Forums > General Industry > Model Mayhem... We have a problem....


Craig A McKenzie

Posts: 1767

Marine City, Michigan, US

One bad apple ruins it for the rest of us...

Nov 28 06 07:35 pm Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
We all have off site backups, right?

None of us have disgusting, dirty pictures on our computers, do we?

Can i keep my disgusting dirty pictures at your house?  I have one of a mod that i think big brother wants.

Nov 28 06 07:39 pm Link


Rich Davis

Posts: 3136

Gulf Breeze, Florida, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
How come NO ONE molest Stylists ?

Go ask that in the Stylist Forum, We'll see how long you live.

Nov 28 06 07:40 pm Link


wishingtree photography

Posts: 1042

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Frog516 wrote:

How do you know she was contacted through this site? I didn't read that anywhere.

oh no, not suggesting that he located the model on here.  but if there is an investigation, there is no reason for them to limit it to contacts with this one model, and so they are likely to check contacts with other models.

Nov 28 06 07:44 pm Link



Posts: 650

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Shura wrote:
Ahm...where were her parents?

Exactly.  Why did she come alone?  Was she hiding something from her parents/guardians?  Did he promise her fame?  We don't know the whole story.  The photos were a bad idea without a parent present and parental agreement/signature.  If he sexually abused her, that's even worse.

Nov 28 06 07:49 pm Link


Scribe of Souls

Posts: 564

Bonner Springs, Kansas, US

Narhan wrote:

So he rescued three men, doesn't that make him a hero?

Read the bottom of the article....that's a log of activity by the sherrifs department. By the way, so you don't get it confused again, one of the Sheriffs has the same last name as well, just a different first name.  Sheesh!

Nov 28 06 08:07 pm Link


Scribe of Souls

Posts: 564

Bonner Springs, Kansas, US

Amanda Padilla wrote:
I called that number, no one picked up.

If your that interested you can go to for Provo and see if it is the same number listed there.

Nov 28 06 08:09 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Whenever I hear something like this, I think how easy it would be to whip up hysteria directed at someone, using a bit of disinformation and the Internet. I have no idea whether the guy did what they allege he did, and I have no idea whether what he allegedly did was illegal or not. None of us do.

True story: a buddy of mine swatted his teenaged daughter on the backside because she was misbehaving in public. Unfortunately for Charlie, one of his neighbors, who dislikes him because of a property line issue, saw the opportunity and called family services. Police show up at 2:00am and drag Charlie in handcuffs out into the street. Everyone on the block watches him get loaded into a squad car and driven off. He misses work, has to explain to his boss that he was hauled away by the cops for suspicion of child abuse. Lucky for him the boss knows him well. By the time the police begin to realize that they were "played" by the tipster they don't want to look stupid and admit it. So Charlie gets to spend a year in counselling with his daughter and a social worker, at his own expense.

I don't even WANT to think what a couple of pissed off models could do to a guy, if they coordinated their stories - and if you wanted to really demolish someone and knew something about computers it'd be pretty easy to seed someone's hard drive with questionable material.

Anyhow, I have no idea if this guy did something wrong or not. But we owe him the benefit of a doubt. That's what we'd expect if we were in his situation. Beating the drums and calling for a lynch mob is wrong - indeed, it's unamerican.

If you must play Madame Defarge, sit back, make a batch of popcorn, and watch the story unfold from the safety of your couch. But for goodness sake, put down the rope and the pitchfork.


Nov 28 06 08:11 pm Link



Posts: 288

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

The pictures may have never even happened.
The model may have shown false ID.
The claims could be true.

It's not fair to further damage someone's reputation until the evidence is heard and judgement made.

Even if it's a beat up the guy is already ruined.

So many people suicide after allegations like this and it isn't always a sign of guilt. Their homes get invaded and vandalised. They get assaulted. They get prank calls and threats.

Even if it's true public discourse like this can affect the trial and people get off.

Nov 28 06 08:15 pm Link


Scribe of Souls

Posts: 564

Bonner Springs, Kansas, US

lotusphoto wrote:

HOLD UP A MINUTE >>>PLEASE.  The newspaper and tv story said the guy is 47.  On this link to Brian Sorensens profile it gives the date of birth as 1977 making the person in this profile only 29 years old.  Something to think know....guilty until proven innocent.  Wait, I may have that backwards....  Are you sure you have the right guy???

Nov 28 06 08:23 pm Link


Chris Beyond

Posts: 1526

Tustin, California, US

That link is to a Danish Brian I think.

Nov 28 06 08:30 pm Link


Nathan Sol

Posts: 784

Oshkosh, Wisconsin, US

Scribe of Souls wrote:
Read the bottom of the article....that's a log of activity by the sherrifs department. By the way, so you don't get it confused again, one of the Sheriffs has the same last name as well, just a different first name.  Sheesh!

So you're saying the Sheriff is an accomplice because he's related?

(lotusphoto got the joke)

Nov 28 06 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 2728

North East, Maryland, US


A black groom got shot in NYC after leaving a place under surveillance, running over a cop, running into a van full of cops twice. Us wight folks would expect to get shot.


Nov 28 06 09:17 pm Link


Amanda Padilla

Posts: 1772

New York, New York, US

Narhan wrote:

So you're saying the Sheriff is an accomplice because he's related?

(lotusphoto got the joke)


Nov 28 06 09:19 pm Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

Dan Hood  mm/moderator wrote:
Lots of  fashion models start at around 16 and sometimes earlier, this site is not just for T&A models so the age 16 rules stands.

and I guess that's why all the under-18 ones should be safely coralled in famous agencies and sent off to Milan, not running loose on the net wink

Nov 28 06 10:19 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Marcus J. Ranum wrote:
Whenever I hear something like this, I think how easy it would be to whip up hysteria directed at someone, using a bit of disinformation and the Internet. I have no idea whether the guy did what they allege he did, and I have no idea whether what he allegedly did was illegal or not. None of us do.

True story: a buddy of mine swatted his teenaged daughter on the backside because she was misbehaving in public. Unfortunately for Charlie, one of his neighbors, who dislikes him because of a property line issue, saw the opportunity and called family services. Police show up at 2:00am and drag Charlie in handcuffs out into the street. Everyone on the block watches him get loaded into a squad car and driven off. He misses work, has to explain to his boss that he was hauled away by the cops for suspicion of child abuse. Lucky for him the boss knows him well. By the time the police begin to realize that they were "played" by the tipster they don't want to look stupid and admit it. So Charlie gets to spend a year in counselling with his daughter and a social worker, at his own expense.

I don't even WANT to think what a couple of pissed off models could do to a guy, if they coordinated their stories - and if you wanted to really demolish someone and knew something about computers it'd be pretty easy to seed someone's hard drive with questionable material.

Anyhow, I have no idea if this guy did something wrong or not. But we owe him the benefit of a doubt. That's what we'd expect if we were in his situation. Beating the drums and calling for a lynch mob is wrong - indeed, it's unamerican.

If you must play Madame Defarge, sit back, make a batch of popcorn, and watch the story unfold from the safety of your couch. But for goodness sake, put down the rope and the pitchfork.


Marcus has hit upon a very interesting thing.  How easy it is to set people up.
If you don't believe me check out the movie Hard Candy.  I won't ruin it
for people who haven't seen it but its a good movie.

Nov 28 06 10:31 pm Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1736

Williamsport, Pennsylvania, US

Dan Hood  mm/moderator wrote:
Some teenage girl has cried abuse and we are ready to hang him. I'd wait for more facts to come out.

The fact is we don't know if she is lying or not, we don't know what the cops found. It amazes me that one girl can cry fowl and we are ready to start banging the Crucifiction  drum.

How abut we wait until more real facts emerge before we destroy him.

The name sounds familiar, but yes, absolutely.... I used to work in social services (have my MA in rehab) and worked with kids in foster care as well as a rape crisis unit for years. One thing I learned early out was that one should always take precautions to protect one's self from a "he said/she said" situation because as a person "in power", if any accusation is made by the other party, it won't matter whether you're guilty or not.

From this VERY brief news clip, we know nothing other than that an accusation was made.  Assuming that he had a parental release, another person there acting as witness that nothing happened, that the shoot was done in a public type setting, etc, he shouldn't have much to worry about. But even if not guilty, if he didn't have any of these, it puts him in a predicament that no one wants to be in.

One photographer that I've worked with actually takes a photo of the model's drivers license as well as a signed release form and keeps it with the photos from the shoot. Not a bad idea if you ask me!

smile Caroline

Nov 28 06 10:39 pm Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1736

Williamsport, Pennsylvania, US

Marcus J. Ranum wrote:
Whenever I hear something like this, I think how easy it would be to whip up hysteria directed at someone, using a bit of disinformation and the Internet. I have no idea whether the guy did what they allege he did, and I have no idea whether what he allegedly did was illegal or not. None of us do.

True story: a buddy of mine swatted his teenaged daughter on the backside because she was misbehaving in public. Unfortunately for Charlie, one of his neighbors, who dislikes him because of a property line issue, saw the opportunity and called family services. Police show up at 2:00am and drag Charlie in handcuffs out into the street. Everyone on the block watches him get loaded into a squad car and driven off. He misses work, has to explain to his boss that he was hauled away by the cops for suspicion of child abuse. Lucky for him the boss knows him well. By the time the police begin to realize that they were "played" by the tipster they don't want to look stupid and admit it. So Charlie gets to spend a year in counselling with his daughter and a social worker, at his own expense.

I don't even WANT to think what a couple of pissed off models could do to a guy, if they coordinated their stories - and if you wanted to really demolish someone and knew something about computers it'd be pretty easy to seed someone's hard drive with questionable material.

Anyhow, I have no idea if this guy did something wrong or not. But we owe him the benefit of a doubt. That's what we'd expect if we were in his situation. Beating the drums and calling for a lynch mob is wrong - indeed, it's unamerican.

If you must play Madame Defarge, sit back, make a batch of popcorn, and watch the story unfold from the safety of your couch. But for goodness sake, put down the rope and the pitchfork.


PERFECTLY said.... Just to add, that it's also a sad fact that for the kids who truly are abused, the worse the abuse, the less likely anyone is to ever hear of it.  Also, most abuse is by a guardian or close relative, and can go on for an extended period of time.  It is the stories that we don't hear about that are the ones that SHOULD be heard and the children protected.

(Saying this both as a victim (and involved in the survivor community) of SEVERE, long-term abuse by a close relative who was a retired NYC police officer and well respected in his community, and also saying this as someone who worked in child welfare (both prevention and foster care) for 5 years.

Nov 28 06 10:46 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

There was a former principal who was on a talk show.  He was accused by a
female student of having sex with her.  His life was ruined.  Later a T.V.
reporter interviewed the young lady and she admitted she lied.  This man
lost his job and good name.  This was featured on Dr. Phil.  What was worse
is because he was a no nonsense guy he had made some of the security
guards angry and one backed up the girls story by saying he saw them both
in a somewhat intimate situation. 

Lies can ruin people.

Nov 28 06 10:53 pm Link


San Pedro Photo

Posts: 144

Los Angeles, California, US

Amanda Padilla wrote:
you think the mods are going to get rid of his profile?

The person in question is now "not a current member".
MODs at work?

Nov 28 06 11:17 pm Link



Posts: 1513

San Diego, California, US

ravens laughter wrote:
one of our own

I won't say anything about the person who allegedly did this, because then I could get in trouble (but since the story is published I can put the link here), how ever let this be a lesson to all of you who prey on the aspirations of another.... you're going to be caught. It might not be right away, but someone will talk, and when they do.... well lets just say sexual preditors don't get it easy in prison.

I know he attend our events in August 25 and 26, 2001 in Southern California.  I check my computer records.

Nov 28 06 11:21 pm Link



Posts: 1513

San Diego, California, US

Dan Hood  mm/moderator wrote:
Some teenage girl has cried abuse and we are ready to hang him. I'd wait for more facts to come out.

The fact is we don't know if she is lying or not, we don't know what the cops found. It amazes me that one girl can cry fowl and we are ready to start banging the Crucifiction  drum.

How abut we wait until more real facts emerge before we destroy him.

I agree.  Let the facts come out first.  Every thing is "hear say".

Nov 28 06 11:24 pm Link



Posts: 197

Los Angeles, California, US

Now i am so curious, who was this dude?
I wanted to see his port for myself. To see if there were clues that we all missed.
To help our busniess, we need to police our own, expose these people. Before they hurt someone.

just my two cents

Nov 28 06 11:37 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

Well the fact that this photographer has the same images as a 47 year old photographer on omp who manages a 17 year old and who has not logged in on omp, mm, or myspace since Thanksgiving.... Same name same pictures same town same studio name same age I think its safe to say its the same guy.

Nov 29 06 02:08 pm Link


Scott Evans Photography

Posts: 578

Houston, Alaska, US

ravens laughter wrote:
one of our own

I won't say anything about the person who allegedly did this, because then I could get in trouble (but since the story is published I can put the link here), how ever let this be a lesson to all of you who prey on the aspirations of another.... you're going to be caught. It might not be right away, but someone will talk, and when they do.... well lets just say sexual preditors don't get it easy in prison.

Why is this a MM problem?  I am in no way condoning this type of behavior but your title said MM we have a problem? Was this Koz dpi?

Nov 29 06 02:12 pm Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

He was an idiot to do a shoot like that with a minor.  Especially if the police found the shots and have her testimony. 
That's why I always have a parent/guardian present and have an extensive conversation with them explaining exactly what the shoot will include.
People like this deserve whatever the law can do to get them out of society.  He derserves due process in a court of law but it looks pretty bleak for him so far.

Nov 29 06 02:13 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Dan Hood  mm/moderator wrote:
It amazes me that one girl can cry fowl

Or she "chickened" out.

Nov 29 06 02:25 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

ravens laughter wrote:
Well the fact that this photographer has the same images as a 47 year old photographer on omp who manages a 17 year old and who has not logged in on omp, mm, or myspace since Thanksgiving.... Same name same pictures same town same studio name same age I think its safe to say its the same guy.

That OMP page hasn't been updated for a month.  Lots of people don't log on or update their profile for long periods of time.

For the sake of accuracy, the girl he "manages" is 28, not 17. 

I don't know where you get the information about his age on his OMP page - I couldn't find it.

Nov 29 06 02:28 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

If you want to shoot someone small ...get a midget.

underage people ARE TROUBLE.

Nov 29 06 02:31 pm Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Chris Beyond wrote:
The weirdest thing in that story is how do you MAKE a 17 year old girl watch pornography? Does anyone else think that part is a little weird? If somebody tried to MAKE me watch pornography when I was 17 I would have run away right away.

(to home to where I'd probably watch it on my own.)

My guess is that one of the charges is holding her there against her will.

Yes, that part is a little weird.

Nov 29 06 02:36 pm Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Emotive Photography wrote:
Why is this a MM problem?  I am in no way condoning this type of behavior but your title said MM we have a problem? Was this Koz dpi?

... of Illinois?

Nov 29 06 02:39 pm Link


Edward McLaughlin

Posts: 67

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Where can I see these pics?

Nov 29 06 02:43 pm Link


Loretta Lightningbolt

Posts: 4127


It seems his port is gone.

Also, in Missouri, 17 is legal as far as sexual activity, but still illegal for photos.  I thought Utah had similar age of consent laws? That MIGHT help in court, if so...

Nov 29 06 02:43 pm Link


Edward McLaughlin

Posts: 67

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm sorry but what do you expect from Utah? It's where the Morons come from.

Nov 29 06 02:45 pm Link



Posts: 162

Chicago, Illinois, US

that is crazy but you shouldnt be at a shoot alone!

Nov 29 06 02:45 pm Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Wow -- this really reminds me of that old movie, "The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming." Probably way too old for most of you, but it featured a bunch of people running around saying and doing stupid shit just to be doing something.

The guy has been charged. If there is sufficient evidence, he will have a trial, and if the evidence holds up, he'll be convicted and punished. If not, he'll be let go.

Can't we just let that process work, without running around like chickens with our heads cut off? We're sounding like a bunch of toothless villagers after the local drunk gets run over by an out-of-towner. . . .

Nov 29 06 02:46 pm Link


Shadowscape Studio

Posts: 2512

MARCELL, Minnesota, US

The fact that this was brought up on a thread is more of a problem at this point. 
If anyone of you were accused of this, would you want your reputation trashed forever?
Maybe he did it, maybe not.  If he didn't YOU PEOPLE have just ruined his life.
He was arrested.  He is off the street if he actually did what he is accused of. Nuff done at this point.  If he didn't you have not only killed his business, his chance of ever continuing in the business and the public will always look at him with suspicion.
I am not saying the guy didn't do it.  I'm saying it was stupid to put this up here without knowing, and everyone who has contributed a comment about hanging the guy by his balls is guilty.

Nov 29 06 02:47 pm Link



Posts: 796

Primal Lens wrote:
Great, now MM is gonna be dragged through the news mud like Myspace

He's off MM...

OMP shut him down... … %20Profile

and he's fighting the charges and out on $20,000 bail...

Nov 29 06 02:53 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

ravens laughter wrote:
a smarter decision still would be to oust minors all together.


Nov 29 06 02:55 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Josie Nutter wrote:

Gonna say again....toss those fuckers out when they call.
toss them out when they show at the door.

Nov 29 06 02:57 pm Link