Forums > General Industry > Believe It Or Not: No-Show Excuse # ***



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

I am not sure if I should believe this most recent one or not. I've had a string of noshows as of late that I am beginning to wonder sad

Has anyone ever had a model (or photographer) not show up for a TFCD shoot and later on receive an email explaining the reason for the noshow..and only later on you find out that the model (or photographer, whatever the case may be) "lied" about the reason for the apparent noshow?

Anyway, I guess I am just feeling a bit upset and frustrated and am just venting here lol.

Have a nice day, everyone:)

Feb 28 06 09:34 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Yes to all of the above.

Feb 28 06 09:36 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

No, I haven't caught anyone in a lie yet. I think the noshow thing is just a part of the whole internet modeling thing. It's very frustrating, but it does happen. The best thing you can do is simply move on and not bother with that particular person again. There are many more models available; you could even put a flier up at the local college or university. I did that in the past and found some very good models that way.

  So, yeah, I feel for you. But it's all part of the game. Besides, it was her loss.


Feb 28 06 09:37 pm Link



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

I think all of us have ...
The best reason a model has given me ...

Her Tampon got Stuck !


Feb 28 06 09:37 pm Link



Posts: 2008

Las Vegas, Nevada, US


Feb 28 06 09:37 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

Thanks, guys smile

It's just that the reason seemed likey to have happened that I find myself almost believing it except that something was included in the end (kind of like a kicker) that made it seem not believable anymore LOL. anyways, yes. I will just move on and give her the benefit of the doubt.


Feb 28 06 09:44 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

It happens all the time.  I've had some of the strangest excuses for no-shows and believe me it is annoying.  Just write off the model, and work with the next one. 

There are more professional models who honor their committments than models who don't, but human nature being what it is, we only remember the ones who didn't show, not the 10 others who were on time and ready to work.

Feb 28 06 09:49 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

I understand completely. I just wish they'd be forthright about it and just cancel in the morning at least. That is why it is unfortunate that the term "flakey models"  is out there, which isn't always the case. I've had the good fortune of working with top notch models in the past and hope to work with some more extraordinary models/individuals out there;)

Feb 28 06 09:59 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

My friends Mike (#3204) and Leo (#4278) will be along shortly with their story from last weekend. It's a classic!

Feb 28 06 10:05 pm Link


Expressions in OKC

Posts: 84

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

Yeah it happens to us all. Most people who feel they need to back out generally come up with something. Sometimes it's the honest truth; sometimes it's something ridiculous. My last two no-shows were ridiculous. One was upbeat all week and including the night before in her message. The morning of the shoot she "simply didn't realize how busy she was" and had to cancel. She was "so so sorry" and wanted to reschedule. I haven't heard from her since.

Feb 28 06 10:05 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Yes, in fact it happened just last week. . .

She was scheduled to shoot with another photographer that I know on Sunday, no show no call, later that evening he got an email stating that her sister got hit in the head with a golf club, they had to rush her to the hospital, she almost died,  had to get a couple stitches. . .

She was scheduled to shoot with me on Monday, the very next day. . . I emailed her Sunday night to confirm our shoot, Here is what I said" Just confirming our shoot for tomorrow, monday 2/20/06 at 10am Cheers  Leo " no reply, nothing, but she did read the message, so as you probably guessed, shoot time came and went, and no show, no call, so I emailed her " ******,What happened, its 10:30 and we were scheduled for 10:00am today", she finally replied saying "My sister got hit in the head with a golf club...we had to go to the hospitol. I'm so sorry!!!! " being the curious one, I asked " This happened this morning? ( Monday )", to which she replied "ea, She stayed the night at my aunts. They were playing on the golf course outside and my cousin hit her....on accident of course." And I said "Im confused, your sister got hit in the head twice with a golf club?" On Tuesday she replied" no, once. yesterday morning."   Well then Im really confused, On Sunday you told xxxx xxxxxx ( MM# **** ) that the reason you missed your shoot with him was because your sister got hit in the head with a golf club, but now you're telling me the reason you missed you're shoot with me is because she got hit in the head yesterday,( Monday ) with a golf club, so which was it, Sunday or Monday? One thing you need to understand, Photographers talk to each other on a regular basis.

Sometimes people just dont think before they tell a lie. . .

Oh well, move on and keep on keepin on

Feb 28 06 10:16 pm Link



Posts: 223

Phoenix, Arizona, US

yeah I had a model flake on me last week, 9 hours after the shoot was scheduled I get an message on MM that her sister was hit in the head with a golf club and almost died... I of course sent her my condolences and said we could re-schedule at a later date. She had also planned a shoot with an associate of mine for the next day and sure enough she flaked out on him with the same excuse! well at that point we HAD to ask, did she have two unlucky sisters or one REALLY unlucky sister? well it was determined she had but one "sister so i sent this heartfelt letter

I just wanted to pass along well wishes, several of us AZ photographers would like you to know we are sorry to hear your sister got hit in the head with a golf club TWICE in two consecutive days. We would like to wish her a speedy recovery. We are no longer interested in wasting out time setting up for a shoot in which you will likely not arrive to, but we were wondering if your sister is available. I have heard rumor that SI is working on a bloopers issue and this would likely be a good byline article at the very least.

Mike and associates

Feb 28 06 10:17 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

LOL. that is so wacky (pun intended)!!!

Feb 28 06 10:21 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

John Jebbia wrote:
My friends Mike (#3204) and Leo (#4278) will be along shortly with their story from last weekend. It's a classic!

thanks for the intro hahaha

Feb 28 06 10:22 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

RFAphoto wrote:
yeah I had a model flake on me last week, 9 hours after the shoot was scheduled I get an message on MM that her sister was hit in the head with a golf club and almost died... I of course sent her my condolences and said we could re-schedule at a later date. She had also planned a shoot with an associate of mine for the next day and sure enough she flaked out on him with the same excuse! well at that point we HAD to ask, did she have two unlucky sisters or one REALLY unlucky sister? well it was determined she had but one "sister so i sent this heartfelt letter

I just wanted to pass along well wishes, several of us AZ photographers would like you to know we are sorry to hear your sister got hit in the head with a golf club TWICE in two consecutive days. We would like to wish her a speedy recovery. We are no longer interested in wasting out time setting up for a shoot in which you will likely not arrive to, but we were wondering if your sister is available. I have heard rumor that SI is working on a bloopers issue and this would likely be a good byline article at the very least.

Mike and associates

hahahahahaha AMAZING

Feb 28 06 10:22 pm Link



Posts: 415

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

i know how you're feeling... but only as of very recently...

believe it or not i've had more cancellations/no shows already this year (5 out of 10 shoots including 3 of the last 4) than i did the past 2 years (doing 30-50 shoots a year)...

today i called yesterday's no show model and she said sorry but she was away from home, the car broke down and she didn't have my phone number with her so she couldn't call... and this was with a model i've worked with on 2 previous occasions where she was nothing but professional...

what gets me is if on the night before the shoot she knew she was going to be staying at someones house, don't you think she would have brought any info pertaining to the shoot with her? i actually called her cell phone twice while the mua and i waited for her to show up for the shoot but she didn't answer either time...

i started getting the feeling that she had no intention of ever coming to the shoot...

so being kind of suspicious of the whole situation, just for fun i asked her if she wanted to reschedule sometime later and she said well she's kind of busy right now...

i'm almost starting to think it's a boyfriend problem because when i called her a week before the shoot, she cut the convo short because she said she was at her boyfriends place and acted like she couldn't talk right then...

me thinks the boyfriend probably starting asking questions about who called and what they wanted and she probably told him the whole story as i know for a fact that her boyfriend didn't know she was modeling part time because she said she never told him and that he's never seen any of the pictures...

she said she would call me if she had time to shoot but i'm not holding my breath for that one... and it's a shame because she not only looked amazing but she was awesome in front of the camera...

anyways sorry for rambling on...

Feb 28 06 10:31 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

lol ok, well here's what I got in the mail since you all opened up to me here heeheee:

"I wanted to apologize for today.  I was most definately (sic) planning on making
it to our appointment.  However, I got in a car accident earlier this
morning on the way there and pretty much totaled my car and everything in it
including my cell phone."

Now, you tell me if that is believable? smile

Feb 28 06 10:36 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Leo Howard wrote:
Yes, in fact it happened just last week. . .

She was scheduled to shoot with another photographer that I know on Sunday, no show no call, later that evening he got an email stating that her sister got hit in the head with a golf club, they had to rush her to the hospital, she almost died,  had to get a couple stitches. . .

She was scheduled to shoot with me on Monday, the very next day. . . I emailed her Sunday night to confirm our shoot, Here is what I said" Just confirming our shoot for tomorrow, monday 2/20/06 at 10am Cheers  Leo " no reply, nothing, but she did read the message, so as you probably guessed, shoot time came and went, and no show, no call, so I emailed her " ******,What happened, its 10:30 and we were scheduled for 10:00am today", she finally replied saying "My sister got hit in the head with a golf club...we had to go to the hospitol. I'm so sorry!!!! " being the curious one, I asked " This happened this morning? ( Monday )", to which she replied "ea, She stayed the night at my aunts. They were playing on the golf course outside and my cousin hit her....on accident of course." And I said "Im confused, your sister got hit in the head twice with a golf club?" On Tuesday she replied" no, once. yesterday morning."   Well then Im really confused, On Sunday you told xxxx xxxxxx ( MM# **** ) that the reason you missed your shoot with him was because your sister got hit in the head with a golf club, but now you're telling me the reason you missed you're shoot with me is because she got hit in the head yesterday,( Monday ) with a golf club, so which was it, Sunday or Monday? One thing you need to understand, Photographers talk to each other on a regular basis.

Sometimes people just dont think before they tell a lie. . .

Oh well, move on and keep on keepin on

RFAphoto wrote:
yeah I had a model flake on me last week, 9 hours after the shoot was scheduled I get an message on MM that her sister was hit in the head with a golf club and almost died... I of course sent her my condolences and said we could re-schedule at a later date. She had also planned a shoot with an associate of mine for the next day and sure enough she flaked out on him with the same excuse! well at that point we HAD to ask, did she have two unlucky sisters or one REALLY unlucky sister? well it was determined she had but one "sister so i sent this heartfelt letter

I just wanted to pass along well wishes, several of us AZ photographers would like you to know we are sorry to hear your sister got hit in the head with a golf club TWICE in two consecutive days. We would like to wish her a speedy recovery. We are no longer interested in wasting out time setting up for a shoot in which you will likely not arrive to, but we were wondering if your sister is available. I have heard rumor that SI is working on a bloopers issue and this would likely be a good byline article at the very least.

Mike and associates

Sounds like someone's sister is getting clubbed like a baby seal.

Feb 28 06 10:38 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

John Jebbia wrote:

Leo Howard wrote:
Yes, in fact it happened just last week. . .

She was scheduled to shoot with another photographer that I know on Sunday, no show no call, later that evening he got an email stating that her sister got hit in the head with a golf club, they had to rush her to the hospital, she almost died,  had to get a couple stitches. . .

She was scheduled to shoot with me on Monday, the very next day. . . I emailed her Sunday night to confirm our shoot, Here is what I said" Just confirming our shoot for tomorrow, monday 2/20/06 at 10am Cheers  Leo " no reply, nothing, but she did read the message, so as you probably guessed, shoot time came and went, and no show, no call, so I emailed her " ******,What happened, its 10:30 and we were scheduled for 10:00am today", she finally replied saying "My sister got hit in the head with a golf club...we had to go to the hospitol. I'm so sorry!!!! " being the curious one, I asked " This happened this morning? ( Monday )", to which she replied "ea, She stayed the night at my aunts. They were playing on the golf course outside and my cousin hit her....on accident of course." And I said "Im confused, your sister got hit in the head twice with a golf club?" On Tuesday she replied" no, once. yesterday morning."   Well then Im really confused, On Sunday you told xxxx xxxxxx ( MM# **** ) that the reason you missed your shoot with him was because your sister got hit in the head with a golf club, but now you're telling me the reason you missed you're shoot with me is because she got hit in the head yesterday,( Monday ) with a golf club, so which was it, Sunday or Monday? One thing you need to understand, Photographers talk to each other on a regular basis.

Sometimes people just dont think before they tell a lie. . .

Oh well, move on and keep on keepin on

Sounds like someone's sister is getting clubbed like a baby seal.

Warning:Stay away from the golf course! You know what they say, three strikes and you're out LOL hahaha

Feb 28 06 10:41 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

MusePhotographer wrote:
lol ok, well here's what I got in the mail since you all opened up to me here heeheee:

"I wanted to apologize for today.  I was most definately (sic) planning on making
it to our appointment.  However, I got in a car accident earlier this
morning on the way there and pretty much totaled my car and everything in it
including my cell phone."

Now, you tell me if that is believable? smile

God forbid she use a payphone. Lemme guess... all her change flew out the window and she couldn't find a quarter. Or;

Fucking women drivers!

Feb 28 06 10:41 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

What I hate most are excuses that elicit my sympathy but sound unlikely.  A model no-showed, then later said it was a family emergency because her brother had killed a guy in a bar and gotten arrested for murder.  How on earth to react to THAT?

Feb 28 06 10:44 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

MusePhotographer wrote:
lol ok, well here's what I got in the mail since you all opened up to me here heeheee:

"I wanted to apologize for today.  I was most definately (sic) planning on making
it to our appointment.  However, I got in a car accident earlier this
morning on the way there and pretty much totaled my car and everything in it
including my cell phone."

Now, you tell me if that is believable? smile

That's the same one I got from a model this past Fall (except she didn't have her phone with her and so couldn't call). I wonder if these models trade "no show" stories. I always give them the benefit of the doubt, at least once anyway.

  Once upon a time I had a no-show model. We had set the shoot up, and she was driving in from Fargo/Moorhead; she was actually on a modeling tour of sorts to work with several photographers. Well, the day came and I got everything ready and waited for her to arrive. She didn't arrive, and I received no phone call or anything. So, I got really annoyed and write her a rather nasty email calling her on her lack of professionalism and anything else I could think of. A couple weeks later I got a letter in the mail, snailmail, from the model. She had been in a car accident just south of Saint Cloud; she had been run off the road by a pickup truck who didn't bother stopping. She spent (I think) a week in the hospital, and the letter was one of apology to all the photographers she had scheduled to work with. So, I felt like total crap. I also realized that a photo shoot really isn't all that important; I'd much rather have a model flake than have her involved in a real accident or worse. So, after that, I decided I wouldn't freak out anymore and just let things happen as they will. BTW -- I photographed her later that year.

  Of course, I know people pull the no-show thing all the time, and it's entirely bogus. If you're not interested in modeling then quit pretending. These people neglect to realize that modeling involves other people; true no-shows are very selfish and by lieing about it they prove their integrity. It's just best to move on to someone else.


Feb 28 06 10:45 pm Link


Rik Bowman

Posts: 285

Taos, New Mexico, US

It's unfortunate.

I"ve had the same luck off and on of late. I will say that (cancellation) via email, is wrong in my eye. It's like a dump and run. It's easier now to just 'cancel' in text than actually calling and verbally having someone know that what is said is more personal?

What I mean is that I'd appreciate the cell call saying "hey I just can't make it" regardless of the reason, than receiving an email two hours before the shoot 'oh i can't do it.'

Move on to the next project. There are others.

I've given up on stressing about these things. Don't let it bring you down.

Though I may bitch about it from time to time...


Feb 28 06 10:45 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

John Jebbia wrote:

God forbid she use a payphone.

LOL, but she said "everything in it" ... (dot, dot, dot) thank gawd she was unscathed by it all. I mean, come on, next time fasten the seatbelt on your cell phones LOL.  think about it for a minute...  smile

Feb 28 06 10:46 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

William Coleman wrote:
What I hate most are excuses that elicit my sympathy but sound unlikely.  A model no-showed, then later said it was a family emergency because her brother had killed a guy in a bar and gotten arrested for murder.  How on earth to react to THAT?

I would give her my sympathies and then wait for her to contact me when she's "available." Generally, you won't hear back from them. So, put the ball in her court and move on.


Feb 28 06 10:46 pm Link


MirrorImage Photography

Posts: 430

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US


Feb 28 06 10:48 pm Link


Michael McGowan

Posts: 3829

Tucson, Arizona, US

Assuming that all the mishaps models have reported are true, nobody should ever shoot with me.

Scheduling a shoot with me has caused the deaths of at least half a dozen close relatives, innumerable car crashes and breakdowns, dozens of family emergencies, a tornado that ripped off a roof and (besides mild maladies such as pneumonia and the flu) a two-day case of spinal meningitis.

Perhaps the most fun was when one model called, leaving a message about how her car broke down in Toledo. Fortunately, she forgot to turn off the cell phone, so the recording continued to capture her conversation with her boyfriend, wherein she asked if that sounded believable and he said "no." How right he was.

Far more often, however, I've had models make extra effort when needed to get to a shoot. It's really too bad about the idiots.

Feb 28 06 10:50 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Pat Thielen wrote:

I would give her my sympathies and then wait for her to contact me when she's "available." Generally, you won't hear back from them. So, put the ball in her court and move on.


Yeah, I moved on.  Too bad, b/c I had shot with her before and I otherwise had a good rapport with her.

Feb 28 06 10:53 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

William Coleman wrote:
What I hate most are excuses that elicit my sympathy but sound unlikely.  A model no-showed, then later said it was a family emergency because her brother had killed a guy in a bar and gotten arrested for murder.  How on earth to react to THAT?

That I could believe. We used to have this unassuming quiet guy working in our office who moved to California for a better job opportunity. Apparently he got into a fight and ended up allegedly murdering someone. He fled California and came back here.  NOt long after another guy from the office who now works as a cop saw him incarcerated in a local jail one day waiting to be sent back to CA to face the murder charge.  The truth is stranger than fiction? lol

Feb 28 06 10:56 pm Link



Posts: 223

Phoenix, Arizona, US

In light of my recent cereal box "model" (Read as FLAKE) I will institute a new policy, I will no longer book a tfp until I have a verifyable phone number in which to contact said model. I give out my business number on all initial contacts and attempting to conduct business with somone who's only point of contact is an internet forum they may or may not check or have access to at any given time is simply not smart business, how many employers would settle for your e-mail address as a way to contact you instead of a phone number?

Feb 28 06 10:56 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Nerlande wrote:

hahahahahaha AMAZING


even I had to bust a gut when I read that.

Feb 28 06 10:58 pm Link


Eugene Breaux retired

Posts: 50

Saint James City, Florida, US

What we need here is a feedback system like Ebay.

Feb 28 06 10:59 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

but seriously, I am moving on. I want to shoot with Bekuh now:)
Thanks Pat and everyone for helping me ease the pain of a noshow sad yet again grrr lol

Feb 28 06 11:01 pm Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

markcomp wrote:
Yes to all of the above.

Yup same here..but only on TFP/CD shoots

Feb 28 06 11:04 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

MusePhotographer wrote:
I am not sure if I should believe this most recent one or not. I've had a string of noshows as of late that I am beginning to wonder sad

Has anyone ever had a model (or photographer) not show up for a TFCD shoot and later on receive an email explaining the reason for the noshow..and only later on you find out that the model (or photographer, whatever the case may be) "lied" about the reason for the apparent noshow?

Anyway, I guess I am just feeling a bit upset and frustrated and am just venting here lol.

Have a nice day, everyone:)


I've been fortunate. Fortunate to have all of my models show up. And fortunate enough to see that I'm going have a potential bull shitter. I had one on here that has found me and wants to work with me, but everytime it's time to hook up, either I get something has come up or catting around the meeting thing. I don't have time for that type of shit.

I'd like to meet my models so that they know who I am and we get a general idea on what I am looking for. This makes things easier when I am looking for a certain style of clothing (seeing the clothes in advance) or a certain style period. F the dumb stuff.

Feb 28 06 11:04 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
That's the same one I got from a model this past Fall (except she didn't have her phone with her and so couldn't call). I wonder if these models trade "no show" stories. I always give them the benefit of the doubt, at least once anyway.

  Once upon a time I had a no-show model. We had set the shoot up, and she was driving in from Fargo/Moorhead; she was actually on a modeling tour of sorts to work with several photographers. Well, the day came and I got everything ready and waited for her to arrive. She didn't arrive, and I received no phone call or anything. So, I got really annoyed and write her a rather nasty email calling her on her lack of professionalism and anything else I could think of. A couple weeks later I got a letter in the mail, snailmail, from the model. She had been in a car accident just south of Saint Cloud; she had been run off the road by a pickup truck who didn't bother stopping. She spent (I think) a week in the hospital, and the letter was one of apology to all the photographers she had scheduled to work with. So, I felt like total crap. I also realized that a photo shoot really isn't all that important; I'd much rather have a model flake than have her involved in a real accident or worse. So, after that, I decided I wouldn't freak out anymore and just let things happen as they will. BTW -- I photographed her later that year.

  Of course, I know people pull the no-show thing all the time, and it's entirely bogus. If you're not interested in modeling then quit pretending. These people neglect to realize that modeling involves other people; true no-shows are very selfish and by lieing about it they prove their integrity. It's just best to move on to someone else.


Here's the real annoyance with no-shows.. Some people have regular day jobs 9-5 and only have 2 days a week to schedule shoots for. When week after week, they keep canceling and no showing it really becomes a major frustration since now you have to wait a whole 'nother week to shoot.. and no telling if that one is gonna show.

I have an idea for an old motel room shoot. Problem is, I have to reserve and pay for the room in advance. This is a project that I am real skeptical about doing due to my no-show rate lately.

Recently, I had one girl who answered one of my ads for a paid shoot.. the day of the shoot, she no-shows/no calls.. but about 20 minutes after the scheduled shoot I get a text message saying, "Sorry, but I am scared."

Well, WTF..

Then she joins MM a couple weeks later and sends me a message out of the blue saying she wants to do a TFP. I agree and get everything set up.. Day of shoot, again she no shows/no calls..

2 days later I get this e-mail:

"I am very sorry to know that you did all that work for me. I also figured it was TFP shoot. So that was another problem all the running around and prep I have to do for TFP. There is no immediate benefit, just concurred expenses, ya know. But maybe next time."

DOUBLE WTF!!! A couple weeks ago you HAD a shoot scheduled that had immediate benefit!!!!!!! Things that make you scratch your head!!!

Feb 28 06 11:05 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

MusePhotographer wrote:
but seriously, I am moving on. I want to shoot with Bekuh now:)
Thanks Pat and everyone for helping me ease the pain of a noshow sad yet again grrr lol

Grrr is right! Best of luck to you! Did I say I advocate extreme violence in these situations...? I didn't? Good.


Feb 28 06 11:05 pm Link



Posts: 321

Dallas, Texas, US

MusePhotographer wrote:
I am not sure if I should believe this most recent one or not. I've had a string of noshows as of late that I am beginning to wonder sad

Has anyone ever had a model (or photographer) not show up for a TFCD shoot and later on receive an email explaining the reason for the noshow..and only later on you find out that the model (or photographer, whatever the case may be) "lied" about the reason for the apparent noshow?

Anyway, I guess I am just feeling a bit upset and frustrated and am just venting here lol.

Have a nice day, everyone:)

Had my first no show/no call today...unfortunately it won't be the last

Feb 28 06 11:06 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

RFAphoto wrote:
In light of my recent cereal box "model" (Read as FLAKE) I will institute a new policy, I will no longer book a tfp until I have a verifyable phone number in which to contact said model. I give out my business number on all initial contacts and attempting to conduct business with somone who's only point of contact is an internet forum they may or may not check or have access to at any given time is simply not smart business, how many employers would settle for your e-mail address as a way to contact you instead of a phone number?

But I did get her phone number. In fact she gave it to me.  It took my messages yesterday reconfirming our shoot and reminding her to  please call me if something would come up. Some individuals are really just plain inconsiderate. I'm just not used to that lol. I guess I just need to toughen up. ok.moving on really smile

Feb 28 06 11:06 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

John Jebbia wrote:

Here's the real annoyance with no-shows.. Some people have regular day jobs 9-5 and only have 2 days a week to schedule shoots for. When week after week, they keep canceling and no showing it really becomes a major frustration since now you have to wait a whole 'nother week to shoot.. and no telling if that one is gonna show.

I have an idea for an old motel room shoot. Problem is, I have to reserve and pay for the room in advance. This is a project that I am real skeptical about doing due to my no-show rate lately.

Recently, I had one girl who answered one of my ads for a paid shoot.. the day of the shoot, she no-shows/no calls.. but about 20 minutes after the scheduled shoot I get a text message saying, "Sorry, but I am scared."

Well, WTF..

Then she joins MM a couple weeks later and sends me a message out of the blue saying she wants to do a TFP. I agree and get everything set up.. Day of shoot, again she no shows/no calls..

2 days later I get this e-mail:

"I am very sorry to know that you did all that work for me. I also figured it was TFP shoot. So that was another problem all the running around and prep I have to do for TFP. There is no immediate benefit, just concurred expenses, ya know. But maybe next time."

DOUBLE WTF!!! A couple weeks ago you HAD a shoot scheduled that had immediate benefit!!!!!!! Things that make you scratch your head!!!

Oh lordie ... what we do for the love of photography smile

Feb 28 06 11:10 pm Link