Forums > General Industry > so why is blackmirages racist ?



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Is this a French site with photographs of African women ?

So it is forbidden to forbidden for a French man to post pics - very good pics - of African women.

Dude, that site is racist. Imagine if Elite Model Management changed their name to Elite White Model Management and only represented caucasians. Come on, don't play that shit.

So Searcher explain to me why a man,  French or not,  cant have a website about African women.

Jan 15 07 08:28 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

I don't understand. Is the photographer only shooting French black/African women? That's his /her prerogative. I've seen a male photographer publish an entire book of nude photographs of just his wife. To each his own?

Jan 15 07 08:36 pm Link


Michelle Vatcher

Posts: 161

Fresno, California, US

I think the person is still living in the old days where the black were the minority! I mean the searchers point is the same as if we said we were going to have an all white awards show, we would be concidered racist but the blacks have an awards show and no one thinks that is racist at all. Just kinda a wierd fact that makes no sense. I mean I am so not racist, I have best friends that are of every race ( I mean I married a part japanese guy) I just think it is funny that they say things like this. So I think if your art is black women or men or children, go for it! that is YOUR right and your passion  NO ONE should tell you other wise!!!

Jan 15 07 08:37 pm Link



Posts: 243

New York, New York, US

It may not be considered racist because Africa is a continent, not only a race. Just like Asia is, and I'm sure there are sites dedicated to asian models.

Caucasians aren't a specific country, (well, mostly Europe but not limited to that.) If it was lets say, Irish Miraging, or Russian Miraging, it wouldn't be considered racist.

Its a confusing topic for me, but that explanation helps me understand racism a little better.

Jan 15 07 08:38 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

JK - nobody's bought that domain yet. wink

Y'know this whole "race" thing is so - so - last millenium. I mean, we now know which 4 alleles on the genome cause skin color. And which 2 control hair color. And which 2 control hair texture. The differences between a "black guy" and a "white guy" are much much much much much much smaller than the differences between a german shepherd and a dachsund.

Race: "Get over it."

Jan 15 07 08:40 pm Link


Jennifer I

Posts: 20

Austin, Texas, US

Its not racist. And believe me there are plenty of companies out there that only represent whites, they just don't have "white only" or something in their name. I honestly don't see a problem with that. Every artist has their own vision and if their vision only includes whites or blacks exclusively, more power to them.

Jan 15 07 08:41 pm Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

It's exclusive based on race. What better definition of "racist" do you want?

EDIT: Also, it doesn't say "African women," it says "ebony women."

Jan 15 07 08:41 pm Link


Jennifer I

Posts: 20

Austin, Texas, US

And Africa includes other races of women besides Black women. Just a thought smile

Jan 15 07 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 397

Austin, Texas, US

Alain Paris work is a tribute to African woman. Nothing racist. Passionate and loving art cannot be racist.
Are we going to impose ethnical quota to everything?

Jan 15 07 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

Jennifer I wrote:
And Africa includes other races of women besides Black women. Just a thought smile

Did you even look at the site?

Jan 15 07 08:46 pm Link



Posts: 950

Dallas, Texas, US

Searcher wrote:
It's exclusive based on race. What better definition of "racist" do you want?

What if it was based on caucasian blondes?

Jan 15 07 08:51 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Searcher wrote:

Did you even look at the site?

Alain is selling Art. There are thousands of web sites of Asian women from  art to porn. Is that racist ?
Some photographer in Norway has a tribute to Norwegian women . Is that racist ?

So the man goes to Africa and takes pics of African women, and that bothers you.

So the National Geographic is racist ? they have entire article, stories series, books,  film on Africans. Gonna sue them ?

Jan 15 07 08:54 pm Link



Posts: 256 one in the world screams "racist" as much as Americans. I'm afraid to order black coffee in McDonalds when I go home.

Jan 15 07 09:00 pm Link



Posts: 397

Austin, Texas, US

Iris wrote:
What if it was based on caucasian blondes?

It'd be called Playboy magazine... and of course there are a few exceptions... in that magazine.
As well, in africa there are blond tribes and you'll find in the Atlas mountains between Morrocco and Algeria people have blue or green eyes and blond hair.
But for most part Alain is in love with what we call in french "L'Afrique Noire" (the black Africa). No bad connotation. Just a fact that people skin is darker and different from the northern Africa.

Jan 15 07 09:00 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

Alain is selling Art. There are thousands of web sites of Asian women from  art to porn. Is that racist ?
Some photographer in Norway has a tribute to Norwegian women . Is that racist ?

So the man goes to Africa and takes pics of African women, and that bothers you.

So the National Geographic is racist ? they have entire article, stories series, books,  film on Africans. Gonna sue them ?

I think people in this thread have brought up a good point.  If it was called Africanmirage, it would be different.  He takes photos of Africans.  Not all Africans are "black" and not all "blacks" are from Africa.  Rather than being labeled by culture or country or origin/residence, it's labeled by skin color.

Jan 15 07 09:01 pm Link



Posts: 397

Austin, Texas, US

CantikFotos wrote: one in the world screams "racist" as much as Americans. I'm afraid to order black coffee in McDonalds when I go home.

I love white chocolate moccha... can you imagine how I feel... Hahahaha

Jan 15 07 09:01 pm Link


Jennifer I

Posts: 20

Austin, Texas, US

Searcher wrote:

Did you even look at the site?

Actually, I did. I'm aware that the pictures are only of Black women but I was merely adding a thought. Nothing about the site is racist, simple as that.

Jan 15 07 09:03 pm Link



Posts: 397

Austin, Texas, US

Jennifer I wrote:

Actually, I did. I'm aware that the pictures are only of Black women but I was merely adding a thought. Nothing about the site is racist, simple as that.

Someone looked at it... The site is not racist. Only brain-washed white or black people think that taking pictures of only black people is racist. It is not.
People that think so are biased by there culture... of racism worries.

Jan 15 07 09:06 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Wynd Mulysa wrote:
I think people in this thread have brought up a good point.  If it was called Africanmirage, it would be different.  He takes photos of Africans.  Not all Africans are "black" and not all "blacks" are from Africa.  Rather than being labeled by culture or country or origin/residence, it's labeled by skin color.

for Wynd:
So  the "name" is racist, the website is fine, the pics are gorgeous.  He should just find a couple Berbers to photograph to make jittery Americans happy ?

not for Wynd
the concept of a man going to Africa and having to explain to you all why he has photos of black Africans is beyond effing stupidity

So if i go to China and I must find some non-Chinese to photograph in order not to be labeled racist.

Edited to make Wynd happy.

Jan 15 07 09:06 pm Link



Posts: 3591

Dayton, Ohio, US

CantikFotos wrote: one in the world screams "racist" as much as Americans. I'm afraid to order black coffee in McDonalds when I go home.


I have no clue how anyone can call his site racist.. it isnt a club, no members, it is a site where he sells and showcases the pictures he takes of black women..

People will find anything to raise the race card about.. Some folks just have way too much time on their hands..

Jan 15 07 09:08 pm Link



Posts: 397

Austin, Texas, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
So if i go to China and I must find some non-Chinese to photograph in order not to be labeled racist.

no... you have to make sure that they don't wear westerners cloths else, it could be seen as a fake. LOL.

Jan 15 07 09:08 pm Link



Posts: 1371

Detroit, Michigan, US

Newsflash: all races have many similarities as well as many differences. There is nothing wrong with recognizing the differences between the races so long as we also take into consideration that DIFFERENT does not mean BETTER THAN, you know?

Jan 15 07 09:10 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

You see the concept intruiges me. because it is VERY close to home. I was called a "third world " photographer by an MM member, because according to this esteemed member I did not have enough white women in my portfolio.

So all of you photogs who only have big butt women of color; you are racist

So all you who only have big boobed blondes; you are racist

Pack of dumb shits !   Geeez !  take your head out your ass !

Jan 15 07 09:11 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

CantikFotos wrote: one in the world screams "racist" as much as Americans. I'm afraid to order black coffee in McDonalds when I go home.

Order 1/4 Brazilian coffee ; hahahahahahahah !

Jan 15 07 09:14 pm Link



Posts: 397

Austin, Texas, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
So all of you photogs who only have big butt women of color; you are racist

So all you who only have big boobed blondes; you are racist

Raising hand at the far end of the classroom...
"I don't have any of that type of pictures... can I still be racist?"

Jan 15 07 09:14 pm Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

It is the name that is of concern.

Jan 15 07 09:15 pm Link



Posts: 397

Austin, Texas, US

Searcher wrote:
It is the name that is of concern.

So "black humor" should be revisited ?? So would black Monday...

Jan 15 07 09:16 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Jean-Philippe Martin wrote:

Raising hand at the far end of the classroom...
"I don't have any of that type of pictures... can I still be racist?"

get some ; we have to LABEL you.

that Jean-Phillippe sound like one of them Frenchies; thats it, thats your label - effing frenchy.

Jan 15 07 09:17 pm Link



Posts: 397

Austin, Texas, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
that Jean-Phillippe sound like one of them Frenchies; thats it, thats your label - effing frenchy.

Jeez you mispelled my name... pffff han han han!!! oui oui...... ;-)

Jan 15 07 09:19 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

Searcher wrote:
It is the name that is of concern.

It bothers you that much?

Jan 15 07 09:21 pm Link



Posts: 256

Searcher wrote:
It is the name that is of concern.

Mais oui! "mirage noir" zounds zo much do you sayz it? Sophisticated! Yes?

Jan 15 07 09:22 pm Link


Ed the Healer

Posts: 2384

Addison, Alabama, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
Is this a French site with photographs of African women ?

So it is forbidden to forbidden for a French man to post pics - very good pics - of African women.

So Searcher explain to me why a man,  French or not,  cant have a website about African women.

Slapping the "art" label on exploitation does not make it any less exploitative.

Jan 15 07 09:24 pm Link



Posts: 397

Austin, Texas, US

Ed Goodwin Photography wrote:
Slapping the "art" label on exploitation does not make it any less exploitative.

Define exploitation and then demonstrate that Alain was exploiting anyone...

Jan 15 07 09:26 pm Link



Posts: 1654

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

the concept of a man going to Africa and having to explain to you all why he has photos of black Africans is beyond effing stupidity

LOL That sounds about right. I saw the site and did not see it as prejudiced in some way. I agree that some things use the word "black" in a way that excludes others (Black Men magazine, "black bike week," etc.), but I don't feel this is relevant to that site.

Jan 15 07 09:27 pm Link



Posts: 397

Austin, Texas, US

Isn't it racist to have "black americans" and no "white americans" ???

I thought that human raceS were a anthropological non-sense. As long as you think in race... you are racist.
Start thinking in color and you are ... a colorist (i am such a dork).

Jan 15 07 09:29 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

This is a tad silly.

"Ebony" is something of a color reference so people automatically see the exclusion based on color.  Okay fine.  The intent was to highlight the beauty of the indigenous people and the photographer chose not to name it "Africanmirages."  Okay, fine.  There are no people of caucasian descent there nor are there any of Asian or Indian or Native American or Latin descent.  Okay fine.  There's an obvious bias in terms of color.  Okay fine.

But with all that, calling the site racist is quite a leap. 

It's like saying the NFL is sexist because they don't let women play and they women who are connected to the teams are "forced" into exploitatively revealing clothing.

Please.  It's a football team.  They're cheerleaders.  Don't make an issue where there isn't one...

Jan 15 07 09:30 pm Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

Honestly I don't think it's fair that you can have Black entertainment television but not white entertainment television.I mean not trying to say I'd even watch it if it did exsist but I just don't understand how it's ok to say black only but it's not ok to say white only.It's still racism.Back in the day African Americans didn't want to have seperate water fountains or bathrooms, yet now they rejoice to have BET.

I believe to single out any race for any reason is being racist.This doesn't really offend me but it is my opinion on the matter.Although after looking over the site I don't find it to be much of a race thing.It seems to be genuinely an art thing.

Jan 15 07 09:31 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Ed Goodwin Photography wrote:

Slapping the "art" label on exploitation does not make it any less exploitative.

So can we exploit the naive models on MM and get some "art" nudes .

Jan 15 07 09:34 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Jean-Philippe Martin wrote:

Jeez you mispelled my name... pffff han han han!!! oui oui...... ;-)

see that is the picky picky French for ya!  I am calling you "Bob" from now on

Felipe with one "L"

Jan 15 07 09:36 pm Link



Posts: 397

Austin, Texas, US

Why the photographers in this thread that are concern by the label BLACK don't have skin color diversity in their portfolio... hmmm?

Jan 15 07 09:37 pm Link