Forums > General Industry > Is onemodelplace worth it?


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

I've been with OMP since 2001, it's worth it if you know what you're doing...

The forums are full of ass kissing and aren't as lively as they are here, so.... You know.

Jun 02 06 03:14 pm Link


J. Newton

Posts: 135


Like some others I was a gold member with them for a while and the site was just okay.  Once they started with the mandatory minimum for photographer's I let my membership lapse.  Even though I was already paying for higher level access their demand for photographer minimums just got under my skin a little especially since it wasn't the best run site to begin with.  Been much happier here where everyone makes it more of a family/community thing.


Jun 02 06 03:22 pm Link

Hair Stylist

Hair by Nedjetti

Posts: 1123

New York, New York, US

INever wrote:
Just wanted to hear from models and photographers, et al. It seems like the minimum amount is $10 a month (hard to figure even that out, so complicated).

Is it worth it to you, and why/how?

I've been on there from when it was free for years, forgot how many, so I don't pay monthly. I will say I've never gotten work from there.

I don't believe in paying any site, with so many sites, do you know how that will add up?. My website is threaded so throughly on the internet, I receive calls continuously.

but, I've gotten work from the craigslist (have a PAY gig tomorrow too) ...

Jun 02 06 04:45 pm Link


Nick Ryder

Posts: 317

Walnut Creek, California, US

J. Newton wrote:
Like some others I was a gold member with them for a while and the site was just okay.  Once they started with the mandatory minimum for photographer's I let my membership lapse.  Even though I was already paying for higher level access their demand for photographer minimums just got under my skin a little especially since it wasn't the best run site to begin with.  Been much happier here where everyone makes it more of a family/community thing.


well stated. I personally find OMP to be ran poorly and it's a magnet for gwc's . the up side, it's faster...

Jun 02 06 05:53 pm Link


David Hilton

Posts: 728

Holiday, Florida, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:

They don't allow any mention of MM. I asked someone who works there because I had a sentence in my profile saying to view my model mayhem page that kept getting deleted. Not that it just says "My MM# is...." it is ok.

My profile still has my MM number on it...but they removed the letters "MM". astoundingly bad from a customer service aspect.

My only issues with MM are the limited search and the linit of how many pictures you can post on your page. But on every other count I much prefer MM. Much!

Jun 02 06 06:00 pm Link



Posts: 39

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

I was a Platinum Member for years 'til they got rediculous with their prices. Then they made it like pulling teeth to renew for a year at a time.
The straw that broke the camels back for me was when they shut down for 2 weeks during the hurricanes last October/November and never made an anouncenment or put up an alternative page hosted from a safe site. It's not that hard to create a re-direct to another page before you have to pack up and go. Instead all millions of visitors to OMP got was a "Page not found" message.

Jun 02 06 06:01 pm Link



Posts: 34

San Jose, California, US

I have been on OMP for a year now...It is true that I have made 90% of my friend on MM and have networked with more people on here....but I have not received any paid jobs on here...Thru OMP I have received paid jobs as well as collaborations with 3 magazines. I am a gold member there and I also enjoy their contests...


Jun 02 06 06:01 pm Link


Scott Evans

Posts: 385

Cypress, California, US

NO !

Jun 02 06 06:08 pm Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Thomas B wrote:
I was a platinum member for over a year....just cancelled my membership with them 2 days ago and removed my entire portfolio. when I was looking for TFP work it was ok....sometimes.....but now that I am doing paid assignments I have no need for it. I just need one place to show people my work. I am happy that I said goodbye to OMP

Pretty much my story. To add, I don't need or want 100 slots for pictures. I'm fine with 20. That's about the amount I have in my printed book.

The other model place was good when I just started out. I like the community environment here. There are more stylists, and I like the way there isn't specifically one genre shouting from the hilltops.

As far as paid work, I've gotten more paid work from this site and other sites than from the other model place.

So I cancelled my membership. Stepped over the stepping stone.

Jun 02 06 06:18 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

I have a silbver membership.  It easily pays for itself and helps me do reference/background checks on photographers. The prices really have spiked and the paying work does seem to be dropping off, though.

Jun 02 06 06:23 pm Link



Posts: 213

Los Angeles, California, US

As a model I receive 100% of my paid assignments from OMP & MuseCube. For meeting people MM is best.


Jun 02 06 06:35 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

Same here.  I’ve been on OMP for a few years.  Started gold and now platinum.  My membership is due near the end of June.  I will either drop to bronze or leave altogether.  There is a big difference in benefits for the model verses the photographer IMO.

Jun 02 06 06:37 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

Hey, AnToNiA, I sent you a private message with the casting call info you were looking for, but it says that the fashion show/after party is June 4th (in two days), so I imagine they're no longer taking submissions.  sad

Jun 02 06 06:52 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

As a photographer I feel OMP trumps MM is in the travel notices feature.

Beyond that, I'm hard pressed to give any other instances where its is better.

Jun 02 06 06:56 pm Link


Aleta Pardalis

Posts: 372

Oceanside, New York, US

I had a platinum account for a few months on OMP at first I got a lot of responses. But most ended up being a waste of time. I'd respond then never hear back from them or I'd get people sending me offers that if they had bothered to read or even look at the types of pictures in my portfolio they have known there was no way I be interested. I just cut my membership to bronze. I'd rather spend less money & up my account here.

Jun 02 06 07:18 pm Link


Russell Perkins

Posts: 385

Dallas, Texas, US

OMP initially was my first forray into the digital realm of modeling porfolios, aside from my website of course.  They have a huge database of members with a ton of different styles to look over / get inspiration from.  I've been a member there for over a year now and I have never gotten a paid gig out of it.  I have gotten a couple of TFPs though.

You know what the main thing that I hate about OMP is?  Everyone on there is SO UTTERLY BAD at writing you back!  MM is heavenely by comparison.  Everyone I have written on MM has written me back and I think it has to do with this site being much more community friendly.  I know that for me, I can get a much better representation of someone here than I can on OMP.  OMP seems to bring out the stuffy side of folks for some reason....I think it's the way their site is designed come to think of it.  Also - their site is poorly out of date, especially given the fact that you have to pay a considerable amount if you want a semi-decent page.  One of the things I absolutely love about MM is that the quality of your pics look just dandy and I don't have to spend $300 for a profile to do it smile

Jun 02 06 07:31 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

I only paid for an account so I could search by city.  I was living in San Francisco at the time and having to crawl through all the LA area photographer listings was really irritating.  In any case, I do not think it was worth it.  I will not be renewing.

Jun 02 06 07:37 pm Link


Kat Mae Model

Posts: 361

York, Pennsylvania, US


4 years later and $800 less in my pocket they have done nothing great for me. No respect for long time members, don't care about model's safety, and the place is crawling with wannabes and perverts. Somehow, they keep taking my money every year. The "selection" for showcase photographs and featured profiles is all politics. The worst photo in my book, with the crappiest makeup job, made a showcase because a certain NYC photographer took it. Yet, the beginner photographer gets cheated out of showcases. I had an amazing photograph I took as a photographer of an amazing model. I upload, no showcase, she uploads, DING DING SHOWCASE! Photographers can't upload "questionable artistic content" but a model can have her clit hanging out and it's fine? If that is not dirty politics, then I don't know what is!

Jun 03 06 12:05 am Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

thanks for all the responses!!!

Jun 03 06 02:17 am Link


GW Burns

Posts: 564

Sarasota, Florida, US

is it worth it?  Yes Yes reason for the notices!  They put me on the map and for that I am eternally grateful...I know a lot of photographers who they have helped make a name for themselves...ask Rosen, Max V, Talbot, Scott where they would be without OMP?

Jun 03 06 03:23 am Link


Bryan Benoit

Posts: 2106

Miami, Florida, US

MM is way more fun and the tags are great for my ego... but OMP produces more actual shoots for me

Jun 03 06 03:29 am Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

JenniferMaria wrote:

Pretty much my story. To add, I don't need or want 100 slots for pictures. I'm fine with 20.

I understand that.

If a person can't sell themselves within 20 shots, they might want to reconsider thier photography/modeling career.

Jun 03 06 05:09 am Link


Lacking focus photos

Posts: 319

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

I'm a gold member on OMP, but if I search for my profile, I'm back 8 pages behind all the platinum members, so as a weekend hobbiest, GWC or whatever I am, it is unlikely a model will ever see my profile doing a seach.  I can't compete with businesses and wealthy photographers.

If photography was my career, I'm sure it would be worth it.  I like the new model notifications and travel notices OMP has, but I think I can find the same info on other sites with a few more keystrokes.

I also asked customer service a question and never got a response, that's what I get for $160. a year.

My OMP membership expires in a few days.  I think I'll slip to the bronze level and see how that goes.

Jun 03 06 04:29 pm Link


Jack North

Posts: 855

Benicia, California, US

Farenell Photography wrote:
As a photographer I feel OMP trumps MM is in the travel notices feature.

Beyond that, I'm hard pressed to give any other instances where its is better.

image quality is one -- at least for free.

Jun 03 06 05:15 pm Link



Posts: 98

Quebec, Quebec, Canada ... ( gold member ) ...  ( Platinium member ) ...

I like them all. For me, they serve different purposes

Jun 03 06 05:18 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40988

Columbus, Ohio, US

What Lapis said.

Jun 03 06 05:42 pm Link



Posts: 221

Largo, Florida, US

Well, Ive been an OMP member for almost 4 years. Ive been an MM member since the end of March. Ive gotten about the same number of contacts in just over two months on MM then in 4 years on OMP. So on that alone, I lean towards MM. I also like that I can upload full size photos on MM, and would be able to post more photos for my money (Im thinking of switching) on MM.

Jun 03 06 05:47 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I tend to get most of my models from OMP.  In fact, I haven't gotten any from here or Premier Models, but I've been here less than two months.  Actually, I'm supposed to be getting a couple from here soon, so we shall see.

Jun 03 06 05:49 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Yes and no....OMP is the 800 pound gorilla, and is the largest and oldest internet modeling site around, and it has lots of traffic....I would say it's worth it, though not perfect....I will go from double platinum to platinum next renewal, there is no need for that many images......OMP has hit the search engines well for me, and I have gotten paid assignments as a result of that.....many lame not well thought out TFP requests, but I have found some great models through there, and have gotten a lot of traffic to my page through them....One thing I wish they would do is clean house on members' pages with no text, and those who haven't updated or logged in for a certain amount of time...if they are going to charge photographers, they should also charge models, IMO....that may help reduce wasted page any place, pros and cons, but I think it's a good idea to be there too.... The search and travel notification is anywhere, know who you are dealing with and do your research.

Jun 03 06 05:58 pm Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

Like everyone has been saying there are ups and downs to OMP.

In my opinion it is worth it to be on that site--since like the person agove mentiond, they are like the 800lb gorilla(i liked that comparison..haha). The more places you are advertising your skills and talent the more people will see you. So i would hope that the statistics of someone seeing you and saying I NEED TO WORK WITH YOU!, is higher.

I dont think its worth it to get thier payed memberships these days but having a port there and many other places on the net i think is a smart move.

The audance there i think is a bit differant then it is here..many people claim its more professional when it comes to getting paid gigs but iv found there is also a rise in GWC and pervy individuals who i think would be banned from a site like this in an instant.

But iv gotta say, it would be kewl to see some contests here ^_^

Jun 03 06 06:10 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Roselle Park, New Jersey, US

I started out  as a free member awhile back, Then went to a Silver membership . I didn't think it was worth the $79.95 cost  at the time of renewal so I went down to a basic membership bronze level (processing fee, lol)$10.00/yr just to keep my profile on their site. MM is a lot better for networking

Jun 03 06 06:15 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Kassandra wrote:
Like everyone has been saying there are ups and downs to OMP.

In my opinion it is worth it to be on that site--since like the person agove mentiond, they are like the 800lb gorilla(i liked that comparison..haha). The more places you are advertising your skills and talent the more people will see you. So i would hope that the statistics of someone seeing you and saying I NEED TO WORK WITH YOU!, is higher.

I dont think its worth it to get thier payed memberships these days but having a port there and many other places on the net i think is a smart move.

The audance there i think is a bit differant then it is here..many people claim its more professional when it comes to getting paid gigs but iv found there is also a rise in GWC and pervy individuals who i think would be banned from a site like this in an instant.

But iv gotta say, it would be kewl to see some contests here ^_^

Thanks, LOL....Glad you liked that smile I must respectfully disagree about the paid memberships not being worth it....I get annoyed having to use a magnifying glass to see me a gold or platinum membership shows they are serious. If not for more images, the file size restrictions make it worthwhile....I get pissed off when I do a TFP and have to create 50 kb or less images just for a basic page, in addition to the normal ones I create for here, when most of the ones I give out are between 60 and 180 kb. If I were hiring a model, which I have a couple times from there, I opt for a model with images I can see better, and with a well worded bio, even if kept feature can search by membership level too......just my 2 cents.

Jun 03 06 06:18 pm Link


That Look Photography

Posts: 1581

Clearwater, Florida, US

I say NO !!

Jun 03 06 06:19 pm Link


Jack North

Posts: 855

Benicia, California, US

CameraSight wrote:
I started out  as a free member awhile back, Then went to a Silver membership . I didn't think it was worth the $79.95 cost  at the time of renewal so I went down to a basic membership bronze level (processing fee, lol)$10.00/yr just to keep my profile on their site. MM is a lot better for networking

I lamented and procrastinated about renewing. The day after I decided to renew, MM has the $100/year offer. I think my total budget is $100/year on portfolio hosts. I might have did the processing fee and paid over here, if I had heard about it one day earlier.

Jun 03 06 07:05 pm Link


Jack North

Posts: 855

Benicia, California, US

Lapis wrote:
As a model, OMP has provided me with more paid work, and the travel notices are great.
MM is good to meet artists, but not as good to pay the bills. Have met some great artists as well as paying clients on omp.

The travel notices are great. I actually turned them off because so many people come to southern CA, it gets annoying -- and they go to my phone. but I like sending them.

I paid a trial price at a european place, just to file a travel notice.  didn't work out so well, and I soon discovered the payment was re-occuring.

Jun 03 06 07:14 pm Link



Posts: 323

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I've been on OMP (Member 5734) for several years, the last couple as PlatPlus.

I shoot TFP/CD art nudes and I have shot more than 100 models from OMP. I've also shot several that I located on MM. Many of the MM models are also on OMP.

The OMP advantages:

The search function is worth the cost alone.
a) Being able to specify Art Nude means I do not bother models that are not interested in nudes, like on MM.
b) Distance from a US location. Excellent for finding a model to shoot when traveling.

I have a couple hundred images on OMP, sorted into themes. Much more flexibility than the 20 images on free MM (I'm thinking about paying for premium but not until things speed up).

I've never had any email returned by OMP for any reason except bad address. I once had an image rejected but I talked to someone there & they allowed it to go up.

The MM advantages:

Very cool people in the forums.


I find ModelPlace less interesting.

I have not kept strict records, but I think I've had more no-shows during the last year from OMP than MM, but there are flakes everywhere.


Jun 03 06 07:28 pm Link


Robbie Wolf Photography

Posts: 569

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I let my OMP membership go bye bye a couple months ago. I was on there for two years. The first year when I lived in Orlando, Florida I had a gold membership. It started off a little slow but I was getting steady work (for a hobbyist) to the point my boss at work was complaining a lot because I was leaving work a little early or couldn't work weekends to do a shoot. I think she was afraid I was going to quit my job.

Then I moved to Phoenix, Arizona a couple months later. My boss was right but not for the same reason. smile  I upgraded to a Platinum Plus the secod year. I got nothing except a few comments here and there from people out of state. I blame part of that on the fact that Central Florida is more active and also that I knew people there but still, for some reason I thought having a good search result position would have helped a little. So I let it go. I didn't see the point in spending the extra money right now.

Jun 03 06 09:21 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

I've had a Platinum membership at OMP for about 18 months. There are many things that I like better about OMP, particularly the ability to categorize photos on your page and the search functions. I have also have met and worked with more OMP models than MM models.

I think my biggest complaint about OMP is that they allow sluggos and there are thousands of them. Nothing will make me pass on a model faster than a sluggo link so this really annoys me.

Jun 04 06 01:41 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Short answer: no.

I joined in 2002. It was great in the beginning, but has declined in it's usefulness (for me) dramatically especially over the last year. I have not made many good contacts there in a long time. I no longer think it is worth it, and my portfolio is due to be deleted any day now.

But it is still up if anyone wants to see - OMP #7673 for now.

Jun 04 06 05:16 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

after being f-d over, f-d around, and f-d off, i closed / cancelled my acct , could not sell iced water to a dying man in death valley with a fist full of fiftys.  invested my 9.95 a month on m/m much better value for money, i am over mofos.

Jun 05 06 03:11 am Link