Forums > General Industry > Obesity and models

Makeup Artist

Makeup by Sally

Posts: 30

Montgomery, Illinois, US

Wow, I generally never post in the forums...but had to .  First and foremost anyone who judges a book by the cover is a moron.  Any photographer who thinks plus size models, people or anyone else in general shouldn't have a catagory to be in is very shallow minded.  It's a shame that there are people out there that think all models are thin.  As a MUA I have worked with professional models, amatuers, and thin and overweight housewives that just want some photos of themselves, someone special , kudos to them for having the confidence to do so. 
I wouldn't be in business if I was to pick and choose.  The crazy thing is, not all thin people are beautiful, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, fat, thin, short, or tall.  It's just an opinion on who is overweight and who isn't, if you like how you look that is all that matters.

Aug 03 06 02:47 pm Link



Posts: 74

Toronto, Iowa, US

Jessalyn_54 wrote:
I'm gonna have to just throw this out there but being 98 pounds and 5'7" isn't healthy either but the modeling industry supports that. Some girls just can't gain weight and are naturally that thin so it isn't their fault. So by saying that the industry shouldn't support obesity is kind of saying that the industry should be hypocritical.

Hey I don't think the industry supports the actual notion of "5'7 and 98 pounds"...more like 115 or 120 pounds depending on how much muscle a model has. It really all comes down to the measurements and if the rest of your body can make the sample clothing look good. It's the industry. They're not asking the general population to be this size..but some of the general population doesn't understand that.

Aug 03 06 02:48 pm Link



Posts: 271

SsinUrn wrote:

might not be Much healthier... but this is how my mom got me to eat lettuce when i was a kid, still prefer it this way today... 
    easy... lettuce, leaves of cut, whatever... and sugar.
that's it, not a lot, just enough to sweeten it up... and yeah, i'll eat a salad like this in restaurants, and get funny looks everytime

oh shut up and try it wink

will it work with sweet n low? smile

Aug 03 06 02:49 pm Link


Myopic Earache

Posts: 1104

Chicago, Illinois, US

Sally Kempton wrote:
overweight housewives that just want some photos of themselves, someone special , kudos to them for having the confidence to do so. 
I wouldn't be in business if I was to pick and choose.  The crazy thing is, not all thin people are beautiful, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, fat, thin, short, or tall.  It's just an opinion on who is overweight and who isn't, if you like how you look that is all that matters.

This is precicely where I don't give someone kudos.  I give kudos to someone like Stu who has gone through the trouble of doing something about himself.  Had he not, there was a strong possiblity of many obesity related illness' which would have plagued him until his death... and possibly been the cause of it.

Beauty is in the eye, no argument to that but you cannot ignore a 800 lb gorilla (no pun intended)... or $117bil spent on said gorilla.

Aug 03 06 02:55 pm Link



Posts: 274

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

BronxBeauty8 wrote:

will it work with sweet n low? smile

if you prefer that to sugar, hell, give it a try smile can't see why not

Aug 03 06 02:56 pm Link


Renee Hyde

Posts: 178

New York, New York, US

THANK YOU!!!! Someone here knows and understands food and nutrition. The ones that produce/market the food don't care about peoples health, they care about $$$$. A family member has cancer, limphoma, and I have learned so much about what our foods do to us and what's really in them.

My personal experience: Here's two pics of me sitting at around 145 pounds.

Luckily I do gain my weight very evenly and I wear it well. I probably weighed like 141 when Stu shot me. I am always up and down the scale and usually will do little to stop it and just kind of ride the storm which ever way it blows me.

The good news is.... I LOST 13 POUNDS and practically did nothing to achieve it. I was a huge soda drinker. I could easily make a 2 liter bottle disappear in a day. I hate water. Guess what folks? I put the soda bottle down (might have a small glass with a meal a day) and traded in the bottle of soda for water. I still hate water, but I think I feel a little better physically since I switched over.


Leo Howard wrote:

Okay, this is long a wordy, but as a fat person that is tired of all the mis information given out on a daily basis, here goes.

the one thing that most people overlook, it isnt that fat people want to be fat, or that they dont want to be healthy, I know for a fact, and im speaking from experience, fat people do want to be healthy, and not fat.

The biggest issue isnt with fast food or lack of excercise, the real issue is with the chemicals that are used in almost all foods today, foods you buy at the grocery store, look at the labels, one of the most common "chemicals" is High Fructose Corn Syrup, dont let them fool you, its not sugar. . . HFCS can only be processed by the liver, where as Sugar can be processed by every cell in the body. . . HFCS is a cheaper product to manufacture, that is why it is so widley used, however, it's not good for you and will cause you to not be able to loose weight, no matter how hard you try, same goes for almost all artificial sweetners, the ones being sold to fat people saying, drink diet this, eat diet that, the chemicals that are used to produce these toxic sweetners will also cause you to not be able to loose weight.

What needs to happen is, the junk/crap food that is sold in every grocery store in the US needs to be made more expensive, while the fresh foods need to be more affordable. . . its a simple fact of ecinomics in most cases, you have a choice, eat healthy, or pay your mortgage. . .

I know, I know, all you skinny minnies out there think "hog wash" I eat that food and im not fat, well some peoples bodies react to certain chemicals different than others. . .

A good example, I went on a "diet" of sorts, I guess you could call it that, if it came in a box, bag, can or container, I didnt eat it, only fresh foods, no chemicals, I even quit drinking soda, diet or otherwise, all I drank was water, I lost 44 pounds in 3 months, with no more excersize than I would normally get on an average day, however, the draw back was, our grocery bill doubled, and almost trippled a few times, thats a big change. . . I think it should be cheaper to eat healthy, that is how we are going to combat the medical costs associated with obesity in this country.

As far as some of the medical costs associated with obesity, dont think for one second that the medical industry wants to cut those costs, it is a guaranteed cash cow for them, especially the drug manufaturers, just think about all the meds prescribed for type 2 diabetes, which didnt exist untill the introduction of High Fructose Corn Syrup. Type 1 or juvenile onset Diabetes has been around forever, that is a disease that can only be cured with a pancreas transplant, or kept under control with the use of drugs, type 1 unfortunately is a fact of life, type 2 isnt. type 2 is really just insulin resistant syndrome, meaning that the fat cells in your body are so saturated with natural insulin, that your system has become imune to the effects and levels your body produces, then they give all these nice little white pills to increase the insulin levels in your body, only created further resistance, they tell you to drink diet soda instead of regular soda, which only increased the fat cells building up in your body, therefore storing more insulin, and becoming more resistant.

It is the medical community, the drug manufacturers more specifically that are pushing the drugs for these diseases, thats how they make money, and who pays for it, I do, you do, everybody does in one way or another.

Lets make healthy eating more affordable.

Im done

Aug 03 06 02:58 pm Link



Posts: 271

Sally Kempton wrote:
Wow, I generally never post in the forums...but had to .  First and foremost anyone who judges a book by the cover is a moron.  Any photographer who thinks plus size models, people or anyone else in general shouldn't have a catagory to be in is very shallow minded.  It's a shame that there are people out there that think all models are thin.  As a MUA I have worked with professional models, amatuers, and thin and overweight housewives that just want some photos of themselves, someone special , kudos to them for having the confidence to do so. 
I wouldn't be in business if I was to pick and choose.  The crazy thing is, not all thin people are beautiful, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, fat, thin, short, or tall.  It's just an opinion on who is overweight and who isn't, if you like how you look that is all that matters.

If you like the way you look that's all that matters? Try saying that to my friend who leg had to be casted up after a fat chick sat on it. True story. It does happen. I think if you can't lift your own body weight, you shouldn't leave that resposibility for others to lift you. I also have friends that are firefighters and cops... plenty of fat jokes and stories... do the fat people know they are a joke to those who are physically fit? What about not-so-fat/just-big-boned people laughing at the fatties also. I understand thyroid probs but if you don't have them, stop stuffing your face. 3 meals a day! that is your limit. And if you eat a big breakfast, no reason for a big lunch and a big dinner as well. Is f-ckin AMAZING how far the skin can stretch!

Never mind me, my little brother is overweight. Oh how I love him so....

Aug 03 06 02:59 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

J. Welborn wrote:
There seems to be a missing link when some girls put a profile here . For those that do not understand what obesity is I have included a link . They use the term "plus size "

With this. . .I agree.  Just like the term "thick" is seriously mis and over used in astounding proportions by men and women when describing women.

J. Welborn wrote:
They are not offended when they look in the mirror but they are offended when some one else notices they are obese .

Speaking as a fat person, obese by definition based on numbers only, I'm not offended when people look at me and notice I'm fat.  I'm offended when people point, laugh, stare, ridicule, undermine, ignore, speak condescendingly, name call, and belittle me because they feel they are "superior" to me merely because they "think" they are healthier than I am.  I'm offended when people judge my health based on the size of my ass.  They are not directly correlated to each other.  Not all fat people are unhealthy.  Some have a different body composition.  Not all "large" people are fat either, and that's what really pisses me off!  It's very easy to judge, and it's the judging that offends me.

J. Welborn wrote:
The link to reality is

The nation seems to be in real trouble with obesity but the model industry sould not have a category to show and support it .

Sure. . .let's just watch all that money walk out the door.  Yeah. . .that's gonna happen.

Aug 03 06 03:00 pm Link


Renee Hyde

Posts: 178

New York, New York, US

Lovely note from him. He sucks.

You on the other hand rock!!!! Your story amazes me every time I see it! Goooo Stu!!!!!


Capt Stu Beans wrote:
Actually, Johnnie doesnt like fat people.

This is his post from another forum:
"Fat --no OBESE girls with a listing under models ---are there no standards here --how about just some respect for the term "model. Plus size does not ---that is DOES NOT include whales that weigh 300# . Get real and delete your profile if you can't get through a normal door or you car needs air shocks ."

I then responded in the forum by simply calling him a 'a**hole'.

well, i guess i broke the rules of bad language. later, Johnnie sent me some email, really showing his true colors. I give you the unedited email he later sent me.

On 8/2/2006 at 9:41 PM Johnnie Welborn wrote:
>> LOL---now I see why you were so hot to defend the OBESE models ( I
>> saw a shot of you ) . It was not intended to be an attack on you but
>> I see why you took it that way .
>> Fat is a real problem in our society right now and to even think that
>> whales like the ones on MP should be considered models is totally
>> absurd.
>> Johnnie Welborn
>> 931-553-0670
Johnnie Welborn

On Aug 2, 2006, at 9:58 PM, Stuart Photography wrote:

> yer a funny one dude. I think there is a place for any size model,
> male or female, depending on the intent of the image. I shoot alot of
> art, and believe any shape and size is acceptable in the fine art
> field...especially nudes. Furthermore, there are several clothing
> manufacters for large folk and need models for their catalogs. more
> than 50% of this country is obese, so there is plenty (no pun
> intended) to sell. I am not sensitive to the whole fat thing. Im 173
> lbs now. I just havent updated my website in nearly two years.
> your post is absurd and offensive. Since you like looking at me, I've
> attached a recent picture. Thin stu, fat feel the same way
> about you.
> Best,
> Stu

LOL----just because the country is full of fat people does not make it right or desirable to have their fat ass in front of any camera. It's just crude and disgusting in person or print. Every one thinks fat is bad and ugly but they don't  have the balls to say so .
Congrats for loosing the weight and getting a real life back . You need to change your profile people do not want to be around fat people .
Personally I will not accept photo shoots with fat women  and I ask the weight and height of people who schedule over the phone. If they call and tell me they are 5-5 and 235 I just tell them straight up that they exceed my standards and I will not work with them.
The model sites need to have some Normal standards to be considered professional ---fat will never be normal or desirable .


In case you have made it this far, yeps, I am a former heavyweight. It wasnt healthy for me, (keyword here is for ME, not for anyone else) I did something about it.


Aug 03 06 03:02 pm Link


Cristalle G

Posts: 58

Plano, Texas, US i considered plus size..i wear a 7-8

Aug 03 06 03:03 pm Link


Joi Carey

Posts: 551

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Im happy to say Im at the healthy range lately, I just lost the extra 20lbs I hated and want to go about 15 more to be my ideal, which will still never be model perfect, but makes me feel sexy as hell, which is all that maters..
I personally love women with curves. Size 0? I dont thik that existed when I was growing up except for in the kid departments.

Aug 03 06 03:06 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Agony Bliss wrote:
Im happy to say Im at the healthy range lately, I just lost the extra 20lbs I hated and want to go about 15 more to be my ideal, which will still never be model perfect, but makes me feel sexy as hell, which is all that maters..
I personally love women with curves. Size 0? I dont thik that existed when I was growing up except for in the kid departments.

You're just sexy as heck, and I mean that!

Aug 03 06 03:08 pm Link



Posts: 271

Eboni Treasure wrote: i considered plus size..i wear a 7-8

my sister would call that thick.

Aug 03 06 03:09 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

It's amazing to read the posts from people who think the food industry should make the healthy food cheap, the unhealthy food expensive, bemoan the lack of their particular juice at a restaurant, complain about the abundance of sodas on the menu, and generally blame someone else for their unhealthy diet.  Hey people!  Shop somewhere else, make your own meals, drink water instead of soda and stop blaming others for what you choose to put in your mouth.  If you can't afford to buy healthy food then get a better job or just eat less of the other stuff so you don't gain weight.  Why is this so difficult to understand?  Most of the overweight people became overweight due to their food choices.  Just say no.

Aug 03 06 03:10 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Myopic Earache wrote:
Ooh good, my favorite subject.

The only ones who are offended when fatties are pointed out are the fatties.  Here in Chicago and, of course, nationwide (and beginning globally) we have a hefty (hehe) obesity problem which the American government is throwing billions of dollars in healthcare costs.  Everyone here is paying to help treat associated problems with obesity.  I wish I could opt out. 
. . .Obesity should not be embraced but should be looked upon with disdain and stigma and those who are obese should seek help in the form of exercise and nutrition.  Those seeking validation and praise to be a "plus size" model should not be encouraged.

Oooohhh!!  What did the five fingers say to the face???  SLAP

Lemme guess. . .you are the perfect picture of health.  You run three to five miles a day and never ever eat anything unhealthy.  Give me a friggin breatk.  The only reason to "promote" the . . .how'd you put it. . .

Myopic Earache wrote:
Obesity should not be embraced but should be looked upon with disdain and stigma and those who are obese should seek help in the form of exercise and nutrition.  Those seeking validation and praise to be a "plus size" model should not be encouraged.

. . .

Aug 03 06 03:10 pm Link



Posts: 271

jayedwards wrote:
It's amazing to read the posts from people who think the food industry should make the healthy food cheap, the unhealthy food expensive, bemoan the lack of their particular juice at a restaurant, complain about the abundance of sodas on the menu, and generally blame someone else for their unhealthy diet.  Hey people!  Shop somewhere else, make your own meals, drink water instead of soda and stop blaming others for what you choose to put in your mouth.  If you can't afford to buy healthy food then get a better job or just eat less of the other stuff so you don't gain weight.  Why is this so difficult to understand?  Most of the overweight people became overweight due to their food choices.  Just say no.

I think that resembles my post. You didn't read on, I do eat healthy foods - but I can complain about being hot and having to drink disgusting soda because that's all they sell at the stores.

Aug 03 06 03:13 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Eboni Treasure wrote: i considered plus size..i wear a 7-8

BronxBeauty8 wrote:
my sister would call that thick.

Case in point. . .see previous post.

Aug 03 06 03:15 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

BronxBeauty8 wrote:

I think that resembles my post. You didn't read on, I do eat healthy foods - but I can complain about being hot and having to drink disgusting soda because that's all they sell at the stores.

Sorry, you can't complain because no one is forcing you to buy the soda.  Drink water.

Aug 03 06 03:16 pm Link


Stellar Stina

Posts: 8

North Augusta, South Carolina, US

jayedwards wrote:
It's amazing to read the posts from people who think the food industry should make the healthy food cheap, the unhealthy food expensive, bemoan the lack of their particular juice at a restaurant, complain about the abundance of sodas on the menu, and generally blame someone else for their unhealthy diet.  Hey people!  Shop somewhere else, make your own meals, drink water instead of soda and stop blaming others for what you choose to put in your mouth.  If you can't afford to buy healthy food then get a better job or just eat less of the other stuff so you don't gain weight.  Why is this so difficult to understand?  Most of the overweight people became overweight due to their food choices.  Just say no.

You're right.

I gripe about produce being expensive- but I don't want the labor to have to be so cheap that only illegal aliens will do it.

I gripe about healthy food being more expensive than McDonalds, but get disgusted when someone sues them because they got fat.

I just *wish* that it were that way. =o)

Aug 03 06 03:16 pm Link



Posts: 271

Jayne Jones wrote:
Let's get really real for five seconds.  Why are YOU so concerned with the overall health of the majority of the United States?  Do you feel that your "beautiful person" status is in jeapardy?  Personally, I think it's because knowing you can make someone feel they are a lesser person than you are, gives you just a bit of a rush and somewhat of a confidence boost.  If your own confidence level was high. . .you'd care less about me, how I looked or anything else.  I'd cease to exist in your gigantic self serving universe, and what little space I managed to take up in your over dramatized black hole of a shallow life would be trivial at best.  But that's just my opinion.

As I stated before, it doesn't offend me that YOU think I'm fat. . .it offends me when you want to make me feel bad about myself.  Quite frankly I refuse to do that!  Sorry.  Go piss in someone else's pool.

I cut out the crap.....

Now... "skinny people" are the minority in the US. If every Fat person was to sit down and kill two skinny people, we would be extinct....

read on..

Aug 03 06 03:17 pm Link



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

jayedwards wrote:
It's amazing to read the posts from people who think the food industry should make the healthy food cheap, the unhealthy food expensive, bemoan the lack of their particular juice at a restaurant, complain about the abundance of sodas on the menu, and generally blame someone else for their unhealthy diet.  Hey people!  Shop somewhere else, make your own meals, drink water instead of soda and stop blaming others for what you choose to put in your mouth.  If you can't afford to buy healthy food then get a better job or just eat less of the other stuff so you don't gain weight.  Why is this so difficult to understand?  Most of the overweight people became overweight due to their food choices.  Just say no.

Do you realize how much of an ass you sound like? Get a better job so you can eat healthier? That is just too stupid for words. I have been to alot of grocery stores here in pa and md and there doesnt seem to be a real big difference in price.. maybe I should visit you in lala land and check out the prices of organic food over there. Oh and since none of the resturants around here have healthy choices I can build my own! Ill start up by getting some cash from the money tree fields. I am so glad you suggested that.

*edit* Oh yeah and I forget I guess eating is a neccesity so for all you single monthers who can only afford to buy a can of spegghttios, shame on you, dont you know its apparently healthier for the baby to stop eating

Aug 03 06 03:19 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

jayedwards wrote:
It's amazing to read the posts from people who think the food industry should make the healthy food cheap, the unhealthy food expensive, bemoan the lack of their particular juice at a restaurant, complain about the abundance of sodas on the menu, and generally blame someone else for their unhealthy diet.  Hey people!  Shop somewhere else, make your own meals, drink water instead of soda and stop blaming others for what you choose to put in your mouth.  If you can't afford to buy healthy food then get a better job or just eat less of the other stuff so you don't gain weight.  Why is this so difficult to understand?  Most of the overweight people became overweight due to their food choices.  Just say no.

thats absolutley false, people do not become overweight only because of THEIR food choices, it is sometimes forced on them as a kid when they are growing up, and when you arent given any boundries it just amplifies and gets worse as the years go on. . .

Now if you want to say that people who grew up skinny their whole life and then became fat, that was a choice, generally I would agree, however, there are medical conditions that will cause people to become fat as well, and im not referring to the old thyroid theory of becoming fat. . .

I am lucky to have a decent income, but it irritates me when I go to the grocery store and spend $200 on groceries because I dont want to buy junk food or packaged foods. . .

If the government would take some of that 1+ Billion dollars per year it claims to spend on healthcare for obesity, and subsidise healthy food so it is affordable, that 1+ Billion dollars would reduce quite rapidly. . .

Do you really believe the government spends 1+ billion dollars per year on healthcare for the obese, I would disagree, they may spend that much, but how much of it is an over inflated price, just like when they pay $1000 for a $12 toilet seat.

Aug 03 06 03:21 pm Link


Cristalle G

Posts: 58

Plano, Texas, US

Jayne Jones wrote:

Eboni Treasure wrote: i considered plus size..i wear a 7-8

Case in point. . .see previous post.

well i trien runway and they wanted me to lose about 20 pounnds...i weigh about 150 and at the most and 140 when im really into my helth gig....besides i truley dont feel over weight just feels good to have a second oppinion..any hows im ont one of those peple that complains about being plus size or "fat" when imin a 7. i try to eat healthey and thats all

Aug 03 06 03:21 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Stellar Stina wrote:
You're right.

I gripe about produce being expensive- but I don't want the labor to have to be so cheap that only illegal aliens will do it.

I gripe about healthy food being more expensive than McDonalds, but get disgusted when someone sues them because they got fat.

I just *wish* that it were that way. =o)

Excellent. Yes, it would be nice if the best things in life were easily available but, unfortunately, that isn't the case.  There's nothing wrong with ''wishing'' things were different.  I get amused when people complain about not getting what they want because someone else isn't giving it to them.

Aug 03 06 03:21 pm Link


Cristalle G

Posts: 58

Plano, Texas, US

Jayne Jones wrote:

Eboni Treasure wrote: i considered plus size..i wear a 7-8

Case in point. . .see previous post.

well i tried runway and they wanted me to lose about 20 pounnds...i weigh about 150 and at the most and 140 when im really into my helth gig....besides i truley dont feel over weight just feels good to have a second oppinion..any hows im ont one of those peple that complains about being plus size or "fat" when imin a 7. i try to eat healthey and thats all

Aug 03 06 03:21 pm Link



Posts: 271

jayedwards wrote:

Sorry, you can't complain because no one is forcing you to buy the soda.  Drink water.

There's no one telling me to buy water and expecting me to do so if I don't want to either.
I'm not one of those people to throw a fit and pout if they don't have my tuna and diet green tea in a store. Fine, I'll go to BK or mcdonalds or whatever. Cheeseburger is all I get. At taco bell, Cheese quesadilla. Like in that "Supersize me" movie stated, its ok to eat at fast food restaurants every once in a while - but NOT EVERY DAY!

Aug 03 06 03:21 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

BronxBeauty8 wrote:
Now... "skinny people" are the minority in the US. If every Fat person was to sit down and kill two skinny people, we would be extinct....

read on..

And you'd like us all to believe that this evident "minority" of people was not caused by their diet of cigarettes and air??  What's the statistical data on thin people being malnourished and "underweight" due to disorder?? 

And as for your "if every Fat person was to sit down and kill two skinny people. . ." comment, you really don't want to start throwing the fat jokes out there.

Aug 03 06 03:24 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Leo Howard wrote:

thats absolutley false, people do not become overweight only because of THEIR food choices, it is sometimes forced on them as a kid when they are growing up, and when you arent given any boundries it just amplifies and gets worse as the years go on. . .

Now if you want to say that people who grew up skinny their whole life and then became fat, that was a choice, generally I would agree, however, there are medical conditions that will cause people to become fat as well, and im not referring to the old thyroid theory of becoming fat. . .

I am lucky to have a decent income, but it irritates me when I go to the grocery store and spend $200 on groceries because I dont want to buy junk food or packaged foods. . .

If the government would take some of that 1+ Billion dollars per year it claims to spend on healthcare for obesity, and subsidise healthy food so it is affordable, that 1+ Billion dollars would reduce quite rapidly. . .

Do you really believe the government spends 1+ billion dollars per year on healthcare for the obese, I would disagree, they may spend that much, but how much of it is an over inflated price, just like when they pay $1000 for a $12 toilet seat.

Sorry, as an adult one can choose to modify their behavior.  What mommy and daddy told you to do 10 years ago no longer applies.  Overweight adults have themselves to blame for their eating habits (other than the accepted medical conditions, of which there are few).  Put the food down and you won't gain weight.  It's that darn simple -- though having the will power may not be.

Aug 03 06 03:29 pm Link


Renee Hyde

Posts: 178

New York, New York, US

The problem is not who's forcing who to do what or what's available or what's not. The REAL problem is that the general consumer is probably not even aware of what's in or what they are really consuming and it's not like places/companies/stores/products advertise this and educate the consumers. Most any product you have at home probably has something not so cool in it. If everyone took every food package or product and every other every day product they use, consumable or otherwise and looked up every ingredient in it, they'd be astonished. But how many people would even think to do that, or even think that they should? We're lead to believe everything is safe or they wouldn't be selling it. Just my thoughts.


jayedwards wrote:

Sorry, you can't complain because no one is forcing you to buy the soda.  Drink water.

Aug 03 06 03:30 pm Link


Myopic Earache

Posts: 1104

Chicago, Illinois, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
Oooohhh!!  What did the five fingers say to the face???  SLAP

HAHA, bring it on!

Jayne Jones wrote:
Lemme guess. . .you are the perfect picture of health.  You run three to five miles a day and never ever eat anything unhealthy.  Give me a friggin breatk.

I acutally do eat pretty healthy.  Sure, I don't always make the best food choices but I'm in good health.  To answer your well worded inquiry regarding my exercise regime, I strength train twice a week, go for hour long walks with my dog daily (weather permitting), play ice hockey once a week... so yeah, I'd say I'm in pretty good health.

EDIT: I also forgot hockey practice as well.

Jayne Jones wrote:
The only reason to "promote" the trivial High School popularity biotches look down on the "fat girl in gym class" BS is to continue to inflate your own ego and the egos of others like you. 

Let's get really real for five seconds.  Why are YOU so concerned with the overall health of the majority of the United States?  Do you feel that your "beautiful person" status is in jeapardy?  Personally, I think it's because knowing you can make someone feel they are a lesser person than you are, gives you just a bit of a rush and somewhat of a confidence boost.  If your own confidence level was high. . .you'd care less about me, how I looked or anything else.

I have 117 billion reasons to be concerned with it.  My beautiful person status?  HA!  You have no idea what I look like and really, no, I don't put people down to raise my own esteem, what a ridiculous notion.  Lesser person, I wish the 60million obese people in the United States WERE lesser people.  The point you conveniently missed here is that obesity should be looked down upon because it affects EVERYBODY negatively.  Unhealthy living should be looked down upon and not embraced and accepted.

Jayne Jones wrote:
I'd cease to exist in your gigantic self serving universe, and what little space I managed to take up in your over dramatized black hole of a shallow life would be trivial at best.  But that's just my opinion.

As I stated before, it doesn't offend me that YOU think I'm fat. . .it offends me when you want to make me feel bad about myself.  Quite frankly I refuse to do that!  Sorry.  Go piss in someone else's pool.

Hey, you can argue all you want but obesity is an epidemic.  Do you know how many obese children there are that have severe social issues because nobody teaches them how to live healthy lives?  Do you know how many of them will end up diabetic?  Have joint issues in their toes from carrying an extra 200 pounds?  Will not be able to play catch because they can't run?  That would suck, I would not wish it upon anyone.

Aug 03 06 03:30 pm Link



Posts: 271

Jayne Jones wrote:

And you'd like us all to believe that this evident "minority" of people was not caused by their diet of cigarettes and air??  What's the statistical data on thin people being malnourished and "underweight" due to disorder?? 

And as for your "if every Fat person was to sit down and kill two skinny people. . ." comment, you really don't want to start throwing the fat jokes out there.

LOL! I was KIDDING! I would Never do anything like that (please don't sit on me) seriously, that was an example. Watch you swell up and get all puffed up when you said you don't care if people call you fat.

There was once a time where if there was one fat kid in class, their parents would be ashamed until their kid lost the weight.

You're one of them mama's that say, "Its ok sweety, you don't have to look like them skinny models. Its ok to be different. Go ahead and stuff your face with kentucky fried chicken and here, why don't you down that with some pepsi."

Stop EMBRASSING the fatness. Its ok when its one - easy to look past it and we can live with it. But When EVERYONE is embracing their fatness its just gross. It smells. Poor hygiene - EATING IS DISORDERLY MISCONDUCT!

(ok don't mind me, I'm a health freak..... that smokes) big_smile

Aug 03 06 03:31 pm Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1736

Williamsport, Pennsylvania, US

Myopic Earache wrote:

BingeAndPurge wrote:
The only "cure" for obesity is teaching people to make better nutrition choices and exercise more.


I'll bring the dynamite!

That is the problem with our free choice system, even tho it's the best option out there a great many people don't know how to make good decisions.

Actually, the people who tend to have the most knowledge about nutrition are people who are obese.  Yes, it's as simple as calories in/calories out but it's not easy....  I have my MA iand 1/2 my Ph.D. n a medically related field. I graduated Magna Cum Laude with my BS.  But all the education, knowledge, etc. didn't stop me from weighing over 300 lbs for 15 years....

There is SOOOOOO much ignorance when it comes to weight issues, and it is truly the one last acceptable prejudice...

-225 lbs @ goal

Aug 03 06 03:33 pm Link


Anderson Artwork

Posts: 493

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Jessalyn_54 wrote:
but please correct me if I am wrong

You are not wrong! I have shot with models that are so thin that they no longer have normal periods. The female body is designed to have a ceratin amount of fat on it to function in it's menstral cycle....actually aroung 10 per cent or so.

The modeling industry celebrates a MUCH leaner look than that....that is simply un healthy and often dangerous, too.

Aug 03 06 03:33 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

BronxBeauty8 wrote:

There's no one telling me to buy water and expecting me to do so if I don't want to either.
I'm not one of those people to throw a fit and pout if they don't have my tuna and diet green tea in a store. Fine, I'll go to BK or mcdonalds or whatever. Cheeseburger is all I get. At taco bell, Cheese quesadilla. Like in that "Supersize me" movie stated, its ok to eat at fast food restaurants every once in a while - but NOT EVERY DAY!

Huh?  You sidestepped the issue.  You posted about ''having to drink disgusting soda because that's all they sell at the stores.'' which means you are blaming them for not selling exactly what you want and you are ''forced'' to buy their soda.  This is the attitude I was posting about -- you want someone else to provide what you want, complain when they don't and then blame them when you drink the soda.  I'm not talking about throwing a fit -- I'm talking about the lack of personal responsibility for providing for your own dietary needs.

Aug 03 06 03:34 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Tikal wrote:

Do you realize how much of an ass you sound like? Get a better job so you can eat healthier? That is just too stupid for words. I have been to alot of grocery stores here in pa and md and there doesnt seem to be a real big difference in price.. maybe I should visit you in lala land and check out the prices of organic food over there. Oh and since none of the resturants around here have healthy choices I can build my own! Ill start up by getting some cash from the money tree fields. I am so glad you suggested that.

*edit* Oh yeah and I forget I guess eating is a neccesity so for all you single monthers who can only afford to buy a can of spegghttios, shame on you, dont you know its apparently healthier for the baby to stop eating

Let me see: I sound like an ass because I said if you can't afford what you want then you should go out and earn more money.  Yeah, what an incredibly stupid thing to say.

Aug 03 06 03:36 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Eboni Treasure wrote:
well i trien runway and they wanted me to lose about 20 pounnds...i weigh about 150 and at the most and 140 when im really into my helth gig....besides i truley dont feel over weight just feels good to have a second oppinion..any hows im ont one of those peple that complains about being plus size or "fat" when imin a 7. i try to eat healthey and thats all

Eboni. . .sweetie. . .you're not fat.  You're not thick either.  You're representative of what is "supposed" to be "average."  Don't start getting a complex about that.  There's a whole wide world of modeling out there (not that I profess to know all of it) but you have to find what's right for Y. O. U.  Period.  I can't tell you what that is.  No one can.  If you have your heart set on runway fashion and that's all you want to do. . .consider your choices and explore options.

Aug 03 06 03:36 pm Link


Anderson Artwork

Posts: 493

Kansas City, Missouri, US

DigitalSwede wrote:


Yep! A winner!

Aug 03 06 03:38 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Renee J wrote:
The problem is not who's forcing who to do what or what's available or what's not. The REAL problem is that the general consumer is probably not even aware of what's in or what they are really consuming and it's not like places/companies/stores/products advertise this and educate the consumers. Most any product you have at home probably has something not so cool in it. If everyone took every food package or product and every other every day product they use, consumable or otherwise and looked up every ingredient in it, they'd be astonished. But how many people would even think to do that, or even think that they should? We're lead to believe everything is safe or they wouldn't be selling it. Just my thoughts.


I must agree that most consumers are ignorant of the details.  This applies to most anything including food.

Aug 03 06 03:38 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

jayedwards wrote:
I must agree that most consumers are ignorant of the details.  This applies to most anything including food.

This I will agree with you on 100% . .

Education is truly what is needed, by parent, schools, friends, etc.

with knowledge comes power, the power to make changes

That sounds like a commercial ( lol )

Aug 03 06 03:41 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

BronxBeauty8 wrote:
Stop EMBRASSING the fatness. Its ok when its one - easy to look past it and we can live with it. But When EVERYONE is embracing their fatness its just gross. It smells. Poor hygiene - EATING IS DISORDERLY MISCONDUCT!

(ok don't mind me, I'm a health freak..... that smokes) big_smile

The word is embracing.

And I'll bet 10 to 1 you'll die of lung cancer before I die of obesity.

Aug 03 06 03:42 pm Link