Forums > General Industry > Does Nude/Topless photos make someone a slut?


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Kelly Kooper wrote:
Hi guys,

Now the obvious answer to this is no and how ridiculous for someone to assume that because you take on a sexy persona in photos, you also have little to no morals. Because I've recently done a topless shoot and been very proud of the photos, I'm obviously against this idea but I'm of a few in my group of friends unfortunately. Although they say they don't feel that way about me, I've shown them other models who have done similar work to mine and they're first thoughts were 'Yeah, she looks like the type to sleep around'. I have a few questions on this. The first being to the togs - In your personal life, would you think twice about dating a model that shot nude images? And to the models - do you, in any way, look down on girls that have done topless/nude photos? Please be honest, I won't be offended. I'm genuinely curious about where people stand on this.

  Kelly smile

Ok, my reply got eaten...
I said "Yes, it's ridiculous.
Your work is great & nothing to be ashamed of.  If the other models have done similar work & are trashing you, it's likely jealousy.
I find Onxy's comments that glamour=porn amusing.  It reminds me of people I've run in to at art shows who say B&Ws are art & color isn't.
I agree with the other folks who say get new friends.
And as far as dating models who pose nude, my only second thought would be 'What the hell is SHE doing with ME??'
So go on with your life & don't sweat the haters & idioits  smile"

Mar 10 06 08:48 am Link



Posts: 34

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Kick A@! Body....

Mar 10 06 08:52 am Link


WZ Photography

Posts: 584

Squamish, British Columbia, Canada

That's absurd.  Why would anyone think that nudity is anything less then a form of beauty?  I guess it all depends on how you display yourself. 

I'm a big fan of Fine Art Photography, enough said.

Mar 10 06 09:06 am Link


WZ Photography

Posts: 584

Squamish, British Columbia, Canada

Speaking of nude, anyone want to do some fine art photography?

Mar 10 06 09:08 am Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Am I the only one who believes that it is long overdue for us to drop the idea that the number of sexual partners a woman has, has anything to do with her ethical standards?

That thinking is so fundamentalist.

Mar 10 06 09:17 am Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

I've always found it ironic that people who object to nudity seem to call it sinful or make references to biblical ideologies. Do they overlook the fact that God created us nude, and it wasn't improper to be nude until we "sinned?" IMHO, nudity should be the most natural state. But I digress...

Personally, I admire a woman who is comfortable enough with her body to pose nude. It shows that she has gotten over any hangups that society's "ideals" have instilled in us. As women in particular know, confidence is sexy!

And any "friends" who object or demean you for it are truly NOT FRIENDS. ("fair weather friends" at best) True friends accept you for WHO YOU ARE. Perhaps they see their own shortcomings when they compare themselves to you?

You are blessed with a beautiful body - much more so than the "average" woman today. Revel in it and be proud, and don't be afraid to take advantage of your natural assets.


Mar 10 06 09:21 am Link



Posts: 38

New York, New York, US

i woudn't say that that topless is a "sexy persona," because thats past sexy, thats something else. At the same time a woman should think before she takes a topless or nude picture because a picture does say a thousand words and when people don't know you and are exposed to images of you either topless or nude they jump to conclusions based on the ideas this society has about nudity and woman who are willing to expose their private parts in public places. th fact is that a great majority are going to see you as a slut when you take those types of pictures, and if you're ok with taking that type of heat, go for it. if you're concerned people might get the wrong message, which some undoubtedly will, abstain from that type of work. also, it's the atmosphere in which the pic was taken, situationally, etc., for example, i saw nerlande's online portfolio and was amazed at how gracefully she pulls nudity off and having showed it to my conservative, church going mom, she sang nerlande praises. at the same time there are others who are just naked for the sake of "here's my great boobs, or boob job," and we'll be like what a slut!

Mar 10 06 09:23 am Link



Posts: 61

Drop 'em and find people who respect and are supportive of what you do, because you're gorgeous.

Do what you want, and bugger anyone who objects to you doing what you want to do (as long as it isn't illegal).

wink  And move over here, the Americas need more proper-minded folk!

Mar 10 06 09:24 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Kelly Kooper wrote:
Now the obvious answer to this is no and how ridiculous for someone to assume that because you take on a sexy persona in photos, you also have little to no morals...

...The first being to the togs - In your personal life, would you think twice about dating a model that shot nude images?

I don't care one bit about whether a model has posed nude, but I will never date someone with morals.  I am sick to death of morals.  Everyone's are different and they are all based on a lot of self-righteous BS to make some people feel superior to others.


Mar 10 06 09:29 am Link



Posts: 365

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Mar 10 06 09:31 am Link


mr. wizard

Posts: 251

Alameda, California, US

my donald rumsfeld impression...

"would I think a nude model is a slut?"


"would I date a nude model?"


seriously, though, I may be biased.  I'm coming out of a long marriage to an absolutely gorgeous woman who chafes at being looked at and admired.  frustrating, to say the least.

Mar 10 06 09:44 am Link



Posts: 876

New York, New York, US

Mar 10 06 09:49 am Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

Christopher Wright  wrote:

LOL. I didn't realize I knew so many bitches. smile

Me either! :-p

Mar 10 06 10:53 am Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

mphot wrote:
We live in a world here in the US where we  have many  open minded individuals and  a minority of those with closed puritan,  narrow minded ethics.  The latter see see things differently because of their miserable guilt ridden lives. They are to be pitied and often need psychiatric help. They don't see beauty in the naked  female form, but lust and fear of  being led astray. That big ruckus about entertainer Janet Jackson showing a nipple on stage& TV  for 2 seconds was  an evidence of a ridiculous happening. It is a very sick society that feels it has to protest over such a minor incident.   If you have a beautiful, youthful body...thank your lucky stars...flaunt it .... and if your friends still think you are a are in the wrong company. Let them grovel in their pitiful obsessions of envy and guilt.

Well said.

Mar 10 06 11:05 am Link


Jade Photography

Posts: 37

New York, New York, US

Tastefully or not tastefully, nudity does not make a person a "slut".  It's such culture clash for me because in the US, nudity has so many negative associations and people go into mental conniptions about things I think are perfectly normal and natural.  In Asia, families take group baths, children run around naked.  Far from being psychologically scarred, people turn out to be ok.  I found in Western Europe, there tends to be a similar comfort level with nudity. 

Living in any society, we are judged by its mores, but that doesn't make it right.  In fact society has a history of getting things wrong.   Women couldn't even vote in the US until the 1900's and were routinely thrown in jail for protesting.

Sexually objectifying women is a modern day form of suppression.  We can say that words don't hurt but whispers and gossip do take their toll.  Political careers can rise and fall on a whisper.  Labeling a women a "slut" because she poses topless is just a form of Machiavellian control.

Mar 10 06 11:12 am Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

theresa bailey wrote:
i woudn't say that that topless is a "sexy persona," because thats past sexy, thats something else. At the same time a woman should think before she takes a topless or nude picture because a picture does say a thousand words and when people don't know you and are exposed to images of you either topless or nude they jump to conclusions based on the ideas this society has about nudity and woman who are willing to expose their private parts in public places. th fact is that a great majority are going to see you as a slut when you take those types of pictures, and if you're ok with taking that type of heat, go for it. if you're concerned people might get the wrong message, which some undoubtedly will, abstain from that type of work. also, it's the atmosphere in which the pic was taken, situationally, etc., for example, i saw nerlande's online portfolio and was amazed at how gracefully she pulls nudity off and having showed it to my conservative, church going mom, she sang nerlande praises. at the same time there are others who are just naked for the sake of "here's my great boobs, or boob job," and we'll be like what a slut!

Here is the big question I have. Why give a SHIT what ANYONE else ESPECIALLY those who you will probably NEVER meet think about you? Shit for that matter why care at all what ANYONE thinks of you who doesn't take the time to get to know you?

Why care at ALL about what someone else thinks about you period. If you are not doing anything to them they can go do obscene things to themselves. Not worth your time worrying about it. Get your money, do your job, and have fun.

Theresa it is exactly that type of thinking that makes people like you and your conservative church going mom part of the problem of this country. You want to judge someone without getting the facts. Maybe the models you mentioned that you call sluts are showing their breasts because they actually have nice breasts. Or maybe they are doing certain types of photos because it fullfills something inside of them. Or maybe they're doing it just because they WANT to do it. But here's the question for you. Did you ever stop to think that there are those who would look at your profile here and say the SAME thing about YOU even though you aren't nude? Because they are out there.

It is really time that the US grows the hell up and stops putting stigmas on everything that steps outside their imposed religious thinking. And actually THINK for themselves for once. And if they can't do that then simply accept that there are people with a different way of doing things. And different viewpoints (THANKFULLY) and move on.

Mar 10 06 11:53 am Link



Posts: 801

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

Kelly Kooper wrote:
Hi guys,

Now the obvious answer to this is no and how ridiculous for someone to assume that because you take on a sexy persona in photos, you also have little to no morals. Because I've recently done a topless shoot and been very proud of the photos, I'm obviously against this idea but I'm of a few in my group of friends unfortunately. Although they say they don't feel that way about me, I've shown them other models who have done similar work to mine and they're first thoughts were 'Yeah, she looks like the type to sleep around'. I have a few questions on this. The first being to the togs - In your personal life, would you think twice about dating a model that shot nude images? And to the models - do you, in any way, look down on girls that have done topless/nude photos? Please be honest, I won't be offended. I'm genuinely curious about where people stand on this.

  Kelly smile

Well, first, we're not 'togs', we're photographers, a tog is a piece of clothing.

Posing nude/topless does not = slut.  If your friends think you are, though they don't say, they're not your friends.  My ex-wife was a nude model when we first started dating.  Then we go married and she posed a few more times, I had no problem with it, but she felt guilty doing it and being married, so she stopped.  If your friends pass judgement and say (or think) you're a slut for posing topless or nude, they're not really your friends then.

Mar 10 06 11:55 am Link



Posts: 11

Winter Park, Florida, US

I personally think that especially in our culture sex is what sells obiously, so anyone who has said that everyone who has done nudes or topless is a slut is ridiculous. u can't buy perfume or clothes or watch a beer commercial with nearly nude or implied toplessness on it. Did they think the model was fully clothed when they took it? I aggree with D. brian nelson up above when he said modesty is a character flaw in a model. U have to change and dress in front of a ton of people so get used to being seen unclothed. Also, i happen to see my nude and topless pics as portraying me as a strong woman, in charge and taking control of my own body and doing what i want with it. Call us sluts but we are stronger then u.

Mar 10 06 11:59 am Link



Posts: 801

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

msonyxorb wrote:

to who? a man like that is a freaking loser , an std infested skank, and undatable in my book

double standards only exist to the people who think them and judge in that manner

Exactly and on the male end, guys may joke and laugh about their buddies being a real stud for doing that crap, in reality, we think they're nothing more than dogs.

Mar 10 06 11:59 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

I think people are willfully ignoring the grain of truth that gets turned into the slut accusation.  While I don't believe that posing nude or semi-nude means someone is a slut, it commonly does indicate a certain level of sexual and bodily confidence.  That can be awkward to look at for people who aren't as self-assured.  Hence the finger pointing.

The nude body is almost never completely divorced from sexuality.  It can be photographed poorly or beautifully, but in either case the first thing we notice is that we are looking at a nude body.  What we think about that nude body generally comes next.

Does posing nude mean you're a slut?  No.  But you probably have confidence in the way you look, and in yourself as a feminine creature.  If knowing that makes your friends uncomfortable, I can see how this problem would arise.

I lost a friend because of my modeling, too.  I subsequently decided that if that's all it took to sever our friendship, we didn't have much between us anyway.

Best of luck to you.

Mar 10 06 12:03 pm Link



Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

People are very judgemental.
When I started doing nudes that's all I heard..
One was "webwhore", "slut", "that's dirty", "as if she would do that", "I would never do that, I have more morals than that", "You can't do nudes if you want to go anywhere with this career", and so on and so forth...

The funniest thing was one girl... Had quite the conversation about me to her friend, while I was in hearing distance from her in a bar - She didn't know I was there of course but I listened hystarically as she said everything bad about me possible... I then continued to hear her say to another friend "Well, I know my boyfriend is going to be looking at them, I don't want my boyfriend seeing her naked".... I laughed..
And later that night decided to confront her - I walked up politely and simply said "Hey, I guess you guys all saw my new pictures (they were posted up on some website"... She replied with "Yes, that's awesome you cand o that I could never do that, I have so much respect for you"... This woman yacked at me about how great I was for doing it for about 15min... I didn't say anything I just laughed... I couldn't stop laughing.. The only thing she admitted to was not being able to do it herself.
LOL - Anyways... What I'm trying to get at is people will knock you for it for a bunch of different reasons.. but as I did nudes 'not just topless' the thing I found most alluring was the fact that the girls didn't like it because they all knew there boyfriends might be using me as J-off Material... Which normally isn't the greatest thought or mental picture but for some reason now brings an extra light to my eyes.... smile

- My final answer.
Who gives a flying goose what anyone has to say.

Mar 10 06 12:04 pm Link



Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


It is impossible to make people happy.
There is always something - always!
Hardly ever is anyone COMPLETELY satisfied with anything you do... You yourself are usually the biggest critique...

Do it for yourself & no one else.. It's you and the people you invite that will keep you satisfied and in the direction you want to go.... Don't let others jump in and give you obstacles.. Just run dem' bit****** over! haha..

Mar 10 06 12:08 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Most of our ancestors were fundamentalists with age-old ideas about sex, including right here in America.  The Taliban had nothing on them.  We have to fight to overcome those attitudes that continue to spring up today, even among some young people.

Mar 10 06 12:08 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

Indecisive, you are right on the money!
By the way, has that park been turned into a shrine yet?

Mar 10 06 12:14 pm Link



Posts: 30

Standish, Maine, US

I just went through this with a VERY old friend of mine (since 4th grade).

Although I wasn't nude. I was in a bra and full-panty (not thong or anything).

She flat out called me a slut, and other rude names.

The funny part is how hypocritical she was being -- she had post numerous nude pictures of herself on sites...

ANYWAY the point is that they are either being jealous, insecure, or yeah maybe they do have high morals as some do, and feel that nudity should be kept sacred.

My opinion -- I will not do nudes, but I will do lingerie, and slight implied nudity... I like to leave something to the imagination. BUT I also love nude art, and there are some tasteful nudes, that are still completely naughty.



Mar 10 06 12:27 pm Link



Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Jeff Marsh wrote:
Indecisive, you are right on the money!
By the way, has that park been turned into a shrine yet?

No No not yet, I will be making a visit this summer though, care to be the photog? smile

Mar 10 06 12:31 pm Link


c s e

Posts: 1077

Los Angeles, California, US

nude/topless photos only make you an implied slut.

Mar 10 06 12:33 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Depends on the slut, I guess. There are many levels of sluttiness.

/reaching for trashcan lid to use as a shield....

Mar 10 06 12:34 pm Link



Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Ched wrote:
Depends on the slut, I guess. There are many levels of sluttiness.

/reaching for trashcan lid to use as a shield....

LOL... *fires an arrow*

Mar 10 06 12:38 pm Link


Michael Keats

Posts: 50

Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Kelly Kooper wrote:
In your personal life, would you think twice about dating a model that shot nude images? And to the models - do you, in any way, look down on girls that have done topless/nude photos? Please be honest, I won't be offended. I'm genuinely curious about where people stand on this.

  Kelly smile

I would, and have, dated women who have done topless/nude images.  Honestly, I applaud any woman who can break out of the repressed mode of thought society has driven into us over the years, and show how beautiful they are.  Not to mention the sheer courage it takes for some to do such a thing.

Hell, here in canada, (or at least in ontario) it's actually legal for a woman to go topless in public if she wants.  I've only ever met one woman who was brave enough to do it (and I married her).  Being proud of, and comfortable with your  body is a thing to aspire to, not look down on.

Mar 10 06 12:39 pm Link


Anthony Wallace333

Posts: 117

without reading anyones responses, and only going off the question... in most cases.. yes

Mar 10 06 12:44 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

Sign me up Indecisive!!!
to me a slut shows her true colors after the shoot, NOT by virture of having done the shoot.

Mar 10 06 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

aeislugh wrote:

Kelly Kooper wrote:
In your personal life, would you think twice about dating a model that shot nude images? And to the models - do you, in any way, look down on girls that have done topless/nude photos? Please be honest, I won't be offended. I'm genuinely curious about where people stand on this.

  Kelly smile

I have dated a few guys - all in which don't want to be with someone who does "nudes"....
Never would I look down upon anyone that does nudes, topless - anything of that sort.. If anything i'd look up higher.

Mar 10 06 12:47 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

I got called a slut yesterday for my pictures...Soon followed by another person in the same car calling me a whore.

This is how we deal with them....ready?

Mar 10 06 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 205

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Jeff Marsh wrote:
Sign me up Indecisive!!!
to me a slut shows her true colors after the shoot, NOT by virture of having done the shoot.

I'm not even sure I know what a slut is - to someone, somewhere - i'm sure I am one... To the 'slut' I am probably not...  Silly thinking processes I hope I have better things to think about than that...

And umm - yes I will sign you up.. YOu'll have to come up to Winnipeg though (it's hot in the summer, no snow!) lol

Mar 10 06 12:51 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Shyly wrote:
I think people are willfully ignoring the grain of truth that gets turned into the slut accusation.  While I don't believe that posing nude or semi-nude means someone is a slut, it commonly does indicate a certain level of sexual and bodily confidence.  That can be awkward to look at for people who aren't as self-assured.  Hence the finger pointing.

You're right Shyly, and part of the reason for the use of hurtful & demeaning terms like "slut," especially as directed at women, is to try & supress & destroy that confidence out of a fear of the woman's sexuality.

Mar 10 06 12:56 pm Link



Posts: 349

Berkeley, California, US

Your question is a two parter...

No, doing nudes doesn't make someone a slut.

Would a photographer date a model who did nudes?  That answer will be different for everyone.  Most would say yes initially and then a lot of them wouldn't be ok with it as the relationship grew.  Of course, that's just my opinion and experience.

It's like dating a stripper... at first it's cool, but then... most guys don't want her to do it anymore.

For me personally, I figure I know that the model has done nudes going into the relationship, if I am ok with it then, I should be ok with it later.

Mar 10 06 01:00 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Anthony Wallace wrote:
without reading anyones responses, and only going off the question... in most cases.. yes

Well, you know what they say about opinions...Does this mean the models you've shot & reference in your profile who've posed nude, as well as the lady you have a shot of who's topless but for a hand, are all sluts?

Mar 10 06 01:05 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Nemi wrote:
I got called a slut yesterday for my pictures...Soon followed by another person in the same car calling me a whore.

This is how we deal with them....ready?

Oh cool, you own a cluehammer!

Mar 10 06 01:06 pm Link



Posts: 702

Portsmouth, Virginia, US

Wow I cant believe that you friends feel that way...and then again most of them are probably not in this industry so they dont really understand the art!

Like I had this discussion with my mother and a few of my co-workers the other day because I was looking in a special edition of Vanity Fair where they had all types of celebrities posing topless or out right nude and I thought that all the images were just beautiful...but they just saw them as cheap and tasteless when they were clearly glamour nude and fine art nude images!

I guess because you are associated with this world that you are more particial to it so of course they wouldnt understand! But I totally dont think that doing those types of images makes you any less of a women or even makes you a slut!

Mar 10 06 01:12 pm Link