Forums > General Industry > BF thinks my pregnancy shots are "porn" HELP!!!???



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

thanks everyone fo rthe feedback on this subject, i will certainly keep all teh kind words in mind

Jan 28 06 06:39 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

Don't think it's porn, but I think that he may have more of a problem with you posting them publicly for all to see.

But I am really sure that if you do the g/g fetish with bondage stuff that you are looking to do while you are pregnant....he would definitely see that as porn.

Jan 28 06 06:39 pm Link


Riedel Photography

Posts: 182

Indianola, Washington, US

Not porn

Send him back to the "red" states

Jan 28 06 06:46 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Jen Swenson

Posts: 1

Cleveland, Ohio, US

I happen to think this is very natural and beautiful.  It's something that maybe someone of the opposite sex wouldn't understand.  I guess we can't hold that against them.

Jan 28 06 06:50 pm Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
Also he said" you want our baby to see you like this??"

Is he joking?? Because a child never sees its parents naked?


Jan 28 06 09:19 pm Link


Mark Key Photography

Posts: 1346

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Daphne G wrote:

Maybe some further discussion needs to happen before you continue shooting?  I just had a sit-down with my fiance last week so that no misunderstandings would come up once I started documenting the pregnancy on film.  I hope that helps.  I'm definitely for shooting through the pregnancy---just like you I'm feeling like this time is amazing, and I want some images that I can hold onto for the future.

The key word in Daphne's reply is "documenting".  That's the feel I get from your photos. Porn implies sexual arousal and these images celebrate life. Through my eyes, I see a woman documenting the process of bringing a new life into this world. How beautiful and what a wonderful gift.

Jan 28 06 09:32 pm Link


Julia Gerace

Posts: 1889

Monroe, Connecticut, US

I've seen some absolutely stunning maternity portraiture - I don't find it 'porn' in the least....   you're beautiful!  enjoy your pregnancy and your images!!

Jan 28 06 09:35 pm Link


Far West Imaging

Posts: 436

Laguna Hills, California, US

Your photos are beautiful and tasteful, certainly not porn.  Does he want you to get dressed in the closet with the lights off too?

Jan 28 06 09:40 pm Link



Posts: 438

Dallas, Texas, US

I guess all I can say on this matter is that I did art nude shoots all thru my pregnancy with the lower and most of my upp half clothed....or covered.. to document the changes my body made . As a matter of fact i did a shoot 4 days before I had my son. Now the pictures are in his baby book and he is 2yrs oold almost....

My husband at first was kinda iffy on the whole thing until one day i took his hands placed them on my belly and took a up close shot of father trying to touch baby....that picture is framed in our house..all you can see are his hands and my belly. It is so soft and sensual. I also have one up close of him kissing my belly and one of him with eyes closed listening to it as if trying to talk to the baby..they all turned out awsome...

Now i think if you were spread eagle that is diffrent. But seeing as how you are nowhere near that I think they are lovley:)

Good luck with the pregnancy smile!

Jan 28 06 09:40 pm Link



Posts: 346

Portland, Oregon, US

I don't think your shots are porn like at all. I plan on doing some artistic shots as well with my pregnancy, although right now I'm working on stuff I can submit to pregnancy magazines, etc. I think your boyfriend needs to LOOSEN UP!

Jan 28 06 09:46 pm Link


Landra Lee Photography

Posts: 276

Los Angeles, California, US

Maybe he was bummed out because you didn't tell him that you were doing it. Granted, it sounds like he wouldn't have been happy if you DID bring it up, but maybe you would have had the option of bringing him with you so it didn't seem as devious to him, in his mind... like you did it behind his back or something...

I think some of the photos are good, some not so good. Definitely not porn, though, yet... I do think that if you ARE planning on doing a g/g bondage shoot while pregnant, that that WILL be fetish, absolutely, and that could get ALOT uglier as far as the boyfriend situation is concerned.

Documenting your pregnancy is something that I think every woman wants to do. Doing girl-on-girl action while tied up and pregnant is probably NOT something that every woman wants to do... Probably not something just any average expectant father would want to see either...

But the photos in question? No. Not porn.

Jan 28 06 09:57 pm Link


glenn my name today

Posts: 1025

Lancaster, California, US

you got bigger problems than these pics.

Jan 28 06 10:05 pm Link



Posts: 5216


Your pictures are not porn of any sort. Your BF is just having a bit of a freak-out. I watched my friends have their little mental breaks and told myself that I would not do it, but I did just in different ways. I guess as guys we all do.
The changes that come with pregnancy and childbirth are unsettling from the male side of the fence as well. You and your BF used to be a couple, now, from his perspective you and the baby are the couple and he needs to figure out where he fits in.
Heres Wishing You A Healthy, Happy Baby

Jan 28 06 10:25 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Two options:
1. stop shooting.
2. get a new boyfriend.

....oh... am I the daddy?

Jan 28 06 10:28 pm Link



Posts: 5216


Untill now your relationship probably ran along fine all by it self. From now on it will most likely require some amount of work. Parenthood is rather time consuming remember that you have a partner and do something special for them at least once a week. The return is more than worth the effort.

Jan 28 06 10:31 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
He knew i was going to do modeling, he did not know what kind. I mean if it was nude, semi nude etc. Now he is saying that even the nice ones of me covered is porn. Also he said" you want our baby to see you like this??" LMFAO

Does he expect you to be fully clothed while nursing your baby?  wink

Jan 28 06 10:45 pm Link


Memoirs Photography

Posts: 11

I agree with an earlier posting, the modelling is the least of your worries...

Is he going to brainwash your kids in later years to his victorian way of thinking? in this day and age it could turn them in to social delinquents, as a farther of 2 girls 15 and 17 I have left them to their own opinions and have no regrets, they have opposing views but at least they are balanced and aren't scared to confide in me.... those are the REAL long term things to care about, making sure you don't lose your value as a parent...

sorry to be heavy but....... :-)

Jan 29 06 10:31 am Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

If the boyfriend is the controling, maybe you should leave him!

Jan 29 06 12:43 pm Link


Scott Aitken

Posts: 3587

Seattle, Washington, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
Also he said" you want our baby to see you like this??" LMFAO

What! Don't tell me that you are actually going to let your baby see your nekid breasts too. OMG! What is this world coming to?

Oh, wait. Never mind...

Seriously, your pregnancy photos are far from porn in my opinion.

I just did a shoot a couple weeks ago with a 8-month pregnant woman and her fiance. It was a nude "painting with light" session, similar to the rest of my art photography here on MM. I haven't made final selections or edited them yet, but a few are among the most beautiful photos I think I've ever done. The woman told me the photo shoot was "a life changing experience". I've never had a model say that about a photo shoot before, or anything like it.

If your boyfriend can't see the difference between porn and artful photos of a beautiful pregnant woman, he is an idiot.

Jan 29 06 05:05 pm Link



Posts: 1187

Nelsonville, New York, US

change boyfriend smile

Jan 29 06 05:05 pm Link


Amanda May

Posts: 39

Laguna Niguel, California, US

What do the letters.. BF stand for?

Jan 29 06 05:12 pm Link


Kelley Mantia

Posts: 67

Naples, Florida, US

I think pregnant women are beautiful!  Nothing pornographic at all about it!  Enjoy this special time.  smile

Jan 29 06 08:01 pm Link



Posts: 12

Johnstown, Colorado, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
Wow that is an amazing idea...he thinks that 2 girls toghther is gross, so yeah there is just a tad bit of what kind of guy he is...maybe he's gay? lol

Here is where I say red flag! 

The female form is beautful as long as it isn't morbidly obese, then it's a waste because the person lacks self respect.  I'm tired and having trouble staying on topic bare with me on this.

I actually wrote and add for a photographer once, advertising his interest in photographing the pregnant female form, in all stages nude.  It's actually a beautiful and wonderful expierance being pregnant, once you get past the morning sickness and stretch marks.  (I speak from expierance). I also think, it would be a great baby book insert. A hey look, this is when you were growing in my belly type thing.  There is nothing about your pictures that show anything in a pornographic way.  They're very classy, and show off just another one of the beauties that is being female. 

Now, if you were taking these pictures for an xxx site for those wierdos that enjoy the thought of a pregnant woman and a gang bang, then he could say they're porn pics.

Maybe the BD needs to lighten up, because he becomes the CSP (child support Payer), and accept what he cannot change.

As for the thinking 2 women together is gross. Tell him not to knock it till he's tried it.


Notes from another mom.  Cocoa butter like you're trying to squeeze yourself through the eye of a needle, buy cheap diapers, (not luvs though), they work just as well as the expensive ones.  And enjoy sleeping while you can.  Good luck with the little one.

Jan 30 06 02:16 am Link



Posts: 438

Dallas, Texas, US

THe letters BF stand for BOYFRIEND...BF??? get it? LMAO

Jan 30 06 02:17 am Link



Posts: 12

Johnstown, Colorado, US

KayleeT wrote:
THe letters BF stand for BOYFRIEND...BF??? get it? LMAO

Boyfriend also should be your Best Friend, someone that sticks by you and supports you, and doesn't push his bassackwards ideals at you.

Jan 30 06 02:21 am Link


Gerry Hanan

Posts: 163

Round Rock, Texas, US

This is an interesting topic - Brandon, that is a great book - my wife uses it with the people who come to her with all nature of problems and the principles are pretty profound.

Back to the topic regardless of is it or isnt it - that is our opinion - his ipinion is that is it - us as complete strangers are not going to change his mind. 

Additionally the likelyhood exists that for him this picture would not normally constitute such a response in himself but when its the woman that he loves and has a huge emotional connection with then the lines change and was used to be acceptable now reflects a different color and he sees it differently. 

That is my only thought at this late hour - there are more but I need to split.

Take care and good luck following the discussion through to conclusion with him - additionally I reccommend the Boundries book.

Jan 30 06 02:39 am Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Well i understand where everyone is comming from, and i would have left him but he is the father. Also he is actully very good to me other then this problem with the picture's. Someone mentioned teh victorian brain wash thing, this is where him being a truck driver comes in handy....hes only home on weekends:) So i do all teh raising and so on, he knows my veiws on things and he knows it will be my way. He doesnt exactly have a choice in that matter anyways since he's not home enough to "brain wash". I am very happy to see al the replys in this post, it has opened my eyes a bit more. I will not quit modeling not for anyone, and he knows that. I put my foot down

Jan 30 06 06:43 pm Link


Loren Scott Photography

Posts: 180

Valley Center, California, US

Your maternity photos are not porn.  Period.

It sounds like your man is a wee bit too conservative. 

As I mentioned in my reply to your other thread, I shoot a lot of maternity shots myself (as seen at  And, as you can see in those shots, I make it a point to involve the husband in the shots whenever possible -- even if I pull them into just a couple of the shots. 

The reason for this is to (A) make them feel comfortable having some guy photographing his scantily-clad pregnant wife at such a seemingly vulnerable stage of her life, and (B) to insure that he feels a sense of involvement with the project.  He cannot come back later and complain about her getting maternity shots done if he was not only there, but he was also in some of the shots.   

So... perhaps if you had involved him with that shoot, he would have been a bit more of a team player on this. 

Reverse the roles for a second... (eliminating the pregnant part)... imagine if your hubby showed you some photos of him nude that he said a female photographer took of him.  Unless you were involved (or at least aware), what would your reaction be?


Jan 30 06 07:07 pm Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
Wow that is an amazing idea...he thinks that 2 girls toghther is gross, so yeah there is just a tad bit of what kind of guy he is...maybe he's gay? lol

How did he even get you pregnant at all? Did he keep his eyes closed the whole time?

Seriously. My brother is like this and his wife left him because of it. That type of mentality towards a spouse is a sure way of ending up single.

Jan 30 06 07:15 pm Link


The Thorny Rose

Posts: 14142

Chicago, Illinois, US

i definitely wouldn't classify those as porn whatsoever...but thats my opinion...

Anywho, i say throw a shoe at him and tell him to grow up... thats how i solve my arguments with my boyfriend... (its surprisingly effective) *smirk*

Jan 30 06 07:16 pm Link



Posts: 102

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Loren Scott Photography wrote:
Your maternity photos are not porn.  Period.

It sounds like your man is a wee bit too conservative. 

As I mentioned in my reply to your other thread, I shoot a lot of maternity shots myself (as seen at  And, as you can see in those shots, I make it a point to involve the husband in the shots whenever possible -- even if I pull them into just a couple of the shots. 

The reason for this is to (A) make them feel comfortable having some guy photographing his scantily-clad pregnant wife at such a seemingly vulnerable stage of her life, and (B) to insure that he feels a sense of involvement with the project.  He cannot come back later and complain about her getting maternity shots done if he was not only there, but he was also in some of the shots.   

So... perhaps if you had involved him with that shoot, he would have been a bit more of a team player on this. 

Reverse the roles for a second... (eliminating the pregnant part)... imagine if your hubby showed you some photos of him nude that he said a female photographer took of him.  Unless you were involved (or at least aware), what would your reaction be?


I dont think i would mind really, i think i would be turned on to tell you the truth, im a perv lol. He didnt wanna take pix with me

Jan 30 06 09:04 pm Link


Richard Beebe

Posts: 217

Tracy, California, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
He knew i was going to do modeling, he did not know what kind. I mean if it was nude, semi nude etc. Now he is saying that even the nice ones of me covered is porn. Also he said" you want our baby to see you like this??" LMFAO

The b&w is frigging beautiful! Damn right your kids will appreciate what "mom" looked like when she was younger. That is if "BF" doesn't scare them away before then with his mental garbage.

If this is the way he feels now, I really feel sorry for where his head is gonna go from here. My sympathies to you, if this is some indication he has for "moral support" during the pregnancy. The boy has issues.

This, from the father of two boys, 16 and 21, who remembers "our" pregnant times, for better and worse, and enjoyed photographing my wife during those times.

Richard Beebe

Jan 30 06 09:15 pm Link


Peggy Weidner

Posts: 124

Denton, Georgia, US

Semi-nude & nude is not porn.

Having sex & taking pics or video taping it,is porn.

You did nothing wrong & your pics look great!

Jan 30 06 09:20 pm Link


Richard Beebe

Posts: 217

Tracy, California, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
Yeah i guess your right, thanks again everyone. If you knew what kind of man he was you would know there is no talking to him...hes a stubbron guy and old fashioned, so to him this is porn.

This doesn't sound good. If he expects YOU to make all the attitude and outlook adjustments because he can't find it within himself to budge an inch, then he's already created the end of the relationship. And, he'll prove himself right, at your expense ("it's all yout fault").

You need to figure where in the Serenity Prayer you fit...
"God grant me the Serenity to accept what I cann't change, the Courage to change what I can, and the Wisdom to tell the difference."

Best of luck and wishes to you, especially at this point in your pregnancy and life.

Jan 30 06 09:30 pm Link


Richard Beebe

Posts: 217

Tracy, California, US

Brandon Cordon wrote:
(wrote in part) ...Sometimes we all have to make sacrafices, but usually we try to get our partner to be the one makeing the sacrafices...

I take offense. Brandon, the point of a long-term relationship (long term = a multitude of years) is that both "halves" want and are willing to make adjustments with each other's "quirks." Both. Getting your partner to change to fit your needs or wants or interests at any given time? What makes you so special to be better than them?

Jan 30 06 09:38 pm Link


Doctor E

Posts: 733

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

The short answer is...  He's an idiot.

The long answer begins with...

He should be celebrating this time with you.  Your body will experience some incredible changes and that SHOULD be recorded.  Do you want your child seeing you like this?  Absolutely!  If his definitive answer to that question is 'no'...  What is his glitch with the pregnant form?

If you weren't so far away - I'd do a bondage shoot with you in a second!  And for the record - I'd show my Mom the results... 

Take EVERY opportunity to revel in your pregancy.  Enjoy it.  Enjoy the art that comes of it.  And then enjoy your child even more.

If your boyfriend has an issue with you taking a bit of time to memorialize and enjoy your pregancy now...

What kind of bitch is he going to be when the child is born and he CAN'T be the center of attention.

He needs to realize that this pregnancy is NOT about him. 

There are books.  And pharmaceuticals.  And support groups.  And, quite honestly, people that think his opinion is full of shit - but wish him well anyway.

He needs to get a grip.

You need to get naked.  Regularly.  As in - on a schedule.

Find a photographer and make it a point to shoot on specific dates.  Document this for your child.

This isn't about him...


BTW:  If you decide to thaw out for part of the winter in this part of Florida...  I'll clear my schedule.

Jan 30 06 09:47 pm Link


Richard Beebe

Posts: 217

Tracy, California, US

Amanda May wrote:
What do the letters.. BF stand for?

I can think of an answer. But I can't post it here.

What I can post echoes something someone else said...
B = boy
F = friend
...the first one is simply a biological half of a pregnany; it doesn't need the other to make a baby. The second one takes a little more effort, and can last for years, and can make the life of the former very enjoyable.

Then again, what the hell do I know, I've only been married 30 years, and are wanting and willing to go another 30 (or more).

Jan 30 06 09:48 pm Link


Richard Beebe

Posts: 217

Tracy, California, US

Erin-Lynn wrote:
Well i understand where everyone is comming from, and i would have left him but he is the father. Also he is actully very good to me other then this problem with the picture's. Someone mentioned teh victorian brain wash thing, this is where him being a truck driver comes in handy....hes only home on weekends:) So i do all teh raising and so on, he knows my veiws on things and he knows it will be my way. He doesnt exactly have a choice in that matter anyways since he's not home enough to "brain wash". I am very happy to see al the replys in this post, it has opened my eyes a bit more. I will not quit modeling not for anyone, and he knows that. I put my foot down

He needs to climb down out of that truck cab once in awhile, and walk barefoot in real earth and grass. (read this as "he needs a dose of reality").

Jan 30 06 09:58 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Doctor E wrote:
The short answer is...  He's an idiot.

The long answer begins with...

He should be celebrating this time with you.  Your body will experience some incredible changes and that SHOULD be recorded.  Do you want your child seeing you like this?  Absolutely!  If his definitive answer to that question is 'no'...  What is his glitch with the pregnant form?

If you weren't so far away - I'd do a bondage shoot with you in a second!  And for the record - I'd show my Mom the results... 

Take EVERY opportunity to revel in your pregancy.  Enjoy it.  Enjoy the art that comes of it.  And then enjoy your child even more.

If your boyfriend has an issue with you taking a bit of time to memorialize and enjoy your pregancy now...

What kind of bitch is he going to be when the child is born and he CAN'T be the center of attention.

He needs to realize that this pregnancy is NOT about him. 

There are books.  And pharmaceuticals.  And support groups.  And, quite honestly, people that think his opinion is full of shit - but wish him well anyway.

He needs to get a grip.

You need to get naked.  Regularly.  As in - on a schedule.

Find a photographer and make it a point to shoot on specific dates.  Document this for your child.

This isn't about him...


BTW:  If you decide to thaw out for part of the winter in this part of Florida...  I'll clear my schedule.

Doctor E knows best.

Jan 30 06 09:58 pm Link


nick latino

Posts: 291

Tucson, Arizona, US

glenn usdin wrote:
you got bigger problems than these pics.

Glenn hit the nail on the head, because you have already admitted there are issues and if you think it is going to get better just because you're having a baby...your in big trouble.

Jan 30 06 10:18 pm Link