Forums > General Industry > Outa Control 15 Yr Old at Pro Shoot


Brent B

Posts: 319

Lake Zurich, Illinois, US

Garry k wrote:
Keeping in mind that in these days and times - most Supermodels are discovered in their mid teens ( Ie Gemma Ward  , Karolina Kurkova etc )

One of my stylest friends  had an interesting experience /moral dilemna the other day at a large ( multi model ) Fashion shoot she was coordinating .....

One the models particiapting in the shoot was a relatively new /but stunningly beautiful and tall 15 year old .... A model who - in the  stylest views has  great potential based on her look ....( shs is already signed with a mid sized local agency )

However it soon became apparant to every one involved that girls emotional maturity did not  match her physical maturity ...and the whole photo shoot went to her head very quickly ...She started flashing the photog  showing off her recent nipple piercings , she told the gay hairstylest  that she was going to convert him to hetrosexuality . and when posed with one of the  other female models - the 15 yrs started carressing her arms in a very sapphic fashion  ( personally I am wondering if thsi girls modelling training consisted of watching that Gia movie )

According to my stylest friend she had to spend much of the shoot keeping the 15 yr old under control - but in the same breathe tells me that the girls photos turned out "Amazing " and there was not a bad shot of her ...

Now my stylest friend wants to cast the 15 year old in an Edgy Fashion show we are working  togehter on for later the month ... (and is recommending also that I do a creative shoot with her ) which I am thinking- either - wont that just be like adding gasoline to the fire? OR what if she becomes  the next big thing .....( and wouldnt I just kick myself if I passed on her ) So a bit of a dilemna ,no ?

That is why parents are supposed to be there for people under 18...... I'm assuming they were not there? I cant imagine parents letting a 15 year old do this....

Oct 06 06 12:01 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Brent Battaglia wrote:
I cant imagine parents letting a 15 year old do this....

Not only can I imagine it, I have seen it.  In fact, as I said earlier, they probably fostered the seed of this type of outburst during their rearing of the child.

Oct 06 06 12:25 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

John Swoger wrote:
Seems like it always comes down to the same thing: "but she is gorgeous". So why does being good looking allow for unprofessional behaviour.

Because there really aren't that many that can fit the bill.  Oh, she'll either be groomed or she'll fail, but if she really has that potential (which the overwhelming majority do not) then she'll be given some time and guidance.

Look at the ports on here or on OMP and be honest.  For Fashion, real fashion, how many models could honestly be signed by a large NY agency and work consistently?  I'm not saying they are not attractive (beautiful even) but really, a dozen?  If?  I don't know if the number is that high...

Oct 06 06 12:37 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Send her to me. I will break her. Muahahahahaha.

Oct 06 06 12:41 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

you wrote..

Paramour Productions wrote:
she'll either be groomed or she'll fail, but if she really has that potential (which the overwhelming majority do not) then she'll be given some time and guidance.

but i saw..

Paramour Productions wrote:
she'll either be groomed to she'll fail, but if she really has that potential (which the overwhelming majority do not) then she'll be given some time and guidance.

and flashed upon what someone once said about nascar, we dont watch the race, we watch for the accidents, maybe we like putting wack-jobs like paris hilton on pedestals because we want to see them fall

Oct 06 06 12:42 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Like I said, the crazy ones make for the best pictures.

Oct 06 06 12:46 pm Link


Bryce Symonds

Posts: 80

Bradenton, Florida, US

My advice for the fashion show, don't hire her.
My advice for you doing a shoot...have the parents sign the release BEFORE you start the shoot and if your not comfortable, just stop and throw them out.  ts easy really.  If she's really that evil chances are she won't make it in the industry any way regardless of how beautiful she is.

Oct 06 06 05:22 pm Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

_Alina_ wrote:
Hello, I was reading all of your comments and I don't know where you finding those girls. I am 16 years old and I know a lot of teen models, and none of them would ever do something as low as that. You should have respect for your body, and for others. She reminds me of Paris Hilton: angel outside, devil inside. I feel that in a couple of years we will all be seeing this girl on a cover of playboy. What's wrong with that picture?...EVERYTHING!..Photographers you are leading her on, by taking those photos, some one needs to open her eyes and tell her that she’s totally loosing respect for herself, don't you think so? And what about her mom? Doesnt she see what her daughter is getting into?
   It's sad how if a couple of teenagers act like that, adults think we are all immature kids! It's not true, not all of us smoke, drink, pierce our nipples (or other body parts), make out in front of parents and do other crazy things.


I was so timid and respectful and sweet, I blended into the woodwork until I was 17 and you never would have heard of me until then-heck, nobody knew about me out there until I was 21!

Oct 06 06 05:56 pm Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

*I'm praying my son does not make me a grandma at 34*

That would be terrible!!

Oct 06 06 06:00 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Brent Battaglia wrote:

That is why parents are supposed to be there for people under 18...... I'm assuming they were not there? I cant imagine parents letting a 15 year old do this....

Reportedly her dad dropped her off for the shoot - and looked quite relieved in doing so ( maybe she is more trouble at home ......)

Oct 06 06 07:59 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Corey Wellman wrote:
AND YET THERE ARE STILL ZERO PHOTOS UP OF THIS AMAZINGLY STUNNING WILD FIFTEEN YEAR OLD. This thread is quickly seeming to be a pointless bitching session about nothing? No photo's of this 15 yr old godess...c'mon now.

And even if I do shoot her Zero photos of her will appear on my site ... My goal of this thread  is not that she be judged on her looks or that she be identified with respect to her  immature behavior ...

My goal is simply to get some  feeddback in dealing with  ( or not dealing with ) such behavior in a 15 yr old ....and I intend to keep her name and face outa the discussion ( for her sake )

Oct 06 06 08:05 pm Link


Cristina Ashley

Posts: 1294

Buffalo, Illinois, US

Rossi Photography wrote:
Ahh... Teenage girls. I have a 16 year old son. His girlfriends range from 15 to 18. They are outta' control! He'll bring one home and she's all over him right in front of me. I know teenagers do their 'thang'. But gawd! Not in front of me, PLEASE! They don't even care. When I was that age I woulda' never in front of my boyfriends parents. These crazy kids! Lol...

*I'm praying my son does not make me a grandma at 34*

Yeah, I got a little off topic.

This isn't true about all teens these days.

I wasn't even allowed to say 'shut up' in my house. Nor be at a guys house without the parents calling my father. No guys allowed in my room, only in the family room and kitchen. No going out on school nights....blah blah blah. Out of control teens are usually just that because that is how they are raised. Parents usually start to discipline them after it's too late.

Mind you- I rebeled like any other teen....but it only lasted a short time and i'm in much better shape than alot of my 20 year old friends.

But, back to the original post....I know you expect this girl to be very professional because of the industry she's in, but remember, she is 15...she needs to be GUIDED and taught how to act- not scolded for doing something any 15 year old would do. I would guess she is excited, shocked and floating on cloud 9 because of the success she is told she can have. I say give her a chance, if she messes up then you live and learn- but maybe she'll surprise you.

Oct 06 06 08:09 pm Link


Shauna Carlo

Posts: 367

Boston, Massachusetts, US

_Alina_ wrote:
ummm no don't think i'm like being mean or anything, I just think it's totally wrong, and I sill don't agree with it, but comme on if I showed my boobs to a random friends would totally call me a's a teenagers point of view...your an adult and well for you the word" slut" is sleeping with people, for us it's not just that. And I didn't call HER a slut, I was hinting to you guys that she kind of acts like one.

I'm an adult and I understand what you're saying. I know when I was a teen my friends would call someone acting in such a way a slut too. Not saying it is right but as you said it is a teens point of view. I think the type of thinking from adults as far as "oh, she's just being a young crazy kid", only reinforces that type of behavior as does what the media is implanting in the minds of young people. If you expect more from young people you'll get more. Of course not from all of them but definitely from a lot more of them.

Oct 06 06 10:27 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

You dont have to like her attitude to like shooting her right? If shes that good shoot her and try to ignore the imaturity. You definately dont want to pass up someone with that kind of potential.

Oct 06 06 10:30 pm Link


Dark Magus

Posts: 7027

El Cajon, California, US

Next time she starts up pull her aside and tell her that if she doesn't stop the BS you are going to send her home and inform her agency why. When she starts up pack your camera and put her out. simple.

Oct 06 06 11:22 pm Link


RGK Photography

Posts: 4695

Wilton, Connecticut, US

Garry k wrote:

And even if I do shoot her Zero photos of her will appear on my site ... My goal of this thread  is not that she be judged on her looks or that she be identified with respect to her  immature behavior ...

My goal is simply to get some  feeddback in dealing with  ( or not dealing with ) such behavior in a 15 yr old ....and I intend to keep her name and face outa the discussion ( for her sake )

Why? The point is until you post pictures, there is absolutely no proof that this girl exists. That you are doing nothing more than trying to get a rise from everyone here.

Oct 06 06 11:25 pm Link


Josh D L

Posts: 17

Beverly, Massachusetts, US

The Lord giveth and taketh away.

Oct 06 06 11:50 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

RGK Photography wrote:

Why? The point is until you post pictures, there is absolutely no proof that this girl exists. That you are doing nothing more than trying to get a rise from everyone here.

So who cares?

There *are* many many models who meet this description.

Oct 06 06 11:51 pm Link


RGK Photography

Posts: 4695

Wilton, Connecticut, US

James Jackson wrote:

So who cares?

There *are* many many models who meet this description.

I guess I have worked with adult models. I haven't run into this.

Oct 06 06 11:58 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

RGK Photography wrote:

Why? The point is until you post pictures, there is absolutely no proof that this girl exists. That you are doing nothing more than trying to get a rise from everyone here.

If this sorta thing gives you a "rise "-that is pretty sad .....

Oct 07 06 09:10 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

James Jackson wrote:

So who cares?

There *are* many many models who meet this description.

Personally Ive only worked with a handful of 15-17 yrs old models , and none of them have acted this way

"Adult" fashion  models are a different story

Oct 07 06 09:16 am Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

Garry k wrote:

If this sorta thing gives you a "rise "-that is pretty sad .....

I think he meant an ordinary reaction, not the "gallant reaction."

Oct 07 06 09:18 am Link


A. H A M I L T O N

Posts: 325

Coventry, England, United Kingdom

Garry k wrote:
ie my stylest freind knew Evangaline Lilly 4 yrs ago when Lilly was hostessing at a local restaurant

That's it, I'm moving to Canada.


Oct 07 06 09:27 am Link


Anna H Photography

Posts: 89

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

meet with the model first...then decide.

Oct 07 06 09:37 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Anna H Photography wrote:
meet with the model first...then decide.

Bingo. Let her know you've heard about her behavior, that you know she is nervous and wants to make it. Lay out the requirements of the job in no uncertain terms. Ask her like an adult to agree to temper her attitude for the show. Under no circumstances should you treat her like a child.

Oct 07 06 11:39 am Link



Posts: 281

Columbus, Ohio, US

I'd let her embarass herself if she wants. Tell your staff that they shouldn't "yell" at her but not to put up with her crap either. She has to learn sometime.

Oct 07 06 02:42 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Garry k wrote:
Keeping in mind that in these days and times - most Supermodels are discovered in their mid teens ( Ie Gemma Ward  , Karolina Kurkova etc )

One of my stylest friends  had an interesting experience /moral dilemna the other day at a large ( multi model ) Fashion shoot she was coordinating .....

One the models particiapting in the shoot was a relatively new /but stunningly beautiful and tall 15 year old .... A model who - in the  stylest views has  great potential based on her look ....( shs is already signed with a mid sized local agency )

However it soon became apparant to every one involved that girls emotional maturity did not  match her physical maturity ...and the whole photo shoot went to her head very quickly ...She started flashing the photog  showing off her recent nipple piercings , she told the gay hairstylest  that she was going to convert him to hetrosexuality . and when posed with one of the  other female models - the 15 yrs started carressing her arms in a very sapphic fashion  ( personally I am wondering if thsi girls modelling training consisted of watching that Gia movie )

According to my stylest friend she had to spend much of the shoot keeping the 15 yr old under control - but in the same breathe tells me that the girls photos turned out "Amazing " and there was not a bad shot of her ...

Now my stylest friend wants to cast the 15 year old in an Edgy Fashion show we are working  togehter on for later the month ... (and is recommending also that I do a creative shoot with her ) which I am thinking- either - wont that just be like adding gasoline to the fire? OR what if she becomes  the next big thing .....( and wouldnt I just kick myself if I passed on her ) So a bit of a dilemna ,no ?

I don't think it's a dilemma. If we as photographers start judging a model based on personality it would seriously limit our abilities...and business. I have plenty of corporate clients that I don't necessarily agree with the Art or Photo Director's attitudes or approaches...but I'm just the photographer. Besides, maybe she feels that's how she is supposed to act as a model. Who is mentoring her at 15? Is a parent or guardian there with her? She's 15 so a bit of immaturity should be expected. She's obviously enjoying herself. All you can do is be professional and supportive. I'd also suggest you stop shooting when she starts flashing lol.

And if acting out means no work for a model, Naomi Campbell (and a much longer list) would have been blackballed years ago. btw...loved the Gia comment.

Oct 07 06 02:56 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Garry k wrote:

And even if I do shoot her Zero photos of her will appear on my site ... My goal of this thread  is not that she be judged on her looks or that she be identified with respect to her  immature behavior ...

My goal is simply to get some  feeddback in dealing with  ( or not dealing with ) such behavior in a 15 yr old ....and I intend to keep her name and face outa the discussion ( for her sake )

Ok this I don't get. We're talking about fashion modeling. She didn't apply for the position of Ethics Professor at Yale. Are we as consumers supposed to look through fashion mags, billboards and TV ads and think, "hmm...I wonder if she's a good person?" Who cares? That would be like judging a band based on how they act backstage. I guess I'm boycotting Stone Temple Pilots because the lead singer is/was a heroin addict. No more J Lo because I heard she's a real demanding bitch during her video sessions (ok I don't listen but you get the point). This is a girl that was, though excessive, having fun. She's modeling at 15...she should be thrilled. But to say you refuse to post any of her photos because of her behavior is just a bit elitist to me. Do you post the best images? Or do you post only the images of the models you like and that act within acceptable guidelines?

Oct 07 06 03:12 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

once again, she is still a child. This is a child working for you. Not an adult. A child. You don't "break" a child in. You don't yell at a child. You don't expect a child to be able to do everything an adult does, you just don't.

You also shouldn't "use" a child to get what you need out of her and than ignore the consquences of how that child reacts to the adult world you helped keep her in. Especially when that child has shown herself to be mentally unstable.

Oct 07 06 03:16 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

Star wrote:
once again, she is still a child. This is a child working for you. Not an adult. A child. You don't "break" a child in. You don't yell at a child. You don't expect a child to be able to do everything an adult does, you just don't.

You also shouldn't "use" a child to get what you need out of her and than ignore the consquences of how that child reacts to the adult world you helped keep her in. Especially when that child has shown herself to be mentally unstable.

Hey, if you can't take advantage of the weak and the vulnerable, then who exactly CAN you take advantage of???


Oct 07 06 05:47 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I say you should just duct tape her before taking her pics.  That'll keep her under control.

Oct 07 06 05:48 pm Link


Stacey S

Posts: 3131

Long Beach, California, US

All honesty.
If you DO work with her.
Definately bring her mom along.
If this diva acts up again this time, let the mother catch her.
If the mother doesn't find anything wrong with her daughter's actions,
then that is one BAD parent.

even when I was 15 I didn't pierce myself in odd places
or show random people them.

something has got to click.

I dunno if i'm making any sense but the fact that she's 15 and acting that way is a disgrace.

Look at the example she's making for other 15 year olds.
not even to mention, she's in a small agency?
is it some sort of kiddie porno ring?
because they should have picked up on her behavior early....

Oct 07 06 06:05 pm Link



Posts: 724

Healdsburg, California, US

Star wrote:
once again, she is still a child. This is a child working for you. Not an adult. A child. You don't "break" a child in. You don't yell at a child. You don't expect a child to be able to do everything an adult does, you just don't.

You also shouldn't "use" a child to get what you need out of her and than ignore the consquences of how that child reacts to the adult world you helped keep her in. Especially when that child has shown herself to be mentally unstable.

I agree with this except for the "mentally unstable" statement.  This would infer that she has some kind of mental disorder which cannot be determined by the small bit of information we have on her behavior.  I think she's a rebellious teen, plain and simple.

Oct 07 06 06:34 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

jade83 wrote:

I was so timid and respectful and sweet, I blended into the woodwork until I was 17 and you never would have heard of me until then-heck, nobody knew about me out there until I was 21!

I still have never heard of you?? Who the hell are you? Are you supposed to be someone we should know?

Oct 07 06 06:36 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Who cares really? It's not my kid or even my neighbors?

Oct 07 06 06:37 pm Link


Kayla Donia

Posts: 185

Vancouver, Washington, US

Maxwell Digital Art wrote:
And i'll tell something else, their beer sucks!  Canadian Bacon

I certainly hope that you're being sarcastic, esspecially the beer remark! as a self procliaimed beer connoisseur, I've determined that American beer is disgusting, and not really beer at all!

Anyways... As for the rules on piercings and tattoos, as soon as you hit 16 (18 in some places) you are free as you please to do what you want with your body. Otherwise, a parent must sign a waiver.

By the age of 17 I'd had my eyebrow pierced twice, my nipple twice, and had my first (and so far only) tattoo.

I love my Canada.

Anyways, I would say agree to let her do the fashion show, make sure her parent is there to keep her in line, I would bet she was probably trying to be 'mature' and 'cool' by being so open about her sexuality, some girls see that as being mature, when really they're just making a fool out of themselves. If she gets out of line feel free to put her in her place and say "Young lady, that is NOT how a model conducts herself!" That should shut her up and prevent any future problems. Oh, and if the show is in a bar, dear GOD do not let her drink!

That's another peeve, what's with you americans and your 21 age limit? Weirdos... I kid, I love the americans...

Oh, and we have hot dogs... I ate one from 711 today... It was lovely.

Gary - I just realised you were from Vancouver as well, where is this fashion show being held?

Oct 07 06 06:38 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

Ched wrote:

It's Canada. They have no morals or american flags, or even hot dogs there.

I think they still have freedom there...


Oct 07 06 06:40 pm Link


Kayla Donia

Posts: 185

Vancouver, Washington, US

ummm no don't think i'm like being mean or anything, I just think it's totally wrong, and I sill don't agree with it, but comme on if I showed my boobs to a random friends would totally call me a's a teenagers point of view...your an adult and well for you the word" slut" is sleeping with people, for us it's not just that. And I didn't call HER a slut, I was hinting to you guys that she kind of acts like one.

Tony is right.

Ah, this is all a part of growing up, something that I'm still doing, and so are you, but since I'm not TOO old to not remember what being 15/16 is like, but I'm old enough to be able to instill some words.

First, don't call ANYONE a slut, or say they're acting slutty, there are some people who are open about their sexuality at a young age. Kids will be kids, and there are some things that people will do that you won't approve of, this doesn't make them a slut, a druggie, a drunk, or a bad person, it's all a part of growing up and having experiences. While this girl SHOULD NOT be doing these sort of things, with luck, she will learn and she will have her rebellious teen phase.

Personally, I never had the rebelling "I can do what I want" teen phase, I was practically married between 14-18 years, I got my piercings, I got my tattoo, I drank, I got drunk occasionally, I've tried smoking pot, and am currently at a phase where I smoke cigarettes, and I enjoy going to the bar sometimes. This all happend between the age of 16 and now. I did it all with grace, I did it all in moderation, and I had, and am still having my teenage fun, between college, modelling, and my real job. There is nothing wrong with it, and will do nothing but give you memories to look back on, and lessons to learn.

There is nothing wrong with experimenting as long as things do not go to far, kids will be kids, and the more you learn, the more you know.

Oct 07 06 06:58 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Suzan Aktug wrote:
the more you know.

Oct 07 06 07:54 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

The League of MM saves 15 year old girl from soiling the reputation of some unknown fashion show. It was a close call this station has been informed by elite members of the MM child enforcement league.
Having had several reports of a 15 year old girl running madd through the show throwing lap dances at complete strangers
All the while photographers from all parts of the famed MM tag house site used their best judgement in order to define the issue without limiting themselves to any one stance.
Group leaders gave the orders for the "League" to move into action. I don't believe any action has been taken as of yet Ollie.
One eye witness has just supplied us with video depicting horrific scenes of random nipples being shoved in 40 year old balding mens faces as the men turned and fled dropping various types of camera apparatus on the way out. Word from the show had some of them screaming myeos,myeos no conclusive determination has been made as to the meaning of this random word but the CDC is currently running it through its databanks in the hope of finding some link that may help in the search for answers.
A tre'age unit  has been set up in the lobby for those suffering from ...nipple rings?
Yes Jim thats right these shameless hussies showed no regard for anyone or their personal space or taste.
This is Jim Me for the BBC world service.
We now return to our regularly scheduled program
Jerry Springer

Oct 07 06 10:23 pm Link