Forums > General Industry > Clothes Off


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Jerry Nemeth wrote:

And you're also a great model with your clothes on!!

Shhhh !!!
That was just between you and me remember....

May 31 06 04:30 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US


May 31 06 04:31 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US


May 31 06 04:34 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

mm burp

May 31 06 04:34 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

The title of this thread gets me going.

May 31 06 04:39 pm Link


BLL Photography

Posts: 344

CANOGA PARK, California, US

Obviously this turkey has never set foot in a major museum! The human form is IN MY OPINION the most beautiful form in nature (unless the person does not take care of themselves). I believe that hiding it it is criminal!!! Clothes were created to provide warmth and protection from the elements. It was not because the body was dirty or pornographic.

I am so sick of the "religious right" trying to tell us what to do!!! Then again, I also believe that excessive religious practice is a result of that person trying to cover up their own sins!

May 31 06 04:54 pm Link



Posts: 975

San Diego, California, US


May 31 06 04:59 pm Link


Sweet Emotion 68

Posts: 456

Oldsmar, Florida, US

Darrin James Malone wrote:
Why do women always take there damn clothes off? I mean, I think implied nudity is enough. I can understand when they are donbg it for a project which could be taken as natural and beautiful, but for the most part, most of these girls and guys are taking nudes that are just NOT tasteful. Do women in particular feel they have to do that for attention? This is a very serious question, I have a lot of respect for women, I guess in a weird way I kinda feel bad...


Hello...........most of my nude work is very artistic and I enjoy that.........but for real Modeling work,,,,,,,,,,You have to keep the clothing all depends on the assignment...............

May 31 06 05:01 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Darrin James Malone wrote:
Why do women always take there damn clothes off? most of these girls and guys are taking nudes that are just NOT tasteful. Do women in particular feel they have to do that for attention? This is a very serious question

Compared to the beauty of a naked woman, all other art is trivial.

Click Hamilton

May 31 06 05:03 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Chris Macan wrote:
Why are boy nips ok and girl nips naughty?

Oh I dunno, maybe because men get more aroused from the female nip than women get aroused by seeing a man's nip.

May 31 06 05:03 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Shyly wrote:
I recently had an 18 year old kid earnestly inform me that people like Michaelangelo, Rodin, and Rubens had cheapened humanity with their work.  Oy.

It's true!!  Look at all the photographers trying to get women to pose naked for free.  Talk about CHEAP!!

May 31 06 05:05 pm Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

To make it fair, I'll gladly volunteer to be nude next time I do a nude shoot.  ::Wink::

May 31 06 05:13 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

deletion for Brian :-)

May 31 06 05:18 pm Link



Posts: 6078

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

. . . it is somewhat disturbing to see young gorgeous women being bamboozled into doing a nude session with a PWC (pervert with a camera).

I too would never have wanted to watch Helmut Newton work.  Or Man Ray.



Secretly, I too wanna be a GWC like GWC (Slammin'!) or anyone else.


Old saying (or I'm just now making it up) : if you're looking for evil, find ignorance first.

# # #

May 31 06 05:54 pm Link


Sinned Studios

Posts: 36

Kingwood, Texas, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
It's true!!  Look at all the photographers trying to get women to pose naked for free.  Talk about CHEAP!!

Perhaps someone should write a book on the topic????

May 31 06 06:22 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Nick Ryder wrote:
I suspect that many are using the "artistic nude" angle

for many, it's just mirrors and smoke, a great way to rationalize their well hidden perversions.

I maintain, for many it's a "dog & pony" show,"

it is somewhat disturbing to see young gorgeous women being bamboozled into doing a nude session with a PWC (pervert with a camera).


".. women being bamboozled"????

Do you really mean to say that "young gorgeous women" who model are too stupid and naive to think for themselves without manly protection?

You are a sexist pig.

Oink, oink, .... snort

In my humble experience, every normal woman loves to get naked. They are usually more aggresive about it than most men.

May 31 06 09:10 pm Link


Nick Ryder

Posts: 317

Walnut Creek, California, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
".. women being bamboozled"????

Do you really mean to say that "young gorgeous women" who model are too stupid and naive to think for themselves without manly protection?

You are a sexist pig.

Oink, oink, .... snort

In my humble experience, every normal woman loves to get naked. They are usually more aggresive about it than most men.

Not sure what "every normal woman" you know means exactly, but, a young 18 year old trying to break into the business is NOT just craving to get naked in front of the camera for Uncle Pervy to oink and snort.

The word is; naive, one who shows a lack of experience, wisdom or judgement, they are often naturally innocent to some of life's circumstances.

They are often unfamiliar with the ground rules and what is expected of them and are easily persuaded to do things because some Slick is making false promises of stardom or whatever. The syndrome is not an unfamiliar one, hence, the "casting couch" scenario.

As far as the name calling and bantering pig noises, this is obviously a topic that has hit a raw nerve with you. Interesting...

May 31 06 09:24 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

Nerlande wrote:

I'm naked right now.

so am I - but don't get any ideas - lol

May 31 06 09:26 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Moderator's announcement:
Damnit, Click.  How many times do you have to be asked not to post 18+ images in forum threads.  Please link to them instead.

BD, MM Moderator

May 31 06 09:28 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

Hi Brian .. sorry... I have not received any messages.

I'll delete. Thanks. If they were responses in the threads of where I post, I often don't come back because it is so slow to get there ;-)

May 31 06 09:31 pm Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13019

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Chris Macan wrote:
Why are boy nips ok and girl nips naughty?

DigitalCMH wrote:
Oh I dunno, maybe because men get more aroused from the female nip than women get aroused by seeing a man's nip.

Maybe you just don't know the right girls?

May 31 06 09:33 pm Link



Posts: 2442

Dayton, Alabama, US

If you want to know that there are actual fine art nude photographers who aren't perverts, go to Community Zoe ... or ... those are elegant nudes ... very creative, very well done ...

I pose nude, and I'm not going to stop doing that or getting tattoos or being pagan just because it gets someone else caught up in their jock strap.


May 31 06 09:34 pm Link



Posts: 88

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Terry Breedlove wrote:
SHUT UP !    wink

what he said, seriously , are you a moron!?!
look at your thinking, your reasoning your rational or there lack of?
PEOPLE do what they do because THEY want to!
Some are unfortunatly pursuaded for the wrong reasons, but all in all, CHOICE is the overiding factor.
get over it.
Who are you to say something is or isnt tastfull (sure it is your opion, your entitled to it) but dont be 'feeling sorry' or  judging someone else's choice.
We live we learn, sometimes we dont learn, but we live.
God bless nudity

May 31 06 09:55 pm Link



Posts: 7

Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Adams Photography wrote:
Either you like it or you don't. You pose nude or you don't. You take nude photographs or you don't. You drink beer or you don't. I like Vodka,nudity and taking pictures. Not in that order though. No reason to make an issue of it. I don't understand why people jump out of perfectly good airplanes, but I don't try to understand it either. Relax. Take pictures. Enjoy life.

Couldn't have put it better. It's all about preference and who are we to judge it . If you don't like it don't look!

May 31 06 10:04 pm Link


Raven Photography

Posts: 2547

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Darrin James Malone wrote:
Why do women always take there damn clothes off? I mean, I think implied nudity is enough. I can understand when they are donbg it for a project which could be taken as natural and beautiful, but for the most part, most of these girls and guys are taking nudes that are just NOT tasteful. Do women in particular feel they have to do that for attention? This is a very serious question, I have a lot of respect for women, I guess in a weird way I kinda feel bad...


I agree with you there Darrin and support you on that issue. That is 'implied nudity' is enough.

I like artistic nudes that are tasteful but there are HEAPS of shots on this site with TASTELESS women topless or showing their vagina's or both that just isn't necessary. They clearly have no respect for themselves.

I do have respect for women and there are a LOT of women who actually have respect for themselves on this site and state in their profile that their not interested in topless or full nudity.

If women don't mind showing themselves off topless or fully nude which is the Maxim, Playboy, Penthouse style and there are photographers out there who want to shoot them let them do so. Their choice 'both' the model and photographer.

But personally I'm not interested in topless, tasteless shots. Although I do like sexy, sensual shots but again in my opinion theres no need to have a women topless and/or showing their vagina in full view to achieve sexy shots that will sell.

Some of the shots on this site aren't creative talent but just tasteless porn shots.


May 31 06 10:23 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Raven Photography wrote:
I like artistic nudes that are tasteful but there are HEAPS of shots on this site with TASTELESS women topless or showing their vagina's or both that just isn't necessary. They clearly have no respect for themselves.

There are many who consider bikinis as swimwear tasteless; does that man that everyone who wears a bikini "clearly [has] no respect for themselves"?

There are many who consider women with uncovered faces immoral; does that man that every woman with an uncovered face is immoral or has "no respect for themselves"?

"Taste" is highly subjective. You're imposing your interpretation of "tasteless" on others, then projecting your interpretation of their beliefs, ignoring their beliefs entirely.

Raven Photography wrote:
...personally I'm not interested in topless, tasteless shots. Although I do like sexy, sensual shots ...

I guarantee there are people who would consider your "sexy, sensual shots" to be tasteless. How would you feel if they said you had no respect for yourself, or no respect for women?

It's the same reasoning you used, just a different arbitrary line.

May 31 06 10:40 pm Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

I have to agree...a woman completely nude is nowhere as appealing as a woman partialy dressed. This is why I insist they wear high heels and nothing else.

May 31 06 11:13 pm Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

P.S. what's a vagina?

May 31 06 11:15 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

TheSinned wrote:

Perhaps someone should write a book on the topic????

Someone else anyhow, I've already lost interest big_smile

May 31 06 11:31 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Chris Macan wrote:

Maybe you just don't know the right girls?

Or maybe I know the wrong girls!!

Oohhh!! feel the burn on that come back?


wait...damn it!

May 31 06 11:35 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Dean Solo wrote:
P.S. what's a vagina?

It's fruit.  You should eat some.

May 31 06 11:37 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Click Hamilton wrote:

".. women being bamboozled"????

Do you really mean to say that "young gorgeous women" who model are too stupid and naive to think for themselves without manly protection?

You are a sexist pig.

Oink, oink, .... snort

In my humble experience, every normal woman loves to get naked. They are usually more aggresive about it than most men.

Just think, if I only had someone to protect me, I would not have travelkled this shameful life path.  As it is, look at my boobies!

May 31 06 11:53 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Yeah, I wish all these gorgeous women would stop asking me to photograph them nude!


Jun 01 06 12:00 am Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Nerlande wrote:
We all respect you for not showing us your vagina.

Damn! She's funny too!

P.S.: I like it when Nerlande takes her clothes off - even though I never get to take the pics. She has cutie booty. All hail the cutie booty!

P.P.S.: Someone in here said we have to call it vulva. Apparently use of the term vagina to describe the external female genetalia is incorrect. And my dear departed momma said I would never learn anything useful with my photography!

P.P.P.S.: Where's Swinsky  ... damnit man, how much did you pay her to fly to Florida? I have $58.00 in my washeteria quarter jar - will that be enough?

Jun 01 06 12:02 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Am I the only person who is upset that in 3 pages, no one has come up with an Oliver Clothesoff joke?

Jun 01 06 12:06 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US


Jun 01 06 12:06 am Link



Posts: 89

Carmel, California, US

Envy wrote:

I bet you're alot of fun in bed.

"Honey, I respect you so please put your god forsaken clothes on.
We will just dryhump through the sheets".

nothin like gettin your dryhump on right after church smile

Jun 01 06 12:29 am Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Darrin James Malone wrote:
Haha, I know this is all based on MY OPINION, but seriously, I guess I just simply dont understand how some people will show you something I consider private. It's just my opinion though.

Will someone shut him up before I beat him with a stick.

Why do guys drink beer and look a nekkid women? Because we like to dammit. Some women are proud of themselves and like to show off. Would you show off your new home and not open the drapes? Oh hell no. Bad comparissons but oh well

Jun 01 06 12:33 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
Am I the only person who is upset that in 3 pages, no one has come up with an Oliver Clothesoff joke?


I just realized you and I both tried to post an oliver clothesoff joke at the same exact moment!

Jun 01 06 12:40 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

James Jackson wrote:


I just realized you and I both tried to post an oliver clothesoff joke at the same exact moment!

I was wondering if you saw mine first or if it was a ridiculous coincidence.

I almost changed your name to Oliver Clothesoff.  You know.  Just because.

Jun 01 06 12:44 am Link