Forums > General Industry > Models death and request for all her photos


leaving las vegas

Posts: 7

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

To me... It sounds like your getting played.
Do a search on the girls full name, you should not have a problem finding a death notice online for her or obituary.
I have a feeling that she's not really dead. I get that excuse all the time when people no show for a shoot, oh my grandmother died or something like that. Please, either photo shoots are the leading cause of death in america or they are lying.
Anyways, I would check on the internet before I ask her for the death certificate. That way you have more amo going in. Maybe she is telling the truth but I doubt it. Just a thought. Sounds more like she got mad because maybe the daughter didn't tell her that she did them, and the mom is not happy not the child.

Jan 11 07 04:53 pm Link



Posts: 85

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

The Don Mon wrote:
Keep the photos dude, they belong to you, especially after momma started that crap with you.
Sounds like momma wants money ... Get your lawyer to talk to her about copyright laws.
Got a phone call yesterday from a mother of a model I helped get started.
She informed me that she had passed away 2 weeks ago.She had died while asleep
with no warning and she pretty much just never woke up.

she was 21...wasnt informed on what her death was from.
Ill be finding out in a day or so.

Her mother requested any and all negatives and disc's.
Im going to do it because im not really doing anything with the shots.
However I did sell some of them,shortly after i shot with her.

Reason why is she says that she regreated doing photos((news to me))
She signed a release and we never had any issues i also told her what i was going to do with them right off the bat.She was fine with it ((the model)).

so out of nowhere the mother threatens me that if i dont ((after i already said i was going to.)) that she is going to sue me if i like wtf where the hell did that come from?

((now im debating why should i even bother )) let her try to sue me then i counter sue for lost wages and distress...

so im asking you all what would you do ?

((i already have my own answer i just want to see what you all say...
keep in mind that my beliefs is... i always educated and looked out for
all the girls ever shot with as much as i can from fraud and what not.))

***just so everyone knows this is an edit so new people can see what im going to do *******

first off ask for a copy of the death certificate
if she is truly dead then this shouldnt be a problem..

then i educate her on copyright and that she truly has no legal action
and that i could counter sue to cover cost and expenses and lost wages and distress for the whole thing.

second she was a friend as well....i take care of my friends..
i am not going to charge her this.

i have made a copy of the release and will give the copy to her so that she can take it to a lawyer and he can tell her the same thing if she doesnt believe me.

funny part is that her daughter wanted to shoot again.
so i dont believe her about that.i think it was more her trying to controlling her little girls life.even though she was an adult.

however i can not and will not try to retrieve the images already out there that i do get royalties on.i will though not from this moment on
publish any additional photos out of the kindness of my heart.

i will be keeping the images that i have on my hardrive and on disk.
with copies of the release.

i am a good guy with a good heart but im not a sucker....

thank you for all that responded thats what this site is for !!!!

Jan 11 07 04:57 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

William R Beebe wrote:
This post is morbid. Have some respect for the model and yourself.



Being in this buisness as long as i have i have lost many models to death!!

This is life and it does happen!!

Is Life Morbid?

Think maybe some of its characters are..

Do not give up the negs of any of your work!!

They will come back for many years asking for copies..

Just cuse someone dies does not mean everyones love dies also..

Many years later a loved one will want copies..



Jan 11 07 04:59 pm Link


Whetzel Photos

Posts: 67

Longwood, Florida, US

I would give mom some time to grieve about 6 weeks. Having lost a child myself it takes some time to think clearly again especially when it was just a sudden death. Once mom has had sometime to grieve try to approach her and discuss the matter. If mom still presses the issue I would probably turn over the photos in my possession as a good gesture.

Jan 11 07 04:59 pm Link



Posts: 6065

Columbia, Maryland, US

Give up the photos if you want, but keep the release.

Jan 11 07 05:02 pm Link


Orpheus Faust

Posts: 68

Seattle, Washington, US

morally, I think you should

legally, she doesn't have a chance

Jan 11 07 05:07 pm Link


Starstruck Foto

Posts: 73

Chicago, Illinois, US

I have had a model or two pass away and several celebrity clients.I provided copies but not original family members. I shot Stevie Ray Vaughns last show at Alpine Valley as a favor to his road manager-including several candid backstage shots moments before he got on the helicopter that ultimatly crashed killing him and his manager that had hired me.I could have sold those last photos for a TON of cash but grief stricken I sent those last shots (the original negs) to his widow instead. It was the cool thing to do-but now years later I think it was a big mistake.Never give up your negs-you can always provide as many copies as people need or request.

Jan 11 07 05:07 pm Link