Forums > General Industry > People need to be more honest

Hair Stylist

Positively Beautiful

Posts: 45

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

I love your avatar!

Nov 07 06 11:04 pm Link


nikki fiction

Posts: 265

Sacramento, California, US

u people are terrible! so what if other folks are on here doin their thing! who gives a f@@@! just do what u came here to do and try not to kick anyone else in the gutter while ur standing on ur soapbox.....i learned this in kindergarten and fortunately it stuck w/ me up to this point and its called the golden rule: if you dont have something nice to say dont say it at some point "keepin it real" is just plain "keepin it real rude"!!!! i mean if we constantly said what we thought and didnt ever follow social norms involving proper human to human etiquette - we would be completely uncivilized and just plain caveman like....

Nov 07 06 11:05 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Sarah Ellis wrote:


I think you're a lump of shit for posting this.

Honestly: If you read it in the context of my earlier post, was capable of recognizing sarcasm, and was aware of my friendship with Shyly, as well as HER response to my post, you might not feel that way.

Nov 07 06 11:06 pm Link


Sarah Ellis

Posts: 1285

Portland, Oregon, US

Hair By Shelli wrote:
I love your avatar!

Thanks!  I love honesty when it's positive and about me.  It's all about the hair.

Nov 07 06 11:13 pm Link



Posts: 6118

Park City, Utah, US

Hair By Shelli wrote:

Obviously, there are different niche markets for models of different sizes and looks. But I'm talking about the ones who are 5'6", 135lbs and think they are going to be the next Giselle

you mean we should destroy someone's dream just beacuse they don't have what it takes to be successful in modeling? can we really do that? the number of models in MM is going to dimisihed quickly. smile
i tried to be honest with some of the newbies and they don't take it very well. yeah, it really is a waste of their time if they have enough photogs with less than critical eyes telling them something and won't work with them. i think honesty is the best policy. but at the very least, don't encourage those who don't have "it" excessively.

Nov 07 06 11:29 pm Link


Mistriss de morte

Posts: 620

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Hair By Shelli wrote:
I just recently joined MM and after browsing around reading comments and tags I came to a conclusion: people are afraid to be honest. I understand that people want to be nice to eachother and not hurt anyone's feelings but at some point it becomes misleading. There are some models on this site that have absolutely no business being in this business. It's unfortunate but there are very strict standards in the modeling world, so is it really helpful to tell someone that they are beautiful or that they will do great if you know for yourself that it is a lie?? I worry that some of these young girls will get taken advantage of by people who see them and their dreams as easy prey.
What do you think, can we be honest without being too hurtful?

Your talking about people like me right? The short ones, the ones that absolutly aren't perfect right? Preach what you say.

Nov 07 06 11:35 pm Link


Michael Raveney

Posts: 628

Miami, Florida, US

Hair By Shelli wrote:
I just recently joined MM and after browsing around reading comments and tags I came to a conclusion: people are afraid to be honest. I understand that people want to be nice to eachother and not hurt anyone's feelings but at some point it becomes misleading. There are some models on this site that have absolutely no business being in this business. It's unfortunate but there are very strict standards in the modeling world, so is it really helpful to tell someone that they are beautiful or that they will do great if you know for yourself that it is a lie?? I worry that some of these young girls will get taken advantage of by people who see them and their dreams as easy prey.
What do you think, can we be honest without being too hurtful?


Nov 07 06 11:35 pm Link



Posts: 10908

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

You had me to here and then you blew it. "arugement". I would have a least spell checked if I was gonna get all superior about this stuff.

And where in the world does syllogistic form of logic come in to play here. I've stated no case for either a major or minor premise and didn't even attempt to front a conclusion. I was just fuckin with ya.

lol, I know, i'm not being serious either, I was doing my logic homework then so thats where the syllogisms come from...spelling, meh, it never was my stong point.

Nov 07 06 11:37 pm Link


Texas Jamie

Posts: 1729

San Marcos, Texas, US

I think this is a funny subject. On the one hand, I would love to tell some of these photograhers to find a new hobby. But on the other hand, Ansel Adams wasn't always amazing.

Same thing with models. I've seen a couple of girls who have absolutely no talent (no matter what they've tried doing, everything sucks), no charisma, and no "looks". But then I think about Janice Dickinson. Amazingly honest. Amazingly beautiful. No one thought she could do it. Hell, she was homeless for how long? All that bashing, and she became the (self-proclaimed) first supermodel.

Don't throw water on someone's fire.

Nov 07 06 11:50 pm Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey


nothing is as it seems.

Nov 07 06 11:56 pm Link



Posts: 310

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I agree, the world needs more honesty, I dislike lies and liars.

But, in this case... how do you know if they were being dishonest? Maybe the person truly believed the person was beautiful. I think this industry should broaden its defintions of what is acceptable and beatiful and what is not.
If that is to happen, I believe this is the place where it is most likely to happen. The internet where things can incubate and grow until strong enough to be released into the real world with all its glory :p

Nov 08 06 12:01 am Link



Posts: 190

New York, New York, US

Im pretty much known for my honest and fair appraisals
I totally agree with the poster of this thread
But who is it that holds the "final" judgement
Cos..In my opinion...even the people on here that think they are good
are not really good,
And me...I do all right
Better than most...not as good as others..

Just do ya thing
and be yourself

Hope this helps.

Nov 08 06 12:03 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

Flagellating that long deceased equine once again eh?

Nov 08 06 12:04 am Link


Matthew D. Henderson

Posts: 5

Maple Valley, Washington, US

There once was a man who took it upon himself to decide how tall people should be, how they should look, and what they should believe in... his name was Hitler.

Nov 08 06 12:40 am Link



Posts: 2728

North East, Maryland, US

Hair By Shelli wrote:

Actually, I am a very open minded person. If you believe that a certain model on HERE (thank you for correcting my grammer mistake, by the way) has potential, than by all means, be supportive, compliment them as much as your heart desires. I just have a problem with people that might give compliments that are insincere in order to be nice or to repay for a compliment given to them. I just want people to be honest, not to hurt people's feelings or dash their dreams. If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all, unless of course, you are asked for your opinion.

4) Typos are one thing but at least learn how to spell "grammer" fonics phucked you up!


Nov 08 06 01:03 am Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Hair By Shelli wrote:
There are some models on this site that have absolutely no business being in this business.

Okay, so I'm being lazy and am not reading past the first page...

But man.  By that token, I'd say at least 50% of the members here probably have no business being in this business...

Unfortunately, the poor photographers need the poor models and vice versa.  It's part of the reason why "internet modelling" has such a nasty stigma about it.

And yeah, everyone needs to start somewhere... only we hope they get PAST that point eventually...

I've given up actively complaining about it, myself.  It's not going anywhere, and there are better things to do with one's time.

(Like surf the web while hosting karaoke... LOL!)

Nov 08 06 01:35 am Link


club Jeska

Posts: 3847

Riverside, California, US

Hair By Shelli wrote:
I just recently joined MM and after browsing around reading comments and tags I came to a conclusion: people are afraid to be honest. I understand that people want to be nice to eachother and not hurt anyone's feelings but at some point it becomes misleading. There are some models on this site that have absolutely no business being in this business. It's unfortunate but there are very strict standards in the modeling world, so is it really helpful to tell someone that they are beautiful or that they will do great if you know for yourself that it is a lie?? I worry that some of these young girls will get taken advantage of by people who see them and their dreams as easy prey.
What do you think, can we be honest without being too hurtful?

I totally get what you are saying and yeah i have seen what you are talking about.

Once i was browsing through mm and saw a model that in my opinion looked like

sh!t ran over twice. I was drunk and made some kind of remark toward her.

but normally I never speak my mind when it comes to my opinion of how people look

I think beauty is in the eye of the beholder

SO MAYBE that "model" that i thought was a hideous beast

was adored by someone else and actually did get hired...

perhaps people think that I am a joke but perhaps others think i am a straight up goddess smile

Nov 08 06 01:47 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Jamie Garrett wrote:
I think this is a funny subject. On the one hand, I would love to tell some of these photograhers to find a new hobby. But on the other hand, Ansel Adams wasn't always amazing.

Same thing with models. I've seen a couple of girls who have absolutely no talent (no matter what they've tried doing, everything sucks), no charisma, and no "looks". But then I think about Janice Dickinson. Amazingly honest. Amazingly beautiful. No one thought she could do it. Hell, she was homeless for how long? All that bashing, and she became the (self-proclaimed) first supermodel.

Don't throw water on someone's fire.

You mean the way La Janice does now that she's famous?

Nov 08 06 01:49 am Link


Larry Brown Camera

Posts: 1081

Atlantic Beach, Florida, US

People really don't want honesty if it happens to be critical .... what they really want is for you to agree with them. One of our members recently complained about the lack of quality photography by others and his own portfolio was way below professional standards. It's amazing ain't it? Just because I can grill one awesome hamburger doesn't make me a Chef ... But if I were a female willing to take off my cloths ........ I coule call myself a model !  Amazing ain't it....

Nov 08 06 02:11 am Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

There are many different types of models, and most of them don't "fit" the criteria that is associated with mainstream modeling. I am one of those people. Do I really care? No, not really. I'm not trying to be the next Amber Valetta or anything like that, but I'm also not going to give up at doing what I do. Sure, I have back-up plans in case modeling doesn't go well for me...we all should.

Now, with that point given, I will give another: We can tell someone they are beautiful without giving the false hope that they will be successful as a model. Just because someone isn't the right height, weight, or look for some types of modeling, doesn't mean they shouldn't be complimented for the nice features they do have.

I like to be constructive in whatever remarks I give to people...whether it be models, photographers, stylists, etc... If I like a certain photo, I will tell them. If I think they look nice, I will tell them. However, if they are 4'9" and want to be a fashion model, I will tell them that they should look in other venues of modeling, since fashion has very strict standards. You don't have to be rude when telling them, but let them know that there is a world of other opportunities as a model...

Nov 08 06 04:30 am Link

Hair Stylist

Positively Beautiful

Posts: 45

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Miz Beth wrote:

Your talking about people like me right? The short ones, the ones that absolutly aren't perfect right? Preach what you say.

Actually, I am not talking about you at all. You are very realistic with your goals. Sure, you are not 5'11" but you are not saying that you want to walk down the runways in Paris, because you know that wouldn't happen. I have no problem with models that don't fit the stereotypical model mold going out there and giving it all that they have, just be realistic about what kind of work you are suitable for.

Nov 08 06 12:16 pm Link

Hair Stylist

Positively Beautiful

Posts: 45

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

dfotog dot com wrote:
There once was a man who took it upon himself to decide how tall people should be, how they should look, and what they should believe in... his name was Hitler.

I think you took this topic a little bit too the extreme. I just want people to be honest when giving a tag to another. If I think a model is not so pretty but you think she is the most beautiful girl out there, than say so. But if YOU think she is not so pretty but then you tell her she is the most beautiful girl out there (for whatever your reasons may be) I think that is misleading.

Nov 08 06 12:22 pm Link

Hair Stylist

Positively Beautiful

Posts: 45

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

RBDesign wrote:

4) Typos are one thing but at least learn how to spell "grammer" fonics phucked you up!


I'm sorry RB, but are you a phucking english teacher? Get a life!

Nov 08 06 12:24 pm Link


Sierra Leach

Posts: 18

Wichita, Kansas, US

Ok, I have to say, honesty is not always the best policy. In cases like this, I try to be honest without being hurtful and I appreciate it back. I know that I am short and a bit overweight for my height. I know I am not going to be walking a runway with Cintia Dicker at any point in this lifetime. I do however have dreams of doing local ads and such and I think that if you have the will, then you can do it.

So honestly, what do you think? That I am too short? i can't do anything about it. I am not skinny enough? I could diet, but I won't... Everything said on these forums is a matter of personal opinions and though everyone here might not be magazine cover beautiful, i think everybody deserves a chance to make their dreams a reality.

So yeah, that's my 2 cents and I think i am done now. Honestly, comment my pics, tell me your opinion, it won't stop me from achieving my goals.

Nov 08 06 12:34 pm Link



Posts: 6118

Park City, Utah, US

redemptionandroses wrote:
Ok, I have to say, honesty is not always the best policy. In cases like this, I try to be honest without being hurtful and I appreciate it back. I know that I am short and a bit overweight for my height. I know I am not going to be walking a runway with Cintia Dicker at any point in this lifetime. I do however have dreams of doing local ads and such and I think that if you have the will, then you can do it.

So honestly, what do you think? That I am too short? i can't do anything about it. I am not skinny enough? I could diet, but I won't... Everything said on these forums is a matter of personal opinions and though everyone here might not be magazine cover beautiful, i think everybody deserves a chance to make their dreams a reality.

So yeah, that's my 2 cents and I think i am done now. Honestly, comment my pics, tell me your opinion, it won't stop me from achieving my goals.

read these:
i doubt anyone here would comment on snap shots unless they're stunningly beautiful.

Nov 08 06 02:11 pm Link



Posts: 796

For every million people there's a million truths and perspectives to each situation.

Nov 08 06 02:13 pm Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

i'm not... i'll tell you straight up.

Nov 08 06 02:15 pm Link



Posts: 796

Hair By Shelli wrote:

Yes, but should we encourage them even if we don't believe their dream is viable or should we be honest and let them see the reality of the situation?

No one really knows what dream is viable or not, outside of something like a man with no arms wanting to be a baseball star. 

Look at the guy who plays the lead on the Sopranoes. Short, fat and balding. And he's the lead guy.  That's not typical on a show, but it happened. So in the end no one ever really knows fully.  It's all our own perspective, opinion etc.

Nov 08 06 02:17 pm Link


Doug Jantz

Posts: 4025

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

Hair By Shelli wrote:

I think you took this topic a little bit too the extreme. I just want people to be honest when giving a tag to another. If I think a model is not so pretty but you think she is the most beautiful girl out there, than say so. But if YOU think she is not so pretty but then you tell her she is the most beautiful girl out there (for whatever your reasons may be) I think that is misleading.

You know, this presumes to KNOW what  the poster is thinking who posts a girl is beautiful.  How do YOU know the person doesn't believe that???  Everyone has different tastes.  Someone who is beautiful to you may not be to me.  One can't go around trying to dictate to people what should and should not be posted.  Especially, when YOU don't really KNOW what the people really think.

Nov 08 06 02:21 pm Link


Doug Jantz

Posts: 4025

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

Savvy1007 wrote:

No one really knows what dream is viable or not, outside of something like a man with no arms wanting to be a baseball star. 

Look at the guy who plays the lead on the Sopranoes. Short, fat and balding. And he's the lead guy.  That's not typical on a show, but it happened. So in the end no one ever really knows fully.  It's all our own perspective, opinion etc.

The lead???  James Gandolfini?  He isn't short, he is 6' 1"

Nov 08 06 02:24 pm Link



Posts: 23

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, US

i think a lot of ppl are unsure about how to critique without being mean. a lot of times what I do is I point out something they can improve on, and then point out something good about their work also, so it is softened a bit smile

Nov 08 06 02:26 pm Link

Hair Stylist

Positively Beautiful

Posts: 45

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Doug Jantz wrote:

You know, this presumes to KNOW what  the poster is thinking who posts a girl is beautiful.  How do YOU know the person doesn't believe that???  Everyone has different tastes.  Someone who is beautiful to you may not be to me.  One can't go around trying to dictate to people what should and should not be posted.  Especially, when YOU don't really KNOW what the people really think.

Oh my God, I am not pretending to know what other people think, and like I said, I have no problem if you want to tell someone she is beautiful (even if I dont think so). But this is directed at the people who ARE lying (I know there are people out there like that) NOT to the people who are being honest!!!!

Nov 08 06 03:08 pm Link


Kali Doom

Posts: 136

Nashville, Arkansas, US

How'd this turn into a thread about critique?  The OP didn't say anything about actually critiquing people, it just asked that you don't tell someone their image is beautiful when you really don't think it is.

Nov 08 06 03:10 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Kali Doom wrote:
How'd this turn into a thread about critique?  The OP didn't say anything about actually critiquing people, it just asked that you don't tell someone their image is beautiful when you really don't think it is.

Actually, what I thought the OP was saying is that you should tell them the pictures look like crap and they should give up trying to be a model.

Nov 08 06 03:21 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

People don't like honesty:

Honesty: Your opinion doesn't matter nearly as much as you think it does.

Nov 08 06 03:31 pm Link



Posts: 315

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:

Actually, what I thought the OP was saying is that you should tell them the pictures look like crap and they should give up trying to be a model.

The problem with that is there are so many opinions around, there wouldn't be any models left because the person "freely" giving the opinion might be honest or they might be jealous.

Nov 08 06 03:41 pm Link


Doug Jantz

Posts: 4025

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

Hair By Shelli wrote:

Oh my God, I am not pretending to know what other people think, and like I said, I have no problem if you want to tell someone she is beautiful (even if I dont think so). But this is directed at the people who ARE lying (I know there are people out there like that) NOT to the people who are being honest!!!!

How could you KNOW that unless you are told by the person making the comment??

Nov 08 06 06:36 pm Link


Elizabeth Susann

Posts: 97

Sacramento, California, US

Ultimately, this is a networking site and not an agency.  Nobody really HAS to be that great in whoevers standards to be on this site.  So yes, "those people" have a place here.  For a lot of people, it may not be the ultimate dream but they are on here to figure out _what_ their dreams are.  If it really is their ultimate dream to be a model, they will either figure it out and stop modeling, figure out they can't model in a 5'8" above fashion world if they are 5'3", or they will push through and acheive their goals. 

I'm all for honesty... embellishing the truth and telling people that their photos are gorgeous when they are not or talking about potential based on zilch is wrong but going around telling people what they can and cannot do is no good either. 

I came on here as a dancer in college looking to see what modeling is all about and get a little feedback.  People said uhhh your photos suck and so I switched them out for better ones.  Eventually if you have any drive whatsoever (in a tfcd world its easy to get good photos) you will find your niche and maybe make a little money here or there.  I don't have the potential for high end fashion modeling but thats not what I wanted to do in modeling anyway.  So I don't think we can really judge.  Anyone has the right to be here.

There's just as many amateur photographers on here as there are models.  And even hair stylists for that matter.

Nov 08 06 06:52 pm Link


Olaf S

Posts: 1625

Allentown, Pennsylvania, US

Hair By Shelli wrote:
I just recently joined MM and after browsing around reading comments and tags I came to a conclusion: people are afraid to be honest. I understand that people want to be nice to eachother and not hurt anyone's feelings but at some point it becomes misleading. There are some models on this site that have absolutely no business being in this business. It's unfortunate but there are very strict standards in the modeling world, so is it really helpful to tell someone that they are beautiful or that they will do great if you know for yourself that it is a lie?? I worry that some of these young girls will get taken advantage of by people who see them and their dreams as easy prey.
What do you think, can we be honest without being too hurtful?

Absolutely right.

The only thng I would offer is that the models you refer to as being "in the business"  are not really "in the business"

Many of the "dreams" are just that.  Or worse, they're delusuions.

Let the "no one has the right to squash my dreams" responses start...

Nov 08 06 06:56 pm Link



Posts: 47

Miami Shores, Florida, US

Oooh, touchy topic for some. I agree with you that you shouldn't lie to people just to "be nice" or "return the favor".

If someone ASKS your opinion, then sure, be honest without being rude. Also, give advice/suggestions on what may help them in a particular photo. I have only commented on photos that I do really like. If I don't like a photo and someone asks my opinion, I point out what I don't like, but also what I do like. I don't think that's so hard. If someone comments on a pic of mine or posts a tag, I'm not someone who feels OBLIGATED to do the same, but if I do reciprocate I don't attack their dream or style. I look at it for what is is....their dream/style.

I had a model ask me if she should go to Kim Dawson because she would LOVE to do runway (she was all of 5'1", but swore she had "it"). I politely told her that although she was very beautiful, KD wouldn't do it and I would be floored if she did for any major agency. Sure, she could probably get small gigs for local fashion student/designers who weren't catering to the norm, but my personal opinion was to search out for print/parts modeling with some of the bigger agencies. I didn't squash her dreams, just stated the facts and gave her another outlet in the same vein of work (modeling).

As for the people jumping on your case...come on! I have been on shoots, at fashion shows, etc. where someone will say "girl you look fabulous!" and then talk negatively about them the second they step foot out the door. This comes from photogs, MUAs, and models alike. So yes...there are people who will flat out lie just to "be nice" and I don't think that is helpful either.

Nov 08 06 07:53 pm Link