Forums > General Industry > Does Nude/Topless photos make someone a slut?


James Barry

Posts: 681

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

You don't even need to pose nude these days to get the "slut" tag. Invariably, whomever looks at your images whether clothed or unclothed will make that judgement. Make sure that any choices that you do make are your not be forced/coerced into making a choice that you are not ready to make.

I've met people that feel that the statue of David is pornography and met others that feel Playboy is art. People only see what they want to see. You will never be able to make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time. So, make yourself happy first and do what you choose to do. We are only on this earth for such a short time anyways, we might as well live!

Mar 10 06 01:12 pm Link


photo professional

Posts: 20

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Heres the thing....
I'm not a pro model... I don't have alot of experience with this site or the people... but what I can tell you is that your pictures do not look slutty or obscene due to your nudity.  If anything, your pictures have a "sexy" look to them.  Its nowhere near softcore, as some others have mentioned.
But ultimately, you do what you want...Don't be concerned about some of the comments on here because they are most likely jealous.  Just do you own thing.

Mar 10 06 01:13 pm Link


John W Cochran

Posts: 1266

Auburn, Alabama, US

Kelly Kooper wrote:
Hi guys,

Now the obvious answer to this is no and how ridiculous for someone to assume that because you take on a sexy persona in photos, you also have little to no morals. Because I've recently done a topless shoot and been very proud of the photos, I'm obviously against this idea but I'm of a few in my group of friends unfortunately. Although they say they don't feel that way about me, I've shown them other models who have done similar work to mine and they're first thoughts were 'Yeah, she looks like the type to sleep around'. I have a few questions on this. The first being to the togs - In your personal life, would you think twice about dating a model that shot nude images? And to the models - do you, in any way, look down on girls that have done topless/nude photos? Please be honest, I won't be offended. I'm genuinely curious about where people stand on this.

  Kelly smile

First off a slut is someone who will do everyone but you! ; ) 

I like people who are confident and comfortable with thier bodies and their self.  It sounds to me like you need to widen you group of friends.  Find some that are non judgemental.

I think you have some very good images in your portfolio, props to the the photographer also.

Everyone has their own ideas, and limits. If you like the images you create, and enjoy making them then who cares what others think.   

I would date a model who has shoot nude, but my wife would object.  Actually my first wife was a dancer/stripper.


john w cochran

Mar 10 06 01:23 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

I saw a show recently on how devastating it was for girls in high school to be tagged "slut," often for no reason.  Someone says it, and a feeding frenzy starts.  High-schoolers can be cruel and insensitive, and have no clue of the consequences.

Sadly, some adults who post here also have no clue.

Mar 10 06 01:30 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Porchia wrote:
Like I had this discussion with my mother and a few of my co-workers the other day because I was looking in a special edition of Vanity Fair where they had all types of celebrities posing topless or out right nude and I thought that all the images were just beautiful...but they just saw them as cheap and tasteless when they were clearly glamour nude and fine art nude images!

Porchia, just out of curiosity (I am not meaning this as an attack), are those attitudes why you limit yourself to implied?  Because you're concerned about people seeing you that way?

Mar 10 06 01:39 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

William Coleman wrote:
I saw a show recently on how devastating it was for girls in high school to be tagged "slut," often for no reason.  Someone says it, and a feeding frenzy starts.  High-schoolers can be cruel and insensitive, and have no clue of the consequences.

Sadly, some adults who post here also have no clue.

I would have to disagree, a lot of highschooler ARE cruel & insensitive, not just can be, and many of them have some clue & just don't care.
Much like too many people here & elsewhere.
Heinlein said the death of civility pointed to the death of civilization.
(and I'm not saying I'm never guilty either, but still...)

Mar 10 06 01:40 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

studio36uk wrote:

Kate Moss exhibits all the hallmark traits of a real slut... but in her case it has absolutely noting to do with nudity.


I'll bet that's why I like her so much!


Mar 10 06 01:48 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

yes, bad girl. Now go to my room!


Mar 10 06 01:53 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Star wrote:
yes, bad girl. Now go to my room!


LOL.  (Groucho, Star adapted your line, but he did it well.)

Mar 10 06 02:02 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

no, broaden your horizons, friends support you whatever you do, closed minded losers do not.

Mar 10 06 02:04 pm Link



Posts: 1187

Nelsonville, New York, US

Kelly Kooper wrote:
Hi guys,

Now the obvious answer to this is no and how ridiculous for someone to assume that because you take on a sexy persona in photos, you also have little to no morals. Because I've recently done a topless shoot and been very proud of the photos, I'm obviously against this idea but I'm of a few in my group of friends unfortunately. Although they say they don't feel that way about me, I've shown them other models who have done similar work to mine and they're first thoughts were 'Yeah, she looks like the type to sleep around'. I have a few questions on this. The first being to the togs - In your personal life, would you think twice about dating a model that shot nude images? And to the models - do you, in any way, look down on girls that have done topless/nude photos? Please be honest, I won't be offended. I'm genuinely curious about where people stand on this.

  Kelly smile

You are a slut, for sure, if you don't do nudes with me smile

Mar 10 06 08:29 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Hmmmmmmmmmm .... depends on what she did after the shoot ..... if it was just ok, yes, she's a slut ...... if she rocked my world, she just might be the future Mrs. J. Merrill!

<  insert silly, no I don't really think like that, I just like to stir the pot, goofy ass grin >

Mar 10 06 09:11 pm Link


Satine Phoenix

Posts: 8

Los Angeles, California, US

i do tons of nude work and i'm a total slut. but my boyfriend loves it, and all of my friends know it... so, if you are uncomfortable with them thinking that you are a slut for doing it, dont do it. however, if you dont care like me, get new friends who dont care like you. you really want to surround yourself with people who are as open as you are. and that's the reality of it. it's blunt, but it's honest.
seriously, of you dont feel comfortable about how it makes your friends/family feel stay away from it. they are the ones who will be there for you when you're not a model anymore. ( ie: start a family decide to do something else)

Mar 10 06 09:16 pm Link


Satine Phoenix

Posts: 8

Los Angeles, California, US

nicole_n wrote:

a model who clings to her clothing is a contradiction and should probably be doing something's a character flaw. Wow, what an opinion, I think that's a bit much though not everyone is going to want to shoot nudity for a variety of reasons, you shouldn't just categorize every single model who is modest as a model with character flaw

that's not fair to judge someone who is modest. it doesnt make them a bad person. it's not a flaw to be modest. it's just the way some people are.  plus it's more work for those who are not modest.

Mar 10 06 09:18 pm Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US



Mar 10 06 09:22 pm Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

Nemi wrote:
I got called a slut yesterday for my pictures...Soon followed by another person in the same car calling me a whore.

This is how we deal with them....ready?

I fart in their general direction ( with  a nod to Spamalot)

Mar 10 06 09:29 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Does Nude/Topless photos make someone a slut?


Mar 10 06 11:03 pm Link


Sweet Emotion 68

Posts: 456

Oldsmar, Florida, US

I dont find nudity/topless images offensive at all. The body is God's greatest work of art and to display it properly is a gift. Now porn is all together different because its not geared for artistic value and shouldn't be confused with nude modeling. If someone is comfortable posing nude/topless thats fine and if not, thats ok also.

Mar 10 06 11:11 pm Link



Posts: 65

Parkland, Washington, US

Number one, it should not matter what others think.  If you are comfortable with what you do, then do what makes yo happy.  Number two, there are photos that are artistic that happen to include nudes on this site and some that are just naked models with no purpose.  Personnaly I have no respect for the women who are tied up with a muzzle hanging from a rope.  In my opinion, that is not artistic, but to some it is perfectly fine.  They have every right to do that and I go to work every day to defend that right.  I prefer the nature shoots where I can mix the beautiful outdoors with beautiful models.  To some, that is boring.  So be it!

Mar 10 06 11:28 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

lapis wrote:
Does Nude/Topless photos make someone a slut?


This is probably funnier for people who have seen my portfolio.....

Mar 10 06 11:31 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Satine Phoenix wrote:
i do tons of nude work and i'm a total slut. but my boyfriend loves it, and all of my friends know it... so, if you are uncomfortable with them thinking that you are a slut for doing it, dont do it. however, if you dont care like me, get new friends who dont care like you. you really want to surround yourself with people who are as open as you are. and that's the reality of it. it's blunt, but it's honest.
seriously, of you dont feel comfortable about how it makes your friends/family feel stay away from it. they are the ones who will be there for you when you're not a model anymore. ( ie: start a family decide to do something else)


Mar 10 06 11:32 pm Link



Posts: 40

Los Angeles, California, US

Vito wrote:

WTF? First off, the OPs photos are not "softcore porn" anymore than yours are. Do you know what softcore porn is? Did they have that at your monastery? You are very judgemental and on to point two.

Why does the idea of dating a photographer "sicken" you? Photographers are people (women or men) the same as anyone else? Why would that sicken you? What about a doctor? or a lawyer? or maybe a painter? Do you only date the "beautiful people"? There's something wrong with this (moralistic) picture. Where's the mirror?

i agree, my one photo that i have as my avater is softcore porn...its a submission to playboy for chrissakes and playboy is face it, softcore porn

regardless you can do porn and not look like a skank. her photos are very "cheesecake" as someone else said

it sickens me because of the stereotype that models date photogs, and for the most part because they are stupid enough to think that that is going to help their career, not because they actually love them. its sad, its hard to believe, but it still happens even today.

i know im ugly you dont have to remmind me. I'm not saying i only date "beautiful people." Just because ive said ive dated models doesnt mean they have all been beautiful (actually all people i date are gorgeous regardless of their career though, thats a given) I'm actually dating a scientist right now...

Mar 10 06 11:42 pm Link



Posts: 40

Los Angeles, California, US

Second Glance wrote:
I've always found it ironic that people who object to nudity seem to call it sinful or make references to biblical ideologies. Do they overlook the fact that God created us nude, and it wasn't improper to be nude until we "sinned?" IMHO, nudity should be the most natural state. But I digress...

Personally, I admire a woman who is comfortable enough with her body to pose nude. It shows that she has gotten over any hangups that society's "ideals" have instilled in us. As women in particular know, confidence is sexy!

And any "friends" who object or demean you for it are truly NOT FRIENDS. ("fair weather friends" at best) True friends accept you for WHO YOU ARE. Perhaps they see their own shortcomings when they compare themselves to you?

You are blessed with a beautiful body - much more so than the "average" woman today. Revel in it and be proud, and don't be afraid to take advantage of your natural assets.


i have to disagree here. i think the women who are most willing to pose nude usually have no self esteem, which is why they felt the need to pose nude

the OP actually emailed me saying she wished she could do fashion but has been told that her body type was only fit for glamour and that is why she does it.

I think as we become more comfortable with our bodies we feel less of a need to expose it. I know when I was younger and lacking even more confidence than i had today, i was more willing to do nude shoots. Now I'm offended if anyone even asks me to do one.

Mar 10 06 11:47 pm Link


Subterranean Nashville

Posts: 47

Hendersonville, Tennessee, US

Well, I am now married, but before what I wouldn't date (nor marry) was a prude.  Express yourself naked if you like;  a life consigned to conformity is suffocating.  Beware those who talk too much about being "tasteful" as well;  Picasso said  "taste is the enemy of art."  He was right.

Mar 10 06 11:55 pm Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

msonyxorb wrote:
i agree, my one photo that i have as my avater is softcore porn...its a submission to playboy for chrissakes and playboy is face it, softcore porn

regardless you can do porn and not look like a skank. her photos are very "cheesecake" as someone else said

it sickens me because of the stereotype that models date photogs, and for the most part because they are stupid enough to think that that is going to help their career, not because they actually love them. its sad, its hard to believe, but it still happens even today.

i know im ugly you dont have to remmind me. I'm not saying i only date "beautiful people." Just because ive said ive dated models doesnt mean they have all been beautiful (actually all people i date are gorgeous regardless of their career though, thats a given) I'm actually dating a scientist right now...

Softcore porn? Go watch late night Showtime for softcore porn. Your avatar is nowhere close to that.

It upsets me that you think that way about a model's reason for dating a photographer. I am a photographer who dated a model and we were together because we loved each other. I am sure it may happen occassionally but for the most part when a model and photog get together it is for love or maybe sometimes lust.

Mar 10 06 11:57 pm Link



Posts: 40

Los Angeles, California, US

Look here is my point. Art nude aside, its obvious that doing art nude doesn’t make you a slut

But glamour nude

You CAN do glamour nude and portray “omg prettyâ€?

Or you can do it and portray “omg skankâ€?

Here is an example of a tastefully done shot (im using none nude examples because I don’t know if I can post nude shots of other people here)
An example of a shot that most people will think is skanky … _photo.jpg
Or even worse, the homemade glamour nude … E_0206_024
Get my point?

So as you can see its not even about the clothes youre wearing. Its more about your attitude in the picture.  Im sure there are several people who can be fully dressed and look slutty and several others who can be completely nude and look classy.

Mar 10 06 11:58 pm Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

msonyxorb wrote:

i have to disagree here. i think the women who are most willing to pose nude usually have no self esteem, which is why they felt the need to pose nude

the OP actually emailed me saying she wished she could do fashion but has been told that her body type was only fit for glamour and that is why she does it.

I think as we become more comfortable with our bodies we feel less of a need to expose it. I know when I was younger and lacking even more confidence than i had today, i was more willing to do nude shoots. Now I'm offended if anyone even asks me to do one.

There are women that probably do pose nude due to a lack of self esteem but more often then not it is because they are comfortable with their body. And it is the complete opposite. The older we get and the more comfortable we get the more likely a woman is willing to pose nude. They are far more comfortable in their skin. Most younger women are still discovering themselves and their confidence grows as they get older.

Mar 11 06 12:02 am Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

msonyxorb wrote:
Look here is my point. Art nude aside, its obvious that doing art nude doesn’t make you a slut

But glamour nude

You CAN do glamour nude and portray “omg prettyâ€?

Or you can do it and portray “omg skankâ€?

Here is an example of a tastefully done shot (im using none nude examples because I don’t know if I can post nude shots of other people here)
An example of a shot that most people will think is skanky … _photo.jpg
Or even worse, the homemade glamour nude … E_0206_024
Get my point?

So as you can see its not even about the clothes youre wearing. Its more about your attitude in the picture.  Im sure there are several people who can be fully dressed and look slutty and several others who can be completely nude and look classy.

Well I guess I am not most people because I don't find that second shot "skanky" at all.

Mar 11 06 12:05 am Link



Posts: 40

Los Angeles, California, US

William Coleman wrote:
I saw a show recently on how devastating it was for girls in high school to be tagged "slut," often for no reason.  Someone says it, and a feeding frenzy starts.  High-schoolers can be cruel and insensitive, and have no clue of the consequences.

Sadly, some adults who post here also have no clue.

are you kidding me? back in hs, being a slut was all the rage. I would have KILLED for at least ONE person in highschool to think i was a slut!!

Mar 11 06 12:10 am Link



Posts: 40

Los Angeles, California, US

Christopher Wright  wrote:

There are women that probably do pose nude due to a lack of self esteem but more often then not it is because they are comfortable with their body. And it is the complete opposite. The older we get and the more comfortable we get the more likely a woman is willing to pose nude. They are far more comfortable in their skin. Most younger women are still discovering themselves and their confidence grows as they get older.

which is why i think most adults seem to age backwards....i am more comfortable with myself than ever before, but i no longer pose nude for people. Back when I hated myself i was thrilled that anyone wanted to see me nude. Now i see it as gross and perverted and i try to stay away from people who ask  me to pose nude.

Mar 11 06 12:16 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

lapis wrote:
Does Nude/Topless photos make someone a slut?


Only you.

Mar 11 06 12:16 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

msonyxorb wrote:
Look here is my point. Art nude aside, its obvious that doing art nude doesn’t make you a slut

But glamour nude

You CAN do glamour nude and portray “omg prettyâ€?

Or you can do it and portray “omg skankâ€?

Here is an example of a tastefully done shot (im using none nude examples because I don’t know if I can post nude shots of other people here)
An example of a shot that most people will think is skanky … _photo.jpg
Or even worse, the homemade glamour nude … E_0206_024
Get my point?

So as you can see its not even about the clothes youre wearing. Its more about your attitude in the picture.  Im sure there are several people who can be fully dressed and look slutty and several others who can be completely nude and look classy.

Where do you draw the line between art nude and glamour nude? And are you sure that's where other people are drawing it. Art is subjective. Nipples are not.

Mar 11 06 12:18 am Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

msonyxorb wrote:

which is why i think most adults seem to age backwards....i am more comfortable with myself than ever before, but i no longer pose nude for people. Back when I hated myself i was thrilled that anyone wanted to see me nude. Now i see it as gross and perverted and i try to stay away from people who ask  me to pose nude.

Well if you think it is so gross and perverted why do you have a image up that you consider "softcore porn" and it's a Playboy submission shot no less and you are using it as you avatar. You are being rather contradictory aren't you. And if you aren't contradictory you definitely are hypocritical.

Mar 11 06 12:20 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Christopher Wright  wrote:

Well if you think it is so gross and perverted why do you have a image up that you consider "softcore porn" and it's a Playboy submission shot no less and you are using it as you avatar. You are being rather contradictory aren't you. And if you aren't contradictory you definitely are hypocritical.

She has "issues" with a lot of things.  She's gone now.

Mar 11 06 12:22 am Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

theda wrote:

She has "issues" with a lot of things.  She's gone now.

I can't say I am surprised.

Mar 11 06 12:30 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Kelly Kooper wrote:
Does Nude/Topless photos make someone a slut?

Sadly, no. No matter how much I try to convice them otherwise.

Mar 11 06 12:36 am Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

msonyxorb wrote:
i have to disagree here. i think the women who are most willing to pose nude usually have no self esteem, which is why they felt the need to pose nude

the OP actually emailed me saying she wished she could do fashion but has been told that her body type was only fit for glamour and that is why she does it.

I think as we become more comfortable with our bodies we feel less of a need to expose it. I know when I was younger and lacking even more confidence than i had today, i was more willing to do nude shoots. Now I'm offended if anyone even asks me to do one.

When you're done smoking that crack, pass it over it here.

You're doing playboy 'test shoots' and are offended when people ask you to pose nude? Make up your mind. You been spouting out the most ridiculous responses this whole thread.

Mar 11 06 12:48 am Link



Posts: 724

Healdsburg, California, US

SKPhoto wrote:
Other than that there is the old school rule - A slut is a woman who will sleep with anybody, a bitch is a woman who will sleep with anybody but you.


Mar 11 06 01:02 am Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

Modesty=character flaw?? I'm all about being as brave as possible in artistic circumstances, but personally, I think it's what any individual is comfortable doing/seeing. Yes, art is about controversy, especially in public. (question-is the "decency" issue the same thing as the "sluttiness" debate?)

Mar 11 06 01:05 am Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

highly_sought wrote:
Heres the thing....
I'm not a pro model... I don't have alot of experience with this site or the people... but what I can tell you is that your pictures do not look slutty or obscene due to your nudity.  If anything, your pictures have a "sexy" look to them.  Its nowhere near softcore, as some others have mentioned.
But ultimately, you do what you want...Don't be concerned about some of the comments on here because they are most likely jealous.  Just do you own thing.

Very true. There are some people in lingerie shots posing much more provocatively than some of the art shots that just emphasize the sensual shape.

Mar 11 06 01:09 am Link