Forums > General Industry > OFFICIALLY sick of it ALL!!! models that cancel


Lightwave Photography

Posts: 585

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

BWC (Bimbo With Cellphone) Warning Signs:

1-Always asks for TFCD/TFP refuses to ever pay for photos

2-Has no commercial modeling experience but is being considered for submissions by somebody for several major magazines someday she says.

3-She has to be emailled over 20 times answering her question over and over again

4-Wannabe model can't tell time or dates correctly

5-Is still working on her GED, doesn't have any money to invest in her modeling career or a car to get to sessions due to her cigarette/drug/booze addiction and inability to hold a real job.

6-Posts all her crappy TFCD pics on her Myspace profile and brags to her friends that she is a real model now and is great at suckering wannabe photographers into giving her free photos and waiting for her to be fashionably late to appts like all supermodels.

BWCs usually turn into NWPs(Never Will be a professional model) and can generally be found working at Shoes R Us, Dennys, Walmart or receiving welfare while becoming a professional expert on the Jerry Springer Show.

Dec 09 06 01:45 am Link


Len Cook Photographer

Posts: 599

Fremont, California, US


Dec 09 06 01:48 am Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US


Have a sip of this...

Dec 09 06 05:19 am Link



Posts: 981

New Liskeard, Ontario, Canada

Im'age NY (INY) wrote:

Let me know when you sell your stuff :-o

LOL....(picks up the ball)....stick it out, it will get better...if not....Yeah, gimmee the lick to the EBAY listings......

Dec 09 06 05:29 am Link



Posts: 1476

Lake Oswego, Oregon, US

It's just part of the business...  Thankfully, I've never had it hapen, but it's always a concern with models I'm shooting the first time.  Most of my work is repeat or referral based, so that removes much of the uncertainty.  But even then, I've considered always meeting the model before shooting, discussing the shoot, and having met, putting them at ease (hopefully, lol) about the upcoming shoot.  I know some photographers that require a refundable deposit for TFPs that is lost if the model no shows, refunded to the model if all goes as planned...

Dec 09 06 06:02 am Link



Posts: 2978

New York, New York, US

NewBoldPhoto wrote:

Hey Mark,
As you should have some extra time on your hands, now that your camera is in little pieces. Would you like to help retouch and resize some wedding photos? smile

Sure  why the hell not?


Dec 09 06 11:08 pm Link



Posts: 5216


Mark wrote:

Sure  why the hell not?


Mark the truly F'd-up thing is I am still working on those wedding pics.

Dec 09 06 11:17 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Mark wrote:
OFFICIALLY sick of it ALL!!! models that cancel - 3 free tests this week no one shows,

Can't get any interested in paying me on a consistent basis, not even $200 tests.

That's your problem!  You are trying to make money off of aspiring Models.  Aspiring Models DO NOT HAVE MONEY!  It is a losing proposition all the way around!

What you need to do is book 5 models for a specific date, usually at least one will show.  Disregard the other 4 that flake, shoot your one model and enhance your portfolio.

If that is too much work and too much time to make happen then JUST PAY MODELS to get your portfolio to where you want it.  Just remember you will need to PAY MUA's and Stylists on occasion too.

What you need to do is find yourself some REAL CLIENTS.  Clients that will pay you REAL MONEY!  Clients that will hire you again and again.  I'm not going to tell you how to make money being a photographer, it's not my job!  I am not going to tell you how to do business, it's not my job either.

All I know is that if you don't have the patience to deal with a few flakey models, you are in for a rough time attempting to make a living from photography!

Don't be a little bitch and quit if this is what you really want!!!

Good luck and I hope you make the right decision, remember, success is your best revenge!

Dec 09 06 11:29 pm Link



Posts: 1312

Santa Cruz, California, US

pain is good for art.

Dec 09 06 11:44 pm Link


Max Johnson

Posts: 178

San Jose, California, US

fbimagery and design wrote:
LOL....(picks up the ball)....stick it out, it will get better...if not....Yeah, gimmee the *lick* to the EBAY listings......

Hur hur... that sounds dirty outta context.

Dec 09 06 11:48 pm Link



Posts: 273


Mark wrote:
OFFICIALLY sick of it ALL!!! models that cancel - 3 free tests this week no one shows,

Feel your pain main! Been going through this crap over and over, but then suddently you get a model that makes it all worthwhile!

In the end, this is game of attrition. The ones with the most patience win. However, if I'd wanted to make money out of it, I'd do weddings.

Dec 10 06 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 129

New York, New York, US

Image K wrote:


I don't understand why would someone not jump at the chance to shoot with a good photographer FOR FREE!! smh

Dec 10 06 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 282

Los Angeles, California, US

the only time I'd ever cancel is if I was cancelling a TFP; TFCD shoot, and I had to go to a paid gig instead.

Dec 10 06 12:55 pm Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

I was going to write something here but i have decided to cancel....

I cancel when i am ill.....

Dec 10 06 01:01 pm Link


Royal Photography

Posts: 2011

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Mark wrote:
OFFICIALLY sick of it ALL!!! models that cancel - 3 free tests this week no one shows,

strip the hot shoe connector for a speedlight soft box and they dont sell the $2 replacement solo or Calumet just didnt carry it and all the Israelites (at B&H,Adorama)have gone home for Friday

Can't get any interested in paying me on a consistent basis, not even $200 tests.

dont know how you guys do it and you have my respect- bless you all. 

But as for me I am too dumb, have too little talent, too full of self pity, just plain too too

REally need to give this up get a regular 9-5 and take the little camera out on weekends.

And this fantasy to smash my camera and lens with a sledge hammer and put it in a plastic see thru box on my living room table and look at it for the next 10 years, just seems more and more  desirable

Now you know why I told a fellow photographer once who spent 40 minutes on the phone with me about how great a model was he just finished working with that he need to stop that crap.  Models are subjects we shoot.  They are not requirements to our being photographers.  We can shoot trees, buildings, non models, families, cars, lakes, and even things like animals.  Those models who are professionals earn that title of model because of the way they conduct themselves and learn and accept something called responsibility and professional business practices.  Just because they get their photos taken..and do a good job of it doesnt make them models.  It makes them subjects.  They become models when they are business professionals.....and that is something that only a few learn and accept and grow into.
   Explore all the other things you can point your camera at that will continue to build your title and experience as a photographer.  You may find it fun again.

Dec 10 06 01:08 pm Link


Royal Photography

Posts: 2011

Birmingham, Alabama, US

semyon wrote:
However, if I'd wanted to make money out of it, I'd do weddings.

Can you please say that again...only a little louder.....nothing has been more true.

Dec 10 06 01:09 pm Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

Kli Micheaux wrote:
the only time I'd ever cancel is if I was cancelling a TFP; TFCD shoot, and I had to go to a paid gig instead.

First, your expression "I had to do a paid gig instead" strongly implies that TFP or TFCD doesn't pay anything. It certainly does pay something. It pays you with images and those images have value.

You have just effectively told all photographers that their images of you would have no value. Well, if they have no value, why on earth would anyone ever want to pay you for modeling?

The true answer is, the images do have some value. You casually ignore and disrespect that value by using the phrase "do a paid gig instead", but the value is there. Your payment is there. You just choose to ignore it.

What you are basically saying is, you see no problem with cancelling an existing shoot appointment, when another shoot offer that is more financially lucrative comes along.

What if you bought a car from Ford or GM, and needed some warranty service. Both the dealer and the factory promised warranty service, so there should be no problem. What if your local dealer then surprised you later, by saying that they wouldn't do your warranty repair, because the found some "paying repair jobs" to do instead!

If you make an agreement to shoot, you should never cancel unless there is some true hardship. Being offered a more financially lucrative opportunity elsewhere is not a hardship! Schedule your lucrative gig for another time, when you don't already have an appointment.

Dec 10 06 02:31 pm Link


Eli Anthony

Posts: 550

Mentor, Ohio, US

Allen Coefield wrote:
Now you know why I told a fellow photographer once who spent 40 minutes on the phone with me about how great a model was he just finished working with that he need to stop that crap.  Models are subjects we shoot.  They are not requirements to our being photographers.  We can shoot trees, buildings, non models, families, cars, lakes, and even things like animals.  Those models who are professionals earn that title of model because of the way they conduct themselves and learn and accept something called responsibility and professional business practices.  Just because they get their photos taken..and do a good job of it doesnt make them models.  It makes them subjects.  They become models when they are business professionals.....and that is something that only a few learn and accept and grow into.
   Explore all the other things you can point your camera at that will continue to build your title and experience as a photographer.  You may find it fun again.

Now this here is some real talk, friend of mine got tired of shooting models for the same reasons (cancellations, no shows), now he's concentrated on shooting for  magazines (landscape, restaurant, clubs) and making a good coin at it for about 15-20mins per shoot that they publish.

Dec 10 06 03:28 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

Merlinpix wrote:
That's the nature of the business, if you can't stand the heat get out of hell smile

a comment to remember.

Dec 10 06 03:31 pm Link


Antonio Carrasco

Posts: 100

Los Angeles, California, US

Dude, if you're going to flake on your appointment, go ahead and do it, but be a professional flake!

I had a "model" flake on me by sending me a cell phone text message ten minutes before our shoot time. WTF? At least have the balls to pick up the phone and call.

Dec 10 06 03:39 pm Link


Chantelle Mathiasson

Posts: 3638

Carson City, Nevada, US

You also have to remember, not all models are flakes. You just have to find the right ones. Yes granted there are the models who really aren't responsible and everything, just mybe try some meetings with the models before hand so you know what to expect. but just because some models flake doesnt mean the rest of us are just like them. Also, if it is what you love to do, stick with it. I love what I do, I always look to better my work and If the models no show on you, forget them, its their loss. You have great work and they are missing out. As for me, if you are ever in San Diego, I would love to work with you. You have great work. Keep your head up big_smile

Dec 10 06 03:52 pm Link


HEF Photography

Posts: 1817

Jacksonville, Florida, US

PK Brazil wrote:
Take a lesson from the airlines and triple book and hope 1 shows.

I was thinking of just double booking, but triple booking seems like a better idea....

Dec 10 06 03:56 pm Link



Posts: 2978

New York, New York, US

Allen Coefield wrote:

Now you know why I told a fellow photographer once who spent 40 minutes on the phone with me about how great a model was he just finished working with that he need to stop that crap.  Models are subjects we shoot.  They are not requirements to our being photographers.  We can shoot trees, buildings, non models, families, cars, lakes, and even things like animals.  Those models who are professionals earn that title of model because of the way they conduct themselves and learn and accept something called responsibility and professional business practices.  Just because they get their photos taken..and do a good job of it doesnt make them models.  It makes them subjects.  They become models when they are business professionals.....and that is something that only a few learn and accept and grow into.
   Explore all the other things you can point your camera at that will continue to build your title and experience as a photographer.  You may find it fun again.

Dec 10 06 11:58 pm Link



Posts: 2978

New York, New York, US

Allen Coefield wrote:
Now you know why I told a fellow photographer once who spent 40 minutes on the phone with me about how great a model was he just finished working with that he need to stop that crap.  Models are subjects we shoot.  They are not requirements to our being photographers.  We can shoot trees, buildings, non models, families, cars, lakes, and even things like animals.  Those models who are professionals earn that title of model because of the way they conduct themselves and learn and accept something called responsibility and professional business practices.  Just because they get their photos taken..and do a good job of it doesnt make them models.  It makes them subjects.  They become models when they are business professionals.....and that is something that only a few learn and accept and grow into.
   Explore all the other things you can point your camera at that will continue to build your title and experience as a photographer.  You may find it fun again.

I am now looking for a dummy/mannequin.

I totally agree that many are subjects and I have benefitted from working with them (they as well)

I am passiaonate about shooting women and ok sometimes guys too. Keith Richards loves Rock so he plays rock ( and a little raggae) just dont see him/me happy going too far afield.

Thanks for the input

Dec 10 06 11:58 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Mark wrote:
OFFICIALLY sick of it ALL!!! models that cancel - 3 free tests this week no one shows,

Can't get any interested in paying me on a consistent basis, not even $200 tests.

dont know how you guys do it and you have my respect- bless you all. 

But as for me I am too dumb, have too little talent, too full of self pity, just plain too too

You're contacting the wrong models apparantly.

As far as payment....NYC has plenty of photographers that do what you do for free. No offense, it's just the way it works.

Check references. Get a deposit.

Dec 11 06 10:21 am Link