Forums > General Industry > Does Nude/Topless photos make someone a slut?


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Hi guys,

Now the obvious answer to this is no and how ridiculous for someone to assume that because you take on a sexy persona in photos, you also have little to no morals. Because I've recently done a topless shoot and been very proud of the photos, I'm obviously against this idea but I'm of a few in my group of friends unfortunately. Although they say they don't feel that way about me, I've shown them other models who have done similar work to mine and they're first thoughts were 'Yeah, she looks like the type to sleep around'. I have a few questions on this. The first being to the togs - In your personal life, would you think twice about dating a model that shot nude images? And to the models - do you, in any way, look down on girls that have done topless/nude photos? Please be honest, I won't be offended. I'm genuinely curious about where people stand on this.

  Kelly smile

Mar 10 06 06:58 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

it's subjective and objetive

if you appreciate art and the human form...a tasteful topless shot is beautiful

nevermind..breakfast is ready

Mar 10 06 07:03 am Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Wow, I'm sorry your friends are being judgemental about this really.  I guess I'm lucky in that I show all my friends pictures and they are very supportive.  I have done a little nudity and topless (mostly with pasties) but nude is nude I  I personally don't look down on any other model for her choices.  If the choices work for her then I am always supportive.  Stick to your gun and your limits and do things that make you proud.  Sometimes others will like it sometimes they won't, but as long as you can live with your own choices then that's what matters in the end.  Best of luck to you.

Mar 10 06 07:06 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

The first thing is there is no such thing as a "Tog."  You are going to find yourself on the wrong side of a lot of photographers if you use the term.  I have no idea why models think they can use it.  It is actually offensive to some.  But that wasn't a bash.  It has just been something that has entered our vocabulary, ONLY ON THE NET and needs to be nipped in the bud.  If you said that on a mainstream shoot you would be thought of as very unprofessional and would probably not find yourself working with that photographer again.

Second, you are making an issue over nothing.  I would have no problem dating a nude model.  The industry is about art.  Do you think that Meg Ryan would have trouble getting a date because she has done a nude scene?

The important thing is to express yourself in the ways you want to.  If the guy you like doesn't like you because of your modeling, then he probably isn't the right guy for you anyhow.  The shots you have posted are tasteful and artistic.

I guess I am telling you not to worry about it.  The sky isn't going to fall because you have done a topless shot.

Mar 10 06 07:12 am Link


Jasmine 1969

Posts: 221

San Antonio, Texas, US

I am married and have done some topless shots as well as bodypainting.  My husband was and is always behind me all the way.  But I have heard snide remarks from friends and family.  I blow them off.  As long as I am comfortable with it, that is what matters.

Mar 10 06 07:16 am Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

Topless Photoshooting does not imply a loss of morals, but is a bit of an expression outside the cultured craftiness of most B belt Americans. It does not prove to be anything to stone a lovely over, but can hinder the tender hearted one without inner confidence...
I love Art and artistic peeps, I love the female form created and creative.

Mar 10 06 07:17 am Link



Posts: 40

Los Angeles, California, US

Kelly Kooper wrote:
Hi guys,

Now the obvious answer to this is no and how ridiculous for someone to assume that because you take on a sexy persona in photos, you also have little to no morals. Because I've recently done a topless shoot and been very proud of the photos, I'm obviously against this idea but I'm of a few in my group of friends unfortunately. Although they say they don't feel that way about me, I've shown them other models who have done similar work to mine and they're first thoughts were 'Yeah, she looks like the type to sleep around'. I have a few questions on this. The first being to the togs - In your personal life, would you think twice about dating a model that shot nude images? And to the models - do you, in any way, look down on girls that have done topless/nude photos? Please be honest, I won't be offended. I'm genuinely curious about where people stand on this.

  Kelly smile

its not about being nude, its about how you pull it off. honestly i can understand how your shots would give people the idea that youre a slut. Youre doing softcore porn and you seem to enjoy it. Take a photo like kate moss' topless photos though, and no one would think she is a slut, because its a totally different genre and it has a totally different vibe.

now what pisses me off is when people cant tell the difference between art nude and glamour/erotic/pornographic nude. or glamour swimsuit and fashion swimsuit. its amazing how many people see a girl in a swimsuit in a non erotic pose making a non erotic expression and think "shes a whore!" come on you see that on the beach!!!

ps i love how you ask the togs if they would ever date a model who does nudes...i personally have never dated one and the idea sickens me...i HAVE dated models though...because you know they come in both do "togs"

Mar 10 06 07:17 am Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

I only date models whom I've shot nude.


Your pictures are very pretty. Nothing there to be ashamed of.  As for everyone else: F#@K them.

Mar 10 06 07:17 am Link



Posts: 772

Manchester, England, United Kingdom

If the person who's making the judgement is a narrowminded, petty, worthless idiot with low self esteem, huge jealousy issues and no idea how to live a normal life, then the answer is yes.

To anyone vaguely normal - no.

Mar 10 06 07:18 am Link


Brandon Ching

Posts: 2028

Brooklyn, New York, US

Shooting topless makes you as much as a slut, as shooting with a sword or gun makes you a murderer or traintracks makes you a hobo.... I also second the motion to cease and desist the use of the term "tog."

Mar 10 06 07:21 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
The first thing is there is no such thing as a "Tog."  You are going to find yourself on the wrong side of a lot of photographers if you use the term.  I have no idea why models think they can use it.  It is actually offensive to some.  But that wasn't a bash.  It has just been something that has entered our vocabulary, ONLY ON THE NET and needs to be nipped in the bud.  If you said that on a mainstream shoot you would be thought of as very unprofessional and would probably not find yourself working with that photographer again.

Second, you are making an issue over nothing.  I would have no problem dating a nude model.  The industry is about art.  Do you think that Meg Ryan would have trouble getting a date because she has done a nude scene?

The important thing is to express yourself in the ways you want to.  If the guy you like doesn't like you because of your modeling, then he probably isn't the right guy for you anyhow.  The shots you have posted are tasteful and artistic.

I guess I am telling you not to worry about it.  The sky isn't going to fall because you have done a topless shot.

That is news to me, I didn't realise tog was considered so inappropriate. As you said yourself, it is netspeak and I don't think I've ever used it once vocally but typically, everything is being shortened and photographer was of them. I picked up that habit from one of the Australian forums, where absolutely everybody uses 'tog' as a reference to photographers and I ended up being one of the few people writing it out in full. It felt silly so i joined the rest. I will refrain from that if it bothers people so much but like I said, I had no idea.

Thank you for your comments, they make a lot of sense. I had the same opinion of my shots but know others felt different and wondered if many others shared the same sentiment. I won't be losing any sleep over it smile but it's one of those debates that just fascinates me because no one will ever agree.

Mar 10 06 07:29 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

You're suffering from a case of mistaken identity.  Those people aren't your friends.

Mar 10 06 07:29 am Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

Who cares what other people think? Are they tastefully done? Are you happy with how thw images came out? If they were done artistically and you love them then to hell with everyone else. To me a woman can never be a slut. If a man sleeps with as many woman as possible he is considered a stud. I have always hated that double standard.

Mar 10 06 07:31 am Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

I just looked at your port. Blessed with that body? Hell yeah show it off.

Mar 10 06 07:33 am Link



Posts: 40

Los Angeles, California, US

Christopher Wright  wrote:
If a man sleeps with as many woman as possible he is considered a stud. I have always hated that double standard.

to who? a man like that is a freaking loser , an std infested skank, and undatable in my book

double standards only exist to the people who think them and judge in that manner

Mar 10 06 07:38 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Yours was actually the response I was expecting so I might as well single it out. First things first - yep, there's a different between glamour nude and fashion nude. I'm not arguing that and of course there's a huge difference. But my question wasn't what category mine fell into. I advertise myself as a glamour model and I'me fine with that. My issue was why people assumed that because a girl takes sexy photos, it would also mean she sleeps around. I don't see how the two relate to each other and THAT was my actual question!

Also when I asked if the photographers would date a model who does nudes, I didn't specify one gender, the question was to either so yes, I'm aware they come in both genders. Why does it sicken you?

Mar 10 06 07:39 am Link



Posts: 40

Los Angeles, California, US

Kelly Kooper wrote:

its not about being nude, its about how you pull it off. honestly i can understand how your shots would give people the idea that youre a slut. Youre doing softcore porn and you seem to enjoy it. Take a photo like Dean Johnson' topless photos though, and no one would think she is a slut, because its a totally different genre and it has a totally different vibe.

now what pisses me off is when people cant tell the difference between art nude and glamour/erotic/pornographic nude. or glamour swimsuit and fashion swimsuit. its amazing how many people see a girl in a swimsuit in a non erotic pose making a non erotic expression and think "shes a whore!" come on you see that on the beach!!!

ps i love how you ask the togs if they would ever date a model who does nudes...i personally have never dated one and the idea sickens me...i HAVE dated models though...because you know they come in both do "togs"

Yours was actually the response I was expecting so I might as well single it out. First things first - yep, there's a different between glamour nude and fashion nude. I'm not arguing that and of course there's a huge difference. But my question wasn't what category mine fell into. I advertise myself as a glamour model and I'me fine with that. My issue was why people assumed that because a girl takes sexy photos, it would also mean she sleeps around. I don't see how the two relate to each other and THAT was my actual question!

Also when I asked if the photographers would date a model who does nudes, I didn't specify one gender, the question was to either so yes, I'm aware they come in both genders. Why does it sicken you?

my issue was simply with your title. No its not about nudity...theyre judging you because you do glamour, not because you do nudity. If you already knew that you should have made it clear from the get go.

Mar 10 06 07:41 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Kelly Kooper wrote:
That is news to me, I didn't realise tog was considered so inappropriate.

Actually, there have been threads trying to get models to stop using it.  Models are the only ones who refer to photographers as togs.  You don't hear it from photographers, stylists, casting directors, etc.  You are right.  It is a netspeak term used by models only.  When you see a photographer refer to himself as a tog, then it might change, but it never happens.

The problem is that the net and the real world do meet.  But not a big deal.  I just like to discourage the use of the term.

I love your work.  Keep doing it.  You are a great model.

Mar 10 06 07:42 am Link



Posts: 1638

San Anselmo, California, US

We live in a world here in the US where we  have many  open minded individuals and  a minority of those with closed puritan,  narrow minded ethics.  The latter see see things differently because of their miserable guilt ridden lives. They are to be pitied and often need psychiatric help. They don't see beauty in the naked  female form, but lust and fear of  being led astray. That big ruckus about entertainer Janet Jackson showing a nipple on stage& TV  for 2 seconds was  an evidence of a ridiculous happening. It is a very sick society that feels it has to protest over such a minor incident.   If you have a beautiful, youthful body...thank your lucky stars...flaunt it .... and if your friends still think you are a are in the wrong company. Let them grovel in their pitiful obsessions of envy and guilt.

Mar 10 06 07:43 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Christopher Wright  wrote:
Who cares what other people think? Are they tastefully done? Are you happy with how thw images came out? If they were done artistically and you love them then to hell with everyone else. To me a woman can never be a slut. If a man sleeps with as many woman as possible he is considered a stud. I have always hated that double standard.

I always thought that too Chris smile And thanks for the compliment, you're sweet! I personally think they are tastefully done and I am very proud of the way they turned out. And because of the way I feel about them, I wanted to use them in my portfolio regardless of the differing opinions but I'm still interested on how others feel. Mostly good, judging from the responses above!

Mar 10 06 07:43 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Thank you everyone for all of your opinions. I wanted to respond to everyone individually but you all jumped in so quickly tongue I really appreciate the kind comments and everyone putting in their thoughts. For the most part, I agree with what's been said but there's definitely been a few comments they have made me think twice.

Mar 10 06 07:52 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

Actually, there have been threads trying to get models to stop using it.  Models are the only ones who refer to photographers as togs.  You don't hear it from photographers, stylists, casting directors, etc.  You are right.  It is a netspeak term used by models only.  When you see a photographer refer to himself as a tog, then it might change, but it never happens.

The problem is that the net and the real world do meet.  But not a big deal.  I just like to discourage the use of the term.

I love your work.  Keep doing it.  You are a great model.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a photographer use the reference 'tog' so that's a good point. I've only just joined the forums but I should probably back track a little - sounds like I've missed some controversial posts! Thanks also for your comments, I appreciate it most because you seem like the kind of person who is honest to a fault so I know you mean it smile

Mar 10 06 07:59 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Kelly Kooper wrote:
Take a photo like kate moss' topless photos though, and no one would think she is a slut, because its a totally different genre and it has a totally different vibe.

Kate Moss exhibits all the hallmark traits of a real slut... but in her case it has absolutely noting to do with nudity.


Mar 10 06 08:03 am Link


Robert Szatmari

Posts: 38

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I think you will always have people that will have a puritanical view of nudity in general. Some don't even like to see nudes from a da Vinci painting. So you have to understand that criticism ( no matter how unfair it can be) is part of our business.

Image making is exteremely subjective and so depending upon the viewer a person may or may not have a different reaction than the person next to them. As long as you feel you have not compromised your own set of values than who cares what other people think. Just enjoy what you do. ; )

Mar 10 06 08:03 am Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

The term slut is a very subjective one open to interpretation.

The photos in your port are sort of "cheesecake" like, and as such may be more tittilating than some care for.  Out of the studio - do you handle you day to day dealings with integrity and honesty?  Do  you play sexist manipulation games?  Then don't worry about it.

Other than that there is the old school rule - A slut is a woman who will sleep with anybody, a bitch is a woman who will sleep with anybody but you.

Mar 10 06 08:07 am Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

SKPhoto wrote:
Other than that there is the old school rule - A slut is a woman who will sleep with anybody, a bitch is a woman who will sleep with anybody but you.

LOL. I didn't realize I knew so many bitches. smile

Mar 10 06 08:09 am Link


Claudette V

Posts: 188

I personally dont think that modeling nude makes anyone a slut or is an indication of not having morals.  I think that words like slut get used a lot by people with hang-ups, by people who feel threatened and/or people who are probably a little insecure.

Mar 10 06 08:13 am Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Kelly Kooper wrote:
I have a few questions on this. The first being to the togs - In your personal life, would you think twice about dating a model that shot nude images?
Kelly smile

In my case the presumption that I date models is kinda interesting in itself.  I have, but I'm twice+ the age of most models here and any social interactions we might have are either so bizarre due to the age difference that the whether the models have posed nude is moot.

That said, I have only dated models that have modeled nude.  I think that a model who clings to her clothing is a contradiction and should probably be doing something else.  This is a personal view and is certainly influenced by my geographic and cultural location, my background in fashion & art photography and my own life choices.  I just don't have any interest in anyone who is "modest."  I think it's a character flaw.


Mar 10 06 08:18 am Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

Claudette V wrote:
I personally dont think that modeling nude makes anyone a slut or is an indication of not having morals.  I think that words like slut get used a lot by people with hang-ups, by people who feel threatened and/or people who are probably a little insecure.

And possibly jealousy too. Not saying you are jealous. smile Just adding to your comment.

Mar 10 06 08:19 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

msonyxorb wrote:
its not about being nude, its about how you pull it off. honestly i can understand how your shots would give people the idea that youre a slut. Youre doing softcore porn and you seem to enjoy it. Take a photo like kate moss' topless photos though, and no one would think she is a slut, because its a totally different genre and it has a totally different vibe.

now what pisses me off is when people cant tell the difference between art nude and glamour/erotic/pornographic nude. or glamour swimsuit and fashion swimsuit. its amazing how many people see a girl in a swimsuit in a non erotic pose making a non erotic expression and think "shes a whore!" come on you see that on the beach!!!

ps i love how you ask the togs if they would ever date a model who does nudes...i personally have never dated one and the idea sickens me...i HAVE dated models though...because you know they come in both do "togs"

WTF? First off, the OPs photos are not "softcore porn" anymore than yours are. Do you know what softcore porn is? Did they have that at your monastery? You are very judgemental and on to point two.

Why does the idea of dating a photographer "sicken" you? Photographers are people (women or men) the same as anyone else? Why would that sicken you? What about a doctor? or a lawyer? or maybe a painter? Do you only date the "beautiful people"? There's something wrong with this (moralistic) picture. Where's the mirror?

Mar 10 06 08:27 am Link


aye provide

Posts: 1330

New York, New York, US

You are 23 Kelly, grow up.  I will assume you pay you own bills and make your own life decisions so your " friends" can sod off.  Maybe you need to dump some of your female friends.  BTW if you were in America many would assume you are slutty because you are a pretty blond. As long as you understand and love yourself shoot what is comfortable to you and get paid.

Do yourself a favor BEFORE you shoot any more nude pics:

1) have a FRIM personal litmus test....meaning if you shoot it OWN UP TO IT
    if you can not  then pass that job by.

2) THINK THINK THINK about your future career goals if you have no plans for
    politics, law, education or becoming a high profile engineer ----shoot whatever
    you fancy and what will help you have your income.

3) Drop any type of "victim" attitude.  in this post you speak  from 2 sides of your
    mouth. On one hand you tell us you are proud of what you did but then you
    want affirmation you are not slutty.

I see nothing wrong in your port do you THANG  girl and I wish you much success

Mar 10 06 08:28 am Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

Vito wrote:

WTF? First off, the OPs photos are not "softcore porn" anymore than yours are. Do you know what softcore porn is? Did they have that at your monastery? You are very judgemental and on to point two.

Why does the idea of dating a photographer "sicken" you? Photographers are people (women or men) the same as anyone else? Why would that sicken you? What about a doctor? or a lawyer? or maybe a painter? Do you only date the "beautiful people"? There's something wrong with this (moralistic) picture. Where's the mirror?

Amen brother.

Mar 10 06 08:29 am Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

"To thine own self be true" smile

i never really cared what others thought of me or of what i do, well maybe a little, especially if I have any intentions of running for office (hehe) but I wouldn't want them to be talking behind my back and spreading nasty rumors cause that will be a different story. if they are at least bothered by whatever it is that you do, then they should confront you face to face about it so you can talk it out and clear the air.

Mar 10 06 08:35 am Link



Posts: 1201

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

what do you define as being a slut?

I don't think half of the models (male and female) who do pictures for porn magazines with their giblets out and everything are sluts...

I have a modelling friend who does those sorts of piccies for a bit of extra cash on the side then goes home to her fiance (who knows) and her 12 year old daughter.

I would never predefine anyone to be a slut without good cause..

Mar 10 06 08:38 am Link


David Linke

Posts: 488

Woodville, Ohio, US

I am reminded of a quote, but I can't remember the author.  It goes: "The only think that holds a friendship together is the desire of the two individuals to be friends."

If your friendship is important enough to you to forgo the ability to create artistic nude pieces, then your decision is made for you.  If your desire to make images is of greater importance to you, then your decision is made for you as well.

"Friends" will come and go during the period of your life time.  "True Friends" will be ther when you need them and judge you only on your ability to be their friend.

Mar 10 06 08:40 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

mphot wrote:
We live in a world here in the US where we  have many  open minded individuals and  a minority of those with closed puritan,  narrow minded ethics.  The latter see see things differently because of their miserable guilt ridden lives. They are to be pitied and often need psychiatric help. They don't see beauty in the naked  female form, but lust and fear of  being led astray. That big ruckus about entertainer Janet Jackson showing a nipple on stage& TV  for 2 seconds was  an evidence of a ridiculous happening. It is a very sick society that feels it has to protest over such a minor incident.   If you have a beautiful, youthful body...thank your lucky stars...flaunt it .... and if your friends still think you are a are in the wrong company. Let them grovel in their pitiful obsessions of envy and guilt.

While I agree with all of this, I find it amusing that several people are responding with (justified!) diatribes about US "morality" when in fact the OP lives in Australia.

Mar 10 06 08:41 am Link



Posts: 17

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

D. Brian Nelson wrote:

In my case the presumption that I date models is kinda interesting in itself.  I have, but I'm twice+ the age of most models here and any social interactions we might have are either so bizarre due to the age difference that the whether the models have posed nude is moot.

That said, I have only dated models that have modeled nude.  I think that a model who clings to her clothing is a contradiction and should probably be doing something else.  This is a personal view and is certainly influenced by my geographic and cultural location, my background in fashion & art photography and my own life choices.  I just don't have any interest in anyone who is "modest."  I think it's a character flaw.


a model who clings to her clothing is a contradiction and should probably be doing something's a character flaw. Wow, what an opinion, I think that's a bit much though not everyone is going to want to shoot nudity for a variety of reasons, you shouldn't just categorize every single model who is modest as a model with character flaw

Mar 10 06 08:42 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
I think that a model who clings to her clothing is a contradiction and should probably be doing something else.  This is a personal view and is certainly influenced by my geographic and cultural location, my background in fashion & art photography and my own life choices.  I just don't have any interest in anyone who is "modest."  I think it's a character flaw.

Oh good, it's not just me  big_smile

Mar 10 06 08:42 am Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Your so-called "friends" are jackasses.  Dump them and find someone worthy of the title.

Mar 10 06 08:42 am Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

I'm a tag slut. I love em. Can't get enough of em. It feels oh so good when I get tagged. The better the tag the better the feeling. smile

Mar 10 06 08:43 am Link