Forums > General Industry > Should I be offended?


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Posts: 4576

Alisha B wrote:
Should I be offended by the way it was stated?

Why would you choose to give anyone that much power over your emotions?

Oct 05 06 01:55 am Link



Posts: 39

Oak Harbor, Ohio, US

I would personally be offended because of how he worded it, but then.. it really is his loss. He's not worth your time if he thinks he has any right to judge you. So don't sweat it.

Oct 05 06 02:03 am Link



Posts: 167

Simpsonville, Kentucky, US

Caitie Lee wrote:

i completely understand a photographer not wanting to shoot with a model if she has visible tattoos and peircings that would effect the way the images turned out.  that's fine.  but what she was saying was that they wouldn't effect the shoot, the tattoo was on the back of her neck and she has a tounge ring or something to that effect.  the way he stated it came off as he had a personal problem with it, not a professional problem with it, which is where i see a problem...

Yea, see this was my problem. We were doing a casual shoot... no short skirts, not skimpy tops, no lingerie... all classy casual.... some shots he wanted me to wear a dress. You can't see any of my tatoos during a casual shoot. And hell even in other types of shoots, they CAN be covered. All piercings are removable. Yea, it was not a proffessional response.

Oct 05 06 06:48 am Link


Torrence Williams

Posts: 247

Dallas, Texas, US

Could be taken as offensive.. But Take what he said with a grain of salt, and just quietly move on!!

Oct 05 06 06:52 am Link


glenn my name today

Posts: 1025

Lancaster, California, US

He probably could have said it a little more diplomatically, but you have no right to be offended and he is not a douche bag. He's a photographer and unless you are paying him he gets to choose whom to work with. He wasn't nasty or emotional, just honest and upfront with how he feels. 

Even if it doesn't feel good, as others have pointed out, when you put yourself out there as a model, you are putting your physical assets on display and for sale. It can be cheap, mean, demeaning, etc. But thats what models get hired on. The appearance factor. Some of the most beautiful models are mean bitches, but they look amazing in pics. Some awful sweet people look horrible on camera.

All the other stuff about what you were gonna shoot is not your issue. He didn't want to shoot with you, thats his choice and his right.

As far as the other comment about him being a douche bag...ya just gotta love net models.

Oct 05 06 06:57 am Link


Dave Bulger

Posts: 775

Austin, Texas, US

I think he was doing fine until he said "that want to multilate their bodies with tattoos and pins; especially by sticking a pin in their tongue. ".  THAT was offensive.

As a photographer, my view is that I'm interested in a look, etc., and may/may not include tats, piercings, etc.  Yes, tats can be covered, etc., but if it's just as easy to find a model that doesn't need covering...

The "mutilate" comment was a judgement, however.  THAT was out of line.

Just my opinion.


Oct 05 06 07:00 am Link



Posts: 167

Simpsonville, Kentucky, US

Dave Bulger wrote:
I think he was doing fine until he said "that want to multilate their bodies with tattoos and pins; especially by sticking a pin in their tongue. ".  THAT was offensive.

As a photographer, my view is that I'm interested in a look, etc., and may/may not include tats, piercings, etc.  Yes, tats can be covered, etc., but if it's just as easy to find a model that doesn't need covering...

The "mutilate" comment was a judgement, however.  THAT was out of line.

Just my opinion.


I understand that he didn't want to work with me because of tatoos. That's understanding. And, I know that tats can hinder me from getting "gigs" The one of my hip was done before I began my modeling career. That is why for my 2nd tat I decided to get it on the back of my neck, so that is what unseen. People that see me everyday don't even notice it until I wear my hair up. Anyways, I'm ranting... If it he didn't say the whole thing about putting "pins" in my body I would've just ignored it. Its a lifestyle, and I think its an art just as photography is.

Oct 05 06 07:07 am Link


Free at last

Posts: 1472

Fresno, California, US

A lot of people are calling the photographer judgmental. Sounds pretty judgmental to me. Ya just gotta love the irony of it all.

Oct 05 06 07:39 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Michelle Meadows wrote:
he sounds like a douche bag to me


I would have felt insulted by the way it was stated.

Not be the idea of some one not wanting to work with me due to my modifications... but that photographer was tactless in his manner of
expressing the point.

I would have told him her  they were tactless and it would be my pleasure to not work with them...

I dont like a$$H07&$.. camera or no camera , and for some one to generalize and assume with out even taking the time to know some one ... that is an asshole maneuver.

It blows my mind how some people feel it is their God given right to condescend others whom are different than them....
the photog was being condescending... completely.

Oct 05 06 07:54 am Link


giovanni gruttola

Posts: 1279

Middle Island, New York, US

Don't be offended... he's only a "photography". Now... if he were a photographer... that's a different story smile

Oct 05 06 07:58 am Link


Matthew Allen

Posts: 138

New York, New York, US

digital Artform wrote:
His loss.


Oct 05 06 07:59 am Link



Posts: 167

Simpsonville, Kentucky, US

Im'age NY (INY) wrote:
Don't be offended... he's only a "photography". Now... if he were a photographer... that's a different story smile

haha, yea it was late when I made the first post. I fixed it though. Now it says photographer lol.

Oct 05 06 08:04 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Alisha B wrote:
I dunno... I just think he should have stated it better.

Ok, if it makes you feel better to be offended, go ahead.  Be offended.

Modeling will give you lots of opportunities to encounter people who judge your appearance, not always positively, and not always "said better".  Which means you will have lots and lots of opportunity to feel better about yourself through righteous indignation. Done right, you can work up a perfectly good snit.

Or you could just forget about it and move on.  Up to you.

Oct 05 06 08:06 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Yes i would agree spending too much time on it is a waste of time... but next time you might try confronting them or defending yourself on the spot... so you dont sit around thinking about it later....

Oct 05 06 08:14 am Link



Posts: 167

Simpsonville, Kentucky, US

I sent him an email right after I recieved. I wasn't rude or anything. I just simply stated that all can be covered and wouldn't be seen anyways for a casual shoot. I haven't heard a reply back. I'm over it now. I guess I was just a little pissed at the way he came across.

Oct 05 06 08:19 am Link


Shauna Carlo

Posts: 367

Boston, Massachusetts, US

CareLyn Anita wrote:

I would have felt insulted by the way it was stated.

Not be the idea of some one not wanting to work with me due to my modifications... but that photographer was tactless in his manner of
expressing the point.

I would have told him her  they were tactless and it would be my pleasure to not work with them...

I dont like a$$H07&$.. camera or no camera , and for some one to generalize and assume with out even taking the time to know some one ... that is an asshole maneuver.

It blows my mind how some people feel it is their God given right to condescend others whom are different than them....
the photog was being condescending... completely.

I agree.
It's not as if you were in front of a top paying client or a top agent. This is a completely different world. He sounds like one of those photographers who has an inflated Internet ego. I completely understand a photographer having different tastes in what they want in their portfolio. But this came off as someone who dislikes those who choose to get tattoos and peircings. Instead of just saying, sorry it is not in my interest to photograph those who have tattoos and piercings. Or the many other ways it could've been said, he chose to do it in an insulting manner.

Don't waste your time being offended by Internet egos.

Oct 05 06 08:24 am Link


Kevin Rodgers

Posts: 149

DELAND, Florida, US

Maybe he could have been a little more diplomatic about it, but I wouldn't regard too offensive, if at all.  I admit I have a preferance myself to models who have little to no body art or peircings.  I also dislike fake boobs, but thats another story. I don't think I am alone in this either. Even though, the lot of us may know how to conceal unwanted tats or other markings with Photoshop, it becomes a much longer process to edit the final product. 

On the other side of the coin, there are plenty of photographers that don't mind working with models with all the adorments that come with them. It all pretty much depends on what them they are shooting.  Just better to move at this point and try to find another photographer more suitable

Oct 05 06 08:32 am Link


David Birdsong

Posts: 1789

Pontiac, Michigan, US

Having just looked at your port, it isn't like you have some way out there stuff...
I don't think I have ever left a nose ring in when I edit my pics.. I don't like them so I simply remove it while editing.. How long does that take? 4 or 5 seconds....
I have also removed tattoos while editing, not really a big deal in most cases...
So as others have said, His loss...

Oct 05 06 08:37 am Link


Blenus Martin

Posts: 79

Orlando, Florida, US

Don't worry about it...  There are plenty of photographers out there who will work with you...  No since in getting your knickers in bunch because one photographer does not want to photograph you....  On the flip side, there are many photographers who can't find models because a lot want to go with photographers who's name has a louder "voice"...  So, don't be offended, and move on with life...  It's too short to let one "person" slow you down...

Oct 05 06 08:40 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Kevin Rodgers wrote:
Maybe he could have been a little more diplomatic about it, but I wouldn't regard too offensive, if at all.  I admit I have a preferance myself to models who have little to no body art or peircings.  I also dislike fake boobs, but thats another story. I don't think I am alone in this either. Even though, the lot of us may know how to conceal unwanted tats or other markings with Photoshop, it becomes a much longer process to edit the final product. 

On the other side of the coin, there are plenty of photographers that don't mind working with models with all the adorments that come with them. It all pretty much depends on what them they are shooting.  Just better to move at this point and try to find another photographer more suitable

The difference is , hypothetically speaking ofcourse,  I dislike fake boobs as well, some more than others.  If i dont want to work with or hire a woman with fake boobs for a particular application, i don't claim superiority or heirarchy just because of my personal tastes, beliefs or convictions . If approached by a woman with fake breasts in an application which i would like to have natural breasts present , i would simply state that. I would leave out any discussion on why i do not ike them and i would not consider it mutilation even though it is a tad bit more invasive of a modification than a peircing.
Really, if the op stated the situation correctly, the photg in question was being condescending and had wasted the models time as well as their own.

That is a really bad example, as I dont even mind fake breasts done well , they are just not for me... and they are not for some applications that I may be scouting for.

Oct 05 06 08:45 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Alisha B wrote:
Quote by the photographer
"I regret to say that I am not able to use models that have tatoos, or pins in their face. And, I generally do not relate well to those that want to multilate their bodies with tattoos and pins; especially by sticking a pin in their tongue.

There are a lot of photographers that want to work with you that would be a better match. So, please scratch me from your calendar."

Should I be offended by the way it was stated?

And you should regret to say that you are not able to work with unprofessional a$$holes that like to be condescending.

In the grand scheme of's just one more idiot...let it roll off your back.


Oct 05 06 08:47 am Link


hot topic

Posts: 123

Longmont, Colorado, US

Howard Garcia wrote:

IF you have the time to be offended and time to waste all your creative energy on something so insignificant then go ahead.
You're a pretty lady, you need to be the better person in this situation and let it fly.
Don't even reply, so you lost some money, so it didn't work out for you, so what?
Be a professional and move on to other projects with other photographers.
Don't fall in the trap of getting into a verbal confrontation (or written confrontation in this case), it makes you look bad.  It's his loss not yours.
BTW, I looked at your port and I couldn't tell that you have tatoos or piercings, so, in my mind, that would not be an issue for me to work with you (or someone like you).
I don't like tatoos, but that is a personal issue with me and in no way influences my desicion to work with a model.  I have shot models with big tatoos (one is in my port).  Piercings give me the "willies" but again, I do what I have to get the image.
Just forget it, it's not worth the energy to get offended or pissed.

Good luck.

Oct 05 06 08:47 am Link



Posts: 167

Simpsonville, Kentucky, US

well time to go to work, thanks for all the replies. I've brushed it off now. His loss, not mine! I have Oct. 29th open now if anyone in my area wants to work together haha~ Thanks again and good luck to all!

Oct 05 06 08:55 am Link



Posts: 13

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

It sucks, but don't worry about it... he was probably right in that it would be a poor match.

The thing about modeling is, there is beauty in every thing.  We are all different as models and to each his own...

You will do well to not let yourself be discouraged by the cancellation.

Good luck.

Oct 05 06 09:00 am Link



Posts: 15

Holley, New York, US

His loss......I looked at your port and don't see any ink or fish hooks......Come to Rochester NY and you don't have to cover the body art. I'm sure you're not lacking for photographer wanting to work with you. You're stunning.

Oct 05 06 09:12 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Nihilus wrote:
Partially. Having to express that you won't fit his criteria is one thing. Going out of his way to demonize the reasons he doesn't want to work with you is infantile rudeness. Tact is a concept all too foreign nowadays, it seems...particularly when weighed against the freedom to spout one's own personal moralistic propaganda.

This is right on.  Being direct, honest, or even harsh in stating that a model doesn't fit your requirements is one thing, passing judgment on someone else's choices is just being a dick.

Oct 05 06 09:18 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

I love ink and piercings, but I'm offended because you won't pose nude.

Oct 05 06 09:19 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

Alisha B wrote:
So, a photographer and I have been emailing each other for the past day about a shoot. Then he realized I have tatoos/piercings. All of these can be convered during photoshoots, and even more so in a casual shoot, as he requested. (tattoo on back of neck-and i have long hair-tattoo on hip (nothing makeup/photoshop can help/nose/belly/tongue pierced... ok now here is his final email to me after set a date and decided on places to shoot and times to meet ya da ya da ya....

Quote by the photographer
"I regret to say that I am not able to use models that have tatoos, or pins in their face. And, I generally do not relate well to those that want to multilate their bodies with tattoos and pins; especially by sticking a pin in their tongue.

There are a lot of photographers that want to work with you that would be a better match. So, please scratch me from your calendar."

Should I be offended by the way it was stated?

it was Looknsee wasn't it?

Oct 05 06 09:20 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

and yes you should be offended for the pure fact that the photographer did not read your profile before you began negotiations (assuming your little disclaimer was up when you began negotiations). That is HIS fault so there is no reason for him to start saying that you are mutilating your body, and all the rest of the bullshit he spewed at you.

You have a very short profile description and you blatantly reveal all of that information.

His fault. No need for him to be rude.

Oct 05 06 09:23 am Link



Posts: 274

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Alisha B wrote:
So, a photographer and I have been emailing each other for the past day about a shoot. Then he realized I have tatoos/piercings. All of these can be convered during photoshoots, and even more so in a casual shoot, as he requested. (tattoo on back of neck-and i have long hair-tattoo on hip (nothing makeup/photoshop can help/nose/belly/tongue pierced... ok now here is his final email to me after set a date and decided on places to shoot and times to meet ya da ya da ya....

Should I be offended by the way it was stated?

Hey there smile

Many photographers or artists will not work with people with tattoos etc, or certain skin types, or acne etc etc....

You saying (as you probably did in a message) that the area/s could be fixed in photoshop is or may be an insult, what is worse is some idiots tack on th e end " I do not mid if you photoshop out my tattoos"....

You have to realise this is work, extra work & often if working for someone or with something specific in mind, it would be far easier to just use a model who better suits the requiremements.

So no, do not be offended, your tattoos etc are your choice, a photographers or clients subject is theirs, to get a personal comment often it means something personal was traded by the other party, however both should avoid personal insults where possible.

Myself I love tattoos and other interesting thing s people do, but at the end of the day, I do not use an Alt model for a bikini job, but if shooting the breeze, well anything goes.

Make sure as a model you provide and display images that will leave no doubt about what the other side will be getting, hair colour, skin etc etc are all important !

Oct 05 06 09:24 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

CareLyn Anita wrote:
I would have told him her  they were tactless and it would be my pleasure to not work with them...

I dont like a$$H07&$.. camera or no camera , and for some one to generalize and assume with out even taking the time to know some one ... that is an asshole maneuver.

It blows my mind how some people feel it is their God given right to condescend others whom are different than them....
the photog was being condescending... completely.

I concur.

Oct 05 06 09:25 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

gregausit wrote:
Make sure as a model you provide and display images that will leave no doubt about what the other side will be getting, hair colour, skin etc etc are all important !

she may not have any and may not want any. the fact that she discloses it in her profile is enough.

I have my nipples pierced but I'm not going to go and post a photo of my nipples.

Oct 05 06 09:26 am Link



Posts: 37

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Brush it off and move on.

Oct 05 06 09:28 am Link



Posts: 274

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Jessalyn_54 wrote:

she may not have any and may not want any. the fact that she discloses it in her profile is enough.

I have my nipples pierced but I'm not going to go and post a photo of my nipples.

Models like other people waffle on or often have out of date info or images in profiles. If this person came up with the line/s unprovoked after knowing full well up front the situation, yeah, he may be minus a few quid, but she still does not need to become upset, I doubt he knew (nor us know all the exchanges) therefore the reaction.

On *your* nipples

I am sorry my dear, but if you will not show them or supply a photo of them if *I* were considering you, I would pass even though I like such things. Any model working in a style that will not show images related to that style is just fooling around.

If you turned up to a job and no one knew they were there and you would not remove them or the nature of the shot would reveal the missing skin, you would be sent packing, if you came from an agent they would get a bill and be quizzed on why everyone was not informed.

Do not mess people about is my message, be upfront & get a thick skin if you want to survive !

Oct 05 06 09:40 am Link



Posts: 47

Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Caitie Lee wrote:
you should tell him that you don't relate well to people who can't respect other people's personal decisions to do what they like with their body.

Ya, i agree! Don't let his narrow mindedness upset you!

Oct 05 06 09:46 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Jessalyn_54 wrote:
I have my nipples pierced but I'm not going to go and post a photo of my nipples.

Awww....  pppllllleeeeeeaaaaasssssseeeee?


Oct 05 06 09:48 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

gregausit wrote:

Models like other people waffle on or often have out of date info or images in profiles. If this person came up with the line/s unprovoked after knowing full well up front the situation, yeah, he may be minus a few quid, but she still does not need to become upset, I doubt he knew (nor us know all the exchanges) therefore the reaction.

On *your* nipples

I am sorry my dear, but if you will not show them or supply a photo of them if *I* were considering you, I would pass even though I like such things. Any model working in a style that will not show images related to that style is just fooling around.

If you turned up to a job and no one knew they were there and you would not remove them or the nature of the shot would reveal the missing skin, you would be sent packing, if you came from an agent they would get a bill and be quizzed on why everyone was not informed.

Do not mess people about is my message, be upfront & get a thick skin if you want to survive !

if she states in her profile that she has tattoos and piercings then how does that information become outdated? It's not like "I have long hair" and then you have short hair.

She fully discloses that information in her profile so that is the photographers fault for not reading it.

and regarding me not showing images of my nipple rings you say that you wont work with someone who wont display images related to the style they are working in, well what style is that? I would say that images displaying nipples with piercings would either be artistic nudes or bondage, neither of which is my style. therefore I have no need to display them.

Oct 05 06 09:55 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

LarryB wrote:

Awww....  pppllllleeeeeeaaaaasssssseeeee?


smile well you can kind of see my nipple piercing through my pink shirt in photo #2 in the top row of my port!

Oct 05 06 09:57 am Link


Royal Photography

Posts: 2011

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Was he paying you for the shoot?  Was he hiring you?  If so, he was the client and can choose you or not according to his needs whether they be personal or not.  Why should he have to be willing to put extra time and energy into the shoot/assignment to hide your piercings and tatts when he could find someone without those things who could also provide the look he needs without having to photo shop the images?
    Dont be offended.....move on...the client calls the shots...whether it is liked or not.

Oct 05 06 10:01 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

LarryB wrote:
Awww....  pppllllleeeeeeaaaaasssssseeeee?


Jessalyn_54 wrote:
smile well you can kind of see my nipple piercing through my pink shirt in photo #2 in the top row of my port!

That sound you hear is the stampede of people over to your port.  I guess this is a better discussion for one of the many "Do nudes get more views?" threads.

OK, no thread hijacking... no more talk about Jessalyn's nipples!

Oct 05 06 10:01 am Link