Forums > General Industry > Why all the EFFIN ATTITUDE people?



Posts: 137

Springfield, Virginia, US

nother friggin soap opera.... someone change the channel please!!!! LOL

Jul 20 06 06:55 pm Link


Krysta Gabrielle

Posts: 3828

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Heidi Brennan wrote:
I tried to make this point a few weeks ago in another thread and got torn apart for it. From the responses I glanced over here, you seem to be having better luck.

Not really. There will always be a few assholes in the world, but for the most part, I'm just venting. Maybe it's unrealistic to think that people could actually just support each other and be nice!! But that's like asking for peace in the middle east, right!? lol Maybe, I'm just an idealistic hippie at heart! lol

Jul 20 06 07:00 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Krysta Gabrielle wrote:

When did I EVER SAY EVERYONE?!?!?! I was talking about a select few! LIKE YOU!! I think you are just one of these people that are mean spirited, and just HAS to say something negative, no matter what! (Even when the post was meant to be positive) Do you feel your comment about 'just observations' makes it sound nicer in anyway?? How am I 'overbearing'? Because I said a few nice things about myself in my profile!? Isn't that what this site is about? Trying to say some of the positive things about yourself, so that someone might want to work with me? I didn't hurt anyone by saying something nice about me, did I?

You should see that I changed some of the shit that I wrote, because I recognized they were hypocritical and negative--and changed them to be positive!!  But at least I can admit when I think I was wrong!

Just because your post was meant to be positive, you changed it because you realized it was negative that's a good thing.  But then you ask, "how am I overbearing" as if you never posted the original at all.  I guess we should all go back and edit our posts to match your edited post.

Jul 20 06 07:14 pm Link


Brandon Ching

Posts: 2028

Brooklyn, New York, US

rwspangler wrote:
nother friggin soap opera.... someone change the channel please!!!! LOL

Yes... I'll be changing the channel now, I'm sick of it. If it ain't reruns, it's just another spinoff of another horse beaten to antimatter.

Jul 20 06 07:34 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

WG Rowland wrote:
Philosophical epiphany:

We are all lit matches walking around wondering why there are fires.

Realistic epiphany:

Krysta's going to fit right in here...

Might have to use a lever or two, she seems bent a bit.

Jul 20 06 07:47 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40988

Columbus, Ohio, US

Envy wrote:

The difference is I know better and don't let it affect me, I sure as fuck don't let it drive me away from a website.

Just pat her on the head and go "there there."

Jul 20 06 07:52 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

Why didn't you just come out and say that people here had been mean to a couple of kids. No one wants to see that happen. And I think you would have suffered fewer flames if any at all if you had been clear and up front. Also, isn't 16 a bit young to be on a site like this. Geeeees, the complications!

Did you even see this one?

Jul 20 06 07:55 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

Why didn't you just come out and say that people here had been mean to a couple of kids. No one wants to see that happen. And I think you would have suffered fewer flames if any at all if you had been clear and up front. Also, isn't 16 a bit young to be on a site like this. Geeeees, the complications!

This one, did you see this one before you called me a name or whatever WG said you called me. What did she call me WG, I can't count that high.

Jul 20 06 07:57 pm Link


Raven Photography

Posts: 2547

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Krysta Gabrielle wrote:
I don't understand why people insist on coming on a networking site like this, and belittling each other, and just being plain mean!! Shouldn't we all just get along!? I don't care what you DO; Stylist, Model, Photography! Aren't we all here for the same thing pretty much??? Come on! Now if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all!!

I am tired of so many people in this industry who have these high and mighty attitudes, who treat people like crap, for no reason at all! You're not Kate Moss, and you're not Heidi Klum, so get over it, and stop treating people like s**t and get over yourselves!!

It doesn't matter how effin pretty you are, if you treat people like s**t, and your name is not Naomi Campbell, SHUT UP CAUSE NO ONE LIKES AN ARROGANT PERSON, MODEL OR NOT!!!

And I don't care if I get ripped apart for this post, if you're offended, it's because you probably one of these people!!

Thankfully I have not as yet to meet any person with a high and mighty attitude, nor an arrogant model unless you count a girl I met from a modeling agency (not on this site) who was a teenager and was TOTALLY full of herself and her stupid mother who by her behaviour towards her daughter totally spoilt her and put up with her crap attitude.

Jul 20 06 08:06 pm Link


Krysta Gabrielle

Posts: 3828

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

This one, did you see this one before you called me a name or whatever WG said you called me. What did she call me WG, I can't count that high.

Who is WG? Anyways, yes, I did read this one. But it doesn't explain why you had to personally insult me and my profile... So, I didn't care to write back about it...

Jul 20 06 08:10 pm Link


Krysta Gabrielle

Posts: 3828

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Why is everyone jumping down my throat for this? Yeah, my original message was not so nice, hypocritical and whatever, but I appologized for it, and changed it... Is anyone seriously trying to tell me that they like people who are so arrogant that they are mean to others and don't take notice when these people are a**holes???

Jul 20 06 08:13 pm Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

"And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible."

                                                      Isaiah 13:11

Jul 20 06 08:16 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40988

Columbus, Ohio, US

Krysta Gabrielle wrote:
Why is everyone jumping down my throat for this? Yeah, my original message was not so nice, hypocritical and whatever, but I appologized for it, and changed it... Is anyone seriously trying to tell me that they like people who are so arrogant that they are mean to others and don't take notice when these people are a**holes???


"Your denial is beneath you, and thanks to the use of hallucinogenic drugs, I see through you." - Bill Hicks


Jul 20 06 08:18 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Krysta Gabrielle wrote:
I don't understand why people insist on coming on a networking site like this, and belittling each other, and just being plain mean!! Shouldn't we all just get along!? I don't care what you DO; Stylist, Model, Photography! Aren't we all here for the same thing pretty much??? Come on! Now if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all!!

I am tired of so many people in this industry who have these high and mighty attitudes, who treat people like crap, for no reason at all! You're not Kate Moss, and you're not Heidi Klum, so get over it, and stop treating people like s**t and get over yourselves!!

It doesn't matter how effin pretty you are, if you treat people like s**t, and your name is not Naomi Campbell, SHUT UP CAUSE NO ONE LIKES AN ARROGANT PERSON, MODEL OR NOT!!!

And I don't care if I get ripped apart for this post, if you're offended, it's because you probably one of these people!!

Let me guess.

You're 20 years old.

(checks profile)

Ohhhhhhhh. 21. I'm slipping!

Jul 20 06 08:21 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

E|||B wrote:

Let me guess.

You're 20 years old.

(checks profile)

Ohhhhhhhh. 21. I'm slipping!

Just out of curiousity, what does her age have to do with anything?

Jul 20 06 08:26 pm Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

"Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge."
                                                                                    James 4:11

Jul 20 06 08:37 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Lamonica wrote:

E|||B wrote:
Let me guess.

You're 20 years old.

(checks profile)

Ohhhhhhhh. 21. I'm slipping!

Just out of curiousity, what does her age have to do with anything?

Only people of a certain age will tend to rant about such topics.

She was articulate enough to be older than 18.

But few people over the age of 25 are going to bother with trying to "convert" folks into being "nice" to each other. (Exceptions like Rodney "Can't We All Just Get Along" King not withstanding.)

So, based upon her passion for the topic and her grammatical structure, I guessed she was around 20 years old and was only off by 1 year.

Jul 20 06 08:59 pm Link


angela camp

Posts: 319

Los Angeles, California, US

Krysta Gabrielle wrote:
Now if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all!!

That is the problem with some people who ask for other people's opinion, they don't really want it.  They want someone to say "You're hot!"

Jul 20 06 09:01 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Rhonda M

Posts: 1089

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Why is there another thread about this going on for three pages...???

People are irritated by this type of stuff because it is only the 3rd time they had to hear about it this week. 

This is getting so tired, I'm sorry, but it is....

***(please let this thread get locked for the sake of some possible working relationships that will get ruined through silly arguing)***

Jul 20 06 09:01 pm Link


Krysta Gabrielle

Posts: 3828

Hilo, Hawaii, US

If anyone is so tired of hearing about it, why open a post, read it, and then comment? Why not just ignore? I didn't know it would offend anyone... Sorry...

Jul 20 06 09:12 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Rhonda M

Posts: 1089

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Krysta Gabrielle wrote:
If anyone is so tired of hearing about it, why open a post, read it, and then comment? Why not just ignore? I didn't know it would offend anyone... Sorry...

Krysta I understand where you are coming from but seriously if you took the time to look through some of these forums- you will see what I mean.  (The dead giveaway is that they have a little padlock next to them wink)

I commented b/c I can, hoping that it may cause this thing to stop.  I really don't want MM to be known for this and lately is has been.

Jul 20 06 09:17 pm Link


angela camp

Posts: 319

Los Angeles, California, US

Rhonda McLendon wrote:
People are irritated by this type of stuff because it is only the 3rd time they had to hear about it this week.

they had to hear about it? Please explain.

Jul 20 06 09:18 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Rhonda M

Posts: 1089

Baltimore, Maryland, US

angela camp wrote:
they had to hear about it? Please explain.

Angela, please.  I am not the one you want to be sarcastic with.  I am nothing but respectful to EVERYONE on MM, until they cross me.

MM (at times) can be like a soap opera.  We are one big "family" so if some drama is going down in a thread, people are buzzing and telling their "net-friends" go check it out, hence it gets so much attention.  Please don't think for one second that people don't PM one another about going to a thread.  No matter how much we (you) try to act like, people don't have to listen if they don't want to, they can't help it.  Here are two facts:

1. The threads with the most posts are dramatic and argumentative.
2. The polite, kind-hearted, and useful threads are paid the least amount of attention.

Jul 20 06 09:27 pm Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

E|||B wrote:

Lamonica wrote:

E|||B wrote:
Let me guess.

You're 20 years old.

(checks profile)

Ohhhhhhhh. 21. I'm slipping!

Just out of curiousity, what does her age have to do with anything?

Eric's statement (directed at OP)-

"Only people of a certain age will tend to rant about such topics.

She was articulate enough to be older than 18.

But few people over the age of 25 are going to bother with trying to "convert" folks into being "nice" to each other. (Exceptions like Rodney "Can't We All Just Get Along" King not withstanding.)

So, based upon her passion for the topic and her grammatical structure, I guessed she was around 20 years old and was only off by 1 year.

(checks profile)

Many people have problems properly formulating a sentence. A proper sentence consists of a subject (noun), predicate (verb), and possibly an adverb or adjective. It’s basic English grammar that kids learn around the third grade.

Eric writes eloquently in his profile-

Every now and then, I pick up a camera and shoot some pictures because I have nothing better to do. It's just a hobby. Nothing more. (1st grammatical mistake)

      It should be-  “It’s just a hobby, nothing more”

      His use of a period instead of a comma shows his lack of understanding of             properly conjugating a sentence. There is no verb in the statement –“Nothing more.” It has the noun and subject “Nothing”, but has no verb. He could have also said,

                    “It’s just a hobby. There is nothing more.”
      Notice how the word “is” serves as the verb needed to complete the sentence.

I don't aspire or pretend to be a professional. I once thought I could be one.
People were constantly telling me how good I was as a photographer.
How talented I am. (2nd grammatical mistake)
        Notice how he doesn’t understand that he can’t use the adverb “How” to substitute as the noun-subject in the sentence. The proper grammar should have been-
       â€œPeople were constantly telling me how good I was, as a photographer, and
        how talented I am."

       He also could have been less wordy and verbose-
       "People were constantly telling me how good and talented a photographer I am."

That my "work" is "special" and crap. (3rd grammatical mistake)

        There is no “subject” again in this sentence. There is no noun that the verb
        can modify. The sentence should be properly written like this-

         â€œPeople (noun) tell (verb) me my work is special and crap.”

I got tired of hearing that. I was ready to start smearing sunscreen around my rectum because of all the sunshine people were blowing up it.  (4th grammatical mistake)

      This sentence is awkward for many reasons. Obviously, Eric doesn’t understand
      the proper use of the “comma” and the conjunction “because”. The sentence
      should read-

          “Because people were blowing so much sunshine up my rectum, I was ready
           to start smearing sunscreen around it.”

So, I quit taking it seriously.  (5th grammatical mistake)

        According to, the word “so” can be an adverb, adjective,
        pronoun, or interjection as in “So! You finished your oatmeal.”
        It can’t be used as a subject-noun for the verb “quit”

        He should have wrote-  “I quit taking it so seriously.”

Heck, I just figured that shooting photos would be a fun way to meet cute girls.

Honestly.   (6th grammatical mistake)  This is a basic third grade grammar error.
                                    This is not a sentence.

I'm just a guy with a camera. Photography is not my "passion" or the "way I express myself" or any bourgeois-artist junk like that. It's purely an entertaining way to spend an afternoon, and an excuse to hook up with beautiful women.

I think the Beastie Boys said it better than me:

Girls - all I really want is girls
And in the morning it's girls
Cause in the evening it's girls

I like the way that they walk
And it's chill to hear them talk
And I can always make them smile
From White Castle to the Nile

Girls - to do the dishes
Girls - to clean up my room
Girls - to do the laundry
Girls - and in the bathroom
Girls - that's all I really want is girls
Two at a time - I want girls
With new wave hairdos - I want girls
I ought to whip out my - girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls!

I simply do this for fun sometimes. I've had a few photos published and I've had a few art gallery shows.

Not because I tried attaining such things, but because ocassionally, people were kind enough to invite me to participate in stuff like that.  (7th grammatical mistake)

               There is no noun-subject in this sentence. A more intelligent and coherent
               sentence would be-

              “ I tried not to attain such things, but because people were kind enough to
                 invite me, I participated in stuff like that.”

I also think the Beastie Boys said it better.

Jul 20 06 10:39 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Rhonda McLendon wrote:

Krysta I understand where you are coming from but seriously if you took the time to look through some of these forums- you will see what I mean.  (The dead giveaway is that they have a little padlock next to them wink)

I commented b/c I can, hoping that it may cause this thing to stop.  I really don't want MM to be known for this and lately is has been.


Really.  Aren't you the same Rhonda who started a thread called "Are there cliques in the Stylist forum?"   Maybe your thread didn't have as an inflamatory title but you obviously saw or felt something enough to motivate you to start a thread and end it with this:

Rhonda McLendon wrote:

(whining) Mary, I gave you a really nice compliment about your website and you did not say thank you...  (LOL!!, now as childish as that sounds, some people are like that)

Guys, seriously, it is not like that with me.  I respect you all more than you even know and I look up to your accomplishments.  But I also know, like with anyone who has reached a certain level of success, you are not going to do the things you used to do or hang with the people you used to hang with all the time (especially if they are not going in the same direction). That's a given, but many newbies don't understand that and they are looking for some level of acceptance and kindness from the experienced.  That's all I'm saying. smile

So Rhonda, you have the skills set to ask a question and then defend yourself from people who were starting to jump all over your shit.  You did so with some well reasoned comments  as well as a good amount of ass kissing.  Bravo.   

But obviously your pleading in regards to the newbies went a bit unheaded, otherwise, there probably wouldn't be all the threads talking basically about the same thing--cliques, "mean people," "rude people," "us vs. them."  Right?

Jul 20 06 10:39 pm Link


Heidi Brennan

Posts: 47

VAN NUYS, California, US

Krysta Gabrielle wrote:

Not really. There will always be a few assholes in the world, but for the most part, I'm just venting. Maybe it's unrealistic to think that people could actually just support each other and be nice!! But that's like asking for peace in the middle east, right!? lol Maybe, I'm just an idealistic hippie at heart! lol

Yeah, I just glanced at a few more posts. Yikes! But, it's good to know there are other people on here who aren't so snippy with people. I think some of them just get on here and bitch just to hear themselves talk (figuratively). Anyway, you have a good attitude, don't worry about the others on here who don't.

Jul 20 06 11:35 pm Link


Krysta Gabrielle

Posts: 3828

Hilo, Hawaii, US

angela camp wrote:

That is the problem with some people who ask for other people's opinion, they don't really want it.  They want someone to say "You're hot!"

I was talking about when people provide mean, unsolicited advice... Not when someone is asking for 'constructive criticism'. When I ask for the advice, I expect to hear something negative, as well as positive, hopefully.

Jul 21 06 12:54 am Link


Krysta Gabrielle

Posts: 3828

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Model Sarah wrote:

It's that boring, but you managed to take the time to read it, and then comment... Incredible!!

Jul 21 06 12:56 am Link

Makeup Artist

Rhonda M

Posts: 1089

Baltimore, Maryland, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

Rhonda McLendon wrote:
Krysta I understand where you are coming from but seriously if you took the time to look through some of these forums- you will see what I mean.  (The dead giveaway is that they have a little padlock next to them wink)

I commented b/c I can, hoping that it may cause this thing to stop.  I really don't want MM to be known for this and lately is has been.


Really.  Aren't you the same Rhonda who started a thread called "Are there cliques in the Stylist forum?"   Maybe your thread didn't have as an inflamatory title but you obviously saw or felt something enough to motivate you to start a thread and end it with this:

So Rhonda, you have the skills set to ask a question and then defend yourself from people who were starting to jump all over your shit.  You did so with some well reasoned comments  as well as a good amount of ass kissing.  Bravo.   

But obviously your pleading in regards to the newbies went a bit unheaded, otherwise, there probably wouldn't be all the threads talking basically about the same thing--cliques, "mean people," "rude people," "us vs. them."  Right?

Wow, Km.  You are very controversial.  Nevertheless, I will be brief because I know my reasons for starting that thread and I don't feel so impressed to tell you as this will could go on and on and on.  It was a personal matter that was brought to me privately.  I don't recall anyone "jumping on my shit," but okay that's your opinion, you're entitled to it.

Kissing ass is not necessary in my world.  If you're good, you're good, if you're not, you're not.  When you have to incorporate ass kissing that means you're lazy or you're lacking something.  I am not a liar or bs-er so I don't have to say things to people that I don't know to get their "undying love and support."  As I said in that thread, I don't need to be validated by any of you on MM.  If I put myself out for critique or want someone's opinion on me/my work, I warranted it.

What I do find funny is that a lot of people on here feel like because we are all on here together that there should be no arrogance because we are not "Heidi Klum" or "Kate Moss."  I guess rude things would sound better coming from them as they have million dollar success in this industry.  I don't support rudeness or disrespect at all, however I have made the point time and time again is that it is a fact of life that is not to be whined about every time it happens to someone on MM.

Does it make me feel good when someone who works in the industry daily, and has rubbed shoulders with those that I aspire to, gives me a compliment on my work or tells me my work is good?  Of course.  Does it validate me? Absolutely not.

BTW, clique does not equal rude although it is commonly associated with it,  Please feel free to look it up yourself.

Jul 21 06 03:52 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Rhonda McLendon wrote:
Wow, Km.  You are very controversial.  Nevertheless, I will be brief because I know my reasons for starting that thread and I don't feel so impressed to tell you as this will could go on and on and on.

Rhonda, I wasn't trying to be controversial, nor did I need you to tell me your reason for why you started your thread.  By starting the thread, titled as it was, "Are there cliques in the stylists forum" says something.  Your words on the thread said something.  All these threads in the last few weeks (about cliques, rudeness, meanies, ill-will toward newbies, territoriality on the forums)  have said something, don't you agree?  I don't just attribute all these threads as being merely due to young shit stirrers, though it's probably easy to dismiss it that way.    I look at it more as canaries in a coal mine.

Rhonda McLendon wrote:
I don't recall anyone "jumping on my shit," but okay that's your opinion, you're entitled to it.

As I recall a few people suspected you started the thread because you were upset about something in particular, not that you were just wondering.  They attributed this intention to you, even though you gave no indication of it, and you denied it.  Now if you weren't old and mature enough to have been able to defend yourself as you did, to articulate what you were feeling, if you had been, let's say 17, the discussion might not have ended up the way it did. 

Rhonda McLendon wrote:
What I do find funny is that a lot of people on here feel like because we are all on here together that there should be no arrogance because we are not "Heidi Klum" or "Kate Moss."  I guess rude things would sound better coming from them as they have million dollar success in this industry.

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you meant by this. 

Rhonda McLendon wrote:
I don't support rudeness or disrespect at all, however I have made the point time and time again is that it is a fact of life that is not to be whined about every time it happens to someone on MM.

Can you tell me the difference between whining, complaining, vs. calling someone out on their behaviour, vs. discussion?   Why is it okay for you to ask if there are cliques and to say  " the clique ("look down") thing happens a lot as far as I have seen," "The point I am making (borrowing from nerdy Rachel, lol) is that if you are not a Jedi Master around here, you don't really get a lot of respect per say.  It is like the padawans and younglings are looked at as peons in a sense," and basically remind folks to be nice to newbies and it's not okay for someone ( a relative newbie) to vent about the animous that sometimes exhibits itself here?   What's the difference, other than perhaps the emotiveness of the opening statement?

And I'm not talking about harsh critiques in the critique area, because that's not what this is about.

Rhonda McLendon wrote:

BTW, clique does not equal rude although it is commonly associated with it,  Please feel free to look it up yourself.

In case you forgot, I participated on the clique thread. I offered some observations as to the nature and definitions of a clique and you basically  agreed with what I posted in regards to them. 

Why would you assume that I don't know what a clique means?   Or are you just attempting to belittle me?

Jul 21 06 05:13 am Link

Makeup Artist

Rhonda M

Posts: 1089

Baltimore, Maryland, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

Rhonda McLendon wrote:
Wow, Km.  You are very controversial.  Nevertheless, I will be brief because I know my reasons for starting that thread and I don't feel so impressed to tell you as this will could go on and on and on.

Rhonda, I wasn't trying to be controversial, nor did I need you to tell me your reason for why you started your thread.  By starting the thread, titled as it was, "Are there cliques in the stylists forum" says something.  Your words on the thread said something.  All these threads in the last few weeks (about cliques, rudeness, meanies, ill-will toward newbies, territoriality on the forums)  have said something, don't you agree?  I don't just attribute all these threads as being merely due to young shit stirrers, though it's probably easy to dismiss it that way.    I look at it more as canaries in a coal mine.

Rhonda McLendon wrote:
I don't recall anyone "jumping on my shit," but okay that's your opinion, you're entitled to it.

As I recall a few people suspected you started the thread because you were upset about something in particular, not that you were just wondering.  They attributed this intention to you, even though you gave no indication of it, and you denied it.  Now if you weren't old and mature enough to have been able to defend yourself as you did, to articulate what you were feeling, if you had been, let's say 17, the discussion might not have ended up the way it did. 

Rhonda McLendon wrote:
What I do find funny is that a lot of people on here feel like because we are all on here together that there should be no arrogance because we are not "Heidi Klum" or "Dean Johnson."  I guess rude things would sound better coming from them as they have million dollar success in this industry.

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you meant by this. 

Can you tell me the difference between whining, complaining, vs. calling someone out on their behaviour, vs. discussion?   Why is it okay for you to ask if there are cliques and to say  " the clique ("look down") thing happens a lot as far as I have seen," "The point I am making (borrowing from nerdy Rachel, lol) is that if you are not a Jedi Master around here, you don't really get a lot of respect per say.  It is like the padawans and younglings are looked at as peons in a sense," and basically remind folks to be nice to newbies and it's not okay for someone ( a relative newbie) to vent about the animous that sometimes exhibits itself here?   What's the difference, other than perhaps the emotiveness of the opening statement?

And I'm not talking about harsh critiques in the critique area, because that's not what this is about.

In case you forgot, I participated on the clique thread. I offered some observations as to the nature and definitions of a clique and you basically  agreed with what I posted in regards to them. 

Why would you assume that I don't know what a clique means?   Or are you just attempting to belittle me?


Jul 21 06 08:25 am Link


Nikki Fyre

Posts: 26

Toronto, Iowa, US

i completely agree wtih you. luckily, with the exception of a few un-reliable people, everyone's been pretty nice on here to me. but i know what you mean with the snobbyness.
if they were so special that they were better than everyone else, than they wouldn't be posting up on a website to get photos done on here, because they'd be so rich and famous that they could just go hire photographers that are "photogs to the stars" lol, OR if they wanted unique photos, they'd be getting thier agents to get them jobs in magazines.
no one should rip u apart for this post, cuz it's the truth.

Jul 21 06 08:33 am Link

Makeup Artist

Rhonda M

Posts: 1089

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Here is the entire quote that you borrowed from previously:

Kevin-James Bennett wrote:
My View on this thread (whether you want it or not).

First of all,

I don't agree with the "clique-y" label.  Some of the more vocal members (looks to ceiling and hummmmms) might seem to have strong convictions and voice them more often than others... 
But this invariably happens when some jack*ss (oooops, here I go) who hasn't a clue about our industry starts to give bad advice and becomes belligerent when they are told they're wrong.  This also happens when certain posters (no names please) insist on making smug or inflamitory comments just to stir things up (comments that would be far better received by THEIR peers, in THEIR forums).

If you come to the "stylist" forum, EXPECT us to be passionate about what we do. 
Expect us to always try to give the best answers and advice gathered through our collective knowledge and experience.  We are also quite ready to inform someone when they are wrong or have been given erroneous information.
We will also support each other when someone "outside" of our forum tries to give them a hard time.  I don't consider this cliquish...I consider speaking up for those in your own field a professional courtesy.


I'm probably putting my foot in my mouth with this one (so what's new?), but I feel the original tone of this thread was rather antagonistic...

I'm thinking, maybe Rhonda has some issues about something that happened to her here on MM? ( I'm sorta not buying the "just wondering" attitude).

If someone has pissed you off or treated you badly, call them out on it.  Then we can actually discuss what behavior has you "wondering".  If you don't feel strong enough to do this...well, you need to just let it go.

OK, my unwanted 2 cents has been added to this bulging change purse.  Someone get us to a CoinStar machine so we can cash it in and buy some candy....YIPPPPEEEE!


Rhonda McLendon wrote:
Kevin, your thoughts are always appreciated even when you think you may have put your foot in your mouth. 

I am sorry if you are not "buying" the "just wondering" attitude.  It's the truth.  Now obviously, there are many more people who have participated in this thread who said they have felt ignored or outcast because of their level of experience.  I think it's unfair but it is up to them to say what they will or just let it go.  I never said that it happened to me, I said I have observed it happen to others in different threads.  Furthermore, I NEVER said that the stylist forum as a whole is not supportive. This forum to me, is the most supportive of them all and has the least amount of flaming arguments that result in suspension, .

As I said, nothing, absolutely NOTHING on MM is that serious to me.  When I feel I need sound advice from an experienced MUA I have people on, but more importantly off of MM to get that from.  I enjoy the forums and have asked questions in them and got great answers.   So everyone, relax, and don't be pissed with me or try to read between the lines of what I am saying.  I don't have anything to hide.  I'm just a blossoming artist who is preparing herself to make a mark on the world!  I KNOW the hurdles will come but like my Grandma always told me, God never puts anything in front of you that you can't handle!

If I was really that sensitive to everything someone says or does on here, I would have been saying to Mary:

(whining) Mary, I gave you a really nice compliment about your website and you did not say thank you...  (LOL!!, now as childish as that sounds, some people are like that)

Guys, seriously, it is not like that with me.  I respect you all more than you even know and I look up to your accomplishments.  But I also know, like with anyone who has reached a certain level of success, you are not going to do the things you used to do or hang with the people you used to hang with all the time (especially if they are not going in the same direction).  That's a given, but many newbies don't understand that and they are looking for some level of acceptance and kindness from the experienced.  That's all I'm saying.

Kim, I made a general response to not only Kevin but to all that thought I had a problem.  I remember your paticipation in the thread and you totally understood what I was saying and why I was saying it.  That entire thread was two pages long and never resulted in backbitting, hair pulling, or name calling.

Jul 21 06 08:33 am Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

Krysta Gabrielle wrote:

Not really. There will always be a few assholes in the world, but for the most part, I'm just venting. Maybe it's unrealistic to think that people could actually just support each other and be nice!! But that's like asking for peace in the middle east, right!? lol Maybe, I'm just an idealistic hippie at heart! lol

I agree that it would be nice if everyone could just be more supportive of each other on here instead of the petty arguments. (not that I don't grab my popcron and watch the carnage) But being a New Yorker at heart, I'm an arrogant ass by nature.

No, really, I can behave! I promise. DOn't send your boyfriend or assistant to beat me up!

Jul 21 06 08:38 am Link

Makeup Artist

Rhonda M

Posts: 1089

Baltimore, Maryland, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
Rhonda, I wasn't trying to be controversial, nor did I need you to tell me your reason for why you started your thread.  By starting the thread, titled as it was, "Are there cliques in the stylists forum" says something.  Your words on the thread said something.  All these threads in the last few weeks (about cliques, rudeness, meanies, ill-will toward newbies, territoriality on the forums)  have said something, don't you agree?  I don't just attribute all these threads as being merely due to young shit stirrers, though it's probably easy to dismiss it that way.    I look at it more as canaries in a coal mine.

Kim, points well taken.  I do agree with you.

KM von Seidl wrote:
As I recall a few people suspected you started the thread because you were upset about something in particular, not that you were just wondering.  They attributed this intention to you, even though you gave no indication of it, and you denied it.  Now if you weren't old and mature enough to have been able to defend yourself as you did, to articulate what you were feeling, if you had been, let's say 17, the discussion might not have ended up the way it did.

True, I totally agree with this as well.  That is mainly my point.  Titling a forum "why all the EFFIN ATTITUDE?" is antagonistic.  While reading the OP's vent, I sensed her attitude.  How can you address someone else's attitude when you are displaying one? (as many people said to her and she then became defensive.)

KM von Seidl wrote:
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you meant by this.

Read the OP's original statement.  She has changed it a bit but she originally cited Kate Moss, Heidi Klum & Naomi Campbell as if to say, "you are not them, so shut up with your high and mighty attitude." 

KM von Seidl wrote:
Can you tell me the difference between whining, complaining, vs. calling someone out on their behaviour, vs. discussion?   Why is it okay for you to ask if there are cliques and to say  " the clique ("look down") thing happens a lot as far as I have seen," "The point I am making (borrowing from nerdy Rachel, lol) is that if you are not a Jedi Master around here, you don't really get a lot of respect per say.  It is like the padawans and younglings are looked at as peons in a sense," and basically remind folks to be nice to newbies and it's not okay for someone ( a relative newbie) to vent about the animous that sometimes exhibits itself here?   What's the difference, other than perhaps the emotiveness of the opening statement?

Emotions play a big part in this whole thing Kim.  It is a way to say and respond to everything.  That is mainly what this whole thing is all about.  People are going to do what they want but I can't deal with attempting to solve a problem in a defensive or harsh manner.  That goes for both sides.  Better yet, if it is that bothersome, then PM that person and call them on it.  I have only had one experience like that and that is how I addressed that person, privately.  That takes away a lot of the drama and "hype" and usually allows people to talk things out and rationalize.  You and I are successfully doing so now because we ARE mature enough to agree and disagree or agree to disagree.

As far as I see, we are agreeing. *extends hand* LOL!

Jul 21 06 08:59 am Link



Posts: 194

West Branch, Michigan, US

Krysta Gabrielle wrote:

Were you refering to me? Was I ripping into people? Or was that a general statement?

That was a general statement.

Jul 21 06 09:02 am Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

E|||B wrote:

Lamonica wrote:

E|||B wrote:
Let me guess.

You're 20 years old.

(checks profile)

Ohhhhhhhh. 21. I'm slipping!

Just out of curiousity, what does her age have to do with anything?

Only people of a certain age will tend to rant about such topics.

She was articulate enough to be older than 18.

But few people over the age of 25 are going to bother with trying to "convert" folks into being "nice" to each other. (Exceptions like Rodney "Can't We All Just Get Along" King not withstanding.)

So, based upon her passion for the topic and her grammatical structure, I guessed she was around 20 years old and was only off by 1 year.

Grammaical structure... not to sound rude, but I see 45 year olds with the grammar mistakes of a 12 year old. I don't think age has anything to do with it. I have spoken to people over the age of 25 on this site, who also have a problem with the mentality of some of the people on here. In my opinion, being offeneded doesn't have age restrictions.

Jul 21 06 11:35 am Link


Krysta Gabrielle

Posts: 3828

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Lamonica wrote:

E|||B wrote:

Lamonica wrote:

E|||B wrote:
Let me guess.

You're 20 years old.

(checks profile)

Ohhhhhhhh. 21. I'm slipping!

Just out of curiousity, what does her age have to do with anything?

Only people of a certain age will tend to rant about such topics.

She was articulate enough to be older than 18.

But few people over the age of 25 are going to bother with trying to "convert" folks into being "nice" to each other. (Exceptions like Rodney "Can't We All Just Get Along" King not withstanding.)

So, based upon her passion for the topic and her grammatical structure, I guessed she was around 20 years old and was only off by 1 year.

Grammaical structure... not to sound rude, but I see 45 year olds with the grammar mistakes of a 12 year old. I don't think age has anything to do with it. I have spoken to people over the age of 25 on this site, who also have a problem with the mentality of some of the people on here. In my opinion, being offeneded doesn't have age restrictions.

Thank you, Lamonica! I'm not an English major! Don't care to be...

Jul 21 06 01:51 pm Link


Krysta Gabrielle

Posts: 3828

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Rhonda McLendon wrote:

Krysta I understand where you are coming from but seriously if you took the time to look through some of these forums- you will see what I mean.  (The dead giveaway is that they have a little padlock next to them wink)

I commented b/c I can, hoping that it may cause this thing to stop.  I really don't want MM to be known for this and lately is has been.

So, you're just gonna put your two cents in everywhere you think there is an 'antagonistic' OP, trying to change it? Trying to make it so that people don't voice their opinions on subjects like these? Well, I think that it's probably best that you just don't participate in it, instead of trying to make it disappear. A vegetarian can't make the world stop eating meat, but he can just NOT support or participate in it...

Jul 21 06 01:55 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

I still want a cookie.

Jul 21 06 01:56 pm Link