Forums > General Industry > Photographer sleeping with Models...


global vision

Posts: 1681

Bowling Green, Ohio, US

StephenEastwood wrote:
Anyone ever sleep with anyone they worked with in another field?  I would love to hear thoughts on that.

Since office romance seems to very quite commonplace I think it is fine so long as their is no coercion. 

Stephen Eastwood

Oh!  and I became a photographer because I was sleeping with some models and saw how great they looked so I than started shooting them and it led to this.

office romance can be very costly to the bottom line once you breakup.....i try to avoid it as much as possible.....but sometimes shit happens...

Dec 15 06 08:56 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

All through high school, I was in marching band, and coincidentally, almost all the guys I dated in high school were marching band guys. It's inevitable that if you spend a lot of time doing any one thing, you'll meet a lot of people who are involved in that same thing, and odds are, there will be some that you meet that you're compatible with on a romantic level. It doesn't make you makes you human. We have desires. If two people happen to be model and photographer and decide to sleep with each other, why is that anyone's business but their own.

One of my best relationships was with a photographer in Minnesota who initially contacted me on Deviantart solely to tell me he liked my look. I admired his work, and I decided to talk to him some more. We ended up dating, and yes...we had sex...but the shots he took of me are some of the most popular shots I have. If you're not raping your models or shooting them just to get them in bed with you, why should it matter if you sleep with someone you care about and are attracted to just because she's a model?

Dec 15 06 09:15 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

stefanie0324 wrote:
I would never sleep with a photographer.

I know there are lots of professional models that slept with photographers to get to the top.. but I will never be one of them.  I would rather fail than screw around. if you met an awesome guy who happened to be a photographer, you wouldn't date him solely because he's a photographer? There's a difference between sleeping with people to get to the top and sleeping with someone because you care about them. Their profession shouldn't matter in matters of the heart, should it?

Dec 15 06 09:21 am Link


Ivan S Harris

Posts: 96

San Diego, California, US

yo, I dont sleep with my models because if it doesnt work out you will alwas have there pics around you....especially if its good work...youre not going to dump the image, so you are stuck with her they stop paying after sex!

Dec 15 06 12:36 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Huynh Photography wrote:
What are your thoughts on this ?

Models... do you sleep with your photographers ?

Is this the beginning of a Penthouse Forum letter? Ok...

"I'm taking photography classes at the local community college. There was this really hot model who had been eyeing me for some time. So I decided to ask her to do a 'shoot.' I never expected when I pulled out my equipment..."

And to address the if it's the photographer's choice lol. We all know that women hold the power, especially in that area.

Dec 15 06 12:39 pm Link


john hill

Posts: 361

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Turn it around models sleeping with photogs? Doesn't matter , it takes two.Not a good idea until job is done and it's over.Biz and romance is made for trouble!!!!! Be scared very scared!!!  jh

Dec 15 06 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 1353

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I'd say as long as you're getting some ass it shouldn't matter who you are getting it from...

That being said... I'm damn near engaged so don't plan on getting any from me.

Dec 15 06 12:43 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Brandy wrote:
I'd say as long as you're getting some ass it shouldn't matter who you are getting it from...

That being said... I'm damn near engaged so don't plan on getting any from me.

Dec 15 06 12:44 pm Link


RoadRunner Photography

Posts: 5197

Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania, US

Don Sir wrote: thoughts on this:

never build your outhouse too close to your picnic table...

don't mix business with pleasure...

man with itchy ass should not bite fingernail...

just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD...

it's hard to earn respect when your fly is down...

ok, that's all I can come up with, take them for what they're worth.

Very good response and quite true...

Dec 15 06 12:45 pm Link


Robert Ector

Posts: 386

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I sleep with ony one of my models and thats because she is my

Dec 15 06 03:02 pm Link



Posts: 6305

Seattle, Washington, US

I sleep with a Photog....he is my husband.


Dec 15 06 03:06 pm Link


Fred Greenwood

Posts: 106

Pueblo, Colorado, US

I sleep with my main and favorite model.She is also my best friend and wife.

Dec 15 06 03:13 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

I sleep with my favorite model & MuA every night.

Been do'n it for over 2-years and gonna be engaged soon big_smile

Dec 15 06 03:17 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

Thanks a LOT, Brandy........... right while I was sipping some coffee........out the nose and ears is not funny.
BTW, you just went to the top of my list of Amazing Women!!

Dec 15 06 03:17 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
we are adults,

some sleep with models
some sleep with wives
some sleep with your wife

and on and on

You're sleeping with my wife?  Damn you Peter!!!!

Dec 15 06 03:25 pm Link



Posts: 1353

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Jeff Marsh wrote:
Thanks a LOT, Brandy........... right while I was sipping some coffee........out the nose and ears is not funny.
BTW, you just went to the top of my list of Amazing Women!!

I aim to please... not pleasure... just please wink

Dec 15 06 04:17 pm Link



Posts: 7840


its a personal matter

Dec 15 06 04:19 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

I don't like using the phrase "sleeping with" when that's not what you're really doing, but yeah I've been with a photographer.  He had taken that bathtub pic (my former avatar with back facing the cam & face not showing) at a hotel we were in.

Dec 15 06 05:04 pm Link



Posts: 19585

Great Neck, New York, US

global vision wrote:
office romance can be very costly to the bottom line once you breakup.....i try to avoid it as much as possible.....but sometimes shit happens...

Office romance is more dangerous since you typically work with the same person day after day, you generally do not shoot the same model very often so it would not be a major issue.  If it were I would have them replaced with a new better looking model.                  (Thats  a Joke!) 

Stephen Eastwood

Dec 16 06 02:03 am Link



Posts: 19585

Great Neck, New York, US

Tikeya wrote:
I don't like using the phrase "sleeping with" when that's not what you're really doing,

I hope not, but sometimes I have to give them a nudge to wake them back up wink

Stephen Eastwood

Dec 16 06 02:20 am Link



Posts: 345

Lancaster, South Carolina, US

I always sleep with my favorite model as well.. but I made sure I married her first wink

She also accompanies me to all my shoots with other models.. at my request.

Dec 16 06 10:31 am Link


k airnsun

Posts: 40

Denver, Colorado, US

Bruce Millich wrote:
If it wasn't for photography, I would never get laid.


"yo baby, on the real, i don't have sex with people that i do business with neither, and that's the real, but i do do business with people that i have sex with, so if there ain't no conflict, let's get this grind on because i'm gonna f*&K the s#*t out of you, and that's word"
- de la soul 'the grind date'

i love this because this is the same rule that applies for attorneys, you are not supposed to start a relationship with someone you are already involved with business wise, but if the sex came first, well...

gotta love 'rules'

(p.s. not yet!)

Dec 16 06 11:14 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

I don't look for it nor do I questioned it. I'm not saying that I wouldn't get involved with a model, but that's not what I'm there to do when we shoot, but if the situation is cool and we are both down for it, then I'm not going to bug out on it and turn it down. Friendship relationship can be more valuable and can take you alot further.

I think that these forums bring out alot of paranoia. Yes, you do have to be wise about who yiou are getting involved with, especially when it's time to take care of business. Sometimes screwing a model that looks fine may not be worth paying the price. Sometimes people can be bitter and will spread things about you if things don't turn out right.

There is alot of temptation out here, they come with different intentions. Some are sincere and others aren't.

Dec 16 06 11:33 am Link



Posts: 1610

Spokane, Washington, US

Tikeya wrote:
I don't like using the phrase "sleeping with" when that's not what you're really doing, but yeah I've been with a photographer.  He had taken that bathtub pic (my former avatar with back facing the cam & face not showing) at a hotel we were in.

friggin lucky photog!!

I thought all of them are fat old hairy dudes???

Dec 16 06 11:34 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

sdsteve wrote:

friggin lucky photog!!

I thought all of them are fat old hairy dudes???

Funny. That's what I heard too. Seeing that I don't fit that description at all. Someone thought that I was a old white guy. Go figure. Nope, I'm young tall and slim.

Dec 16 06 11:38 am Link



Posts: 306

Oakland, California, US

Yeah....but I only stopped at my first photographer, and we have been together for about three years smile And we do mix business with pleasure and we shoot together to this day. Take a look at my portfolio. My first three photos were taken last week by him. Such a dynamic duo we are.

Dec 16 06 12:33 pm Link


Miss Muse

Posts: 16

Mahopac, New York, US

1.)  Why is this a problem?

2.)  Why is this anyones business other than the 2 adults who consented?

Dec 16 06 01:16 pm Link



Posts: 10302

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US

Leond wrote:
My guess is 98% of the photographers wish they could sleep with the models.

I'd rather shoot than switch.

Dec 16 06 01:21 pm Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

There is nothing wrong with meeting in the workplace.....I met my wife in the workplace (not photography/model).....who cares if 2 people want have sex with eachother

Dec 16 06 01:24 pm Link


Scribe of Souls

Posts: 564

Bonner Springs, Kansas, US

Yes, I have to admit that models do sleep with me at times.  I accept it, but I still think it's rude.  Especially true when we have to drive to a location for a shoot.  It makes for a very boring trip when they nod off soon after we get on the road and I have no one to talk to but myself.  Maybe I'm just very boring...LOL

Dec 16 06 01:37 pm Link


Teila K Day Photography

Posts: 2040

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

KiKi Williams wrote:
I know a photographer that I work with that has screwed a couple of models.........its so unprofessional!!!

Hmmm.. so if Arnie F. (noted Playboy photog.) slept with some of the Playmates, he'd be "unprofessional" simply because of what he might do before or after the photoshoot with another a consenting adult? .. even though his photography is arguably top rate?

Unless you're living in an unrealistic-Disneyland-like-bubble, you and I know thats ridiculous.

1.  Photographer makes a move on a model = unprofessional

2.  Photographer makes a move on a model who has obviously expressed sexual interest = two adults engaging in sex.  nothing more, nothing less.

I think most commercial photogs. are more concerned about pushing out a good product in order to get the contracted payment vs. drooling over some model.

...Ben Franklin, and that guy name Jackson are ALWAYS the sexiest men at the end of the day.  Always. wink

Dec 16 06 01:45 pm Link


Scribe of Souls

Posts: 564

Bonner Springs, Kansas, US

Oh, it looks like you were asking about SEX.  Ohhhh.  O.K.  It's none of your business one way or the other.

Or were you like the alter boy who was walking by the church with his friend?  He told his friend he had to go to confession for a few minutes, but to wait outside for him and he'd be right back.

In the confessional he told the old Priest that he had sinned and had sex with a girl. The  old Priest asked the young man who with, and the young lad would not tell.  The priest persisted asking if it was Mary Beth?  Sue Ann?  Linda Lou?....the young man would not tell.  Finally, the priest absolved him and gave him penance to do in the form of prayers and Hail Mary's.

Meeting up with his friend outside, his pal asked him how it went?  The young lad to him, "Not too bad...I have to say prayers and Hail Marys...but I got three new prospects out of the deal!"

Have you found any new prospects LOL....oh, sorry, I mean for your "friend".

Dec 16 06 02:07 pm Link



Posts: 4

Washington, District of Columbia, US

i did ONCE and i married him tongue

Dec 16 06 02:55 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US


Dreampretty 6 years and goin strong!!



Dec 16 06 03:01 pm Link


Patrick Shipstad

Posts: 4630

Burbank, California, US

Mia Salen wrote:

And sheep.  Sometimes the goats' rectangular pupils are disconcerting.

Sheep have a tendency to run away (well.. at first) So I put their hind legs in my fishing boots..keeps 'em close. And another good tip is do face them on the edge of a cliff.. then they'll even push back!

ohhhhhhh memories....


Dec 16 06 03:08 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Patrick Shipstad wrote:

Sheep have a tendency to run away (well.. at first) So I put their hind legs in my fishing boots..keeps 'em close. And another good tip is do face them on the edge of a cliff.. then they'll even push back!

ohhhhhhh memories....




Dec 16 06 03:47 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

sdsteve wrote:
I thought all of them are fat old hairy dudes???

Nope.  smile  This one was handsome and looked so sexy in his black leather jacket on his motorcycle.  Ah, memories.  Looked real good in black...

Dec 16 06 04:49 pm Link



Posts: 10

stefanie0324 wrote:
I would never sleep with a photographer.

I know there are lots of professional models that slept with photographers to get to the top.. but I will never be one of them.  I would rather fail than screw around.

Not all models who "sleep with photographers" to it to "get to the top".

How stupid and small minded...

As a full time model in the real industry (I'm not talking about internet sites) most of the people I meet these days, even in a social environment, are working within the industry, whether they're photographers, make-up artists, stylists, editors, whoever. Occasionally, as in any social circle, there is bound to be attraction, it's a natural thing and certainly doesn't mean that anybody is having sex with someone to climb the ladder. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, desperate and stupid people are out there, but it certainly isn't always like that.

On a personal level, my boyfriend is a photographer, he is 39 and we met through a mutual friend (also a photographer) - of course we shoot occasionally but we would still be together even if we didn't...

Dec 16 06 04:50 pm Link



Posts: 10

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
All through high school, I was in marching band, and coincidentally, almost all the guys I dated in high school were marching band guys. It's inevitable that if you spend a lot of time doing any one thing, you'll meet a lot of people who are involved in that same thing, and odds are, there will be some that you meet that you're compatible with on a romantic level. It doesn't make you makes you human. We have desires. If two people happen to be model and photographer and decide to sleep with each other, why is that anyone's business but their own.

One of my best relationships was with a photographer in Minnesota who initially contacted me on Deviantart solely to tell me he liked my look. I admired his work, and I decided to talk to him some more. We ended up dating, and yes...we had sex...but the shots he took of me are some of the most popular shots I have. If you're not raping your models or shooting them just to get them in bed with you, why should it matter if you sleep with someone you care about and are attracted to just because she's a model?

Very well said... smile

Dec 16 06 04:53 pm Link



Posts: 880

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

marytza wrote:
ill never sleep with my photographer

That poor guy...

Dec 16 06 10:13 pm Link