Forums > General Industry > Should I be offended?



Posts: 167

Simpsonville, Kentucky, US

So, a photographer and I have been emailing each other for the past day about a shoot. Then he realized I have tatoos/piercings. All of these can be convered during photoshoots, and even more so in a casual shoot, as he requested. (tattoo on back of neck-and i have long hair-tattoo on hip (nothing makeup/photoshop can help/nose/belly/tongue pierced... ok now here is his final email to me after set a date and decided on places to shoot and times to meet ya da ya da ya....

Quote by the photographer
"I regret to say that I am not able to use models that have tatoos, or pins in their face. And, I generally do not relate well to those that want to multilate their bodies with tattoos and pins; especially by sticking a pin in their tongue.

There are a lot of photographers that want to work with you that would be a better match. So, please scratch me from your calendar."

Should I be offended by the way it was stated?

Oct 04 06 11:01 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Alisha B wrote:
Should I be offended by the way it was stated?

Sure, if you choose.  Or not, if you choose.  Take your offense, or not, where you find it.

You made the choice to get the tattoos, and certainly you must have understood that some people would not like them.

Oct 04 06 11:04 pm Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

Alisha B wrote:
So, a photography and I have been emailing each other for the past day about a shoot. Then he realized I have tatoos/piercings. All of these can be convered during photoshoots, and even more so in a casual shoot, as he requested. (tattoo on back of neck-and i have long hair-tattoo on hip (nothing makeup/photoshop can help/nose/belly/tongue pierced... ok now here is his final email to me after set a date and decided on places to shoot and times to meet ya da ya da ya....

Quote by the photographer
"I regret to say that I am not able to use models that have tatoos, or pins in their face. And, I generally do not relate well to those that want to multilate their bodies with tattoos and pins; especially by sticking a pin in their tongue.

There are a lot of photographers that want to work with you that would be a better match. So, please scratch me from your calendar."

Should I be offended by the way it was stated?


He was Civil.  Polite.  firm, but polite.

You should be surprised if he had seen shots of you before which showed some of these adornments or if you informed him about it in advance.

Move on

Oct 04 06 11:06 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

It's not worth your emotional energy to be offended by people who want to toss in a little gratuitous rudeness.  He could've easily just said, "Sorry, tattoos don't fit in to my work." Instead, he made a value judgment on your tastes. I'd advise spending a shrug on it, at most, before moving on.

Oct 04 06 11:06 pm Link


Caitie Lee

Posts: 268

Long Island, Kansas, US

you should tell him that you don't relate well to people who can't respect other people's personal decisions to do what they like with their body.

Oct 04 06 11:06 pm Link



Posts: 167

Simpsonville, Kentucky, US

TXPhotog wrote:

Sure, if you choose.  Or not, if you choose.  Take your offense, or not, where you find it.

You made the choice to get the tattoos, and certainly you must have understood that some people would not like them.

I dunno... I just think he should have stated it better.

Oct 04 06 11:06 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Don't be offended; at least he was being honest. There are many photographers that don't care about tats or piercings. Just move on to the next person -- it's all good! Besides, would you really want to work with a photographer that has issues with tats and piercings?


Oct 04 06 11:07 pm Link


Joe Alcantar

Posts: 438

Beaumont, California, US

The photographer and the model have got to click , if they do not it will come across in the photos. 

I would just let it go and schedule with someone that really looks forward to working with you.


P.S. You look great and you can get in front of my camera anytime.

Oct 04 06 11:09 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

No, I wouldn't be offended. There's plenty of other photogs that will appreciate your tattoos and piercings. My favorite model to photograph has 27 tattoos. Lol...

Oct 04 06 11:09 pm Link


Jane Doe222

Posts: 1

Hendersonville, North Carolina, US

I believe he could have used more tact. For some reason he's stereotyped people with body modifications and in my opinion a photographer who can't accept differences in individuals probably has a pretty bland portfolio anyway.

Oct 04 06 11:09 pm Link



Posts: 12979

Winchester, Virginia, US

Alisha B wrote:
I dunno... I just think he should have stated it better.

Not all medicine come candy-coated. Honesty can be bitter, but it's better for you than sweet lies.

Oct 04 06 11:13 pm Link



Posts: 36

Irving, Illinois, US

Yeah, he could have said it a little nicer, and a different way, but there are always different ways to say things. He was just being straight out and honest, and in this career, you better get used to it.
By saying what he did and how he did, I'm sure he didn't mean it in a bad way, he was just being straight out about it. Don't take things like that personal, just be glad you didn't show up to the shoot, and he cancelled on you then.
Just move on to the next photographer, and make sure they know off hand that you have tats or piercings to avoid further misunderstanding.

Oct 04 06 11:15 pm Link


Illustrated Imagery

Posts: 93

Alisha B wrote:

I dunno... I just think he should have stated it better.

Come to Kansas...I love tatoos.

Honestly, if you think about it it's his lose not yours.

Oct 04 06 11:16 pm Link


Harry Young

Posts: 744

Los Angeles, California, US

every culture in the world has ideals of body type and permitted modifications.
and some people will have difficulties with the mods or their (or other) cultures!
he was sort-of polite; shine it on. not worth the energy.

Oct 04 06 11:17 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Caitie Lee wrote:
you should tell him that you don't relate well to people who can't respect other people's personal decisions to do what they like with their body.

This is right on the money

Oct 04 06 11:19 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

"And, I generally do not relate well to those that want to multilate their bodies with tattoos and pins; especially by sticking a pin in their tongue"

THIS is the problem quote right here. He doesn't have to relateto a model
to shoot with her.

Oct 04 06 11:20 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

Caitie Lee wrote:
you should tell him that you don't relate well to people who can't respect other people's personal decisions to do what they like with their body.

Oh for crying out loud!

When a person holds themselves out as a model, they do so accepting the condition that they will be subjectively judged, based on other's changing and often arbitrary asthetic.

Live with it or find something else to do...


Oct 04 06 11:21 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

No need to be offended at all.

You should be happy that he was clear, direct and honest with you. That's professional and mature behavior.

He's also right that there are lots of people who like to shoot people with piercings and tattoos.

Honesty is a virtue. It's no reflection on your desire to decorate yourself that way.

Oct 04 06 11:25 pm Link



Posts: 167

Simpsonville, Kentucky, US

Image K wrote:

This is right on the money

I was thinking the same thing....

BUT, I can also relate to the other people say move on...

Oct 04 06 11:28 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Caitie Lee wrote:
you should tell him that you don't relate well to people who can't respect other people's personal decisions to do what they like with their body.

Caitie, he's the photographer. Why shouldn't he choose who or what he wants to photograph? He didn't say he didn't respect her for doing what she wants to do. He just said it's not what he likes.

If she's hiring him as a paid photographer, then that's different. If it's TFP we should all choose the models and photographers we want to present in our own portfolios

Oct 04 06 11:29 pm Link



Posts: 4532

Breckenridge, Colorado, US

No, you shouldn't be offended. Nor should you be wondering about whether or not you should be offended. Save your time, move on. xx

Oct 04 06 11:31 pm Link



Posts: 2008

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

No...It detracts from your plan of action!

The Edge--GMX

Oct 04 06 11:37 pm Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

Different strokes for different folks.

Oct 04 06 11:38 pm Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

Justin wrote:
It's not worth your emotional energy to be offended by people who want to toss in a little gratuitous rudeness.  He could've easily just said, "Sorry, tattoos don't fit in to my work." Instead, he made a value judgment on your tastes. I'd advise spending a shrug on it, at most, before moving on.

What Justin said. 

Too many people these days seem to think that it's not enough to say "no."  They need to leave a little scorch mark behind, too. 

Ignore it and move on.  He was right about one thing: there are plenty of people who will be happy to know that you aren't just one of the sheep. 

- rick

Oct 04 06 11:41 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Is this gonna be another one of those threads where the OP disapears on page 2, never to be heard from again?

To answer your question though, surely you knew when you got these modifications there would be some consequences, right? Well....

Oct 04 06 11:42 pm Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Partially. Having to express that you won't fit his criteria is one thing. Going out of his way to demonize the reasons he doesn't want to work with you is infantile rudeness. Tact is a concept all too foreign nowadays, it seems...particularly when weighed against the freedom to spout one's own personal moralistic propaganda.

Oct 04 06 11:44 pm Link


Pixel-Magic Photography

Posts: 666

Chicago, Illinois, US

Justin wrote:
It's not worth your emotional energy to be offended by people who want to toss in a little gratuitous rudeness.  He could've easily just said, "Sorry, tattoos don't fit in to my work." Instead, he made a value judgment on your tastes. I'd advise spending a shrug on it, at most, before moving on.

I agree. This is very well put.

Oct 04 06 11:45 pm Link


Jus Chocolate

Posts: 118

Yonkers, New York, US

I agree

Caitie Lee wrote:
you should tell him that you don't relate well to people who can't respect other people's personal decisions to do what they like with their body.

Oct 04 06 11:46 pm Link


Caitie Lee

Posts: 268

Long Island, Kansas, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
Caitie, he's the photographer. Why shouldn't he choose who or what he wants to photograph? He didn't say he didn't respect her for doing what she wants to do. He just said it's not what he likes.

If she's hiring him as a paid photographer, then that's different. If it's TFP we should all choose the models and photographers we want to present in our own portfolios

i completely understand a photographer not wanting to shoot with a model if she has visible tattoos and peircings that would effect the way the images turned out.  that's fine.  but what she was saying was that they wouldn't effect the shoot, the tattoo was on the back of her neck and she has a tounge ring or something to that effect.  the way he stated it came off as he had a personal problem with it, not a professional problem with it, which is where i see a problem...

Oct 04 06 11:54 pm Link


Howard Garcia

Posts: 2210

New York, New York, US

Alisha B wrote:
So, a photography and I have been emailing each other for the past day about a shoot. Then he realized I have tatoos/piercings. All of these can be convered during photoshoots, and even more so in a casual shoot, as he requested. (tattoo on back of neck-and i have long hair-tattoo on hip (nothing makeup/photoshop can help/nose/belly/tongue pierced... ok now here is his final email to me after set a date and decided on places to shoot and times to meet ya da ya da ya....

Quote by the photographer
"I regret to say that I am not able to use models that have tatoos, or pins in their face. And, I generally do not relate well to those that want to multilate their bodies with tattoos and pins; especially by sticking a pin in their tongue.

There are a lot of photographers that want to work with you that would be a better match. So, please scratch me from your calendar."

Should I be offended by the way it was stated?

IF you have the time to be offended and time to waste all your creative energy on something so insignificant then go ahead.
You're a pretty lady, you need to be the better person in this situation and let it fly.
Don't even reply, so you lost some money, so it didn't work out for you, so what?
Be a professional and move on to other projects with other photographers.
Don't fall in the trap of getting into a verbal confrontation (or written confrontation in this case), it makes you look bad.  It's his loss not yours.
BTW, I looked at your port and I couldn't tell that you have tatoos or piercings, so, in my mind, that would not be an issue for me to work with you (or someone like you).
I don't like tatoos, but that is a personal issue with me and in no way influences my desicion to work with a model.  I have shot models with big tatoos (one is in my port).  Piercings give me the "willies" but again, I do what I have to get the image.
Just forget it, it's not worth the energy to get offended or pissed.

Good luck.

Oct 05 06 12:27 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

No, you shouldn't be offended, because if you let yourself go around being offended by stuck-up, self-righteous, rude morons, you will never get anything done.

And, incidentally, to another poster: Accusing someone of "mutilating" themselves, when your opinion on the subject has not been asked, is never polite. "I'm sorry, I don't work with models with body modifications" is fine - and if it causes a confrontation, at least you tried. "I don't work with people who mutilate themselves" is not fine.


Oct 05 06 12:33 am Link


Elle Meadows

Posts: 124

Manhattan Beach, California, US

he sounds like a douche bag to me

Oct 05 06 12:42 am Link


Artistic Vision

Posts: 2207

Billings, Montana, US

Well he could of said it more tastefully. But screw him ya know he has a preference and closed minded let him be. Find other people who are willing to work with those who like your style.

Oct 05 06 12:44 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

But why are you asking us if you should be offended?  Don't you usually know?  smile  But yeah, he really didn't have to add that extra shit.

Oct 05 06 12:57 am Link


Dudley Watson

Posts: 1737

Roseburg, Oregon, US

John Allan wrote:

Oh for crying out loud!

When a person holds themselves out as a model, they do so accepting the condition that they will be subjectively judged, based on other's changing and often arbitrary asthetic.

Live with it or find something else to do...


Well said, IMHO.  Welcome to the real world.  At least you know why you didn't get that 'gig'.  Yes, for the record, he could have stated it better, but that's life.
I do hope your not one of these 'stary eyed' models who expect anyone to photograph them, no matter what they look like.  You give us the impression the photographer has all the time in the world to 'Photoshop' out tattos, piercings, etc.  Get a life girl and understand when you CHOOSE to modify your body, you may also be limiting yourself in the profession you seek.  Extra work by anyone is extra expense.  Just be glad someone hasn't charged you for all their time.  It may come to that yet for you to get a modeling job.

Oct 05 06 01:01 am Link


Caitie Lee

Posts: 268

Long Island, Kansas, US

YES you are limiting yourself if you are making changes to your appearance in this industry... it's an appearance based industry.  Her point was the man was rude to her (atleast the way I read it, he sounded rude, and I would be offended).  He stated he can't relate to people who put "pins through their tongues", something that wouldn't be seen in pictures anyway, unless of course he wants pictures of her tongue hanging out... which would be weird, lol. 

but I do agree that assuming a photographer could just easily photoshop certain things out is a bit pretentious, editing those sorts of things take a lot of extra time and effort on the photographers part

Oct 05 06 01:19 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

If whatever offended him wouldn't have shown in the photographs then I don't think he should have worried about what you do to the parts of your body he isn't going to photograph.

On the other hand, if you do have piercings or tattoos that do show then I think you should either have them in your portfolio or point them out on first contact.

Oct 05 06 01:24 am Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Alisha B wrote:

I dunno... I just think he should have stated it better.

Hm. I agree, seemed a little bit rude to me too. But then, I think he's an idiot, because I looked at your photos and you're stunning.

Oct 05 06 01:27 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

And all of this in only a day?

I'll bet a nickle that the real issue here is that you are proud of your piercings and tattoos as your unique and personal expression. And the photographer prefers the sanctity of natural beauty that hasn't been mutilated or modified, or whatever you want to call it. You take that personally as a slap in the face because you want everyone else to like what you like too.

You also feel like you were rejected. Of course you were. But it was by him, as a model for his purposes. Nobody likes being rejected. He's not interested in what you do to yourself in this way because he thinks it defiles your beauty. You should respect his opinion as much as you want him to respect yours.

To many people piercings and tattoos are inane and idiotic, and as charming as bad graffitti. To others they are sexy and bold and artistic and personal and fashionable, and expressive, and more important for personal identity than many other things in life.

It really doesn't matter. These are personal choices. There's a lid for every pot.

Life is as sweet as we let it.

Oct 05 06 01:46 am Link


digital Artform

Posts: 49326

Los Angeles, California, US

His loss.

Oct 05 06 01:49 am Link