Forums > General Industry > BF thinks my pregnancy shots are "porn" HELP!!!???


Tokyo Romance

Posts: 130

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
He knew i was going to do modeling, he did not know what kind. I mean if it was nude, semi nude etc. Knew to some extent of what kind...Now he is saying that even the nice ones of me covered is porn. Also he said" you want our baby to see you like this??" LMFAO

Erin-Lynn wrote:
He knew i was taking semi nudes...I guess he just didnt expect them like this..i dunno

Earlier you stated that he didn't know what kind, so I was going on that.
If he did know, then you still should respect his thoughts on it. A relationship takes sacrifices. As a photographer, I think the female form is beautiful, but as a a bystander, I also think it, like everything else, needs to be used with caution and responsiblity. If you want to document the pregnancy, go ahead, I think that's a great idea. If you respect him, though, don't show them to the world. Take photos of the pregnancy with your clothes on to show the world. You should be just as proud clothed as nude.

Feb 04 06 03:11 am Link


Tokyo Romance

Posts: 130

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
He knew i was taking semi nudes...I guess he just didnt expect them like this..i dunno

I think if you're wanting to respect him, as well as show off your pregnancy to the world, do it clothed. Keep the nudes to look at in private.

Edit: Oops, My post didn't show up before, so I re-posted a shorted version.

Feb 04 06 03:14 am Link



Posts: 170

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

I hate to be the one to say this [but nobody else has the nerve]:  Is there anything that's more rooted in sexuality than pregnancy?  It's the very proof that something sexual has happened!  The whole "pregnancy has nothing to do with sexuality" idea just sounds really, really wierd to me...but then, photographers and models tend to indulge in a lot of denial to feel okay about what they do everyday.

That said, your bf is still being an idiot.  Get a new one.

Once again Mel, you have my utmost appreciation for pointing out the blantantly obvious smile

Feb 04 06 03:17 am Link


Opportunistic Photog

Posts: 29

Greeley, Colorado, US

What a crock, next thing he will say is the sonagram is also porn. You are quite beautiful in your images, there is nothing degrading or demoralizing about your beautiful pregnant body. Your baby is in there, growing inside you and your body is showing the beautiful transformation it takes on for this to happen. Be proud of it.

Feb 04 06 03:28 am Link



Posts: 1638

San Anselmo, California, US

There is  absolutely nothing pornographic about your pregnant pics ,,,most of them are very sensitive and beautiful. Rigid people like you BF are a pain--- alas there are too many uptight people like him. I spent a few months on the Cote      d' Azur in the south of France.  Nudity on the beaches  is EVERYWHERE and nobody raises a puritanical eyebrow.  Lets face it the human body is a beautiful object and the added curves your pregnancy have added  to make it even more beautiful.  Tell your BF to go suck on a pacifier ( I am being polite)).  Actually,  I have just been approached by a model 3 months pregnant and I was seeking ideas for a shoot on this subject  today.  Mike P.

Feb 04 06 03:42 am Link


Dumas Photography

Posts: 869

Allen, Texas, US

This is all a bunch of crap...  my wife is pregnant...  if she was to want to shoot pregnant pictures, I'd go with her or shut the hell up....

Sounds to me like there is a communication issue here...  communication before the pictures would be the essential key here...  are you out to please this forum of mostly men that love to enjoy the pleasure of female aestetics?  Or are you out to please your man who you chose to carry a child by?

I'm not saying nude modeling while pregnant is bad, I'm just saying that there is a certain amount of communication necessary here....

C'mon now guys, cut the crap here...  we all wanna see some booty and chests once and a while, but real is real...

She needs to OK flashing her nude body with her man, then proceed...  perhaps you should be having a conversation with you man instead of running to a bunch of BIASED photographers...

Don't hate me cuz I'm honest...

Feb 04 06 03:50 am Link


Tokyo Romance

Posts: 130

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Dumas Photography wrote:
This is all a bunch of crap...  my wife is pregnant...  if she was to want to shoot pregnant pictures, I'd go with her or shut the hell up....

Sounds to me like there is a communication issue here...  communication before the pictures would be the essential key here...  are you out to please this forum of mostly men that love to enjoy the pleasure of female aestetics?  Or are you out to please your man who you chose to carry a child by?

I'm not saying nude modeling while pregnant is bad, I'm just saying that there is a certain amount of communication necessary here....

C'mon now guys, cut the crap here...  we all wanna see some booty and chests once and a while, but real is real...

She needs to OK flashing her nude body with her man, then proceed...  perhaps you should be having a conversation with you man instead of running to a bunch of BIASED photographers...

Don't hate me cuz I'm honest...

That's what I've been trying to get across and I agree.

Feb 04 06 04:19 am Link



Posts: 117

Statesville, North Carolina, US

Take the pictures! They are something you'll always cherish. I only regret I don't have any pictures like that of me during any of my pregnancies. Pregnant women are beautiful, not disgusting..

Feb 04 06 04:53 am Link



Posts: 71

Those aren't porn.

Feb 04 06 06:22 am Link


Ceehawk Multimedia

Posts: 319

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Spanish Eyes wrote:
Not Porn............great images and hopefully your boyfriend will come to luv those pictures................Porn to me is explicit sexual acts but showing the nude body is God's greatest form of art................take care abd best of luck with your pregnamcy.

Here, here.  Couldn't have said it better myself.

Feb 04 06 06:40 am Link



Posts: 209

Tomi Images wrote:
Leila? That woulda been all it took for me .. to say .. seeeya ..Tomi

easier said than done

Feb 04 06 01:04 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
What is your thoughts on this?

Lose the boyfriend.  Keep the kid.


Feb 04 06 01:09 pm Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Dave Krueger wrote:

Lose the boyfriend.  Keep the kid.


Easy for you to say...

Feb 04 06 01:12 pm Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Well him and i have talked, he's much more understanding now and i made him read this whole thread...he hated that big_smile He understands this a little bit more and relizes this is what i want to do and its makes me happy, so he said do it. Just let me know when. So that has been settled it seems, and he also now wants to join me for a shoot(he didnt want to beofre) so im excited to see if that hapens big_smile Wish me luck everyone and thanks to all teh ppl who posted in here.

Feb 04 06 01:14 pm Link



Posts: 209

Erin-Lynn wrote:
Easy for you to say...

yep exactly easier said than done

..glad to hear it erin smile

Feb 04 06 01:15 pm Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

I hate to be the one to say this [but nobody else has the nerve]:  Is there anything that's more rooted in sexuality than pregnancy?  It's the very proof that something sexual has happened!  The whole "pregnancy has nothing to do with sexuality" idea just sounds really, really wierd to me...but then, photographers and models tend to indulge in a lot of denial to feel okay about what they do everyday.

I disagree. Firstly, I didn't say the photo wasn't sexual - I said it wasn't porn. Even if the photos WERE sexual (which I don't think they are), that doesn't make it sexually suggestive. There is no ACT of sex occuring in the photo, nor position to indicate it - thereby, it  is not porn.

By your definition, any photo of a person must be sexual because their mere existence is proof that someone, somewhere, had sex. Gimme a break. No one (at least not me) said pregnancy had nothing to do with sexuality - we're talking about PORN here. Stay on topic! :-P

Feb 05 06 01:32 pm Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

The pregnant woman goes through all sort of changes body wise during the near ten months.
Some of them good ,some of them bleeding awful truth be told.
However what is important is how she feels about herself...
I know that I had my preggy shots done because after hell with hyperemisis and other stuff I wont go into I felt more attractive and happy with myself and my shape than I ever had previously,I gained boobs for a start .

Having the pics done was a way to keep that good memory,To show the beauty in the pregnancy that otherwise I may have forgotten,lost under the varicose veins/heartburn/insomnia/nausea and other nasties that come with it.
So that I could look back and see the good part that otherwise I KNOW I  would forget.. having my other girls had shown me that all I really remembered(apart from the first movements and the kicks obviously) were the uncomfortable memories and then the birth.

My husband was a little strange about my choice at first but he loves the shots now so perhaps it just needs time for him to get used to it?

Its possible that the mix of mommy to be and oncoming role with the fact that naked often to most people means sexy or sexual and everyone knows moms dont have sex big_smile is to weird for him to get his head round as of yet.

Your photos are beautiful  and they will be a wonderful memory for you in years to come.

Feb 05 06 04:19 pm Link