Forums > General Industry > What's with the Laundry lists?


Albie Bruno

Posts: 441

DELAND, Florida, US

Just a thought....
I know everyone puts up a thread like this now and then, but I haven't quite seen it put this way....

I've seen a couple of new and unproven models post some serious laundry lists of stipulations regarding what they won't do, demanding only paid shoots, saying they will always bring an escort, requests from prospective photographers on how to contact them, requirements photogs must apply to....yet all the while displaying cell phone images or not much better.
Wouldn't it be in their best interest in working with a few photographers, gaining tangible experience and a viable online portfolio before displaying a sense of unwarranted arrogance and primadonna syndrome that might cause some experienced and talented photogs to pass, in turn causing their portfolios to suffer?


Feb 22 06 10:46 am Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

i hear ya.  I've run into some of these models.

I just wanted to add an aside without hijacking this thread. 

Being 42, I have to say that what I really enjoy about working with young models (provided they have some modeling skills and aren't completely flakey) is their enthusiasm and drive.   It's not that I'm so complete jaded and cynical, but it's nice that they haven't had any major failures and their spirits are intact.  It's a good thing.
I find this energy very inspiring to be around.

Feb 22 06 10:56 am Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

My favorite:


wow, now there's a big assumption.

Feb 22 06 11:02 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

The newbie’s may learn something from you.
Someone somewhere told them modeling was easy money and they believed them.
no really, some of us put up those faux portfolios to make the rest of us look better.......then we get more jobs....


Feb 22 06 11:03 am Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
The newbie’s may learn something from you.
Someone somewhere told them modeling was easy money and they believed them.
no really, some of us put up those faux portfolios to make the rest of us look better.......then we get more jobs....


and someone somewhere told me that being a photographer was an easy way to get girls naked... and i believed them. Now my aspirations to be a GWC has been ruined by a desire to make art.... I should have gone with a half-rack of beer, dinner at the Olive garden and "The Notebook" on dvd back at my place.   wink

Feb 22 06 11:07 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

only if you show up tp the shoot.....wink

Feb 22 06 11:08 am Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
The newbie’s may learn something from you.
Someone somewhere told them modeling was easy money and they believed them.
no really, some of us put up those faux portfolios to make the rest of us look better.......then we get more jobs....


I knew something was up. Those profiles are too ludicrous to be real.

Feb 22 06 11:12 am Link


Danielle A

Posts: 403

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Danielle's mum here.

The best advice my daughter ever received was from an experienced model who said he did tons of comp work and tons of TFP work at the start to get his name out there and his book filled out.

If you haven't worked a lot, you don't have the experience. She has made a lot more connections and gotten her name out there by shooting, not by sitting home waiting for someone to pay her.


Feb 22 06 11:14 am Link



Posts: 394

Brooklyn, New York, US

It's more of an expression that these people think they should be rewarded for their appearance. It's equivalent to club girls expecting free drinks because they've got a nice figure.

Feb 22 06 11:16 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

lol david. I never knew the extent of it untill I made my photography port and looked for models in my area. Wow now I get it wll I don't get it but are they for real????
On the other side of the camera I have had the oposite happen to me. some random photog demands I shoot with him to improve my port and all he has up are fuzzy images my cat could have shot better.

OP it's ok just keep looking for someone you want to shoot with it will happen.

Feb 22 06 11:18 am Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
lol david. I never knew the extent of it untill I made my photography port and looked for models in my area. Wow now I get it wll I don't get it but are they for real????
On the other side of the camera I have had the oposite happen to me. some random photog demands I shoot with him to improve my port and all he has up are fuzzy images my cat could have shot better.

OP it's ok just keep looking for someone you want to shoot with it will happen.

Oh, I hear ya, there are some interesting photographer portfolios out there too!

Feb 22 06 11:20 am Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
lol ... some random photog demands I shoot with him to improve my port and all he has up are fuzzy images my cat could have shot better.

Your cat is a photographer??
I had a parrot once who was an attorney!  Well, not technically.. he never passed the bar.... he just sat on it all day, ringing that damned bell and  saying "I Object!"

Feb 22 06 11:21 am Link


WBV Artography

Posts: 1370

San Antonio, Texas, US

Personally I'd rather work with a complete newbie that never even thought about modelling until I habded hera card at the Wendy's drive-thru but has a good attitude, can mimic the poses I show her-I actually pose the pose-so to speak so she can see what I'm loooking at and for.   Than try and work with an attitude.

Feb 22 06 11:23 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

That is the thing right there some of these girls will then take your card your one shoot.
Make a mm omp profile and charge 250.00 hour for modeling because they have "been discovered".
I love what I do and it is hard work.

Feb 22 06 11:30 am Link


Albie Bruno

Posts: 441

DELAND, Florida, US

I wonder if it is all ego driven when a model posts those lists of stips and demands.....or if it's just what she sees other models post that do get regular work....

I enjoy shooting new models as well, but when I was beginning to develop my portfolio, I realized it was in my best interest to find more experienced models and draw from their experience in order to gain stronger images. It went without a thought that I'd have to pay in order to get a strong portfolio off the top.

With that I ask 2 basic questions.....
1) Why are some new models so infused with the notion that they MUST be paid in return for developing their own portfolios?

2) If  a new model insists on being paid in exchange for posing for My portfolio, am I obliged to give them an image from the shoot?

Regarding the second question, I generally offer images to the models I shoot whether it's a paid shoot or not ....the point is that I had to pay my dues at first...shouldn't we all?

Feb 22 06 11:58 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Albie Bruno wrote:
I wonder if it is all ego driven when a model posts those lists of stips and demands.....or if it's just what she sees other models post that do get regular work....

I am a model that is just starting out and I have a list of work that I will do and express what I will not do.  I totally understand the "need" to build a port, but there is just some work that I'm uncomfortable with.  So are you offended that I am outlining the type of work that I am uncomfortable with??  Are you saying I should be open/grateful for anything because I am new and it ultimately will help me build my port???  I disagree.  I don't believe in wasting people's time.  I won't pose nude.  I'm just not comfortable with the fact that my dad (who just happens to be a minister) may log onto the net and see his "baby girl's" boobies. . .knowing someone in his congregation may also see them.  That's just me.  I also feel that you should never compromise yourself in an effort to get ahead.  So knowing how I feel about direct nudity. . .why would I leave myself open for a photog to contact me for a nude shoot???  That's just a waste of time for the photog and for me.  But that Sir is my humble opinion.

Feb 22 06 12:59 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Albie Bruno wrote:
I wonder if it is all ego driven....
With that I ask 2 basic questions.....
1) Why are some new models so infused with the notion that they MUST be paid in return for developing their own portfolios?

2) If  a new model insists on being paid in exchange for posing for My portfolio, am I obliged to give them an image from the shoot?

Regarding the second question, I generally offer images to the models I shoot whether it's a paid shoot or not ....the point is that I had to pay my dues at first...shouldn't we all?

Well. . .when you started out, you paid the models to shoot with you right??  A lot of photogs will pay experienced models and inexperienced models as well to achieve a desired look.  It may/may not be a matter of preferance. . .I really don't know b/c I'm not a photog.  However, time is time.  I don't think that any photog should automatically expect a new model to pose unpaid merely because she's new.  That's somewhat of an ego boost for the photog don't you think???  What's stopping you from making money off models without paying them???  That's also somewhat unethical in my opinion.

I think it's just like dating.  If a model contacts you, I would think you should expect to be paid.  Period.  She called you.  If you contacted her, I think there is something seriously wrong with expecting her to commit to speding time on a shoot, giving 110% and whatnot. . .all in the name of "building a portfolio."  I thought your portfolio was what YOU wanted. . .and was ultimately showcasing YOU, not filled with things that people so graciously let you have.  That's just me.  I will gladly pay any photog to help me build my port with images that will help me in the type of modeling I want to do.  It doesn't help me to have random images of different genres in my port. . .no matter how awesome they are.  I can't walk into an agency saying I want to do glamour and have a port full of fashion.  That doesn't help me.

Feb 22 06 01:09 pm Link


Albie Bruno

Posts: 441

DELAND, Florida, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
I totally understand the "need" to build a port, but there is just some work that I'm uncomfortable with.  So are you offended that I am outlining the type of work that I am uncomfortable with??  Are you saying I should be open/grateful for anything because I am new and it ultimately will help me build my port???  I disagree.  I don't believe in wasting people's time.  I won't pose nude.  I'm just not comfortable with the fact that my minister father may log onto the net and see his "baby girl's" boobies. . .knowing someone in his congregation may also see them.  That's just me.  I also feel that you should never compromise yourself in an effort to get ahead.

None of my posts mentioned Nude. In my first post I said post what you won't do and most photogs will respect that,'s the list of conditions:
You must be established, you must supply make-up artist, you must send refs in advance, I must bring escort, I must get equal usage rights....blah, blah, blah.....

If you don't want to pose Nude, that is your prerogative....
That is also another thread....

Feb 22 06 01:10 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

Jayne Jones wrote:

I am a model that is just starting out and I have a list of work that I will do and express what I will not do.  I totally understand the "need" to build a port, but there is just some work that I'm uncomfortable with.  So are you offended that I am outlining the type of work that I am uncomfortable with??  Are you saying I should be open/grateful for anything because I am new and it ultimately will help me build my port???  I disagree.  I don't believe in wasting people's time.  I won't pose nude.  I'm just not comfortable with the fact that my dad (who just happens to be a minister) may log onto the net and see his "baby girl's" boobies. . .knowing someone in his congregation may also see them.  That's just me.  I also feel that you should never compromise yourself in an effort to get ahead.  So knowing how I feel about direct nudity. . .why would I leave myself open for a photog to contact me for a nude shoot???  That's just a waste of time for the photog and for me.  But that Sir is my humble opinion.

no one is complaining about new models stating their boundaries....that is never a bad thing to do. matter of fact, i think it is something to be admired, many new models don't even know what their limits are.
the complaint is about new models who think that they should be paid for every shoot they do, nude or not.

Feb 22 06 01:19 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

I think a lot of people have over-inflated expectations.  Not everyone realizes that to be good at something and to make a name for yourself, you MUST work really hard for it.  I have a line in mine that says I won't do nude TFP, just because if I did, that's all I'd have for my book.  However, TFP is to modeling what batting practice is to baseball.  You have to work to reach pro level in both.  And, many times, you have to work for free at first.  It's sad that many of these girls are shutting the door on some great practice with great photographers and thus, limiting their careers from the get-go.

Feb 22 06 01:22 pm Link


Albie Bruno

Posts: 441

DELAND, Florida, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
Well. . .when you started out, you paid the models to shoot with you right??  A lot of photogs will pay experienced models and inexperienced models as well to achieve a desired look.

  I don't think that any photog should automatically expect a new model to pose unpaid merely because she's new.

What's stopping you from making money off models without paying them???

It seems someone has missed the point altogether.....

let me restate my point more succinctly.....
When you are first starting off in ANY industry, don't let your ego get the best of you as you might not be as good as you think...yet.

Allow yourself to develop a book before you give yourself Dean Johnson importance

I don't think a photog should expect to not pay a new model at all...I just don't think a new and unestablished model should expect to be paid out of the gates.....

Now I firmly believe that photographers should always make their picture use intentions known to the models and never waiver from those intentions, whether TFP/CD or not.

Ethics are another thread as well

Feb 22 06 01:24 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Albie Bruno wrote:
It seems someone has missed the point altogether.....

let me restate my point more succinctly.....
When you are first starting off in ANY industry, don't let your ego get the best of you as you might not be as good as you think...yet.

Allow yourself to develop a book before you give yourself Kate Moss importance

I don't think a photog should expect to not pay a new model at all...I just don't think a new and unestablished model should expect to be paid out of the gates.....

I'm sorry.  I'm still not "getting" it.  Asking to be paid is a matter of ego if you don't have a port???  Is that what you're saying??  I would think that the better "point" would be the fee that she's comanding as opposed to the fact that she asked for a fee.  *scratches head*

Albie Bruno wrote:
When you are first starting off in ANY industry, don't let your ego get the best of you as you might not be as good as you think...yet.

I guess by that level of logic, if one doesn't have any experience working for McDonald's one should not "expect" to be paid to work there.  Work is work.  Period.  People get paid to work in this country (well. . .for the most part) the "level" of pay (or rather "rate" of pay) one receives differs upon experience not "being paid."  Or at least that's what they taught me in school. . .which sparked me to get a job.  Being a model is a job ultimately.  Models get paid just like photogs get paid.  But maybe you are saying that new models should be paid???  I'm confused.

Feb 22 06 01:29 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Albie Bruno wrote:
I wonder if it is all ego driven when a model posts those lists of stips and demands.....or if it's just what she sees other models post that do get regular work....

I enjoy shooting new models as well, but when I was beginning to develop my portfolio, I realized it was in my best interest to find more experienced models and draw from their experience in order to gain stronger images. It went without a thought that I'd have to pay in order to get a strong portfolio off the top.

With that I ask 2 basic questions.....
1) Why are some new models so infused with the notion that they MUST be paid in return for developing their own portfolios?

2) If  a new model insists on being paid in exchange for posing for My portfolio, am I obliged to give them an image from the shoot?

Regarding the second question, I generally offer images to the models I shoot whether it's a paid shoot or not ....the point is that I had to pay my dues at first...shouldn't we all?

1. I think the demand to be paid right out of the gate comes from seeing all the other models who get paid and they just copy the text. monkey see monkey do. also I was offered paid work in less than a month of modeling. Some photogs offer paid work to all the newbies and well if you get paid once you should never go back right? (I also paid for my begining port to be shot profesionaly so I started with images that were a bit ahead of the game)

2. Nope, you are not obligated to give them anything besides the amount agreed upon for the shoot. I have receved images from paid jobs before, I was very gratefull. sometimes I work for prints, sometimes I work for pay, sometimes I work for both, each and every shoot is diffrent

Feb 22 06 01:45 pm Link


Albie Bruno

Posts: 441

DELAND, Florida, US

To Miss Jones,
Modeling is a career and models are essentially Entrepeneurs.
When I embarked on my Graphic Design career, I had to endure years of Pro-Buono work to develop my portfolio. Eventually, my book was good enough that I could demand a certain rate for my work. The same applies to many successful Artists, Designer, Photographers and yes....Models.

I never set out to single you out, you seemed to have distorted my initial statements to appear as an attack on all new and inexperienced models. It wasn't. It was constructive criticism phrased in the form of a question. Everyone else seems to have gotten my meaning. Please instead of closing your mind to what I am really saying, embrace the meaning and run with it....if it applies to you. By the looks of your portfolio's opening does not.

We are all networking here...perhaps one day we will even shoot together!
(TFP/CD of course)

Feb 22 06 01:56 pm Link


Albie Bruno

Posts: 441

DELAND, Florida, US

Kudos to you Iona

Feb 22 06 01:57 pm Link



Posts: 450

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

Nude I understand, I never ask any model to do nude unless she list that as an interest. Escort I understand for the first shoot as long as it aint your boyfriend or your folks. Paid, unless its a comercial gig where I'm getting paid and I give you a cut, NEXT.
Exceptional photographers only, if you got a great port your probably out of my league anyway otherwise cant a decent photographer to build up your book, either way, NEXT.

And so the list continues. The reality that most new model dont get is they are selling a product themselves (whether money is involved are not). Top model can get the deal anyway they want it, new model should try to sell thier value to any decent photographer that they can until they got a book good enough for someone with money to spend to notice, similar for new photographers ( just thier are a lot less of use then model thinking they going to a tv  show one day).

Martin IV

Feb 22 06 02:21 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Okay.  Let me see if I can put this all together for my personal future reference.  Your original post was:

Albie Bruno wrote:
Just a thought....
I know everyone puts up a thread like this now and then, but I haven't quite seen it put this way....

I've seen a couple of new and unproven models post some serious laundry lists of stipulations regarding what they won't do, demanding only paid shoots, saying they will always bring an escort, requests from prospective photographers on how to contact them, requirements photogs must apply to....yet all the while displaying cell phone images or not much better.
Wouldn't it be in their best interest in working with a few photographers, gaining tangible experience and a viable online portfolio before displaying a sense of unwarranted arrogance and primadonna syndrome that might cause some experienced and talented photogs to pass, in turn causing their portfolios to suffer?


Now in my moderately educated opinion, that addresses a few things that you have observed about new model profiles/pages.
1: Stipulations regarding what they won't do
2: Demanding only paid shoots
3: Saying they will always bring an escort
4: Requests from prospective photographers on how to contact them
5  Requirements photogs must apply to
6: No port

Phoenix E wrote:
no one is complaining about new models stating their boundaries....that is never a bad thing to do. matter of fact, i think it is something to be admired, many new models don't even know what their limits are.
the complaint is about new models who think that they should be paid for every shoot they do, nude or not.

Okay, if you are setting out to model. . .unless you are "experienced" (which, by the way, no one seems to have an exact answer to regarding how/when you cross over from inexperienced to experienced. . .see thread: the general perception is that you should not "expect" to be paid.  Interesting.

Albie Bruno wrote:
It seems someone has missed the point altogether.....

let me restate my point more succinctly.....
When you are first starting off in ANY industry, don't let your ego get the best of you as you might not be as good as you think...yet.

Allow yourself to develop a book before you give yourself Kate Moss importance

I don't think a photog should expect to not pay a new model at all...I just don't think a new and unestablished model should expect to be paid out of the gates.....

Now I firmly believe that photographers should always make their picture use intentions known to the models and never waiver from those intentions, whether TFP/CD or not.

Ethics are another thread as well

That seems a tad wishy washy.  On the one hand. . .photographers working with inexperienced models should expect to pay them.  On the other hand, inexperienced models should not expect to be paid.  Hmmm.  Interesting.

Albie Bruno wrote:
To Miss Jones,
Modeling is a career and models are essentially Entrepeneurs.
When I embarked on my Graphic Design career, I had to endure years of Pro-Buono work to develop my portfolio. Eventually, my book was good enough that I could demand a certain rate for my work. The same applies to many successful Artists, Designer, Photographers and yes....Models.

I never set out to single you out, you seemed to have distorted my initial statements to appear as an attack on all new and inexperienced models. It wasn't. It was constructive criticism phrased in the form of a question. Everyone else seems to have gotten my meaning. Please instead of closing your mind to what I am really saying, embrace the meaning and run with it....if it applies to you. By the looks of your portfolio's opening does not.

We are all networking here...perhaps one day we will even shoot together!
(TFP/CD of course)

Funny, but I thought entrepreneurs went into business to make money.  Guess I need to get my money back from that course in college.  Wow. 

Albie Bruno wrote:
I never set out to single you out, you seemed to have distorted my initial statements to appear as an attack on all new and inexperienced models. It wasn't. It was constructive criticism phrased in the form of a question. Everyone else seems to have gotten my meaning. Please instead of closing your mind to what I am really saying, embrace the meaning and run with it....if it applies to you. By the looks of your portfolio's opening does not.

We are all networking here...perhaps one day we will even shoot together!
(TFP/CD of course)

I never got that impression.  I was merely lending the "new model" perspective.  Particularly the new model perspective who's MM page addresses a few of the "laundry list" of items you addressed in your post.  If my opinon about the subject you brought up offends you personally. . .you ought not ask a question you don't want to know the answer to.  And by the time I get to NYC. . .I plan to be experienced, so unfortunately I don't plan doing much TFP/CD by then.  wink

I just feel that your post was primarily stating that new models shouldn't have aspirations about whom they'd like to work with (if you see good photog ports. . .why not desire to work with whom you feel is good/stellar/aweome???  Who cares that you're new???), and that they shouldn't expect to be paid.  I disagree with the latter (although I don't "demand" it) b/c I feel it's precisely like KatieK says:  if you only do TFP that's all that will be in your port.  I know that part of being a successful model is "paying" for a "professionally" done port.  I feel a lot of new models feel the same way.  I also feel it is a tad presumptuous to say that new models shouldn't expect to be paid.  You said yourself that just because they're new doesn't mean they shouldn't be paid. . .so why not ask???  Closed mouths don't get fed.

Ultimately I agree that you can't command/demand top dollar if you're new to the biz.  I don't think that any new models are doing that though.  I may be naive on that part of it, but ultimately. . .work is work and people get paid to work.  That's the bottom line.  Concerning always having an escort. . .I feel you got nothing there.  People nowadays are a whole new breed of psychotic/crazy so that's just a safety thing.  Why not give the model props for letting you know up front what you are dealing with???  Who likes surprises???  Why is this so-called "laundry list" not viewed as an attempt to be professional?  They are outlining what they will do.  They are telling you up front they want a safe environment (hence the escort).  They are telling you they want to work with pro's (hence the desired photographers they want to work with).  And they're telling you how much they feel they're worth.  What's not to like/somewhat admire about that???  Sure. . .not much "work" will come of it but you got to admit. . .there should be very few suprises on the shoot if/when that happens.  Everything was laid out before hand.  Kind of like car shopping.  They're just showing you the sticker price.  So kick the tires and walk away if you don't want to buy the car.  After a while. . .the price goes down. . .more people look.  Same thing applies here I think.  I don't see a problem.  So I guess by those standards. . .I do miss the point of this thread entirely.  Wow I'm slow!

Feb 22 06 02:58 pm Link


Albie Bruno

Posts: 441

DELAND, Florida, US

Jayne Jones wrote: the time I get to NYC. . .I plan to be experienced, so unfortunately I don't plan doing much TFP/CD by then.  wink

Well then in that case, when you get to NYC, you can drop in on my exhibit at the MoMA

Feb 22 06 03:12 pm Link


Albie Bruno

Posts: 441

DELAND, Florida, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
I'm sorry.  I'm still not "getting" it.

Apology accepted

Feb 22 06 03:16 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Albie Bruno wrote:

Well then in that case, when you get to NYC, you can drop in on my exhibit at the MoMA

Of course dahling!  If I have time!  Ciao!


Feb 22 06 03:17 pm Link


Albie Bruno

Posts: 441

DELAND, Florida, US

I'll make sure you're given VIP status

Feb 22 06 03:19 pm Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

I personally insist on shooting only with photographers who have had a tear sheet or advertisement featured in a big name magazine.

Said photographer is expected to pay me at least $75 an hour.

Twice as much for nudes.

You know what? Scratch that. I won't do nudes. Only implieds in which the essential pieces are allowed to be covered only by my hands, a white bed sheet or roses. And said nudes are allowed only to be taken on a floral print sofa. See my port for examples of that.

In addition to paying me, the photographer must make accomodations to entertain my boyfriend and my tea cup maltese named ninu. And provide a full styling team to make me appear to be the 130 lbs I claim to be on my port.

Are these ridiculous demands? Of course not! I mean, that's what I deserve for being beautiful, right? Right?

All jokes aside, I do have a line about always being accompanied. It's kind of a lie, I'm not always accompanied. I am sometimes, but not always. It's mostly to scare away "undesirables".

Feb 22 06 03:23 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Albie Bruno wrote:
Apology accepted


Question:  what model refused to work with you?  Just asking b/c you seem 1-admittedly new to "photography" as opposed to having "10 years of graphic design" experience and 2-a tad miffed.  I find it curious that you also seem to be choosey about whom you pay.  What makes that any different from being choosey about whom you TFP/CD from a model's standpoint??  Just curious.

Feb 22 06 03:25 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Kitapanda wrote:
I personally insist on shooting only with photographers who have had a tear sheet or advertisement featured in a big name magazine.

Said photographer is expected to pay me at least $75 an hour.

Twice as much for nudes.

You know what? Scratch that. I won't do nudes. Only implieds in which the essential pieces are allowed to be covered only by my hands, a white bed sheet or roses. And said nudes are allowed only to be taken on a floral print sofa. See my port for examples of that.

In addition to paying me, the photographer must make accomodations to entertain my boyfriend and my tea cup maltese named ninu. And provide a full styling team to make me appear to be the 130 lbs I claim to be on my port.

Are these ridiculous demands? Of course not! I mean, that's what I deserve for being beautiful, right? Right?

All jokes aside, I do have a line about always being accompanied. It's kind of a lie, I'm not always accompanied. I am sometimes, but not always. It's mostly to scare away "undesirables".

And if you don't shower Ninu with attention. . .you'd better watch out.  He nips!  And that hurts like a bitch!!

Feb 22 06 03:28 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

But Kita you're not "new". . .his beef is with us newbies.  You're a vet already just like KatieK.

Feb 22 06 03:29 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

Jayne Jones wrote: the time I get to NYC. . .I plan to be experienced, so unfortunately I don't plan doing much TFP/CD by then.  wink

Albie Bruno wrote:
Well then in that case, when you get to NYC, you can drop in on my exhibit at the MoMA

heh....ah, i like you smile

Feb 22 06 03:30 pm Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

Jayne Jones wrote:

And if you don't shower Ninu with attention. . .you'd better watch out.  He nips!  And that hurts like a bitch!!

Better believe it. Tiny dogs are the angriest.

lol. Hurts like a bitch. Cuz Ninu's a dog. Get it? haha big_smile

Feb 22 06 03:30 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
I just feel that your post was primarily stating that new models shouldn't have aspirations about whom they'd like to work with (if you see good photog ports. . .why not desire to work with whom you feel is good/stellar/aweome???  Who cares that you're new???), and that they shouldn't expect to be paid.  I disagree with the latter (although I don't "demand" it) b/c I feel it's precisely like KatieK says:  if you only do TFP that's all that will be in your port.  I know that part of being a successful model is "paying" for a "professionally" done port.  I feel a lot of new models feel the same way.  I also feel it is a tad presumptuous to say that new models shouldn't expect to be paid.  You said yourself that just because they're new doesn't mean they shouldn't be paid. . .so why not ask???  Closed mouths don't get fed.

Ultimately I agree that you can't command/demand top dollar if you're new to the biz.  I don't think that any new models are doing that though.  I may be naive on that part of it, but ultimately. . .work is work and people get paid to work.  That's the bottom line.  Concerning always having an llama herder. . .I feel you got nothing there.  People nowadays are a whole new breed of psychotic/crazy so that's just a safety thing.  Why not give the model props for letting you know up front what you are dealing with???  Who likes surprises???  Why is this so-called "laundry list" not viewed as an attempt to be professional?  They are outlining what they will do.  They are telling you up front they want a safe environment (hence the llama herder).  They are telling you they want to work with pro's (hence the desired photographers they want to work with).  And they're telling you how much they feel they're worth.  What's not to like/somewhat admire about that???  Sure. . .not much "work" will come of it but you got to admit. . .there should be very few suprises on the shoot if/when that happens.  Everything was laid out before hand.  Kind of like car shopping.  They're just showing you the sticker price.  So kick the tires and walk away if you don't want to buy the car.  After a while. . .the price goes down. . .more people look.  Same thing applies here I think.  I don't see a problem.  So I guess by those standards. . .I do miss the point of this thread entirely.  Wow I'm slow!

That's the problem Jayne there are models on here that have neve rbeen to a profesional shoot or have been to one shoot that are trying to command top dollar.

Saftey is an issue yes but the llama herders are anew thing with all the internet modeling and gwc's and such. I have worked with some high end photographers who shoot agency fashion models. They don't even know what an llama herder is. Prostitutes bring llama herders not models.

As for working with pros, some pro photographers will not usally waste time with un tested internet models. waht is the point what do they bring to the table??

this is all about coliberation each person brings something to the table there are a lot for girls trying to bring tough dried out stew meat and demanding filet minion prices.

for instance I know you don't do nudes but with your current port if you asked me (i'm also am a photographer) to shoot you nude for 125.00 hour I'd turn you down.(or require a test shoot)  I need to see what I am shooting first. A lot of girls do that or they have three nude images on ther port and they say they don't shoot nude.
a lot of what goes on here is not profesional at all soon you will see it.

Feb 22 06 03:37 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
Well. . .when you started out, you paid the models to shoot with you right??

Nope. There was one I paid because I wanted to work with her, but the rest were all TFP.

Feb 22 06 03:38 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Kitapanda wrote:

Better believe it. Tiny dogs are the angriest.

lol. Hurts like a bitch. Cuz Ninu's a dog. Get it? haha big_smile

I'm literally over here dying laughing at that one.  I'm sick and it hurts to laugh, but I'm laughing!!!

Feb 22 06 03:42 pm Link