Forums > General Industry > Nude Images gets more comments...


Howard Garcia

Posts: 2210

New York, New York, US

Ched wrote:

Hamza wrote:
Ched, the guy is entitled to his opinion isn't he?  Since when does an opinion fall into Rule #1?

Open a CAM thread if you want to talk about it, let's not hijack this thread anymore than needed.

You already did that when you posted this:

Ched wrote:

Rule 1 violation. Game penalty.

Dec 15 06 01:59 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Ched wrote:

Howard Garcia wrote:
Where is the flaming or name calling in his comment?

There is more to Rule #1 than that.

Howard Garcia wrote:
Well if that's the case how come half of MM members are not in the brig?
C'mon man, you know that the "uncivilized" posts are all over the place.
I'm sorry Ched but you're wrong, you are wrong on this one.
This is reminding me of certain countried where you can get arrested and in somen cases executed for your beleifs or what you say.
You are WRONG.

Howard, again it is my opinion that your opinion is the correct answer to this situation.

What the hell is a "CAM" thread anyway?

Dec 15 06 02:01 am Link



Posts: 11110

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

The photo of me got the most views in mine until I took it down, now its my avatar followed by the nudes.

Dec 15 06 02:01 am Link


Josh Separzadeh

Posts: 116

Venice, California, US

mine has the most viewed and the most comments

Dec 15 06 02:02 am Link



Posts: 9339

Austin, Indiana, US

Huynh Photography wrote:

The more reason why models are just props. We got one right here. Maybe I should do a series where I just gag the models. They don't need to talk.

Isn't that kind of a rule 1 violation right there?  Calling her a prop and implying that he wants to gag her??

Dec 15 06 02:03 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Hamza wrote:

Howard, again it is my opinion that your opinion is the correct answer to this situation.

What the hell is a "CAM" thread anyway?

CAM is Contact A Mod.

And every opinion  doesn't equal validity.  Some are just plain inflammatory.   But  you know this.  You exist to stir the pot.

Well that and photograph big boobs.

Dec 15 06 02:04 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

My nude shot of Julie ( hasn't gotten nearly as many views as a simple clothed shot of Sarah (

EDIT: Actually I just noticed an implied nude of OhLei has way more than either of those (

Dec 15 06 02:06 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Milli wrote:
Calling her a prop and implying that he wants to gag her??

His opinion is that all models are props.  In a certain respect, I am in agreement.
He also believes that models should not speak and just model, in certain respects I have to be in agreement as well.  If you are shooting a clothing catalog, it is not necessary for input from the model.  She is the hired person that is used to display the clothing.  The shots are about the clothing, notthe model.

It is actually almost never about the model, but about the product she is selling.  When on set and you have a Photographer, Art Director, Stylist, MUA, etc...   Why does a model need to give her input?  What could she possibly add to the knowledge and vision of the client?  Nothing...

Dec 15 06 02:10 am Link



Posts: 562

Chicago Heights, Illinois, US

The female form has always historically caught the imagination of viewers since cave drawings. Cleavage draws every eye. Nudity spans the complete gammit from sensitive, artistic, creative, art to erotic and what they call pornography but the definition is as unique as the eye of the beholder.

They make stop lights red. Nude gets attention but it does not necessarily mean it is a negative. Nor is nudity necessary to be a perfect image that wlll capture the imagination of the viewer.

I hope I never become desinsitized to the image of a beautiful woman!

Dec 15 06 02:10 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

My port is chock full of scattered ass and debauchery, yet the most commented on photo is a head shot of Angel Tara

And the pic I have that has gotten the most comments the quickest is the most clothed fashion image of of Andrea.

So I guess this debunks your theory.

The cream rises to the top.  PERIOD.

Dec 15 06 02:12 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Ransom J wrote:
Well that and photograph big boobs.

There you go putting words in my mouth again.   I NEVER said I enjoy photographing Big Boobs...  I challenge you to find that quote from me.  Don't waste your time, it doesn't exist.

I 'personally' enjoy big boobs.  I photograph whatever the client wants me to a professional, that is my job.

Dec 15 06 02:13 am Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

Hamza wrote:
Why does a model need to give her input?  What could she possibly add to the knowledge and vision of the client?  Nothing...

What he said earlier was mean, but what you're saying is just ignorant.

Dec 15 06 02:13 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Hamza wrote:

There you go putting words in my mouth again.   I NEVER said I enjoy photographing Big Boobs...  I challenge you to find that quote from me.  Don't waste your time, it doesn't exist.

I 'personally' enjoy big boobs.  I photograph whatever the client wants me to a professional, that is my job.

It was sarcasm chumpy.

I don't intentionally put word in anybody's mouth.  But i can put a big boob in your mouth if you'd like smile.

Dec 15 06 02:14 am Link



Posts: 9339

Austin, Indiana, US

Hamza wrote:

His opinion is that all models are props.  In a certain respect, I am in agreement.
He also believes that models should not speak and just model, in certain respects I have to be in agreement as well.  If you are shooting a clothing catalog, it is not necessary for input from the model.  She is the hired person that is used to display the clothing.  The shots are about the clothing, notthe model.

It is actually almost never about the model, but about the product she is selling.  When on set and you have a Photographer, Art Director, Stylist, MUA, etc...   Why does a model need to give her input?  What could she possibly add to the knowledge and vision of the client?  Nothing...

Nevermind...I think you have to read what was said earlier.  I wasn't talking about that but nevermind.

Dec 15 06 02:14 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Ransom J wrote:
I don't intentionally put word in anybody's mouth.  But i can put a big boob in your mouth if you'd like smile.

So it happened by mistake, okay...
You can put a boob in my mouth if I'd like?  Interesting?  You own one or are you going to pay for one?

Dec 15 06 02:17 am Link


Howard Garcia

Posts: 2210

New York, New York, US

Hamza wrote:

So it happened by mistake, okay...
You can put a boob in my mouth if I'd like?  Interesting?  You own one or are you going to pay for one?


Dec 15 06 02:19 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Hamza wrote:

So it happened by mistake, okay...
You can put a boob in my mouth if I'd like?  Interesting?  You own one or are you going to pay for one?

I have em' laying around the house.  I think the models call them chicken culets.

Dec 15 06 02:20 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Searcher wrote:

What he said earlier was mean, but what you're saying is just ignorant.

Ignorant?  I like the way you take what I say out of context.  It is the ignorant that does not read the entire post...

Dec 15 06 02:20 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Ransom J wrote:

Hamza wrote:
So it happened by mistake, okay...
You can put a boob in my mouth if I'd like?  Interesting?  You own one or are you going to pay for one?

I have em' laying around the house.  I think the models call them chicken culets.

'Chicken Cutlets' aren't boobs!  They are 'fakies'.  What are you doing with them around your house? Do you use them as Paper Weights?

Dec 15 06 02:22 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Hamza wrote:
'Chicken Cutlets' aren't boobs!  They are 'fakies'.  What are you doing with them around your house? Do you use them as Paper Weights?

Same thing I'm doing with thongs, bra's and jewelry.

Wearing them on Friday night to catch a hot date!

Dec 15 06 02:23 am Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

Searcher wrote:
What he said earlier was mean, but what you're saying is just ignorant.

Hamza wrote:
Ignorant?  I like the way you take what I say out of context.  It is the ignorant that does not read the entire post...

I didn't quote the whole thing, but I read the whole thing, and I was responding to the whole thing. Sounds like you're just trying to shut me down because I called you on something.

Your conclusion from all you wrote above it was still wrong. Models bring a lot to the table if you're not too paranoid to let them contribute.

Dec 15 06 02:25 am Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

Too's like every other thread. You read the OP's post and then read maybe 1 or 2 things after's all about the OP's post. Then you click on the last button and it brings you 2-3 pages into the thread and it's always people hating eachother and being mean. Every thread ends in guys are too funny smile

Dec 15 06 02:28 am Link


Chris Beyond

Posts: 1526

Tustin, California, US

Huynh Photography wrote:

Some models just need to stop being a smart mouth. Just sit there and look pretty. Don't talk. We don't need to hear from models.

Ummm... SO has this guy pretty much admitted that he's not a real photographer and just here for the naked models? Maybe the mods should investigate just in case.

Dec 15 06 02:33 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Ransom J wrote:

Same thing I'm doing with thongs, bra's and jewelry.

Wearing them on Friday night to catch a hot date!

Dude you have issues...


Dec 15 06 02:33 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Hamza wrote:

Dude you have issues...


Nah I just zig when I'm supposed to zag!

Dec 15 06 02:36 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Searcher wrote:
I didn't quote the whole thing, but I read the whole thing, and I was responding to the whole thing. Sounds like you're just trying to shut me down because I called you on something.

Your conclusion from all you wrote above it was still wrong. Models bring a lot to the table if you're not too paranoid to let them contribute.

Yes you called me something which is in direct violation of Rule #1, but where is Ched now?  I thought so...

It has nothing to do with Paranoid, a model's job in the instance I was talking about 'is' to show off the clothing.  If there are people there who's job it is to style, create the image, and design the whole thing, a model who gives her OPINION is out of bounds if it's not asked for... 

Do you tell your MUA how to apply the makeup? No, you tell her what you want. She applies it any way she wants as long as the end result is what you asked for.  A model should not give her opinion w/o being asked because maybe she doesn't know the WHOLE STORY.  How many professional photoshoots have you been on with a full crew?  I've shot many 'Supermodel' photoshoots behind the scenes and the 'Supermodel' NEVER gave her opinion unless she was specifically asked.  For a model to give her unsolicited opinion is not only out of line, but it is unprofessional.

Dec 15 06 02:40 am Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Howard Garcia wrote:
Well if that's the case how come half of MM members are not in the brig?
C'mon man, you know that the "uncivilized" posts are all over the place.
I'm sorry Ched but you're wrong, you are wrong on this one.
This is reminding me of certain countried where you can get arrested and in somen cases executed for your beleifs or what you say.
You are WRONG.

No Ched is right. The OP is trying to bait people with condescending statements and Ched was nice enough to let everyone know that the op cant post for a day so if you make a comment to him you will have to wait for a reply.

Just because we don't catch everyone doesn't mean the rules still aren't the rules set down by Tyler. Just because you get away with speeding doesn't mean there is no speed limit.

Saying because MM is asking people to act in a courteous manner to one another that this reminds you of a brutal dictatorship? Unlike a brutal dictatorship here no one is making you stay!!! Have a good night.

Dec 15 06 02:44 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Ransom J wrote:

Hamza wrote:
Dude you have issues...


Nah I just zig when I'm supposed to zag!

Got any pics of you in drag?  Yes I asked others here will be too scared to do it for themselves...Hell, you may even look cute...

Dec 15 06 02:45 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Chris Beyond wrote:

Huynh Photography wrote:
Some models just need to stop being a smart mouth. Just sit there and look pretty. Don't talk. We don't need to hear from models.

Ummm... SO has this guy pretty much admitted that he's not a real photographer and just here for the naked models? Maybe the mods should investigate just in case.

It sounded to me like he is talking about 'Smart Mouthed' models.  Big difference...
I take "Smart Mouthed" as 'Smart Ass'.  In which case, how can you not agree?

Dec 15 06 02:46 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Hamza wrote:

Ransom J wrote:

Hamza wrote:
Dude you have issues...


Nah I just zig when I'm supposed to zag!

Got any pics of you in drag?  Yes I asked others here will be too scared to do it for themselves...Hell, you may even look cute...

LMAO.  I'm adorable.

Dec 15 06 02:49 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Ransom J wrote:
I'm adorable.

Show us!

Dec 15 06 02:52 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Dan Hood  mm/moderator wrote:
Saying because MM is asking people to act in a courteous manner to one another that this reminds you of a brutal dictatorship? Unlike a brutal dictatorship here no one is making you stay!!!

MM is not like a dictatorship, it's more like the Bushtapo, you're either with us or against us.

That sounds like a threat to me...

My not so humble opinion.

Dec 15 06 02:54 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Searcher wrote:
I didn't quote the whole thing, but I read the whole thing, and I was responding to the whole thing. Sounds like you're just trying to shut me down because I called you on something.

Your conclusion from all you wrote above it was still wrong. Models bring a lot to the table if you're not too paranoid to let them contribute.

Hamza wrote:
Yes you called me something which is in direct violation of Rule #1, but where is Ched now?  I thought so...

I was brushing my teeth. It's 3am.

Searcher called you on something and said your idea was ignorant. Major difference.

Seriously, I already asked you to open a CAM thread if you want to discuss it further. Back on topic, folks.

Dec 15 06 02:56 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Ched wrote:
I was brushing my teeth. It's 3am.

Searcher called you on something and said your idea was ignorant. Major difference.

Seriously, I already asked you to open a CAM thread if you want to discuss it further. Back on topic, folks.

Dude, relax, I was being a smart ass.  I think even Searcher got that one...

Nice response time, I'm impressed!

Dec 15 06 03:01 am Link


Howard Garcia

Posts: 2210

New York, New York, US

Dan Hood  mm/moderator wrote:

No Ched is right. The OP is trying to bait people with condescending statements and Ched was nice enough to let everyone know that the op cant post for a day so if you make a comment to him you will have to wait for a reply.

Just because we don't catch everyone doesn't mean the rules still aren't the rules set down by Tyler. Just because you get away with speeding doesn't mean there is no speed limit.

Saying because MM is asking people to act in a courteous manner to one another that this reminds you of a brutal dictatorship? Unlike a brutal dictatorship here no one is making you stay!!! Have a good night.

Oh no you don't, you keep using this cliche " if you don't like it then leave" type comment everytime someone confronts you with your abuse of power.
I'm not letting you get away with it pal.
Yes there are rules but as I indicated before, and you so conveniently choose to ignore in order to make yourself look more macho than anyone else, is that selective enforcement of the rules is wrong.  Someone else call ed the OP a troll but he was not sent to the brig. You guys keep using the therm "baiting" loosely (you can't come up with something better?) but the fact that free expression is not a crime and if you see it as "baiting" as you call it, then that's your problem.  If someone posts an image and I give a negative critique ( as in poinitng out it's faults, not an attack) you will probably throw me in the "brig" for an attack? C'mon people grow up.
Like I stated before, you guys are abusing this authority you've been given with this brig thing. You're acting like a bunch of bullies. more thing, this conversation was between Ched and me, what's wrong Ched can't manage his own conversations that you have to butt in and show us your "muscle"? PRetty big of you to hide behing a computer terminal and play big, how about you try doing that to me face to face and see what happens.
GOD I can't stand bullies.
And go ahead, throw me in the "brig" and show us how big and powerfull you are.

Dec 15 06 03:02 am Link


Howard Garcia

Posts: 2210

New York, New York, US

Dec 15 06 03:05 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Howard Garcia wrote: more thing, this conversation was between Ched and me, what's wrong Ched can't manage his own conversations that you have to butt in and show us your "muscle"? PRetty big of you to hide behing a computer terminal and play big, how about you try doing that to me face to face and see what happens.
GOD I can't stand bullies.
And go ahead, throw me in the "brig" and show us how big and powerfull you are.

Dude you are baiting!

I know and YOU know that someone called him a troll and that person is exempt.  Such is life!  It is unfair and unjust, open up a 'new' thread about it and start a CAM thread.  Moderators are human too and they make mistakes as do we.  I agree with everything you said in your post!!!

You are now calling out a Moderator by name.  He will NOT look bad only because he has the power to squash you on this arena.  Be bigger than him and make your challenge in his arena, the CAM area.  You will end up being correct, and all the moderators 'WILL' know this and you will know this.  It has happened to me.  The satisfaction is far greater than what you are doing here.  Please email me about the outcome...

Oh, Ched is brushing his teeth...

Dec 15 06 03:11 am Link


Howard Garcia

Posts: 2210

New York, New York, US

Hamza wrote:

Dude you are baiting!

I know and YOU know that someone called him a troll and that person is exempt.  Such is life!  It is unfair and unjust, open up a 'new' thread about it and start a CAM thread.  Moderators are human too and they make mistakes as do we.  I agree with everything you said in your post!!!

You are now calling out a Moderator by name.  He will NOT look bad only because he has the power to squash you on this arena.  Be bigger than him and make your challenge in his arena, the CAM area.  You will end up being correct, and all the moderators 'WILL' know this and you will know this.  It has happened to me.  The satisfaction is far greater than what you are doing here.  Please email me about the outcome...

Oh, Ched is brushing his teeth...

Yeah, I'm done with this.
But I can't help but wonder where Tyler finds some of these mods.
Oh well....back to our schedulled program.

Dec 15 06 03:15 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Howard Garcia wrote:
Yeah, I'm done with this.
But I can't help but wonder where Tyler finds some of these mods.
Oh well....back to our schedulled program.

What do you expect for FREE?


Dec 15 06 03:16 am Link


Vida Studios

Posts: 91

New York, New York, US

If I post a nude pic of me I wont get any hits but if I show a little skin of 1 of the models they get comments but no1 see nothing else with the other pics,lol MM and MP is the same they just see ass and tits everything else is not good or is not are so it dont matter,lol

Dec 15 06 03:19 am Link