Forums > General Industry > Model "rates" and Craigslist hookers


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Luminos wrote:
Don't worry, folks.  Once they realize it can be taxed, or even state run like the lottery or liquor in some states, prostitution will again be legalized.

I have great faith in the practical minds of our politicians.

But for the moment just bring your camera..

Take a couple of shots while your bangin away!!

And Bingo you got Porn

Legal in 47 states!!!!!



Nov 18 06 04:41 am Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
why should prostitution be licensed?

Who asked bloated government to invade all aspects of our lives? They can't do anything right anyway, and what functions, functions in spite of them.

Like gambling .. it's illegal and immoral until they want the money for themselves, then they institutionalize it as a massive profit center.

Couldn't agree more, the reason a lot of things are illegal is because the govenment is not getting their "cut".

Nov 18 06 04:42 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Paramour Productions wrote:
It is exactly this thinking that creates the demand that prostitution fills.  This is why, as a general rule, I prefer dating European women, especially Eastern European women and Latin women.  They truly understand the importance of sex and what a man needs beyond the physical and they don't see it as insulting.

Yeah! What he said!  America is Sexually Repressed!
Humans have a natural NEED for sex!

Nov 18 06 04:43 am Link


DHayes Photography

Posts: 4962

Richmond, Virginia, US

Anyone who thinks prostitution is a "victimless" activity has never seen a streetwalker working her corner in sub-zero weather wearing hotpants and a denim jacket, still trying to display the "goods" and attract business.  A lot of the street girls are heroin addicts or crackheads.  I used to live near a "redlight" district in my home town and you could watch some of the regular "girls" on the downward slide, getting skinnier and nastier looking until one day they were gone.  I said "girls" because the majority of the ones working the streets here are trannys (the real women work the big hotels and escort agencies).  Not that many men care.  You should see the number of guys driving nice cars, a surprising number of them with baby seats in the back, picking up creatures that even Mr. Magoo would spot as male.  The hookers with pimps or "boyfriends" probably don't get to keep a fraction of her money.  I read of a New York City pimp who goes to the Caribbean every winter while his girls stay in NY working and they had better have met their daily quota when he gets back in town.  Even in Amsterdam when a woman gets used up by the regulated and licensed sex trade, they can wind up on the streets and in the "extreme" porn industry.

On the other hand, I am just cynical enough to believe that prostitution will be legalized here in the U.S. as politicians seek out more sources of tax revenues.


Nov 18 06 04:44 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

studio36uk wrote:
In the REAL world models [and agencies] 1) negotiate rates; and 2) usually charge by the day; the half day; nature of image usage; time of usage; territory of usage... all kinds of formulas are used mixing these elements. But they do NOT set rates [overall] by the service [clothed; lingerie / swimsuit; implied; semi-nude; nude; one nipple; both nipples; ect]

Ah-ha.  I see what you mean.  I hadn't thought of it on those terms.  When I hire models I put out a take-it-or-leave-it offer.  I don't negotiate.  But I still often hear how much the "normally" charge.  haha!  They probably accept my penny-pinchin' offers 'cause I'm just so damn good lookin'.

Nov 18 06 09:47 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

DHayes Photography wrote:
Anyone who thinks prostitution is a "victimless" activity has never seen a streetwalker working her corner in sub-zero weather wearing hotpants and a denim jacket, still trying to display the "goods" and attract business...

Who are you saying the victim is?

The streetwalker?

Nobody's making her do that. She has a habit. If she can't get what she needs, she'll get sick. She's not qualified to do anything else to get the money. Are you saying that because she needs the money for something you don't approve of, it's wrong for her to try to make it by offering something for sale that's hers to give?

Now, if she has a pimp who's going to beat her for not turning tricks, she's a victim. But she's not a victim of prostitution. She's a victim of intimidation and assault, and the reason she's a victim is because what she needs to do is illegal and she can't go to the police for help. Can you imagine someone going up to a doctor and saying, "Yo, bitch, you's my girl now. I get all the money you make and if you make enough, you can sleep on the floor in my crib and I won't beat you too bad. Now get out there and give some shots."

Or is the john the victim?

Don't see a gun to his head, either. He wants something, he has money to pay for it, he's offering a fair exchange. What the Hell business is it of anybody else's?

Perhaps you think the john's family is the victim?

It's a pretty slimy thing to do to go and sleep with other people when you promised you wouldn't, especially when you might bring back some kind of disease. No argument there. But if he couldn't hire a streetwalker, he'd go to a bar and pick up somebody. Maybe get 'em drunk, maybe slip 'em a mickey, something like that, especially if for other reasons they can't really get sex any other way than pay for it.  The problem here is not prostitution. The problem here is that the guy is a slimeball, or, to be charitable, perhaps he's a guy who needs sex, can't get it from his wife, and can't leave her for whatever reason. Doesn't matter. Patronizing prostitutes is a symptom, not the disease.

If prostitution were decriminalized, most of these problems would just go away. People wouldn't change: Reasonable people could make reasonable arrangements. Unreasonable people would go right on being unreasonable. What would change is that prostitutes wouldn't be criminals, could ask for help from the police, could be honest with health-care professionals, could stop having to walk the streets at the mercy of psychopaths.


Nov 18 06 09:55 am Link



Posts: 175

Brighton, Alabama, US

CarolineVictoria wrote:

Well said!!!!!!

yes i agree!

Nov 18 06 09:59 am Link



Posts: 36332

San Francisco, California, US

DHayes Photography wrote:
Anyone who thinks prostitution is a "victimless" activity has never seen a streetwalker working her corner in sub-zero weather wearing hotpants and a denim jacket, still trying to display the "goods" and attract business.  A lot of the street girls are heroin addicts or crackheads.  I used to live near a "redlight" district in my home town and you could watch some of the regular "girls" on the downward slide, getting skinnier and nastier looking until one day they were gone.  I said "girls" because the majority of the ones working the streets here are trannys (the real women work the big hotels and escort agencies).  Not that many men care.  You should see the number of guys driving nice cars, a surprising number of them with baby seats in the back, picking up creatures that even Mr. Magoo would spot as male.  The hookers with pimps or "boyfriends" probably don't get to keep a fraction of her money.  I read of a New York City pimp who goes to the Caribbean every winter while his girls stay in NY working and they had better have met their daily quota when he gets back in town.  Even in Amsterdam when a woman gets used up by the regulated and licensed sex trade, they can wind up on the streets and in the "extreme" porn industry.

On the other hand, I am just cynical enough to believe that prostitution will be legalized here in the U.S. as politicians seek out more sources of tax revenues.


Drug addicts are not addicts because they are hookers. They are hookers because they are drug addicts. If they weren't hookers, they would be thieves, car jackers, burglars, street scam artists, etc. Then you'll have a real victim.

Hot pants, cold winters, trannys, skinny hookers, boyfriends who go to the Caribbean....What are you saying? That these things don't exist outside of prostitution?

Pimps exist to fill a void in that industry. Pimps don't fair well in places with legalized prostitution.

Old Amsterdam hookers go into extreme porn? Perhaps, some become moms, some retire, some start their own business, some become nurses, you name it, it happens.

While you paint the picture of a prostitute as a skinny heroin addict standing on the street corner in sub-zero temperatures, I also know of escorts who jet in from Japan or Korea, work for a couple of weeks, and jet back with a fist full of cash in their hands after they have covered all their expenses.

Nov 18 06 11:13 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Geez, what seems to be the infatuation with comparing models to hookers lately?

Nov 18 06 11:17 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Terry Breedlove wrote:
Uhm don't models model and hookers have sex ? I don't see any correlation and really I think it is pretty nasty to imply that there is one.

Wait a second.  Models don't have sex? 

When I don't have sex I get bitchy.  Is that 'cause I'm changing from a hooker into a model?   I saw a hiker turn into a werewolf in a movie once and he got bitchy, too.

Nov 18 06 12:14 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Ransom J wrote:
Geez, what seems to be the infatuation with comparing models to hookers lately?

It's 'cause when you compare them to something like tractors, no one wants to post.

Nov 18 06 12:17 pm Link


Mark J. Sebastian

Posts: 1530

San Jose, California, US

I don't know much about the adult film industry, but, theoretically, can you hire a hooker, have them sign a release form, F* them in front of a camera and call it porn?

Nov 18 06 09:36 pm Link