Forums > General Industry > Outa Control 15 Yr Old at Pro Shoot


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Keeping in mind that in these days and times - most Supermodels are discovered in their mid teens ( Ie Gemma Ward  , Karolina Kurkova etc )

One of my stylest friends  had an interesting experience /moral dilemna the other day at a large ( multi model ) Fashion shoot she was coordinating .....

One the models particiapting in the shoot was a relatively new /but stunningly beautiful and tall 15 year old .... A model who - in the  stylest views has  great potential based on her look ....( shs is already signed with a mid sized local agency )

However it soon became apparant to every one involved that girls emotional maturity did not  match her physical maturity ...and the whole photo shoot went to her head very quickly ...She started flashing the photog  showing off her recent nipple piercings , she told the gay hairstylest  that she was going to convert him to hetrosexuality . and when posed with one of the  other female models - the 15 yrs started carressing her arms in a very sapphic fashion  ( personally I am wondering if thsi girls modelling training consisted of watching that Gia movie )

According to my stylest friend she had to spend much of the shoot keeping the 15 yr old under control - but in the same breathe tells me that the girls photos turned out "Amazing " and there was not a bad shot of her ...

Now my stylest friend wants to cast the 15 year old in an Edgy Fashion show we are working  togehter on for later the month ... (and is recommending also that I do a creative shoot with her ) which I am thinking- either - wont that just be like adding gasoline to the fire? OR what if she becomes  the next big thing .....( and wouldnt I just kick myself if I passed on her ) So a bit of a dilemna ,no ?

Oct 05 06 10:20 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Oct 05 06 10:24 pm Link



Posts: 562

Chicago Heights, Illinois, US

Garry k wrote:
Keeping in mind that in these days and times - most Supermodels are discovered in their mid teens ( Ie Gemma Ward  , Karolina Kurkova etc )

One of my stylest friends  had an interesting experience /moral dilemna the other day at a large ( multi model ) Fashion shoot she was coordinating .....

One the models particiapting in the shoot was a relatively new /but stunningly beautiful and tall 15 year old .... A model who - in the  stylest views has  great potential based on her look ....( shs is already signed with a mid sized local agency )

However it soon became apparant to every one involved that girls emotional maturity did not  match her physical maturity ...and the whole photo shoot went to her head very quickly ...She started flashing the photog  showing off her recent nipple pierings , she told the gay hairstylest  that she was going to convert him to hetrosexuality . and when posed with one of the  other female models - the 15 yrs started carressing her arms in a very sapphic fashion  ( personally I am wondering if thsi girls modelling training consisted of watching that Gia movie )

According to my stylest friend she had to spend much of the shoot keeping the 15 yr old under control - but in the same breathe tells me that the girls photos turned out "Amazing " and there was not a bad shot of her ...

Now my stylest friend wants to cast the 15 year old in an Edgy Fashion show we are working  togehter on for later the month ... (and is recommending also that I do a creative shoot with her ) which I am thinking- either - wont that just be like adding gasoline to the fire? OR what if she becomes  the next big thing .....( and wouldnt I just kick myself if I passed on her ) So a bit of a dilemna ,no ?

Oct 05 06 10:26 pm Link



Posts: 36

Irving, Illinois, US

Sounds very interesting.. I'd say be very, very careful. Is all that pain and trouble really worth it? If you believe in her that much, then go for it, and just deal with it as you go.
Thats just my 2 cents.

Oct 05 06 10:27 pm Link



Posts: 562

Chicago Heights, Illinois, US

There is no dilema. Hold to your values and you point the camera, crop the images in your camera and be assertive with what the under age model is doing. Under age is under age and images years old can come to light and bite if they are inappropriate. If she has that kind of energy and presense she should adapt and continue to produce exceptional stuff.

Oct 05 06 10:29 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

The wild ones make the best pictures.

Oct 05 06 10:34 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Fotogene wrote:
There is no dilema. Hold to your values and you point the camera, crop the images in your camera and be assertive with what the under age model is doing. Under age is under age and images years old can come to light and bite if they are inappropriate. If she has that kind of energy and presense she should adapt and continue to produce exceptional stuff.

Teh dilemna is more about casting her in the fashion show ( which itself will be a wild and  crazy rock and roll style niteclub  event in front  of a fashion crowd of 400 plus ) than me personally photographing her

Oct 05 06 10:35 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Keep her away from the bar by making her mother come to the party.

Oct 05 06 10:36 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Ahh... Teenage girls. I have a 16 year old son. His girlfriends range from 15 to 18. They are outta' control! He'll bring one home and she's all over him right in front of me. I know teenagers do their 'thang'. But gawd! Not in front of me, PLEASE! They don't even care. When I was that age I woulda' never in front of my boyfriends parents. These crazy kids! Lol...

*I'm praying my son does not make me a grandma at 34*

Yeah, I got a little off topic.

Oct 05 06 10:40 pm Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

I've helped out with a few fashion shows locally (no real agencies in the San Juaquine valley). We had one show with a first time model and her attitude messed up the other models feelings, made the designer look bad with her behavior. The model represents the clothes and the company image.

We were sorry we ever picked her and will never use her again. It was horrifying. She was mouthing off loudly and made an ass out of herself

P.S. Now when they're picked for a show all the models are read the riot act on how to behave from the time when they arrive for prep til they leave the show.

Oct 05 06 11:08 pm Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

15 year old with nipple rings.  Even if your parents signed off on it, isnt it illegal for someone who isnt a doctor to even touch her there

Oct 05 06 11:11 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Maxwell Digital Art wrote:
15 year old with nipple rings.  Even if your parents signed off on it, isnt it illegal for someone who isnt a doctor to even touch her there

It's Canada. They have no morals or american flags, or even hot dogs there.

Oct 05 06 11:13 pm Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

Ched wrote:

It's Canada. They have no morals or american flags, or even hot dogs there.

And i'll tell something else, their beer sucks!  Canadian Bacon

Oct 05 06 11:14 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Maxwell Digital Art wrote:
And i'll tell something else, their beer sucks!  Canadian Bacon

I love an ice cold Molson Ice! big_smile

Oct 05 06 11:21 pm Link


Dudley Watson

Posts: 1737

Roseburg, Oregon, US

Garry k wrote:
Now my stylest friend wants to cast the 15 year old in an Edgy Fashion show we are working  togehter on for later the month ... (and is recommending also that I do a creative shoot with her ) which I am thinking- either - wont that just be like adding gasoline to the fire? OR what if she becomes  the next big thing .....( and wouldnt I just kick myself if I passed on her ) So a bit of a dilemna ,no ?

If you use her, I recommend her parent be present at all times, along with your stylest friend (they may not be aware of the girl's behavior).  And also be VERY prepared to can her butt if she gets way out of line.  She needs to mature to get bookings and has to realize this.  If you have to dump her, explain to her and her parent why.  The better models don't throw their shit around, so why should you be a splatter board?  After all, if she was working at a job, how long would she last?

Oct 05 06 11:27 pm Link


Serene Death

Posts: 541

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Boy I hope all of those Canadian shots were sarcastic.... all I can tell you is that body piercing, like tattooing, is illegal here when you are a minor BUT unlike tattooing your parents can sign a waiver and then you can be pierced, likely because it's not permanent.

Oct 05 06 11:29 pm Link


Model D Nic

Posts: 92

Phoenix, Arizona, US

...with that attitude, it doesn't sound like she has much of a future in (fashion) modeling if she is not already established.

Oct 05 06 11:36 pm Link



Posts: 2442

Dayton, Alabama, US

Um, someone needs to knock that (insert derogatory female word of your choice here) on her ass and let her know there are over a hundred thousand aspiring models just on MM alone (male and female) much less other sites that could take her place. Had I been the MUA and the photographer, I'd walked. There's nothing worth that stress and BS.


Oct 05 06 11:37 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Rossi Photography wrote:
Ahh... Teenage girls. I have a 16 year old son. His girlfriends range from 15 to 18. They are outta' control! He'll bring one home and she's all over him right in front of me. I know teenagers do their 'thang'. But gawd! Not in front of me, PLEASE! They don't even care. When I was that age I woulda' never in front of my boyfriends parents. These crazy kids! Lol...

*I'm praying my son does not make me a grandma at 34*

Yeah, I got a little off topic.

Have you shown him how to put a condom on a banana? (just kidding Jodie!)

Oct 05 06 11:42 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

If she is that stunning find a way to make it work.

Oct 05 06 11:44 pm Link


John Swoger

Posts: 192

Peoria, Arizona, US

Seems like it always comes down to the same thing: "but she is gorgeous". So why does being good looking allow for unprofessional behaviour.

Your stylist friend should have sat her down, with her parents and told her to cut the crap. Then I would have phoned the agency and said what she was like. I doubt the agency wants to represent someone like her.

There is no need for more a*holes in the industry. We have enough photographers and models that think their sh*t does not stink. I would not work with her even if she was the second coming of Christ, until she wised up.

Oct 05 06 11:53 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

Garry k wrote:
She started flashing the photog  showing off her recent nipple pierings , she told the gay hairstylest  that she was going to convert him to hetrosexuality . and when posed with one of the  other female models - the 15 yrs started carressing her arms in a very sapphic fashion  ( personally I am wondering if thsi girls modelling training consisted of watching that Gia movie )

Modesty and fashion Do not go well together...

I'm guessing this isn't a photographer who is used to models dropping their clothes and changing in front of everybody?

Maxwell Digital Art wrote:
15 year old with nipple rings.  Even if your parents signed off on it, isnt it illegal for someone who isnt a doctor to even touch her there

Where the heck did you get that law from?

Oct 06 06 12:40 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

I think the dude who pierced my nipples was named Doc. Does that count?

I'm Batman.

Oct 06 06 12:46 am Link



Posts: 8687

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ched wrote:

It's Canada. They have no morals or american flags, or even hot dogs there.

Oh our sled dogs get a bit warm in the summer months...

Oct 06 06 12:50 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Huskie with the works!

Oct 06 06 12:53 am Link



Posts: 8687

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm sure we have one American flag in Ottawa somewhere, but you're right about the morals - wanna smoke some pot?

Oct 06 06 12:57 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Dudley Watson wrote:
After all, if she was working at a job, how long would she last?

I would guess until she showed a customer her nipple rings while handing him the fries.


Oct 06 06 06:23 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Image K wrote:
Have you shown him how to put a condom on a banana? (just kidding Jodie!)

I always wondered about that... and the gag about it is 100 yers old.

Guy: "Doc, you know we already have 6 kids and really don't want any more. Can you help me out?"

Doctor: "Of course. Take this condom and before you have sex put it on your organ. That should prevent any further pregnancy."

[3  months later]

Guy: "Well Doc, the wife is pregnant again. What went wrong?"

Doctor: "Didn't you do what I told you, and put the condom on your organ before you had intercourse?"

Guy: "Well, not exactly, Doc... I don't own an organ... so I put it on the piano"

I can see it comming. Kid girl gets pregnant but the kid swears that he damn well did put that condon on a bannana. So what went wrong?


Oct 06 06 06:33 am Link



Posts: 271

Here's the test - hand her a cellphone and see if she chucks it at someone's head. If she does, then she's gold wink

Oct 06 06 06:36 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Use her shoot her let her do her thing. Have her parent there and maybe for your protection video the shoot with their knowledge. She just may be the one. It's like escorts really, Do nothing out of the way and you have nothing to worry about. If she is all that let her show it within reason.
just my 50 pence.

Oct 06 06 06:55 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Sounds like someone needs a reality check....

As a professional I control what goes on during a shoot. That's why clients pay me. To produce results. I've worked with models as young as eleven. Yes, youth is exhubrient and yes young girls like having fun. However if their intentions of becoming working professional models are in their future it is up to you to make them understand YOUR limits, not adjust to theirs.

While I encourage models to have fun in front of the is at my direction and controlled in such a way to produce results not general mayhem with you hoping to walk away with good photos. Hope doesn't even enter into it.

My first instruction to any model I work with.....a photo shoot is like a baseball are allowed three screw-ups....then like baseball once you use your three are OUT! No amount of pleading or please, please, please will change it....I will never work with you again or recommend you to anyone else.

Do not allow your reputation as a professional to be dicatated by the actions of a very immature model.

Oct 06 06 07:56 am Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

-Do it. The images last a lot longer than the irritation. And if she is the next Shalom/Eve/Christy, you'll be very happy you did.
-Ask her parents to come. She won't be flashing her nipples then! They could shut down her career instantly.

-Oh, and American beer-drinkers insulting OUR beer? Pardon me while I LMAO:-) Did WE invent Old Milwaukee and COlt 45? Gahhh...

Oct 06 06 08:39 am Link


Shauna Carlo

Posts: 367

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Where were her parents at the shoot the stylist was talking about? Did anybody at that shoot bring up to her parents or to whoever picked her up or to her agency that this 15 year old CHILD not only flashed her breasts but made sexual advances toward someone? I'm surprised anybody would think about using her again. The reason agencies will drop a model at the drop of a hat is because there is always some other aspiring model who is just as good if not better. No matter what she looks like I'm sure you can find someone better.

Oct 06 06 08:43 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Garry k wrote:
So a bit of a dilemna ,no ?

Some of the best looking are some of the biggest pains in the ass!


My mom, who's spent as many years in the industry as I have spent alive, confirmed it for me.  One whole week we dedicated to trying to figure out why beautiful men and women are the biggest royal pains in the ass (for the most part, not always).

This girl is not the first or the last... but the reality of using her as a model comes down to if you're willing to either:

a) Put up with her


b) Shove her to the curb when she gets rowdy

Her parents aren't going to be able to fix the problem, in fact they're probably the root of the problem having given her everything she wants since birth and doting on her beauty since she was old enough to be shown off... and in reality no other adult matters.  Nothing *you* do will change her mind.  If you do something contrary to her world-view to attempt to prove the world does not in fact revolve around her, she'll just get twice as rowdy in an attempt to prove it true.

Oct 06 06 08:45 am Link


DSmith Photo

Posts: 418

Melrose, Iowa, US

A lot of people in creative industries are weird, crazy, and sometimes brilliant.  I'm no fan of working with jerks or immature people, but I've sure done my share of it over the years, in all walks of life.

My opinion is that, if this girl really has the look and a chance of making it big, you're better off working with her and trying to help train her and teach her along the way.  If you don't, someone else surely will.

Look at it like other industries where the stars are very young, e.g., athletics, actors, etc.  People who learn how to work with their immaturity and, hopefully, bring them along, are successful and often handsomely rewarded for their efforts. 

Having raised two daughters, all 15 year old girls are fundamentally nuts.  Eventually they grow up to be women....I think I'll stop at that.

Oct 06 06 08:48 am Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Garry k wrote:
She started flashing the photog  showing off her recent nipple pierings

I would not want to be within ten miles of a fifteen year old flashing her breasts.  If that is typical of her behaviour I would pass.

Oct 06 06 08:50 am Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

I would love to see this young Prima Donna. Is she really all that.

Oct 06 06 08:52 am Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

James Jackson wrote:
One whole week we dedicated to trying to figure out why beautiful men and women are the biggest royal pains in the ass (for the most part, not always).

Because they can get away with it. From whatever age they first manifest that beauty, people are friendly, nicer, and put up with more from them. They have no idea what the limits are for 'other' people. Beauty is power, in a social context, and power corrupts:-)
Which is why the later bloomers, and the ones who don't know how pretty they are or hide it somehow, generally are the nicest people.
All generalizations, of course, I know a top Canadian model who's as sweet as pie!

Oct 06 06 08:54 am Link

Makeup Artist

AndriA Farrell

Posts: 1

Los Angeles, California, US

I had a similar situation with a model, only she was hitting me through out the shoot and attempting to rub against me, and when she saw me sitting in a chair she ran over and gave me a mini-lap dance.

I'm gona be honest with you... Some girls are just immature... this 15 year old is aware of her looks, and her sex-appeal, and from today's society examples its attractive and "sexy" to act in the way she was acting.

We all know that throughout life we're gona work with people we don't like, or whos behavior we don't agree with, but sometimes you just gota take one for the team and get your stuff done.

If this girl is as good as your saying she is... just take the pictures. If shes rowdy, basically all you have to do is point out her behavior in a nice way to maybe embarass her a little, and I am sure she will change her tune... I'm only 23 and I know that when I was 15 the last thing I wanted was to be embarassed by someone bec/ my immaturity was obvious.

I say go for it, your takin pictures of the girl, not vowing to be life long friends...

Oct 06 06 08:58 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Miles Chandler wrote:
Because they can get away with it. From whatever age they first manifest that beauty, people are friendly, nicer, and put up with more from them. They have no idea what the limits are for 'other' people. Beauty is power, in a social context, and power corrupts:-)
Which is why the later bloomers, and the ones who don't know how pretty they are or hide it somehow, generally are the nicest people.

I agree, and it's often funny how many people on the periphery of a shoot are just as beautiful as the model but either won't admit it to themselves and others, or will make a blatant effort to hide it in some way.

Miles Chandler wrote:
All generalizations, of course, I know a top Canadian model who's as sweet as pie!

Definitely all generalizations.  This does *NOT* mean 100% of beautiful people or late bloomers follow these characteristics, it just seems to be enough to establish the trend.

Oct 06 06 08:58 am Link