Forums > General Industry > BF thinks my pregnancy shots are "porn" HELP!!!???


nick latino

Posts: 291

Tucson, Arizona, US

glenn usdin wrote:
you got bigger problems than these pics.

Glenn hit the nail on the head, because you have already admitted there are issues and if you think it is going to get better just because you're having a baby...your in big trouble.

Jan 30 06 10:18 pm Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Doctor E wrote:
The short answer is...  He's an idiot.

The long answer begins with...

He should be celebrating this time with you.  Your body will experience some incredible changes and that SHOULD be recorded.  Do you want your child seeing you like this?  Absolutely!  If his definitive answer to that question is 'no'...  What is his glitch with the pregnant form?

If you weren't so far away - I'd do a bondage shoot with you in a second!  And for the record - I'd show my Mom the results... 

Take EVERY opportunity to revel in your pregancy.  Enjoy it.  Enjoy the art that comes of it.  And then enjoy your child even more.

If your boyfriend has an issue with you taking a bit of time to memorialize and enjoy your pregancy now...

What kind of bitch is he going to be when the child is born and he CAN'T be the center of attention.

He needs to realize that this pregnancy is NOT about him. 

There are books.  And pharmaceuticals.  And support groups.  And, quite honestly, people that think his opinion is full of shit - but wish him well anyway.

He needs to get a grip.

You need to get naked.  Regularly.  As in - on a schedule.

Find a photographer and make it a point to shoot on specific dates.  Document this for your child.

This isn't about him...


BTW:  If you decide to thaw out for part of the winter in this part of Florida...  I'll clear my schedule.

Well said, thanks! As fo rthe comment about if i think it will get better, no i dont...but right now its not getting worst. He is seeking help and on pills, hopefully we can get around this. I cant say fix cause u cant fix what his mother brain washed him into thinking.

Jan 30 06 10:23 pm Link



Posts: 356

Arlington, Indiana, US

The pictures are beautiful. Send your BF down here. I will have an attitude adjustment seminar for him and send him back retrained.

Feb 03 06 12:00 am Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

Not porn. Some don't look like pro shots, but they are definitely respectful of you as a woman and nothing anyone should be ashamed of. Some of the shots are good enough to hang on my wall!

Feb 03 06 12:12 am Link


Adrenalin Concepts

Posts: 740

Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Having been the photographer who took some of Erin's shots... its a shame I have been away and missed all the dialogue.

Pregnancy is such a wonderful thing. I have been married for 17 years, have three kids and love my family above all else. My family has been very supportive. The kids are 16, 14, & 12 (the youngest my daughter) I have my photography displayed all over the house, but not a single nude! My kids dont go on my MM or any other profile I have. I minimize work I am editing when they enter my office. They are kids, they know who and what I sometimes shoot, but everything from the booking to post production is always discreet!

Nudity is NOT porn. Clothing can be more sexual and seductive than nude could ever be. Nudity shot right is humble, simple and beautiful. change the lighting mysterious and graceful. It can be palyful. In the case of a pregnant woman, wonderous.

There are currently several images from my first three maternity sessions on the cork board in my office... all but one are implied nudes. my wife thinks they are gorgeous, my daughter says 'pretty' ...  No one has entered my office and commented on the nudity... family or otherwise! Just the beauty of the images and the mothers-to-be. I have never posted anything on the cork board before, but they are too magnificent not to hang-up and I have nowhere to put them! I certainly wasnt going to start with porn.

Pregancy is a miracle. its it beautiful and special. the images I help create are done with the intention of celebrating the baby and the wonders of motherhood at such a delicate and shortlived time. The love, effort and sacrifice a mother gives during pregnacy is second to none. Ashley, featured in my profile has come three times and we are praying for snow to do one more shoot before baby  (of course fully clothed people, its winter here, LOL)...I look forward to working with Erin again as she nears full term, with proper lighting and a setting she deserves.
(our first shoot was more of an impromptu test-shoot)

To all the models with-child who have contacted me as a result of the work with Ashley and Erin, thank you. May you all have your preganacy captured the way you imagine. Do what is beautiful and do it for you and your baby!

ok, sorry... I will keep the rest of my replies to a single sentence!

Feb 03 06 08:18 am Link



Posts: 760

Orlando, Florida, US

pregnacy is a beautiful thing and women shouldnt be afraid to flaunt it. taking photos like that to me show you are proud of becoming a mother. nothing wrong with that.

Feb 03 06 09:28 am Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Tom Kendall wrote:
The pictures are beautiful. Send your BF down here. I will have an attitude adjustment seminar for him and send him back retrained.

lol paid for, lol sure!

Feb 03 06 09:31 am Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Well thanks Cameron, alot of people seem to think your work was not"prof" lol. Yes it was a spur of the moment thing, very last minute. Thanks again everyone.

Feb 03 06 09:34 am Link



Posts: 1050

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Well *I* think the B&W is purely artistic!

Feb 03 06 09:34 am Link


Adrenalin Concepts

Posts: 740

Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Erin-Lynn wrote:
Well thanks Cameron, alot of people seem to think your work was not"prof" lol. Yes it was a spur of the moment thing, very last minute. Thanks again everyone.


As long as you are happy with our work and yourself in our work that is truly what matters. I provided you unedited work for you to look through, I never thought you would immediately post so much of it, my bad. :-)) (and they maybe referring to some of the candids I didnt take that you have posted or at least I hope...)

As you progress along, we will create some images to wow the masses!!! Most photographers would not shoot in many of the locations I find myself in or the conditons I shoot under. Come to the studio, we'll knock their socks off!!! (I will make  sure only edited images make it to the public LOL)

Feb 03 06 09:52 am Link



Posts: 209

my bloke called me a cheap hoe for doing bikini?!?!...boyfriends should support you with whatever you want to do

Feb 03 06 09:57 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

No...He's just lying.

Roflmao... Reminds me of Futurama: " Their lesbians their not doing it for you!". The reply: "That's what they think!"

Feb 03 06 11:02 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

x-leila-x wrote:
my bloke called me a cheap hoe for doing bikini?!?!...boyfriends should support you with whatever you want to do

I trust you sent him packing?

Feb 03 06 11:03 am Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

x-leila-x wrote:
my bloke called me a cheap hoe for doing bikini?!?!...boyfriends should support you with whatever you want to do

what the hell, in a swim suit? Damn i got called a hoe form teh bf's mother and i was dressed but thats his mom...i cant belive he called you a hoe in a swimsuit!!!???

Cameron sounds getting big, button gonna pop in a few weeks, i wanna lay in the snow, on a blanket and have the picture done...but i dont think we ever gonna get snow again

Feb 03 06 11:22 am Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Porn involves sex or sexually suggestive poses. Your shots have none of that. Yours appear to highlight your pregnancy and female form.

Your boyfriend is either some religious nut or a closet porn whacker.

I think you should do more shots, in a more professional setting/backdrop. You have a great figure for these. None that I did with my wife turned out well and I wish I had another shot at it. Take advantage of this time while you can. Regardless of what the closet-whacker thinks, there's nothing wrong with it.

Feb 03 06 11:24 am Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Sleepy Weasel wrote:
Porn involves sex or sexually suggestive poses. Your shots have none of that. Yours appear to highlight your pregnancy and female form.

Your boyfriend is either some religious nut or a closet porn whacker.

I think you should do more shots, in a more professional setting/backdrop. You have a great figure for these. None that I did with my wife turned out well and I wish I had another shot at it. Take advantage of this time while you can. Regardless of what the closet-whacker thinks, there's nothing wrong with it.

LMFAO that just made my day thanks:)

Feb 03 06 11:25 am Link


Adrenalin Concepts

Posts: 740

Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Erin-Lynn wrote:
Cameron sounds getting big, button gonna pop in a few weeks, i wanna lay in the snow, on a blanket and have the picture done...but i dont think we ever gonna get snow again

Lets get you in the studio... and its supposed to snow sunday... be ready !!!

Feb 03 06 11:56 am Link



Posts: 209

Merlinpix wrote:
I trust you sent him packing?

you think thats bad? oh thats just average everyday conversation for him

Feb 03 06 12:09 pm Link



Posts: 209

Erin-Lynn wrote:
what the hell, in a swim suit? Damn i got called a hoe form teh bf's mother and i was dressed but thats his mom...i cant belive he called you a hoe in a swimsuit!!!???

yes..welcome to the world of english men!!

Feb 03 06 12:10 pm Link


Tomi Hawk

Posts: 1649

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

x-leila-x wrote:
my bloke called me a cheap hoe for doing bikini?!?!...boyfriends should support you with whatever you want to do

Unfreakinbelievable! MEN !!! Sometimes I'm sooo embarrassed to be one myself!

First of all .. in response to the OP and her b/f or fiance, or whatever he is .. oyy vayyy .. I really didnt think there were red necks in Canada !!! Mannn .. and to whoever it was that stated (I think it was a couple a folks) that .. you're in for a big surprise if you think that this guy is gonna raise yr children the *correct* way .. oy .. it simply makes me wanna get sick at WHY some women will date, let alone marry someone with these kinds of philosophies .. or .. even wanna GET pregnant by some guy that even remotely thinks the way he does????

Leila? That woulda been all it took for me .. to say .. seeeya .. "cheap hoe" .. wow.. What makes women hang around and better yet, marry men with attitudes like this? Isn't that sorta like *perpetuating* the .. ignorant?

Pardon me if I seem a bit harsh .. but, I've had to deal with this my whole life .. as a *modeling photographer* .. and thank GOD that my first g/f was (as she called it back then) well, for the lack of a better word .. a womens activist .. and was all for womens equality ...
When I arrived home (we lived together in Germany at the time) one nite and said .. "Hi Honeyyy .. I'm hooome, whats for dinner"? .. (I always wanted to say that :p) to which she replied .. "I dunno .. I've already eaten .." Doh! Tell ya what .. it turned *me* .. into a great cook .. because I, myself, and me, learned and studied to cook better then some women I know today .. besides .. it flips my mom out to this day .. with the things that I can come up with .. and it really impresses a woman when a man puts that kina efort into *her* ..

I lived in Germany (while serving in the Army) and nudity was nothing to anyone there .. it simply shows where our values lay .. and what our churches have to say about it here in America ..
The very same people who rule simple nudity as .. *porn* .. are the very ones that I believe we should be afraid of .. as they're the ones who are doing nawty things behind closed doors, with people they should'nt be .. Like father Tony and the lil boy? This Country needs a serious wake up call .. and men need to be a lil more compassionate and *involved* with who they want to spend the rest of their entire life with .. men like Leila's and the OP's b/f .. are living in the dark ages, and need to get out from under the rock they crawled under  .. nuff said ..

Erin, your pictures of you pregnant are wonderful .. make your b/f read this thread .. and if he has any problems with it after that .. can you say *Aloha*? smile


Feb 03 06 12:54 pm Link


Kaylee Ann

Posts: 47

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Your shots are beautiful, and something you should be proud to show off. I think you child would be proud, that you documented this.

Feb 03 06 01:50 pm Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

i know i dont care no more about the bf and his opion

Feb 03 06 05:12 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Not porn at all. A woman is at her most beautiful when she carries her child. It's the miracle of nature and of new life. It's the wonder of the perfectness of the female body - one that adapts to dramatic changes and then returns to a close resemblence of its former self. At the risk of sounding like an overly "sensitive guy," I am in awe of what you do as women. Tell your boyfriend to rejoice in the beauty of what you did together and to learn to appreciate that he now has something to remember this special time.

Feb 03 06 05:53 pm Link



Posts: 180

Los Angeles, California, US

I became curious reading this thread.  You said your man is stubborn, so for him there is only one way to view this.  has he really depicted what it is that bothers him.  Is it the nudity, is it that you didn't tell him, or is it that you are nude and pregnant?  I know that some of this was touched on, but make him write down what he is feeling, you would be surprised what people put down on paper.  It sounds a lot lok old fashioned but what made this pornographic for him, is it the privacy factor, and he is bitter that it is not just for you guys.  Not taking sides just curious.  When you said stubborn I wanted to know more.  The interesting response was that he might be attracted to pregnant women.   You know the man we don't but after countless conversations I am sure you had, do you feel like you got to the bottom of it, or did you just put him in his place?

Feb 03 06 06:12 pm Link


Scott Aitken

Posts: 3587

Seattle, Washington, US

Pregnancy is not porn.

Feb 03 06 07:39 pm Link


Rik Bowman

Posts: 285

Taos, New Mexico, US
*sorry, I always forget how to post in this forum code :p*

© 2001 Kattaryna Breaux

NOT porn. Just plain beautiful.

This a photo done by a friend, Kattaryna Breaux (1970 - 2004 RIP sister, you rocked!).

My wife and I when we were expecting our son Ellery one month before the pregnancy.

I cherish these photos especially of the both of us. Again, it was a beautiful moment.

My $0.02.


Feb 03 06 07:49 pm Link


Todd Taulman

Posts: 131

Chicago, Illinois, US

Maternity photos are probably my favorite type of images to take, then newborns. So much emotion in those two subjects, if photographed properly.

Feb 03 06 07:55 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

Todd Taulman wrote:
Maternity photos are probably my favorite type of images to take, then newborns. So much emotion in those two subjects, if photographed properly.

Yes Todd and you took one of the best images of me pregnant wink

Feb 03 06 07:57 pm Link


chas j photography

Posts: 2

Ipswich, England, United Kingdom

if the faqther of your baby is against you doing poses you should respect his wishes

apart from anything else it has become a very boring art form

lets move on creativity wise

btw my wife just had our first and i would never have allowed her to poswe for me or anyone else in what is a very private experience


Feb 03 06 08:03 pm Link


model portfolios

Posts: 58

Rainier, Oregon, US

my question wud be does he think its porn because its his gf in the shots? what did he think when demi moore posed that way?

Feb 03 06 08:07 pm Link


g2-new photographics

Posts: 2048

Boston, Massachusetts, US

I only just came into this, and haven't read all the pros and cons, but it seems to me that photographing the progression of a pregnancy could be a wonderful thing, but I do wonder why post the images on the internet?

Feb 03 06 08:10 pm Link



Posts: 702

Portsmouth, Virginia, US

I really dont think that your images are porn...maybe if you took some with a professional photographer or one with better quality images they would have a better look, but I really think that they are nice

Maybe your bf needs to take a chill pill and relax!

Feb 03 06 08:14 pm Link


Rik Bowman

Posts: 285

Taos, New Mexico, US

pw-gii photographics wrote:
I only just came into this, and haven't read all the pros and cons, but it seems to me that photographing the progression of a pregnancy could be a wonderful thing, but I do wonder why post the images on the internet?

Why not?

Feb 03 06 08:26 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Sleepy Weasel wrote:
Porn involves sex or sexually suggestive poses. Your shots have none of that. Yours appear to highlight your pregnancy and female form.

I hate to be the one to say this [but nobody else has the nerve]:  Is there anything that's more rooted in sexuality than pregnancy?  It's the very proof that something sexual has happened!  The whole "pregnancy has nothing to do with sexuality" idea just sounds really, really wierd to me...but then, photographers and models tend to indulge in a lot of denial to feel okay about what they do everyday.

That said, your bf is still being an idiot.  Get a new one.

Feb 03 06 08:30 pm Link



Posts: 2398

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ha, i find this funny.. if the op is reading this i remember a profile you had on, maybe he read that and is starting to have some doubts.. anyways the OP may know what i'm talking about.

Feb 03 06 10:45 pm Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Morphine Dream wrote:
Ha, i find this funny.. if the op is reading this i remember a profile you had on, maybe he read that and is starting to have some doubts.. anyways the OP may know what i'm talking about.

dunno if your talking about me or not...

Feb 04 06 02:20 am Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Porchia William wrote:
I really dont think that your images are porn...maybe if you took some with a professional photographer or one with better quality images they would have a better look, but I really think that they are nice

Maybe your bf needs to take a chill pill and relax!

it was a spur of the moment photo shoot with a

Feb 04 06 02:21 am Link


Tokyo Romance

Posts: 130

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
Yeah i guess your right, thanks again everyone. If you knew what kind of man he was you would know there is no talking to him...hes a stubbron guy and old fashioned, so to him this is porn.

I know this was much earlier in the thread, but it caught my eye. If he is such a stubborn guy and such, why are you with him? My opinion? This man is having a child with you and is a big part of your life, I assume, so you should have respected him enough to tell him what types of photos you were taking. He might feel that what he saw as his (your nude form) has been put out there for the world to see and probably makes him uncomfortable.

When I documented my friend's pregnancy, I made sure it was ohk with her fiancee.

I don't see it as "porn", but some of the photos do look "snapshot-ish". Maybe talk to him about compromising, maybe even him being the person behind the camera. Explain to him that this is important to you, so that you can have something to hold on from the pregnancy that is nice, not just memories of morning sickness, LoL.

Feb 04 06 02:30 am Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Djinn Photographic wrote:

I know this was much earlier in the thread, but it caught my eye. If he is such a stubborn guy and such, why are you with him? My opinion? This man is having a child with you and is a big part of your life, I assume, so you should have respected him enough to tell him what types of photos you were taking. He might feel that what he saw as his (your nude form) has been put out there for the world to see and probably makes him uncomfortable.

When I documented my friend's pregnancy, I made sure it was ohk with her fiancee.

I don't see it as "porn", but some of the photos do look "snapshot-ish". Maybe talk to him about compromising, maybe even him being the person behind the camera. Explain to him that this is important to you, so that you can have something to hold on from the pregnancy that is nice, not just memories of morning sickness, LoL.

He knew i was taking semi nudes...I guess he just didnt expect them like this..i dunno

Feb 04 06 03:02 am Link


No longer a membee

Posts: 115

Dallas, Texas, US

no i think that they are beautiful, very artistic and tasteful! and i was yelling a little bit ago because i am drunk and i didnt realize the caps lock was on lol

Feb 04 06 03:07 am Link