Forums > General Industry > Believe It Or Not: No-Show Excuse # ***


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I believe MM needs a 1 strike policy regarding no-shows/no calls... *

* With the option of re-instating their portfolio as soon as whatever their issue-du-jour is resolved..

Feb 28 06 11:11 pm Link



Posts: 223

Phoenix, Arizona, US

yeah a phone number is no guarantee, that is for sure, but I'm not sure the Cash Deposit idea will catch on, But I sure wouldn;'t mind if it did!! There are enough flakes to get me some new studio lights to use on the ones who actually do show up...

Feb 28 06 11:12 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

Mirror Image Photograph wrote:

If she had just omitted that, I wouldn't have cast a doubt. NOw I have to think about the other noshows in the past LOL kidding... I just think it's hilarious. smile

Feb 28 06 11:16 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Michael McGowan wrote:
Assuming that all the mishaps models have reported are true, nobody should ever shoot with me.

Scheduling a shoot with me has caused the deaths of at least half a dozen close relatives, innumerable car crashes and breakdowns, dozens of family emergencies, a tornado that ripped off a roof and (besides mild maladies such as pneumonia and the flu) a two-day case of spinal meningitis.

Perhaps the most fun was when one model called, leaving a message about how her car broke down in Toledo. Fortunately, she forgot to turn off the cell phone, so the recording continued to capture her conversation with her boyfriend, wherein she asked if that sounded believable and he said "no." How right he was.

Far more often, however, I've had models make extra effort when needed to get to a shoot. It's really too bad about the idiots.

So scheduling a shoot with you is more dangerous (for loved ones) than showing up for a shoot with INSERT PHOTOGRAPHER sans escort.

Feb 28 06 11:16 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Merlinpix wrote:
Yup same here..but only on TFP/CD shoots

Recently it's been happening to me on paid shoots too..

Feb 28 06 11:20 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

Michael McGowan wrote:
Assuming that all the mishaps models have reported are true, nobody should ever shoot with me.

Scheduling a shoot with me has caused the deaths of at least half a dozen close relatives, innumerable car crashes and breakdowns, dozens of family emergencies, a tornado that ripped off a roof and (besides mild maladies such as pneumonia and the flu) a two-day case of spinal meningitis.

Perhaps the most fun was when one model called, leaving a message about how her car broke down in Toledo. Fortunately, she forgot to turn off the cell phone, so the recording continued to capture her conversation with her boyfriend, wherein she asked if that sounded believable and he said "no." How right he was.

Far more often, however, I've had models make extra effort when needed to get to a shoot. It's really too bad about the idiots.

They have a bright future in creative writing wink

Feb 28 06 11:20 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

John Jebbia wrote:

Recently it's been happening to me on paid shoots too..

LOL, there's no escaping it ...

Feb 28 06 11:21 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

MusePhotographer wrote:

They have a bright future in creative writing wink

Where I'm from we call them bullsh** artist.

Feb 28 06 11:22 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Michael McGowan wrote:
Assuming that all the mishaps models have reported are true, nobody should ever shoot with me.

Scheduling a shoot with me has caused the deaths of at least half a dozen close relatives, innumerable car crashes and breakdowns, dozens of family emergencies, a tornado that ripped off a roof and (besides mild maladies such as pneumonia and the flu) a two-day case of spinal meningitis.

Perhaps the most fun was when one model called, leaving a message about how her car broke down in Toledo. Fortunately, she forgot to turn off the cell phone, so the recording continued to capture her conversation with her boyfriend, wherein she asked if that sounded believable and he said "no." How right he was.

Far more often, however, I've had models make extra effort when needed to get to a shoot. It's really too bad about the idiots.

LOL, Michael.  Glad you have a sense of humor about it.

Feb 28 06 11:22 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

ok i am going to bed now.. your replies have been very therapeutic ..i am completely over it now:) I hope her car insurance covers her cell phone replacement smile

Feb 28 06 11:24 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Yes, I have had this happen and it is most often after I have ignored those little warning signs that we often get as photographers - the ones that tell us to "just say no." I think it only fair, however, to say that I once had a model no show a shoot but later become a model that I worked with very successfully on several occassions. She has also become a friend and I always look forward to hearing from her and considering future projects with her. Sometime "stuff does happen."

Feb 28 06 11:33 pm Link



Posts: 2281

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I have been pretty fortunate in this regard, but it still happens on occasion.
  I do not book shoots with models I have not met. I prefer to meet over coffee, and I can usually judge character well. I arrange the coffee chats around my regular caffeine breaks at my local coffee shop, so I don't lose out much if a model doesn't show.
  I usually assume that if they don't make the coffee, they won't make a shoot...
  A model stood me up for coffee two weeks ago, but a girl at the next table overheard a phone conversation on the subject, and offered to model in her place. As it happened, the accidental model was prettier and proved to be an excellent shoot. I'm working with her again this weekend... (and yes, she showed up for the first shoot...;o)   )

Feb 28 06 11:44 pm Link


Michael McGowan

Posts: 3829

Tucson, Arizona, US

Humor? What sense of humor?

OK, another recent one...

Had a model call to say that another photographer was jerking her around, that the shoot she had scheduled for Saturday was moved to Sunday, could I adjust. The fellow was in from out of town, I would be around, so I figured sure. No sweat this time.

About three hours later, she's on the phone. She's tired of the guy jerking her around, so she's headed to another town several hours away to see her brand new boyfriend. Oh, yeah, she won't be coming by on Sunday.

Did I get this right? She used one photographer as an excuse not to shoot, then got rid of her excuse not to shoot... and went off to shack up with a new boyfriend. Yeah, I think I got that right.

Her reaction when I was upset? If I was the kind of friend she thought I was, I would understand.

Seems to me if she was the kind of model I thought she was, she wouldn't have pulled a stunt like that.

Oh, well. All this silliness just makes me appreciate the good ones even more. And believe me, there have been some gems.

Feb 28 06 11:58 pm Link


Storyline Visuals

Posts: 34

Mission Viejo, California, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Here's the real annoyance with no-shows.. Some people have regular day jobs 9-5 and only have 2 days a week to schedule shoots for. When week after week, they keep canceling and no showing it really becomes a major frustration since now you have to wait a whole 'nother week to shoot.. and no telling if that one is gonna show.

Isn't that the truth. I think I might start doing tfp only for models with healthy families. Twice in as many weeks I've had concellations due to "a family emergency". Notification was by email 1 hour before the shoot, the second one was by email two days after the shoot.

[scratchin' my head, watchin' the time waste away]


Mar 01 06 12:29 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Michael McGowan wrote:
Humor? What sense of humor?

OK, another recent one...

Had a model call to say that another photographer was jerking her around, that the shoot she had scheduled for Saturday was moved to Sunday, could I adjust. The fellow was in from out of town, I would be around, so I figured sure. No sweat this time.

About three hours later, she's on the phone. She's tired of the guy jerking her around, so she's headed to another town several hours away to see her brand new boyfriend. Oh, yeah, she won't be coming by on Sunday.

Did I get this right? She used one photographer as an excuse not to shoot, then got rid of her excuse not to shoot... and went off to shack up with a new boyfriend. Yeah, I think I got that right.

Her reaction when I was upset? If I was the kind of friend she thought I was, I would understand.

Seems to me if she was the kind of model I thought she was, she wouldn't have pulled a stunt like that.

Oh, well. All this silliness just makes me appreciate the good ones even more. And believe me, there have been some gems.

Sounds like a basket case to me. Interesting. I had the same happen to me. No not all of that girlfriend boyfriend mess. But a model on here who can't meet me or reply to meet me, but, as she states, books fast for shoot. Forget that game playing sh!t. I told her nevermind because I see what was coming.

Every model that I have worked with except for one, I have met first. the one that I didn't meet first, we did talked on the phone. This one, didn't do neither. Avoid those types if you can. Prevents headaches.

Mar 01 06 12:30 am Link


ooooo 99

Posts: 7

Hahahahahaha... We feel your pain!!!!


At least it looks like one as the professional looking bills
and invoices seldom seem to keep pace with the checks!
This is OUR business not a hobby/side job it's how we make a living!
We are not hobbyists or local evenings/weekends only amateurs!

We've shot for 20+ yrs everything from "Playboy" Playmates of
the Year! to NFL Super Bowls, NCAA Final 4's, MLB World Series.
Booked/shot MAX magazine cover models as well as Sports Illus.
Swimsuit Edition models for Com Adv, Fashion, Editorial client work!
        Published Nationally as well as Internationally!

This "business" is a big fraudulent game for a large % of others.
Hosted I-net modeling sites are yet another attention garnering
device for frauds as well as fraudulent amateur i-net "models"...
Who are no more a "model" than I am an astronaut...although I do
gaze into space from time to time..(so I must be an am astronaut!)

If anyone wishes to book/shoot print models you may need to be
near a metropolis that would allow you access to talent agencies!!
Book local talent from actual brick & mortar model/talent agencies!
Many agencies have new models that have all the ingredients to
be an actual print model 5 9" well as a desire to: MODEL!!
AND they need to test to keep books current w/ credible photogs!!
If an Agency model pulls a no show there are checks & balances!
The Agency seldom allows a model to no show too many times
without releasing them & contacting other agencies about them!

Don't even start!...hooohaaaa.....!!!ohhhhhhhahhhhhhh!!
You would think that more odd/crazy things happen (that
are so out of the ordinary) to part time amateur i-net models
that keep them from communicating in kind or ever modeling!
Than any other cross-section of people on Earth! Including
people in Natural Disasters & War Zones! Tsunamis/Hurricanes,
Ebola, Military Coups!, Missile Strikes, or Marshall Law!!

As you progress you'll realize that they are 99.99% liars!!!
Or the am model never intended to shoot or does not have any
experience that she insisted she had while waiting to email pics
from cd's a local GWC down the street shot to illustrate her point!
Those images seldom make there way nor does further response!

Thinking that many amateur i-net models actually respect any
photographers accomplishments or even your time is baseless!!..
Often the one and ONLY agenda is: self adulation and attention!..
As you can see/read on forums the consant craving for both!!!!
Asking all to comment on their newest amateur tfp... etc etc..

Many it seems have boring (real life) jobs without oversight so
they sit & prattle on forums about "modeling" et al until 5 PM.
Then it is off to their.................   NON MODELING REAL LIFE!!
View the # of comments they've made in very short time @ MM!

To expect anything more.. say a professional discourse, email
& phone correspondence returned in kind, professional courtesy
or any semblance of a business-like relationship built on mutual
goals or respect is far fetched at best!! Few have business exp.
And treat am modeling like dating...If you don't get a response
that must mean that they are uninterested....So just go away!!

Buy a book or 3 & read/garner current info about the industry!!
Instead of asking other inexperienced i-net am's their opinion!
Acquire industry knowledge of what is expected of you & how
to carry yourself when responding to industry correspondence
in a business-like manner! Use 1/100th of the creativity that's
involved in making up fantastical BS excuses to DUCK a shoot!
AND.. actually accomplish something creative and interesting!!

"TOO BUSY....."

Is not an acceptable excuse in the real business world!!
You are NOT too busy to accept new MM friends or to comment
on world events @ MM daily so how can you be too busy to
respond in kind to professional business correspondence.....!
That is if you truly desire to shoot w/ published pro's!!

Finding an i-net amateur that can actually model (5'9"+) who
can be trusted to show up for an industry related client job
is nearly impossible..Sorry? To all the 5' 4" amateurs who feel
that they should be allowed to be booked for prof. industry
client work..When they cannot make a go-see during work
or school hours & cannot return correspondence in kind
about anything! So how could they ever make it to a shoot!.?

A requirement to even get NEAR the door for any
audition for MOST client: Editorial, Com Adv print jobs is:
A portfolio of professional work, tear sheets from client jobs,
actual professional modeling experience & OH GAWD be 5'9"+
Probably NOT have bad implants 3 times the size of your natural
body size, or bring your latest sneering boyfiend to an open call!

Modeling is all a fantasy for many am mods, a way to garner 
attention that they must NOT be getting enough of @ myspace
or in their daily lives, NOW they are "i-net glamour models"!

If you see myspace as an alternate site you may want to run!
Good luck with most: Part-time Amateur I-net glamour models..
As they often blatently lie on their bio's. They seldom know what
their ever changing day to day capabilities or availabilities are!

Usually they have little/no time to do any actual modeling!!
School/work/busy social calenders are agenda's that come first!
Traveling more than 30 minutes to a shoot for 30 minutes is it!!
And only evenings and/or weekends of months that end in R...
And that has to be planned 6 mo. ahead & aborted 10 times!!
Gone over w/ parents, current boyfiends & faux reps/agents!

If a combination of Herb Ritts/Helmut Newton arose from the
MF-ing grave to email/contact most am models about a possible:
Booking/test/go-see/audition/fitting...or any industry related gig!

(It's doubtful they'd know anything about either photographer!
Many am mods know so very very little about an industry
that they pretend that they are such a BIG, BIG part of
from what you would infer from all their forum bantering....)

The excuse would be: "too busy" respond.......
Or the date would fall on their boyfiends softball tourney
or a wedding or a picnic or a paper due the week after next!...
"Modeling is not my main priority I have a "real life" you know!"

I-net mods often say that only after a dialogue has commenced
& they may realize that you are for real, accomplished and may
have expectations of them as a "model"... from their fantasy bio..
(& love bashing GWC's.. Which they're the modeling equivilant of!)

Then suddenly correspondence stops & modeling isn't a priority!!!..
"I have a real LIFE" IS THEN BELTED OUT...YES...of course you do..
Your "real" life seldom enters the Commercial Adv./Fashion Community!
The closest you ever get to it is when you walk by a magazine stand!!

We should all realize that there are so many things that can happen
in the i-net am's tiny world to preclude them from attending a shoot!
J Jebbia's  suggestion a MM one strike "no show" policy!!! We're for it!
As M McGowan mentioned family emergencies, deaths in the family
lost your number, email was down, boy"fiend", sickness & death are
all part of a quickly acquired arsenal of part time am mod: excuses.
If an email cancellation is sent 24 hrs prior we're ecstatically happy!~
Which is no way to do biz yet becomes par/lowest common denominator!

It doesn't matter if the photog is a GWC or a published 20+ yr pro.
Or if a female studio manager does any initial leg work.......etc....
If the proposal is for: nude, non nude, swimsuit, snowmobile suit!
Or if the am mod's bio is so obtuse & lacking any modeling info
that an email is extended to them simply to acquire standard info!!

The excuses still abound..We feel that many amateurs love to hear
the sound of their own voices lauding their modeling skills until
they're asked to simply verify one of their claims & then they vanish!
The quickest way to end ANY correspondence with an i-net am mod?
Request paid references & imagery! 4 A total meltdown!!
OR they didn't get ANY pics & suddenly forgot who it was that shot'em!

Ironically most desire to model only for cool magazine submissions!
w/ experienced published pro's even when they have little/no exp!!
And their latest boyfiend must accompany & stay on set w/ them!
But that's another topic!!

We only laugh now @ i-net am mods excuses & we quintuple book
anything that involves ANY part time amateur i-net glamour models....
That's when we're not shooting client work w/ real live print pro models!
Or when we don't have enough trauma & drama in our lives & desire
a few part time amateur i-net models to demean us w/ BS & rudeness!!

So now the few amateur tfp's scheduled look like a 20+ model
Shoot Out (on paper) until the no shows pile up @ & we're inundated
once again w/ the myriad of paltry pathetic 8th grade lies & excuses!!!...
At least now we expect it and are prepared for it and when we get
the bullsh*t email excuse we forward it to others in the business so
we can all get a good laugh at how many i-net am mods think a real
business community is run.....

We know that there are a few talented wonderful & professional
amateur i-net mods who can communicate in kind, carry themselves
respectfully in a business-like manner & show up on time with little
baggage/drama or any BS excuses...AND are very talented models!
WE LOVE YOU!!!!.....and maybe we've even shot a few of you!!

You know that you've our undying gratitude as well as respect!


We had an amateur i-net model that suddenly was unable to return
correspondence when the booking date was at hand! imagine that?
(..after speaking ad nauseum as to her great modeling abilities!)
We finally reached her and she said she had been at the hospital
with a friend who had been in a serious car accident & dying!
As phones are not allowed! (How about on the 2 hr drive to & from?)
After weeks at her friends bedside.. he passed away... (ok....sorry!)
Then the weeks of mourning.....(no communication)
Then more non communication..then when finally speaking with
her in person again her mother was in the hospital dying.....
Then more hospital bedside sitting...then her mothers death....

The day after her mother "died" the i-net model was right back
on MM complimenting yet another i-net am mods "smile"......
Maybe that was her way of ""coping" with the loss of her ...
Pulling the dead Mother card..that really sits near the top o'da heap!

Here is a classic (below)...only after tons of email does any semblance
of truth emerge from the depths of the lies half truths & innuendo..enjoy!!

Our second email to an MM "Part time amateur i-net glamour model"

Thanks so much we realize how busy modeling you must be!
If you could email a response we would appreciate your professionality!
Thanks for your time....e@eb&a

11/12/05 5:47 PM
You can reach me at xxx xxx xxxx, around mid next week.
I am interested in what you have for projects.
Thanks, keli

11/12/05 7:05 PM

Keli..Thanks for your response/contact info!!!
Please feel free to contact us.. when you can.!!
Or we'll call you ..Thanks..eldorado@eb&a

11/13/05 12:27 AM
Or simply call us....

11/21/05 1:12 AM

Your email above is from a week and a half ago!! =
We thank you for the contact info ..but is it current?
We called left messages never heard back!!... Odd eh?
We would hate to keep leaving messages if we don't
have the correct contact info or if you are too busy etc etc..

We realize that everyone is terribly busy...
Please feel free to contact us.. !

11/21/05 9:28 AM
I apologize, I had surgery and have been in bed for a week and
haven't checked my voicemails. I will call you later this afternoon.
Sorry for any delays. Thanks,Keli

12/06/05 12:52 PM

Hey it's been several weeks since you were in bed for "a week"!
To our knowledge we never got a call as promised 11/22 (above)
Called several times and left you messages w/out a response!

Is there "something" that we should be aware of??
Does your surgury (Ouch sorry!) preclude you from modeling?

Email is impersonal at best ..Please feel free to contact us
We appreciate hearing from you soon...

12/09/05 9:36 AM

Email is impersonal at best ..Please feel free to contact us
We appreciate hearing from you soon...

12/09/05 3:26 PM
I have been in Hawaii and don't have access to my phone.
I will call you when I get back. Sorry for being a flake,
it has been crazy for the last few weeks.

12/09/05 4:05 PM

As you are aware....
We have been trying to speak in person w/ you for 1 month..
Just being flakey would be a week or so...of stalling.. etc etc..
Flakey, busy or crazy!! Is unacceptable in the business world!

You went straight from "surgury"
... to vacationing....
Without any correspondence...
After promising to call us.....

We asked if your surgury precluded you from modeling?
No answer............Are you modeling at all?..

So you can't just use any phone on Earth to call us?
Maybe one of the people you are traveling with....?.
Call collect....... etc etc etc......
You are not trying to hard (or at all) are you??!

We are truly laughing our asses off!!!..........Thanks..ho ho ho....

12/10/05 1:53 PM

In all due respect Fuck off my Grandpa died! Modeling is the last thing
on my mind right now. So get off my back.My husband is a millionaire
so I do this for fun. Just find someone else. I told you my life has been
crazy for the last two weeks. So yeah, I went from surgury to my grandpa
dying to a get away to Hawaii without my phone and tried to stay away
from emails. Thanks for understanding!!!!!!!!!!

12/12/05 9:23 AM..

So sorry for your loss ..
Of course you have many things on your mind.
You were able to email us that you were on vaca..
in Hawaii but nothing about a death in the family!
Yes you said your life was crazy and you were a
flake & didn't follow thru on calling us!! For a month!!!!

Feel free to give us a call....when you have 5 minutes!
At a time convenient for you when we can discuss our
projects & give you some insight into how we work!!!
We look forward to finally speaking with you soon!!!

And again our condolences!!!
Sincerely, eldorado@eb&a

12/20/05 9:30 AM

After family emergencies, sudden deaths in the
family, vacations, Holidays as well as surguries..
All which you've incurred since we first contacted you mid Nov...
Do you think you'll be mentally/physically ready to model again?
Possibly early/mid 2006? Please keep us posted!!!!

We look forward possibly just to start.. to a short conversation
as to your goals & time table as to getting back into modeling
after your layoff! Thanks again for your time & consideration!
Our wishes are with you & yours for a safe and Happy Holiday!!!
Sincerely, eldorado@eb&a

Jan 5
I am taking January off. I am having some light chemical peels
and my wisdom teeth taken out so I am sure I am going to look
like a chipmunk for a week or so. I will not be offended if you
are fed up with me. Life has been a roller coaster for awhile.
Thanks for your patience.

Mar 01 06 03:34 pm Link


Ariel Lieberman

Posts: 6

Santa Cruz, California, US

I once was waiting at the location (which took me an hour to get too) and the model didn't show up at ALL.  She had emailed me the day before saying she was going to be there.  She never emailed me or called me to apologize.  Her loss.

Mar 01 06 03:43 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

eldorado wrote:
Hahahahahaha... We feel your pain!!!!

LOL  Eldorado. I would understand if they were having last minute jitters. What I don't get is why they have to resort to such ludicrous lies? I am sure some of the excuses we hear are valid but still one can't help but wonder about the rest.  I'd even gladly offer to accept collect calls for cancellations 24 hours in advance if it will help curb  noshows. smile

Mar 01 06 05:43 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

eldorado wrote:
Hahahahahaha... We feel your pain!!!!


Too true and too funny.  You have the patience of Job.  (For those that don't know, A man in the Bible who endures pain and suffering for a long period of time)

Your response was well thought out and extremely entertaining.

Mar 01 06 09:27 pm Link



Posts: 1412

Columbia, Maryland, US

An excuse?  I'd love to hear an excuse.  Most of mine just go silent and never resurface. 

I really wish I could find someone who wanted to create great images as badly as I do.  My clients have always been delighted with my work and the few models I've shot with have been very excited about the photos we've created but....nine out of ten just never make it to the shoot.

I really wish I could stop this creative energy because its killing me when I have no outlet.  I'd give it all up if I could.

Mar 01 06 09:41 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

E L Fanucchi wrote:
I think all of us have ...
The best reason a model has given me ...

Her Tampon got Stuck !


I can beat that
I was shooting 2 strippers & one of the called me an hour past call time to say she was at the hospital with her girlfriend, who was ill with a raging case of gonnorhea

Mar 01 06 10:46 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

SLE Photography wrote:

I can beat that
I was shooting 2 strippers & one of the called me an hour past call time to say she was at the hospital with her girlfriend, who was ill with a raging case of gonnorhea

awwww I hope she is fully recovered from it smile

Mar 01 06 11:48 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

What I don't get is why peopl ekeep trying to contact the flakes. That seems like a complete waste of time and energy. If a model doesn't respond I simply don't bother with them and move on to the next person. Why drag it on for days and weeks on end? And you know they're not going to model for you...



Mar 02 06 12:04 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 830

Washington, District of Columbia, US

E L Fanucchi wrote:
Her Tampon got Stuck !


Mar 02 06 12:05 am Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
What I don't get is why peopl ekeep trying to contact the flakes. That seems like a complete waste of time and energy. If a model doesn't respond I simply don't bother with them and move on to the next person. Why drag it on for days and weeks on end? And you know they're not going to model for you...



Well, in my case (lol) they are the ones who contact me....hence my disgust after I give them my attention..the back and forth emails, conceptualizing something to suit their "look" and then hitting me with a noshow? what the f***??? leave me alone flakies, i'd just as well photograph my beloved rotties. LOL hahaha

Mar 02 06 12:09 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

MusePhotographer wrote:

Well, in my case (lol) they are the ones who contact me....hence my disgust after I give them my attention..the back and forth emails, conceptualizing something to suit their "look" and then hitting me with a noshow? what the f***??? leave me alone flakies, i'd just as well photograph my beloved rotties. LOL hahaha

Yeah, I've had that happen as well and I certainly can understand your frustration. What I don't get is why a person would waste time calling and writing models who clearly have no interest in modeling and make up excuses as to why they can't be reached. I think they waste more time with that crap than they would with a no-show model.

  Just my opinion... and naught else.


Mar 02 06 12:13 am Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

Pat Thielen wrote:

Yeah, I've had that happen as well and I certainly can understand your frustration. What I don't get is why a person would waste time calling and writing models who clearly have no interest in modeling and make up excuses as to why they can't be reached. I think they waste more time with that crap than they would with a no-show model.

  Just my opinion... and naught else.


I understand Pat. smile

Mar 02 06 12:19 am Link



Posts: 1201

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

i have never cancelled a shoot but i have had shoots cancelled on me **sniff sniff**

Mar 02 06 09:14 am Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

shelly1982 wrote:
i have never cancelled a shoot but i have had shoots cancelled on me **sniff sniff**

I have nothing against a cancellation. I respect that.   A 24 hour cancellation, heck even 8 hour (fine let's make it a 2 hour's even) cancellation notice would be quite dandy. Let's be clear on this.  Canceling on a shoot is one thing,  but doing a no-show is another. It's the noshow, no call  bit that irks me lol, but that's just me.

It tells me so much about one's personal work ethics if someone could not extend the courtesy to call and cancel and would rather just not show up, and leave another person hanging.  Imagine if that is how you conduct your life, you'd be missing out on just about every opportunity out there lol.


Mar 02 06 09:51 am Link



Posts: 1201

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

oh ok let me rephrase---i have never been a no show neither lol

xx shelly

Mar 02 06 11:07 am Link


Elite Imaging

Posts: 347

Oak Ridge, Florida, US

shelly1982 wrote:
i have never cancelled a shoot but i have had shoots cancelled on me **sniff sniff**

What fool cancelled on a shoot with you.
If you ever get down Florida way, let me know!

Mar 05 06 09:20 am Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

I'd just like to know what is up with calling and saying you'll be there in 15 minutes...and then not show up at all?

Mar 05 06 09:38 am Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

I seem to be in the minority of people who have never had a no-show. I always bring work with me in case I have to wait.

Mar 05 06 10:05 am Link



Posts: 102

York, Pennsylvania, US

wow I feel sorry for you guys.  I've been through hell and back just to make it to a shoot which is usually like 2 hours away lol I ALWAYS get lost for some reason.  Good luck in the future guys!

Mar 05 06 11:31 am Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

SKPhoto wrote:
I'd just like to know what is up with calling and saying you'll be there in 15 minutes...and then not show up at all?

cell phone probably got totaled lol smile has that ever happened to anybody else? cell phone getting totaled in a car accident? what does that really mean? let's discuss lol

Mar 05 06 11:48 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Ah, the TFP world,  run run run!

my best no show: I overslept - three days in a row. yes I said three days.
three consecutive appts!

Mar 05 06 11:52 am Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

RFAphoto wrote:
yeah I had a model flake on me last week, 9 hours after the shoot was scheduled I get an message on MM that her sister was hit in the head with a golf club and almost died... I of course sent her my condolences and said we could re-schedule at a later date. She had also planned a shoot with an associate of mine for the next day and sure enough she flaked out on him with the same excuse! well at that point we HAD to ask, did she have two unlucky sisters or one REALLY unlucky sister? well it was determined she had but one "sister so i sent this heartfelt letter

I just wanted to pass along well wishes, several of us AZ photographers would like you to know we are sorry to hear your sister got hit in the head with a golf club TWICE in two consecutive days. We would like to wish her a speedy recovery. We are no longer interested in wasting out time setting up for a shoot in which you will likely not arrive to, but we were wondering if your sister is available. I have heard rumor that SI is working on a bloopers issue and this would likely be a good byline article at the very least.

Mike and associates

Now that's a good classic come back for a flake.

I feel everyones flake pains. It really does waste everyones time and energy.

Mar 05 06 12:00 pm Link



Posts: 2566

Hastings, England, United Kingdom

Recently I had a no show, no message nothing!!!! I was pi**ed. About 30 mins after she should have arrived I was called by the police to attend to take pictures of a road accident. Yep you got it, trapped in the car was the model I had been waiting for. The reason the police phoned me, she had asked them to. Also good to report she is now back working and I have used her for a few shoots since then.

Mar 05 06 12:02 pm Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

jmc wrote:
Recently I had a no show, no message nothing!!!! I was pi**ed. About 30 mins after she should have arrived I was called by the police to attend to take pictures of a road accident. Yep you got it, trapped in the car was the model I had been waiting for. The reason the police phoned me, she had asked them to. Also good to report she is now back working and I have used her for a few shoots since then.

Now that is something that just does not happen every day.

Mar 05 06 12:09 pm Link



Posts: 107

Huntsville, Alabama, US

ACPS Inc Eugene Breaux wrote:
What we need here is a feedback system like Ebay.

Damn that's a good idea. Moderators are you "listening?"

Mar 05 06 12:12 pm Link