Forums > General Industry > People need to be more honest

Hair Stylist

Positively Beautiful

Posts: 45

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Doug Jantz wrote:

How could you KNOW that unless you are told by the person making the comment??

How do I know? Because it is a part of human nature and the probability that every single person on here who makes a comment is telling the truth is low. But you know what, if I'm wrong, than that's great!

Nov 09 06 01:44 pm Link

Hair Stylist

Positively Beautiful

Posts: 45

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Roxanne Raphael wrote:
As for the people jumping on your case...come on! I have been on shoots, at fashion shows, etc. where someone will say "girl you look fabulous!" and then talk negatively about them the second they step foot out the door. This comes from photogs, MUAs, and models alike. So yes...there are people who will flat out lie just to "be nice" and I don't think that is helpful either.

Thank you, Roxanne

Nov 09 06 01:45 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Hair By Shelli wrote:
What do you think, can we be honest without being too hurtful?

Those with no business being here (I'm speaking about models) have huge egos and no, you can't tell them anything without bruising same.

Furthermore, even if you're honest and tell them they shouldn't be modeling they tell you that you look like trailer trash.


Nov 09 06 01:48 pm Link


the christy

Posts: 172

Los Angeles, California, US

I know what you mean,but then again,I know a girl thats not very cute,but she got a car add,a jeans add,then some others. In 6 months, she made alot of $. They dont always want beautiful. Damn !

Nov 09 06 01:52 pm Link


Rik Austin

Posts: 12165

Austin, Texas, US

Daniela V wrote:

Those with no business being here (I'm speaking about models) have huge egos and no, you can't tell them anything without bruising same.

Furthermore, even if you're honest and tell them they shouldn't be modeling they tell you that you look like trailer trash.


There you go insulting trailer trash.

Nov 09 06 01:54 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Eric5312 wrote:

There you go insulting trailer trash.

Nov 09 06 01:55 pm Link


Perri Wetzstein

Posts: 34

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I believe that constructive critisism is good.  I personally would like some honest opinions.  I know I am too heavy and likely too old to ever make it as a professional model in fashion... though no one has ever said anything too constructive about any of my port.  I do enjoy being on front of the camera and I have done 6 shows in the last year.  It's not vogue but it's fun!  I think being told I am fat or ugly would not be good for me but someone saying something like "hey nice pic but would be even better if you were 15libs lighter or if your hair was a certaing way, or if you posed like this or your eyes are dull ect..."

So I guess my point is yes be honest - especially if you are a photographer or stylest.  Other models - well we an be nice to each other.  Everyone loves to hear that they are pretty or doing something well!


Nov 09 06 02:04 pm Link


Rik Austin

Posts: 12165

Austin, Texas, US

Daniela V wrote:

Took a few minutes.  I stand corrected!

Nov 09 06 02:08 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Eric5312 wrote:

Took a few minutes.  I stand corrected!

funny thread though- right?

Nov 09 06 02:11 pm Link


Rik Austin

Posts: 12165

Austin, Texas, US

People have said nice things about my work.  I appreciate it.  Know they aren't true but it usually at least points out what pictures they think are best.  Real criticism helps when someone really asks but otherwise don't you think they already know?

Nov 09 06 02:13 pm Link


Rik Austin

Posts: 12165

Austin, Texas, US

Missed the post above.  Was good.  Reminded me of the one where the model asked why no escorts and her escort got on and proved the point.

Nov 09 06 02:15 pm Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Trust me, that's because most people can't take it. Just recently we had an overweight "model" ask for opinions on whether or not she should get a breast reduction. The majority of us responded honestly by saying that she would no longer be in proportion if she reduced her boobs because the rest of her would still be the same. We suggested she either stay the way she is or lose weight naturally because her boobs would become smaller as she lost weight. She got very offended and was furious with us for being so rude. Now, to me, rude would have been 'Why don't you actually get off your fat ass and lose some weight instead of taking the easy way out and paying someone to removing some of the fat for you'. Now THAT would have been rude wink
But seriously, I've found even when you're being constructive and saying it in the nicest possible way, most people ask a question wanting one answer. If you differ from that, you get abused. That's why the most intelligent people on here with the most experience and professional advice to offer don't bother either checking out the forums or offering their opinions. It's not worth the hassle to them anymore and fair enough - who wants to be abused for trying to help?

Nov 10 06 06:09 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Perri Wetzstein wrote:
I believe that constructive critisism is good.  I personally would like some honest opinions.  I know I am too heavy and likely too old to ever make it as a professional model in fashion... though no one has ever said anything too constructive about any of my port.  I do enjoy being on front of the camera and I have done 6 shows in the last year.  It's not vogue but it's fun!  I think being told I am fat or ugly would not be good for me but someone saying something like "hey nice pic but would be even better if you were 15libs lighter or if your hair was a certaing way, or if you posed like this or your eyes are dull ect..."

So I guess my point is yes be honest - especially if you are a photographer or stylest.  Other models - well we an be nice to each other.  Everyone loves to hear that they are pretty or doing something well!


Jesus you get told to lose weight? What a scary thought. My honest opinion is that your body is perfect the way it is, thin without being anorexic and therefore unattractive. You are in good proportion with excellent tone, you'd be a great advert for healthy women. There is nothing wrong with the way you look, I am worried about people that pick on your weight.

Nov 10 06 06:14 am Link


Sara Danielle

Posts: 1437

I did not read this whole thread so feel free to bash me for being lazy and missing points already made.

I think everyone should be completely honest no matter what. Not only here but in all aspects of life. We are on this site to grow, learn, and hopefully succeed. If people ask for it they should get nothing but the truth.

I do not agree with people commenting people just because they want to return the favor. If you dont like thier work dont post anything back. If you do leave something other than "nice pics".

I am also always open to constuctive critique. I love it. We should be more willing to post it! I love getting messages saying "I think if you... it would make this or that better" It helps us grow. There is no need to be mean or harsh about it, when its said in a caring manner it effects stronger than when it is done in a rude format.

So~ Yes I agree people need to be honest! Dont hold back and say what you think, In a constructive way. Please stop commenting where it is not deserved as well ;*)

Nov 10 06 06:21 am Link