Forums > General Industry > Is onemodelplace worth it?


Heidi Michelle

Posts: 92

Hmm well im a free member.
Have been for like 4 days?
Been offered 3 shoots, one very highly paid to smile
and one test for lifestyle mags!
Not bad.
And they have all emailed to me!
Even better =]]
Im uk model though!

Heidi xxx

Aug 21 06 07:37 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

It's a high volume source. There's a lot of good talent and creativity there. I've met many excellent people from both places.

Why do most of you think in terms of one venue or the other? That's silly.

Cast your net in any pond that has a good population of fish. 

What's $100-200 for a years worth of high volume leads anyway?

You are all mover-shaker high caliber professional models and photographers anyway, aren't you? It's a small price to pay for the benefit. One paultry little sale covers it.

I pick up restaurant tabs for my friends that cost more than that.

It depends on your purpose.

Aug 21 06 07:51 pm Link


John Fisher

Posts: 2165

Miami Beach, Florida, US

I agree with Click Hamilton, cast a broad net. The more lines you have in the water, the more likely you are to catch a fish. Marketing 101.

One thing OMP does much better than any other free or paid portfolio sites is manage the search engines. I work very hard to keep my main site ( near the top of Google (search for "professional fashion photographer miami beach", "swimsuit photographer miami", "fashion photography Miami Beach", etc.), but as often as not my OMP site comes up first. I have had many important work inquiries as a result of Google searchs, and many were from my OMP site.

OMP can be a powerful tool for models as well, new listings are forwarded to photographers in your state, and models traveling to Florida pop up in my email every day. Managing any site is the key to maximizing the benefits, a model who "travels" (even if the note is for a visit to a neighboring city) will pop up in my email, if I missed them the first time around, the travel listing brings them back to my attention.

The site is huge, fast, robust, and inexpensive (less than $100 a year for a very effective listing). The forums suck canal water (a Michigan Tech turn of a phrase), too specific, no general forum.

A basic $10 a year OMP listing gives you a chance to test the water. Like anything on the internet, you will get a lot of gravel, and a few flakes of gold in your pan. This business is hard, that it is hard is what makes it great!

John Fisher
900 West Avenue, Suite 423
Miami Beach, Florida  33139
305 534-9322

Aug 21 06 09:27 pm Link



Posts: 276

Tampa, Florida, US

I have a Basic membership for the travel notices. And I do find a FEW models through it. But MM is way better.  Besides I don't have to deal with Sluggos and GWS's filtering out Models emails AS MUCH.

Aug 21 06 11:04 pm Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

What are their castings like?  I wanted to browse them but couldn't unless I paid.  Why would I pay for something when I don't know what I'm getting?  Is there any sort of trial period?

Are the castings mainly by photographers looking to update their portfolios or are there any commercial jobs posted by clients/photographers casting on behalf of clients?  What would you say the ratio is betwen the two?

Aug 22 06 01:07 am Link


Tiffany Alonzo

Posts: 116

i have a modeling profile on OMP but not a photography one. i dont really bother with omp at all anymore. i also wont bother signing up as a photographer.

Aug 22 06 04:12 am Link



Posts: 11365

El Paso, Texas, US

I have been with OMP for 3 years.  I started as bronze then upgraded, when silver was 6.95 a month, htne out of the blue 9.95 started getting debited from my account every month. I do admit I've only gotten paid work through there, but by far MM is the best at netwokring and I'm addicted to the formus. The only forum I've ever posted to.

Aug 22 06 05:33 am Link


Jack North

Posts: 855

Benicia, California, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
It's a high volume source. There's a lot of good talent and creativity there. I've met many excellent people from both places.

Why do most of you think in terms of one venue or the other? That's silly.

Cast your net in any pond that has a good population of fish. 

What's $100-200 for a years worth of high volume leads anyway?

You are all mover-shaker high caliber professional models and photographers anyway, aren't you? It's a small price to pay for the benefit. One paultry little sale covers it.

I pick up restaurant tabs for my friends that cost more than that.

It depends on your purpose.

good points, but NO, it isn't worth it.

Aug 22 06 06:35 am Link


Bostic Imagery

Posts: 21

Fredericktown, Ohio, US

Not plugging the site or anything because other than being a member and satisfied customer I do not work for OMP.  I have been a silver member since January, I was worried at first that it was not worth the cost.  Within a few days I was getting more images up there and had replies to set up shoots within two weeks.  Right now I am getting 2-3 models per week contacting to set something up with me.  I'm doing a lot of TFP as I am still trying to get things setup, but from my perspective its been worth the cost.  I will reevaluate the cost around renewal time and depending on my workload I may bump up to another level.

Models I have gotten from MM - 1
Models I have met and shot through OMP - 38

Aug 22 06 08:06 am Link


Chaya Phally

Posts: 7738

New York, New York, US


Aug 22 06 08:21 am Link



Posts: 667

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I like OMP better, but I wouldnt pay for a membership.  I have the 5 photo basic free account, and I get more paid legitimate work offers from that little thing than from here. I think it has more to do with the particular little modelling community in your area.

Aug 22 06 08:23 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Michael L. wrote:
I thought they were very lacking in Customer Service Skills and downright rude to boot.

Rude is definetly right on target. I find the moderators here much more laid back and easier to talk to you if you have a problem. Some of the OMP moderators need to pull the stick outta their.....and they are either really strict with the rules, or let you get away with anything...

For instance, there are several models with VOTE FOR ME (in pink, blue, and caps, bold and underline with links attached)....that is against the rules 100%. And then there are others, oh yes, I'll lump myself into the "others" category that post that (in normal black print) and not only get it removed, but then get written, in place of that "ASKING FOR VOTES IS AGAINST THE RULES. DO NOT POST THIS AGAIN OR YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE REMOVED."

That is just once instance of the favorite game that is played over there...I think it's much more even here. I get the feeling here that if you break the rules, no matter who you are, you get a msg. But, that is just my opinion.

However, most of my paid work comes from OMP. Whereas here, I get guys with camera phone pictures asking me for TFP to "help build my portfolio". For whatever reason, I don't encounter that on OMP.

Then again, the casting calls here seem legit, and I get more work from the MM casting calls then I do the OMP ones. I've also spoken to several models about this and they are in the same boat as me.

OMP has it's benefits, so I'd say give it a few months- if it works for you, fine, if not, MM isn't such a bad place to be. ;-)

Aug 22 06 08:28 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

since I am 4'11 and most photographers and agencies are looking for bigger or taller models for commercial work , i have not indulged nor thought i would earn my membrship $ back.
Am I wrong for thinking this ?

Aug 22 06 08:32 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

John Fisher wrote:
The forums suck canal water

Hahahaha .... drop the second "c"

Click Hamilton, easily amused

Aug 22 06 12:11 pm Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

Oh, I take back anything good I said about OMP. They are {CENSORED BY MOD: illegal violation of MM TOS}.

Aug 22 06 12:23 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

another good thing about OMP ...

... a ton of fresh meat drops in my email everyday

Aug 22 06 12:26 pm Link



Posts: 20639

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I was one of the original members of omp (became a member when it was  Because I was one of the original members I was never required to pay for the account until one of their latest revisions about a year or two ago.

I decided not to continue, mainly because of the overabundance of fakes and frauds that proliferate there, with management and administration doing little to nothing to prevent it from happening.

Unfortunately, on a more realistic note, whenever I had a question or offer to present to a model on omp, I would receive a reply at least 90% of the time... even if it was to politely decline.

Sadly, 8 out of 11 of MM models that I've recently contacted regarding projects didn't even take a moment to reply with a simple yes or no... which in my book is extremely rude and unprofessional. 

Surprisingly, most of the people asking me to photograph them are customers and employees of a coffee shop that I often log in from.  On 2 or 3 occasions, I've placed ads on and got great response from that.  (No, Uno... none of the CL ads you've displayed here are mine).

I really suggest to use local models from a legitimate agency for the least problems and the most professional results.  It's not as difficult or intimidating as you'd think.  I'd actually like to shoot some local agency models, but I'm in a bit of a Catch-22 regarding that.  I'm friends with the owner of one of the main agencies in Las Vegas, so if I photograph models from a different agency, she'd be insulted (she still is mad that I went to a different agency to be an 'extra' in a movie, and won't let me live it down).  If I photograph one of the models that she represents, she probably wouldn't charge me... but then I'd feel like I'd have to make it up in other ways.

Aug 22 06 01:00 pm Link



Posts: 2721

Los Angeles, California, US

INever wrote:
Just wanted to hear from models and photographers, et al. It seems like the minimum amount is $10 a month (hard to figure even that out, so complicated).

Is it worth it to you, and why/how?

Definite Yes. They simply have more models/people. Nearly 50% of models I have dealt with were from omp. The minimum charge is $10 per year (not month) for photographers.

Aug 22 06 01:13 pm Link


LNV Innovations

Posts: 174

Spring, Texas, US

I think OMP is worth it, but you also have to network to make it so. Like anything else nothing just falls into your lap.

Aug 23 06 09:36 am Link


MM Jen

Posts: 181

BRONX, New York, US

I've been on OMP since 2001 and my paid work has been fairly steady in the past, though it does seem to be dropping off quite a bit lately. By comparison I've received a tiny handful of jobs from MM (count `em: two) in the year that I've been here. Must be that you get what you pay for.

Aug 23 06 02:06 pm Link