Forums > General Industry > BF thinks my pregnancy shots are "porn" HELP!!!???



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

What is your thoughts on this? Do you think my shots are porn? Discusting? Do you think that women who are pregnant should'nt be showing off like this? He thinks in even the picture's im covered are nude and crude...need some help!

Jan 28 06 03:56 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

So he knew you were doing them, now he thinks they are porn? This sounds like it is about to turn into another jealous bf situation.
Some of yours are snapshot like but some of them are also really nice. I am about to do some with the afro haired model in my profile. She is just about 4 months along. She is sort of tiny and barely showing right now so we have to wait a bit.

Jan 28 06 03:58 pm Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

He knew i was going to do modeling, he did not know what kind. I mean if it was nude, semi nude etc. Knew to some extent of what kind...Now he is saying that even the nice ones of me covered is porn. Also he said" you want our baby to see you like this??" LMFAO

Jan 28 06 04:01 pm Link


Daphne G

Posts: 163

New York, New York, US

I definitely don't believe that your shots can be classified as disgusting or porn, but I wonder what his expectations were before you'd started taking any images documenting the pregnancy.

Jan 28 06 04:01 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

If put on one of those weird pregnant porn sites, the picture titles "So sexy" could very possibly fit in with soft porn. But I wouldn't have noticed that if it were titled differently.  What I mean is that if you never titled it that, I would have never of looked at it in a more sexual way

Jan 28 06 04:02 pm Link


Prairie Town Production

Posts: 100

Topeka, Kansas, US

Your images are not porn, but maybe your BF is. If he does not support your art, how much F is in that B?

Jan 28 06 04:04 pm Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Thats what i said, and i said what did you expect??For me to be totally and uderly clothed?? That was not teh point of the shoot and most people with half a brain would know that, no?

Thanks everyone, just wondering how i could end this stupid bicking with him about my "porn"

Jan 28 06 04:04 pm Link


Daphne G

Posts: 163

New York, New York, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
He knew i was going to do modeling, he did not know what kind. I mean if it was nude, semi nude etc. Now he is saying that even the nice ones of me covered is porn. Also he said" you want our baby to see you like this??" LMFAO

Maybe some further discussion needs to happen before you continue shooting?  I just had a sit-down with my fiance last week so that no misunderstandings would come up once I started documenting the pregnancy on film.  I hope that helps.  I'm definitely for shooting through the pregnancy---just like you I'm feeling like this time is amazing, and I want some images that I can hold onto for the future.

Jan 28 06 04:05 pm Link


Brandon Cordon

Posts: 224

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Well, softporn is what just a nude girl?

I am pretty sensitive to nudity myself. I mean dont get me wrong, I love, NO I LOVE the female body nude. I think its pregnancy is beautiful and pregnant woman are sexy. I can see the blurred line between soft porn and art. Some people cant. My guess would be to express you understand his feelings, but leave it at you dont feel the same. Im sure he is hurt by it, so thats a personal choice your going to have to make and none of us can tell you what is right.

Sometimes we all have to make sacrafices, but usually we try to get our partner to be the one makeing the sacrafices. Figure out how important it is to you, to him, wiegh it out, is it worth anyone getting hurt over, and then decide what your going to do but dont make a choice you will resent him for later. This is your choice, so if you make the sacrafice and honor him, make sure you believe in your choice.

yada yada.

"Love" is a great thing and the most important experience on earth.

Jan 28 06 04:05 pm Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Yeah i guess your right, thanks again everyone. If you knew what kind of man he was you would know there is no talking to him...hes a stubbron guy and old fashioned, so to him this is porn.

Jan 28 06 04:08 pm Link


Brandon Cordon

Posts: 224

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

REad "Boundaries" by Townsend and Cloud

kind of sets you up for dealing with uneven people and relationships. A relationship can only be mutual when one party draws lines that forces the other to make a choice to respect the other or GO.

I just looked at your pics. I think some of them are not as classy as they could be. And I can honestly see why he feels the way he does. Your intentions may not have been that. But honestly I can see what he is saying while at the same time give you the benifit of the doubt.

Jan 28 06 04:10 pm Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Thats what i told him, i said enough with the BS...i have taken it long enuf and im not going to stop modeling just because you think its porn...DEAL OR LEAVE! LOL he hasnt really mentioned it since

Jan 28 06 04:11 pm Link


Brandon Cordon

Posts: 224

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Well there you go..

respect was formed.

id still read the book, i loved it and bought 17 copies and gave them away so far.

Jan 28 06 04:12 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
He knew i was going to do modeling, he did not know what kind. I mean if it was nude, semi nude etc. Now he is saying that even the nice ones of me covered is porn. Also he said" you want our baby to see you like this??" LMFAO

It is not your fault he puts sexaul connotations onto the pregnant shots. Maybe he sees pregnant women as a sexual turn on therefore projects that feeling onto everyone else(i.e." I think pregnant women are hot, therefore everyone else probably does,too") and that makes him think they are porn, because seeing pregnant women arouses him. I have seen this in a few couples where the female did some maternity shots. What I described above was the root of one guys issue with his wife doing it, he just took a while to admit it. He did not want his wife to know he was actually aroused at the site of pregnant women so he never brought it up. I mean, you know what is often said about those who protest certain things way too much. They often do it to distract people from knowing they are into the thing they are protesting.

Jan 28 06 04:13 pm Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Brandon Cordon wrote:
Well there you go..

respect was formed.

id still read the book, i loved it and bought 17 copies and gave them away so far.

Very cool and thanks again...

Jan 28 06 04:13 pm Link


Memoirs Photography

Posts: 11

One of my models is 5 months but wants to keep it to herself and go back to modelling after and I'm jealous of all the pregnant shots I see now, but, just to answer the question, NO, they aren't porn as no sexual act is taking place in any of them from what I can see. Perhaps the best thing is to de-sensitise him a little by going on the net and showing him real porn shots of expectant females and then some from artsites separately.

What would interest me is his views on David Hamiltons work "Age Of Innocence" involving females age 10-18!!! LMAO (sort of)

Mark x

Jan 28 06 04:14 pm Link


Daphne G

Posts: 163

New York, New York, US

Brandon Cordon wrote:
REad "Boundaries" by Townsend and Cloud

kind of sets you up for dealing with uneven people and relationships. A relationship can only be mutual when one party draws lines that forces the other to make a choice to respect the other or GO.

hmmm...would you recommend reading that to deal with unreasonable members of your immediate and distant family?  i'm going to have to take a peek at this book...

Jan 28 06 04:15 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Daphne G wrote:
I just had a sit-down with my fiance last week so that no misunderstandings would come up once I started documenting the pregnancy on film.

Oh,wow. You are going to make some outstanding maternity shots!

Jan 28 06 04:15 pm Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Wow that is an amazing idea...he thinks that 2 girls toghther is gross, so yeah there is just a tad bit of what kind of guy he is...maybe he's gay? lol

Jan 28 06 04:16 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Brandon Cordon wrote:
Well, softporn is what just a nude girl?

Oh dear god no. Not even close. Have you been kidnapped and taken to the land of Ashcroftia, too?!

Jan 28 06 04:16 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
If you knew what kind of man he was you would know there is no talking to him..

red flag

Jan 28 06 04:18 pm Link


Brandon Cordon

Posts: 224

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Daphne G wrote:

hmmm...would you recommend reading that to deal with unreasonable members of your immediate and distant family?  i'm going to have to take a peek at this book...

yes. it deals with that as well. the first five chapters are not always everyones favorites but read through them and then at the end of the book youll be glad you had because it makes new light in terms of your situations.

Jan 28 06 04:18 pm Link


Brandon Cordon

Posts: 224

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

Oh dear god no. Not even close. Have you been kidnapped and taken to the land of Ashcroftia, too?!


no i was just saying isnt that the technical def? I was asking. I dont know!

Jan 28 06 04:19 pm Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Yeah i knew red flag long ago, but he is seeking help on his issues, and he is the babys daddy, sooo yeah.

Jan 28 06 04:19 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Memoirs Photography wrote:
Perhaps the best thing is to de-sensitise him a little by going on the net and showing him real porn shots of expectant females

No way, as apposed to what I said in my previous post, he may not realize there are people who pay to see sexual shots of pregnant women , once he sees pregnant female porn he me freak out and think" omg, people will be wankin to my girls pics, shes gotta stop modeling NOW".

Jan 28 06 04:21 pm Link


Brandon Cordon

Posts: 224

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
Yeah i knew red flag long ago, but he is seeking help on his issues, and he is the babys daddy, sooo yeah.

goodf for you. its always worth fighting for.

one person can draw a line, the other person has to respect that line and make a choice. Hold the line, and see what the other chooses. But for self respect and respect for him and the whole relationship. DRAW THE LINE, but dont do this to manipulate and throw it all away.

read the book ahah

Jan 28 06 04:22 pm Link


Daphne G

Posts: 163

New York, New York, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
Oh,wow. You are going to make some outstanding maternity shots!

Thank you!  You know I can't wait to get the shooting started.  smile

Jan 28 06 04:22 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
Wow that is an amazing idea...he thinks that 2 girls toghther is gross, so yeah there is just a tad bit of what kind of guy he is...maybe he's gay? lol

Maybe he just doesnt want you to think he likes to see that stuff for fear of you becoming jealous and pissy knowing that he likes to look at other women.

Jan 28 06 04:23 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
and he is the babys daddy, sooo yeah.

oh goodness.

Jan 28 06 04:27 pm Link



Posts: 46

Warren, Michigan, US

IF you ask me dump him before things get out of hand. Jealous men and models don't mix. And old fashion doesn't belong in modeling if you ask me. Tell him to get a helmet and relax.

and what the hell is wrong with porn anyways, me and my wife watch it once in a great while just to get each other hot and bothered and have some fun>>>>> tongue

just my two cents


Jan 28 06 04:35 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

Brandon Cordon wrote:
Well, softporn is what just a nude girl?

I am pretty sensitive to nudity myself. I mean dont get me wrong, I love, NO I LOVE the female body nude. I think its pregnancy is beautiful and pregnant woman are sexy. I can see the blurred line between soft porn and art. Some people cant. My guess would be to express you understand his feelings, but leave it at you dont feel the same. Im sure he is hurt by it, so thats a personal choice your going to have to make and none of us can tell you what is right.

Sometimes we all have to make sacrafices, but usually we try to get our partner to be the one makeing the sacrafices. Figure out how important it is to you, to him, wiegh it out, is it worth anyone getting hurt over, and then decide what your going to do but dont make a choice you will resent him for later. This is your choice, so if you make the sacrafice and honor him, make sure you believe in your choice.

yada yada.

"Love" is a great thing and the most important experience on earth.

Wow, Dr. Phil is among  us.

Jan 28 06 05:00 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

He got issues. I can't call it.

Jan 28 06 05:02 pm Link


John Emrys

Posts: 45

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Sounds like a jealous, control-oriented boyfriend to me.

Clearly they ae not pornographic. Then again, some people only make love in the dark, if you get my drift.
Tell him to shape up, or ship out.

Jan 28 06 05:06 pm Link


David Linke

Posts: 488

Woodville, Ohio, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
He knew i was going to do modeling, he did not know what kind. I mean if it was nude, semi nude etc. Now he is saying that even the nice ones of me covered is porn. Also he said" you want our baby to see you like this??" LMFAO

My answer to this would be "Absolutely Yes!" , further it sounds like he may be a control freak.

I'm making the assumption that he is the father.  Which means that he is going to impart these same puritanical values to you child.  Something that you will need to temper with exposure to all forms of the arts.

If he's not, send him packing.  He not worth the investment of raising two babies at once.

Jan 28 06 05:08 pm Link


Bonnie Rock

Posts: 37

Manhattan, Illinois, US

I personally think the photographs are gorgeous. You are creating a new LIFE! Guess where it comes from?? The vagina. I find it amusing that breasts and vaginas are so pornographic and yet their function is to create and nurture life.  I guarentee you'll love these photos even more after the preganacy and show them off to your child. Its beautiful. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

Jan 28 06 05:10 pm Link


Brandon Cordon

Posts: 224

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Model Sarah wrote:
Wow, Dr. Phil is among  us.

haha, sorry i cant help myself. it has always been a passion of mine, heck i almost became a marraige/relationship counselor. Pyschology man.. its psycadelic only spelled correctly.

i cant help but to notice that half the people run from the problem and the other half stay as doormats. While even less actually draw a line and fight for the relationship.

anywho, we all have our own oppinions, just mine is the only right one. hahahahah jk..

who would have thought that this site would rock so much!!?! ahah

Jan 28 06 05:13 pm Link


Sweet Emotion 68

Posts: 456

Oldsmar, Florida, US

Not Porn............great images and hopefully your boyfriend will come to luv those pictures................Porn to me is explicit sexual acts but showing the nude body is God's greatest form of art................take care abd best of luck with your pregnamcy.

Jan 28 06 05:14 pm Link


Brandon Cordon

Posts: 224

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Spanish Eyes wrote:
Not Porn............great images and hopefully your boyfriend will come to luv those pictures................Porn to me is explicit sexual acts but showing the nude body is God's greatest form of art................take care abd best of luck with your pregnamcy.

Spanish eyes.. well put.

that was simple.. why didnt i think of that!

Jan 28 06 05:16 pm Link



Posts: 876

Sunbury, Pennsylvania, US

Porn is Like Politics and Religion...once a person has a certain Idea of what IS! there is no debating with them....

I know people who think a photo an an adult female being topless is porn...and they don't think it's right that women can go topless in public parks in New York, Canada, or other places it is allowed...

Jan 28 06 05:27 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
Wow that is an amazing idea...he thinks that 2 girls toghther is gross, so yeah there is just a tad bit of what kind of guy he is...maybe he's gay? lol

No...He's just lying.

Jan 28 06 06:36 pm Link