Forums > General Industry > Model "rates" and Craigslist hookers


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Hope Parr wrote:
talk about ignorant photographers. You wonder why models charge money, its probably got to do with them having to deal with people like you.

studio36uk wrote:
Not that all models are hookers... one does have to wonder at that similarity.

On a personal note... I do notice, however, that the Craigslist hookers don't seem to have a three hour minimum... so, and I have said this before so there is no secret about how I approach this "rates" question, the hookers might indeed be the better choice for GWCs. At least if they are going to be f**ked there shouild be some sex act(s) involved for the "rates" they are being asked to pay. ROTFLMAO


Wait a sec.  Are you saying that models are thin skinned, but will gladly allow the insults if the price is right?

Nov 17 06 06:56 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US


Nov 17 06 06:58 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Dave Krueger wrote:
Wait a sec.  Are you saying that models are thin skinned, but will gladly allow the insults if the price is right?

Hell, Dave, they will even refer to you as "Daddy" if the price is right.

As for Hope Parr's objection? After many years in the journalism game with a LOT of "friends in low places"... I have concluded that if it looks like a duck; walks like a duck; quacks like a duck... it is most likely a duck and probably not an elephant. So when models set scale like hookers [for this much I'll do this; and for this much extra I'll do that; and for $150/hr and a 3 hr mininum... I'll get naked] what might one conclude?

Pot > kettle = black.


Nov 17 06 07:51 pm Link


Le Beck Photography

Posts: 4114

Los Angeles, California, US

bang bang photo wrote:
Wow, I'm glad to see that Seattle has serious crime like terrorism, gang wars, murders, and everything else under control to the extent that they have the time and resources to go out and arrest 104 consenting adults who were doing nothing more or less than paying for what everybody else does for free.

When you think about it -- it's crazy. No doubt some of the officers who took part in this valient anti-crime operation went out the next night, picked up some babes in a bar, and screwed their brains out. This is perfectly legal, but paying somebody for exactly the same thing is a dispicable act and a dangerous crime that should land you in jail? We are a fucked up country.

An interesting note -- Milton Friedman, the Nobel-prize-winning economist who died yesterday, was a vocal advocate for the legalization of prostitution.


Hey LA has the gang problem, robbery, and murder rate under control. Why else ban lap dancing? The Police are overtly obsessed with sex and sex workers, as are politicians. Murder! Robbery! Assault! Minor nuisances!!! Now Lap Dancing. That's heinous. This is where our tax dollars are going.

Nov 17 06 08:26 pm Link



Posts: 930

San Francisco, California, US

Dax wrote:
You would be surprised how many models also are prostitutes/escorts/hookers. Very surprised !!

I sure wouldn't. I know a few pretty normal girls--not even very attractive--who turn tricks when they're low on cash.  It's about the easiest money a girl can come by.  You don't need any discernible skill and there are always desperate guys willing to part with a big chunk of cash for sex.

Personally I think it's disgusting, but no one cares what I think on the subject.

And I think the OP was pretty amusing.  I don't think it's supposed to be that disrespectful.  Yeah yeah yeah there are talented models on here who charge those rates and they're totally warranted.  But then again there are also a lot of girls on this site who let their boyfriend take naked pictures of them once and now they think--with no skill or experience at all--that they deserve these rates.  In that situation, why not get a hooker?  For the same price you can get a girl with no modelling skill to let you take naked photos either way, but with the hooker you get a happy ending.

Edit after reading more responses:  It's a joke, people.  It's funny.  If the OP made a lawyer joke you'd all be rolling on the floor.  But instead it's about models, a profession that cannot possibly have fun poked at it?

Nov 17 06 08:46 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

studio36uk wrote:

Dave Krueger wrote:
Wait a sec.  Are you saying that models are thin skinned, but will gladly allow the insults if the price is right?

Hell, Dave, they will even refer to you as "Daddy" if the price is right.

As for Hope Parr's objection? After many years in the journalism game with a LOT of "friends in low places"... I have concluded that if it looks like a duck; walks like a duck; quacks like a duck... it is most likely a duck and probably not an elephant. So when models set scale like hookers [for this much I'll do this; and for this much extra I'll do that; and for $150/hr and a 3 hr mininum... I'll get naked] what might one conclude?

Pot > kettle = black.


Actually, my comment was referring to Hope Parr's comment. 

I'm a big believer in market driven economics so I don't hold it against models that they can get the rates they get.  However, I'm pretty much burned out on hearing about how much of a discount models were giving me over their "regular" rates.  I assume us photographers must appear terribly naive to models that feel they can tell us the things they do with such a straight face.

I can say I've paid models more than what an average hooker would charge, but a hooker that looked like the model would charge substantially more than what I paid for the amount of time I had her for.

Personally, I don't attach a stigma to prostitution anymore than any other profession and I disdain people who self righteously condemn it.  There are many people on the planet who, if they are able to get sex at all, can only get it from a hooker.  That includes many people who are home bound, bedridden, mentally retarded, sick, deformed, acutely scarred, or just plain ugly.  To deprive those people the pleasures of sex in the name of morality is itself immoral and have no respect for anyone who subscribes to such persecution.  Beyond that, to deny a women the right to earn a living from her labor or the right of any two or more adults to transact a mutually beneficial exchange that affects no one else does immeasurable violence to the concept of liberty and sovereignty over one's own body.

Nov 17 06 10:44 pm Link



Posts: 930

San Francisco, California, US

Dave Krueger wrote:
a mutually beneficial exchange that affects no one else

Except that it most often is an easy way to commit marital infidelity and hurt your loved ones.  Or as a way to avoid meaningful relationships by fulfilling ones physical desires without having to invest in having respect and love for another human being.  It's getting something for absolutely nothing. 

It's also disrespectful to women everywhere and perpetuates the idea that all a man needs or wants from us is sex.  A woman doesn't need any sort of discernible skill or personality to be a prostitute.  It's insulting to even insinuate that it's a decent or respectable profession.  It's an act of desperation if you are either too stupid or too lazy to actually improve yourself.

Further, it pushes all women who aren't selling their bodies to compromise their bodies if they want men.  If you're not in top physical form or incredibly kinky in bed, you know your significant other can just run off and get what they want on the side from some hooker.  I hear so many men who are all for legalizing prostitution, but I very very rarely hear any woman who isn't herself a prostitute or stripper advocating selling one's body for the physical use of someone else.

I also think it's a load of crap that anyone will die or suffer horrifically if they can't get laid, even if it's for their entire lives.  If a mentally retarded person never has sex at all, but can only pleasure him or herself how is that any different than having sex with a total stranger for money?  If there isn't anything emotional, then it's just the same and there's no reason for another person to be involved.

Prostitution as noble?  Please.

Nov 17 06 11:02 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

StarlaMeris wrote:
Except that it most often is an easy way to commit marital infidelity and hurt your loved ones.  Or as a way to avoid meaningful relationships by fulfilling ones physical desires without having to invest in having respect and love for another human being.  It's getting something for absolutely nothing. 

It's also disrespectful to women everywhere and perpetuates the idea that all a man needs or wants from us is sex.  A woman doesn't need any sort of discernible skill or personality to be a prostitute.  It's insulting to even insinuate that it's a decent or respectable profession.  It's an act of desperation if you are either too stupid or too lazy to actually improve yourself.

Further, it pushes all women who aren't selling their bodies to compromise their bodies if they want men.  If you're not in top physical form or incredibly kinky in bed, you know your significant other can just run off and get what they want on the side from some hooker.  I hear so many men who are all for legalizing prostitution, but I very very rarely hear any woman who isn't herself a prostitute or stripper advocating selling one's body for the physical use of someone else.

I also think it's a load of crap that anyone will die or suffer horrifically if they can't get laid, even if it's for their entire lives.  If a mentally retarded person never has sex at all, but can only pleasure him or herself how is that any different than having sex with a total stranger for money?  If there isn't anything emotional, then it's just the same and there's no reason for another person to be involved.

Prostitution as noble?  Please.

It is exactly this thinking that creates the demand that prostitution fills.  This is why, as a general rule, I prefer dating European women, especially Eastern European women and Latin women.  They truly understand the importance of sex and what a man needs beyond the physical and they don't see it as insulting.

Nov 17 06 11:23 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

StarlaMeris wrote:
Except that it most often is an easy way to commit marital infidelity and hurt your loved ones.

Except marital infidelity isn't a crime, but even if it were that would just make sex with hookers illegal for married people.

StarlaMeris wrote:
Or as a way to avoid meaningful relationships by fulfilling ones physical desires without having to invest in having respect and love for another human being.

Who the hell are you to define what constitutes a meaningful relationship for other people? 

StarlaMeris wrote:
It's getting something for absolutely nothing.

By definition, that's definitely the one thing prostitution is NOT.

StarlaMeris wrote:
It's also disrespectful to women everywhere and perpetuates the idea that all a man needs or wants from us is sex.

But it's ok to disrespect a woman's choice to do with her body what she wants?  Who are you to tell her what she's allowed to do with her body?  And I suppose that allowing women to be secretaries perpetuates the idea that all men want from women is that they be secretaries, right?

StarlaMeris wrote:
A woman doesn't need any sort of discernible skill or personality to be a prostitute.

Are you serious?  I think the vast majority of successful hookers would laugh in your face at the suggestion that what they do requires no skill.  At a bare minimum they have to have some business skills, but one would think that some sexual know-how might be useful if you wish to stay afloat among the competition. 

StarlaMeris wrote:
It's insulting to even insinuate that it's a decent or respectable profession.  It's an act of desperation if you are either too stupid or too lazy to actually improve yourself.

Perhaps you're right.  It would be pretty tough for a reasonably competent hooker living in the suburbs to measure up to a single mother living hand-to-mouth as a checkout girl in terms of respectability.  Unless you're referring to self respectability, in which case it would be no contest.

StarlaMeris wrote:
Further, it pushes all women who aren't selling their bodies to compromise their bodies if they want men.  If you're not in top physical form or incredibly kinky in bed, you know your significant other can just run off and get what they want on the side from some hooker.

Bingo!  You don't want the competition.   You don't want to stay in good physical shape or get kinky in bed?  Now who's being lazy?

StarlaMeris wrote:
I also think it's a load of crap that anyone will die or suffer horrifically if they can't get laid, even if it's for their entire lives.

How quickly you're willing to sacrifice someone else's pleasure in the name of your morality.

StarlaMeris wrote:
If a mentally retarded person never has sex at all, but can only pleasure him or herself how is that any different than having sex with a total stranger for money?  If there isn't anything emotional, then it's just the same and there's no reason for another person to be involved.

You don't see any difference between having sex with a partner and having sex with your hand?  Shit.  If you had put that statement first, I would never have bothered responding.

Nov 17 06 11:49 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Scott Kennelly wrote:
How can you legalize something so complicated and taboo? Imagine the licensing process?

bang bang photo wrote:
Gee -- only half the world has already figured this out. And often, there IS a licensing process. No big deal. What, we can figure out how to put a man on the moon, but we can't figure out how to give a business license to a hooker?

Here, in Detroit, exotic/topless dancers have to be licensed through the city of Detroit. I don't see how it would be complicated licensing prostitutes, if it were legal. Not saying the two are the same, just that it wouldn't be a difficult process.

Nov 18 06 12:02 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Real people wrote:

Set up places that could be called whore houses. All the professional girls would be required to have check ups by the State. All would be independent contractors and pay the house a percentage for handling their paper work.

The girls could also have a labor union to set a going rate and regulate over time pay, plus holidays and vacation time.

There's a documentary series on HBO (can't remember what it's called) about a brothel in Nevada. And what described above is exactly what they do.

Nov 18 06 12:10 am Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

There's a documentary series on HBO (can't remember what it's called) about a brothel in Nevada. And what described above is exactly what they do.

When I was in Hamburg, the girls had to be licensed... and they worked in front of the Burger King, right across from the police station. I mean RIGHT across. 20 feet away.

And they were beautiful. I wanted to photograph most of them. But didn't have the time, or my good camera gear with me.

And no, I didn't partake. But they did tell us it was $35 an hour.

Nov 18 06 12:16 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Rossi Photography wrote:
Here, in Detroit, exotic/topless dancers have to be licensed through the city of Detroit. I don't see how it would be complicated licensing prostitutes, if it were legal. Not saying the two are the same, just that it wouldn't be a difficult process.

Why have a government license them when you can use an style consumer rating and review service.

"*****  (5 stars)   This babe is hot.  She'll stand your hair on end and curl your toes!"

*       (1 star)  Stay away from this dog.  She gave me bugs in places where I never knew I had places.

Nov 18 06 12:24 am Link


Kay Thom

Posts: 725

New York, New York, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

There's a documentary series on HBO (can't remember what it's called) about a brothel in Nevada. And what described above is exactly what they do.

Cathouse. smile

Nov 18 06 12:26 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

StarlaMeris wrote:
Except that it most often is an easy way to commit marital infidelity and hurt your loved ones. 

If you're not in top physical form or incredibly kinky in bed, you know your significant other can just run off and get what they want on the side from some hooker.

Men do that anyway, with a prostitute or not.

Nov 18 06 12:31 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Kam Photography wrote:

Cathouse. smile

Yeah... that's it. I've watched almost all of 'em, but couldn't think of the name.

Thanks! smile

Nov 18 06 12:32 am Link


Michael Wise

Posts: 100

Evanston, Illinois, US

Paul Valach wrote:

Um, there is one County in Las Vegas that seems to make it work. I believe that is Clark County. Its long been said that the legalization of prostitution, licensing, health certification, etc., would make the whole business better and generate various revenues for cities and states. Remember, after all, it is all about the Tax Dollar. And let's not forget that in Europe there are several countries where it is all legal. Nothing complicated about it.

As I understand it, nowhere in the US is prostitution explicitly "legal", it's just not "illegal" in parts of Nevada.  Anyone know?

Nov 18 06 12:38 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

Men do that anyway, with a prostitute or not.

Evolution.  Those of us who survived were the ones who would fuck anything in sight because every now and then one would turn out to be human female thereby propagating the fuck-everything-in-sight gene.

Nov 18 06 12:41 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Prostitution is NOT legal in Las Vegas.

The county north and the county west is hot stuff. It takes 60 mins of driving to get any of them from Vegas.

My advice: dont drive an hour to have sex with an ugly broad in a double wide

Buy some flooosy  drinks in Vegas until she is ready.

Nov 18 06 12:45 am Link


global vision

Posts: 1681

Bowling Green, Ohio, US

JJD Productions wrote:
I'm missing the point with similar rates between modelling and hooking.  The mechanic who works on my sports car charges $120/hr and doesn't even offer a hand job.  Should I get a hooker to fix my car? 

hmmmm...i probably would get better service if i had a hooker work on my chevy...couldnt do any worse than the last mechanic and i could at least look up her skirt for some degree of entertainment...lord knows GM has screwed me enough already wink

Nov 18 06 12:45 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
My advice: dont drive an hour to have sex with an ugly broad in a double wide

Buy some flooosy  drinks in Vegas until she is ready.

I respect your wisdom more every day.

Nov 18 06 12:49 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Scott Kennelly wrote:

Well, I don't know much about pimps, but they DO have a pretty bad reputation of "forcing" their girls to do things they don't want to do (in many ways) by using violence or by getting them hooked on drugs, and then "enticing" them to do things they wouldn't normally do otherwise. It's a very seedy business, and maybe if legalizing it can reduce a great deal of that type of practice, it would be the right thing to do.

I just can't see it happening. Can you see them making Heroine legal? If you don't think the two are similar just compare their benefits and detriments. Heroine kills right? So do prostitutes.

Maybe we'll HAVE to legalize prostitution to take away the business for the prostitutes that refuse to get a medical exam and AIDS test regularly. Who wouldn't pick a prostitute with a certification that says they've been tested negative for AIDS this month vs. a prostitute that doesn't have such a certification?

You mean like porn actors?  I still don't get why hookers don't just have their pimps carry around camcorders so they won't get hassled by Vice.

Nov 18 06 12:50 am Link



Posts: 36332

San Francisco, California, US

Michael Wise wrote:
As I understand it, nowhere in the US is prostitution explicitly "legal", it's just not "illegal" in parts of Nevada.  Anyone know?

Under Nevada Law, any counties with a population under 400,000 may license prostitution. Clark county, where Las Vegas is located, is the only county with a population over 400,000. … S244Sec345
Eureka County neither permits nor prohibits brothels and does not have any. Laws vary from county to county but those counties who licenses brothels is explicitly making it legal.

In Rhode Island, the act of sex for money is not illegal, but street solicitation and operating a brothel are.

Nov 18 06 12:57 am Link


nikki fiction

Posts: 265

Sacramento, California, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
why should prostitution be licensed?

Who asked bloated government to invade all aspects of our lives? They can't do anything right anyway, and what functions, functions in spite of them.

Like gambling .. it's illegal and immoral until they want the money for themselves, then they institutionalize it as a massive profit center.

because it would be regulated by govt...therefore forcing aids and other std tests in order to gain licensing to become a prostitute - less stds. and inquiring prostitutes looking for licenses would have to give a clean urinalysis test which would also slow down drug use within the industry. i also think socially if the government got involved it would get rid of the "black market effect" of sex for sale therefore slowing it when prohibition ended. look at amsterdam - very, very low rate of rape and violence especially compared to the u.s.

Nov 18 06 12:58 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

StarlaMeris wrote:
Except that it most often is an easy way to commit marital infidelity and hurt your loved ones.  Or as a way to avoid meaningful relationships by fulfilling ones physical desires without having to invest in having respect and love for another human being.  It's getting something for absolutely nothing.

As I've already said, men do that anyway -- with or without a prostitute. If a married man is going to go out and get some nookie on the side, he's going to do it. To blame infidelity on prositution is just garbage.

StarlaMeris wrote:
I also think it's a load of crap that anyone will die or suffer horrifically if they can't get laid, even if it's for their entire lives.  If a mentally retarded person never has sex at all, but can only pleasure him or herself how is that any different than having sex with a total stranger for money?  If there isn't anything emotional, then it's just the same and there's no reason for another person to be involved.

Easy for you to say. Tell that to the guy laying in a bed, disabled for his entire life, never having been with a woman, or know what it's like to be with one. I would bet that whatever amount of money paid to a prostitute for him to know what it feels like to be with a woman would make a world of difference. And in some situations, that is the only way he's ever going to know it.

Nov 18 06 01:00 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

StarlaMeris wrote:
Except that it most often is an easy way to commit marital infidelity and hurt your loved ones.  Or as a way to avoid meaningful relationships by fulfilling ones physical desires without having to invest in having respect and love for another human being.  It's getting something for absolutely nothing.

Oh jeez!  Plenty of men cheat on their wives with their secretary or whoever and those women didn't get paid.  Hell, plenty of women cheat on their husbands, it goes both ways.  Prostitutes aren't the problem.

Further, it pushes all women who aren't selling their bodies to compromise their bodies if they want men.  If you're not in top physical form or incredibly kinky in bed, you know your significant other can just run off and get what they want on the side from some hooker.  I hear so many men who are all for legalizing prostitution, but I very very rarely hear any woman who isn't herself a prostitute or stripper advocating selling one's body for the physical use of someone else.

I advocate the legalization of prostitution (and most narcotics).  I'm not a hooker, nor am I a stripper.  And seriously, I've been cheated on before, but the other woman wasn't a hooker, so give that misconception up please.

I also think it's a load of crap that anyone will die or suffer horrifically if they can't get laid, even if it's for their entire lives.  If a mentally retarded person never has sex at all, but can only pleasure him or herself how is that any different than having sex with a total stranger for money?  If there isn't anything emotional, then it's just the same and there's no reason for another person to be involved.

Prostitution as noble?  Please.

Sex with another person, especially for a man, will always feel better than sex with your hand.  Seriously.  Fucking has nothing to do with emotions.

Nov 18 06 01:04 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
why should prostitution be licensed?

Who asked bloated government to invade all aspects of our lives? They can't do anything right anyway, and what functions, functions in spite of them.

Like gambling .. it's illegal and immoral until they want the money for themselves, then they institutionalize it as a massive profit center.

You are so right.  Most people are under the illusion that licensing laws are there to protect consumers, but (as any hairdresser in Louisiana knows) they are really meant to limit entry into the protected field in order to artificially inflate prices to benefit the incumbents.

Any your characterization of things being immoral until government wants the money.    Once the government needs the money, the vice becomes moral only of government gets to run it and tax the shit out of it.

Dammit.  Now I'm pissed off.  Why is there never a puppy around when you need something to kick?

By the way, I admittedly stole this quote out of nikki fiction's post because I was to friggin' lazy to go find the original...

Nov 18 06 01:11 am Link



Posts: 36332

San Francisco, California, US

Models and escorts/prostitutes are not mutually exclusive. I know of at least one high end model here who is also an escort.

As for the OP's assertion that GWC may be better off hiring an escort instead of a model to pose for them, I can tell you that escorts make for very poor models. I've shot escorts for their ad pictures and they are just like everyone else when it comes to posing-very awkward and bad. You may be surprised to hear that escorts are not oversexed girls who will fling off their clothes at the drop of a hat. It's very much a business for them and many are very shy of their bodies and don't feel comfortable in the nude. A final tidbit about escort fees. You pay for an hour but you will rarely get an hour. You pop, they walk. They don't cuddle. That's why you sometimes see new or below market escorts advertising half hour rates. In large cities, an escort can place a listing on Craigslist and be working within 2 hours.

Nov 18 06 01:13 am Link


Le Beck Photography

Posts: 4114

Los Angeles, California, US

Scott Kennelly wrote:

How can you legalize something so complicated and taboo? Imagine the licensing process? What type of school would you have to attend to get training? I want to be one of the teachers!

For most of our history, until just before WWI, Prostitution was legal in the USA. It's legal, controled and taxed in Nevada. It's legal, taxed, and controled in the Netherlands. It's legal in the UK.
The Woman's Christian Temperance Union which was influential in the banning of drug use and was a major force in the prohibition of alcohol is the major culprit, and we all know just how succesful and beneficial Prohibition was don't we?  We're still trying to recuperate from the ill effects of Prohibition. The massively expensive and totally unsuccesful "War on Drugs" is another shining legacy.

Nov 18 06 01:15 am Link



Posts: 446

Paia, Hawaii, US

bang bang photo wrote:
I myself prefer TFP. . . .

lol  That's funny!smile Thanks for the laugh!

Nov 18 06 01:21 am Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Dave Krueger wrote:

StarlaMeris wrote:
Except that it most often is an easy way to commit marital infidelity and hurt your loved ones.

Except marital infidelity isn't a crime, but even if it were that would just make sex with hookers illegal for married people.

StarlaMeris wrote:
Or as a way to avoid meaningful relationships by fulfilling ones physical desires without having to invest in having respect and love for another human being.

Who the hell are you to define what constitutes a meaningful relationship for other people? 

StarlaMeris wrote:
It's getting something for absolutely nothing.

By definition, that's definitely the one thing prostitution is NOT.

StarlaMeris wrote:
It's also disrespectful to women everywhere and perpetuates the idea that all a man needs or wants from us is sex.

But it's ok to disrespect a woman's choice to do with her body what she wants?  Who are you to tell her what she's allowed to do with her body?  And I suppose that allowing women to be secretaries perpetuates the idea that all men want from women is that they be secretaries, right?

StarlaMeris wrote:
A woman doesn't need any sort of discernible skill or personality to be a prostitute.

Are you serious?  I think the vast majority of successful hookers would laugh in your face at the suggestion that what they do requires no skill.  At a bare minimum they have to have some business skills, but one would think that some sexual know-how might be useful if you wish to stay afloat among the competition. 

StarlaMeris wrote:
It's insulting to even insinuate that it's a decent or respectable profession.  It's an act of desperation if you are either too stupid or too lazy to actually improve yourself.

Perhaps you're right.  It would be pretty tough for a reasonably competent hooker living in the suburbs to measure up to a single mother living hand-to-mouth as a checkout girl in terms of respectability.  Unless you're referring to self respectability, in which case it would be no contest.

StarlaMeris wrote:
Further, it pushes all women who aren't selling their bodies to compromise their bodies if they want men.  If you're not in top physical form or incredibly kinky in bed, you know your significant other can just run off and get what they want on the side from some hooker.

Bingo!  You don't want the competition.   You don't want to stay in good physical shape or get kinky in bed?  Now who's being lazy?

StarlaMeris wrote:
I also think it's a load of crap that anyone will die or suffer horrifically if they can't get laid, even if it's for their entire lives.

How quickly you're willing to sacrifice someone else's pleasure in the name of your morality.

You don't see any difference between having sex with a partner and having sex with your hand?  Shit.  If you had put that statement first, I would never have bothered responding.

Thanks Dave, well said.  ;-)

Nov 18 06 01:39 am Link


Scribe of Souls

Posts: 564

Bonner Springs, Kansas, US

Scott Kennelly wrote:
Are you suggesting that models charge the rates they do, because they'd be hookers if they couldn't? Prostitutes' rates vary wildly. So do models' rates for nudes. Some prostitutes (call girls) charge $1,000 minimum. Some models cost $1,500 minimum. Hell, some models cost way more than that.

I don't see a correlation. Is there something similar between lawyers and prostitutes? Their rates are similar, and they both fuck you sometimes. How about auto mechanics? Is there a correlation between the rates bikini models get and the rates that auto mechanics get?

Hey nice.  At least with a lawyer you know you won't just get a BJ.

Nov 18 06 01:52 am Link


The German Woman

Posts: 1346

Berlin, Georgia, US

Scott Kennelly wrote:
How can you legalize something so complicated and taboo? Imagine the licensing process? What type of school would you have to attend to get training? I want to be one of the teachers!

It's legal where I'm from.

Nov 18 06 01:55 am Link


The German Woman

Posts: 1346

Berlin, Georgia, US

I don't see any wrong with the legalisation of prostituition. It's legal in Germany and other european countries and I don't know the exact stats but in those countries violent crimes against women (rape, etc) are significantly lower.

Nov 18 06 02:12 am Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

JJD Productions wrote:
I'm missing the point with similar rates between modelling and hooking.  The mechanic who works on my sports car charges $120/hr and doesn't even offer a hand job.  Should I get a hooker to fix my car?  My photography rates are similar to escort rates should my clients expect sex or would they get better value booking hookers rather than booking me?  Glamour photography is about selling the fantasy of sex not actually selling sex - get it straight.

I've heard that hookers usually don't want to be photographed.

Nov 18 06 03:28 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Dave Krueger wrote:
Actually, my comment was referring to Hope Parr's comment.

When it comes to model rates v. hooker rates it is the perception of the rate structure that is at issue. If one is not the other why the breakdown in a nearly identical fashion? And perception is everything here on the web.

In the REAL world models [and agencies] 1) negotiate rates; and 2) usually charge by the day; the half day; nature of image usage; time of usage; territory of usage... all kinds of formulas are used mixing these elements. But they do NOT set rates [overall] by the service [clothed; lingerie / swimsuit; implied; semi-nude; nude; one nipple; both nipples; ect]

Perception is EVERYTHING!


Nov 18 06 04:01 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Michael Wise wrote:
As I understand it, nowhere in the US is prostitution explicitly "legal", it's just not "illegal" in parts of Nevada.  Anyone know?

That is a fine point of legal philosophy, Once the government steps in to regulate or tax  then any activity regulated or taxed is "legal" / "legalised" subject to those conditions.

If the government merely chooses to turn a blind eye then the activity may be "legal," or not, but only subject to the whims and will of the government on regulation or enforcement of other or related law; or to come to a point of declaring that the activity shall not continue [outlaw it]

It is really the difference between how a government acts philosophically in the area of lawmaking - either by treating everything as illegal unless, and until, it is made legal; OR, treating everything as legal unless, and until, it is made illegal. In the first case they tell you what you may do; in the second what you may not do. In English common law [which carries over to many US states and federal lawmaking] the philosophy is the latter.

Pat Yuen wrote:
Under Nevada Law, any counties with a population under 400,000 may license prostitution. Clark county, where Las Vegas is located, is the only county with a population over 400,000. … S244Sec345
Eureka County neither permits nor prohibits brothels and does not have any. Laws vary from county to county but those counties who licenses brothels is explicitly making it legal.

In Rhode Island, the act of sex for money is not illegal, but street solicitation and operating a brothel are.



Nov 18 06 04:19 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Pat Yuen wrote:
In large cities, an escort can place a listing on Craigslist and be working within 2 hours.

LOL - so can pretend "models."


Nov 18 06 04:34 am Link



Posts: 1040

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Paul Valach wrote:

Um, there is one County in Las Vegas that seems to make it work. I believe that is Clark County. Its long been said that the legalization of prostitution, licensing, health certification, etc., would make the whole business better and generate various revenues for cities and states. Remember, after all, it is all about the Tax Dollar. And let's not forget that in Europe there are several countries where it is all legal. Nothing complicated about it.

Actually, prositution is illegal in Clark county. The other counties, I belive with populations of less than 100,000, are the ones that allow it.

To the poster who compared prostitution to heroin: Heroin is illegal in and of itself-no matter how you got it, whether you bought it, stole it, had it given to you or whatever. merely possessing the substance is illegal. Payment is the one and only thing that makes prostitution illegal.

Nov 18 06 04:35 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Le Beck Photography wrote:
The Woman's Christian Temperance Union which was influential in the banning of drug use and was a major force in the prohibition of alcohol is the major culprit, and we all know just how succesful and beneficial Prohibition was don't we?  We're still trying to recuperate from the ill effects of Prohibition. The massively expensive and totally unsuccesful "War on Drugs" is another shining legacy.

Not to mention a whole raft of local ABC laws, that, bizarrely, often conflict with similar laws in adjacent jurisdictions. Equally bizarre, those very same ABC laws also tend to regulate nudity and other activities as well. You can have a drink but not while looking at a [nude] dancer; or you can look at a [nude] dancer but not have a drink; you can't do both at the same time in most places in the US.


Nov 18 06 04:37 am Link