Forums > General Industry > 80/hr for partial nude?


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

studio36uk wrote:

And I didn't direct that at her individually either - just a general observation. And as for the rate? Nevada "out of town" rates... not LV or Reno. Pretty comparable, too, to what can be had in almost any big city in America.

It rubs me the wrong way when inexperienced "photographic" models start charging silly money for by-the-square-inch images, and I can get experienced "artists" models for a fraction of the price and get more exposure out of them at the same time.

The whole thing about models setting a price list... like 40 bucks for this and 75 bucks for that but for 150 you get boobs and an egg roll... smacks of a negotiation for a hooker. A BJ is this much and Half-n-Half will cost you that much, but I'll do a HJ for only this much.

Models should set a price for their TIME and not the amount of skin they show and see what the market brings to their door.

Do we hear the photographers saying "I'll pay you a buck a frame for B&W... but I'll pay you a buck 20 if you let me shoot in colour?"


And a photographer saying $100 for one look and $50 for each additional look or wardrobe change is somehow different?  And $X per print thereafter? 

Too many of the people on the site equate a model asking for $$ for nude work as whoring herself out and yet a considerable number of the photographers would take pictures of their own dick and post them if $$ was offered.  And then we could get into an entire discussion as to whose dick is worth $80 bucks an hour.

(Hey, threads like that have already been published - remember the one about the couple wanting photos of them doing it?  That got a LOT of "Hey, I'd photograph it if the money is right!" comments from the photographer membership here - so called "Whores" are not limited to one gender.)

Experienced?? All the experience in the world won't perk up a saggy/ wronkled set of breasts - glamour photography doesn't like saggy, fashion with see-through doesn't like saggy, most of the so-called fine art nude doesn't care for them either. 

Model photography is a visual medium - some models can emote and bring more to the shoot than others, and experience counts.  But mostly is a look they have that makes them "great" or not; including their boobs. 

Come on people, Heidi Klum and her high-dollar sisters are not out there making money as a rocket scientists.

Feb 20 06 07:00 am Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

theda wrote:

Well, if that's your philosphy on the matter, have you considered working peep shows?


I now have to spend 10 mins picking chips out of the keyboard..

thank you..

Feb 20 06 07:03 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Dreams To Keep wrote:
Experienced?? All the experience in the world won't perk up a saggy/ wronkled set of breasts - glamour photography doesn't like saggy, fashion with see-through doesn't like saggy, most of the so-called fine art nude doesn't care for them either.

I was refering to experience more in the light of concern about a newbie to nudity freezing up & flaking out.  Your comment about the appearance is dead on, which's why I said payment without seeing what is being paid for is asking for a lot.

Feb 20 06 09:24 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

studio36uk wrote:

Frankly I am not a boobs kind of guy. Wonder what she would charge to see her buttocks... with and without the legs and feet as well?


Perhaps it depends if it's an implied buttock, full buttock or half cheeks.

Feb 20 06 09:54 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

KM von Seidl wrote:
Perhaps it depends if it's an implied buttock, full buttock or half cheeks.

That's what I thought... how about just a "builder's crack?"



Feb 20 06 10:15 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Dreams To Keep wrote:
And a photographer saying $100 for one look and $50 for each additional look or wardrobe change is somehow different?  And $X per print thereafter?

Yes, it is different because for each look and each change there is a time element. Thus, the photographer IS setting a rate on TIME spent shooting and waiting to shoot. If you, or another model, like I'll also tell you that I will do a whole day [8 hour] rate for $X flat... and shoot however many changes you can make in 8 hours.

As for "$X per print therafter" that again is a TIME and MATERIALS charge - editing time, printing time and cost of the materials and lab.

Dreams To Keep wrote:
Too many of the people on the site equate a model asking for $$ for nude work as whoring herself out ...

Within the framework of the way they a setting their rates it comes across EXACTLY like that. If that's an uncomfortable truth for models to face, then so be it. If it walks like a duck; quacks like a duck; and has feathers like a duck... who's to blame if someone then assumes that it IS a duck?


Feb 20 06 10:30 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Dreams To Keep wrote:
Experienced?? All the experience in the world won't perk up a saggy/ wronkled set of breasts - glamour photography doesn't like saggy, fashion with see-through doesn't like saggy, most of the so-called fine art nude doesn't care for them either.

SLE Photography wrote:
Your comment about the appearance is dead on, which's why I said payment without seeing what is being paid for is asking for a lot.

You and I do actually agree here to a large extent.  When I book a new model for a nude shoot who I have never seen, I usually book her for a "time range."  I tell her we will shoot from one to three hours, for example.  If I meet the model and she looks great with her clothes on, but there are problems with them off, I usual mumble something polite about me being short on time and end the shoot after an hour.  Of course, I still pay her.

The problem is when I fly a model in from out of town.  I won't do it without seeing a nude image before I bring them in.  In some cases that means the model may have to get a friend to snap a few with the family digital camera.  Models will occassionally feel awkward doing it, but that is the way it is.

So you are right, just because a model looks good with her clothes on doesn't guarantee she will look good with her clothes off.

That, is a different issue as to what she should ask to be paid, but if your point is that you wouldn't want to commit to paying her without seeing her, there is nothing unreasonable about that.

Then of course, we have the issue of guys that just want to see pictures.  But for the purpose of this discussion, let's assume that we are all honorable and all the GWC's (except our friendly poster) have been purged from the industry.

Feb 20 06 10:32 am Link


Mark Key Photography

Posts: 1346

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Sirensong wrote:


I now have to spend 10 mins picking chips out of the keyboard..

thank you..

Glad I was eating Fruit Loops when I read that! (no milk)

Feb 20 06 10:38 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

*wanders in to the thread and sits on the floor nekked*
No really I have nothing much to ad to this read what others have told you.
And be prepared to be called a whore and a dumb model and read up in your economics books about supply and demand.

Feb 20 06 10:42 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
You and I do actually agree here to a large extent.  When I book a new model for a nude shoot who I have never seen, I usually book her for a "time range."  I tell her we will shoot from one to three hours, for example.  If I meet the model and she looks great with her clothes on, but there are problems with them off, I usual mumble something polite about me being short on time and end the shoot after an hour.  Of course, I still pay her.

The problem is when I fly a model in from out of town.  I won't do it without seeing a nude image before I bring them in.  In some cases that means the model may have to get a friend to snap a few with the family digital camera.  Models will occassionally feel awkward doing it, but that is the way it is.

So you are right, just because a model looks good with her clothes on doesn't guarantee she will look good with her clothes off.

That, is a different issue as to what she should ask to be paid, but if your point is that you wouldn't want to commit to paying her without seeing her, there is nothing unreasonable about that.

Then of course, we have the issue of guys that just want to see pictures.  But for the purpose of this discussion, let's assume that we are all honorable and all the GWC's (except our friendly poster) have been purged from the industry.

That was one of my major points from the beginning, I just might not have expressed it well.  Glad we can agree  smile

Feb 20 06 10:43 am Link


Beatbox Jeebus v2

Posts: 10046

Palatine, Illinois, US

Bodyartist wrote:

You can charge -- or ask -- anything you want.  It's up to the market to decide if they want to pay it.  I wouldn't pay those rates -- $80 or $125, or $225, or any other pie-in-the-sky rate.  If you can get that ,fine.  if someone want's to pay you for 1 hour or two hours, and you have travel and other time, then I guess it would average out.

Our shoots don't work that way, and most of our models are doing TFP at the moment pending future paid work based on performance, not an hourly rate.

FWIW: I don't use any models that charge for nude, but do TFP for free, or similar, or who have nude images in their portfolios, but don't do nudes.   

So, again, you can ask, or "charge" any rate you want.  Looking at your portfolio, and apparant range of experience, $20/hour for a 3-4 hour session would be in line. You have nothing in your portfolio to demand more than that.  The question is, what will the bulk of customers be willing to pay?

Remember, the more you charge, the fewer jobs/experiences you'll get.  And, the more you charge -- or others get you to charge -- the more jobs left open for them.

aka Bodyartist

I'd have to agree with a lot of what you are saying... seems to me a model must prove her worth before she decides on rates that a lot of "well traveled" models are asking. She does have a good look though and if the marketplace deems her 80/ hr than 80 hr it is.

Feb 20 06 10:54 am Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

I think I have to agree with the usage comments.  An artist is typically not going to pay you $80/hour for nude/partial nude shots, but they're not going to be plastered on a paysite or published in a nudie-mag.  Then again, you could charge alot more than $80/hour for someone who's going to make hella cash selling the images.  I, personally, would rather not charge and get some stellar images or credit on a gallery piece than have some mediocre nude shots of myself floating around just because I got paid for them.

Feb 20 06 11:36 am Link


Old account

Posts: 420

Louisville, Alabama, US

This is my first post to this forum so I hope I don't step on any toes...

One of my biggest pet-peeves regarding the online modeling world is that a percentage of individuals who establish an online portfolio think they are "models."  I can't tell you how many times I've seen models who list themselves as amature with no experience and except to be paid for their services.

The price of $80/hour for partial/implied/semi-nude work is reasonable but one has to ask themself, what kind of experience does this model have and can they step out of the box in order to create the mood and expression that is required of the image.

As with most trades, one must understand they have to work on their own time for free in order to acquire the experience that demands a fee.

s c o t t

Feb 20 06 11:50 am Link



Posts: 136

Norfolk, Virginia, US

Sogno Dolce wrote:
is charging 80/hour for partial nudity (breasts exposed only) too much?


Feb 20 06 12:11 pm Link



Posts: 136

Norfolk, Virginia, US

scott slusher wrote:
This is my first post to this forum so I hope I don't step on any toes...

One of my biggest pet-peeves regarding the online modeling world is that a percentage of individuals who establish an online portfolio think they are "models."  I can't tell you how many times I've seen models who list themselves as amature with no experience and except to be paid for their services.

The price of $80/hour for partial/implied/semi-nude work is reasonable but one has to ask themself, what kind of experience does this model have and can they step out of the box in order to create the mood and expression that is required of the image.

As with most trades, one must understand they have to work on their own time for free in order to acquire the experience that demands a fee.

s c o t t

I don't see the problem. Whether a model charges $1 an hour or $1000 an hour, has a hundred years experience or zero days experience, if you have what I want and need and no one else can do it for me and I can et it into my budget, you're hired.

I am new to this internet modelling thing too and I have not yet figured out if the model pricing on this site is market driven, industry driven or just plain "let me see what I can get because I have no idea what to charge".

At the ad agency I used to work for, an advertiser paid $40,000 for a single portrait of a politicians wife. A head shot to be used in a national charity campaign. By the same token, I have seen Hollywood actors sit for just $500 an hour and often for free.\

I have known both famous celebrities and amatuers to price themselves out of the market and known amatuers to grossly undersell themselves.

Many years ago, telling a model or photographer you should do it without charging because you need to get some experience was an insult. Today, on the internet, it seems par for the course. TFP and TFCD.

Perhaps one day there will be a forum on "How a model should determine self-value".

Feb 20 06 12:19 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

The real question becomes one of who's paying you and why.  As a smart model
posted here just because someone has the bucks to pay you doesn't mean
you should always shoot with that person.  If you care about what and how your
images are used and how you look in them.  There are some people who don't really
care what they do as long as it pays well.  Nothing wrong with that view but it
is a shortsighted one at best.  What happened though with this thread is that some
people felt the OP came off as a hooker more so then a model.  I'm not suggesting
she meant to be seen that way.  I recall years ago going to a strip club(only once,
too expensive.) while the women seemed to be happy to me there was a sadness about them.  They think that as long as there making money what they do is okay
but so many use drugs and drink.  I'm not making judgements but if you do a thing
only for what it pays you at some point you won't be happy.  Things that
don't feel right eat away at your self image.  One model said it best.  She said
I rather make no money and shoot with good photographers then be paid and
shoot with bad ones.  Bad or good is also a judgment call I might add.

Feb 20 06 01:34 pm Link



Posts: 62

LA JOLLA, California, US

JT Hodges wrote:
Looks like yes and no. Part of it will depend on your market. Part of it will depend on how often you want to do work like that. Part of it will depend on your client.

Great REPLY!

Feb 20 06 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

scott slusher wrote:
The price of $80/hour for partial/implied/semi-nude work is reasonable but one has to ask themself, what kind of experience does this model have and can they step out of the box in order to create the mood and expression that is required of the image.


I have to disagree with you on this one. At one it has already been correctly pointed out here, that experience is a very little decission factor for many photographers who are looking for models. It's the look that matters most of the time. And this is exacltly my case too. In fact, I do not work with internet models, mostly becasue of their overinflated egoes and you barely see one which would actually look pretty, but there are other factors as well. Do you think girls I shoot, who have never modelled before and have no interest to pursue this carreer any further offer any less value to my photographs than so called "experienced models"? I found exact opposite to be true. Non models are more fun to work with, look far more natural and happy in pictures, take your advice instead of making you feel like they know it all and are definitely more reliable. Would you really prefer to go for the model who's got tons of experience but good-for-nothing look or a naturally pretty enjoying-the-life type of girl who has never done it before, hence has no experience to offer.

One of the best paid New York photographers, Ron Harris never shoots girls who are experienced models and most of his girls are first timers. Take a look at his pictures, do you think the fact that these girls have no experience makes any difference? Well, most likely it does, FOR BETTER.


Feb 20 06 01:52 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

What Mark said. It all comes down to the look and how it sells.

Feb 20 06 02:13 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

MarkMarek wrote:
Do you think girls I shoot, who have never modelled before and have no interest to pursue this carreer any further offer any less value to my photographs than so called "experienced models"? I found exact opposite to be true. Non models are more fun to work with, look far more natural and happy in pictures, take your advice instead of making you feel like they know it all and are definitely more reliable. Would you really prefer to go for the model who's got tons of experience but good-for-nothing look or a naturally pretty enjoying-the-life type of girl who has never done it before, hence has no experience to offer.

That's one reason why I don't like to work with commerical models.  I DO find girls online to work with, but not the net models per se, more the beginners or ones just looking to collaborate to make art  big_smile

Feb 20 06 02:52 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
There are some people who don't really
care what they do as long as it pays well.  Nothing wrong with that view but it
is a shortsighted one at best.

Now lemme see. . .where have I heard that before???  OH, I know:

Sogno Dolce wrote:
well if somebody wants to see my tits, then they can pay to see them.  I don't charge for regular fashion or lingerie shoots. but if someone asked me to pose topless then I sure as hell aren't doing it for free!

Or maybe it was:

Sogno Dolce wrote:
thanks for your advice.  I hope I don't give off the impression that I'm not "serious" about modeling.  as a matter of fact I give 110% at all my shoots.  my port does kinda suck right now just cos I haven't been doing this for a while....but I'm trying smile
also, I just want to make it clear that the reason I asked to begin with was cos I've had numerous photogs ask me what my rates were for nude work, and I didn't know what a reasonable rate was to charge.  when people offer to pay me, I'd be stupid to turn it down!  I don't want to seem fake or anything but money is money is money and I'm in college so a little bit of extra cash sure comes in handy!

Can't recall really.  Mind is just so clouded with breasts and penises.  big_smile

Seriously though, I agree with what Tony said here:

Tony Lawrence wrote:
The real question becomes one of who's paying you and why.  As a smart model
posted here just because someone has the bucks to pay you doesn't mean
you should always shoot with that person.

But when he said

Tony Lawrence wrote:
Things that don't feel right eat away at your self image.

I'm not sure how to feel about that.  On the one hand, if your image of self isn't all that high to begin with. . .well. . .everyone can fill in the blanks as they see fit.  On the other hand, if your self image/self worth is high and you've been paid (with your fee predetermined by that perception of self), shooting pictures with Leisure Suit Larry will still be a photo shoot with Leisure Suit Larry.  You've already been paid and signed the release so you can't very well back out of it.  When you agree to a price, you have already begun the "closing of the deal" process.  You can try to take as many precautions as possible and still end up shooting with Leisure Suit Larry.  He could have an awesome portfolio, communicate professionally and seem totally on the up and up. . .and when you get there to work with him he's still Leisure Suit Larry.  Business is business, and once a deal is made. . .it's pretty much done.  Many an alcoholic/drug addict/stripperhoe have been made off of regrets.  Which is exactly why I say that part of deciding to be a model is deciding what kind of model to be.  There are just some decisions that absolutely without a doubt must be made before a situation happens.  Weather or not you're comfortable taking your clothes off in pictures (if you're an experienced model or otherwise) I think is just one of them.  To negotiate a fee based on wardrobe level or lack thereof. . .speaks to something demeaning and sleazy, weather intended to be that way or not.  Be it initiated by the model or the photographer.  That's just how that's always going to sound to me.  I kinda forgot where I was going with this, so I guess I'll just be quiet now and try to offer the nekkid chic (Iona) a blanket or something.

Feb 20 06 02:59 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Oh. I forgot to say this one thing though. . .

MarkMarek wrote:
In fact, I do not work with internet models, mostly becasue of their overinflated egoes and you barely see one which would actually look pretty, but there are other factors as well.

Hmph!  So!  We wouldn't have fun working with you anyways!!!

I'm just kidding.  You have your reasons.  Although, I'm sorry you feel that way about ALL of us internet models (or soon to be in my case). . .and I'm particularly offended that you just lumped us all together into one HUGE A** group.  I thought artists were supposed to be unbiased toward other artists.  Guess I was wrong.  Unless. . .Mark's not a true artist!!  I'm telling!!  j/k

Feb 20 06 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Jayne Jones wrote:
Hmph!  So!  We wouldn't have fun working with you anyways!!!

I'm just kidding.  You have your reasons.  Although, I'm sorry you feel that way about ALL of us internet models (or soon to be in my case). . .and I'm particularly offended that you just lumped us all together into one HUGE A** group.  I thought artists were supposed to be unbiased toward other artists.  Guess I was wrong.  Unless. . .Mark's not a true artist!!  I'm telling!!  j/k

Well, i wish I had the nerve to call myself an artist wink. Lumping everyone into the same a** group was a little unintentional. I have to say you are too cool to be in a** group and theda is too pretty to be there too. So here... exceptions confirm the rule smile

Feb 20 06 03:13 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

MarkMarek wrote:
I have to say you are too cool to be in a** group and theda is too pretty to be there too. So here... exceptions confirm the rule smile

Theda always gets to be the pretty one!!!  Theda Theda Theda!!!

Feb 20 06 03:21 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Ms. Jones you are a cut up!  I can't remember how often I've heard young women
say I'll do whatever as long as I'm making money.  I think how sad.  If  You're
self worth is only about how much someone will pay you.  I have no hate for
those models who say they won't pose nude unless someone is paying them but
it leads to a bigger question of what else they will do for cash.  If all you see is
$$$ signs for yourself what happens when the money runs out?  Does this apply
to your choice of love intrest? He/she runs out of cash and you are out the door.
Whenever for example I hear that tired saying, no romance without finance, I think
how sad.

Feb 20 06 03:33 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
Ms. Jones you are a cut up!  I can't remember how often I've heard young women
say I'll do whatever as long as I'm making money.  I think how sad.  If  You're
self worth is only about how much someone will pay you.  I have no hate for
those models who say they won't pose nude unless someone is paying them but
it leads to a bigger question of what else they will do for cash.  If all you see is
$$$ signs for yourself what happens when the money runs out?  Does this apply
to your choice of love intrest? He/she runs out of cash and you are out the door.
Whenever for example I hear that tired saying, no romance without finance, I think
how sad.

I think you need to re-read my posts and check yourself.  I was quoting the model that started this thread.  Personally, I feel that as a model, I have to choose what type of modeling I will do.  I have stated that I will NOT pose nude, nor will I do Adult nor Erotica.  I have also stated that as a model, I feel I am paid for my time not my show/display of skin/nipple/breast/coochie or what have you. 

Contrary to MY beliefs, the model that started this thread has made statements such as:

Sogno Dolce wrote:
well if somebody wants to see my tits, then they can pay to see them.  I don't charge for regular fashion or lingerie shoots. but if someone asked me to pose topless then I sure as hell aren't doing it for free!


Sogno Dolce wrote:
thanks for your advice.  I hope I don't give off the impression that I'm not "serious" about modeling.  as a matter of fact I give 110% at all my shoots.  my port does kinda suck right now just cos I haven't been doing this for a while....but I'm trying smile
also, I just want to make it clear that the reason I asked to begin with was cos I've had numerous photogs ask me what my rates were for nude work, and I didn't know what a reasonable rate was to charge.  when people offer to pay me, I'd be stupid to turn it down!  I don't want to seem fake or anything but money is money is money and I'm in college so a little bit of extra cash sure comes in handy!

Those are Sogno's words not mine dearie.

Feb 20 06 03:40 pm Link


Sogno Dolce

Posts: 33

Alpharetta, Georgia, US

I love how I am portrayed as a whore now.  All I did was ask a simple question and I feel like I've started World War 3.  I'm done with these forums.

Feb 20 06 03:54 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Sogno Dolce wrote:
I love how I am portrayed as a whore now.  All I did was ask a simple question and I feel like I've started World War 3.  I'm done with these forums.

No offense chica, but you've got drama queen down pat!  No one is calling you a whore b/c everyone gets that you're not selling your body for money.  We're just discussing the "viewpoint" that you seem to have about being a paid model.  Sheesh!

Feb 20 06 04:00 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

Sogno Dolce wrote:

well if somebody wants to see my tits, then they can pay to see them.  I don't charge for regular fashion or lingerie shoots. but if someone asked me to pose topless then I sure as hell aren't doing it for free!

Well, if your mindset is that you're being compensated "to see my tits", then you're not a model. You're in another vocation entirely.

Good luck with that.


Feb 20 06 04:03 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Jayne Jones wrote:

No offense chica, but you've got drama queen down pat!  No one is calling you a whore b/c everyone gets that you're not selling your body for money.  We're just discussing the "viewpoint" that you seem to have about being a paid model.  Sheesh!

Sometimes I wish my moderator powers included giving gold stars to people who make sence on the forums.  You'd totally get one.

But I'd rather be the cool one than the pretty one. I usally am, actually.

Feb 20 06 04:03 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

John Allan wrote:
Well, if your mindset is that you're being compensated "to see my tits", then you're not a model. You're in another vocation entirely.

Good luck with that.


Now John. . .in So's defense. . .we've already covered that.  She will NOT do peepshows! smile

But perhaps you can lend your perspective as a photog on why you may or may not hire a nude model.  Is it because of her "look" or because of her "boobs"????

Feb 20 06 04:06 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

Jayne Jones wrote:

Now John. . .in So's defense. . .we've already covered that.  She will NOT do peepshows! smile

But perhaps you can lend your perspective as a photog on why you may or may not hire a nude model.  Is it because of her "look" or because of her "boobs"????

Well, I don't typically shoot nudes, so....
But I think if a model's genre is nudes, then part of her "look" is her boobs.
I don't see a nude model's body as being any different than a fashion model's body. Just because the nude model is unclothed.

I guess the mindset of charging based on exposed 'bits' is just a little offensive to me.
It represents something very different than modeling to my ears.


Feb 20 06 04:21 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Sogno Dolce wrote:
I love how I am portrayed as a whore now.  All I did was ask a simple question and I feel like I've started World War 3.  I'm done with these forums.

You're going to have to learn to have thicker skin than that if you want to model for any length of time.
Don't kid yourself; these arguments have been going on long before you got here, long before I got here, and long before Theda got here, well maybe not Theda but we still love her.

When you ask a question of 20 diffrent people expect 20 diffrent answers.
This is a very free market economy your dealing with.

How much does a girl make at the peep shows these days????

Feb 20 06 04:55 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:

You're going to have to learn to have thicker skin than that if you want to model for any length of time.
Don't kid yourself; these arguments have been going on long before you got here, long before I got here, and long before Theda got here, well maybe not Theda but we still love her.

When you ask a question of 20 diffrent people expect 20 diffrent answers.
This is a very free market economy your dealing with.

How much does a girl make at the peep shows these days????

I think it's $20 for 15 minutes..... LOL


Feb 20 06 05:12 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

John Allan wrote:
I think it's $20 for 15 minutes..... LOL


Gee.... 80 bucks an hour - that's what started this thread in the first place. Is that ironic or what?.



Feb 20 06 07:01 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Ms. Jones, I wasn't talking about you.  Although you are amusing and thats
in a good way.  My post was directed to those models who are only focused
on $$$$.  Not that, thats a bad thing.  We all have to eat.  My real point was
that if someone does something only for what it pays and not because they
enjoy it.  Very quicky it becomes tedious and boring.  If modeling is something
you enjoy as I enjoy photography then do it.  Don't focus just on what it can
pay.  However if cash is a models only reward then these sites may not be the
best thing to deal with.  Start a pay site and market yourself.

Feb 20 06 07:12 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
But perhaps you can lend your perspective as a photog on why you may or may not hire a nude model.  Is it because of her "look" or because of her "boobs"????

Because she has good-looking boobs.
Porportional, well shaped, and creating good curves with the rest of her body for an overall aesthetic effect that creates the images we seek.

Feb 20 06 07:47 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
long before Theda got here, well maybe not Theda but we still love her.
Did you just call Theda OLD?

Feb 20 06 07:54 pm Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

Sogno Dolce wrote:
I love how I am portrayed as a whore now.  All I did was ask a simple question and I feel like I've started World War 3.  I'm done with these forums.

I have changed my mind about your look. I now think you have a lot to offer as a nude model. Beautiful face, with big eyes, and a full mouth. You have a look not often found in the south. If you want to do a three hour shoot with me this summer, I am open to it.

The new images you added today look great.

Feb 20 06 07:55 pm Link


Tony M

Posts: 49

Paramus, New Jersey, US

I will stick my head in where it probably doesn't belong, but I am like that. smile

In NJ $80/hour for nudity is very reasonable. What people tend to forget is if a model signs a contract where the photographer can do anything he wants with the images then he can use them for artistic things, sell them or put them on a glamour website. The thing is that in our society nude images are worth more money. There is a reason why tasteful nude glamour websites do so well, like M&B, Playboy, Pinup Glam, Xtreme photography, Finest Models, etc. People are willing to pay to see beautiful nude women. It is that simple.

Now some people will stick their nose up at that for artistic or snobbish reasons, but the fact of the matter is that nude sites command a higher price than bikini sites. The model should be paid for her time if the photographer is going to profit from it. It is only fair. Sometimes the photographer will take the pics and decide to shop them around later. He has no willing buyer now. But, that is a gamble he is willing to take. That all comes up with in the negotiation on the price. Yes, negotiation of price. This is a free market economy after all.

In the end this is a business transaction pure and simple. During TFP both the model and photog get something out of the transaction. In a pay arrangement it again is a business agreement, but this time it is expected that the photog will try to sell the images. So, why shouldn't the model expect to be compensated more for it? The photog will probably make more money if he sells nudes versus clothed. So, why shouldn't the model be compensated more for it?

If the photog is doing it for personal reasons then just think of this as a service that you are purchasing that costs more depending on what extras or in this case, less, is in the package.

To couch this as paying for sex or negotiating a price for sex, (whether it be between $100 or $1 million now we are just negotiating on the price), is insulting because you have an underlining presumption that posing nude is unseemly and is the equivalent to have sex with someone. IF nudes don't float your boat that is one thing, but others don't think so and the do not equate it to pornography or sex.or being immoral like the negotiation for sex argument implies. There are plenty of glamorous nudes that are not unseemly or pornographic and the photog can get a good price for them.

Have you ever bargained for a car or a house? It is the same thing. They want to sell you something and you want to buy it. Now you have to come to an agreement on a price. This negotiation is no different. The photog can make more money from nudes so why shouldn't the model be paid more?

Does this limit how many models I can use if I don't sell the pics? Yes. But, I can't have everything that I want for cheap or free. I might prefer expensive food, clothes, lodging, etc., but I can only afford to pay less. Therefore I do with less or pay less for it. It might not be the same quality, but that is how a free market economy works. You can't have all that you want in this world.

Here in NJ if you go to a workshop and pay to shoot with a nude model for a half hour after the workshop you will pay between $50-80/half hour! That is $100-$160/hour! That is much more than what the OP was asking about. I don't know what the Georgia market will support. Maybe it is less. I get the feeling that only the more expensive parts of the country cost that much, like California and the NYC metro area. I guess Seattle is that way as well, which I found to be surprising.

I personally like the shape and beauty of the OP. I can see how a photog can get some really nice images from her.

Feb 20 06 09:31 pm Link