Forums > General Industry > warning::: pervert out there


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Jay Bowman wrote:

You're not alone.  I've never used one.  Don't even know how to...

I heard you are a pervert too...wanna IM?

Sep 21 06 06:25 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I have mine in my profile.  I just love it when some asshat IMs me thinking my avatar picture is me.  Damn is that a good time!

Sep 21 06 06:25 pm Link



Posts: 6129

Sagacity Studios wrote:

GREAT idea! Only MMer's should be able to see you IM addy & of course it still would be optional to post it or post on the thread in my from opinion.

oh poop i thought sure i'd won

Sep 21 06 06:26 pm Link


Elle Chanel

Posts: 560

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Vegas Alien wrote:'s not the best thing to post your MSN, AIM or Yahoo IDs on a public site.  What do you expect to happen?  Why not post your phone number and see if anyone calls you.

Couldn't have said it better!

Sep 21 06 06:37 pm Link



Posts: 6

Manhattan, Illinois, US

wow lets be immature and turn this into "that dumb ass model should know better"

First off, I thought it was only MEMBERS could see my profile. Was that my ignorance? Sure, okay. Whatever makes you people  feel better; who slammed me for putting my info on here, because i THOUGHT people with profiles ONLY could see it. Wow, what the sam hell was I thinking filling in the box that says YAHOO ID??? OH MY... how STUPID can I be to think it was like another website I'm on??? WOW. Those people who tried to make me feel stupid, nice try. Dont try to put me down by your smart remarks, it was a box, i filled it in, the end.

I was trying to do the right thing, by putting a warning out there to all those models who thought the same as I did.  APPARENTLY what I did was just 'wrong'.. I should have 'known better'.

Sorry if i have an 'attitude' but it seems like half of this reply was slamming me..

As for the guy who said something about measurements, why don't you go read my profile. I suggest you fully know why people don't put them up there, before you say something that ignorant again.

to those of you who simply took the warning with a 'thank you..' THANKS:) That's all I was trying to do. WARN people.

Now that I know, yes. I will go correct it. But I stand firm.. Those of you slamming me like I'm some dumb model, you know where you can put it.

Sep 21 06 06:52 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Webspinner wrote:
I heard you are a pervert too...wanna IM?


Sep 21 06 07:07 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Webspinner wrote:
I heard you are a pervert too...wanna IM?

Jay Bowman wrote:

Translation:  Someone get me on AIM immediately!

Sep 21 06 07:11 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Webspinner wrote:

I heard you are a pervert too...wanna IM?

Get Jay on the phone. He has the perfect phone sex operator voice. wink

Sep 21 06 07:12 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Envy's a total pervert too.  She lets people suck on her toes and stuff.

Just sayin'.

Sep 21 06 07:15 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Shyly wrote:
Envy's a total pervert too.  She lets people suck on her toes and stuff.

Just sayin'.

I'm a total perv. I think I rubbed off on Shyly a little, she did not want to let go of my toes.  Just sayin'.

Sep 21 06 07:18 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
White knight alert!

oldguysrule wrote:

Sep 21 06 07:35 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
...And I bet dollars to doughnuts she insists on an escort to "feel safe".

sad sad sad... (and if not before, she does now!)

Sep 21 06 07:37 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Beach Photography wrote:
I never get perved on. Guess I'm doing something wrong.

PM me your IM and I'll take care of that....

Sep 21 06 07:38 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Envy wrote:
Get Jay on the phone. He has the perfect phone sex operator voice. wink


:::Note to the reader: We have every reason to believe that the quoted statement is not even remotely true.  This is simply a rumor Mr. Bowman started about himself... the charlatan.  We'll also also go on record as saying that we have no evidence that Mr. Bowman has ever worked for or called into a phone sex hotline.  But we are definitely looking into it... end note:::

Sep 21 06 07:40 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Beach Photography wrote:
I never get perved on. Guess I'm doing something wrong.

KM von Seidl wrote:
I get perved on...  I get emails saying "Mmmmm you're so HoTTTtttt lookin' in x photo."  Inevitably I'm like, "dude, learn to read, I'm not the FUC*ing model.   There's a REASOn I'm on the side of the camera I'm on!"

Ok, WHATEVER.... I'll leave you alone from now on!  This is embarassing as hell!

Sep 21 06 07:41 pm Link


Dr Molly Black

Posts: 663

Cleveland, Ohio, US

I had no idea that non-members could see my messenger information when I first signed up. It's not made clear so I do agree that you guys beat on the messenger model a little hard.

And since she's not a perv like the rest of us it isn't really fair since she didn't pay good money to get treated like that.

Model: Next time make sure you put your measurements because even just doing artistic work, most photographers are going to need them for an idea if you'll fit what they need (even disabled people can model so it doesn't hurt to have the correct measurements) and never, ever, ever share your information with a public site. Just to make sure, next time log out, check your profile to see what people can see, and that should give you a good idea of what to remove.

Your friendly neighborhood non-white-knight chipper lover.

Sep 21 06 08:46 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

You have to be a member in order to contact other members through MM.  While you were in que to become a member you could still browse the site and look at profiles, couldn't you? What made you decide to join MM? You didn't look through the site at all first?

**back to getting my hair did

Sep 21 06 08:52 pm Link



Posts: 460

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Well, it might be a good idea to hide contact info until you're a member. It may not stop them but it will make it harder.
I have my contact info and no pervs have contacted me. Oh, I forgot, thats 'cause I'm a guy.
Damn, girls have all the fun :-(

Sep 21 06 09:02 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

okay, I'm back and feeling pervier than ever. I just moved all my ps edits to one folder and defragged my C: drive....anyone wanna talk dirty to me?

Sep 21 06 09:06 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

oldguysrule wrote:
to all (models in particular)...

putting your IM addies on your profile is like writing it on the bathroom wall. if you are NOT getting at least 10-20 pervs per day, you are probably not much of a looker.

why do you do this? MM profiles are visible to all on the net.

take your flippin IMs and email addresses off your public pages. geesh.

I know everyone that ims me is a perv...but I love the pervs...they are an endless source of I keep mine up just to get a good laugh smile

Sep 21 06 09:11 pm Link



Posts: 221

Miami, Florida, US

Mike Walker wrote:
Along with that "Wish List" should be no cell phone photos. I still say that those all cell phone ports, like the OPs, encourage this kind of thing even more. It just screams non-professional and there fore probably a good Vic.

No!  That's my main camera when my disposable runs out of film and my pocket instamatic 110 just won't do.

Wynd Mulysa wrote:
This is an entirely different subject that has been adressed many times in other threads.
I happen to think that cell phone photos are okay, because a model needs to start somewhere.  Photographers will see the cell phone photos and decide whether or not that model has potential.

I agree.  Without them, we wouldn't even see some models.


P.S. I was kidding about the cell phone camera.  Mine barely gets text messages.

Sep 21 06 09:11 pm Link



Posts: 221

Miami, Florida, US

tomkatproductions wrote:
I don't know what's dumber....posting the info...or the "model's" intent with NO INFO regarding physicality (measurements) etc.

There's a difference between having modeled before...and BEING a model.  The lack of info does little if anything to help a photographer guesstimate a potential project or use.  Unless I'm casting for a munch-kin shoot.

ps:  Do you know how easy it is to change a yahoo acct.?  So, any "warning" is
of a very short shelf-life.

Holy hell! Can't you read her profile? Or are you just so anxious to slam her that you can't take 2 minutes to do so.  In her profile she clearly explains her height issue.

And your munchkin comment is THE most insensitive, crass, and purely pathetic comment I have EVER seen on MM!!!!

You owe Savie a public apology!

Sep 21 06 09:21 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Webspinner wrote:
okay, I'm back and feeling pervier than ever. I just moved all my ps edits to one folder and defragged my C: drive....anyone wanna talk dirty to me?

I can't think of anything witty to say at present ([i]well, I suppose I could, but I'm not sure it would meet the level of fuckery and kink depicted in your photos)...

I'll stop...

Sep 21 06 09:43 pm Link



Posts: 24

Oakland, California, US

Can anyone now explain WHY when you are filling out your model profile there are boxes for IM, YAHOO ID, ICQ and all that sh+t?
I never filled those in because I don't own a computer but it seems silly that they are there anyhoo.

Sep 21 06 10:07 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

putting your IM addies on your profile is like writing it on the bathroom wall.

Agreed.  NOT a good idea, ladies.  Don't give 'em your IM info until they've already established a legit thread of communication elsewhere (private messages here or on another profile site, via email, etc).

Sep 21 06 10:08 pm Link



Posts: 1353

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I just love you pervs!! ;-0~

Sep 21 06 10:08 pm Link


Israel Kendall

Posts: 641

Trenton, North Carolina, US

oldguysrule wrote:
to all (models in particular)...

putting your IM addies on your profile is like writing it on the bathroom wall. if you are NOT getting at least 10-20 pervs per day, you are probably not much of a looker.

I must be really really ugly, my IM is on my profile and I'm not getting ANY pervs messaging me sad

Sep 21 06 10:14 pm Link



Posts: 796

Where's the pervert??? I'm looking for a date for Saturday night... lol...

Sep 21 06 10:16 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Brandy wrote:
I just love you pervs!! ;-0~

You say that now but when I Imed you you told me to go screw myself!

Which I did.

Sep 21 06 10:59 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

You say that now but when I Imed you you told me to go screw myself!

Which I did.

Details please?

Sep 21 06 11:07 pm Link



Posts: 213

Arlington, Georgia, US

Vegas Alien wrote:'s not the best thing to post your MSN, AIM or Yahoo IDs on a public site.  What do you expect to happen?  Why not post your phone number and see if anyone calls you.

Whoa! People actually put this personal info on their MM page?

Sep 21 06 11:11 pm Link



Posts: 213

Arlington, Georgia, US

Beach Photography wrote:
I never get perved on. Guess I'm doing something wrong.

I beg to differ, sweet cheeks!!! wink

Sep 21 06 11:14 pm Link


Color of Fashion

Posts: 79

New York, New York, US

okay, I admit it.
My pics are 20 years old and are nothing like what I do now.
No rules against that.
Long live the pervs.

Sep 21 06 11:16 pm Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

i guess they should post a white knight alert also.

Sep 21 06 11:20 pm Link


Color of Fashion

Posts: 79

New York, New York, US

missing fingers product wrote:
i guess they should post a white knight alert also.

I have that outfit.

Sep 21 06 11:21 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Warning: Perv right here

Sep 21 06 11:23 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

OH NO! not another one. They are breeding like flies I tell you, like flies!

Sep 21 06 11:23 pm Link


Color of Fashion

Posts: 79

New York, New York, US

Webspinner wrote:
OH NO! not another one. They are breeding like flies I tell you, like flies!

I see one on your behind should I swatch it?

Sep 21 06 11:25 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Color of Fashion wrote:

I see one on your behind should I swatch it?

Is swatching a fly a combo between Watching WEbs ass and swatting it?

Sep 21 06 11:28 pm Link


Color of Fashion

Posts: 79

New York, New York, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

Is swatching a fly a combo between Watching WEbs ass and swatting it?

You tell me,  you have many more posts than I so you are considered a genious by some here.

Sep 21 06 11:30 pm Link