Forums > General Industry > Photogs who pressure female models to shoot nudes



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Campbells Photography wrote:
When  you go to a store do you ask if you have to pay for the product,,,,,,,,NO simply take it and purchase then leave.

once again, no offense intended...

every professional i know asks models to pose nude all the time....
personally, everytime i have "asked" a model to shoot nudes, i have shot that model nude...

your lines between GWCs and professionals is seriously blurred...

Jan 14 07 11:40 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US


Jan 14 07 11:40 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Campbells Photography wrote:
The way I see it if a photographer has to ask you to shoot nude he truly is not proffessional and probably has a video camera mounted somewhere out of veiw for his pleasure later like in the dressing room or bathroom,,,,,,,thats like me telling a bride that when we get ready to shoot the guarder being removed she must face me and not wear any panties,,,Sounds to me that the models should be getting everything in writing and pre approved with the photog prior to ever going to the shoot and if the model does not or will not do nudes put that in writing so if it is ever brought up during the shoot by the photog then the whole shoot is off,,I thought the TFCD and TFP was to benefit both parties and not for the photog to get his rocks off will shooting and then jerking off after she is gone,,,,,,,,,,,,,Darren

I am a model who does artistic nudes for a living. If I shot with people that had that 'jerk off attitude' (I have suspected it with one or two) on a regular basis, I would feel like a sex worker, not like a talented and serious person who takes her profession seriously. Yes, there are a lot of models (not all of them nude...think Maxim and busting out of bikinis) that do play the sex appeal game, but I have found that the photographers that have nudes in their port, that understand that fine art and artistic nudes are my specialty are thinking about anything but 'wanking off' to our photo session. They have a different point of view. I actually feel less 'trashy' doing nude shoots then doing shoots where they ask me to dress up in lavender lingerie.....

Jan 14 07 12:00 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

it's just frustrated pervs being denied their peeps. very well put. I agree... bastards

Jan 14 07 12:02 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Why does it take four pages to prove the OP's original point?

There are those models who want to shoot nudes and they will.  There are those models who don't want to shoot nudes and they won't.

No amount of dribblish will change the fact that it is their decision.  This thread isn't about whether it is a good or bad decision, it is about respecting that it is for them to decide and nobody else.

Jan 14 07 12:07 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

a few points...

I have seen a few photographers who have told a model who is just starting that to become successful quickly, you should do nudes. Or to make money, you really should do nudes. Is that pressure? I would say that some women would take that as pressure... i could even see some models running off to the first "white knight" telling him that ...such n such photographer told me that if I didn't pose nude I wouldn't be successful... I can see that white knight coming to her rescue and labeling the incident as "a lot" because he figures it happens a lot... because it does. Does it matter that the photographer told the model the truth? Does the photographer feel that he pressured someone to shoot nude? Does the model think the photographer is a pervert?

Incidents can be interpreted a hundred different ways, and that really is probably what happened her.

As far as the photographer who told a model... "if you get naked, then I will shoot you."  That was probably me.

Models express intrest in working with me often. It is apparent that I shoot nudes. I use to assume that if a model contacts me for work, then she must be comfortable with shooting what I shoot. You wouldn't go to burger king for a big mac.... But I learned that that isn't always the case, and thus now I clarify. I use the human form (buth male and female) as a symbol in most of my work... thus shooting someone clothed does not help me paint the image I want.... thus the "if you get naked I will shoot you."

It is a photographers peragative to choose who they want to work with and what they want to shoot. It does not make me a pervert, it does not mean that i am sexually frustrated... it simply means that I know what i want to shoot.

As far as the person who posted that they have never seen a nude photo that could be called art, I would say that you really haven't look at very many then. We have some of the most amazing artist on this site, and some of the most brilliant muses who shoot nudes. Perhaps you should take a tour while you're eating your shoe.

Jan 14 07 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

ravens laughter wrote:
It is a photographers peragative to choose who they want to work with and what they want to shoot. It does not make me a pervert, it does not mean that i am sexually frustrated... it simply means that I know what i want to shoot.

As far as the person who posted that they have never seen a nude photo that could be called art, I would say that you really haven't look at very many then. We have some of the most amazing artist on this site, and some of the most brilliant muses who shoot nudes. Perhaps you should take a tour while you're eating your shoe.

Here, here,...toast the man.

Jan 14 07 12:23 pm Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

Perfect Pixels wrote:

Here is one right here.

I was wondering who the first moron was going to be who would bring up that ridiculous thread.
You won.
That thread is more moronic than this one. This is a med student who doesn't want
to do nude pictures, because they make her uncomfortable, so she's asking strangers around the world what she should do.
What a first degree idiot. Who is the photographer that's pressuring her? Is it a real
photographer or a guy she met at the mall? God forbid a ding dong like that operates
on me someday. If this is your big example of the widespread problem of photographers pressuring women to pose nude and putting them down, then you
lose bigtime. Give me some real examples with facts that can be verified and that you have first hand knowledge of.

Jan 14 07 05:29 pm Link


Saki G

Posts: 33

New York, New York, US

Wow I like the sound of this guy. Did we actually just find a decent guy out there?

Anyway, I do agree though as long as a good, trustworthy photographer is found, escorts are allowed and there's nothing funny going on; ie touching, inappropriate language, improper pay, or anything unprofessional then the model holds the right to walk out at any time.

There are plenty of amazing models that don't need to do nudes to have people stop at her portfolio and say ... "Wow!"

Now you're making me want to take down my nudes, and that wouldn't be fun would it!

Jan 14 07 05:32 pm Link


Brett V2012

Posts: 77

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Class Act Photography wrote:
I was wondering who the first moron was going to be who would bring up that ridiculous thread.
You won.
That thread is more moronic than this one. This is a med student who doesn't want
to do nude pictures, because they make her uncomfortable, so she's asking strangers around the world what she should do.
What a first degree idiot. Who is the photographer that's pressuring her? Is it a real
photographer or a guy she met at the mall? God forbid a ding dong like that operates
on me someday. If this is your big example of the widespread problem of photographers pressuring women to pose nude and putting them down, then you
lose bigtime. Give me some real examples with facts that can be verified and that you have first hand knowledge of.

I guess I would be that moron..thanks "class act"...not really sure how a class act would apply to you though...haha. jk

Jan 14 07 05:36 pm Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

Lady Murasaki wrote:
Wow I like the sound of this guy. Did we actually just find a decent guy out there?

That's his whole reason for posting this self-serving, inane thread without real
examples to back up his ridiculous argument.

Jan 14 07 05:38 pm Link



Posts: 546

Houston, Alaska, US

most of these photogs are shooting for free thats why they believe that they have the right to have as much creativity as they want... and to put that down is to put helmut newton down.... so... yeah... maybe its best to leave it be... if a model doesnt like it?... then she doesnt have to shoot... its like a date... you can have sex or not... i believe that most great photogs are great not b/c of trchnique but b/c of mood... and most of the time mood involves some sort of nudity unless its freakish or sad or violent... now a paid photog expecting nudes is a diff story

Jan 14 07 05:44 pm Link


Viper Studios

Posts: 1196

Little Rock, Arkansas, US

I shoot what the model wants.  Many models want nudes.  Many models don't.

I ask what they want.

We do what they want.

I've actually have more models say no and later ask to "try" a few because it matters not to me.

I have the same line, in e-mail after e-mail, that says "bring 3 outfits of your choosing".  I don't care what you wear, so long as you picked it out and you feel pretty, sexy, whatever.

If pretty and sexy means a business suit, then a business suit it is.

There's certainly no shortage of models wanting to shoot nudes.

All I care about is whether the model is happy after viewing the images we created.

If she is, she is likely to show them to someone else who will want to shoot.

And it comes back full circle...some girls want to shoot nude, some don't.

I shoot them when the right girls with the right attitude wants to.

Pressuring a girl just makes for a bad shoot.

I just got turned down by a model this week after exhanging 13 e-mails.  At first she said she did "nudes".  I told her exactly what I was trying to accomplish.  After 13 e-mails, she decided against big woop to me.

I will find a girl who want to do the type of shoot I am planning, and I will still consider the "non-nude' model for non nude projects in the future.

Besides, if I just want to see a naked chick, there's a strip club about 10 minutes from my house.  They have cold beer, and hot chicks.  If that's all I want, I just grab a stack of one's and head for the club.

Of course, I haven't been down there for almost 2 years, but that's just me.


Jan 14 07 05:48 pm Link



Posts: 546

Houston, Alaska, US

Leo Chan wrote:
law of intelligence:

high IQ is not required for being successful. but all successful people have high IQ.

law of modeling:

shooting nude is not required for someone to be successful in modeling. but all successful models have shoot nude.

any question?

Jan 14 07 05:48 pm Link



Posts: 546

Houston, Alaska, US

Leo Chan wrote:
law of intelligence:

high IQ is not required for being successful. but all successful people have high IQ.

law of modeling:

shooting nude is not required for someone to be successful in modeling. but all successful models have shoot nude.

any question?

:- )

Jan 14 07 05:48 pm Link


Dr Molly Black

Posts: 663

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Dave of Double Eagle Studios has said he doesn't want to model nude for me when I'm out there, but I know he really means yes, and (I'm only telling this to you, the Internet) I'm intending to get him drunk and get some great nudes for my "private" collection.

Men tell me they won't do nudes ALL the time, but I can coax 'em out of their clothes easily enough once I've got the camera on. First it's, "Here, take off that shirt and show me some skin, it will look sexy." Then it all follows straight from there.

And you know what? Any man who does pose nude for me? My girlfriends and I call 'em sluts and whores afterward because, you know, any guy who would pose nude IS ONE.

Watch out Dave. I'm coming for you.

Jan 14 07 06:01 pm Link


Quay Lude

Posts: 6386

Madison, Wisconsin, US

Dr Molly Black wrote:
Dave of Double Eagle Studios has said he doesn't want to model nude for me when I'm out there, but I know he really means yes, and (I'm only telling this to you, the Internet) I'm intending to get him drunk and get some great nudes for my "private" collection.

Men tell me they won't do nudes ALL the time, but I can coax 'em out of their clothes easily enough once I've got the camera on. First it's, "Here, take off that shirt and show me some skin, it will look sexy." Then it all follows straight from there.

And you know what? Any man who does pose nude for me? My girlfriends and I call 'em sluts and whores afterward because, you know, any guy who would pose nude IS ONE.

Watch out Dave. I'm coming for you.

Wow... what some chix will do for masturbation material... I tell ya! :-)

Jan 14 07 06:07 pm Link


Tamera Grindol

Posts: 148

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Retro Photo wrote:
If a photographer gets upset with models who won't do nudes (which should have been negotiated and clarified in advance) and tries to pressure them into nudes (which would be disregarding those boundaries set in advance)...

...then they are more interested in the "nude" part rather than the "photography" part.

Walk out the door.

lol!!!!  i heard that!!!!

Jan 14 07 06:12 pm Link


RGK Photography

Posts: 4695

Wilton, Connecticut, US

Campbells Photography wrote:
The way I see it if a photographer has to ask you to shoot nude he truly is not proffessional and probably has a video camera mounted somewhere out of veiw for his pleasure later like in the dressing room or bathroom,,,,,,,thats like me telling a bride that when we get ready to shoot the guarder being removed she must face me and not wear any panties,,,Sounds to me that the models should be getting everything in writing and pre approved with the photog prior to ever going to the shoot and if the model does not or will not do nudes put that in writing so if it is ever brought up during the shoot by the photog then the whole shoot is off,,I thought the TFCD and TFP was to benefit both parties and not for the photog to get his rocks off will shooting and then jerking off after she is gone,,,,,,,,,,,,,Darren

Cluesless in NC it is garter. It isn't guarding anything. You believe a photog who asks a model to shoot nude has a hidden video camera, I guess you loved JFK

Jan 14 07 10:55 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Brett Nicholls wrote:
what's the deal with all the photographers out there complaining about female models who won't shoot nudes?

I've never pressured a model in my life, but it's a two way street.  What's with all the models out there acting like asking them to shoot nudes is equivalent to asking for a blow job?  The drama queens who act like they've been raped when a simple "no thanks" would do are the ones who get on my nerves.

Brett Nicholls wrote:
Sometimes I wonder how much of it is really about the "art" to begin with or more just some sexually frustrated pervs with lenses trying to get their peeps.    Just my two cents. Thanks.

In fact, drama queens just might be the root of the whole problem.  Just my two cents. Thanks.

Jan 14 07 11:13 pm Link


BradyPhotography I

Posts: 464

Gaithersburg, Maryland, US

Brett Nicholls wrote:
I'm not one typical to put out my two cents unless I'm asked for it, but what's the deal with all the photographers out there complaining about female models who won't shoot nudes?  Is there some unwritten law that I've missed that says a woman must do nudes or imply, sheer, etc. to be considered a good model, sexy, desirable, artistic, etc? 

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like there are an awful lot of photographers out there putting down models who won't do nudes, and pressuring models with false hopes of "playboy" submissions and the like.  If a woman doesn't want to take her clothes off for you, let her alone.  But, to put that model down or to call her "less of a model" or play the "everyone who is anyone is doing it" routine, really has to stop.  Sometimes I wonder how much of it is really about the "art" to begin with or more just some sexually frustrated pervs with lenses trying to get their peeps.    Just my two cents. Thanks.

Brett I 100% agree

Jan 15 07 12:37 am Link


Kristi Lubojacky

Posts: 6

Well said, hun!! I completely agree with u. It's nice to see a gorgeous MALE model who feels the same way! Kudos to u!! wink

Jan 15 07 12:39 am Link



Posts: 19

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Um, all the more reason why models want escorts ya know?

Jan 15 07 12:44 am Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

As much as I like to shoot nudes, I do not ever coerce a model into shooting them.

Jan 15 07 01:00 am Link



Posts: 20

Oceanside, California, US

I'm not a professional like the rest of you, but working on it.  But, pressuring a model to do any kind of shoot she doesn't want to would make her uncomfortable.  Unless i'm wrong, I believe her comfort or discomfort level will show up in the pictures.  So, if you want a model to pose nude, just make sure in your pre-interview that she enjoys that.  Then you will have your nude pics and they will look good.  If you pressure a model to pose nude, she won't be comfortable during the shoot and the pictures will look amateurish.

Jan 15 07 04:11 am Link

Makeup Artist

Felicia Bromba

Posts: 532

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Well put! Not everyone has to take their clothes off to be portrayed as 'Beautiful' not to mention the over abundance of 'Bikini' shots anyways.

Jan 15 07 04:17 am Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

Felicia Bromba wrote:
Well put! Not everyone has to take their clothes off to be portrayed as 'Beautiful' not to mention the over abundance of 'Bikini' shots anyways.

so bikini equals nude???

Jan 15 07 09:12 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

ravens laughter wrote:
a few points...

I have seen a few photographers who have told a model who is just starting that to become successful quickly, you should do nudes. Or to make money, you really should do nudes. Is that pressure? I would say that some women would take that as pressure... i could even see some models running off to the first "white knight" telling him that ...such n such photographer told me that if I didn't pose nude I wouldn't be successful... I can see that white knight coming to her rescue and labeling the incident as "a lot" because he figures it happens a lot... because it does. Does it matter that the photographer told the model the truth? Does the photographer feel that he pressured someone to shoot nude? Does the model think the photographer is a pervert?

Incidents can be interpreted a hundred different ways, and that really is probably what happened her.

As far as the photographer who told a model... "if you get naked, then I will shoot you."  That was probably me.

Models express intrest in working with me often. It is apparent that I shoot nudes. I use to assume that if a model contacts me for work, then she must be comfortable with shooting what I shoot. You wouldn't go to burger king for a big mac.... But I learned that that isn't always the case, and thus now I clarify. I use the human form (buth male and female) as a symbol in most of my work... thus shooting someone clothed does not help me paint the image I want.... thus the "if you get naked I will shoot you."

It is a photographers peragative to choose who they want to work with and what they want to shoot. It does not make me a pervert, it does not mean that i am sexually frustrated... it simply means that I know what i want to shoot.

As far as the person who posted that they have never seen a nude photo that could be called art, I would say that you really haven't look at very many then. We have some of the most amazing artist on this site, and some of the most brilliant muses who shoot nudes. Perhaps you should take a tour while you're eating your shoe.

as always you are refreshingly honest and open
as for nudes being art the nude body is wonderful but the problem lies with photographers confusing their own personal needs with art or photography and this is the reputation of photographers and keeps photography from being taken serious as an artform. this is a sin especially when you consider some of the excellant nude images that there are

Jan 15 07 09:27 am Link


The Dave

Posts: 8848

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Dr Molly Black wrote:
Dave of Double Eagle Studios has said he doesn't want to model nude for me when I'm out there, but I know he really means yes, and (I'm only telling this to you, the Internet) I'm intending to get him drunk and get some great nudes for my "private" collection.

Men tell me they won't do nudes ALL the time, but I can coax 'em out of their clothes easily enough once I've got the camera on. First it's, "Here, take off that shirt and show me some skin, it will look sexy." Then it all follows straight from there.

And you know what? Any man who does pose nude for me? My girlfriends and I call 'em sluts and whores afterward because, you know, any guy who would pose nude IS ONE.

Watch out Dave. I'm coming for you.

Sorry I don't do nudes for TFP! Want nudes? pay my normal rates like everyone else.

My Rates:

Casual = 1 Beer
Shorts = 2 Beers
Bondage = 3 Beers
Implied = 4 Beers
Nude = 5 Beers

Jan 15 07 04:08 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Class Act Photography wrote:
I was wondering who the first moron was going to be who would bring up that ridiculous thread.

Please refrain from using personal attacks.
BD, MM Moderator

Jan 15 07 06:55 pm Link