how moral people are based on whether they're religious or not.  There are good and bad believers, in my book, and good and bad unbelievers.  Religion doesn't seem to have anything to do with it.

The OP should do what makes him comfortable and stay with that.

Thats why im non-denominational... i believe what i believe and no one is going to change my mind- just like im not going to change anyone elses mind. People need to understand everyone has their own opinions and that even though they can trash as many ppl they want to - its still not going to change anyones opinion....

Dec 19 06 01:08 am Link



Posts: 9339

Austin, Indiana, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

I was raised Catholic. I was actually just joking about stopping at the book of Job. I've made it through confession, communion, and confirmation. I'm a full fledged member of the Catholic church (against my own will). I just find the entire deal completely illogical. I think Jesus was a cool guy...and I really like most of what he taught...but I don't think he was the son of God...I don't think God hates fags...and I don't think the world was created in 7 days.

No one thinks God hates fags....atleast there is no reason to think that.
God doesnt hate anyone.
But yeah, my mom used to be Catholic too.  She was raised Catholic, and so was my dad.  But they didn't raise us up as Catholic at all.

Dec 19 06 01:08 am Link



Posts: 2142

Charleston, West Virginia, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

I was raised Catholic. I was actually just joking about stopping at the book of Job. I've made it through confession, communion, and confirmation. I'm a full fledged member of the Catholic church (against my own will). I just find the entire deal completely illogical. I think Jesus was a cool guy...and I really like most of what he taught...but I don't think he was the son of God...I don't think God hates fags...and I don't think the world was created in 7 days.

i don't think God hates anyone.... gay,straight, retarded, paralyzed, etc...

Dec 19 06 01:09 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

elisabeth eagle wrote:
Just because u like nudity and sex doesn't mean we all do.

Actually...I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this one. I don't think you could find anyone who honestly didn't like nudity and sex. You may be able to find some people who do a great job repressing their natural urges, or a few people whose brains aren't wired quite right, but it is human nature to like nudity and sex.

Dec 19 06 01:09 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

create beauty, create art.

You know black music was devil music
Rock and roll was a sin
science was the devils business
yadda yadda yadda

Dec 19 06 01:09 am Link



Posts: 2142

Charleston, West Virginia, US

Habenero Photography wrote:
The bible contains great descriptions of sex acts and perverse behavior.  It is a good source of erotica and the inspiration for some of the old masters paintings.  Whether you believe in any of the religions that use it to keep their sheeple in the flock or treat it as a book of mythology, do what your heart tells you is right! 

I for one, know that there is nothing lovlier than a nude woman and nothing more perverse than killing a human because god told you to do it.  Fundamental zealots hide the woman and glorify the killing.

that is y i don't buy some religion- what part of THOU SHALT NOT KILL- do these ppl not get? a real God wouldn't tell you too

Dec 19 06 01:10 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Milli wrote:

No one thinks God hates fags....atleast there is no reason to think that.
God doesnt hate anyone.

The Bible, as well as the large majority of devout Catholics disagree with you on that.

Dec 19 06 01:11 am Link



Posts: 2142

Charleston, West Virginia, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

Actually...I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this one. I don't think you could find anyone who honestly didn't like nudity and sex. You may be able to find some people who do a great job repressing their natural urges, or a few people whose brains aren't wired quite right, but it is human nature to like nudity and sex.

i hate sex... i swear i do- i have to force myself to have sex. even went to the doctor and they said there was nothing they could do- but maybe its because of something bad that happened when i was 16? idk-

Dec 19 06 01:11 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

elisabeth eagle wrote:

i don't think God hates anyone.... gay,straight, retarded, paralyzed, etc...

I didn't say you have to. I'm just saying that's a generally accepted belief among the Catholic religion, and one that's supported by biblical passages, that I happen to entirely disagree with.

Dec 19 06 01:12 am Link


wirehead arts

Posts: 273

Sunnyvale, California, US

Consider the Song of Solomon.  Or artistic representations of the garden of Eden.

I dono.  I don't feel a conflict between my religon and my art....... but then my work is a little more artistic and a little less erotic.

Dec 19 06 01:13 am Link



Posts: 111

Houston, Texas, US

2 Kings Chapter 6...
28 Then he asked her, "What's the matter?" She answered, "This woman said to me, 'Give up your son so we may eat him today, and tomorrow we'll eat my son.' 29 So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I said to her, 'Give up your son so we may eat him,' but she had hidden him."

Dec 19 06 01:14 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

elisabeth eagle wrote:

i hate sex... i swear i do- i have to force myself to have sex. even went to the doctor and they said there was nothing they could do- but maybe its because of something bad that happened when i was 16? idk-

If you're a victim of rape that's understandable...but it isn't natural for someone to dislike sex. Our bodies are wired to have sex be pleasurable. That's why we have so many concentrated nerve endings in the places that are important for sex.

Dec 19 06 01:14 am Link



Posts: 2142

Charleston, West Virginia, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

I didn't say you have to. I'm just saying that's a generally accepted belief among the Catholic religion, and one that's supported by biblical passages, that I happen to entirely disagree with.

which is y i don't believe catholic religion... i think God loves everyone- he may not like what they do or whatnot but i think he loves everyone..... i don't even know anyone catholic- perhaps it isn't popular around wv?

Dec 19 06 01:15 am Link



Posts: 9339

Austin, Indiana, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

The Bible, as well as the large majority of devout Catholics disagree with you on that.

Just because God says something is wrong, doesn't mean He'll hate you if you do it.  No one here on Earth right now is perfect.
God hates sin.  Not sinners.  Big difference smile
If it were true that God hates sinners, that would mean that He hates all of us.  We are all sinners, we were all born sinners.  Its innate.  God even says that all have sinned and fall short of His glory.
Every Christian (including Catholics--as I said before, my parents were raised Catholic) knows that God does not hate anyone.

Dec 19 06 01:16 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

Job's just the easiest one to tear apart as clearly

I'm with kaitlin on this one, though I will go a step further. The entire book can be torn apart.

Moving right along.

I dont beleive in "God"...I find it amusing when people question there actions or future actions based on an entity that doesnt exist. That aside.

I say use a "moral" judgement. If it is a passion driven by art, then go for it. If it is a passion driven by lust, stay away. You wil be setting yourself up for something bad should you give in to lust at an inappropriate time. I worry more about mans law.

Shoot for art and creativity. Not for mere boobies...

Dec 19 06 01:16 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

elisabeth eagle wrote:

WTF are you even talking about? i never once said anything trashing sex or nudity- never. The op asked for what the Bible said- i told him- plain and simple. don't start stuff with me about stuff i never said. First off, thousands of people look at porn, look at nude pictures and think lustful stuff- human nature yes but there are concequences for actions. If you go and have sex with everyone under the blue sky you get a much higher risk of stds, aids, pregnancy, and who knows what else. Nudity embarks a persons lust- nudity leads in most peoples minds to sex or sexual thoughts. thats why i said that child molestors and so forth and so on would love that. Just because u like nudity and sex doesn't mean we all do.... i didn't trash  your way of thinking and u wouldn't like it if i said
"I hate when all you people get on here talking about how we should have sex with whoever and we should not be afraid of nudity" i stated my opinion and so did you- and thats all they are opinions

Granted, you didn't say anything about sex directly but I felt you implied it in how you mentioned perverts and child molesters. And nudity does not magically cause people to run around and have sex with everyone. And if if did, and if people took proper precautions, then so what? If people don't take precautions then it's their responsibility.

  Nudity does not lead most people to thoughts about sex and it does not inspire lust in most people. In people that attempt to suppress these feelings it very well might, but in people who are used to it they can tell the difference. There have been tribes of people who have lived naked and did just fine. There are people living in nudist camps that do just fine with it. There are nude beaches all over Europe and they don't have sex with everyone under the blue sky. Nudity is not about sex unless for some reason you think it is. I don't think it is. It can be at times, but other times it isn't. When I photograph a nude model the last thing on my mind is sex; I'm trying to get a decent photograph. The thought that nudity equates to feelings of lust and so it should be avoided is very unhealthy. And there's nothing wrong with having lustful feelings.

  Again, feeling lust is natural. It's what we do with the feeling is what is important. And so far I have yet to hear explained logically what is so wrong with sex in the first place.

Dec 19 06 01:18 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
Actually...I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this one. I don't think you could find anyone who honestly didn't like nudity and sex. You may be able to find some people who do a great job repressing their natural urges, or a few people whose brains aren't wired quite right, but it is human nature to like nudity and sex.

elisabeth eagle wrote:
i hate sex... i swear i do- i have to force myself to have sex. even went to the doctor and they said there was nothing they could do- but maybe its because of something bad that happened when i was 16? idk-

Maybe you should stop calling everyone else perverts then.  The fact is you have the warped idea of nudity and sexuality, not us.

Dec 19 06 01:19 am Link



Posts: 111

Houston, Texas, US

Genesis 19:31, 32
31 One day the older daughter said to the younger, "Our father is old, and there is no man around here to lie with us, as is the custom all over the earth. 32 Let's get our father to drink wine and then lie with him and preserve our family line through our father."

Dec 19 06 01:23 am Link


Xandria Gallery

Posts: 1354

Arlington, Texas, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
I was raised Catholic. I was actually just joking about stopping at the book of Job. I've made it through confession, communion, and confirmation. I'm a full fledged member of the Catholic church (against my own will). I just find the entire deal completely illogical. I think Jesus was a cool guy...and I really like most of what he taught...but I don't think he was the son of God...I don't think God hates fags...and I don't think the world was created in 7 days.

You find it completely illogical because that is how you want to see it.  When you read a book from the Bible you do not read it out of honesty but to find something wrong with it.  Job suffered so God is a horrible sadistic God.  Did you make it through the end of the book where God rewarded Job for his love for him?  "Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God."  He wasn't the Son of God?  Discounts the entire prophesies found in the Old Testament that contradict you.  God doesn't hate homosexuals but he will not have them into His kingdom.  He, being pure and holy, can not associate with that which is not.  As for the 7 days debate, that could go on for years.

You read the Bible to find flaws.  How often do you read history books for the sole purpose of finding loopholes?  I would guess never.  People tend to discount any religion that doesn't fit with how they want to live claiming that it is silly, doesn't make sense, isn't logical...etc.  You will believe what you want to no matter how much sense the Bible makes.

Back to the O.P.'s question

Dec 19 06 01:24 am Link



Posts: 2142

Charleston, West Virginia, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
Actually...I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this one. I don't think you could find anyone who honestly didn't like nudity and sex. You may be able to find some people who do a great job repressing their natural urges, or a few people whose brains aren't wired quite right, but it is human nature to like nudity and sex.

Maybe you should stop calling everyone else perverts then.  The fact is you have the warped idea of nudity and sexuality, not us.

never called anyone a pervert. u need to know my whole story behind why i don't like sex before u can say i have a warped idea. when i said perverts i meant the people who jack off looking at little children online... or the so called "photographers" that steal peoples pictures, photoshop them to where they are nude then jack off to them- just because u like sex and nudity doesn't mean ur a pervert and i never meant it that way. when u live literally 5 miles from a registered sex offender who raped a baby less then 3 months old, you become aware of every possiblity and don't want to let ur child run around naked so they can get those type of thoughts in their heads....

Dec 19 06 01:24 am Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

elisabeth eagle wrote:

that is y i don't buy some religion- what part of THOU SHALT NOT KILL- do these ppl not get? a real God wouldn't tell you too

I find it far better to eliminate gods of all sorts from the equation.  Each of us has the power to choose to do things that enhance our humanity.  Most people will do things that are beneficial on a tit for tat basis, religion makes no difference in the choice.

The main point the OP seemed to want was info on whether he could use the bible to justify his shooting of nude glamour pictures.  The correct answer is, it all depends upon his interpretation of the bible.  He is free to use it as he sees fit, there is plenty of wiggle room.

Dec 19 06 01:25 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Milli wrote:

Just because God says something is wrong, doesn't mean He'll hate you if you do it.  No one here on Earth right now is perfect.
God hates sin.  Not sinners.  Big difference smile
If it were true that God hates sinners, that would mean that He hates all of us.  We are all sinners, we were all born sinners.  Its innate.  God even says that all have sinned and fall short of His glory.
Every Christian (including Catholics--as I said before, my parents were raised Catholic) knows that God does not hate anyone.

I don't know about your religion, but according to the one I was forced to follow, you go to hell for sinning unless you repent. You can't repent if you're not sorry for what you did...if you live your entire life as a homosexual, which is supposed to be a sin, and don't repent, then you're going to Hell. I didn't mean God hates sinners...but according to a lot of religious folk, gays are bound for Hell. I think that's absurd. I think the idea that homosexuality is a sin in general is absurd. But like I said...that's just me.

Dec 19 06 01:25 am Link


wirehead arts

Posts: 273

Sunnyvale, California, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

I didn't say you have to. I'm just saying that's a generally accepted belief among the Catholic religion, and one that's supported by biblical passages, that I happen to entirely disagree with.

You'd be surprised at how much of modern religous sureity is based on the traditional english translation and not at all borne out by the *origional* text.

There's plenty of ambiguities in the koine greek or hebrew that just don't translate properly to English.

Or are written in the same part of the bible that forbids the eating of pork, which only applies to the hebrew christian population.

See, the problem is that the bible *does* suggest that good Christians convert the nonbelievers.  *However* you will catch more flies with honey than with salt.

Dec 19 06 01:27 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

elisabeth eagle wrote:

never called anyone a pervert. u need to know my whole story behind why i don't like sex before u can say i have a warped idea. when i said perverts i meant the people who jack off looking at little children online... or the so called "photographers" that steal peoples pictures, photoshop them to where they are nude then jack off to them- just because u like sex and nudity doesn't mean ur a pervert and i never meant it that way. when u live literally 5 miles from a registered sex offender who raped a baby less then 3 months old, you become aware of every possiblity and don't want to let ur child run around naked so they can get those type of thoughts in their heads....

"yeah if we could all run around naked, the perverts would just love that.... and i bet so would the child molestors."

Nobody was even talking about naked children when you made this statement.   And the "whole story" about your sexual dysfunction is not relevant to the topic at all.  As a matter of fact none of what you written above has anything to do with the OP or any of the people in this discussion. 

I stand by my original statement:  Your view of sexuality and nudity is warped and damaged.  How they got that way is none of my business, and still irrelevant to the topic at hand.  I would strongly suggest therapy though.

Dec 19 06 01:31 am Link